What do you need to restore your military ID? Features of the procedure for restoring a military ID. When is a document needed?

It is a special document in accordance with which the attitude of citizens is regulated Russian Federation to military service. In other words, a military ID allows you to understand whether a person is fit or not fit for service, whether he is liable for military service or not, and also includes a lot of other information, as a result of which it is required in a variety of services. If this document suddenly disappears, you need to think as quickly as possible about how to restore your military ID. This is the main personal document military registration, with the help of which not only the identity is verified, but also its legal status. Losing a ticket is the same as losing a passport, as it entails a number of corresponding difficulties and problems.

For those men who are in reserve, this document represents their attitude towards execution military duty if necessary. However, when this document is lost, many simply do not know how to restore a military ID.

How to proceed?

Many people, when they lose this document, ask a very reasonable question about what to do. If you lose this document, it can be given to you in the same place where it was done before, that is, you will need to go to the appropriate military registration and enlistment office to which you are assigned, and then present them with the necessary package of papers, since you can restore your military ID without necessary documents impossible.

What is needed for this?

The following documents are required:

  • passport;
  • a statement that you want to replace or restore the lost document;
  • photographs 3x4 centimeters;
  • if you contacted law enforcement agencies because this document was lost, you should submit a corresponding certificate to the military registration and enlistment office;
  • if there is an exemption, in this case, before restoring your lost military ID, you should collect all the necessary certificates, as well as submit a medical card that can serve as confirmation of the validity of the exemption from service.

What is the risk of loss?

Among other things, it is worth noting the fact that the loss of this document constitutes administrative offense, and therefore a fine of one hundred to five hundred rubles can be imposed on a person if he has lost his military ID. You will figure out how to restore it later, but first of all you will be required to pay this fine.

It is worth noting the fact that the loss of this document is especially serious for those people who this moment fit for military service, or who require retraining during specialized military training.

Since in case of loss of this document there is no opportunity to undergo retraining, further problems will arise. big problems compared to those that already exist at the moment, if a person has lost his military ID. How to restore does not matter, because if it is carried out professional retraining military personnel, which you cannot get into due to the lack of a military ID, you automatically commit another offense, the fine for which is already from three to five thousand rubles. Here everything will depend on how long it will take to complete this document. Do you need to restore your military ID? The terms can range from 10 to 25 days, be sure to take this into account.


A military ID is a mandatory document for every citizen of the Russian Federation. Its damage or loss is regulated in accordance with the norms of the current civil law. Thus, liability for this offense may vary depending on which category of citizens related to military service the citizen belongs to. In any case, you should start deciding on how to restore your military ID as quickly as possible.

Thus, the heaviest liability in case of loss of a military ID threatens professional military personnel, as well as civilians who are liable for military service. In particular, a person is suspended from work until he can restore his military ID. Moscow is no exception, and things happen here just as often. similar situations, in which even people with high ranks are removed from command service.

When can I get a military ID?

As mentioned above, a military ID is one of the most important documents issued to male citizens, as well as women liable for military service in the following situations:

  • during compulsory military service;
  • in the event that a student is going to enter some kind of military educational institution with a professional bias;
  • in the process of enlisting a citizen into the reserves of the Russian Armed Forces (the procedure is carried out in accordance with medical indicators);
  • in the event that a person is enlisted in the reserve after he reaches the age of 27 years;
  • in the event that a citizen is released from military service in accordance with certain medical indicators.

In the vast majority of cases, those men who are going to be freed from the need to serve due to various factors, should receive a military ID instead of an ordinary entry in a certificate or registration certificate.

If a person who has not passed and does not pass military service, has a military ID in hand, this automatically means that he is not fit for military service or has already been transferred to the reserve at one time. This category of persons cannot be included in the draft registration of the military registration and enlistment office, and therefore it is important for such people to know how to restore a military ID if lost, and what to do in such situations.

Features of deregistration

If a potential conscript has diseases from a certain list that limit his actions and capabilities (flat feet, vision problems, etc.), then he is also issued a ticket for health reasons, which states that this person is not a fit for military service or has limited fitness. If you lose your document and do not know where to restore your military ID, contact the same institution that originally issued it.

Once a man reaches the age of 27, he is automatically removed from conscription for military service. In accordance with current legislation, upon reaching this age, a person is immediately issued a military ID, since this document is legal basis to remove a conscript from the official register. To carry out this procedure, you simply need to bring your passport and birth certificate to the military registration and enlistment office.

Why is it needed?

A military ID is a document that is necessary for absolutely every conscript. IN Everyday life in the absence of this paper, a person will not be able to take out a loan, not to mention the fact that almost every employer requires it to be presented in case of employment.

