How not to get pregnant immediately after giving birth. Choosing a method of contraception. Choosing a contraceptive method after childbirth. Complications during re-pregnancy

Carrying a child and giving birth takes a lot of energy from women. The body's internal resources are depleted. In order to restore health and rest, a considerable period of time must pass.

Women who have recently had a baby are usually in no hurry to plan a second one, so they are concerned about the issue of contraception, as well as how long after giving birth they can get pregnant.

There is a lot of speculation about the fact that the first time after the baby appears and until lactation stops, there is nothing to worry about. In reality this is not the case. Many parents of two children admit that the second conception was unplanned.

Sex life of spouses

According to experts, the sexual life of spouses after childbirth should ideally be restored later. Minimum term- six weeks. A good option is a period of two or three months.

This time should be enough to restore the size of the uterus. For some time after the baby is born (approximately two months), this organ has a large wound surface. Early start intimate relationships after childbirth may cause inflammatory processes and various other diseases, since there is a high risk of infection.

Types of contraception

Before starting sexual activity, a couple needs to take care of contraceptive methods. For those who want to know how long after giving birth you can get pregnant again, you need to take into account that the process of fertilization can occur within a short period of time after childbirth.

Women who have given birth have more choice contraceptives:

  • condoms;
  • birth control pills;
  • vaginal gels, ointments and suppositories.

It is important to realize that no product is 100% guaranteed. Some experts advise combining some methods of protection. For example, condoms and vaginal suppositories. Also, we should not forget that all means, except condoms, protect only from unplanned pregnancy. They do not provide any protection against sexually transmitted infections.

Is it possible to get pregnant during lactation?

It is a fairly common belief that when breastfeeding a baby, the chances of getting pregnant are low or zero. Many women who have not questioned this opinion go to the maternity hospital for replenishment within a fairly short period after the previous birth.

To prevent pregnancy from occurring, you need to feed the baby every three hours, this also applies to night feedings. If the graph goes wrong, this reduces the effectiveness of this theory.

How long after giving birth can you get pregnant if you don’t have periods?

For some time after giving birth, a woman does not have menstruation. This is due to the fact that the body needs time to recover a little. This period of time lasts up to several months. Its duration depends on the woman’s body, as well as on whether she is feeding the baby with breast milk. Usually, during lactation, the period without menstruation increases.

How long after giving birth can you get pregnant if you don't breastfeed? This is possible within a fairly short period after the birth of the first child.

How long after giving birth can you get pregnant without harm to your health?

Eat a large number of couples who believe that for both the woman and the children the best option there will be a birth of weather. They see a number of advantages in this:

  • a mother who has given birth to children no longer needs to take a long break from work and can calmly pursue her career;
  • it is easier for children with a small age difference to find mutual language, and they can play together;
  • If a woman gives birth at the same age, then the birth of the second child occurs at a younger age, when it is easier for the body to cope with bearing a child and giving birth.

Such couples are interested in how long after giving birth they can get pregnant in order to know when is the best time to plan the birth of their second child.

You can get pregnant almost immediately. But there is another, no less relevant question about whether a woman’s body is ready for this, whether it is able to endure healthy child without harm to the mother's condition.

Experts believe that it takes time for a woman’s body to recover. Ideally, at least two years should pass between pregnancies (if childbirth took place naturally).

Those who want to know how long it takes to get pregnant after the first birth need to understand that the lactation period must also be added to these two years, since at this time the mother’s body releases a large amount of vitamins and other useful substances The child needs more time to recover.

Pregnancy after caesarean section

If childbirth did not take place naturally, but through surgery, then the period for rest and recreation of the body increases.

Those who underwent this operation, do not know how long after giving birth you can get pregnant. Gynecologists are unanimous in their opinion that a break should be taken for at least three years. This period is for those who had surgery without complications.

A woman should be aware that by planning a pregnancy too early, she risks her health and the health of her unborn child. A certain time is necessary so that a scar can form on the uterus and it does not rupture during pregnancy.

Why is a short gap between births dangerous?

When talking about how long after giving birth you can get pregnant, you should know all the negative aspects associated with excessive haste.

To begin with, it should be noted that the first pregnancy, childbirth and lactation period are a huge burden on a woman’s body. He spends enormous amounts of energy and depletes available resources. He just needs time for recreation, otherwise unborn child will be deprived of useful substances.

It is very important for your baby to receive breast milk. If a woman becomes pregnant while lactation has not yet stopped, then specialists will tell her to stop it immediately. While feeding the baby, the muscles of the uterus contract, which can threaten miscarriage.

Possible complications caused by a short interval between births

Exposing the body excessive loads, a woman risks facing a number of consequences:

  • avitaminosis;
  • threat of spontaneous miscarriage;
  • worsening of chronic diseases;
  • high risk of premature birth.

How the pregnancy itself went and whether there were any complications during childbirth also plays a big role. If there were problems, then planning time next child needs to be increased.

