How does a dog behave after a cesarean section? Feeding a dog after a caesarean section. Differences between large and small breeds

Nature has made sure that the delivery and birth of offspring in animals takes place without outside help from the human side. Read more about. However, there are cases when self-delivery by a dog is impossible for a number of reasons. In this case, in order to save her and the puppies, the owner must contact a veterinary clinic, where a caesarean section will be performed.

You can learn about all this right now about the features of this intervention, in what situations a dog is required to have a cesarean section, how it is performed and how to care for the dog after the operation...

When and why do dogs undergo caesarean section?

Operation caesarean section is alternative way delivery if all other options have been exhausted. The veterinarian has the right to prescribe it if there is a pregnancy transfer - it lasts more than 65 days, an ultrasound scan showed that the pregnancy is multiple, and the puppies themselves are large enough to pass through the birth canal without threatening the life of the dog itself, or if they are lying incorrectly. I also prescribe a caesarean section if the offspring died in the womb or an ultrasound scan showed its congenital deformity.

If your dog begins to give birth, but you see that labor pains are dragging on and delivery does not occur within several hours, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. After all, your delay may cost the lives of both the puppies and their mother.

Interesting facts about caesarean section for dogs

Below we give you the main points that you should know about this operation:

  • A caesarean section can be performed as planned - at the onset of labor or before the 56th day of pregnancy, or urgently - if natural labor activity is not productive. If we are talking about a planned caesarean section, then the dog should not be fed for 18 hours before it. She is given only water to drink. In the case of an emergency cesarean section, it is very important to transport the animal to the veterinary clinic as quickly as possible after the onset of contractions, where it will receive veterinary care. As practice shows, You can count on a favorable outcome of the operation for the puppies and the dog itself if the operation is performed within the first 6 hours from the onset of labor. The later you seek help, the greater the risk of losing everyone.
  • The operation is performed under general anesthesia for the dog. Does not provide anesthesia negative influence on her health and the health of the puppies.
  • In the event of a cesarean section, the dog’s lactation processes are not disrupted, and it will be able to feed its offspring on its own.
  • In the future, the dog will be able to become pregnant and give birth on its own if it has no contraindications to this.
  • During cesarean section, the animal can also be sterilized at the request of the owners. As a rule, such a decision is made if subsequent pregnancies and births threaten the health and life of the dog itself.

We will not go into the intricacies of the operation - this is a matter for veterinarians. Let's just say that the operation itself can last up to several hours, and the risks of timely application– minimal.

How to care for a dog after a caesarean section

It is much more important to know how to properly care for a dog after a cesarean section. After all, without proper care, the recovery process can be delayed. So, you will have to take on the role of a nanny and caregiver, often offer the dog to drink water (you can use a syringe without a needle), and take it to the toilet.

Feeding a dog after a caesarean section

In order for your dog to have milk and be able to feed her offspring, take care of her high-calorie and nutritious diet. However, it is better to avoid meat during the rehabilitation period. Give preference to specialized soft foods, give them in small portions, gradually increasing their volume to the usual norm.

Cases when a dog cannot, for a number of reasons, give birth on its own are quite rare. To save the animal and puppies, the help of a veterinarian is needed. Cesarean sections in dogs must be performed under special conditions. Contact the clinic. They will help you properly organize the care of your animal after surgery.

When and why is caesarean section performed on dogs?

This operation is performed only if other methods are ineffective or life-threatening for your pet.

It is prescribed subject to:

  • transfer of pregnancy, starting from 65 days;
  • multiple births or the presence of large puppies;
  • incorrect positioning of the fetus;
  • congenital deformities of puppies or their death in the womb.

Surgical intervention is also necessary when labor has begun, when contractions are prolonged for a long time. The animal cannot be born again for many hours. This is a mortal danger for the mother and fetuses. Then urgent veterinary help is needed.


U French bulldogs, Yorkies and Toy Terriers – narrow pelvis, a factor that makes it difficult for the fetus to pass through birth canal. Veterinarians usually prescribe induced births for dogs of these breeds.

Caesarean section in dogs: features of the operation

The operation can be planned or emergency. Before the planned intervention, the dog is not fed for about a day and is not allowed to drink water for about 6-8 hours. The onset of contractions is a signal to transport the dog to the veterinary clinic. Seeking help late dramatically reduces the chances of a successful outcome.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. Some owners also use it for incidental sterilization to avoid mortal danger for your pet in the future.