If you have been asked for a military ID by a certain company where you already work, you will, of course, also need to provide it. It is for this reason that every conscientious citizen should always keep the document in question ready. In addition, all men need to know how long it takes to restore a military ID.

What is required for registration?

To obtain a military ID, you will need to submit the following documents:

  • two photographs 25x20 millimeters, made without a corner, on a white background (printing must be done on special glossy paper);
  • a valid passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • a copy of each page of the passport on separate sheets, which will be stored in the specialized archive of the military registration and enlistment office along with a copy of the military ID issued to you;
  • certificate of school education or a diploma from another educational institution.

It is worth noting the fact that if you were granted a certain deferment from conscription for military service due to the need to study at a university, you should also attach a diploma to the rest of the documents higher education, which could serve as confirmation of the weight of the reason for this delay.

How quickly can a new military ID be issued?

From the moment the commission considers the documents you have submitted, a military ID can be issued within the next ten days, however, situations often occur when the procedure is delayed up to fifteen or even twenty days, so it is recommended that you always independently clarify the information about the readiness of your document.

Try to do everything quickly

In the event that your military ID has been lost, you must comply with correct sequence actions that will allow you to return it as soon as possible. This document is extremely important, and therefore if for some reason you have lost it, try to immediately contact the military registration and enlistment office and prepare for the process of obtaining a new ticket in order to save yourself from any problems associated with its absence.

If you take care of receiving and collecting all the necessary documentation in a timely manner, and also begin to resolve the issue of how to restore a lost military ID as quickly as possible, it is likely that you will ultimately be able to get away with it mild consequences in the form of a minimum fine. Always pay attention to important documents!

The loss of a military ID can happen for many reasons, for example: theft, deliberate destruction or unconscious loss. But whatever the reason for the loss of this document, you will still have to restore it.

Procedure for losing a military ID

There is a certain procedure for restoring this document.

Required documents

To restore a military ID, the following documents are required:

  1. photos;
  2. passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or international passport;
  3. statement about the loss of a military ID;
  4. medical certificate in case of release from service for health reasons with a detailed indication of the diagnosis. If this certificate is expired, then you must undergo a medical examination again;
  5. a certificate from law enforcement agencies, if you contacted them in connection with the theft of a document;
  6. copies of documents confirming completion of military training;
  7. a receipt for payment of a fine for the loss of a military ID, attached to the application;
  8. You need to pay for the restoration of your military ID, so you should also provide receipts for payment of the state duty along with all the documents. About how much it will cost this procedure, a commissariat employee can tell you in detail.

Pay special attention to photographs; they must be taken strictly on a white background, without corners and extra items in the frame, any spots or stripes. The number of photographs must be at least two. The size of each of them should be 3x4 cm. You only need to take pictures from the front.

Recovery time

If you lose your military ID, you must immediately contact the military registration and enlistment office, since citizens of military age are given only 10 days to do so.

The process of restoring a military ID may take about a month, it all depends on the workload of the military registration and enlistment office you contacted. In order to find out all the details, you can also contact our lawyers for an online consultation. Our specialists will tell you all the questions and details you may have regarding the loss of your military ID.

Responsibility for the loss of a military ID

If you lose your military ID, you will face some consequences, such as a reprimand or a fine. Its size is determined by the time frame during which you applied to the military registration and enlistment office and how you lost your ticket. If the document was damaged intentionally, then you will have to pay a fine of 100 to 500 rubles. But if the loss of the document occurred under unforeseen circumstances, then you can get by with just a verbal warning.

If a military ID was lost by a serviceman who was drafted into the armed forces under a contract or simply serving, then he will face a reprimand. A reprimand can be simple or severe. In any of these cases, the fact that the ticket was lost will be recorded on your military record. If you do not commit any new offenses within a year, the data about the loss will be automatically destroyed after this period. This entry can be removed early, but only if you show any differences during the service.

Military doctors, medics, or simply those liable for military service who have lost their ticket are punished much more severely, in this case it all depends on the circumstances. In peacetime, the punishment is disciplinary in nature, but if the loss of a military ID occurred during hostilities, then the punishment can reach imprisonment for a period of one year. But only if the fact of negligence on the part of the perpetrator is proven.

If you comply with all the above requirements, you will not have any problems in restoring your military ID. Treat important documents with care, then you will not have to go through similar procedures, waste time and money.

Where and how to restore a military ID? How much does it cost? And what are the consequences of losing a military ID?

Can't find your military ID?

A military ID is a document that every person liable for military service has. It confirms that the person is registered. This document should be kept like a passport and not lost. If this has already happened, don’t worry, the ticket can be restored.

