Severe sweating, what to do in such a situation. Why does a person sweat often and what to do about it?

A large number of people are concerned about the question of why I sweat a lot and what to do if you want to get rid of this unpleasant symptom. It should be noted that such a problem is a common phenomenon; it worries many people in our society. Severe sweating in most cases is a temporary phenomenon, but it can bother a person permanently if the reasons for its occurrence are not determined. We will try to understand why some people sweat and how to quickly get rid of this condition in this article.

There are many reasons why a person sweats, but it is necessary to emphasize that with normal functioning of the sweat glands and the absence of pathological processes associated with their work, sweat should be released normally.

The reasons that a person began to sweat a lot may be:

  1. Physical stress (heavy sweating can occur even when walking).
  2. The influence of stressful situations.
  3. Climate change, which is accompanied by an increase in ambient temperature.
  4. Synthetic materials from which clothing is made, because they do not allow oxygen to pass through well.
  5. Wearing clothes that are too warm.

If this is the cause of excessive sweating, then hyperhidrosis is usually short-lived and disappears after the contributing factors are eliminated. However, the situation can also go the other way, when a person sweats a lot and after these actions this pathological symptom does not disappear. In this case, you need to suspect the presence of some pathological process in the human body that disrupts the normal activity of the sweat glands.

We will now look at the causes of excessive sweating in women, men and children and what to do if a person sweats often in more detail.

Causes of hypersweating in children

Parents very often wonder why their children sweat (the question, why am I sweating a lot, can also arise in children) and what it means. In children, intensive production of sweat is considered normal; they sweat during feeding, sleep and periods of activity. Quite often, the back of the head sweats in young children, this is explained by the fact that the child spends too much time in a lying position, which causes overheating of this particular area of ​​the head. To eliminate this, it is necessary to turn the child's head to the sides from time to time.

Newborn babies and those under one year of age have a large number of folds on their body (especially if they are also chubby), so the body overheats and these areas sweat. To eliminate this symptom, it is recommended to use cream, vegetable oil or baby powder.

Preschoolers and primary schoolchildren most often sweat a lot due to physical activity; the body thus tries to avoid overheating. Therefore, you need to take this into account and not put a lot of clothes on your child if he plays outdoor games, jumps or runs, because he will really sweat.

Heavy sweating can also occur during night sleep. This is explained by the fact that the child’s body reacts to the stress of a nervous nature that he experienced during the day.

A lot of sweat is produced most often in such areas of the body as:

  • back;
  • upper limbs;
  • head.

Hyperhidrosis appears quite often in adolescence, this is explained by the child’s puberty and the fact that the body rebuilds its work. Sweating in this case is local, that is, it manifests itself only in some areas of the body, most often it is:

  • armpits;
  • upper limbs;
  • Feet.

In order to somehow reduce the intensity of sweat secretion in a person, it is necessary to wash as often as possible the areas of the body that are distinguished by the secretion of excess amounts of sweat using soap. The best option is to carry out baths prepared using decoctions of medicinal herbs. Many people who have put such recommendations into practice say that “I have improved my condition so much.”

Causes of excessive sweating in men

Most often, men sweat on the palms of their hands, armpits, back, legs and groin. It should be noted that the sweat has a very pungent odor. There are cases when hyperhidrosis bothers representatives of the stronger half of humanity at night while sleeping. They often ask questions, “why do I sweat a lot, and what exactly does the body react to in this way?”

Excessive sweat production in men occurs as a result of:

  • excessively intense physical activity;
  • abuse of spicy, salty and hot foods;
  • drinking excessive amounts of alcohol-containing drinks;
  • nervous overload.

If excessive sweating appears and it is not associated with the listed factors, then it is necessary to exclude the presence in the body of such pathological conditions and processes as:

  • inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • oncological diseases;
  • cold;
  • diseases of infectious and fungal origin;
  • dysfunction of the cardiovascular system;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Factors that lead to excessive sweat production in women

First of all, it is necessary to emphasize that the causes of sweating in women are the same as in men, however, it is additionally necessary to highlight several more reasons that can lead to the appearance of this unpleasant symptom, namely:

  1. The period of puberty (observed between the ages of 10 and 18 years) is characterized by the restructuring of the girl’s reproductive organs into adults, ready to perform the function of procreation. Excessive sweating in this situation is observed during sleep.
  2. Period. Women are concerned about excessive sweating in the lower extremities, armpits, palms of the hands, head and intimate organs. In this case, there should be no anxiety; to alleviate the condition, it is recommended to take a shower as often as possible.
  3. Menopause. There is excessive sweating in the armpits, face, feet and palms. To alleviate the condition, it is recommended to take medications that are prescribed during this period, as well as traditional recipes.
  4. Violation of metabolic processes. This pathological condition is accompanied not only by excess sweat production, but also by an increase or decrease in body weight.

