Dentistry. Clear and Accessible. Who is not recommended to use such devices? Regular or electric soft toothbrush

Marina Kuznetsova

If choosing a toothpaste can cause confusion, then when choosing a toothbrush, most people usually do a great job and choose something that is average in price and pleasant to look at. But there are so many brushes in stores! Among them are synthetic and natural, electric and ionic, with rubber and cross-positioned bristles... Let's talk about consciously choosing a toothbrush.

How often should you change your toothbrush?

The brush needs to be changed every 2-3 months. Also, its replacement may be justified after professional hygiene at the dentist, since there were different kinds microorganisms that have now disappeared; and also after suffering from a cold or bronchitis. However, there are differing opinions about the latter; some experts consider this measure optional.

Is it true that a toothbrush is a breeding ground for germs?

Sometimes on the Internet you can find alarming articles about how, after the first use, a huge number of bacteria remain on the toothbrush, making all subsequent teeth brushing hazardous to health. The British company Dentii went further and released toothbrushes with disposable heads, and along with them an advertising video that vividly describes how harmful it is to reuse the same brush.

In case the wave of panic that has already gripped the British reaches Russia, I remind you that bacteria, in principle, are constantly present not only on our brushes, but also in our mouths and this is normal.

Firstly, the microflora of the oral cavity in any case does not become sterile after brushing your teeth, and secondly, toothpaste contains antibacterial substances that inhibit the proliferation of microorganisms directly on the brush.

The most important rule: each person must have their own toothbrush; you cannot use someone else’s!

It is important to brush your teeth properly

When choosing a toothbrush, you need to understand that what is most important is not so much its quality as the technique of brushing your teeth.

It is necessary to brush your teeth regularly, for at least 2 minutes, 2 times a day. Brushing movements should be vertical, up and down, from the gum to the tooth. With horizontal ones, you will only injure the gums and erase the enamel, but you will never achieve cleaning your teeth. It is necessary to pay attention to each tooth, brushing from all sides.

This is important to consider when purchasing a new brush.

  1. Try to choose the shape of the bristles that are rounded at the ends, rather than sharp, - this way the gums will be less injured.
  2. For most people, the recommendation is to choose brushes of medium hardness.
  3. Brushes with soft bristles are more suitable for people with sensitive teeth. The fact is that normally the enamel forms protective layer on the more sensitive tooth tissue - dentin. If for some reason the enamel becomes thinner, then the dentin is exposed and when exposed to cold, sour, etc., pain occurs.
  4. People with sensitive teeth are not recommended to use hard brushes or pastes containing abrasive particles (usually bleaching agents), because they additionally wear away the enamel. In this case, you need a soft and gentle cleansing, but you should remember that soft brushes remove plaque worse, which means you need to brush your teeth longer to achieve complete cleansing. Hard bristles can cause tooth sensitivity and gum damage.
  5. Brushes with cross-bristled bristles are better at cleaning between teeth.
  6. Rubber bristles on the sides massage the gums. It is beneficial for people suffering from gingivitis (bleeding gums).
  7. The bristle material should be synthetic. If the brush is made of natural bristles, it will create a breeding ground for bacteria.

What other toothbrushes are there?

This is the 21st century, the century of technology and advanced devices, which have not bypassed dentistry, so it’s time to understand modern analogues a regular toothbrush and find out if it makes sense to change it to something more advanced. So, today, in addition to conventional ones, there are electric, ionic and sonic toothbrushes. Let's look at each of them.

An electric toothbrush

This invention is perhaps the oldest of the new ones, and many have already heard about the brush, which cleans its own teeth due to the rapid rotation of the nozzle; you just need to bring it to your teeth. Such brushes can be interesting and motivate you to brush your teeth regularly, but that’s where their advantage ends.

The results of 29 trials involving more than two thousand people found that old-fashioned manual toothbrushes are just as good for cleaning as electric ones, as long as you brush your teeth thoroughly and regularly.

Ordinary brushes also cope no worse with plaque and gum inflammation. Only brushes with a cleaning head rotating in different directions showed better results than from classical cleaning, but even here the advantage is small, 6–11%.