First, we go to the local military authority that issued the document. Usually this is the military commissariat at the place of residence. You can restore a military item based on a claim of loss or theft.

How to restore a military ID if lost or stolen?

If the document is lost, you must contact the military registration and enlistment office no later than 10 days after the loss. The document can be restored for a whole month, and during this time, if necessary, a temporary certificate is issued, which automatically becomes invalid when a new military ID is issued.

If document a has been stolen, we attach to the application for reinstatement a certificate from the police confirming the receipt of the complaint about the theft of the ticket. This certificate is short-lived, and after 10 days it will no longer be relevant.

What documents are needed to reinstate a ticket?

To restore your ticket you will need:

If a military ID is lost by a person who has already been called up or is serving under a contract, then this threatens the usual or severe reprimand(it depends on the circumstances). Details of the incident are recorded on the employee's service record and are automatically erased after 12 months. Also, the data can be removed earlier if there has been no new sin and the person has distinguished himself by ideal behavior during service.

Editor: Igor Reshetov

Today, no one is safe from the loss and theft of important official documents. Such is the harsh modern world, Unfortunately.

A military document is an official state document that is issued as a mandatory and priority Russian citizen male or female in connection with urgent conscription for service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Without this main document not a single military man can do without. But only if he is previously released from military duty, or he has been successfully enrolled in the reserve category.

If this document is lost, you must immediately collect all relevant documents for its speedy restoration.

First of all, this concerns:

  • document confirming the identity of the owner - namely a genuine passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • three photos three by four in size;
  • written statement owner;
  • certificate taken from law enforcement agencies, which reliably confirms the loss of an official military ID document.

In case of official release from conscript service It is necessary to urgently provide a medical examination completed in advance.

Any document is subject to rapid recovery or can be replaced by exactly that government agency military type, which previously personally issued it to you.

Due to the loss of a personal document, you can personally orally(verbal) form, consult with an experienced and qualified lawyer at a pre-agreed price for the service, who will tell you all the intricacies of this responsible, important matter that requires a quick and effective solution.

To obtain a new sample document, you must urgently contact the military commissariat and write a correct application to writing neat handwriting. It is necessary to tell friendly employees in as much detail as possible about the possible, expected reason for the loss of this document, the approximate location and approximate date of loss.

Documents required for submission to law enforcement agencies

When contacting law enforcement agencies, you must first obtain an official certificate of the date of application, as well as declare the numerous actions being taken and the fact that you do not have a military ID.

The military registration and enlistment office will definitely require you to A real passport and its black and white photocopy in several copies.

The submitted photographs must be exclusively matte.

For a military ID, special photographs are taken without the usual corner; competent employees of numerous photo studios know this very well.

For the loss of this document, you may be subject to administrative responsibility
, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The average fine in Russia ranges from five hundred to one thousand Russian rubles.

Usually, at the first loss, they regret it, and as a rule, a fine is not issued.

If you promptly seek help from experienced specialists, then you can avoid unwanted penalties that are subject to mandatory payment in a timely manner.

After providing all necessary documents with a bank receipt for payment of the fine, you will immediately be given a new military ID with a new serial number.

Average this document is restored over several calendar months, although according to the law, this must be done within ten calendar days. But this is rarely done in real practice.

Where does a military ID and the responsibilities of people liable for military service apply?

Let us recall that in the Russian Federation the army is conscripted from the age of eighteen to the age of twenty-seven.

If you are exempt from military service in Russian army , then they must also immediately provide the appropriate certificate, which documents the existence of this fact.

Often, a military ID is required when enrolling full-time or part-time in higher (secondary) education. educational institution country or during official employment.

Even when registering for a new place of residence, you may be required to have a military ID in mandatory, because right there necessary information immediately transferred to the nearest military registration and enlistment office in your region.

According to federal law , operating since 1998, a person who has reached the age of twenty-seven is enrolled in the reserve.

The military ID regulates such military relations as:

  • suitability;
  • disrepair;
  • military service of a native Russian citizen.

The document certifies the legal status of a military person. The loss of a military ID is strictly regulated by the civil law of the Russian Federation.

The most severe and unpleasant reprimand for the loss of this document is received by specialized professional military personnel.

They may be deprived of long time to admission to team activities.

Doctors for the first time may be subject to a typical disciplinary punishment, but in wartime they may receive criminal liability for up to one calendar year, again in accordance with Russian legislation.

If such important government-issued documents are repeatedly lost, the military may be suddenly fired on completely legal grounds.

In what cases can you get exemption from service?

