Treatment of depression with auto-training. Auto-training for depression: simple women's tips for relaxation and managing emotions. Training methods and techniques

Our life is filled with many different situations and, unfortunately, not all of them are pleasant.

There are various ways to improve your psychological state. And one of them is considered to calm the nervous system. Let's look at it in more detail.

What is auto-training - definition

Autotraining in psychology is psychological technique based on self-hypnosis.

It allows a person to achieve peace and harmony.

Its essence is to calm the nervous system even in daily stressful situations.

Thanks to auto-training you can learn to manage your emotional state, relax, concentrate on your desires and much more.

Autogenic diseases

Autogenous include psychosomatic diseases, that is, psychological disorders that to some extent may affect the physiological state. These include:

  • neuroses;
  • neurasthenia;
  • depression;

It should also be noted that autogenic techniques, in combination with basic treatment, help cure some diseases based on emotional stress: endocarditis, bronchial asthma, hypertension, gastrointestinal disorders and others.

Autogenous therapy - what is it?

Autogenous therapy is used in various practices and has been known since ancient times.

Autogenic training involves exercises or techniques that may have different directions(to eliminate insomnia, lose weight, get rid of emotional stress, etc.).

Just 30 minutes of autogenous therapy is equal to 3-4 hours of full sleep.

It has certain stages and rules, which may vary slightly depending on the goal you want to achieve.

Autogenous therapy has quite strong healing effect:

  • blood pressure and pulse are normalized;
  • feelings of anxiety and restlessness are reduced;
  • hormonal levels improve;
  • the emotional state is normalized.

Luscher norm

Max Luscher- famous psychologist who developed the Luscher color test.

This test was used in a study in which psychotherapy patients took it upon admission and at the end of their treatment.

It turned out that at the very beginning of treatment, the color preferences of patients were varied, but with successful completion of therapy they approached a uniform sequence. This sequence and called autogenous norm, that is, the standard of neuropsychic well-being.

Training methods and techniques

There are various techniques, methods and exercises of autogenic training. But they all have general rules:

  1. It is better to conduct the training in a quiet place, make sure that nothing distracts you.
  2. Take a comfortable position (preferably lie down), do not cross your arms and legs.
  3. If you listen to an audio instructor, be sure to repeat all the phrases out loud after him.
  4. If you want your own setting text, you can write it yourself, but it must be positive (make sure that the particle “not” does not slip through anywhere), in the present tense and in 1st person.
  5. The text for auto-training should consist of simple and short sentences.
  6. Make sure that you are aware of the words you say, and do not do it automatically.
  7. It will be even better if you visualize everything you say so that the karting is before your eyes, the brighter and more detailed, the better.
  8. It is advisable to repeat the text at least a couple of times so that it is better consolidated in the subconscious.

Let's consider the existing methods and techniques of auto-training.

For women

In everyday situations, women often forget about their gentle and sensitive nature, and at work, on the contrary, they lack fortitude. Therefore, the auto-training text should be quite individual.

In the first case suitable “I am beautiful, feminine and gentle. I have a charming face and a slim figure." In the second case Stronger attitudes would be appropriate: “I am confident. I will succeed. I will definitely achieve what I want."

Setting up for success for women:

For weight loss

Of course, you need to understand that with auto-training it is impossible to say goodbye to all those extra pounds in a week. This method requires some time, for which your subconscious mind will tune in to the new installation and accept it.

It is advisable to carry out the exercises in the morning and evening.

Morning auto-training will help set the mood for the whole day.

At the same time, you can’t talk: “I will lose weight” or “I will eat less and work out at the gym.”

Your text should roughly consist of the following settings: “I am healthy, beautiful and slim. I love my body. Right now I'm getting leaner. I feel like my stomach is becoming flatter and my butt is getting tighter. I have a good figure. I like myself slim. I am strong and always achieve what I want.”

You can change the text a little for evening auto training. If the morning one is invigorating, then the evening one, on the contrary, should be calming: “I am slim and graceful. I like feeling thin. I feel lightness throughout my body. I'm happy and relaxed."

