The kitten eats very poorly. My experience of caring for newborn orphan kittens. Reasons for a kitten’s refusal to eat and solutions to the problem

The owner of the kitten notices that the baby is not eating well. For adult animals, lack of appetite is not as fatal as for a baby. Why kitten doesn't eat? What are the consequences of malnutrition for a small animal?

First you need to determine the cause refusal to eat. IN best case scenario This is a well-fed, spoiled kitten who goes on strike from overeating and an abundance of “delicious food”, when the owners offer the baby all the best and continuously.

Reasons why a domestic kitten does not eat anything

A similar option is just overfeeding. The owner does not know how to correctly calculate the portion depending on the age, size, weight of the kitten, and constantly gives the baby an excess amount. The kitten is simply not able to physically absorb such a portion; it is always more than full, and begins to ignore food.

But the picture becomes less rosy if kitten refuses to eat due to illness. Almost any illness leads to a lack of appetite. The situation is even sadder if the kitten, in addition to refusing to eat, stops drinking.

For babies, as for adult cats, the following diseases are typical:

  • gastrointestinal problems ( intestinal colic, ulcers, dysfunction, etc.);
  • diseases internal organs(liver pathologies, renal failure etc.);
  • diseases oral cavity(problems with gums, teething, bad teeth, etc.);
  • helminthic infestation in a kitten;
  • poisoning;
  • foreign body in the stomach, esophagus;
  • stress;
  • infectious disease, etc.

What to do if the kitten doesn’t eat anything at all?!

The kitten doesn't eat anything , he is lethargic or, on the contrary, restless, does not want to play, does not respond to affection, cries, his nose is dry and hot, his eyes are sore. The temperature can be increased or decreased, in the first case the critical value will be above 39.5 C, the lower limit is 37 C.

Waiting for the baby to lie down and everything will return to normal on its own is dangerous. A day without food spent by a kitten under the age of six months is fraught with serious health consequences. The body is weakened, dehydrated, and is unlikely to be able to cope with the disease on its own.

This kitten should be taken to the vet immediately!

If the baby is too weak to travel in transport, do not torture him, call a veterinarian at home. The specialist will examine the animal and provide necessary help will give recommendations for treatment. IN emergency the baby is hospitalized.

When we take a tiny cute creature into our home, we don’t think about whether it is ready for independent life, how it will cope with separation from its mother and moving, meeting new people and conditions. Sometimes this becomes the reason for refusing food.

Pet owners need to keep in mind that signs of illness may also be accompanied by loss of appetite, so they need to be able to distinguish symptoms of illness from manifestations of other conditions. It is very important to figure out why he is not eating little kitty, because with its symbolic weight it will quickly weaken and may die.

It is equally important to know what to do and what to do if the kitten does not eat anything. Sometimes it becomes a matter of life and death.

Possible reasons

The reasons why a kitten does not want to eat may not be related to disease:

  • Stressful state. When a baby is suddenly taken away from its mother, it is not surprising that the kitten does not eat well - it is experiencing the first separation in its life.
  • A kitten eats little if the food is unusual for it. Some breeds of cats are famous for their capricious disposition in relation to food - they will literally die of hunger, but will not touch food that they do not like or that turns out to be unusual.
  • Too much early age Weaning is one of the common reasons why a kitten has no appetite. This is usually what unscrupulous breeders do, trying with all their might to increase the number of matings and offspring to make a profit. When a kitten is tiny, it is accustomed to cat milk with a special composition. If he has not yet been accustomed to complementary feeding, then it is not at all surprising that the kitten does not eat or drink - he simply does not know how yet. Coping with such a situation is difficult, but possible. It is much easier to make sure in advance that the animal is already taking complementary foods and will not cause additional trouble.
  • Sometimes the reason that a kitten has stopped eating can be completely banal - a new bowl for food or drink. Sometimes plastic products in the first days of use have a very sharp and unpleasant smell, because of which cats with a delicate sense of smell simply do not smell the food - it is “clogged” by the unpleasant “aroma” emanating from the plastic. Children should be given food not in plastic, but in glass or ceramic containers; they do not contain volatile flavors and are highly hygienic. Before using such dishes, it is good to pour boiling water over them - this will both disinfect them and “kill” extraneous odors.
  • Just like a foul-smelling bowl, dirt and debris around the area where cats are usually fed can deter animals from eating.
  • Presence of helminths - common reason refusal to eat kittens taken from the street or on occasion. cause severe intoxication of the whole body, so the baby begins to have digestive problems. He vomits and feels sick, he breathes heavily, does not eat or eats very little, but drinks a lot. The kitten is lethargic and thin, sometimes refusal to eat can alternate with unexpected bouts of gluttony. Helminth infections are dangerous, especially if it is a small kitten, so such symptoms should alarm the owners.
  • Infections or diseases of internal organs. A kitten under 6 months of age does not have strong immunity and can easily get sick. At infectious diseases He sleeps all the time and lies down all day, does not touch food, only drinks water, breathes heavily, and often gets sick even from drinking water. These signs indicate that the baby is sick and needs urgent help.

