The best contextual advertising. Your home business

No, no, there are no typos in the title - I really want to talk about how you can not make money on your website, and how you can not make money on contextual advertising.

I think any webmaster, when creating this or that resource, expects that in the future his brainchild will be able to bring him at least some money. No, I’m not talking about some exorbitant sums - it would be enough to earn at least enough to pay for hosting, domains and the “nth” amount that could be spent on further promotion of your site.

Some webmasters initially sharpen their sites and blogs, which can really bring in significant profits. So, for example, according to my modest calculations, I calculated that I can make money by selling links about 10 thousand dollars a month not that difficult.

Well, everything seems to be clear with links - other webmasters are trying monetize your sites using various banners, affiliate programs and naturally contextual advertising, which is what I want to talk about now.

I already wrote somewhere that I created this blog primarily for the purpose of publishing my extremely risky trading on the Forex currency market in order to make money, but I never ruled out the possibility of adding contextual advertising.

For unknown reasons, or rather for reasons unknown to me, about a year ago, as soon as I managed to accumulate the second minimum amount for, without explanation.

All this leads me to the fact that, in essence, I don’t have many options left for placing contextual advertising. Those who have been stewing in this mess for a long time know that at the moment the leaders in the field of contextual advertising are the aforementioned Google Adsense, where the doors are already closed to me, and the popular Yandex Direct, with which, as it turns out, things are far from being the best.

To date, my blog has already received the third refusal to be added to the Yandex advertising network, which in turn plunged me into a kind of rage.

As in the case of Google, no one reported to me - a refusal and that’s it. Trying to figure out what the matter was systematically led me to the fact that the content of the blog does not correspond to some kind of Yandex editorial policy, which you can’t even read about anywhere.

It seems that all the rules published in the corresponding section of Yandex have been followed - there is no pornography or materials that violate the law on my website. As far as I can judge about the quality, the site is made for people, it has a lot of useful information, visitors find here what they are looking for.

As a matter of fact, the further material presented in the note will be in its own way justifying in nature with notes of negativity towards YAN (Yandex Advertising Network), and so, let’s get started.

What you need to do to avoid making money on your website.

For those who are too lazy to read to the end and look at incomprehensible pictures, answering the question of what needs to be done in order not to make money on contextual advertising of their website, I will say right away - make a good website!

Yes, yes, good sites turn out to be far from an indicator - I have already received 3 refusals from moderators of the Yandex advertising network, disqualified from Google Adsense and what will you tell me to do now?

In general, before giving up, I decided to conduct, so to speak, SEO audit of your blog in order to identify shortcomings that could at least indirectly influence the moderator’s decision, and you know, I didn’t find anything suspicious, but the fact remains a fact.

First of all, I once again went over the rules of participation in the Yandex advertising network.

Rules for participation in YAN

As a matter of fact, traffic to my blog has been exceeding the minimum level of 300 people per day for several months now.

As I said earlier, on the pages of my blog there are no materials that contradict the requirements of current legislation, there is no pornography, insults (all comments are moderated), my blog is not an online casino and does not fall under the content of this clause of the rules.
The content of the site cannot in any way mislead users - the failure rate according to Yandex Metrics fluctuates around 9%.

Speaking of viruses, at the moment there are no problems with them - due to the fault of the hoster, but then everything ended safely and quickly.

It seems that all the rules have been followed. Let's understand further - let's move on to statistics.

Contextual advertising and site statistics

Personally, it has already become obvious to me that good website statistics are far from an indicator, and certainly not a reason for undergoing moderation to add contextual advertising. In general, I wonder how Yandex evaluates sites? Who should I give it to and who should I not? But more on that later.

  • Transitions from search engines – 82.19%
  • Direct visits – 13.35%
  • Clicks on links on websites – 1.82%
  • Internal transitions – 1.69%
  • Undefined – 0.55%
  • Transitions from social networks – 0.39%
As you can see, the bulk of visitors reach the blog through search engines, which, in principle, should speak for itself. People are looking for something, come to me and find what they need.

  • Yandex – 49.91%
  • Google – 48.65%
I am sure that many webmasters focus on the effectiveness of search results in Yandex, since it is considered the main Russian-language search engine. Previously, traffic from Yandex fluctuated in the range of 35-39 percent, but recently this value has changed somewhat and changed for the better. If you have difficulty attracting traffic, try solving this problem using the SeoPult service. There are a lot of tools for website promotion (SEO, contextual advertising, social networks, etc.), accessible and understandable even to a beginner.

