How to properly massage the female uterus. Features of gynecological massage, indications and contraindications. Cost in different centers

If there are disorders in the female reproductive system, sometimes doctors offer gynecological therapeutic massage. This therapeutic method, the essence of which is to improve blood circulation and lymph circulation in the pelvic area. For what gynecological diseases is this massage indicated, what are its pros and cons, and how gynecologists do it - read the article.

Indications and contraindications for gynecological massage

The indications are:

  • Chronic inflammation of the internal genital organs.
  • Presence of adhesions.
  • Displacement of the uterus and its appendages.
  • Adhesive process in the pelvic area.
  • Slight vaginal prolapse.
  • Weakening of the pelvic floor muscles.


  • Bleeding of any origin.
  • Uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts.
  • Tumors in the gynecological area.
  • Inflammatory processes in the acute and subacute stages.
  • Presence of a uterine device.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Varicose veins of the vagina.
  • Diseases Bladder.
  • Acute phase of stomach diseases.

Also, gynecological massage is not used in case of weak and insufficient tone of the uterus, in pathological positions of the organ (bending at the back, deviation from the axis in the vertical direction), when lowering down.

Pregnancy and suspicion of it, cervical erosion and chronic gynecological inflammation are absolute contraindications for massage.

If you decide to have a massage after childbirth or abortion, at least 2 months must pass. You also need to wait until your baby finishes breastfeeding.

How is professional gynecological massage performed in a medical facility?

This massage is performed 1.5-2 hours after eating. To carry it out, you must have a gynecological chair or massage table with a movable headrest and steps that make it easier to support your feet.

Massaging is carried out with two hands: one is placed on the patient’s abdominal wall, the fingers of the other are placed in the vagina. The massage is carried out mainly with the hand located outside. The fingers inside only gently lift the uterus to act on it.

The massage should begin only after the bladder and intestines have been emptied and the external genital organs have been emptied.

A woman needs to relax her abdominal muscles as much as possible.

Specially trained medical worker- a doctor or midwife - performs a massage with both hands at once. In this case, one hand acts from the vaginal side, and the other from the abdominal integument.

Execution technique gynecological massage

The abdominal wall is lubricated with cream or sprinkled with talcum powder. The massage is performed using two hands. Two fingers of the left hand are inserted into the vagina and fix the uterus, and right hand circular movements are made, which gradually press on abdominal wall in the direction of the fingers of the left hand.
Massage is performed with the surface of all three phalanges of the fingers, and not with their tips. Lifting the uterus from the inside, the massage therapist alternates stretching, vibration, stroking and lightly pressing movements. The location of the fingers in the vagina depends on the indications for massage. If there are gynecological scars or adhesions, they are affected by stretching them, moving the uterus to the side, raising and lowering it, the same for the uterine appendages.

Gynecological massage should not cause pain, it is carried out gently, gently and carefully. Whenever discomfort the intensity of movements should be reduced.

If the patient feels sharp or prolonged pain, the massage stops immediately. After the massage, the patient should lie on her stomach for 10-15 minutes or stand in the knee-elbow position.

The first procedure should be a trial procedure and not exceed 2-3 minutes. The second session can be carried out after 2-3 days, taking into account individual tolerance.

A massage course consists of 15-16 procedures, each lasting no more than 15 minutes.

The effect of massage on gynecological diseases

After the course:

Massage can be especially effective in cases of infertility problems and the presence of adhesive formations - since if it is done several times, it helps to relax the muscles in the pelvic area and improve blood supply to the organs. True, one factor is important for this procedure.

Gynecological massage requires absolute trust in the massage therapist, which will help achieve complete relaxation.

A woman must have a physiological minimum in the form normal temperature, absence of pathological abnormalities in blood tests and vaginal discharge.

Basic techniques for gynecological massage: video

Gynecological massage is one of the methods of prevention and treatment women's diseases. Not every woman knows why uterine massage is needed, how the procedure is carried out, and what indications it has. Female massage- This physiological method impact, which has health properties, providing therapeutic effect on the diseased organ and the body as a whole.

Female gynecological massage: what is it?

