The oldest age of a cat. The oldest cat in the world. Factors affecting the lifespan of cats

Many people are afraid to have pets because they know that soon enough the moment of separation will come. But there are examples of animals that break all records for life expectancy. The longest living cat was with her loving owners for almost 40 years! Maybe your favorite will become the next record holder.

How long do cats live?

Any cats and dogs live significantly less than people. The lifespan of even the longest-living cats does not compare to the average number of years that humans live.

The lifespan of cats depends on such factors:

  • breed;
  • presence or absence of excess weight;
  • presence or absence of veterinary care;
  • habitat;
  • diet.

It may come as a surprise to many that the breed also determines how long your favorite cat will live.

Representatives of the Exotic Shorthair, Russian Blue, Bombay, and Snowshoe breeds live the shortest (10-12 years).

Long-lived cat breeds (18-20 years): American shorthair, Thai, Manx, Siamese.

Such statistics do not always correspond to reality, and if there are cases of happy exceptions, when a cat lives much longer than his brothers in the breed.

Long-lived cats

Determining long-livers among people is quite simple. There are unified databases in which a person is registered at birth. And you can always find out who is the oldest person in the city, country and throughout the world.

When kittens are born, they are not registered in the databases. Only the most purebred kittens have documents that indicate the day and year of birth. Therefore, it is quite difficult to find out how old the oldest cat in the world is. Few people can provide real evidence of a pet’s age, and one has to rely on the words of the owners, witnesses to the animal’s life. Only those long-lived cats that are reported by the owners themselves become widely known.

Famous long-lived cats:

  • Catalina. Another contender for the title of oldest cat in 2011 lived in Australia. Her owners claimed that she was born in 1977 and was 34 years old at the time of 2011.
  • Cream Puff. This cat from Texas is considered the longest living on the planet. Her record was registered posthumously in 2010. The long-lived cat died in 2005, and was born in 1967, so at the time of her death she was 38 years old.
  • Lucy. A cat from Britain claimed the title of the oldest on the planet in 2011. At that time she was 39 years old, and she was born in 1972. The cat, named Lucy, even outlived its owners, and in 1999 went into the family of their relatives. It was impossible to prove her age.
  • Missan. Missan was born in 1985 in Sweden. Her owner did not claim her cat's record until she read information in the newspapers about Tiffany II, who is 3 years younger. To officially register a record, the owner needs proof, which is difficult, since the long-lived animal was found on the street.
  • Scooter. The cat from Texas died in 2016 and was also considered the oldest in the world. At the time of his death he was 30 years old (born in 1986). In May 2016, he was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Two years before his death, the cat broke his paw and successfully underwent treatment and rehabilitation after the injury.
  • Tiffany Two. This cat lived in California, USA. The purr lived for 27 years and died in 2015. Data about it were included in the Guinness Book of Records 2015. Proof of age was not an issue since the animal was purchased from a local store.


The oldest cat in the world is 24-year-old Poppy from the English city of Bournemouth. In terms of “human” age, the record holder is now 114 years old. Poppy was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest living cat. The record holder title was passed down to her from Pinkie from Kansas, who died last year at the age of 23.

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1. Poppy on her birthday. She was born in February 1990 and has seen five British Prime Ministers. Poppy lives with the family, along with other pets - four more cats, two rabbits and a hamster. (Photo: SWNS)

2. Poppy eats cake on her birthday. (Photo: SWNS)

3. Poppy celebrates her 24th birthday. (Photo: SWNS)

4. Poppy's owner Jackie said that people often ask about the secret of her pet's longevity, to which she replies: “I think she has the right diet and a lot of exercise.”

“She keeps herself fit by walking and eating a lot. She has cookies for breakfast and then canned goods. However, she was never fat,” said Jackie. (Photo: SWNS)

6. Poppy in 1997 (Photo: SWNS)

7. The hostess also noted that Poppy’s health had noticeably deteriorated over the past year. “We know the end is near,” Jackie said, adding that she had said goodbye to Poppy several times already, but each time the animal proved that the cat has nine lives. (Photo: SWNS)

8. Mistress Poppy Jackie, together with her sons, shows evidence of the Guinness Book of Records. (Photo: SWNS)

Cats have long been considered the most mysterious and fastidious animals that live next to people. What has not been written about cats, their character, their intelligence and abilities! Today we’ll talk about the fact that cats can be real long-livers! Yes, yes, cats! Therefore, we bring to your attention a rating of the oldest cats in the world!

1st place: Lucy

According to many cat lovers, the oldest cat on earth is a cat named Lucy. She was born in England in 1972. That is, today she is 43 years old, and if we translate this age into human characteristics, Lucy is an old woman who has lived 180 years! True, in old age the cat became deaf, but she still catches mice!

2nd place: Cream Puff

This cat was born in America and lived for 38 years. She was born in 1967, and left the human world forever in 2005. The cat was black with white spots and loved people, which is probably why she lived among them for so long.

3rd place: Kitty

Kitty is also English. This graceful little cat, who belonged to D. Johnson, who lived in Staffordshire, not only lived for 30 years, but also managed to become a mother on the eve of her thirtieth birthday. She brought two adorable kittens to her stunned owner.