Meditation for weight loss in this video:

Relaxation and Relaxation

If you are constantly in a restless and anxious mood, then you should try auto-training aimed at relaxation and relaxation. It relieves fatigue, helps restore strength, and reveals your creative potential.

Sit in a quiet place. Nothing should distract you. Close your eyes and concentrate on your inner sensations. Feel every part of your body: left and right leg, torso, left and right arm, head.

Now relax them one by one. You can feel the warmth spreading throughout your body. Observe your completely relaxed muscles. The face is not tense, the eyebrows do not frown, the cheeks smoothly flow down, and the lips are not compressed, but in a slight smile.

The entire outside world, sounds and noises should fade into the background.

You become immersed in your inner world and focus on yourself.

Watch your breathing: it should be even and calm.

Feel how your body relaxes more and more with each exhalation. You should not have any strong emotions. You will feel harmony and peace.

Observe your thoughts, but don't think about them. You can start visualizing: imagine that you are flying above the clouds, walking through a forest or field. Everything imagined should be light and pleasant.

Don’t forget that you also need to get out of this state smoothly.. Move your left leg, then your right leg, and do the same with your arms. Feel your body. When you are ready, slowly open your eyes.

To manage your condition

Auto-training exercises are also used to manage your condition: sensations in the body, feelings and emotions. The setting text depends on the specific situation.

For example, if you you can’t get down to work, you feel distracted, then you can use something like the following: “I feel great. I am cheerful and energetic. I am full of strength and ready for accomplishment. I will succeed".

For children

Auto training for children has its own characteristics:

  • it has a play form;
  • It is advisable to include exercises directly in the child’s daily routine;
  • it is necessary to teach the child, explain what is required of him, tell him about the correct body position and breathing.

The text needs to be developed individually, taking into account children's preferences. For example, you can ask your child to imagine that he is a flower that blooms in the sun.

At the same time, you should say phrases that would set him up for relaxation: “You feel lightness and calmness. Your breathing is even.”

Meditative auto-training for children:

For neuroses

With auto-training, it helps to feel relaxation, which in itself has a good effect on the nervous system.

Such rest is useful for any problems with the psyche and nerves. The main goal of such training is to release emotional and physical stress.

That's why The setting text could be like this:“I'm relaxed. I feel myself calming down. My body is filled with heaviness and warmth. I am in harmony with myself and the world around me.”

You can also work all parts of the body in turn. You should move from a feeling of complete relaxation, to heaviness and then to warmth throughout your body.

For depression

Auto-training is also actively used in the fight against depression.

But it is important to understand that this is only one component of a complex of works, aimed at improving the emotional state.

During the exercise, you need to convince yourself that parts of your body are filled with pleasant warmth and become heavier.

Once you feel as relaxed as possible, you can begin to say positive messages.

Text task- cheer up and get a charge of optimism. These could be compliments to yourself or the mood for a pleasant day.

Affirmation for neurosis, internal tensions and conflicts:

For good health

If you start to feel worse, but you won't understand why or you have had a long-term illness, then you can try auto-training for health.

Use approximately the following settings“I am strong and healthy. Every cell of my body is filled with light and happiness. I feel great. I have a surge of vitality."

It is important to clearly imagine this image and feel it.

Auto-training for health:

Before bedtime

If you have, then there are exercises that will help you cope with them. But here also Additional conditions required: ventilate the room, spend a couple of hours before bed in a calm environment, don’t overeat, listen to calm music.

Climb into bed and make yourself comfortable. Try to concentrate on the words that you will say to yourself. Don't let thoughts distract you. Relax.

And repeat: "I am calm. My body is relaxed. I'm resting. I am comfortable. My right leg fills with warmth. My left leg is filled with warmth.”

“I feel the warmth spreading throughout my body. My torso is filled with warmth. My hands are filled with warmth. My head is also filled with warmth. I feel good and calm."

“I feel warmth and pleasant heaviness throughout my body. I feel at peace. I feel a slight drowsiness that increases with every breath. I am calm. I slowly drift off to sleep. I am falling asleep. I sleep sweetly."