Measures to combat hyperhidrosis

When diagnosing excessive sweating, various methods are used to combat this pathological condition, namely:

  1. Surgical methods of treatment. Considered the option of choice in case of excessive sweating associated with heredity or chronic diseases. Part of the sweat glands is removed or the nerve impulses that are responsible for their functioning are affected.
  2. Narrowing of the lumen of the tubules responsible for the secretion of sweat.
  3. Drug treatment. The purpose of its implementation is to eliminate the disease that caused the formation of hyperhidrosis.
  4. Treatment with recipes from folk sources. It allows you to eliminate the unpleasant odor of sweat and excess moisture in problem areas of the body.

Elimination of head sweating

In the vast majority of cases, the head of men and women sweats at night. It is not recommended to eliminate this unpleasant symptom by taking measures that reduce blood flow or lead to atrophy of nerve receptors, because these actions will leave a negative impact on the condition of the hair.

If a person sweats in this way, then the way out of this not entirely simple situation is to use masks or rinse with substances such as:

  • Basma;
  • clay;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • strong brew of tea.

The procedures should be carried out before going to bed, this is explained by the fact that it is during sleep that maximum absorption of medicinal substances will occur.

A positive effect is observed when sweating people use a decoction of chamomile and celandine for rinsing. For cooking you need 3 tbsp. l. pour 500 ml of boiling water over the herbs and leave for one hour.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis with recipes from folk sources

It should be noted that the problem of excessive sweating is not so difficult to solve. If you sweat a lot, then the type of prescription must be selected depending on the location of the area with excessive sweat production. A remarkable effect, if the whole body sweats, is observed during general therapeutic baths; their duration should not be less than 30 minutes. In addition to eliminating excessive sweating, a sweaty person will experience cleansing of the skin and restoration of its elasticity. Such baths should be prepared from a decoction of oak bark or from an infusion of sage.

If a person sweats very much, it is recommended to wipe him down (at least twice a day) with chilled tea or milk. In this case, it is forbidden to wipe yourself; it is necessary to allow the liquid to dry on its own.

The best remedy for foot hyperhidrosis is potato starch, or its combination with talcum powder. An even better effect is observed if salicylic acid is added to this mixture. Another remedy that is used to eliminate this pathological symptom is oak bark powder. The selected ingredient must be poured into socks, changing every day.

If a person is concerned about excessive sweating in the facial area, then it is recommended to wash with a solution prepared as follows: add 1 tsp to 250 ml of boiled water. salt.

If frequent sweating has led to the appearance of diaper rash in a person, then marshmallow tincture will help well; it should be lubricated on the affected areas of the skin or made as lotions. To do this, you need to moisten gauze in the infusion and apply it to the desired area of ​​the body for 30 minutes, after which it is recommended to apply powder to the treated area.

Now you have information about why a person can sweat a lot. To summarize, it should be noted that sweating is not a dangerous condition (which in some situations cannot be said about the reasons for its occurrence), you can successfully get rid of it, if not with folk recipes, then with the help of medications. However, before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor.

Starts to sweat. Everyone knows that different people produce sweat in different quantities, and its composition also differs. However, some experience excessive sweating, also known as hyperhidrosis. Why does a person sweat a lot and how to deal with this phenomenon?

In some cases, hyperhidrosis occurs as a side effect of medications. It is best to immediately consult a doctor so that he can rule out the presence of any infection in the body and establish the real cause of excessive sweating.

By the way, infectious diseases are very often the answer to the question of why a person sweats a lot. A striking example of this is tuberculosis. Most often, it is accompanied by a frequent and severe cough, but there are also hidden forms of the disease, in which the only symptoms indicating its presence are general weakness of the body, as well as sweating. The latter can also be caused by influenza and similar viral infections. In this case, as a rule, one of the main symptoms is also an increase in temperature.

Speaking about why a person sweats a lot, it would also be useful to talk about diseases Hyperhidrosis is a concomitant symptom for many of them. First of all, this is, of course, an increased function, also popularly called “goiter” or “bulging eyes”. As a result of a sharp increase in the amount of thyroid hormones in the body, a formation similar to a bird's goiter appears on a person's neck (actually, an enlarged gland itself), and the eyes become extremely bulging. Other symptoms of organ hyperfunction are rapid heartbeat, sudden changes in emotional state. Among the endocrine diseases that lead to hyperhidrosis, diabetes mellitus is also present. By following all the recommendations of an endocrinologist, the condition can be stabilized and excessive sweating can be eliminated.

Another reason why a person sweats a lot is cancer. Many tumor processes are characterized by symptoms such as fever and the release of large amounts of sweat. This can especially apply to tumors of the intestine, as well as female genital organs (in some cases).