Today you can find quite a lot of literature devoted to gynecological massage. Many people have forgotten about this procedure because it takes some time to carry out effective massage, and also not everyone knows the technique of performing it correctly.

Many women are forced to lead poorly active image life, and this affects normal operation genitals. Subsequently, blood circulation in the internal organs abdominal cavity and the pelvis, which provokes the occurrence of stagnant processes, muscle weakness and the development of inflammation.

In addition, the uterus is an integral muscular organ that requires certain stimulation through massage. The procedure is also very useful if the uterus is positioned incorrectly or has some pathology, for example, normal muscle tone is lost or the organ is bent. Massage can influence and help correct all these problems.

This method of treatment helps to cure many gynecological diseases, improve work reproductive organs, which is why the chances of conceiving a child increase significantly.

What effect can you expect from a massage:

  • normalizes blood circulation and lymphatic drainage in the abdominal and pelvic organs, which helps saturate the cells with oxygen and stimulate their smooth functioning;
  • muscle tone increases, so you can solve the problem with the incorrect location of the organ;
  • intestinal and urinary functions are normalized;
  • prevention adhesive process, as well as resorption of adhesions, if any, adhesions are common reason problems with conception;
  • helps get rid of unnecessary fluid (infiltrates), which often accumulate and stagnate after inflammatory diseases;
  • the functioning of the ovaries is stabilized;
  • sleep improves;
  • relieves pain during menstruation, reduces nervousness and irritability, after the procedure the woman is active, cheerful, full of strength and energy;
  • appetite increases.

Who performs organ massage? Every gynecologist should know how to do gynecological massage and master the technique of performing it perfectly. If the doctor himself is not able to perform the massage, it is necessary to train a nurse or midwife to perform the manipulations. The procedure is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

After 6 sessions, the gynecologist together with the obstetrician should re-examine the patient, this will help determine whether the massage technique was chosen correctly. It is also important to monitor the reaction female body on the procedure and effectiveness of treatment with this method. Massage is most effective when combined with other therapy methods.

Indications and contraindications for massage

The procedure in the form of gynecological massage is recommended during various pathologies and diseases of the pelvic organs.

Typical indications:

  • adhesions;
  • inflammation of the uterus and mucous walls of a chronic nature;
  • displacement or incorrect location of an organ;
  • congenital anomalies caused by pathologies during childbirth, inflammation of the uterus and abortion;
  • muscle hypotonia, dystonia, fibrosis;
  • immobility of the uterus, stagnant processes caused by weakening of muscle muscles;
  • vaginismus;
  • amenorrhea, disruptions menstrual cycle, painful periods;
  • miscarriage, infertility.

There are also factors in the presence of which massage is not carried out and is not tolerated.

The procedure is not carried out:

  • during menstruation;
  • lactation period, pregnancy or suspicion of it;
  • after surgery, childbirth or abortion for 2 months;
  • elevated temperature bodies;
  • infectious diseases, sexually transmitted or sexually transmitted;
  • during tuberculosis of the reproductive organs and abdominal cavity;
  • acute inflammation of the genital organs;
  • purulent processes.

Absolute contraindications:

  • congenital pathologies of uterine displacement;
  • tumor processes in the organ cavity and appendages;
  • uterine bleeding, erosion or endometriosis;
  • venous thrombophlebitis;
  • combination gynecological problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pain of unknown etiology during and after massage.

Massage technique

Massage of the uterus is carried out by a gynecologist or an obstetrician (nurse), who must wash and disinfect his hands before the procedure, then begin palpation. It is also possible to do a massage at home yourself using the technology described below.

  • Using average and index fingers on one hand, stroking is done with gentle movements from the vagina and cavity.
  • The other hand slowly and gently strokes the stomach with kneading movements.
  • Absolutely all movements should be gentle, light, without pressure, harshness or tension.
  • As a rule, the procedure should be painless; if you feel discomfort or pain, stop the massage and consult a gynecologist.

When the procedure is performed by a doctor, it is performed on a gynecological chair, or even better, on a massage table, which has a special roller, headrest and footrests to support the feet. The massage is performed lying down or in a knee-elbow position, depending on the indications. The doctor calmly and gently performs the steps described above.