Ionic toothbrush

The handle of such a brush has a built-in battery, and inside there is a metal rod that, interacting with the battery, releases negatively charged ions. They normalize the acid-base balance (after all, it is acids that destroy tooth enamel, which leads to caries) and removes plaque. These brushes have also been subjected to numerous tests.

For example, for one of them, 59 people who were not inclined to brush their teeth thoroughly and regularly were selected. The subjects were divided into 2 groups and one was given regular brushes, the other – ionic brushes. Plaque levels and gum condition were assessed before the study and after 2 and 6 weeks. As a result, in both groups the indicators improved approximately equally, and all just due to regular cleaning, so the ionic brush is sent to the company for an electric one.

Sonic toothbrush

She cleanses by sound vibrations. At the same time, the bristles move more quickly, creating approximately the same effect as from regular brush, but a little faster. Due to the greater number of vibrations in the mouth, a flow of liquid is created, which penetrates into hard-to-reach places. If we refer to research experience, then again, they do not highlight a significant advantage of a sonic brush; it is 10% more effective.

In general, I am of the opinion that plaque can be removed just fine with a regular manual toothbrush, as long as you do it carefully.

Another thing is the question of your motivation. It’s always more pleasant to use something high-tech and beautiful, then routine duties can turn into joy. Moreover, for example, an electric brush may be suitable for some, but for others it will increase the sensitivity of the teeth and inflame the gums. Everything is very individual, so when choosing a toothbrush it’s also a good idea to consult a dentist. In any case, none of the existing brushes eliminates the need professional cleaning semiannually.

It began many centuries before the birth of Christ. Even in ancient times, people understood that teeth needed care. For example, the inhabitants of Babylon used chewing sticks as toothpicks, and in Egypt, toothbrushes were made from special wood. In Rome, the process of brushing teeth was considered part of a religious ritual, so specially trained slaves helped noble citizens carry out hygiene procedures. It is also known that in Russia during the time of Ivan the Terrible, a toothbrush was a stick with a tuft of bristles at the end.

The invention of the toothbrush is believed to have occurred in China in 1498. It looked something like this: on a bamboo or bone handle, there was bristles from the neck of a Siberian boar. Much water has passed under the bridge since then, and fortunately, the design of the toothbrush has undergone significant changes. The market is overcrowded with various models, and among such variety, it becomes increasingly difficult for the buyer to understand which toothbrush to buy that is right for him. Don't lose hope! Our article will help you understand the features of toothbrush models and prices, as well as which toothbrush to choose so that your teeth are beautiful, like in the picture.

The best toothbrush. Why is it so important to choose her?

It is believed that the effectiveness of brushing your teeth largely depends on two factors: the first is whether you know how to brush your teeth correctly, and the second is what kind of toothbrush you use. The wrong choice of “cleaning tool” can cause a lot of harm: damage to the enamel, microtrauma of the gums, development of stomatitis and other troubles. Therefore, before you start choosing the best toothbrush for you, first of all, evaluate the condition of your gums, the amount of plaque and the presence of orthopedic structures, for example, veneers or crowns, as well as dental implants.

Having determined on your own, or better yet with the help of a dentist, the problems that need to be dealt with, you can begin to search for a suitable toothbrush. There are a great variety of manufacturers: Phillips Sonicare, Braun Oral B and others. They all offer a variety of models and modifications of toothbrushes. Let's find out how an ultrasonic brush differs from an electric one, and an ionic brush from a regular one, and how they affect oral hygiene.

Types of toothbrushes

Today there are a wide variety of mechanical and manual toothbrushes. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Ordinary toothbrush

When choosing a regular or manual toothbrush, pay attention to the stiffness of the bristles. Information about how much hard brush, indicated on the packaging: they come in soft, medium and hard. Soft brush needed for children under five years of age and people with hypersensitivity teeth and gums. For example, Curaprox toothbrushes, thanks to their nylon bristles, are particularly soft. For children under twelve years of age and adults, a medium-hard toothbrush is suitable. As for hard brushes, it is not recommended to use them without a doctor's prescription, as they can seriously damage the enamel and gums.