Considering the reasons why a person sweats a lot, it is worth saying that many women face a similar problem during pregnancy. The reason for this is changes in the body's hormonal levels. Sometimes sweating processes are normalized during pregnancy, but sometimes they persist even for some time after childbirth. It is not recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers to get carried away with medications, herbal infusions and even traditional hygienic deodorants, and therefore it is worth emphasizing standard activities such as showering, wiping sweaty areas with a damp towel or napkins, etc.

And finally, another probable reason why a person sweats a lot is disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. In this case, sweat can be released from the slightest excitement.

It is important to remember that only a doctor can determine the true cause of hyperhidrosis, and therefore, when faced with this problem, it is better not to delay a visit to the clinic, because it can be a symptom of very serious diseases.

It's no secret that the human body has many sweat glands that produce sweat. The release of moisture is a physiological feature of the body and is necessary for its thermoregulation and release of waste and toxins.

The largest number of sweat glands are located in the armpits, on the feet and palms, as well as in the groin area and under the mammary glands. This is why the maximum amount of sweat is produced in these areas of the body.

If sweating increases due to increased ambient temperature, hard work or physical exertion, then it is understandable. But many people begin to sweat excessively for no apparent reason, and this pathological condition causes them a lot of inconvenience. Indeed, in addition to the fact that with increased sweating, clothes become covered with wet spots, an unpleasant smell of sweat begins to emanate from the person. Excessive sweating is medically called “hyperhidrosis.”

The article describes the reasons that cause severe sweating in both men and women, and ways to cure this ailment.

People, regardless of gender and age, can suffer from excessive sweating. Hyperhidrosis causes a lot of inconvenience and suffering not only for the patient himself, but also for everyone around him.

In some cases, profuse sweat may appear as a result of physiological processes. But sometimes it signals the presence of serious diseases of the body.

External causes of hyperhidrosis

Increased activity of the sweat glands can be caused by a number of external reasons. This includes increased ambient temperature, an unforeseen stressful situation, hard physical work, and high sports loads. But hyperhidrosis caused by these reasons is characterized by its short duration. As soon as the external factor is eliminated, sweating returns to normal.

In these cases, the main cure will be timely hygiene and the use of deodorants and antiperspirants. The action of deodorants is fundamentally different from the work of antiperspirants. Deodorants only muffle the smell of sweat due to the aromatic fragrances they contain. While antiperspirants, in which the active substance is aluminum chloride or zinc salts, affect, reducing sweat production.

To avoid excessive sweating, do not wear clothes made of synthetic materials. Synthetics do not allow air to pass through to the body and prevent the removal of moisture, so a greenhouse effect is created and the body begins to sweat even more. People who suffer from excessive sweating are advised to wear loose clothing made from natural materials, such as cotton, silk or fine wool, as they have the best hygienic qualities and allow the body to breathe freely.

Internal causes of hyperhidrosis

Frequently recurring bouts of heavy sweating indicate the onset of a serious illness. These may be the following deviations.

Types of hyperhidrosis

Depending on whether there are reasons that cause severe sweating or not, two types of disease are distinguished: primary and secondary.

Primary (idiopathic) hyperhidrosis

Increased sweating, called primary hyperhidrosis, is not a symptom of any disease and occurs when the person is completely healthy. Although this form of the disease affects about 1.5% of people on the planet, the causes of this pathology are up to the end has not yet been studied. Very often, primary hyperhidrosis is inherited, from the older generation to the younger. With this type of disease, one part of the body sweats, for example, the armpits, palms or feet. Less commonly, increased sweating affects the entire body.

If a person’s increased sweating is a consequence of some understandable reasons, then this type of disease is called secondary hyperhidrosis. There are many reasons for its appearance. These include various chronic diseases, emotional tension, and taking a number of medications. In this form of the disease, the whole body is severe. Having identified excessive sweating throughout the body, you need to consult a doctor, undergo the necessary examination and determine ways to treat the disease.

In addition to dividing the disease into two types, excessive sweating can differ in the surface area of ​​the skin affected by the lesion.

With this type, excessive sweating is noticeable throughout the entire body, including the back and chest. Such hyperhidrosis always appears as a result of taking medications or other diseases. It can develop in pregnant women, during menopause and during the menstrual cycle.

Localized hyperhidrosis

With localized hyperhidrosis, sweating affects only one specific part of the body, such as the armpits, feet, palms, and neck. Most often, this type of disease is transmitted genetically and refers to primary hyperhidrosis. If the sweat itself does not carry a foreign odor, then with local hyperhidrosis bromidrosis or chromidrosis may develop.

Bromidrosis is characterized by the appearance of a fetid odor in sweat associated with eating spicy and smelly foods, as well as neglecting hygiene rules. If the patient’s diet contains a large amount of onions, garlic, and pepper, then the sweat acquires an unpleasant odor. When a person neglects personal hygiene, bacteria that inhabit the skin and decompose the protein released from the body create foul-smelling compounds with, sulfur and hydrogen sulfide.

