Until what age are women liable for military service? Until what age are you drafted into the army?


  • Prospects for the army by conscription

In many countries around the world, universal conscription is used to recruit the army. What is the conscription age in Russia today, how does it look against the background of the experience of other countries and in historical development?

World experience in army formation

In countries with high populations there is no universal conscription. For example, in China, to replenish the army of two million, 15 million adults are annually provided, fit for duty. military service young people. In such conditions, a universal call loses all meaning. Poor countries with high level unemployment: military service for the local population looks like sharp increase social status of the military man's family.

In some countries, instead of universal conscription, only contract service is used. From large countries these are the USA, Great Britain, France, Spain, Argentina, Germany. In these countries, instead of conscription age, it is more correct to talk about age restrictions. Thus, the US Army accepts citizens from 18 to 42 years of age (i.e., up to what age they sign a contract) with at least a secondary education.

Referendums were held in Switzerland and Austria to abolish universal conscription, but citizens of these countries voted against the transition to a voluntary army.

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History of conscription in Russia

For the first time, conscription for all citizens arose in Ancient Greece around the 7th century BC. Citizens of the policies were required to undergo two years of military training in border guard units. The conscripts were between 18 and 20 years old, after which they “moved into the reserves,” participating only in military campaigns.

In Russia, conscription was introduced by Peter I. According to the tsar’s decree, “tax-paying estates” (peasants, townspeople, boyar servants and others) were recruited. Since those years, there has been conscription into the army on the basis of universal military duty. The service was communal - the recruit was appointed at a general meeting. Subsequent relaxations freed the propertied classes - nobles, merchants, and some representatives of the clergy - from recruiting duties.

The next major military reform took place under Emperor Alexander II. In 1874, universal conscription was introduced for males of all classes who had reached the age of 21. According to this decree, for the first time, universal conscription extended to all residents of Russia, regardless of nationality. The word “recruit” was replaced with “rookie”. The service life was shortened and divided into two parts. Of the 15 years of total military service, 6 years were on active duty, and the remaining 9 years were in reserve service. Various benefits were also introduced, according to which up to half of conscripts were exempted from military service. For example, up to 20% of conscripts were released due to physical unfitness. Subsequently, the length of military service was reduced depending on the type of military service.

At the same time, a new term appeared - “voluntarily determined”. According to the “Charter on Military Service”, those wishing to enlist in military service had to provide a document confirming passing the exams full course one of educational institutions 1st or 2nd category and, depending on this, received a serious reduction in their active service life, after which they were transferred to the reserve.

For example, someone who graduated from an educational institution of the 1st category served only 3 months instead of the required 6 years, and someone who graduated from a 6-year gymnasium served for 2 years. The state clearly cared about competent personnel.

In the 20th century, our country was shaken by profound changes, which could not but affect the legislation on conscription. Attempts were made twice to abolish compulsory military service.

The Bolsheviks were the first to do this, declaring that the Red Army would be on a voluntary basis only. However, events Civil War forced them to reconsider their decision, and in 1918 conscription was restored. Changes affected the class composition - now only working people were required to serve in the army, other classes could only serve the army.

The second attempt was made by Russian President B.N. Yeltsin. In 1996, he signed a decree abolishing conscription in the army from 2000. Subsequently, the State Duma postponed the implementation deadline to 2005, and by 2010 it became clear that the abolition of compulsory conscription had completely failed. Today no one remembers this anymore.

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Modern features of summoning

The current Law “On General Military Duty and Military Service” was adopted in 1998. According to this law, men liable for military service are called up for military service.

Considering the legal illiteracy of the population of our country, the most a common question Conscription is a question of how old people are taken into the army.

Art. 22 of the Law regulates the age of conscripts: from 18 to 27 years. Keyword here the preposition “before” is used. Therefore, the maximum age of a recruit can be the number full years on the day of the start of military service. A number of questions also arise here, including: when is the start day of this service? Military registration and enlistment offices, concerned about the implementation of the conscription plan, often claim that the beginning is the day of conscription. Some consider the beginning of service to be the day of departure from the recruiting station to the location of the military unit. This was the case in the Decree of 1999, which approved the “Regulations on Military Service.”

However, the correct answer is contained in Art. 3 p. 1 sub. “a” as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated February 20, 2014 No. 88. Now the beginning of military service is considered the day on which the military rank of “private” is awarded. And this is possible only after taking the oath and signing an order by the commander of the military unit to enroll the private in the unit’s lists, in which the military rank of “private” is assigned. At the same time, do not forget that if you turned 27 years old after being awarded the rank of “private,” then you will have to serve the full term.

Another question that concerns citizens: until what age is conscription into the army?