Before the manipulation, the patient must be taught how to breathe correctly and relax the muscles. abdominals. Also, a woman should come to the session two hours after eating, the bladder and intestines should be emptied at the start of the massage, and the doctor treats the external genitalia with an antiseptic.

The first session will not last longer than 10 minutes, and more is possible in the future. The number of sessions depends on the conditions and indications, ranging from 10 to 20. Depending on the reaction of the patient’s body, the procedure can be carried out without interruption every day or at intervals of one day for 1 to 3 months, and sometimes 10 sessions between menstrual periods.

Many patients ask what rehabilitation period after the procedure? After a uterine massage, no rehabilitation is needed, the only thing is that there are a number of recommendations that will help you get effective result from the procedure.

  1. The first thing is that you should not get up immediately after the manipulations. Is in vertical position It takes about 15 minutes, you can lie on your stomach.
  2. Secondly, during treatment with massage sessions it is necessary to avoid intimacy. If this is too much for you, be sure to carefully protect yourself, because there is a high risk of ectopic pregnancy because of increased tone muscles of the uterus.
  3. Third - if it is necessary to restore correct position uterus, it is better to sleep on your stomach at night. Some may also help physical exercise. To do this, you need to consult a specialist.

Massage for infertility: worth a try?

In fact, to betray this so important not worth it. Since the diagnosis of infertility is usually made when there are several causes or there are predisposing factors, for example, heredity or congenital anomalies. Therefore, it is clear that massage will not be able to overcome the reasons that interfere with pregnancy. Most likely, in this case, this method is used as an auxiliary method in conjunction with the main treatment. Massotherapy, which is applied and used according to indications, is effective, and favorable changes in organs under its influence can contribute to pregnancy. Of course, the procedure is not performed during pregnancy, but it is often done by women at the beginning of their cycle to increase the chances of successful conception.

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Gynecological massageeffective method treatment large quantity"female" diseases. What is important is that this is also the most physiological method, without the use of medicines and allergy risk. Our clinic actively practices this type therapy, given its demonstrative results and safety.

How it works?

This type of massage has everything positive points, like any other massage - blood circulation improves, muscles relax, activates the immune system. This, in turn, starts a whole cascade useful processes– cells are saturated with oxygen, rejuvenated, adhesions and scars begin to resolve, chronic inflammatory processes retreat... This massage is unique in that, no matter how much you want, you cannot improve blood flow and “stretch” the muscles of the uterus on your own. Moreover, during the procedure, a slight displacement of the uterus occurs, which can help correct acquired anomalies in its position (curved uterus, etc.).

Indications for gynecological massage

  1. Chronic inflammatory diseases female genital organs (uterus and its appendages). This is especially true for those who often experience pain in the lower abdomen in the appendage area or in the sacrum. You will feel the effect after several procedures.
  2. Salpingitis and fibrosis (often resulting from “untreated” inflammatory processes).
  3. Amenorrhea and infertility.
  4. Previous abortions and miscarriages.
  5. Frigidity (acquired, not congenital)

In many cases, gynecological massage of the uterus should be used in combination with medication (and even hardware) treatments, in which case the effect is mutually reinforcing and the disease disappears without a trace.

In our clinic you have the opportunity to combine all stages of treatment - medication, physiotherapy and other techniques. Gynecologists at the SM Clinic will tell you in detail about the most preferred methods treatment for you after examination, and then our receptionist will advise you on the price for the entire course of procedures.


No matter how physiological and good the method is, it also has certain contraindications:

  • acute inflammatory processes of the female genital organs (external or internal);
  • time of menstruation;
  • the presence of neoplasms of the uterus and its appendages;
  • elevated temperature (37 and above);
  • increase in ESR more than 20 mm/h;
  • pregnancy (or suspicion of it);
  • tuberculosis of the genital organs;
  • congenital abnormalities of the uterus;
  • lactation;
  • sharp pains problems that arise during massage;
  • within 2 months after childbirth, abortion or miscarriage.

How is gynecological massage done?