With chromidrosis, sweat turns different colors. This disease is mainly associated with chemical poisoning.

It begins after eating hot or spicy foods. With gustatory hyperhidrosis, only the upper lip, nose and skin around the mouth sweat.

Heavy sweating during sleep

Increased sweating at night during sleep occurs the same in everyone, regardless of gender and age. Such sweating can be either primary or secondary. Moreover, in the second case, severe sweating is associated with severe infectious or cancerous diseases, especially if the patient’s weight drops sharply with sweating and the body temperature remains above normal for a long time.

If, apart from night sweats, nothing else worries a person, then hyperhidrosis does not cause any concern. In this case, the disease begins against a background of fatigue or irritation. In order to eliminate this pathological condition, it is enough to make yourself a comfortable bed, create a comfortable temperature in the room, and sometimes lose weight.

Increased sweating when working

During physical work, muscles produce a huge amount of thermal energy, which is removed by releasing sweat onto the surface of the human skin. This process is completely natural and protects the human body from overheating during heat and heavy exercise. It is impossible to completely get rid of sweating when doing work, but if sweating is very bothersome, it can be reduced a little.

To cope with this problem, it is necessary to wear light clothing during heavy work or sports activities that allow the body to breathe. Knowing that you will soon have to sweat, it is advisable to treat the armpits and feet, that is, those places where sweating is most profuse, with antiperspirants. You should not treat large areas with deodorizing agents, as they impede the work of the sweat glands and can cause overheating.

Increased sweating during menopause

During menopause, a fundamental hormonal change occurs in the female body. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that with the onset of menopause, many of the female representatives suffer from excessive sweating. Over time, when menstruation finally stops and the female body moves to a new stage of functioning, both hot flashes and excessive sweating will go away on their own. But this does not mean at all that a woman should suffer and endure inconveniences caused by the physiology of her body throughout the transition period.

Modern pharmacologists have developed many medications that can alleviate a woman’s condition during menopause. To reduce sweating, you need to see a doctor who will select a medicine or homeopathic remedy.

Treatment methods for hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is a long-standing, well-studied disease, so in traditional and folk medicine there are many methods and medications to combat the problem. For all types of disease, treatment agents perform the same functions. They cannot eliminate the cause of the disease, but they do an excellent job of treating the symptoms themselves, sweating and odor, the reduction of which is ensured by blocking the sweat glands. In the case when sweating is a consequence of some disease, it is necessary to treat the disease itself. Today, there are the following methods to reduce sweat.

  • Deodorants, antiperspirants.

These cosmetic anti-sweat preparations are applied directly to the skin in areas of abundant moisture and are the simplest and safest means of treating hyperhidrosis, used in the early stages of the disease. The effect of deodorants is limited to masking the unpleasant odor with the help of aromatic fragrances. Antiperspirants affect the functioning of the sweat glands due to the aluminum chloride found in their composition, thereby slowing down sweating.

Heavy sweating brings a lot of trouble to a person. By identifying the cause of the disease and choosing a treatment method, you can say goodbye to hyperhidrosis forever.

In medical practice, excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis (from the Greek hyper - “increased”, “excessive”, hidros - “sweat”), is profuse sweating that is not associated with physical factors, such as overheating, intense physical activity, high ambient temperature, etc.

Sweating occurs in our body constantly; it is a physiological process in which the sweat glands secrete a watery secretion (sweat). This is necessary to protect the body from overheating (hyperthermia) and maintain its self-regulation (homeostasis): sweat, evaporating from the skin, cools the surface of the body and reduces its temperature.

So, in the article we will talk about such a phenomenon as excessive sweating. We will consider the causes and treatment of hyperhidrosis. We will also talk about generalized and local forms of pathology.

Excessive sweating in healthy people

In the body of a healthy person, sweating increases at air temperatures above 20-25 degrees, during psycho-emotional and physical stress. Physical activity and low relative humidity contribute to increased heat transfer - thermoregulation is carried out, overheating of the body is not allowed. Conversely, in a humid environment where the air is still, sweat does not evaporate. This is why it is not recommended to stay in a steam room or bathhouse for a long time.

Sweating increases with excessive fluid intake, so if you are in a room where the air temperature is high, or during intense physical activity, you should not drink a lot of water.

Stimulation of sweat secretion also occurs in the case of psycho-emotional arousal, so increased sweating of the body can be observed when a person experiences strong emotions, such as fear or excitement.

All of the above are physiological phenomena that are characteristic of healthy people. Pathological disorders of sweating are expressed in an excessive increase or, conversely, a decrease in sweat secretion, as well as a change in its smell.

Physiology of the sweating process

Wet armpits, damp soles and palms, a pungent odor of sweat - all this does not add confidence to a person and is perceived negatively by others. It’s not easy for people who sweat excessively. The reasons for this condition can be found out if you understand the physiology of the sweating process as a whole.