Not all dentists recognize the effectiveness of rubber inserts in the bristles of a regular or special toothbrush. Some say that the inserts help to better clean the enamel, while others consider the rubber bristles just a tribute to fashion. Also, some experts seem questionable use brushes with natural bristles. Dentists unanimously criticize them for their fragility and tendency to form a large number of microbes. However, such specimens will appeal to lovers of all things natural, and if such brushes are changed on time, then problems with bacteria will not arise.

An electric toothbrush

The electric toothbrush enjoys well-deserved success and has positive reviews users. If you take simple brushes or battery-powered brushes, then ordinary brushes clean your teeth only with the help of back-and-forth movements. Typically, electric toothbrushes use a combination of pulsing and rotating motions. The first of them soften plaque, and the second removes it, which is much more effective.

The most popular among all models are electric dental Oral brushes-b Professional Care 5000, Sonicare HealthyWhite, etc. Thanks to their ability to change speed, you can individually customize the cleaning mode, taking into account the characteristics of your teeth and gums. Intensive mode toothbrush is good for cleaning teeth, and when low speeds It is convenient to clean your tongue and gums using special attachments for an electric toothbrush.

Photo of mechanical toothbrush Oral b Professional Care 5000

Ultrasonic brush

The most modern and popular on this moment A type of toothbrush is the ultrasonic toothbrush. An ultrasonic toothbrush has therapeutic effect on the gums, is a good prevention of the appearance of tartar and eliminates inflammatory phenomena which often lead to periodontitis.

In addition to ultrasound, some toothbrushes have audio frequency, allowing them to make 18,000 movements per minute. They are sometimes called sonic toothbrushes. For example, thanks to the presence of two frequencies, Sonicare, Ultrasonex and Megasonex toothbrushes turn into powerful tools for combating plaque. Ultrasound destroys chains of dental plaque microbes, and sound wave, forming foam, allows you to gently remove it.

Photo of Megasonex ultrasonic brush

Toothbrushes for braces

For those who wear braces, there are special orthodontic toothbrushes. Unlike regular ones, they have a V-shaped cut in the bristles in order to more effectively clean the surface of teeth and braces. Orthodontic toothbrushes are produced by Miradent, CURAPROX and other companies. It will not be easy to find them in a pharmacy, so it is best to order from specialized online stores.

Care instructions: cleaning and replacing your toothbrush

In order for toothbrushes to help us effectively care for our teeth, they must be kept clean and replaced periodically. How to clean a toothbrush is a question that worries many. This can be done using regular soap and water. Do not expose the bristles to strong detergents. For greater efficiency, you can use a toothbrush sterilizer. However, this does not mean replacing the old brush with a new one. Many people today know how often to change a toothbrush - according to the recommendations of experts, this should be done once every three months.

How much does a toothbrush cost: the price depends on the type

In our online store you will find many varieties of brushes in different price segments. average price for manual and orthodontic toothbrushes with V-shaped bristles from 50 to 1,000 rubles. In approximately the same price segment are ionic brushes. Their cost averages from 100 to 1,000 rubles. The price of brushes with ultrasound ranges from 2,500 to 6,000 rubles. Electric toothbrushes can be found for 1,000 – 5,000 rubles.

Which toothbrush is better?

Your dentist will always tell you which toothbrush to choose, based on the state of your oral health. A somewhat universal solution is a toothbrush with artificial bristles and a small head, soft or medium hard. As for the brush model, there is no consensus; everyone will answer this question for themselves. The main thing is to remember that when choosing a toothbrush, you need to take into account the sensitivity of your teeth and gums. And, of course, price remains an important factor. In short, choose a toothbrush that suits your teeth and don’t forget to use it!

For every person, a toothbrush is an object that is used when carrying out hygiene procedures. Everyone remembers well the need daily cleaning teeth and periodic replacement of this personal hygiene item, but not everyone knows what a toothbrush should be like. About which toothbrush to choose so as not to harm your gums and teeth, and also not to provoke the formation of diseases oral cavity we'll talk now.