Marked in this image 5 most popular pages my blog according to Yandex Metrics. The first note talks about how to make a Hard Reset for the popular Samsung Galaxy S2 smartphone based on the Android operating system. Since the publication of the material at the end of May 2013, the page has been viewed more than 45 thousand times. The note has been commented on about 200 times, in the comments I have already repeatedly helped visitors solve problems with their devices.

The second note is not even a week old, and it is already in great demand. Material on the topic of counterfeit tablets turned out to be quite popular, so the article provides examples of how you can distinguish an original device from a Chinese counterfeit.

The third most popular article recently was about how you can independently reflash a Wexler t7008 e-reader that has crashed. More than 50 people use my instructions every day. More than 100 comments.

The fourth and also relatively new note talks about how to get rid of advertising in your browser. Working in the field of computer equipment maintenance, there have recently become more frequent cases when Internet users, instead of regular pages, began to see random and often obscene advertisements in their browsers.

In addition, there is a lot of other useful information on the blog pages. For example, in the “” note you can find detailed videos and photographs on how to do this correctly.

In general, this list can be continued for quite a long time, but as you can see, this in no way affects the assessment of the quality of the site and does not provide any advantages during moderation for adding contextual advertising.

Site quality

I don't know what others think, but personally I think the quality of my blog is close to ideal. Of course, if you dig hard enough, some minor shortcomings and possibly more serious errors can be found everywhere, but the topic of optimization today is so controversial that you can make complaints about any site, but it’s better to talk about what has been done.

Below is a list that I can brag about to the best of my ability.

  1. The site is completely custom made
  2. The blog has a unique design
  3. High uniqueness of the text
  4. Many new, unique images
  5. The blog is 100% valid
  6. The blog has a good XT trust = 5
Small clarifications.

1. There are a lot of rumors on the Internet, and in general there is an opinion that most GS (bad sites) are located on standard engines like Joomla or Wordpress, which in turn automatically disgusts search engines.

2. A unique design, one might say, is a kind of Yandex requirement for creating websites for people. This has also been written about more than once.

3. The presence of a unique text means the presence of new information that has not been published anywhere before or has not been published in such a context.

4. As in the case of unique text, unique pictures or photographs should, in theory, only be beneficial, although Yandex’s indexing of pictures leaves much to be desired. As an example, to view unique pictures, I can recommend the notes “
In addition, I can say with confidence that absolutely all pages of my blog are indexed and are in search results, in other words, there is not a single excluded page.

Site age currently it is 1.2 years. Subject Citation Index small - 10 units (was 20). Number of external links according to Yandex Webmaster it is 163 pieces.

What can be concluded?

And the conclusion is quite simple - having a good website does not mean earning money. Here I am, sort of like a “future millionaire,” but essentially a beggar – the site is good, but I can’t make money on it, they don’t allow me to place contextual advertising.

I know a lot of sites that post blatant copy-paste on their pages, without presenting their visitors with absolutely nothing new. These sites, as a rule, are without any design, with a lot of errors and third-party advertising a la how to lose weight in 3 days or how to enlarge breasts several sizes, and here’s the paradox: among other things, I also see blocks of contextual advertising from the same Yandex or Google.

That is, is everything all right there? Or maybe, in order to pass moderation, my blog must respond to the queries “buy a car” or “where to get a loan”?

To be honest, this state of affairs greatly disappoints me. Everything is heading towards the fact that search will very soon become completely commercial, and only online stores will be able to make money from contextual advertising.

Last year, I did this primarily so that in the future I could fully cooperate with Yandex in all directions, including contextual advertising. Then I was sure that I would be able to bring the traffic to my blog to the required level and that I would be able to hang up the coveted advertising unit that would start bringing in money, but in reality everything turned out to be completely different.

Today, contextual advertising is becoming increasingly popular - placing an advertisement on websites, on the pages of search engines, which in context matches the material published on a given web page or user requests. For example, an advertisement for plastic windows or Finnish paint appears on a website about construction, an advertisement for food or veterinary clinics appears on a website about pets, an advertisement for a watch brand appears on a website about watches, etc. In this case, contextual advertising can be placed both in the form of a text ad and in the form of a bright graphic banner.

The main advantage of such advertising is its selectivity. Product advertisements are seen by precisely those users who are directly or indirectly interested in purchasing it. If the choice of sites for contextual advertising is chosen after serious analysis, then the likelihood that many potential buyers will become your customers is high.