So, sweating is a natural mechanism that ensures cooling of the body and removal of toxic substances, excess fluid, products of water-salt metabolism and decay. It is no coincidence that some medications that are excreted from the body through the skin give sweat a blue-green, reddish or yellowish tint.

Sweat is secreted by sweat glands located in the subcutaneous fat. The greatest number of them is observed on the palms, armpits and feet. In terms of chemical composition, sweat is 97-99 percent water and salt impurities (sulfates, phosphates, potassium and sodium chlorides), as well as other organic substances. The concentration of these substances in sweat secretion varies from person to person, and therefore each person has an individual smell of sweat. In addition, bacteria present on the surface of the skin and the secretion of the sebaceous glands are mixed into the composition.

Causes of hyperhidrosis

Modern medicine cannot yet give a clear answer to the question of what causes this disorder. But it is known that it develops, as a rule, against the background of chronic infectious diseases, pathologies of the thyroid gland, and oncological diseases. Increased sweating of the head in women, oddly enough, can be observed during pregnancy. In addition, a similar phenomenon occurs with ARVI, accompanied by high fever, taking certain medications, and metabolic disorders. Another reason for increased sweating of the head is allergies. This form of hyperhidrosis can also be triggered by stress, poor diet, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.

Sweating on the face

This is also quite a rare occurrence. It is also called granifacial hyperhidrosis or sweaty face syndrome. For many people, this is a big problem, since it is almost impossible to mask the sweat in this area. As a result, public speaking, and sometimes even ordinary communication, becomes overwhelming. Excessive facial sweating in severe form can lead to major psychological problems: a person becomes withdrawn, suffers from low self-esteem and tries to avoid social contacts.

This type of hyperhidrosis can be caused by increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system. The problem is often combined with excessive sweating of the palms and blushing syndrome (sudden appearance of red spots), against which erythrophobia (fear of blushing) can develop. Facial hyperhidrosis can appear due to dermatological disorders, hormonal causes, or as a result of a reaction to medications.

Sweating during menopause

In women, excessive sweating may be associated with impaired thermoregulation due to hormonal changes. In this case, so-called tides occur. Incorrect impulses from the nervous system cause blood vessels to dilate, and this inevitably leads to overheating of the body, which, in turn, gives an impulse to the sweat glands, and they begin to actively secrete sweat in order to normalize body temperature. During menopause, hyperhidrosis is usually localized in the armpits and face. It is important to monitor your diet during this period. You need to eat more vegetables, as the phytosterols they contain can reduce the strength and number of hot flashes. It is recommended to replace coffee with green tea, which helps remove toxins. Spicy foods and alcohol should be excluded from the diet as they increase sweat production.

When increased sweating occurs in women during menopause, treatment should be comprehensive. It is necessary to take vitamins, lead an active life, maintain personal hygiene, use antiperspirants and look positively at the surrounding reality. With this approach, you will definitely win in the fight against hyperhidrosis.

Excessive sweating in a child

Excessive sweating is quite common in children. But this phenomenon should alert parents, since it may indicate the presence of a serious illness. To find out the nature of the symptom, you need to contact your pediatrician. Excessive sweating in a child may be accompanied by restless sleep or insomnia, changes in behavior, crying and whims for no apparent reason. What causes this condition?

  • Lack of vitamin D. In children under two years of age, excessive sweating may be a symptom of rickets. In this case, during feeding, you can see distinct droplets of sweat on the baby’s face, and at night his head sweats, especially in the occipital region, so in the morning the entire pillow becomes wet. In addition to sweating, the child experiences itching in the head area, the baby becomes lethargic or, conversely, restless and capricious.
  • Colds. Sore throat, flu and other similar ailments are often accompanied by an increase in body temperature, which leads to increased sweating in children.
  • Lymphatic diathesis. This pathology occurs in children three to seven years old and is manifested by enlarged lymph nodes, high irritability and hyperhidrosis. It is recommended to bathe the child more often and engage in physical therapy exercises with him.
  • Heart failure. If there are disturbances in the functioning of the heart, this affects the functioning of all organs and systems, including the sweat glands. One of the alarming symptoms in this case is cold sweat.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia. This disease in children can manifest itself as essential hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating in the area of ​​​​the feet and palms.

It should be remembered that increased sweating in children can be a physiological temporary phenomenon. Babies often sweat when they don't get enough sleep, are tired or worried.

Non-surgical treatment

If hyperhidrosis is not a symptom of any disease, then in medical practice it is treated conservatively, using drug therapy, antiperspirants, psycho- and physiotherapeutic methods.

If we talk about drug therapy, different groups of drugs can be used. The prescription of a particular medication depends on the severity of the pathology and existing contraindications.