Nowadays, on the shelves of stores and pharmacy kiosks you can find a large number of different toothbrushes, each of which has its own specific features. May occur:

  1. A mechanical or in other words a regular toothbrush is the most popular and is in high demand among the population. This is explained by the fact that it is not so expensive, it can be changed often and selected to suit the characteristics of the teeth and gums.
  2. An electric toothbrush. It will save time and minimize the expenditure of effort when brushing your teeth. Besides positive thing is that such a brush thoroughly cleans the teeth and removes plaque, preventing the formation of stones on the teeth. Please note it may have various functions, which make it more convenient. The question of which electric toothbrush to choose for yourself is up to you.

A very good 3D brush, because it is characterized by movable bristles that effectively remove plaque even from hard-to-reach places, eliminate darkening of the enamel, which in turn makes teeth whiter.

An electric toothbrush can be equipped with a special timer that regulates the duration of cleaning not only the entire oral cavity, but also individual areas.

An electric toothbrush can also have special replaceable heads, for example with a dental floss effect. It easily penetrates into areas that are located between the teeth and where the bristles of a regular brush cannot reach. As a result, teeth cleaning will be more perfect and effective. This fact answers the question of which brush is better, electric or conventional.

Please note that despite the large number positive aspects It is necessary to remember that it can only be used by people who have healthy teeth and gums. In some people it may cause headache and nausea, such pathological symptoms appear in response to vibration.

  1. Ultrasonic. Its peculiarity is that teeth cleaning occurs at a distance. Such cleaning can be called non-contact, because the removal of plaque and the destruction of pathogenic flora occurs at a distance of 5 mm. from the surface of the teeth. Positive properties what is also considered is that it provides therapeutic effect on the gums and eliminates inflammatory processes in them. Brushing your teeth with this brush does not require the use of toothpaste. There are several manufacturers that improve ultrasonic brushes with additional attachments to remove hard plaque and whiten tooth enamel.

The only downside is their high price. Please note that you are only allowed to use this type of oral hygiene products three times every seven days. An important point What requires attention is that the use of such brushes is prohibited for persons with implants and braces, as well as those who suffer from diseases of the heart muscle.

  1. Orthodontic. Designed specifically for those people who wear braces, it is considered mechanical, but it has a special groove made for structures that are localized on the surface of the teeth. It is almost impossible to find it on pharmacy shelves and in stores, this is explained by the fact that it is made to order and has a high pricing policy.
  2. Ionic. In appearance, it is practically no different from a regular brush with even bristles; the only difference is that the handle body includes a rod made of titanium dioxide. When you click on metal plate, located on the outer surface of the handle, creates a flow of negatively charged ions, which are endowed with the ability to attract positively charged plaque ions. It makes it possible to quickly and more intensively restore the acid-base balance in the oral cavity and activate the positive effects of toothpaste.

Characteristics of brushes by degree of hardness

Depending on their hardness, toothbrushes are classified into:

  1. Very soft – intended for children and people suffering from inflammatory diseases gums or non-carious enamel lesions. In any case, when choosing an item for oral hygiene of this type, you must consult a dentist.
  2. Soft. Dentists recommend using them for patients with a tendency to bleeding, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as persons with a history of such illness as diabetes. It is the listed conditions that require thorough and at the same time gentle cleaning.
  3. Medium hardness. They can only be used by adults who do not have problems with the condition of their teeth and gums.
  4. Hard - considered an option for individuals who are overly addicted to smoking and drinking coffee. Please note that they can only be chosen by those people who have strong enamel and healthy gums.
  5. Very hard, which are recommended for use by individuals suffering from excessive plaque on their teeth or who have orthopedic or orthodontic structures.

Characteristics of brushes depending on the location of the bristles

Over time, items intended for oral hygiene have been improved and now their production uses bristles of varying hardness, which are collected in bunches and arranged in rows. Depending on how the bristles are arranged, toothbrushes are:

  • single-level;
  • two-level;
  • three-level;
  • multi-level.

In brushes good quality the bundles are placed parallel or at an angle to each other, depending on this, oral hygiene products are divided into:

  • treatment and prophylactic;
  • hygienic;
  • special.