4th place: Haze

The Dymka cat is one of the Russian cats. According to the owners, she was already 27 years old. And although this cat is not included in the Book of Records, the media are already writing and talking about it. Thus, journalist Yana Rozova claims that she is personally acquainted with this wonderful cat and is ready to talk about her life again and again in the Echo of Moscow programs.

5th place: Blackie

This gentle white cat lived for 25 years. By human standards, this is 117 years. The venerable “old lady” is also English by birth. Her hearing is fine, but recently her eyesight has begun to fail, which is not surprising at her age!

6th place: Poppy

The English cat Poppy lived 24 years. This cheerful ginger cat was born in Dorset in 1990. The owners loved her very much, and when she turned out to be a long-liver, they widely celebrated her 24th birthday and got her name included in the Guinness Book of Books.

7th place: Murka

The cat Murka is our Russian cat of a mongrel race. This Russian beauty lived for 20 full years (she was born in 1985 and died in 2005). She was found as a one-week-old kitten in Star City and given to be raised by the family of V. Trunov, who was responsible for training cosmonauts in the USSR. The cat's owners attributed the secret to her longevity to her accommodating character and the special place that Murka began to occupy in the house. And the cat became a full-fledged member of the family.

8th place: India

This cat was a real celebrity. She lived for 19 years and belonged to the family of D. Bush Sr. The cat was blue-black, bought for the twins of the Bush couple. The president's children claimed that the cat was their pet.

9th place: Roxana

Roxana is our compatriot. When she died, she was only 19 years old. This Persian (very purebred) cat lived in the city of Serov. And she was born back in 1994. Roxana had a very serious pedigree, which made it possible to establish the exact dates of her birth and death

10th place: Chernyshka

The cat Chernyshka is also a Russian cat. She was born in Irkutsk. She lived for 16 years (which is also a long time) in the kind and friendly family of her owner Olga Ponomareva. She was distinguished by a soft and flexible character. Its breed can be defined as “yard”.

Thus, we see that cats, despite the fact that by nature most of them are 6-10 years old, can live much longer than their biological age. An important role in this is played by the love of their owners for them and the care with which they surround their pets.

Domestic cats live a maximum of 15-20 years, much longer than their wild relatives, whose allotted lifespan rarely reaches 10 years. But long-lived cats are known, which by human standards are more than a hundred years old.

Of the animals living today, the cat Rubble from Great Britain is known. The huge white and red Maine Coon was given to his owner in 1988, and since then they have been inseparable. Crushed stone (that’s how the pet’s name is translated) is practically healthy. By human standards, he is already 137 years old.

Interestingly, there is another cat living in England, whose owner claims that he is 49 years old, but this data has not been confirmed.

In 2011, the cat Lucy, born in 1972, was declared a long-liver. She would now be 46 years old. But this record is not registered in the Guinness Book of Records. There is no information about Lucy's fate at this time.


But Krimm Puff, a cat from the American state of Texas, lived from 1967 to 2005 and her record has been recorded. The owner fed her a special diet, which, in addition to protein, included broccoli and asparagus.

Krimm Puff

Another holder of the official title of “long-lived cat” is Tiffany from San Diego, who lived for 27 years. If you recalculate her years to human years, then she was 125 years old at that moment. Already in adulthood, the striped beauty disappeared for two whole years. The owner had already mourned her pet, but she was returning home safely.


The famous cat is Frank and Louis. He was born with a pathology of the skull, he had two muzzles. Usually such babies die soon after birth, but Frank and Louis lived for 15 years, thanks to the care and love of their owner Martha Stevens.

Frank and Louis

In 2017, the cat Nutmeg, Nutmeg, died of a heart attack in England at the age of 32. That's what his owners called him - the Finlay family. They picked up a stray on the street at the age of 5. The couple treated the pet as an equal member of the family and are still grieving their loss.


The cat Velvet from Oregon lived happily all his 27 years with his owner Emmy Okura.

The world's oldest cat, Nutmeg, has died in Britain. He was 32 years old.

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At the beginning of September 2017, the cat Natmeg passed away at the incredible age of 32 years for his relatives. In human terms, he would be 144 years old. However, it is worth noting that comparing the ages of animals and people is always quite conditional.

The cat's owners Liz and Ian Finlay from Blaydon-on-Tyne adopted Nutmeg after discovering him in their garden in 1990. Then the couple took the cat to the veterinarian, who, based on the condition of the teeth, determined that the animal was at least five years old. It also turned out that the unfortunate animal suffered from severe ulcers on its neck, but the couple literally came out of it. Since then, the owners have never parted with the animal.

After Nutmeg turned 30, he often became the center of media attention and was loved by Internet users.

Many saw in the cat’s eyes a unique combination of fatigue, irritation and wisdom, indicating that over many years the animal had managed to understand a lot in life.

The old cat's serious health problems began back in 2013, when he suffered a heart attack. In August, the old animal suffered from a respiratory tract disease and also suffered from heart failure, so the owners decided to euthanize the old cat. Liz and Ian Finlay said they were heartbroken because they loved their furry pet very much.

The secret to his long life, according to the couple, was that he was not their pet. “We were his pets, and he never let us forget about it,” the owners say.

By the way, the oldest cat in history is the black and white Cream Puff from Texas: she died in August 2005 at the age of 38, which is approximately the human age of 170 years. On average, domestic cats live about 15 years.