For people with an unstable, labile nervous system, tranquilizers and sedatives (sedative herbal mixtures, medicines containing motherwort, valerian) are indicated. They reduce excitability and help fight daily stress, which acts as a factor in the occurrence of hyperhidrosis.

Medicines containing atropine reduce the secretion of sweat glands.

Antiperspirants should also be used. They have a local effect and prevent sweating due to their chemical composition, including salicylic acid, ethyl alcohol, aluminum and zinc salts, formaldehyde, triclosan. Such drugs narrow or even completely block the excretory ducts of the sweat glands, and thus block the excretion of sweat. However, when using them, negative phenomena may be observed, such as dermatitis, allergies and swelling at the site of application.

Psychotherapeutic treatment is aimed at eliminating the patient's psychological problems. For example, you can cope with your fears and learn to keep your emotions under control with the help of hypnosis.

Among the physiotherapeutic methods, hydrotherapy (contrast showers, pine-salt baths) is widely used. Such procedures have a general strengthening effect on the nervous system. Another method is electrosleep, which involves exposing the brain to a pulsed low-frequency current. The therapeutic effect is achieved by improving the activity of the autonomic nervous system.

Excessive sweating in men and women is now also treated with Botox injections. With this procedure, the pharmacological effect is achieved due to long-term blocking of the nerve endings that innervate the sweat glands, as a result of which sweating is significantly reduced.

All of the above conservative methods, when used in combination, can achieve lasting clinical results for a certain time, but do not radically solve the problem. If you want to get rid of hyperhidrosis once and for all, you should pay attention to surgical treatment.

Local surgical methods of treatment

  • Curettage. This operation involves the destruction of nerve endings and subsequent removal of sweat glands in the area where excessive sweating occurs. Surgical procedures are performed under local anesthesia. A 10-mm puncture is made in the area of ​​hyperhidrosis, as a result of which the skin peels off, and then scraping is carried out from the inside. Most often, curettage is used in cases of excessive sweating of the armpits.

  • Liposuction. This surgical procedure is indicated for overweight people. During the operation, the nerves of the sympathetic trunk are destroyed, due to which the action of the impulse that provokes sweating is suppressed. The technique used to perform liposuction is similar to curettage. A puncture is made in the area of ​​hyperhidrosis, a small tube is inserted into it, through which the nerve endings of the sympathetic trunk are then destroyed and the fiber is removed. If an accumulation of fluid forms under the skin, it is removed using a puncture.
  • Skin excision. This manipulation gives good results in the treatment of hyperhidrosis. But at the site of exposure there remains a scar about three centimeters long. During the operation, the area of ​​increased sweating is identified and completely excised.

In medicine, there is such a thing as hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating. This phenomenon can be either an independent pathology or a symptom of a disease. Hyperhidrosis is a common symptom of diabetes, thyroid problems, or an infectious disease. How do you understand when sweating becomes abnormal, and in what cases you need to deal with it?

Sweating is a natural process and a normal reaction of the body to protect it from overheating. The amount of sweat produced directly depends on what a person is doing or what temperature conditions he is in, because it is impossible to sweat the same way at noon in the desert and in the evening in the Arctic. An absolutely normal, natural increase in sweat production is caused by the following reasons:

  • high air temperature, unusual for the body;
  • physical activity, such as sports or heavy work;
  • state of excitement, stress, nervous tension, fear.

At the same time, excessive sweating can be an individual characteristic of a person, which causes some discomfort and does not have the best effect on the psychological state, since it reduces the quality of life.

But this problem can be easily overcome with the help of modern care and hygiene products. Today there are many strong deodorants - antiperspirants that lock sweat in place. It is much more dangerous if sweating is caused by a disease, in which case it is necessary to look for the cause of hyperhidrosis and first of all treat the underlying disease.

Signs of hyperhidrosis

When can increased sweat production be considered abnormal? Doctors advise you to think about treatment if you sweat a lot, regardless of weather conditions, physical activity or psychological state. At the same time, sweat is released so profusely that no deodorants or other hygiene products help, and you have to wash and change clothes several times a day. Another cause for concern is the unpleasant, pungent smell of sweat, which forces people around you to avoid communication or stay away from you.

Excessive sweating, from the point of view of doctors, is of two types: local and generalized.

Local pathology, that is, limited to certain areas of the body, is usually “prescribed” in the following areas:

  • palms, feet, ;
  • face, area above the upper lip;
  • groin area;
  • bends of legs and arms.

It is believed that the local form of excessive sweating affects from 1% to 3% of the population and the first manifestations of the disease occur in adolescence. Experts do not consider this condition a sign of a serious illness. In most cases, the local form of increased sweating is associated with minor disorders in the nervous system or hereditary predisposition.

From a medical point of view, a generalized type of hyperhidrosis is a manifestation of pathology. In this case, profuse sweating is observed throughout the body, which is associated with a number of diseases. Therefore, if such a symptom appears, it is necessary to undergo a full medical examination.