Here it is necessary to distinguish two points. The first is a call for conscript service. The second is conscription in the event of mobilization or the outbreak of war. Citizens who have served compulsory military service are enlisted in the reserves. There they are listed in three age categories: 1st category – up to 35 years old, 2nd category – up to 45 years old, 3rd category – up to 50 years old.

That's why maximum age Conscription for military service in case of mobilization is 50 years.

Human rights activists began to receive requests from citizens asking them to explain why military training was being held and who could be called up to attend. Lawyer of the Human Rights Initiative “Citizen and Army” Arseny Levinson prepared answers on questions related to conscription for military training in the Russian Federation.

What are military training sessions and why are they held?

Military cathedrals are one of the types of military duty of citizens Russian Federation(Article 1 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”). Military training is held for preparation for military service citizens in reserve. Conducting military training for other purposes is not permitted (Article 54 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”).

So, military training is needed to prepare reservists for military service? But I was enlisted in the reserves due to my age, that is, upon reaching 27 years old. Can I be called up for military training if I have not previously served?

Yes, since both those who completed military service upon conscription and those who graduated from military departments, were exempt from military service or had deferments of up to 27 years are enlisted in the reserve, then citizens who have never previously served in military service can also be called up for military training.

It turns out that all citizens enlisted in the reserves can be drafted?

Eat age restrictions, which, in turn, depend on the assigned rank:

First of all, these are citizens declared temporarily unfit or unfit for military service.

It must be borne in mind that citizens previously recognized as limited fit can theoretically be called up for military training, but with high probability upon passing a medical examination, they will be declared temporarily unfit and exempt from conscription for military training.

IMPORTANT! When conscripted for military training, citizens must be sent to medical examination(clause 11 of the Regulations on military training)

The law also defines other categories of citizens. In particular, according to Art. 55 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, the following are exempt from military training:

- female citizens;

- teaching staff;

— full-time or part-time students in educational organizations(regardless of state accreditation educational programs);

— students studying in absentia - during the session, final certification, preparation thesis;

- citizens discharged from military service - within two years from the date of transfer to the reserve;

- having three or more children.

In addition, in Art. 55 of the above-mentioned law establishes that citizens who have completed alternative civil service (ACS) are exempt from military service. This provision is due to the fact that the ACS is carried out by young people whose beliefs are contrary to military service. Since military training is conducted to prepare for military service, it is also contrary to the beliefs or religion of those who have served in alternative civilian service.

Wait! I have not passed the ACS, but I have beliefs that contradict military service. What to do in this case?

We believe that those who have not undergone the ACS, but have beliefs contrary to military service, can also be exempt from military training. Such citizens should be subject to the constitutional right to refuse military service for reasons of conviction or religion, guaranteed by Articles 28, 59 (Part 3) of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In this case, the citizen can write a corresponding application addressed to the head of the department of the military commissariat that carries out conscription for military training.

So, conscription for military training is carried out by military commissariats? On what basis and when can they start such a call?

The conscription of citizens to military training is carried out by military commissariats on the basis of decrees of the President of the Russian Federation (clause 9 of the Regulations on military training, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2006 No. 333).

How will the military commissariat inform me that I am subject to conscription for military training?

Citizens are summoned to military training by summons from the military commissariat of the established form, which must be delivered in the proper manner - personally into the hands of the conscripted citizen. Subpoenas are served by employees of the military commissariat, or other officials (employees of organizations at the citizen’s place of work). The summoned citizen must sign the counterfoil of the summons. Thus, all kinds of invitations to the military commissariat through Mailbox, by phone, through parents, etc. not provided for by law. The summons indicates the place and time at which the conscript must appear, as well as the reason for the call - to undergo military training.

What happens if I can't come?

In case of failure of a citizen to appear at the place and time specified in the summons of the military commissariat about conscription for military training, without good reason the military commissar accepts everything necessary measures upon his call and delivery to the place of military training. If necessary, the police are involved for these purposes (clause 13 of the Regulations on Conducting Military Training). The police have the right to carry out administrative detention of citizens and deliver them to the military registration and enlistment office to draw up a report on an administrative offense if there are grounds for initiating a case against them. administrative offense, provided for in Art. 21.5 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

For the failure of a citizen to appear upon a call (summons) from the military commissariat in set times and a place without good reason is provided administrative responsibility in the form of a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 100 to 500 rubles. (Article 21.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Is the most severe punishment a fine? Will they be charged for evasion?

There is no criminal liability for failure to appear at the place and time specified in the military commissariat's summons for conscription to military training. According to Article 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, criminal liability is entailed only by evasion from conscription, Without legal grounds for exemption from this service, but not from conscription for military training.