How to care for a dog after a caesarean section

Proper care of the animal after surgery is extremely important. Time should be reduced as much as possible recovery process. Let the dog drink from a syringe, take him out in time for a drink. After removing the anesthetic drugs, apply the puppies to the mother's nipples.

Nutrition of the animal after cesarean

Make sure puppies have the opportunity to grow fully. Dog after caesarean section must produce good milk. For this you need proper organization high-calorie diet. During rehabilitation, exclude the animal from the menu meat products. Buy specialized soft food. The volume of portions must be increased gradually.

Treatment of postoperative sutures

At the veterinary clinic you will receive information about drug treatment and suture treatment. For this purpose, a chlorhexidine solution is used. After it dries, Levomekol ointment is applied.

Dog after cesarean for five days is exposed to danger (development infectious process), That's why:

  • she is prescribed vitamin therapy;
  • prescribed after discovery dead puppies a course of antibiotics;
  • give minimal doses Vaseline oil if she has problems with bowel movements.

Well-healed wounds allow the stitches to be removed after 8-10 days in the clinic or at home. If you want to solve the problem yourself, carry out the manipulation slowly, carefully securing the dog. To do this, you need the help of one of your relatives or friends. Special attention pay attention to sterilization of instruments. Try not to touch soft tissue.

Treat the seams with iodine. After drying, you should lift the thread to see the clean part. At this point the thread is cut and pulled out with tweezers. Do not cut the thread at the junction - knots may remain, which will then interfere with pulling it out.

A cesarean section is necessary for a dog if all possible therapeutic assistance for obstetrics has been exhausted. This operation is necessary, it is delayed (more than 65 days), the fruits are too large or they have incorrect position, died or have congenital deformities.

Also warning signs are prolonged labor pains, which normal birth They don’t bring it. Also, indications for caesarean section are pelvic narrowness or torsion of the uterine horns. There are also dog breeds that naturally English bulldogs, for example, cannot give birth.

Cesarean section procedure in dogs

  • A caesarean section can be performed either urgently or planned.
  • The operation is performed before the 56th day of pregnancy. It is best at the preparatory stage of labor.
  • Before planned operation The dog is kept on the same water for 18 hours.
  • During an emergency caesarean section, it is important to get the animal to the clinic on time.
  • A favorable prognosis for the health of the giving birth bitch and puppies can only be achieved within the first 6 hours from the onset of labor.
  • The operation is performed under general anesthesia.

Operation price

Its cost can range from 4,000 to 8,000 rubles.

Caesarean section does not negatively affect the health of the giving birth bitch and puppies and does not reduce lactation. In addition, there are no contraindications after this operation for future pregnancies and childbirth.

Caring for your dog after a caesarean section

Upon returning home from the clinic, the dog needs special care. She needs to be offered water in a syringe very often, and also taken to the toilet. Only when the bitch has completely recovered from the anesthesia can puppies be placed on her nipples so that she does not crush them. The dog's food should be quickly digestible and high in calories.

Excellent for this, which is given in small portions, gradually increasing them to the usual rate. It is better not to give during the rehabilitation period. The doctor will definitely prescribe drug treatment and will tell you what procedures need to be carried out to treat the postoperative suture.

Most often, it is recommended to treat the suture with chlorhexidine and then apply

Caesarean section in dogs is complex operation, which is carried out with the aim of removing puppies from the uterus. This operation is the most frequently performed emergency procedure when a pregnant animal has difficulty with natural childbirth. Most dogs recover from surgery fairly quickly, however, if your dog was in labor for several hours before the C-section, she will take longer to recover and will also need extra attention and help with the puppies.

What care does a dog need during the recovery period?

The dog was injected with an anesthetic, which should quickly leave the body. most dogs fully recover from anesthesia by the time they are discharged home. Full recovery recovery from anesthesia can take from 2 to 6 hours, depending on the drugs used, physical condition the animal and its age at the time of surgery, as well as the duration of labor that continued before the operation.

During the first time after surgery, the dog should be kept under close attention so that it does not fall and cause pain to itself or the puppies. Puppies should not be left alone with her until she is fully conscious and can begin caring for them on her own.