Excessive sweating does not require correction or treatment in the following cases:

  1. in adolescence, during puberty;
  2. during pregnancy;
  3. during menopause and the corresponding restructuring of the body;
  4. when changing the climate zone to a hotter one.

Also, doctors do not consider treatment of pathology justified in cases of diseases or dysfunctions of the body such as:

  • somatic;
  • endocrine;
  • neurological;
  • hormonal;
  • metabolic failures;
  • drug treatment

In these cases, as in a number of others, hyperhidrosis is only a symptom, that is, a consequence of some illness in the body; accordingly, the disease itself should be treated, and not its manifestation.

Increased sweating at night

When a person sleeps, all processes in his body slow down, so excessive sweating during sleep is an anomaly, and if it occurs, you should consult a doctor. Of course, provided that the appearance of sweat is not due to reasons such as an overly hot room, an overly warm blanket or nightmares. Excessive sweating at night can indicate the presence of a number of serious diseases, for example:

  • influenza or acute respiratory viral infection;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis of any kind;
  • vegetative-vascular diseases;
  • various malignant formations, tumors, including cancerous ones;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • immune or hormonal disorders;
  • fungal infections;
  • all types of hepatitis;
  • HIV or AIDS.

This is an incomplete list of those ailments that may be indicated by excessive sweating during sleep. Travelers and tourists returning from trips to tropical countries (especially Asia or Africa) should be especially attentive to such a symptom. In this case, night sweats may be the first sign of infection with an exotic virus.

Causes of excessive sweating

Increased sweating in certain areas often runs in families and is inherited. Local, that is, local, hyperhidrosis is divided into two types:

  1. taste;
  2. idiopathic.

Gustatory hyperhidrosis occurs after consuming any food or drink, and is localized on the face, usually above the upper lip or on the forehead. The most common culprits for this phenomenon are:

  • hot chocolate;
  • coffee;
  • heavy spicy food (for example, khash or solyanka);
  • spices such as pepper or curry.

The idiopathic type of pathology is mainly caused by severe irritation or an initially high level of activity of the autonomic nervous system. Most often, such sweating occurs between the ages of 16 and 30 years. This is the period of life when a person experiences the strongest emotional experiences. Typically, sweat is concentrated in three areas: on the palms, soles, and armpits.

Excessive sweating in women is additionally caused by the following reasons:

  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • pregnancy;
  • menopause.

Excessive sweating in men has other characteristics and appears when:

  • sports or just physical activity;
  • heart diseases (including arrhythmia);
  • prolonged stress.

With generalized hyperhidrosis, the causes usually lie in a specific disease. Excessive sweating accompanies such “dormant” ailments in the body as diabetes, vascular pathologies, and thyroid diseases. In addition, sweating throughout the body may occur under the following conditions:

  • infectious and colds;
  • all forms of tuberculosis;
  • malaria, synthecymia or brutellosis;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • hypertension;
  • all kidney diseases, in which the body removes excess moisture in a “back-up” way;
  • acromegaly - dysfunction of the pituitary gland, one of the symptoms of which is sudden sudden sweating throughout the body;
  • pheochromocytoma, an insidious disease that is often disguised as symptoms of hypertension and manifests itself in the form of severe sweating of the body;
  • oncological diseases are accompanied by increased sweating in the evenings, at rest (for example, when watching TV);
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • illnesses affecting the nervous system, for example, Parkinson's disease, neurosyphilis, strokes;
  • consequences of taking medications, for example, analgesics, insulin, aspirin-containing drugs if the dosage is incorrect or taken for too long;
  • psychosomatic disorders and disorders such as stress, panic attacks, depression, paranoia are often accompanied by severe sweating.

Let us separately dwell on excessive sweating of the feet, which is not always caused by any disease. Often the reason is completely banal - incorrectly selected shoes. The material from which the “clothing” for the legs is made is of great importance.

Synthetic shoes do not allow the skin to breathe and thereby create conditions for increased sweating. However, using foot deodorants will not have a positive effect. In addition, many people wear synthetic socks, which only aggravates the problem. Therefore, if you have hyperhidrosis of the feet, you need to wear only cotton socks and take care of finding high-quality shoes made of genuine leather that will provide the necessary ventilation and air access.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of excessive sweating, like any other disease, begins with a visit to a specialist. During the appointment, the doctor will ask whether the person sweats constantly or whether it happens from time to time, and whether sweating increases under stress.

During the conversation, the specialist should find out whether the immediate family suffered from similar symptoms, at what time of day the person sweats, which areas are affected, and assess the general condition of the patient in order to exclude infectious diseases.

Very often, the reason for the progression of hyperhidrosis is the person himself, as he begins to worry about his own sweat, experiencing discomfort in life and at work because of it. These thoughts and worries trigger psychosomatic mechanisms, increasing the symptoms of the pathological condition.