At SM-Clinic the procedure is as follows. The woman is in one of 2 positions (depending on the purpose of treatment) - either classically on a gynecological chair, or on a couch in a knee-elbow position. The gynecologist works with two hands - one from the vaginal side, and the other pressing on the anterior abdominal wall. In this case, the uterus and appendages are gently squeezed between the doctor’s hands and gently massaged. Massage should not cause pain. If you feel pain, be sure to tell your doctor. For her part, the woman’s task is to relax her stomach as much as possible. By straining your abs, you interfere with the procedure. We have experienced gynecologists who will clearly explain to you how to breathe correctly during the procedure to avoid discomfort.

Gynecological massage is rightfully considered one of the most effective and efficient versions of the treatment of female ailments, when repeated, a whole program of influence on intimate tissues is reproduced. Such classic elements of the procedure as stroking, light pressure, stretching, light pressure, moving or gentle friction will certainly guarantee positive changes in terms of health.

Moreover, according to experts, significant changes take place not only in the tissues themselves that are massaged, but also spread to neighboring organs, and at the same time are reflected in a good way throughout the woman’s body.

The essence of gynecological massage in practice

It is important to immediately emphasize that with a professionally performed session, the arterial circulation, A venous stasis, on the contrary, decreases to required norm, cell activity is stimulated and protein breakdown increases. It also accelerates the absorption of fat and increases overall metabolism - such changes become the main reason why the fair sex decides to resort to a similar approach.

In addition, an experienced massage script simultaneously affects the flow of lymph and promotes the absorption of exudative fluid: it accumulates in the organs and tissues of the pelvis and needs to be carefully dispersed.

In this case, adjacent inflammatory infiltrates usually become much softer than their typical state (especially near compacted adhesions), gradually decrease and, ultimately, resolve, promising good health.

In parallel with such large-scale help, the activity of the liver and kidneys is put in order, the pulse becomes fuller, gas exchange does not cause discomfort during the day. Gynecological massage has a significant impact on adjacent areas of the body, that is, it affects most muscles and all pelvic organs, even affecting the ligamentous apparatus. Therefore, it is a well-known and important therapeutic nuance for infantilism, congestion, improperly located organs or inflammation.

Usually, this therapy It is rarely used as a preventive measure and is distinguished by clearly defined goals for its implementation and the chosen technique.

How is professional gynecological massage performed?

Having set the goal to quickly eliminate inflammation, increase for women reproductive age a chance to become a mother, the described technique has not yet gained mass popularity, but is in demand in small circles. However, this nuance is a plus, since among the small number of offers, it is much easier to find a real specialist in this field. After all, it is the choice of an experienced massage therapist that sets the tone for the entire therapy, guaranteeing the safety of the patient herself and a positive outcome.

Equally important is the preparation of the optimal place: a gynecological chair with a well-adjustable tilt and footrests. To accept comfortable position and not feel tension during the procedure, the woman should sit at the edge, spread her legs and rest them on the footrests - almost repeating the standard position during examination. During the session, you should lie calmly and relaxed, and if there is sudden pain, do not twitch and immediately report the discomfort to the doctor.

For example, with retroflexion, pain may occur during palpation (due to rapid heartbeat) and this common situation for beginners, you need to be prepared for it, making sure that it does not develop into panic.

According to the classical scheme, the doctor performs the necessary manipulations with both hands: one acts on the body from the inside, from the vagina, the other should support the process from the outside, making stroking movements on the stomach.

Use special ointments and creams

You will also need a special ointment or cream that is used to lubricate the index and middle fingers one hand (those that control the massage through the pelvic cavity). Here you need to be extremely careful when it comes to the uterus, especially if the lady suffers from a diagnosis of displacement, or in the presence of scars and adhesions. In parallel with soft stroking, the second hand should make massaging movements on the skin along the abdominal cavity.

It is not recommended to lubricate the fingers of this brush, so as not to reduce the sensation of touch - a representative of the fair sex should feel them and determine whether they are pleasant or cause discomfort, and whether it is worth changing the rhythm. The specialist must act with utmost care urethra and the clitoris, as areas with increased tactility.