It's clear. What is considered a valid reason for failure to appear on a summons?

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 7 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, valid reasons for failure to appear on a summons are:

- illness or injury of a citizen associated with loss of ability to work;

serious condition health of father, mother, wife, husband, son, daughter, sibling, sister, grandfather, grandmother or adoptive parent of a citizen or participation in a funeral specified persons;

- an obstacle that arose as a result of force majeure, or another circumstance that does not depend on the will of the citizen;

- other reasons recognized as valid by the draft commission or court.

How can I contact you for additional legal information?

For all legal issues related to conscription for military training, as well as conscription for military service, military service upon conscription and replacement of military service with alternative civilian service (ACS), you can contact the legal line of the Human Rights Initiative “Citizen and Army” by phone +7-917-517-27-72 (from 10.00 to 19.00 Moscow time) and by Email: [email protected]

All consultations are provided free of charge.

Today, every young man asks the question “Do I need to go to the military registration and enlistment office?”, which can only be answered by finding out “Until how many years is it valid in Russia? draft age in 2017

Let's figure out what law stipulates the draft age in the Russian Federation. This law is called “On Military Duty and Military Service” under the number 53-FZ and was signed on March 28, 1998. Like other federal laws, changes are regularly made to the law regulating legal relations in matters of military service and conscription. Therefore, it is important to use the current version of the law establishing the conscription age in the Russian Federation in 2017 - accordingly, the version of the 2017 law.

In chapter federal law, dedicated to the conscription of young people into the army in 2017, it is clearly stated that young men from 18 to 27 years old are drafted into the army. Precisely until the age of 27. No other by-laws are valid if they contradict federal law, so the actual draft age must be looked at in this document.

Based on the above, it is clear that the information about the length of conscription age up to and including 27 years is false, because it contradicts federal law. A young man will not be drafted if he is 27 years old.

Raising the draft age in 2017

You can also often hear that the conscription age in 2017 will be increased to 30 years inclusive (according to other sources - up to 32 years inclusive). We remind you that such an increase is possible only through amendments to the above-mentioned federal law. There is no information about such amendments in the coming year. This means that the information that the conscription age in 2017 will be increased to 30 years inclusive is nothing more than rumors.

Conscription age in case of war

In connection with the aggravated foreign policy situation in the world and tectonic changes in relations with foreign partners of the Russian Federation, Russian citizens are asking the question, “Is war possible?”, and others, “What will be the conscription age in the event of war?” Here again, you can only rely on current legislation.

In accordance with the above-mentioned law, young men who have completed conscription service, as well as those who are recognized as “limitedly fit” for military service, are enrolled in the so-called “reserve” of the Russian armed forces. At the outbreak of war, mobilization will be announced.

Men in the reserve, in accordance with the law, are divided into categories depending on age. During mobilization, conscription age will be taken into account based on these ranks.

  • 1st category – from 18 to 35 years old;
  • 2nd category – from 35 to 45 years old;
  • 3rd category – from 45 to 50 years.

It is obvious that in wartime, in the event of mobilization, young people will be drafted first, there are 1st category, as the most adapted to difficult conditions service, and then according to the needs of the army. Thus, the conscription age in Russia in 2017 during mobilization is 18 - 50 years.

Today, almost every citizen of the Russian Federation is concerned with the question: is it necessary to go to the military registration and enlistment office? Answer to this question can be obtained by knowing the conscription age in Russia for 2017.

Law and amendments to the law

Let's start looking at it from the very beginning. In the Russian Federation, conscription age is regulated by the following law, the name of which is “On Military Duty and Military Service”, more specifically the number of law 53-FZ. Came into force and was signed back in 1998 on March 28. It talks about the conscription age in the Russian Federation and the rules for conscription into the army. It is important to build on the latest version of the law, or rather, take into account the amendments made in 2017. Amendments, like other laws regulating legal relations, are made constantly, and the use of outdated data will be irrational.

The section of the federal law that talks about the conscription of young citizens of the Russian Federation in 2017 indicates specific figures for the age of conscripts - from 18 to 27 years. If you come across other by-laws that contradict the basic law, you can be sure that they are invalid, since all the rules and obligations are spelled out in one document, which was indicated above.


The law specifies ages from 18 to 27 years. One of the most common mistakes is the misconception that conscription is carried out up to 27 years of age inclusive. But data about this contradict the basic federal law, i.e. a Russian citizen will not be drafted into the army after turning 27 years old.