Excessive sweating in a child requires special attention. If the baby is not predisposed to sweating and does not genetically suffer from allergies, and an older child has not yet entered puberty, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor and undergo a full examination.

In children, excessive sweating is almost always a symptom of serious illnesses (for example, heart disease). Therefore, if a child sweats profusely for no objective reason, this is an alarm signal that cannot be ignored.

Therapy methods

Modern medicine uses the following methods and With remedies for excessive sweating:

  • drug treatment;
  • use of antiperspirants;
  • physiotherapy;
  • cosmetic procedures (Botox, laser);
  • surgery.

Medical antiperspirants are in steady demand for hyperhidrosis. One bottle of a product such as Maxim will be enough for intensive use throughout the year. Drydry deodorant is less economical, the package will last for six months, and Odaban is the strongest, the effect of one application lasts up to 10 days.

Most antiperspirants contain special components that prevent sweating. These are aluminum salts, zinc salts, salicylic acid, ethyl alcohol. The effect of these substances is to narrow or completely block the excretory channels of the sweat glands, which helps reduce sweat production. However, regular use of such products can cause dermatitis, allergic reactions, or swelling and inflammation in the area of ​​blocked ducts.

Drug correction is widely used to stop excessive sweating based on drugs containing alkaloids (bellataminal, bellaspon, belloid). These drugs reduce excessive activity of the sweat glands and do not cause dependence on the intake.

If the cause of hyperhidrosis is a dysfunction of the nervous system, sedatives (valerian, motherwort, belladonna preparations), physical therapy or yoga are recommended. For people with an unstable, labile nervous system, the doctor usually prescribes tranquilizers that reduce increased excitability, help cope with stress and thus eliminate the cause of hyperhidrosis.

Physiotherapeutic methods

Physiotherapeutic procedures provide a good therapeutic effect. For example, hydrotherapy and the use of contrast showers and pine-salt baths have a general strengthening effect and reduce the excitability of the nervous system.

Electrosleep, a therapeutic method based on the effect of low-frequency impulses directly on the brain, has a particularly beneficial effect. Electrosleep sessions have a pronounced sedative effect, inhibit nervous excitement and strengthen the autonomic system.

Another common method is therapeutic electrophoresis, during which problem areas are exposed to constant electric current in combination with medications. This effect causes temporary dehydration of the area with increased sweating, and the active components of the drugs penetrate the skin and prevent sweat production for up to 20 days.

Popular methods
  1. Botox injections. One of the most modern methods of treating hyperhidrosis is Botox injections, which block the nerve endings in the sweat glands for a long period (up to 6 months) and prevent excessive sweat production. You can inject Botox into a problem area in a beauty salon, but the procedure should only be performed by an experienced cosmetologist.
  2. Laser treatment. The latest development by experts in the field of cosmetology is a laser method for treating hyperhidrosis. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia. The essence of the method is to use the thermal radiation of a neodymium laser, which destroys the sweat glands. In just one session, you can completely cure axillary hyperhidrosis. The procedure is practically painless, does not require preliminary preparation and does not cause complications.
  3. Surgery. This is the most radical way to combat hyperhidrosis, which is associated with a certain risk. Therefore, they resort to it only in especially severe cases and after conservative treatment has not brought results. There are both local and central methods of surgical treatment. The specialist decides which one to choose after assessing the patient’s condition and possible risks. Most interventions are aimed at removing part of the sweat glands in order to normalize the sweating process.

Folk remedies

The traditional, popularly accepted methods of combating excess sweat include three areas:

  • hygiene;
  • sedatives;
  • measures against odor.

Body hygiene involves visiting a bathhouse, with a mandatory steam room and brooms, which should contain not only leaves, but also birch buds. This method, in addition to the pronounced hygienic effect, “drives” many ailments out of the body.

Herbal teas made from mint, lemon balm, motherwort and other medicinal plants that have a calming effect and eliminate psychosomatic disorders are recommended. Measures aimed at combating sweat odor include the use of various natural deodorant substitutes, such as fruits or herbs with a pleasant, fresh smell, which can be used to treat the armpit area.

Tinctures for wiping problem areas prepared on the basis of medicinal plants (chamomile, birch buds, mint, sage, oak bark) provide an excellent effect. You can take pine baths two or three times a week, adding a few drops of a weak solution of potassium permanganate to the water.

To treat feet, people use a mixture of talc and starch or boric acid powder. It is enough to treat them with this powder every evening after washing your feet to reduce excessive sweating.

Excessive sweating of the body can be a sign of various ailments, an independent pathology, or simply an individual characteristic of a particular person. In any case, it is quite possible to solve this unpleasant problem; for this purpose, doctors have enough tools and opportunities in their arsenal.