An important advantage of the contextual one is speed. As soon as your advertising campaign is launched, the first visitors who click on requests will appear on the site. The client who ordered contextual advertising receives detailed statistics. He sees what queries led users to his site, how many clicks there were, and whether any purchases were made. In this case, statistical figures, and not the promises of the advertising manager, become a compelling argument when deciding whether or not to extend this advertising campaign. Contextual advertising can be displayed at a time the client deems necessary, and in a strictly defined region. If you offer services in the Stavropol Territory, then only users in this region will see your advertisement. And yet, if a client turns to a reliable advertising company, then he will be offered several hundred sites with detailed characteristics of their audience, which is also an advantage of advertising on the Internet.

All advertisers and website owners are forced to look for the best contextual advertising. The first ones pursue the goal of optimally spending their budget with maximum return and a reasonable cost per click, others are interested in increasing their income from the site, that is, they are primarily interested in the cost per click, and the higher it is, the more profitable it is for them. Below we will look at which contextual advertising is best for both parties and give examples.

The best contextual advertising services

Google AdWords

A contextual advertising service that offers an “advanced” interface, many tools for assessing advertising effectiveness, and the ability to promote a site even with the help of a multinational audience. Here the cost of a click starts from $0.1 and can reach $10-20, or even higher. If you plan to monetize your site with Google AdWords advertising, then keep in mind that the service does not care what kind of hosting you have, whether it is free or paid. The main thing is that you strictly adhere to the rules of the system. Adhering to a competent approach, monthly earnings can be $300-400. The main difficulty lies in withdrawing the earned funds, since there is a minimum amount for withdrawal and the payment is sent by electronic check, which takes 45 days to cash.

  • On search sites and in Google search.
  • On the Google Display Network - next to content across sites.
  • On mobile phones that support full-featured browsers, tablets and other devices.
  • Speakers of certain languages ​​in selected locations.
  • Selected target audience.


The minimum cost per click is $0.01, and the minimum order is $10.

Ads placed through Yandex.Direct are shown:

  • on the pages of YAN partners;
  • on Yandex search results pages for queries you have previously selected.
  • on the Yandex.Catalogue pages and on the Catalog search pages;
  • on search pages for Yandex.Maps;
  • on the search pages in the Directory of Organizations;
  • on Blog search results pages;
  • on the search results pages for Yandex.Market.
  • on the pages for viewing all advertisements from the Yandex.Direct network for certain keywords.


What opportunities does contextual advertising from Begun provide:

  • Ad impressions in the Google search engine.
  • Banner advertising on partner sites that are part of the United Company Rambler&Co.
  • Product advertising on the site for comparing prices in Google Merchant Center and
  • Mobile advertising – shown on mobile versions of websites.

As you can see, today the leaders in the contextual advertising market are:

  1. Google Adwords system from Google
  2. Yandex.Direct system from Yandex.
  3. Rambler – Begun system.

Now Google and Yandex are noticeably ahead of Begun due to their effectiveness and popularity. Having a number of advantages and features, contextual advertising allows thousands of people to effectively run their business and enter even those markets that are remote from the entrepreneur himself. For example, you can be in Kyiv, but sell your goods in Kharkov and other cities of Ukraine, and even abroad. You may be interested in our service “contextual website promotion”.

Contextual advertising market trends

As you can see, over the past five years there has been rapid growth of this market and ranges from 10% to 60% per year. If we translate this into monetary terms, then the bill in this regard amounts to tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars.

However, the balance of power has changed towards the use of contextual advertising, and all this due to its obvious advantages, which you will learn about below.

Many businessmen have tried to place contextual advertising on their own and failed as a result. They did not achieve the desired effect. A huge budget was wasted. Their advertising campaign failed, resulting in large expenses. In order to avoid such an unpleasant situation happening to you, it is important to consider several points, which you will learn about below, or immediately order contextual advertising services from professionals.

  • Planning an advertising campaign.

Today, for many areas of business, it is not enough to simply create a website in the best contextual advertising network, use the first keywords that come up and click to start advertising. You must decide what goal the advertisement should achieve and how you will measure the results.

Think about what kind of traffic your ads are designed for, where they will link, how the conversion will take place, what should happen to users next, what information should be provided to the potential client and what target action should he perform.

It is also important to think about such important points as the return of those users who have already visited your site, but did not complete the target action (for example, did not put the product in the cart or place an order).

During planning, it is worth understanding what budget for contextual advertising you can afford and what the cost per click should be. Moreover, it is very important to take into account the life cycle of a potential client.

  • Determining the target audience.