If, despite a short period of time, a subsequent pregnancy occurs, then, first of all, you need not to be nervous and consult a doctor. The specialist will give useful tips about how to reduce the number of risks and what to do to ensure that the pregnancy period proceeds safely. From relatives and friends to the expectant mother increased attention and care is required. The main thing is to save good mood and take care of yourself.

So, nine months of pregnancy have flown by, childbirth is finally over, and you have one more loved one in this world. The mother immediately plunges headlong into the pleasant care of the child. But after some time, another loved one makes himself known - after all, dad also needs love. And now it’s time to decide how to make sure that the next “fruit of love” is long-awaited and not unexpected.

Why use protection after childbirth?

Doctors say that a woman can become pregnant literally a few weeks after giving birth, despite the fact that menstruation has not yet returned. If pregnancy occurs immediately after birth, there is a high risk of fetal growth retardation. And the young mother herself, after nightly vigils at the crib, is unlikely to feel good.

According to statistics, such a pregnancy due to physiological and social reasons is interrupted more often, which does not have the best effect on both physical and emotional state mother. Doctors believe that ideally, at least two years should pass before female body will be ready to bear the next child.

When can you start having sex after childbirth?

Doctors recommend start sexual activity no earlier than 4-6 weeks after birth. However, according to statistics, 98% of couples begin to be sexually active in the first month after childbirth. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, one or more methods of contraception should be used.

It should be noted that in most cases, after childbirth, a woman breastfeeds, so a method of contraception should be selected that does not affect the process of milk production (lactation) and its quality, that is, the contraceptive should not affect the health of the mother and baby.

The best methods of contraception after childbirth

1. Lactational amenorrhea method. The method is 98% effective, provided that the woman is breastfeeding only and the maximum night break between feedings is no more than 6 hours. With the introduction of complementary foods to the child and the onset of menstruation, the effectiveness decreases.

2. Intrauterine contraceptives(VMK). The method is 99% effective for 5 years, after which the IUD should be replaced.

3. Condom. The use of a condom 100% protects a woman not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from sexually transmitted infections (including).

4. Diaphragm. The method is 80-90% effective. The method may be more effective if used in conjunction with spermicides.

5. Spermocytes. At correct use This method is 95% effective. In addition to unwanted pregnancy, this method protects against some sexually transmitted infections.

6. Mini-pill.
Hormonal pills based on the female hormone gestogen. When used correctly, they are 98% effective. Before use, be sure to consult your doctor. This type contraception does not affect the quality and quantity breast milk.

7. Hormonal injections. One injection based on the female hormone progestogen provides protection against unwanted pregnancy for a period of 8-12 weeks. Efficiency reaches 99%. Does not affect the quality and quantity of milk. To ensure that the effectiveness of the method does not decrease, it is necessary to observe the correct intervals between injections.

8. Norplant (hormonal implants). 99% effective. Norplant consists of six silicone capsules containing female hormone gestogen. Capsules are surgically injected into the woman's area inside forearms for a period of five years. Capsules can be removed earlier, but only a doctor can do this. Recovery reproductive function After using Norplant, it takes a woman about a year.

9. Oral combined contraceptives. When used correctly they are 100% effective. Application this method impossible if a woman is breastfeeding. In addition to one hundred percent protection against unwanted pregnancy, this method provides some protection against the development of inflammatory processes in the pelvic area, diseases of the female genital organs and mammary gland. Also, when using this type of contraception, it improves appearance hair and skin.

10. Natural methods of family planning. The effectiveness of this method does not exceed 50%. The method cannot be used immediately after childbirth, as there is a high risk of developing inflammatory processes in the female genital organs. In addition, before the onset of menstruation, it is difficult to determine the period of ovulation.

Each of the listed methods has its pros and cons. Each couple is individual, some cannot tolerate condoms, which spoil the romantic atmosphere, and for others, hormones are the worst evil. There is no ideal formula - it’s just that each woman must come up with the formula for the “ideal contraceptive” for herself.

Most young mothers during the period of infancy of the child think about the safe and reliable contraception, because few people want to immediately acquire a second child. In addition, re-conception in this situation can be harmful to health. How to avoid getting pregnant again after childbirth and why is it dangerous?

To find the answer, you need to have an understanding of female physiology. Let's consider the processes occurring in the body of a young mother, the time frame within which re-conception is possible, and methods for preventing unwanted pregnancy after childbirth.

According to official medicine, repeated pregnancy is possible 21 days after birth.

Until this point, a woman usually has postpartum discharge(lochia) accompanying cleansing of the uterus. Until their end, sexual relations are contraindicated, so there is no risk.

Risks associated with repeat pregnancy

Although it is possible to become pregnant after childbirth short time, doctors do not recommend doing this. There are psychological and physiological reasons, according to which a new conception is undesirable. In the first year of life, a newborn needs increased attention mother and her milk.

Repeated pregnancy during this period often becomes the reason for early weaning of an existing child. In addition, difficulties may arise related to caring for the baby.

It’s difficult for an exhausted mother to bear sleepless nights because of colic and teething in the baby and rock him in your arms. If a woman does become pregnant after giving birth, she will likely need help from relatives to cope with the increased workload.

