How to enlarge your lips at home permanently or temporarily. Personal experience: how I enlarged my lips and what it gave me Enlarge my lips a little

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 10 minutes


“Jolie’s lips” were not always the canon of beauty. But nowadays, the fashion for plump lips has reached its peak: girls enlarge them in every possible way, without worrying about the consequences.

Whether it’s worth it or not is a personal matter for every woman, and we’ll tell you about ways to enlarge women’s lips without turning to a plastic surgeon.

Makeup options for visually enlarging lips - how to draw plump lips for yourself?

The main wizards who know exactly this secret are, of course, makeup artists. Correcting everything “unnecessary”, hiding shortcomings, emphasizing existing advantages - this is a task they can handle.

And some miracles are quite within the capabilities of an ordinary woman.

So, we enlarge our lips using our personal arsenal of cosmetics:

The choice of cosmetic products for lip augmentation - what does the beauty industry offer today?

To add fullness to your lips, it is absolutely not necessary to undergo plastic surgery. Fortunately, today there are many ways to increase it without it.

For example…

  • Lip tattoo A very popular method for visually enlarging lips and correcting their shape. The point of the procedure is to sketch the outline according to the “tattoo” principle. It will last about 3 years. The asking price is from 3000 rubles.
  • Electroporation. No injections or plastic surgery will be required. The method is considered physiotherapeutic, painless and safe. Cons: Requires about 10 sessions; the effect is short-lived. The essence of the method: after peeling the lips, a “mix” of vitamins and hyaluronic acid is applied to them, after which a special device acts on the lips for half an hour so that the mixture penetrates under the skin. The asking price is about 2000 rubles.
  • Vantus for lips. You may laugh, but there is such a method. True, it is very dubious and has side effects. This miracle pump is used for “super-volume”, stretching the lips in a “ducky” manner. The consequences are bruises, cracks and even more serious injuries.

Use of professional cosmetics:

  • Lip gel (for example, LIP FILL) with the effect of deep moisturizing and slight lip plumping due to certain components in the composition. The asking price is about 600 rubles.
  • Lip care/volumizer (for example, Lip Booster) with capsicum and hyaluronic acid in the composition. The asking price is about 2000 rubles.
  • Lip cream (eg Love Lips). With constant use, there is no reason to look for lip plumping products. Provides neat swelling of lips and their well-groomed appearance. The asking price is about 1000 rubles.
  • Special moisturizing balm with lip plumping effect (for example, CREATIVE NATUR COSMETIC) with peptides in the composition. They stimulate collagen synthesis and naturally plump the lips, providing a vibrant, natural-looking finish. Issue price: about 1300 rub.
  • Lip enhancement gel with cinnamon and amino acid (eg Perfect Pout). Its principle of action is to expand capillaries. The asking price is from 1300 rubles.

On a note:

All gels, balms and creams that help increase lip volume are based on components that irritate the skin. They give only a short-term effect, but the consequences can be very “long-lasting”. For example, irritation turning into inflammation and then into swelling.

Therefore, before using the products, think - do you need it?

Or use folk remedies - so at least you will be sure of their composition.

12 Best Home Remedies for Plump Lips

In fact, there are quite a lot of folk methods of lip augmentation.

We will list the most popular:

And, of course, kisses! They quickly, effectively and safely provide that sexy plump lips without any means!

We will be very pleased if you share your experience or the results of your favorite beauty recipes!

Despite attractive offers from salons to correct the contours of the mouth with injections, most girls prefer exercises for lip augmentation, which can please with no less effect. This method of correcting nature’s mistakes has many advantages, one of them is that the procedure is completely free, the results depend only on perseverance and patience. What exercises can get rid of lip defects and how to do them correctly in order to enjoy a stunning sexy smile in the mirror?

Can gymnastics help to enlarge lips?

Few people believe that you can enlarge your lips just with exercise. It will probably be a discovery for many that they also have muscle tissue that periodically contracts and unclenches. If you can do special complexes for the abs, then why can’t there be facial movements for the mouth that can strengthen and add volume to muscle tissue?

You don’t need to count on almost instant results - you will have to work hard to achieve what you want. To be fair, it should be said that the effect lasts much longer than the injection of fillers or hyaluronic acid. If you repeat the exercises regularly, your lips will always look fresh and juicy.

