When to go to bed and wake up. How many hours a day does a schoolchild need to sleep? What happens if you don't sleep enough?

30It is an irrefutable fact that in order to get enough sleep, a person must adhere to a certain sleep rhythm. The best option is night sleep, although there are other methods, for example, the so-called " polyphasic sleep" But let’s take a closer look at the usual sleep pattern.

Everyone knows the feeling when a hated alarm clock pulls you out of your sweet sleep at the most interesting moment. It takes you a long time to come to your senses, to understand where you are, and you feel overwhelmed all day. So what to do?

What time do you go to bed?

Undoubtedly, you need to go to bed before midnight, numerous evidence speaks in favor of this fact. Scientific research. Scientists' conclusions are based on theory circadian rhythms– most biological processes in the human body are subject to cyclic activity. The peak of activity occurs during daytime: from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., respectively. A decline in activity is observed at 21-22 hours, and the minimum is observed from 23 pm to 1 am. It is at this time that the body rests as much as possible. Taking into account the need to get ready for bed and other factors (work, family), the best time to go to bed is considered to be 10 pm. But this is ideal.

What time is best to get up

Human sleep, in turn, also has a cyclical structure - it consists of phases of “rapid” and “slow” sleep. The first cycle lasts about 100 minutes, each subsequent cycle lasts 10-15 minutes less. On average it takes 1 hour 30 minutes per cycle. To get a full night's sleep, you need 4-6 cycles (multiples of the duration of this cycle), that is, on average, sleep should last 6-9 hours. Thus, a person who goes to bed at 10 pm should wake up at 4-7 am, depending on the frequency. This allows you to calculate the time period when the body is in phase REM sleep. This is the easiest time to wake up. But this is ideal.

On average, a person falls asleep in 15 minutes, so if you need to wake up at 6 am, your best bet is to go to bed at 20:45 or 22:15. Using this simple table, you can estimate what time you need to go to bed in order to wake up refreshed. right time. But this is ideal.

Of course, these figures have a highly averaged value, since There is great amount factors influencing sleep duration and quality. This should include:

  1. Floor. It is believed that women should get some sleep more men– for 30-60 minutes on average. This is explained by the characteristics of the female nervous system.
  2. Age. Everyone knows that children sleep much more - newborns 12-16 hours a day, adults - 4-8, older people - 4-6. Accordingly, for these categories, the time of going to bed and waking up may differ significantly.
  3. Nutrition. High-quality composition food affects the duration of sleep and the speed of falling asleep. People who eat a “light” diet, low in fat, fall asleep faster and sleep better. Those who prefer fatty, salty and spicy food, they spend much more time falling asleep, and are sometimes forced to go to bed much earlier, but they sleep just as much.

We hope these little tricks will help you wake up easily and in good mood. Sweet dreams and pleasant awakenings to you.

Source of information: based on materials from marketium.ru

Many students and schoolchildren constantly experience fatigue and lethargy. To avoid this, it is important to know exactly what time you need to go to bed in order to get enough sleep. Such standards exist for 12, 14 years old and for adults. Maintaining a sleep schedule has a positive effect on health. But lack of sleep can have a detrimental effect on many body systems.

When should you go to bed to get enough sleep?

The human body works actively until 18-19 hours. After this, the process of slowing down all rhythms begins. And the transition to the sleep phase is observed from about 21 o'clock. This is the time when you should go to bed at 12 or 14 years old.

If you are not a fan of falling asleep early, then go to bed at 10 pm. So, you definitely won't do any harm. And in the summer you can go to bed even at 23:00. This is due to the fact that the warm period is associated with the highest activity of our biological rhythms.

But you shouldn't fall asleep after midnight. After all, sleep phases up to 0.00 hours cannot be compensated during the night. Sleeping late leads to lack of sleep. This negatively affects both educational process, and on your health.

In addition, you should not make failures. If you go to bed at 22:00 today, and tomorrow at 01:00, then you can get out of the natural rhythm. Then you will feel like you never get enough sleep.

What time do you have to get up?

Awakening the body should be natural. There is no need to fit yourself into strict boundaries. In particular, you should not wake up at dawn. This is not a sign of willpower or hard work, but a murder of the body and nervous system.

Also, don't lie in bed until 10-11 am. This can induce artificial drowsiness. Despite a long rest, you will feel tired all day, accompanied by a bad mood.

We are not always able to control the time we wake up. All people study or work according to a strict schedule. Therefore, it is better to control the time you fall asleep. If you have to get up at 7 am, then force yourself to go to bed at 10 pm. Then getting up won't be another challenge.

What affects our sleep?