At first, the exercise can be repeated several times. until you achieve what you want - falling asleep. But over time, you will notice that you begin to fall asleep faster and faster.

You'll definitely fall asleep! For sleep, easy hypnosis for insomnia:

Duration of daily lesson

What is the minimum duration of daily auto-training? You should start gradually.

It is important that the activity does not turn into a routine and you it wasn't boring. To begin with, you can stop at two minutes and gradually increase this time.

About Schulz's book

The founder of this method is considered to be I. Schultz, who wrote the book “Autogenic Training”. It contains basic principles of auto-training.

At the same time, Schultz notes that this technique can be used not only as a tool for psychotherapy, but also as a method of preventing diseases, improving mood, increasing productivity and stress resistance.

Autotraining is considered by him as a way to train spirituality and cultivate the best qualities in yourself, through concentration on your own body and emotions, as well as positive visualization.

Most of the book is devoted directly to the exercises themselves, with detailed recommendations.

Thus, auto-training can help cope with difficult life situations, strengthen the psyche, tune in to the coming day or, conversely, plunge into the kingdom of sleep.

The technique takes very little time and has a positive effect on your emotional state.

Video about autogenic training and its psychotherapeutic effect according to Johann Schultz:

Autotraining is a psychotherapeutic technique that you can practice on your own. This method of treatment is effective for various forms of depression, in which there is a decrease in emotional background, depression, sadness, and a tendency to suicidal thinking. Auto-training for depression, in combination with other treatment methods, can significantly reduce the manifestations of a psychosomatic disorder and instill in a person a positive attitude. Before starting auto-training exercises, you should consult a specialist who will familiarize you with the main nuances of the method and, after an examination, will be able to assess the feasibility of using such therapy.

Specifics of treatment

With the development of depression, neurochemical reactions occur in the human body caused by a loss of mental balance. The main task of autotraining is to normalize the mental state, as a result of which it will be possible not only to stop the processes of destabilization, but also to reverse them.

Auto-training for depression has an effect on the brain, similar to hypnosis. The only difference is that hypnosis requires the help of a qualified specialist, and auto-training is carried out by the patient himself and with his active participation.

The principle of such hypnotic treatment is based on the repeated pronunciation of certain phrases - a psychological attitude to which the formed thought processes will subsequently obey.

Rules for conducting auto-training

An effective treatment result is possible only under the condition of complete immersion in a trance, in which verbal constructions take on the form of an order for the individual. If auto-training exercises are performed correctly, the patient experiences personal changes, gains positive emotions and begins to perceive life positively.

Classic Schultz technique

Autotraining according to the Schultz method includes 2 stages:

  1. Relaxation.
  2. Going into a trance state.

To achieve relaxation, a person suffering from depression needs to relax all the muscles, feel the heaviness of the body and the spreading warmth, and establish control over the rhythm of the heartbeat and breathing. To achieve complete relaxation, you should take a comfortable position, sitting or lying down.

At the first stage, you need to pronounce mental formulas that promote complete relaxation. After the heaviness in the body and spreading warmth begin to be felt, you need to begin voicing mental commands aimed at eliminating depressive manifestations of thinking. All spoken phrases must carry a firm conviction of complete well-being. You can choose the words yourself, the main thing is that they have a positive meaning and they help increase self-confidence.

Auto-training for depression helps everyone, without exception, get rid of the signs of the disorder. Everyone is able to choose for themselves an effective option for self-hypnosis. Success depends primarily on the patient’s persistence and regularity of exercises. It is recommended to conduct auto-training daily, in the evening or lunchtime.

Depression is a vision of the world in gray tones, but the world itself is neither good nor bad. We must decorate it. Auto-training helps to decorate the world in bright, cheerful colors through self-hypnosis of positive life attitudes.

Considering that during times of nervous exhaustion, loss of spirit, and stress, the only way out of the situation is to change your vision of the world, auto-training is considered one of the best means for this, moreover, a person can master this technique himself and practice, improving, all his life.