Gymnastics to enlarge lips should occur several times a day, but without fanaticism. A few minutes before bed and in the morning after waking up are enough. You can even practice during the day without interrupting your main activities - over time, this will turn into a habit and your mouth will begin to train independently of its owner.

Important! You shouldn’t stop at just one exercise – an integrated approach will give you better results. You can choose several movements for the mouth, but it is better to carry them out chaotically.

At first, perform each movement about 10 times, increasing their number over time. If you feel tightness or slight discomfort, you should not stop training your mouth - everything is fine, the muscles are simply not accustomed to such loads.

Gymnastics for the upper lip

When might you need upper lip augmentation? This is usually of interest to girls whose lower lip is juicy and plump, but whose upper lip is stingy. There are two ways to correct the defect - go to a cosmetologist for hyaluronic acid injections or resort to a simple exercise.

Carrying out an exercise to “stretch” the upper lip:

  1. Open your teeth.
  2. Use your fingers to grab the upper lip and pull it forward.
  3. Strain the muscles of your mouth, trying to return your lip to its place.
  4. Repeat at least 15-20 times.

Important! It is necessary to strain the muscle tissue, and not just twist the unsatisfactorily shaped parts of the mouth with your fingers. If this is not done, the results will not be noticeable even after 1-3 months.

Exercises for volume of sponges

You can achieve a lot with regular exercises to enlarge your lips, but you will need to perform a whole range of movements to achieve this.


  1. Pull the sponges into a long, even tube.
  2. Without breaking the created shape, try to open your mouth.
  3. The movements resemble the “talk” of a fish.
  4. Repeat 10-12 times.

Let's smile:

  1. Relax your lips.
  2. Close them and try to smile, pulling your fingertips towards your mouth in different directions.
  3. Press your lips tightly against your teeth (you’ll get something like a smile, only with your lips hidden).
  4. Move your mouth to the sides several times without breaking the “smile.”

Applying lipstick:

  1. Close your lips as if preparing to apply lipstick.
  2. Use your finger as lipstick to “paint” your lips, applying a little force.
  3. This exercise will help activate blood flow, which is important for creating juicy lips.


  1. Extend your pursed lips forward.
  2. Draw a perfect infinity sign.
  3. Number of exercises – at least 10.

Let's whistle:

  1. Extend your mouth as if to whistle.
  2. Blow air slowly but forcefully, while simultaneously tensing the muscles of your cheeks.
  3. Repeat for 2-4 minutes.

It is not necessary to reproduce all the movements in one lesson; you can combine them.

Exercises for contour brightness

It often happens that nature has not been stingy, and the lips have the necessary swelling, but the contours are blurred and inexpressive. Here, too, you can’t do without exercises that will not only correct shortcomings, but also make your lips stand out, attracting attention.

Let's remember the alphabet:

  1. Pronounce vowels, while trying to make expressive movements with your mouth.
  2. Pronounce each letter 10-15 times.
  3. Alternate the complex with other exercises, but be sure to repeat it at least three times.

Let's draw:

  1. Close your lips with a short but tight tube.
  2. Insert a regular pencil into this tube.
  3. “Draw”, trying to move the pencil in different directions, forward and backward, to reproduce different letters.

Helpful advice! You don’t need to stop only at these movements - you can use any exercises that can enlarge your lips - they also affect the contours at the same time.

Watch a video about effective lip augmentation exercises:

If we decide on an interesting and promising experiment and enlarge our lips with gymnastics, to increase the results, be sure to do everything in front of the mirror, observing every movement. Their number must be increased gradually; heavy loads can lead to the opposite result.

Excessive tension and unusual movement can cause the thin skin on your lips to crack. To prevent this, be sure to apply colorless lipstick to your lips before starting a workout, and after exercising, remove it and moisturize your skin with warm honey.

A light acupressure massage of the mouth will help the muscle tissue relax; it should be done daily just before bed.

Of course, you shouldn’t expect results like after injection procedures, but, as practice shows, sponges will certainly please you with their appearance. It has been noticed that even aging has no power over them if you regularly strengthen your muscles.

The question of how to enlarge lips without plastic surgery has been worrying representatives of the fair sex for several years, who have a negative attitude towards surgical intervention. Plump and juicy lips have always been desirable for men. It’s not for nothing that they say that a woman’s lips should be such that you want to kiss them. Even in the times of our ancestors, girls with plump lips were considered more fertile.