The dog should start eating a few hours after surgery. You should offer her a small amount of food and water every 15-30 minutes. If she eats food too quickly, she may vomit. The dog's food intake during this time can increase up to 1.5 times its normal intake. In the third or fourth week of feeding puppies, her food intake may increase 2-3 times. Throughout the feeding period, the animal needs quality feed for nursing dogs to provide good nutrition both her and the puppies.

The dog's temperature during the first 1-3 days after birth may rise 0.5-1°C above normal, but then it should return to normal (37.8º-38.9ºC). Do not give it to your dog without consulting your veterinarian. acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin or acetaminophen. If your pet's temperature rises above 40°C, you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible and seek veterinary help.

What to do if your dog has bloody discharge from the vulva?

Discharge containing blood is normal process, which can last up to 3-7 days after birth. The discharge may be very heavy during the first 1-3 days, but then it will begin to decrease. If the discharge continues for more than a week, or if it changes color or smells, your dog should be checked for infection or other complications. If the dog has been sterilized (ovariohysterectomy), then there should be virtually no discharge.

When should sutures be removed?

Sutures may or may not be removed depending on the suture material used. If internal absorbable sutures were used that are not visible, they do not require removal. If sutures are visible, they are usually removed within 10-14 days after a cesarean section.

How to take care of puppies?

Puppies will require care immediately upon arrival home. Although your dog may be sleepy, to feed the puppies on his own, you can gently lay him down comfortable spot, and place the puppies next to her. Then, if the puppies are reluctant to suckle, you can gently massage some of the nipples to get some milk to appear.

If the dog does not have enough of its own milk at first, then you can use it for the first couple of days artificial substitute. Your veterinarian should advise you on a suitable milk replacer and feeding bottle. When emergency situation, you can use the following formula for milk replacer: 1 cup milk, 1 tablespoon corn oil, 1 small pinch of salt and 3 egg yolks without protein. Mix the consistency until smooth. The mixture should be given to the puppy at the rate of 30 ml per 1/8 kg of its weight. This volume should be divided into 3-5 servings. Average weight a newborn small breed puppy is about 1/8 kg, but the puppy large breed can weigh up to 1/4 kg.

Although it is advisable to start care immediately after birth, healthy newborn the puppy can survive without complications for up to 12 hours without feeding. However, if the puppy is weak or the temperature is low enough, then feeding should begin as soon as possible.

What temperature do puppies need?

A newborn puppy cannot regulate its body temperature well enough. While the puppies remain near their mother, the room temperature does not change of great importance. However, unless they are near the dog, the temperature should be between 29.4º and 32.2ºC.

A caesarean section in a dog is a complex surgical procedure that provides natural delivery if other methods are not possible. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia, during which the doctor makes incisions and removes the fetus from the abdominal cavity. After surgery, it is important for the dog to provide complete care as recommended by a professional veterinarian. What does this care involve?

Caring for seams

After the procedure, the owner will have to handle the stitches for his pet himself. To do this, use chlorhexidine, after which a thin layer of Levomekol is applied to the wound (this ointment can be purchased at a regular pharmacy). Read more about seam processing.

To avoid complications in the first few days, the dog must be given injections of Gamavit, exact dosages You should check with your veterinarian. If a dead fetus is removed from an animal during a caesarean section, in addition to treating the sutures, a course of antibiotics in the form of injections will also be required.

Body temperature should be measured daily, strong increase You should take your dog to the veterinarian as soon as possible to rule out inflammatory process. No constipation - another one important nuance. If your dog cannot go to the toilet for several days, consult a specialist about prescribing mild laxatives.

After another week, in the absence of inflammation, the stitches can be removed. It is recommended to do this only in inpatient conditions: independent attempts to delete suture material can lead to epidermal injury and infection.

Features of nutrition during the rehabilitation period

To ensure that the mother has enough milk and energy to care for her puppies, it is important to provide her with a high-calorie and nutritious menu. However, from meat, especially fatty ones, postoperative period It's better to refuse. Choose specialized feed with a soft texture that contain sufficient amounts of vitamins and nutrients.

Feeding should begin with small portions, gradually increasing their quantity, focusing on the animal’s well-being. Make sure your dog has plenty of clean water during the recovery period.

In the first days after surgical intervention the pet may be lethargic and lacking energy, and there may be an increase in body temperature. Gradually, as the dog recovers, it will become more active and pay attention to its offspring. At first, it is important to provide the animal with complete rest, if possible, protect it from stress factors, and prepare a place to sleep (bed rest is indicated).