The duration of sleep is influenced by the structural features of each organism. But there are 3 factors that are associated with the duration of rest. This:

  1. Gender. Women always sleep slightly more than men;
  2. Age. How older man, those less sleep he needs. This is why grandmothers rise with the sun;
  3. Nutrition. Light food in the evening - this is a guarantee good night. But the stress on the stomach makes the rest long and of poor quality.

Also on night rest habits influence social status, inner experiences. This means you shouldn’t push yourself into strict limits, trying to achieve an imaginary ideal.

What happens if you don't sleep enough?

Many people take sleep lightly. But it's the same important process like eating, drinking or maintaining body temperature. After all chronic lack of sleep is the reason:

  • Headache;
  • Fatigue;
  • Stomach upsets;
  • Heart pain;
  • Vision problems.

Also, people who sleep poorly often suffer from other illnesses. In general, a person can stay awake for about 3-4 days. After this, the nervous system begins to collapse.

You can find out what time you need to go to bed to get enough sleep without the help of doctors and psychologists. Experiment with your daily routine and find optimal solution. Don't tolerate problems with lack of sleep. They can have serious consequences.

IN in social networks instructions have appeared according to which, in order to achieve a healthy and good sleep you need to go to bed early - at 19.00-20.00. Is there any reason to believe this recommendation? AiF in Ulyanovsk correspondent asked about this Head of the Health Center of the Ulyanovsk City Polyclinic No. 1 named after Kirov Sergei Trotsky, who subjected this instruction to critical analysis . It turned out that in reality, with sleep, everything is much more complicated.

Oksana Pereyaslavskaya: How many hours should a person sleep?

Sergei Trotsky: A healthy adult should sleep 6-8 hours.

The optimal bedtime can be calculated very simply, since most people have a schedule tied to work or study. Let’s say you have to be at work by 8. We subtract an hour from this time for breakfast and personal hygiene, and the time to get to work. And then subtract another 6-8 hours needed for sleep. It turns out that if you have to go to work by 8, you need to go to bed no later than ten to twelve in the evening.

Previously, doctors were of the opinion that it was advisable to go to bed at the same time so that there was a routine. This certainly affects The biological clock and makes it easier for the body to function, but now doctors do not adhere to such strict limits. The rhythm of life modern people dynamic: some have a free schedule, some have a shift schedule - every day at the same time they will not be able to go to bed purely physically. You just need to correctly calculate your bedtime according to the above formula and sleep enough hours.

Mysterious instructions that are circulating on social networks. Photo: facebook.com / facebook.com

There are people who use the so-called "technique effective sleep": your six o'clock daily sleep They break it into 2-3 parts and sleep in several stages. For example, they rest for 2 hours after work or study, and then, after a certain period of activity, they “get” another 4 hours of sleep. To what extent does this technique have a right to exist?

This technique has a right to exist, because the body does not have to sleep for 6-8 hours in a row, and in total these people gain the number of hours necessary for rest, which means they satisfy the nervous system’s need for sleep. Another thing is that this technique may not be suitable for everyone. The nervous system can rest, but the person may experience a subjective feeling of lack of sleep. If a person feels well-rested after such split sleep, it is suitable for him, but if he feels tired and lethargic, then it is not.

There is an opinion that going to bed after midnight is ineffective, and it is better not to go to bed at all than to go to bed in the morning. Is it really?

Sleep is a very subtle matter, and a person in a dream goes through several phases of rapid and slow sleep. For normal operation The nervous system needs to go through all these phases; you cannot leave only hours of slow sleep and throw away hours of fast, superficial sleep.

It cannot be said that going to bed in the morning is ineffective. It's better to get the amount of sleep you have left than not to sleep at all. But these few hours will still not be enough, and the person will feel tired during the day. Although even military personnel are entitled to 3-4 hours of sleep during daily guard duty. This is the minimum that a person should spend on rest; not sleeping at all is not physiological.

- What to do if a person has insomnia? Should you always use sleeping pills?

Insomnia problems do not always need to be solved with pills. You can try to relax: swim in the pool, go to the sauna, take a bath, brew Herb tea. If these methods do not help, then you need to consult a doctor, and he will prescribe electrosleep or solve the problem with medication. You cannot prescribe medications on your own.

Some students, when preparing for exams, prefer to stay up the night before the exam and study, as if they will forget everything they learned the night before if they go to bed. How justified are such radical actions?

Before the exam, you don’t need to study literature, but get a good night’s sleep. A sleepless night causes depletion of the nervous system and can have a bad effect on memory.

- How many days can a person go without sleep?

No more than three days, but on the third day the nervous system will be so exhausted that the person will experience extreme inhibition, and the reaction to any events will become inadequate: the death of a close relative can cause a sad grin, and an accidentally crushed bug can cause a state of passion.