For example, the beauties of Egypt mixed secret oils with snake venom to obtain the required volume. Girls of the Middle Ages even tried to make tattoos from natural ingredients.

The reason for the popularity of plump lips

Why is the fair sex so ardently interested in how to enlarge lips? A social survey conducted among the stronger half of humanity showed that just the sight of the lips of Jolie, Pamela Anderson or Megan Fox simply excites respondents. It’s not for nothing that they say that men love with their eyes. And the lips of these celebrities delight everyone, even women.

Having learned about how popular people enlarge their lips, many ordinary girls began to look for plastic surgeons in order to become like Hollywood divas as soon as possible.

Progress, like the world, does not stand still, and therefore the medical scalpel has strong competitors in the form of Botox, various acids, gels and exercise machines.

Every year the popularity of juicy and plump lips is growing, and plastic surgeons have no end to clients who want to undergo the long-awaited operation. But not everyone will decide to do this. This raises the question: how do girls who cannot pay for such a procedure or are afraid to inject Botox, but at the same time have alluring plump lips, enlarge their lips?

Medical students know that there are muscles in the lips that can take on a different shape if you pump them up a little. And for this you need to perform certain exercises.

Enlarge your lips with simple workouts

You can do the following exercises.

  • Whistling. In this simple way you will warm up your muscles. Five minutes of whistling your favorite tune a day will be enough.
  • We turn into a child. The exercise involves stretching out your tongue for 10-15 seconds. This funny action needs to be repeated 10 times a day.
  • Imagine that there is a dandelion in front of you and you need to blow on it as hard as possible. Puff out your cheeks, but keep your lips relaxed. Five of these exercises a day will be enough.
  • Another effective method is to gently bite your lips for two minutes. This way you will increase blood circulation. As a result, your lips will not only become plump, but will also acquire a pinkish tint.

Actually, that's all. We learned how to enlarge lips with simple exercises. Now let's move on to another method, which is just as effective as the first.

Massage to increase your shape

In order to rid the skin of the lips of dead cells, give them juiciness and swelling, it is necessary to carry out a peeling procedure with honey and sugar. With regular use of this scrub, you will notice not only an increase in volume, but also that any lipstick or gloss will fall on your lips in a more even layer. The skin will also become soft and tender.

And the massage can be done with a regular toothbrush with soft bristles. Just wet it and massage your lips. Repeat the procedure every day.

Recipes from our grandmothers

Our grandmothers in their youth had no idea about Botox or other beauty injections, but their passion for plump lips was no less than in our time. To make their desires come true, they used 2 simple but very effective methods.

  1. Freeze boiled water. Use the resulting ice cube to massage your lips until you feel a slight tingling sensation. Then we rub a cotton pad soaked in hot water over the skin. Thanks to this contrast massage, blood will flow to the lips, and they will increase in volume and become more elastic. This amazing effect will last from 4 to 8 hours.
  2. Apply menthol essential oil to a cotton pad and apply it for 10 seconds. After this, be sure to apply either gloss or balm.

Hyaluronic acid - an alternative to plastic surgery

This acid is the only natural source in our body that maintains the water balance of the skin. With age, its amount decreases, so the skin loses its elasticity.

Those wishing to enlarge their lips with hyaluronic acid can be sure that it is safe, since this substance is compatible with body tissues.

Before the procedure begins, the cosmetologist administers anesthesia. Then, using the finest needles, the gel is injected under the skin of the lips. You will notice the result after the end of the procedure, and the full effect will be achieved in a week. Your lips will become soft, voluminous and very soft.

This effect will last for 8 months. After this, the gel will be completely removed from the body. In this case, you will not feel anything, and your lips will regain their original appearance.

But even this procedure has side effects: itching, redness, a high level of sensitivity or swelling.

But if your cosmetologist did everything correctly and took into account the condition of your skin and the body’s reaction to the drug, then the listed changes will take place in a few days.

Research has revealed that more than 30% of women over 17 years old want to enlarge their lips. Reviews from representatives of the fair half of humanity who have decided on this type of procedure say that this is the best and safest way to make your lips plump and juicy.

There are also special absorbable threads that are inserted along the white contour above the lips. Thus, your mouth acquires a clear visual boundary.

How much does it cost to enlarge lips?

The question arises: will the cost of the procedure justify the end result? Medicine does not operate with concepts like “lip augmentation.” In medical terms, patients undergo cheiloplasty.