Depending on the approved format of female diseases and the intended goals of gynecological massage, the technique itself differs. In particular, initial procedures usually last from 2 to 5 minutes, depending on the patient's ability to adapt to the new approach. Afterwards, you can gradually increase the strength and time frame of each visit: on average, it lasts about 10 minutes.

Don't forget about your well-being

It is worth remembering that during the session it is necessary to constantly monitor the well-being and mood of the patient, her ability to perform correctly breathing exercises(partial dubbing from childbirth) and relax your abdominal muscles. In addition, the woman should come already partially prepared for the upcoming procedure - no faster than 2 hours after eating.

It is advisable to empty the intestines within a few hours, and the bladder even closer to the hour by starting a massage, and the professional’s duties include treating the genitals with an antiseptic solution.

According to reviews, sometimes it takes a much longer period to get the desired effect. But in any case, the result will meet your expectations and more than compensate for the inconveniences experienced: the woman will finally be able to get pregnant, will feel great, her metabolism will return to normal, and sensitivity will improve during sexual intercourse.

The whole course is selected individually each time and can last from 2 weeks to 2-3 months in total, and at night you can sleep on your stomach. And after the gynecological massage procedure, the lady should rest for at least 10-15 minutes on her stomach.

At the same time, it is optimal to combine the sessions planned for the future with physiotherapy and osteopathic effects (meaning visceral therapy, colon massage). Experienced doctors emphasize that correcting the correct position of the uterus is facilitated by correctly selected gymnastic exercises And frequent visit bladder toilet (after approximately 2-3 hours).

Details of gynecological massage according to Norbekov

If you follow Norbekov in the rules of execution, then the anlogy of automassage will cover not so much the physiological points of influence on the organs of the female body, but the psychological side of preparation. In other words, here the patient should not pay attention to the small pelvis indirectly, but rather try to convince herself that she is completely healthy. But even in such simple version can't do without special exercises, which are necessary to create proper stimulation of the uterine muscles.

If we draw a parallel with the traditional form of massage, the progress of which must be monitored by a qualified gynecologist, a simplified version of mental influence can be performed at home and without the participation of extra people. It will be much better if a woman does not have to trust someone else, because according to Norbekov’s method, she must complete the main stages of self-hypnosis in private.

Main tasks during massage

In particular, the main task of a person who seeks to put her health in order and improve the quality of the intimate sphere of her life is to learn to trust herself and at the same time carefully study all facets own body both “from the inside” and physically. If we consider massage as a whole, it perfectly improves the tone of the tissues of the pelvic and abdominal cavities, allows you to put things in order. general state sick.

For example, increase the level of performance, reduce irritability and acute reactions on stress, help cope with pain, maintain appetite, protect strong and restful sleep, monitor the functionality of the intestines and bladder.

Indications and contraindications for

As with any form of health care, gynecological massage was developed primarily for a narrow range of diseases. For specific diagnoses, specialist intervention is not just an additional recommendation, but a mandatory step to eliminate discomfort. So, the following points may be prerequisites for starting:

  • disturbed position and displacement of the uterus;
  • advanced inflammation processes;
  • problems with periuterine tissue;
  • disruptions in the peritoneum covering the internal genital organs;
  • periodic pain in the sacrum, coccyx, near the uterus or ovaries;
  • backward bend (initial stage of prolapse and prolapse from the vagina);
  • congenital inferiority (amenorrhea, infertility);
  • functional deficiencies of intimate organs;
  • defects in the structure of the ligamentous apparatus and pelvic floor.

But in addition to the prerequisites, there are completely different details. Every woman should remember shortlist contraindications that place a taboo on gynecological massage and include:

  • acute diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • gonorrhea and tuberculosis;
  • thrombophlebitis of the pelvic veins;
  • tumors of intimate organs;
  • it's time to get pregnant.

According to practice, with the proper approach and complicity of a professional, the effect really lives up to all expectations and allows as soon as possible improve not only your health, but also sex life. Therefore, approach the issue of choosing and planning a course as carefully as possible - only with the right organization will you be able to fully achieve the expected results.

The article was prepared and edited by: surgeon