If you wish to receive an exemption from service, you will also need to urgently issue a military ID.

If you are unfit for service due to negative vision or flat feet, as well as other medical indicators, then you will be immediately issued a military ID.

Without a military ID, you won’t even get an installment plan or a loan to purchase goods.

Periodically check with specialists by phone about the readiness of your ticket and personally monitor this process. The sooner you receive your military ID, the calmer you will be.

You will need

  • -passport
  • -statement
  • -photos size 3x4
  • -a certificate from law enforcement agencies, if you contacted them regarding the loss of your military ID
  • -medical examination if you are released from service


If you contacted law enforcement agencies regarding the loss of your military ID, take a certificate about the time of contact and the actions taken by law enforcement agencies.

Contact the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration. Write a statement regarding the loss of your military ID and indicate the reason, place and time of its loss.

Present a passport with registration and 3x4 photographs taken specifically for a military ID. They should be matte and without a corner. In any photo studio they know what needs to be done, say that for a military ID.

Depending on the circumstances under which your military ID was lost and the speed of your application to restore it, you will be given a warning or issued penalty for an amount from 500 to 1 thousand rubles.

Based on your application, passport and photographs, you will be prepared and issued a military ID.

If you are of conscription age, then if you lose your military ID, you need to urgently apply to the military registration and enlistment office.

If it is impossible for you to be drafted into the army and you have available documents about this, you must submit documents on your health status indicating the diagnosis for which you are exempt from conscription. If your expiration date medical certificate If your exemption from conscription is completed, you will have to undergo a new medical examination.

A military ID is a document confirming military duty. If a ticket is lost, you must immediately report the incident to law enforcement agencies and contact the military registration and enlistment office at the place where the document was issued to obtain a duplicate.

You will need

  • - passport;
  • - statement;
  • - certificate from law enforcement agencies;
  • - 4 photographs, size 30x40, without corner, matte finish;
  • - receipt for payment of an administrative fine;
  • - a certificate confirming exemption from the army.


Once you have discovered the loss of a military ticket and, contact law enforcement agencies with a statement. Authorized internal affairs officials are required to make attempts to find your document. If this fails, obtain a certificate confirming your appeal regarding the loss of the document.

Immediately contact the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration of the military ticket and with a statement. Indicate the reason for the loss, time and place, and also describe your attempts and actions to find the document, attaching a certificate obtained from law enforcement agencies. In addition to the specified documents, you will need a passport, 4 photographs measuring 30x40 mm. Photos need to be matte without corners. In any photo studio it is enough to say that military photographs are required ticket and they will do everything for you in accordance with the requirements for the preparation of photographs for documents.

If you are of conscription age from 18 to 27 years, then you must contact the military registration and enlistment office with a statement of loss within three working days after the fact.

You may be given a stern warning or an administrative fine in the amount of 500 to 2000 rubles. If you have been issued a fine, then to receive a duplicate, pay the receipt at the nearest bank branch that accepts payments from the public and present the receipt and its photocopy to the military registration and enlistment office.

If you are of conscription age and were released from service due to health conditions, present to the military registration and enlistment office a certificate confirming your release from the army. If you lost your certificate together with a military man ticket om, you will have to go to the clinic at your place of residence, get a referral for re-commission and present the newly received document to the military registration and enlistment office.

Within 5 working days after your application, you will be given a duplicate military ticket a, which you are obliged to keep carefully. For the repeated loss of a military ticket and you will be given the maximum administrative fine and a stern warning.


  • fine for lost military ID

Documentation are given to a person from birth. He gets new ones all his life and uses them until the end of his days. In case of loss of a passport, professional identification card, pass to various industries and sensitive facilities, certificate of completion of educational institutions, driving license, birth certificate and others, you can short term restore papers.


Contact the police if you have lost your passport. You will be given a certificate of a certain type indicating the reason for the loss of your identity document. Go to the housing office at your place of registration (registration) with this certificate and fill out an application, the passport officer will issue a notification about the loss of your passport. Residents of the private sector are issued a similar document quarterly. Visit the passport office, where you can fill out a sample application for passport renewal. Take a photo first and provide the institution with 4 passport photos. Pay the state fee at any bank branch. The size will be 200 rubles. Within 30 days you will be issued a new passport.

Go to the registry office at your place of residence if you have lost your marriage certificate. Write an application, attach a photocopy of your passport and your spouse’s identity document, do not forget to take the originals. You will have to pay a state fee of 400 rubles per person at any bank branch and attach a receipt to the documents. A duplicate with the appropriate marking will be given to you within one day. The same procedure must be followed if we're talking about on the restoration of a birth or death certificate.