Nowadays, a large number of medical institutions provide such services. Hence the answer to the question that interests many (how much does it cost to enlarge lips): different clinics - different prices. You can focus on amounts from 15 to 130 thousand rubles. But before you decide on this operation, remember one piece of advice: go only to an experienced specialist and always ask for examples of his work. This way you can accurately assess the doctor’s professionalism.

Long live makeup!

The fact that light shades of lipsticks add extra volume has long been no secret to anyone. Experienced makeup artists work wonders by creating different shapes and adding volume, while showing us how to make our lips look bigger with makeup.

Before you take on lipsticks, glosses and brushes, remember that you can only adjust the natural line by 1 mm. If you take a larger amplitude, then instead of alluring and visually enlarged lips you will get vulgar and unnatural ones. Of course, this is not the result you would like to achieve.

With the help of makeup, only the upper lip is enlarged, and the lower lip only needs minor adjustments.

The pencil should match the color of your lips. Then the contour will look natural.

After you have applied your lipstick, apply a little gloss to the center of your lower and upper lips. This will create additional volume.

Wonderful lipstick

Makeup, of course, works wonders, but a special lipstick that enlarges your lips will help you achieve even greater results. It consists of silicone, hyaluronic acid and other ingredients that can increase blood circulation. Naturally, lipstick will not give you the same effect as after surgery, but it will help enlarge your lips by 20%.

Before purchasing such a miracle product, be sure to read its composition. Essential oils, which are also included in the cosmetic formula, can cause allergies.

One last tip: Do not apply this lipstick over lip balm, makeup base or moisturizer.

Beautiful plump lips have always attracted the attention of men. It is believed that this form speaks of the sensuality and sexuality of their owner. According to statistics, the largest percentage of plastic surgeries occurs on the lips. However, it is not necessary to go to a surgeon and get injections with hyaluric acid, especially since it is not safe. There are enough methods to enlarge your lips at home without any risk or complications.


Proper makeup is a quick and harmless way to make your lips plump in a matter of minutes.

Choice of funds

To visually increase the volume of the lips, choose lipsticks in pastel shades: pink, peach, natural beige. It is better to avoid brightly colored cosmetics. The same goes for matte lipsticks with a velvety texture.

Gloss, glossy, gel lipsticks with a pearlescent effect will visually add volume to your lips.

IMPORTANT! If you don’t want to give up matte lipstick, cover it with a gloss with a reflective structure, which will make your lips visually fuller.

The color of the eyeliner or pencil should match the color of the lipstick as much as possible or be 1 – 2 shades darker. You should not apply contour eyeliner above the natural line - this indicates bad taste and vulgarity. The line is drawn strictly along the outlines of the lips, without going beyond them. If you need to use dark-colored lipstick, paint the middle of your lower lip with a light shade and then cover it with gloss.

There are also products on sale that enlarge lips: plumpers and special varnishes.

IMPORTANT! Plumper is a lip gloss that contains hyaluric acid, menthol, ginger, and cayenne pepper. May be available in the form of lipstick, ointment or cream.

The desired result is achieved by the presence of products such as: menthol, hyaluric acid, collagen, silicone, mint.

Varnishes are lipstick and gloss in one bottle. Thanks to the rich color and varnish coating with a 3D effect, the shape of the lips acquires a sexual swelling.

Although these products are not cheap, they are considered the most effective if you want to enlarge your lips in one day. As the lipstick or plumper is erased, the lips are tinted.

If you feel a slight coolness, tingling or even burning sensation, it means that the cosmetics are made from natural products without the use of silicone and hyaluric acid.

Application technique

  1. The surface of the lips is covered with concealer - it helps to hide small wrinkles, natural imperfections, and protects against cracks.
  2. Use a pencil or eyeliner to outline the outline.
  3. The center of the lower lip and the line of the upper lip (Cupid's bow) are outlined with a highlighter - it adds plumpness and seductiveness.
  4. The surface of the lips is covered with light-colored lipstick.
  5. A shining shine is applied on top.

Special exercises

In the lips, like in any part of the body, there are muscles that need a certain load. By performing a special complex of 20-30 r/day, you can increase the volume not temporarily, but forever.

IMPORTANT! The effect occurs over time if you do not skip training.