Read more: What to feed kittens if the cat does not have milk

The most dangerous symptom is the animal's reluctance to drink. This may have various reasons: from colds to dangerous infection and even rabies. If this condition lasts longer than 2 days, the kitten constantly lies down, breathes heavily, does not eat or drink, you should immediately go to the veterinary clinic with it.

Ways to deal with the problem

Confused furry owners who find themselves in such a situation ask what to do if the kitten does not eat anything. First of all, you need to make sure that he is not sick and that the kitten does not have worms. ABOUT poor condition may indicate a lack of stool or liquid excrement, blood in the stool or traces of worms, mucus, and also severe vomiting, nasal discharge, unpleasant odor from the mouth, complete failure from food and water.

Such an animal feels severe weakness, his stomach hurts, his sleep is disturbed. You should immediately contact a veterinarian, and if the baby is very weak, you should call a doctor at home.

If the kitten is not in danger, he feels quite normal, sleeps and drinks water, you need to find out why he so persistently ignores what is offered to him:

  • If the baby is too small to feed on his own, owners will have to work hard. You need to purchase a special cat's milk substitute, drink it from the nipple, and give it drops to very tiny babies from your finger or from the mouth. cotton swab. You shouldn't give it - it's too fatty. You can try diluting it half and half with water and watch how your baby digests it. Ideally, you need to find a nursing cat that can become a wet nurse or milk donor.
  • A good way to get a kitten to eat is to hand-feed food. It should be fresh, tasty and soft food, soft enough for a small creature. Gradually, the habit of eating it from a flat saucer will form. In the same way, a cat is taught to drink water.
  • If the kitten protests against new food, you need to call the breeder or previous owners. Having seen the usual food, the baby will begin to eat, then it will be possible to gradually change his diet.
  • To find out why your kitten won't eat anything and how to get him to stop his hunger strike, you should check the dishes. If it is dirty or has an unpleasant odor, you need to replace it with a new one or thoroughly wash and disinfect it.
  • The feeding area must be clean.
  • Food is worth putting out in small portions and immediately remove it as soon as the cat has eaten.
  • Meals should be adjusted according to time. Kittens quickly get used to the regime.
  • Provide the new pet with peace and privacy during the first days of its stay in the new home, and prohibit children from squeezing it or making too much noise.
  • If your kitten eats but refuses water, he may not be able to lap or is not familiar with the bowl. He needs to be given water from a pacifier and gradually accustomed to a saucer.
  • Babies learn to eat and drink on their own faster if a pet older than them lives in the house. He will serve as a role model.

A small kitten that has appeared in the house simply needs care and attention. This is especially true for the first days of his stay in a new environment. Sometimes the following problem arises: the kitten does not want to eat anything, and here you need to understand what to do about it.

Reasons for a kitten’s refusal to eat and solutions to the problem

It often happens that in the first few days upon arrival in new house the kitten refuses to eat and drink, it shows apathy and drowsiness. This is natural, because he is experiencing stress. In this case, very tiny babies need to be fed using a pipette, and older kittens need to lubricate their mouths with milk. This should whet their appetite.

A healthy kitten may not eat simply because he is too interested in playing. Sometimes food refusal can be caused by an object stuck in your pet's mouth or throat, such as a bone. In this case, you should remove this item yourself or with the help of a veterinarian, and everything will return to normal.

Symptoms that should alert you are lethargy, unkempt fur, and mucus from the eyes. If a kitten is diarrhea and does not eat, he needs to be taken to a doctor immediately. This may be a manifestation of an infection that needs to be treated.

Food for a kitten should not be hot, but warm. A baby who is not yet four months old needs to be fed up to 5 times a day, before reaching 8 months of age - 3 times, over 8 months - 2 times a day.