Principles of auto-training

There is a very good comparison of your consciousness under the influence of auto-training and emotion management. Imagine that asphalt is being laid in the yard. Asphalt is inherently hard, but now it is hot and soft. You can leave a mark from the sole in it, or you can lay out a pattern with pebbles. The same thing happens to your consciousness during two phases of training:

  1. The first phase is auto-training for relaxation. Your consciousness becomes soft and receptive to change.
  2. The second phase is self-hypnosis. You lay out a pattern on the asphalt, which will subsequently harden. In practice, this looks like pronouncing special auto-training formulas, which your brain perceives as instructions
. Carrying out auto-training

Auto-training can be useful not only during depression and various mental disorders, it is also applicable in the everyday life of each of us to raise morale, cheerfulness, and optimism. For example, the most useful auto-training for women is complimenting yourself every day. Such things increase attractiveness and sexuality. Also, auto-training can be used for rejuvenation, or getting rid of bad habits.


An integral part of auto-training is positive attitudes. They should be short and extremely unambiguous, without “not” particles. For example: instead of talking “I’m not sick,” you should say “I’m healthy.”


But, above all, auto-training affects calm and balance. For example, if you find yourself in a stressful situation where you just want to rip your interlocutor’s throat out of rage, you can tell yourself “Dissolve!” or “All clear!”

Auto-training is carried out in a relaxed state of mind and body. The training begins with you saying to yourself: “I am relaxed,” then from your toes to the very top of your head you relax one part of the body at a time - “my toes are relaxed” (and you feel instant relaxation), “my feet are relaxed,” “my calves are relaxed.” " etc.

There is an opinion that depression is one of the diseases that there is no way to get out of depression on your own. But, fortunately, this opinion is just a misconception, the conclusions of insufficiently educated people. Nowadays, with the right treatment, you can even get out of depression on your own.

How to get rid of depression? How to deal with depression? How to get out of depression on your own? These and many other questions concern relatives and friends, and those suffering from depression themselves. Let's figure out what can be done for this.

Research conducted by experts in the field of social psychology shows: if we are surrounded by pessimistic people to a greater extent, then the likelihood that we will become pessimists is quite high.

When you feel sad and depressed, you want to communicate with the same sad people. But you need to overcome this feeling and try to surround yourself with optimistic people who quickly restore mental strength, so that you yourself have the desire to recover and return to normal life. To achieve this, you need to meet and communicate with people who make your life better and happier at least once a week. It will be difficult at first, but it is necessary. It is worth remembering that emotions have the function of “contagion”, and experiencing positive emotions is useful.

Depression comes from hobbies and activities that were previously enjoyable. In order to overcome this, you need to continue doing what brought you joy. At first, a hobby may not bring satisfaction, but you need to try to imitate joy and pleasure, and soon the joy from your favorite activity will be true.

Step 2: autogenic training

These include:

There are also foods that you should avoid if you are depressed. These are alcohol and excess caffeine consumption, they sharply increase glucose levels, which in turn can lead to sudden mood swings.

The most important step

And finally, the most important step in the treatment of depression, which does not have a number, since it is the most important, is psychotherapy and.

In order for the treatment of depression to be quite effective, various methods of psychotherapy are selected individually, depending on the needs of the patient - these include behavioral psychotherapy, cognitive psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, etc.

When treating depression, the most effective psychotherapeutic methods include interpersonal therapy, since they are capable of reducing the risk of relapse for a sufficiently long period of time and can be used both on an outpatient basis and in a hospital.

These psychotherapeutic methods are aimed at finding solutions and mobilizing the resources of a person suffering from depression, and not at searching for the causes of conflicts. Thoughts, feelings, and actions of a person are closely connected and have a certain effect on the activity of organs and the body.

Thus, negative thoughts further increase depressed mood. Any deviations in social contacts, the cause of which is poor health, further aggravate painful thoughts. This, in turn, causes stress, which makes the situation even worse. Psychotherapy treatment can break this vicious circle.

Please note: all the steps listed above must be combined with treatment for depression! Self-treatment of such a complex illness as depression can be dangerous. Be sure to seek help from a psychotherapist!