Set of exercises:

  1. “Whistle” - purse your lips as if you are going to whistle. Repeat for 5 minutes. daily.
  2. “Kiss” - extend the kissing lips to the maximum distance. Without relaxing, pull them to the tip of the nose. Fulfill exercises 20 times.
  3. “Blowing out the candles” - take air into your lungs and blow out imaginary candles. Repeat 10–15 times.
  4. “Writing numbers” - close your lips into a tube and “write” a figure eight in the air. Repeat 20 times.
  5. “Show your tongue” - open your mouth slightly, stick out your tongue and make movements left and right. Perform 15-20 times. This exercise not only pumps up your lips, but also has a positive effect on the neck muscles.
  6. “The fish is smiling” - form your lips into a tube and smile. Repeat 10 times.
  7. “We pronounce the vowels” - sing the vowels “a-o-u-e –i”. 10 times – rest -10 times.
  8. Puff out your cheeks, release the air in jerks, repeating “p-p-p-p”. 5 times – rest – 5 times.
  9. “Biting” - lightly bite the upper and lower lips for 2 minutes.
  10. Retract the lips and hold for about 20 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

Gymnastics is very effective on its own, but to achieve the fastest results, it is better to use it in combination with other procedures:

  • makeup;
  • massage;
  • masks.

With the help of massage and masks, blood circulation is normalized, lip color is improved, which is in itself an effective way to enlarge them, and with the most common products that are always in the house.



You will need a brush with soft or medium bristles. Wet with warm water and gently move in a circular motion over the surface of your lips. After the procedure, lubricate with balm or hygienic lipstick.

Honey and sugar scrub

Mix honey and brown sugar in equal proportions, apply to lips and rinse after a few minutes with warm water. Honey will clean and heal small wounds, and sugar will soften delicate skin.

ATTENTION! If you are allergic to honey, it is better not to use this scrub, or replace the product with another, for example, lemon or mint oil.

Ice cube

Freeze water, green or herbal tea and rub your lips in the morning. After the procedure, lightly bite your lips, this will increase blood flow and make them a little brighter.



Dip the brush into honey and lubricate your lips. Go to bed with this mask, and in the morning you will have plump, soft lips.


At night, it is useful to lubricate your lips with regular Vaseline or hygienic lipstick made from natural ingredients.

A nicotinic acid

Crush 8 acid tablets into powder, mix with 1/3 tsp. chopped hot pepper and ½ tsp. Vaseline. Lubricate your lips with olive oil and apply the prepared mixture for 1 minute. Rinse off and apply special makeup that gives volume to lips.

Instead of nicotinic acid, you can use hyaluric acid. The product is sold at the pharmacy in tablet form.

Folk remedies

Our grandmothers enlarged their lips without surgery or injections, and in a matter of minutes. The desired sexuality and swelling is achieved with the help of the most common spices and herbs. Some methods, however, are quite extreme, but the effect is achieved quickly enough, although not very long-lasting. When choosing grandma's methods, you need to remember that:

  • if you are allergic to any of the products, it is better to avoid this method;
  • after a few hours (about 5-6) the lips will regain their previous shape.

If there are no medical contraindications and the short-lived effect does not bother you, you can start looking for your own beauty recipe.

Hot pepper

  1. Grind one pod of red hot pepper along with the seeds, add hot water to make a paste, wet a napkin and apply it to your mouth for a few minutes.
  2. Mix crushed pepper with Vaseline and apply the mixture to your lips until a burning sensation appears. Lubricate with balm.

IMPORTANT! To avoid burns, do not hold for more than 3 minutes.


Chew a piece of ginger and apply the paste to your lips, gently massaging them. Remove the mask with a napkin and cover your lips with gloss or hygienic lipstick.


Mix candied honey, cinnamon and olive oil until smooth, apply to a toothbrush and massage your lips for about 5 minutes. Honey will remove dead epithelium, olive oil will lubricate, and cinnamon will cause a rush of blood.


Crush peppermint leaves. Soak a cotton pad with the resulting juice and apply it to your lips. Rinse with warm water and lubricate lips with Vaseline.


Finely grate the peel and pass it over your lips. As soon as they begin to go numb, the procedure can be stopped. Lemon will not only plump your lips, but also whiten your teeth and freshen your breath.

After any procedure, apply the right makeup, and attention to your lips will be ensured.

Full lips for many women are the ideal of beauty. Modern medicine and cosmetology can offer several options and methods to achieve this very ideal.