A kitten doesn't always get sick if it doesn't eat anything. Sometimes he just doesn't like what he's fed. For example, small kittens do not need special ones; it is better to give canned food. Therefore, it is not surprising that if a kitten does not eat dry food, he himself understands what is best for him. For an older pet, meat, sometimes boiled fish, cereals, dairy products, and grated vegetables will be useful. If your kitten doesn't eat meat, it may be that he doesn't like it and should be given a different kind.

It is necessary to keep in mind: if a young cat is healthy, he is able to go without food for up to five days without harm to his health. old cat withstands a three-day fast, a kitten - no more than a day. If the cat is suffering chronic pathology, fasting for more than two days is contraindicated for her.


Among the reasons not to eat are the following:

  • Change of scenery. Change of food.
  • The need for bowel cleansing.
  • Heat.
  • Sexual hunting.
  • Pregnancy and lambing.
  • Pathology.

Change of scenery

Cats are conservative creatures, accustomed to eating in familiar surroundings. If furniture was rearranged or repairs were made in the apartment, the owner for a long time was absent, there was a quarrel between family members or guests paid a visit, the cat may become upset and stop eating. When the animal is accustomed to consumption ready-made feed, any change in the appearance, consistency, shape and size of granules, taste and smell can lead to anorexia.

In addition to changing food, a cat may refuse to eat, protesting against changing food places or replacing dishes. If placed next to the feeder ornamental plant, washed the bowls with new detergent.

The need for colon cleansing

In the wild, cats don't eat every day. It depends on hunting luck, so the instinct of gluttony in domesticated predators is ineradicable. Overeating is associated with suffering, and the most The best way stop digestive problems - short-term fasting.


In the heat of summer, and in winter, when the heating is at maximum, cats lose their appetite because the thermoregulation mechanism is activated, protecting against overheating.

Sexual hunting

A week before estrus, the cat loses its appetite, which returns with the onset of ovulation or after it stops. At times, the animal consumes mainly treats in small portions. If the cat feels well, drinks water, sleeps and calls the cat, there is nothing to worry about. When an animal experiences a hunt too violently, a suspicion arises hormonal disbalance, he needs a veterinary examination. During a neighbor's cat's heat, cats also lose their appetite.

Pregnancy and lambing

Cats, like women, are susceptible to pregnancy toxicosis. Short-term anorexia is accompanied by attacks of vomiting, drooling, and lethargy. Before lambing, the fruits compress the stomach, so the appetite disappears, but there are personal options when the cat has an excellent appetite. After lambing there is no time to eat: the joy of motherhood drowns out hunger. After a day, the appetite is restored, and, gradually, becomes brutal.


If, in addition to loss of appetite, additional signs are found in the cat, a suspicion of disease arises. Anorexia is a symptom of diseases of the following organs and systems:

  • Digestion.
  • Pancreas.
  • Urinary canal.
  • Blood.
  • Stomatitis.
  • Rhinitis.
  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Pharyngitis.

What to do

When the situation changes, the owner must take steps to restore appetite. the following measures:

If the measures taken do not lead to the desired result, you should contact medical assistance.

When food is changed by the decision of a fellinologist or prescribed by a veterinarian, the cat may refuse it. To prevent this from happening, a gradual replacement of the previous diet with a new one is required. On the first day, 15...20% of the prescribed food is mixed with 80...85% of the old one. Observe eatability. The next day, if the appetite is satisfactory, the portion of the new food is increased. On days 5–7, the diet change is completed.

The licking instinct sometimes leads to temporary loss of appetite. This is typical for cats of long-haired breeds. The animal tries to get rid of hairballs accumulated in the stomach, coughs and provokes vomiting. After removal of the trichobezoars, appetite is restored. To prevent such phenomena, use Malt paste, which prevents the formation of hairballs.

Sometimes anorexia is caused by nausea after overeating. Starvation diet -effective technique self-healing. In this case, appetite is restored. If anorexia is caused by heat, then turn on the air conditioning.

The violence during the rutting period is somewhat pacified by giving a sedative, the same Kot Bayun. Appetite is completely restored after the end of estrus.