It will be good if you create a portrait of all user groups that will visit your site. What kind of people are these? Why did they follow the ad? What problem are they solving? What are their interests and characteristics? The more detailed you describe your target audience, the better.

For example, if your website sells building materials, then you may have two categories of users:

Construction crews are looking for where it would be more profitable for them to buy materials and subsequently earn more. This target audience group is primarily focused on price.

Individuals looking for materials needed to renovate their cottage. First of all, they are interested in quality and only then in price.

Naturally, these audiences will have different interests. Therefore, you need to work with them differently. Each audience must have its own advertising campaign, its own ad texts, its own performance indicators and bids. It is advisable to calculate all this at the stage of launching contextual advertising.

  • Correct targeting.

Proper targeting allows you not only to save your budget, but also to increase the effectiveness of your advertising campaign. This way, you can attract targeted visitors at a better price.

First of all, you need to determine the region where your ads will be shown. If there are several of them, you will have to create a separate campaign for each of them, since rates and competition in different regions differ significantly.

The timing of ad displays also plays an equally important role. For example, if you run a lunch delivery business, people will most likely be looking for lunch during the day, just before lunch breaks. The situation is exactly the same with the delivery of sushi and pizza. When the likelihood of an order is greater, it is recommended to increase rates and increase the budget, attracting more potential customers.

Selection of sites for placement. You need to think about whether you need to be placed in the Display Network or you can get by with advertising in the search.

Sometimes it makes sense to create both companies that can achieve different goals. For example, in search we will sell more often and more, and in Display Network we will engage in attracting traffic and building a brand.

  • Competently drafting advertisements.

First of all, you need to choose your target keywords. It is necessary to use conversion queries, since high-frequency or general ones do not always bring customers, and the cost of clicking on them is very high.

Create a separate ad for each keyword.

Stand out from your competitors by learning their strengths and weaknesses.

  • Bid management.

A rather slippery moment, at which, as a rule, the advertising budget is lost. The maximum click cost and ad placement strategy are always chosen taking into account the goals of the advertising campaign. For example, the cost of the third place at the top of the page is often 2-3 times cheaper than the cost of the first place. At the same time, the number of transitions will not differ significantly. There are so many strategies.

  • Landing page.

Even a well-tuned advertising campaign will not bring the desired result if you have a frankly bad website. This point is especially important for advertising on the Google Adwords contextual advertising network, since in it the quality of the page affects the cost of the click and the position of impressions that your resource can qualify for.

Naturally, the landing page must convert traffic into customers. The more effectively it does this, the better your advertising campaign and business income will be.

The main features of a good landing page: it corresponds to the user’s request, the page has high-quality selling text, photos and other content, convenient and clear navigation and contacts.

The landing page loads quickly and is low (it would be nice to add optimization for mobile devices).

  • Analytics and post-click analysis.

Setting up an advertising campaign is not all that needs to be done on the path to success. It is important to understand how it works and constantly improve it. To analyze a campaign, you need to use utm tags for Yandex.Direct or link your Adwords and Google Analytics accounts. You need to analyze the budget and bid size, conversion for the campaign, conversion for the ad text, conversion for each keyword, perform A/B testing of the web pages on which traffic flows.

Taking into account all the above points, you will be able to increase the effectiveness of your advertising campaign even at its start. Many of the details have been reviewed by our internet marketing specialists and described in other articles posted on the site.

The best contextual advertising in terms of cost per click

In this regard, many advertisers ask the question: “Which is cheaper - Google Adwords or Yandex.Direct.” Of course, Google is the absolute leader in Ukraine. It is more popular among advertisers, but, unfortunately, the cost per click on this network is higher.

Don’t ignore Yandex: a click on this network can cost 60% less. But do not forget to pay attention to the specifics of the topic and remember that the amount of traffic in this search engine is limited.

As for the cost of a click for media companies, it is almost the same in both Google and Yandex, at the level of $0.03-0.04. Therefore, we recommend testing traffic conversion before allocating budget for media networks.

Specialists in the best contextual advertising

If you want your advertising budget to bring maximum benefit, but you do not have sufficient knowledge, you do not want to understand this topic - contact our company Web-Sputnik for help. Our specialists in setting up contextual advertising have the following criteria:

  • Our team has many years of experience in setting up and running advertising campaigns, achieving maximum effect.
  • Calculation of rates that provide savings in advertising budget and its rational use.
  • Favorable terms of cooperation, ensuring a stable flow of customers for your services and products.

Contextual advertising services.
Earn money from contextual advertising.