In order to answer you: How to enlarge your lips permanently, correct their shape and make them younger, there are the following methods.

To make the right choice, let's try to figure out which method is better and more suitable for you.

Contour plastic

Contour plastic surgery is a corrective procedure that is performed using injections containing different fillers. More recently, special silicone-based gels were used for this method. As it turned out later, the filler has many side effects and sometimes the promised beauty turned into ugliness.

Silicone gave a long-lasting effect, but after a while it:

  • huddled into lumps
  • spread outside the designated area
  • caused acne
  • provoked inflammation
  • created scars
  • led to lip deformation

Because of all these troubles, today this filler is used extremely rarely.

In modern cosmetology, the following is used as an injection filler:

  • Collagen
  • Hyaluronic acid

These two products have a natural base and since they themselves are part of the body’s chemical composition, they have minimal potential for side effects and contraindications. But there is one unpleasant moment: the result of such injections does not last long enough, compared to silicone, and the procedure will have to be repeated every six months.

  • Hyaluronic acid is a molecule that is found in the body of every person. It is distinguished by its ability to attract water molecules and hold them where they are needed.
  • Collagen is a protein that can be called the basis of all connective tissues of the human body. It is also largely responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. With age, this element in the body becomes very small, which leads to the destruction of bones, cartilage and joints, and the dermis becomes flabby and wrinkles appear.

The advantages of such fillers are that:

  1. They do not cause allergies at all
  2. Their composition is completely natural
  3. Very little risk of side effects
  4. If the result is somehow not satisfactory, then it won’t last long
  5. Refusal of any surgical intervention, which reduces risks to zero

Pumped lips using this method are easy to achieve. Using injections with very thin needles, the drug is injected into the desired area. It is advisable to carry out this procedure under local anesthesia.

To shape the lips, the cosmetologist performs a light massage and distributes the gel as needed. Mild swelling will subside within a maximum of ten days.


This method is also done using injections. The patient’s fat cells are used only as a filler. The place where they are collected can be the abdomen, thighs and buttocks.

The material obtained in this way undergoes special processing and is introduced in the same way as the first method. There are no scars or other consequences left at the sites of collection and administration.

This method has its pleasant advantages:

  • No allergies
  • Very little chance of rejection
  • Possibility of scarring, minimal
  • The effect can last up to three years

Biodegradable threads

You can also get beautiful lips using this method. It consists of installing special threads along the contour of the lips. Special notches on the threads help

  1. Provide guaranteed tightening
  2. Stimulates collagen production
  3. Formation of soft tissues of the lips

The threads dissolve after about two years, but the new frame that was created during this time will help maintain its shape for up to three years.

This method can be combined with hyaluronic acid injections without worry.

No injections

Such methods are positive in that you don’t have to spend a lot of money on them, they don’t harm the skin, don’t cause swelling, and are painless without special preparation.

Such procedures include:

  • Different types of massage
  • Thermage is a method that is carried out using radio waves, which, due to collagen, increase the elasticity of the lips
  • Electroporation

Massage, thermage, methods that give a short-term effect and very little result.

Electroporation is a method that is controversial. Some who have used this procedure claim that the method gives a good and fairly long-lasting result. The other part says that the result is not noticeable at all and the procedure is useless.

How is electroporation done:

  1. Hyaluronic gel is applied to the lips
  2. The surface of the lips is impacted using a special apparatus.

The effect should be achieved due to the fact that the acid enters through the cells and this should improve the shape and condition of the lips.

Surgical methods

Surgery in this case involves the following procedures:

  1. The red border of the lips turns out, which helps create an enlarged effect.
  2. Silicone implants are introduced.

The second method is done for many years, sometimes for life. In addition to silicone, donor or own tissues are used, but there is no guarantee that they will not begin to dissolve after a year.

Today, many women and girls most often choose injections with hyaluronic acid. Since this procedure has proven itself to be the safest and most natural procedure.

Rules for caring for plump lips

  1. Caring for the first time using products for enlarged lips
  2. Monitor the timing of lip cosmetics
  3. It is advisable to apply cold compresses for the first 24 hours.
  4. For the first two weeks, exclude solarium, swimming pool, saunas, beaches and baths
  5. You can avoid using decorative cosmetics for two weeks

Photos before and after

In this photo you can see the appearance of the lips before the procedure and after injections with hyaluronic acid.