Normal childbearing is also at risk. With a short interval between pregnancies, the uterus does not have time to recover, which is why the embryo cannot attach normally.

Fetoplacental insufficiency develops, leading to delay intrauterine development, and sometimes fetal death.

If previous births were assisted caesarean section, the danger is posed by a scar on the uterus that has not had time to heal properly. Such pregnant women are advised to undergo regular monitoring using an ultrasound machine due to possible suture dehiscence - dangerous complication, which poses a threat to a woman’s life and often leads to loss of the uterus.

A short break between births cannot but affect the health of the mother herself. Even severe complications does not occur, worsens chronic diseases, a deficiency of calcium and other microelements develops.

Therefore, if a woman becomes pregnant again after childbirth, use vitamin complexes and regular medical supervision is especially necessary for her.

What is the optimal interval between births?

Some parents want the difference between children to be minimal. This may be due to the mother’s desire not to go on maternity leave for too long. long term or caused by tragic circumstances (the death of the first child during childbirth or in infancy).

When the birth is over, and you have returned home with the baby, it is natural that all your actions and thoughts will be directed towards this baby. But gradually, you return to a new rhythm of life, and you are already beginning to notice your beloved husband. Gradually you remember that you should give him enough of your attention. So, despite the fact that you have become a caring mother, you still remain his beloved woman. But still, try not to rush too much, of course, unless you have planned the birth of another baby. You will need to discuss any questions you have about contraception with your doctor. For example, there is a popular myth about how not to get pregnant after childbirth:

It is a mistake to believe that if a woman is breastfeeding, she will not be able to become pregnant again. Because this, of course, is not so. While you are having a baby, your ability to get pregnant is only slightly reduced. After all, some changes occur in the body, due to which menstruation may be temporarily absent, because this is the so-called lactational amenorrhea. Or, for example, until the menstrual cycle itself has been restored, you don’t have to use protection. Naturally, the absence of menstruation cannot protect a woman from a second pregnancy; on the contrary, it is during this period that it is likely that you will not even notice how you find yourself a second time. Therefore, it is worth protecting yourself at the very first contact that occurs after childbirth.

Do not think that a nursing mother can use only a condom or a natural method for protection. Currently, there are modern contraceptives that are allowed to be used when breastfeeding. And about the natural method, most gynecologists speak categorically against it, especially in the period after childbirth. So, even with a regular menstrual cycle, and following all the necessary rules, this gives you more than fifty percent effectiveness. Still, you need to choose your own method of contraception, which will be the most convenient and effective.

How to avoid getting pregnant after childbirth

Intrauterine devices – or as they are also called spirals. It is a very small device consisting of inert plastic, it contains the addition of the finest copper wire, which is introduced into the uterine cavity. Its effect is as a result of difficulty in the movement of sperm, while fertilization becomes simply impossible. But, they are introduced after childbirth, but not earlier than six weeks later.

Barrier method : These typically include diaphragms, condoms, and spermicides. Condoms have been used for a long time, but diaphragms and spermicides have been used only recently. There is still too little information about them, and therefore many women are inclined not to trust them, but in vain. The diaphragm should be inserted into the vagina immediately before sexual intercourse, and a gynecologist will help you choose the right size. Spermicides are usually available in the form of tablets, various creams, suppositories, or a variety of foam aerosols. They help destroy sperm before they can enter the uterus. You will need to follow all instructions for use of any contraceptive, store it correctly, and not violate the timing of its removal and administration. The duration of action of spermicides can be no more than two hours, and the diaphragm is used for about twenty-four hours.

Hormonal tablets, or pills which contain the hormone gestagen. This hormone is not able to affect the baby, as well as the quality and quantity of your breast milk. And even long-term use of such tablets can reduce the risk of various oncological diseases. Such tablets must be taken daily, and most importantly at the same time. You will be able to use the pills 6 weeks after giving birth. They are ninety-eight percent effective. But perhaps they will contribute to the violation menstrual cycle. They should never be used simultaneously, along with certain antibiotics. If the dosage schedule is violated, their effectiveness decreases sharply.

Each organism has its own characteristics. On average, for a mother who does not breastfeed, the period for the restoration of the menstrual cycle is about two months. And for a mother it is almost impossible to predict when amenorrhea (absence) will end. They can begin in two months or only after 18. It depends on lactation, more precisely on the hormone prolactin, which stimulates it, since it also suppresses ovulation.

Lactation - protection against pregnancy

Lack of menstruation means that new pregnancy will not come. Is it so? Many, having learned that during breastfeeding, stop using protection altogether. Therefore, there is a risk of unwanted pregnancy.
Indeed, lactation is considered natural method contraception, but it must be used correctly. It is impossible to know in advance when the first ovulation will begin, since menstruation is already the end of the cycle. This method is considered ineffective, but it can still be used.

In order to avoid questions, you should consider the rules of natural contraception:

Planning a second pregnancy

How long do you have to wait to conceive a brother or sister for your baby? Naturally, after childbirth, a woman needs rest to full recovery. The body is rebuilt, and all its forces are directed to “milk production”