If, in addition to anorexia, the cat has additional pathological symptoms, you need to apply for veterinary care. The fellinologist must be prepared to carry out the following on the cat: diagnostic studies:

General inspection:

  1. Examination of the mouth.
  2. Listening with a stethoscope (auscultation).
  3. Thermometry.
  4. Palpation.
  5. Weighing and assessing body condition.
  • Urine and blood analysis.
  • X-ray of the abdomen and chest.
  • Stool analysis.

Based on research results and anamnesis, veterinarian appoints specific treatment, aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease, as well as general strengthening, normalizing the functioning of organs and systems. Majority therapeutic procedures The animal owner will have to do this. The main task of a fellinologist is to ensure peace, comfort and affectionate address with your pet.

If the kitten doesn't eat anything long time, the owners begin to worry about his health and wonder what caused this behavior. The root of the problem may be stressful situation, the animal is too young or has infectious and inflammatory in nature. It is necessary to find out the cause of lack of appetite as early as possible in order to avoid the development of serious pathologies.

Why does the kitten eat poorly?

Lack of appetite in an animal can be caused by several factors:

  • Stress. If, when moving, the kitten does not play, looks lethargic, does not drink and practically does not touch food, most likely it is difficult for him to adapt to his new home. Usually, getting used to the changed conditions lasts 2-3 days. Family members should provide maximum comfort to the pet and eliminate all sources of fear. The bowl of food should be placed in the far corner so that the baby can approach it without fear.
  • Young age. It happens that breeders sell kittens when they are very tiny, when they have not yet learned to eat. In this case, the baby needs to be fed from a pipette or bottle with a cat's milk replacer until he begins to feed from a bowl on his own. Cow and goat milk is not suitable for feeding - it is too fatty for the baby’s intestines. For older pets, you can lubricate their mouths with milk to stimulate their appetite.
  • Lack of attention. If a cat's owners don't play with it much, the cat feels lonely, sad, and doesn't eat well.
  • Intensive feeding. If family members overfeed the kitten, it may protest or try to eat less.
  • Inappropriate diet. Dry cat food is strictly prohibited for small kittens; special canned food is allowed. Older pets can be given meat, cereals, dairy products and boiled fish.
  • Uncleanliness. Cats can sense if food has gone bad or if the bowl smells like detergent. Apply chemical substances not recommended when washing dishes - for better effect you can douse the bowl boiled water. The feeding area should also always remain clean.

Sometimes the reason for refusing to eat is a bone stuck in the mouth or throat; if you cannot remove it yourself, you should contact a veterinarian.

Possible pathologies

Refusal to eat is often a sign of such serious illnesses, How:

  • food poisoning;
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • infections;
  • helminthiasis;
  • pathology of teeth and gums.

Owners should be wary if, in addition to loss of appetite, the kitten sleeps a lot, loses weight, and constantly looks lethargic. Especially if this is accompanied by rapid heartbeat, gagging and liquid discharge from the eyes.

What do we have to do

If the owners notice that their pet is eating little and poorly, it is necessary:

  • To measure the temperature. An increase indicates the presence of infection in the body, a decrease indicates weakness and loss of strength. The optimal temperature for a healthy animal is 38°. Another sign of hyperthermia is a dry nose.
  • Feel the tummy. If the baby meows and worries, the reason is problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It is contraindicated to give a laxative to your pet without a doctor's recommendation - this can lead to intestinal rupture and internal bleeding.
  • Take the animal to the clinic. The veterinarian may order blood tests and x-ray examinations.

The operation is the most last resort, after it about half of the kittens die. To avoid surgical intervention, the doctor may prescribe IVs and injections. Treatment is carried out until the condition of the gastrointestinal tract improves or until surgery becomes the only chance for salvation.

To ensure that the pet eats well and does not have health problems, the owner should:

  • Warm food before feeding; food that is too cold is of no benefit to the animal.
  • Dip your finger in any product tasty for your pet (broth, milk or canned meat) and bring it closer to the pet. If the treat is tasted, he will want to eat from the bowl himself.
  • Do not offer to your pet fatty foods, especially if he has been starving for several days - the baby’s intestines may not be able to digest it. For the same reason, lamb and pork are prohibited.
  • Consult with the breeders and find out what the baby ate before the sale. The owner should carefully study the characteristics of the pet’s breed.
  • Place food in a bowl in small portions and remove it if the cat has not eaten so that the food does not spoil.
  • Giving to a pet Not only cat food, but also “ordinary” food: meat, boiled fish boneless, dairy products and grated vegetables.