Hygienic - equipped with bristles of the same length, which are arranged in parallel. Brushes of this type are used extremely rarely, because they are characterized by poor cleaning of the tooth surface.

Therapeutic and prophylactic brushes have multi-level bristles, those that are long, clean hard-to-reach places between the teeth, short chewing surfaces, and soft bristles, which are located obliquely, clean the areas where the teeth meet the gums. The surface on which the tufts of bristles are localized may additionally have various inserts made of rubber; they massage the gums and polish the tooth enamel. Nowadays, these brushes are considered the most popular and most often used.

Special ones are usually single-beam or small-beam, they are considered the option of choice for cleaning teeth with uneven surfaces, orthopedic structures and implants.

Nuances to pay attention to when choosing a toothbrush

When choosing a brush special attention requires:

  1. The length of the working part should be at least 2-2.5 cm, this is the size that will allow you to grab several teeth when brushing. This allows for thorough cleaning of teeth that belong to the chewing group.
  2. Head and its working part. This part should have a rounded shape, this is what will prevent injury to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. On back side the working part should have inequalities (roughness) that will provide the opportunity to cleanse the mucous membrane of pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. The area where the head and handle connect. In the case of a movable connection, the pressure on the areas of localization of soft and hard tissues is regulated, which in turn minimizes the risk of injury to these areas.
  4. Pen. It is necessary that it be thick and have inserts made of rubber on its surface; this will give additional convenience when using the brush and prevent it from slipping.

Features of care

First of all, you need to remember to regularly replace your toothbrush and keep it clean. However, not all people know how to properly care for this personal hygiene item. Maintenance is very simple, all you need to do is wash it periodically using regular soap and water. If possible, you can use a special sterilizer, but even its use does not eliminate the need for periodic replacement.

It is not recommended to use the same oral hygiene item after past diseases of a viral or infectious nature (for example, after pharyngitis, stomatitis, flu, sore throat), it must be replaced with a new one.

So you have learned about what types of brushes there are and what you need to pay attention to when purchasing them.

To summarize, I would like to say that there is no categorical answer to the question of which toothbrush is better, because it is selected individually for each person, depending on the characteristics of his teeth, the condition of his gums and financial capabilities.

Teeth and their enamel are considered the hardest part of everything. human body. However, even this fabric without proper, regular and careful care can easily become damaged and eventually fall apart. Not long ago for effective cleaning teeth, a special device was invented that made the procedure easier - a toothbrush. Brushes have different bristles, designs and shapes. It is important to choose the right device, because the whole organism depends on it.

Classification of toothbrushes

The modification of dental hygiene products today knows no bounds. Their diversity allows you to select the device individually and achieve maximum benefit from the conductive Since the working part of the brush is bristles, you need to pay initial attention to it. The bristles have the following types:

  • tough
  • medium hard
  • compacted
  • very soft
  • soft

In addition to lint, there are different models of devices. Some of them work with electricity and vibration. It is impossible to say for sure which model is better in quality, the main thing is that it suits the person and has decent characteristics. Efficiency and quality should be paramount during selection. Don't forget about the number of brush fibers, the size of the handle and the margins.

Mechanical brush - description of the device and application

The simplest mechanical toothbrush to use. Well-known imported manufacturers always indicate on the packaging the classification of the model and the type of its bristles. A soft type brush is most effective for children and people with sensitive teeth and.

Mechanical dental devices of a rigid type are recommended for use by older people; they can be used by children over 12 years of age. These models are the most common and widely used. However, before choosing hard bristles, you should consult with your local or primary dentist. Incorrect selection of hygiene products can lead to serious problems and complications will cause irreparable harm mucous system of the oral cavity and enamel.

The mechanical model has rubber inserts for convenience, although some dentists are categorically against them. Some doctors say that special inserts enhance the protective function and rid teeth of bacteria and microorganisms. Other experts refute this version. The decision primarily depends on the buyer and his needs.

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Why does a child have black plaque on his teeth, how to deal with it and is it dangerous?