Chronic lack of sleep can even cause somatic reactions: indigestion, tingling in the heart area, headaches, blurred vision. In this case, you need to get a good night's sleep, and if the symptoms do not go away, consult a doctor.

Previously, in childhood, we did not even think about this question. Nine in the evening - and go to bed without any conversation. But as we grew older, we began to have much more rights and freedoms :). Now we choose what time we go to bed. And those of us who are lucky enough to become parents ourselves also command our children’s bedtime.

By the way, it’s interesting: we have the right to go to bed at what time we want, but most people still do not have the right to get up when we want. It appears only with the onset of retirement... Sad! But such is the fate of a working person, who must be cheerful and productive at work every day. And in this regard, an important clarification is added to the original question: what time should you go to bed to get enough sleep?

The earlier the better?

Exists well-known rule: an hour of sleep before midnight is equal in its benefits to two hours after it... If we take this literally, then having slept from 20:00 to 24:00, a person is simply obliged to get enough sleep in the same way as when sleeping from 24:00 to 08:00. Alas, in fact this is not the case. Naturally, 4 hours before midnight will not allow you to get as much sleep as 8 hours after!

Some scientists actually talk about greater benefit"before midnight" sleep, but in general sleep is good and valuable at any moment of the night. And if you go to bed after 24:00, there will be no inevitable retribution for this liberty. So it’s not at all necessary to try to go to bed as early as possible. The main thing is that the total duration of sleep is adequate to the needs of the body..

Hours and minutes

So what time should you go to bed? There is no option that would suit all people in the world and there cannot be. Even for the same individual there is no strictly defined indicator - optimal time Bedtime is quite approximate and varies from day to day.

You will never meet a person who will tell you: “Ivan Ivanovich, you should go to bed at 22.47, not a minute earlier or later. Then your sleep will be simply perfect, and in the morning you will wake up as vigorous and fresh as a daisy, and overjoyed you will go towards a new day.”

Don't wait for a ready-made solution. You will have to determine what time you should go to bed on your own. To do this, you need to find answers for yourself three simple questions.

First. Determine your chronotype

Are you a Lark or an Owl? If you are a Lark, then you will feel best when you go to bed at 20.00-22.00, if you are an Owl, then you will like the late bedtime at 00.00-03.00. And representatives of the intermediate type, of which the majority are, can choose any time for themselves: under certain conditions, they can get used to both early and late falling asleep, although they usually prefer the period from 22.00 to 01.00. This is how we determined the approximate time you need to go to bed. Now let's try to narrow the boundaries.

Second question. When do you feel most sleepy?

At what time do you feel most sleepy in the evening? Observe yourself and your condition for 3-4 days. You will notice that from morning to night (this is especially noticeable in the afternoon and evening), approximately every hour and a half, you will be overcome for a few minutes by a feeling of relaxation, lethargy, drowsiness... Alternating episodes of alertness and drowsiness is called the “basic sleep-wake cycle.” Watch yourself and notice when exactly in the evening you want to sleep most. Soon, in the two to three hour period that you chose after determining your chronotype, you will determine 1-2 moments when it is best to go to bed.

And finally, third. Your real possibilities

Let's match needs with capabilities. What time are you must go to bed, you already understand. Now think about it: what time are you you have a real opportunity do this? Frequent situation: an inveterate early riser begins to yawn desperately every evening at exactly 21.00. But he can’t sleep and/or support normal sleep, since the TV in the house continues to work for a couple of hours, conversations are heard and the stomping of feet can be heard.

IN similar cases you need to show persuasiveness, persistence and flexibility: after conducting family council, to legitimize the time when everyone goes to bed or at least starts making less noise. Sometimes this is not possible. For example, if a baby goes to sleep at 11 pm, and his tired mother needs to fall asleep an hour earlier. Here it is worth considering the issue of postponing falling asleep too early. Count the same hour and a half from your ideal time to fall asleep - after waiting for the next attack of drowsiness, you will fall asleep easily and quickly as soon as you get into bed. However, if an hour and a half has not yet passed, but you are tired and feel that you can quickly fall asleep, go to bed immediately when such an opportunity arises.

What time should children and teenagers go to bed?

Not everything is always smooth with children's sleep. The reasons for this are clear. Throughout the life of a child and adolescent, almost until he reaches adulthood, the processes of formation of biorhythms continue. This is especially noticeable in the case of infants and young children. Their sleep duration and frequency changes, often dramatically and unpredictably.