Depression can also be treated with medication, i.e. a psychotherapist or psychiatrist, if necessary, can prescribe antidepressants, the choice of which will depend on the patient’s symptoms. We hope we have given a comprehensive answer to the question of how to get out of depression on your own.

Surely everyone has experienced depression at least once. During this period, you begin to see the whole world in shades of gray, but the world itself cannot be called either good or bad. You need to decorate it yourself. Auto-training with the help of positive attitudes and self-hypnosis will help decorate the world with cheerful colors.

During times of stress and nervous exhaustion, female auto-training is considered the best remedy. It is worth noting that absolutely anyone can master this technique and practice it at home.

Role in managing emotions

It is very important to develop the skills of self-development and self-regulation, because only they can develop a person’s inner harmony with himself. Self-control plays a huge role in human life, since very often emotions completely take over the mind. Therefore, it is worth learning to manage your emotions.

A real salvation will be auto-training, which will set you in a positive mood, normalize your breathing, and also change your behavior. It is worth noting that auto-training and emotion management is a universal means for developing self-control. You just need to convince yourself that emotions cannot control actions, and very soon this will happen. To do this, you need to conduct simple training every day. To do this, you should stand in front of the mirror and follow a number of recommendations:

  1. You need to smile inside yourself and, taking a step towards the mirror, explode with aggression, let all your emotions come out.
  2. Next, a step back is taken, and a smile and relaxation appear again.
  3. Taking a step forward, anger appears.
  4. Step back - calm.

It is worth noting that at the beginning the emotions of rage will be feigned, but over time they will become much more natural. The lesson should start with 10 seconds and gradually increase to 30 seconds.

Complete relaxation

It is very important to master auto-training for relaxation, because with the help of exercises you can relieve mental stress.

  1. Inhaling, raise your arms above your head. As you exhale, bend forward and lower your arms so that they are free.
  2. Feet shoulder width apart. Rotate your torso to the sides, your hands should be free.
  3. You need to lie on your back. As you inhale, the hand rises and as you exhale it falls freely.
  4. Lying on your back, you need to pull the heel of one leg closer to your buttocks. The heel cannot be lifted off the floor. Next, as you exhale, you need to relax the muscles so that the leg returns to its original position.
  5. You need to sit in a relaxed position and drop your head on your chest. The lower jaw should sag to create a feeling of “hanging cheeks.”

During the exercise, you need to remember that as you inhale, the muscles should tense, and as you exhale, relax.

Women's auto-training for depression

Surely every woman remembers the comedy “The Most Charming and Attractive,” in which an unlucky friend was set on the right path with the help of auto-training. Laugh with laughter, but it actually works, and auto-training for women is very useful.

Auto-training is a wonderful way to relax and unwind, especially after a working day. In addition, no everyday activities can interfere with auto-training.

It is worth noting that it is much easier for women to engage in auto-training, because their imagination is actually limitless.

There are some simple rules for auto-training:

  1. All thoughts should be directed exclusively in a positive direction. Even if you find yourself in an unpleasant situation, you need to learn to find as many positives as possible.
  2. Positive attitudes should be pronounced as if what you want has already come true.
  3. In positive attitudes there should in no case be a “no” element.

You should never give up, because you can make your dream come true only with faith in your heart.

Calm and Harmony

If it happens that you are irritated and tired, then auto-training for calmness will help you cope with this situation. The session should take place in several stages:

  1. Relaxation. It is very useful to learn to relax your body. To do this, you can do the following exercise: you need to tense your outstretched arm until trembling appears, and then sharply lower your arm. It is best to start auto-training after mastering relaxation.
  2. Mood. At this stage nothing should interfere. You can ask your family not to disturb you and turn off the phone. You need to get as comfortable as possible and calm down.
  3. Speech. Spoken words play a huge role in auto-training. The text is pronounced silently and from memory. Words should be selected depending on the purpose of auto-training.
  4. Completion. After the auto-training is completed, you need to stand up sharply and take a deep breath.

If you strongly believe in what you are doing, auto-training will definitely help you achieve your goals.

Video on the topic of the article