Rumors about conscription age

Quite often I come across similar rumors and pseudo-statements that the conscription age in Russia in 2017 has changed or is going to be changed, and the most absurd thing is that it has already been changed from 27 years to 30 years, and possibly even to 32 years. Let's think logically, for an increase in such a plan to come into force, it is necessary to adopt and make amendments and additions to the basic federal law. There is no information or official statements about such amendments in the coming year. Accordingly, rumors about changing the conscription age to 30 years old remain just rumors, especially not substantiated.

Conscription age in case of war

In connection with recent events in the world, when foreign policy Russia is subject to fundamental changes, there are sanctions from Europe, and the threat of war with neighboring countries. In such turbulent times, residents of the Russian Federation are asking questions about a possible war and, of course, about the draft age, because it can change with the introduction of martial law. The answer can be obtained by referring to the same state law “On Military Duty and Military Service.”

As the law says, young men who served in conscription and those who were given a white ticket, that is, recognized as partially fit for military service, must be enlisted in the reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. And when hostilities begin, there will be mobilization.

Everyone who is in the reserves is divided by age according to the law. During the period of mobilization, it is this category that will be taken into account first of all:

  1. 1st category – from 18 to 35 years.
  2. 2nd category – from 35 to 45 years.
  3. 3rd category – from 45 to 50 years.

Men who are over 18 years old are traditionally called up to serve in the army. Based on current legislation, the draft age cannot be violated. For this reason, men who are under 18 years of age can live in peace. However, how does the situation change when we talk about increasing the draft age?

Draft age: basic information

The legislation fixes the conscription age: 18 – 27 years. Deviations are not allowed.

17-year-old boys must register with the military registration and enlistment office, then receive a personal file and registration certificate. Over the next ten years, military service must take place in order to successfully fulfill military duty to the Motherland.

Many men are interested in the possibility of conscription after turning 27 years old. It is important to understand that the legislation gives the exact answer: “the conscription age for citizens of the Russian Federation is from 18 to 27 years.” Thus, the law does not contain the word inclusive, as a result of which conscription after 27 years of age becomes illegal. 27-year-old men can be calm. If those liable for military service received only deferments, they must be enlisted in the reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Recently in State Duma passed a law defining draft dodgers. Conscripts go to various lengths to avoid military service, but this becomes noticeable. If men evade military service, they lose the opportunity to work in government positions. Currently, the law is not in force, but there is the possibility of amendments and restoration of legal force.

Men who are reaching the end of their conscription age need to think about their future. Perhaps you should devote a year of your life to your Motherland and military service in order to get a military ID and prevent potential problems?

In addition, evading military service can entail serious punishment. If a citizen does not want to serve in the army and tries in every possible way to hide from the military registration and enlistment office employees, you need to pay attention to Article 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. If the issue is considered in judicial procedure, there is a risk of imprisonment for two years.

Will the 2018 draft age be increased?

Is it planned to extend the conscription age to 30 years? The only clear answer to this question is: “no, not planned.” Since April 2010, when the reform began and the Ministry of Defense received a proposal to increase the conscription period to 30 years, a similar question arose. Of course, other proposals were also considered, including possible cancellation deferment of military service while studying at higher educational institutions. At the same time, it was planned to increase the service life from one year to three years. Despite numerous proposals, only a few options were implemented.

Military personnel will still serve for one year, but they are trying to recruit more young people into the army. It should be noted that in resolving this issue the transition to military units and formations to recruit contract soldiers was unsuccessful.

Military officials supported the proposal of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Many officials are confident that the demographic situation in Russia is deplorable: the country's population is decreasing every year. 70% of dead people are men. Some note that those liable for military service receive a deferment from the army while studying at universities, after which they start families or enter graduate school. Despite such nuances, general principles military service remain the same.

It should be noted that men 18 – 27 years old must interact with the military registration and enlistment office to comply with current legislation Russian Federation and successful service to the Motherland. Only solving the existing issue allows us to count on strengthening the country.

Stages of obtaining a military ID and enlisting in the reserves

What to do if a man has not served in the Russian army? Despite the fact that the solution to the issue is not always positive, clearly established steps must be completed.

  1. First of all, you need to contact the draft board. A mandatory requirement is to complete a written application to enlist in the reserves and receive a military ID.
  2. Then you should come to the regional draft commission. You need to make sure that the application has been received and officially attached to your personal file. If the application is not received or is not attached to the personal file, you must attach copies to the file and note this fact on the documents.
  3. Need to go medical commission. This stage is mandatory for every conscript.
  4. If you are refused enlistment in the reserves or issued a military ID, you can contact the draft commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the court. The main goal is to appeal the verdict.

It must be remembered: after 27 years of age, a man can only be enlisted in the reserves of the Russian Federation.

Conscription before and after 27 years in the army: Video