Description of the ion model

The next, no less common type of brush is ionic model. It not only allows you to remove as much as possible plaque from tooth enamel, but also improves the overall appearance and condition of the teeth. Its main advantage is that inside its structure there is a rod with a special coating of titanium dioxide. Titanium dioxide eliminates electrons that are negatively charged, because in combination with human saliva, it attracts hydrogen ions with a positive charge. Harmful acid, where microbes develop very quickly, is eliminated, thereby eliminating plaque at the level of molecular chemistry, and ionized saliva retains beneficial and medicinal properties for a long period of time.

Another advantage of an ionic brush is that it can be used without toothpaste. Of course, you can use paste, only in very small quantity, but this is optional. The cleaning action occurs not thanks to the toothbrush, but thanks to ions. Moreover, the ions fill the oral cavity with oxygen, thereby enriching the enamel.

Ultrasonic brush

An ultrasonic device for cleaning teeth is also in great demand among buyers, although its cost is considerable. electrical device are pulsating and reciprocating movements. This combination allows you to clean your teeth from stones: rotation softens the stone, and pulsation breaks it up. This is an undeniable advantage of this model; no other design has this ability.

The parameters of ultrasonic brushes are individual; you can independently select the speed of rotation of the bristles and adjust the mode so as not to feel any discomfort. The condition of everyone's gums and teeth is different, so this adjustment is quite appropriate. A fast rotating movement is most often used for the purpose of quickly cleaning teeth after eating; a low speed is recommended for cleansing the tongue and gums. Hygiene for the tongue is also necessary; for this purpose, special attachments are provided with the brush, thanks to which the procedure is more effective.

What can happen if you choose the wrong brush?

It is important to know two things:

  • how to properly perform dental hygiene
  • how to choose the right toothbrush

The correctness, quality and effectiveness of the procedure depend on these two conditions. The wrong approach to choosing this hygiene product can lead to some negative consequences:

  1. There is a possibility of damage to the oral mucosa and gums.
  2. Severe damage to tooth enamel.
  3. Development .
  4. The need to install the following orthopedic structures: crowns, veneers and dental implants.

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Dental implant: prices for dental prosthetics

All this can be avoided by using a suitable toothbrush and regular dental check-ups.

Choice of dentists

Dentists say that best brush– the one with which a person regularly brushes his teeth, regardless of its model and performance. They also require changing the device from time to time. It is important that the brush suits the person in all respects, does not cause discomfort and has a positive effect.

A quality product does not have to be expensive. Among the cheap products there are also good devices with the required characteristics. For a person who has obvious problems with teeth or gums, for example, suffers from bleeding gums and jaw mobility, not all brushes are suitable. In this case, a dentist should select the product.

Basic rules for choosing a toothbrush

To purchase for yourself perfect option, you should pay attention to the following requirements:

  1. The material from which the bristles are made. The pile can be artificial or natural. At first glance it may seem that natural bristles are better, but this is not the case. Bacteria multiply quickly in natural fibers due to the accumulation of water; this does not happen in an artificial product.
  2. It is important to pay attention to the choice of brush head. For adults, the maximum correct size would be 25 to 30 millimeters. A smaller size will not cover the entire surface and will begin to leave uncleaned areas. Large heads will make it difficult to treat the most inaccessible areas from germs or food debris, and this will lead to tooth decay. For children, the head should be slightly smaller; the pediatric dentist must determine the exact size.
  3. Now you need to choose a suitable handle. The handle should be as comfortable and light as possible. A handle that is too heavy or curved will lead to fatigue of the fingers and hand muscles, and the procedure will not be carried out as efficiently as we would like.
  4. When purchasing, you must carefully examine the packaging, reading all the labels. The box must indicate the degree of rigidity of the product and the material from which it is made. If there is no manufacturing information on the packaging, then this toothbrush is not suitable for use.
  5. The last thing you should pay attention to is the end of the pile. Each individual bristle should have a rounded shape so as not to damage the gums or scratch off tooth enamel.

All these simple things can be done, the main thing is to take a responsible approach to choosing a brush, especially if we're talking about about the child.