There are lots of tips about organizing baby sleep. But when we're talking about about what time children should go to bed, you need to act according individual scheme. Each parent must understand and suffer (believe me, this word is not superfluous here) the optimal time for the child to fall asleep, relate it to the general family routine, adapt to it and try to carefully change it if it is unacceptable.

There are only two proven and reliable tips on this matter.

  1. Don't be afraid to put your baby to bed early. If your children go to bed earlier than the generally accepted time one evening, this does not mean that they will wake up at the crack of dawn in the morning and not let you get enough sleep. This is amazing feature children's recreation. At night, they can go to bed earlier, sleep through an “extra” sleep cycle, and wake up in the morning as if nothing had happened as usual, quite normal time. After this, they fit into their usual schedule without problems and without deviation from the usual schedule. nap... Use it! In the USA, by the way, it is customary to put small children to bed at 7-8 pm.
  2. If a child is invariably unwell, falls asleep screaming and crying in the evenings, if you have to console and lull him for a long time, stop spoiling nervous system myself and him. WITHMove your usual bedtime an hour later. Dedicate this hour to quiet games, reading, tactile and emotional interaction with the child.

Be patient, and soon the question of what time children should go to bed will cease to interest you. Because your children will always fall asleep at a time that suits you and the whole family.


Observation, simple arithmetic calculations, the ability to negotiate with family... That's all you need to find out what time it is best for you to go to bed. Just keep in mind: looking for the best time to fall asleep only makes sense if you always get up at the same specific hour in the morning. In this case, you will get enough sleep and strengthen the conditioned reflex for the time of falling asleep and waking up.

An indispensable attribute of your good sleep should be not only falling asleep, but also getting up according to the established schedule!

What time should you go to bed to get enough sleep, for you personally?

Let's start from the very beginning. Twelve o'clock at night is the mark at which the Sun is at its lowest point. At this time, the body should be in a state of maximum rest. Even in the ancient Vedas it was said that an adult between the ages of 18 and 45 needs to sleep on average six hours. The best time The period for sleep is considered to be from 21:00 to 3:00 am. There are options from 22:00 pm to 4:00 am, or from 20:00 pm to 2:00 am. One thing you need to take into account is that no matter how your circumstances develop, you must sleep from 22:00 pm to 2:00 am; these hours of sleep cannot be replaced by rest at another time.

Why is it necessary to organize going to bed at 21:00 or 22:00? The fact is that our mind and mind rest most actively from 21:00 to 23:00. By neglecting this information, that is, by going to bed after 23:00 in the evening, a person risks his mental abilities and rationality. They gradually begin to decrease with this bedtime routine. This happens imperceptibly and gradually, so many people find it difficult to notice this kind of change in themselves. The first signs of decreased activity of the mind and mind:

Reduced concentration;

Bad habits intensify;

Willpower decreases;

The desire to sleep, eat and conflict more.

Long repeated late going to bed subsequently leads to excessive mental tension and chronic mental fatigue. There is often a tendency to increase blood pressure, complexion becomes sallow, looks dull and tired, headaches.

If you do not sleep from 23:00 to 1:00 am, then your vitality that circulates in the body suffers. Subsequently, there is a disruption of the nervous and muscular systems. If you don’t sleep at this time of day for several days in a row, you will immediately feel the result of such a late bedtime. This manifests itself in physical and mental weakness, pessimistic mood, lethargy, heaviness throughout the body, and decreased appetite.

Have you already decided what to please your child for the holiday? Great solution may become a fairy tale, the hero of which will be your child!

A story about your child
great gift for him!

A person who is awake from 1:00 to 3:00 in the morning does not give his emotional strength the opportunity to rest. He becomes aggressive and overly irritable.

Of course, we cannot exclude the fact that each of us has his own individual need in a dream. It directly depends on age and compliance with the daily routine. The older a person is, the fewer hours he needs to sleep, although if he constantly violates healthy daily routine, then the need for sleep will always be high. A person's area of ​​activity and constitution are also factors influencing the duration of sleep.

In the case where human activity is associated with strong nervous tension, vanity, then he is supposed to sleep for at least seven hours, and get up no later than 4:00-5:00 in the morning. There are options: sleep for eight hours, then get up at 5:00 -6:00 in the morning. But no matter what case we consider, keep in mind that going to bed after 22:00 pm is harmful to both physical and mental health.

So, we conclude from the above:

You need to sleep on average 6 hours;

The best time to sleep is from 21:00 to 3:00 am;

It is extremely harmful to go to bed after 22:00 pm.

Whether we want it or not, believe it or not, the Sun influences us every second. Observing healthy daily routine, we live in accordance with our nature, we accomplish much more, we feel much more energetic. In we will look at the impact of rising time on our lives and health.

I was with you. See you again!