Sorry for the banality, but
! You can love advertising, you may not love, but without her, my dear, EVERYTHING will fall into place.

In fact, advertising benefits us all. Thanks to it, manufacturers find distributors - intermediaries, who, in turn, find sellers, sellers find buyers, and the latter, thanks to advertising, find out where and how they can purchase the product they need.

Internet without advertising impossible to imagine. A long evolutionary path has been passed. Once upon a time, about 10 years ago, advertising banners ruled the roost, with the sin of often deceiving people. Then bulky text blocks came into fashion. These formats had certain drawbacks and quickly lost their effectiveness, and so on...

But finally Her Majesty came CONTEXTUAL ADVERTISING . She stands out among her peers. And all because she is very “smart”. If earlier, for example, you could easily see a “strange” banner on Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky’s page calling for you to diversify your sex life with the help of goods from a sex shop, now contextual advertising jokes like this won't work.

That's because contextual advertising is able to analyze the contents of the page on which it is placed and, adjusting, displays ads exclusively on the topic of the text. Such advertising much more effective because it is initially of interest to site visitors.

It's profitable advertisers, as it allows you to plan very accurately advertising companies. Their advertising will be seen by the target, potentially interested audience, who may make a purchase or other expected actions.

Beneficial for the webmaster who posted contextual advertising on your website, since it is more likely that visitors will be interested thematic advertising, which means they will click on it more and generate income.

And finally, it is beneficial for the ordinary visitor, since he can find what he was looking for. It's a rare occasion when everyone is happy.

To be honest, I personally am delighted with contextual advertising both as a webmaster and as a simple website visitor. I always pay attention to it and sometimes find things that I would never find in a search engine. After all, the ranking of sites there follows its own laws. And if a site is inferior in optimization, even if it is very interesting, then we can sometimes discover such a nugget, alas, only thanks to advertising.

contextual advertising has dozens of finely customizable formats, which allows you to very harmoniously fit ads into the design and text of a web page. On my website you can see several contextual advertising blocks Google. As well as a search box at the top right, which also uses contextual technology.

Below I have prepared a brief overview of the undisputed leaders in the market contextual advertising. One important tip. Take the RULES of these services very seriously. This, firstly, will help avoid punitive sanctions for involuntary violations, in the form of deprivation of earned money, and secondly, significantly increase the efficiency of the deposit placed with you advertising and accordingly increase income.

And here is my favorite contextual advertising service! Very easy to use and functional, with a powerful system of diagnostics and reports on working with advertisements. This makes advertising as effective as possible for advertisers and allows you to optimize income for webmasters.

Ad blocks can be placed without any prior moderation on any sites that meet the rules of the service. The only difficulty is that webmasters receive payments in the form of personal checks by mail, which takes time, or using the Rapid system, which is also not particularly convenient. Although it depends on everyone, I speak for myself. The minimum payout amount is not small for a beginner site - $100. However, I recommend this system! Combine blocks best Google AdSense with blocks Dawns.

Post contextual advertising blocks from Yandex already more or less promoted sites can afford them. There should be at least 300 unique visitors per day. Initially Yandex Direct worked only with legal entities, but in recent years individuals have also been accepted. In any case, to work with the service you will need to conclude a formal written agreement. Just between you and me, experienced webmasters comparing income from contextual advertising Yandex Direct And Google AdSense claim to make money from advertising Google 2 times more. Yandex Direct It also has a fairly functional system of statistics and ad analysis.

Begun, popularly called Runner- normal contextual advertising service for a beginner webmaster. If the theme of your site meets the requirements, then welcome. Sites with traffic from 2 people per day are accepted. The amount of withdrawal of earned funds is greater than in Zorke and is 1200 rub. Legal entities can withdraw money faster, within 2 weeks, individuals will wait about a month.

A detailed answer on how to make money from contextual advertising and what services allow you to earn money.

Some get the opportunity to create a source of permanent income on the Internet, while others get a specific target audience.

After all, as statistics say, unlike bright and provocative banners of teaser advertising, contextual advertising inspires trust in more than 40% of people.

That is, people click on ads purposefully.

This article will tell you what exactly needs to be done so that users notice the placed blocks and the income from them grows.

What is the essence of the method of making money on contextual advertising?

If you have been an Internet user for several days, then you have definitely seen contextual advertising, because it is everywhere.

Ads designed in blocks with the inscription “Runner” or “Yandex.Direct” - that’s what it is.

Part of these funds goes to the intermediary site as a reward for its services.

That is, a properly configured unit, for example, with frying pans will not end up in the middle of a car forum.

It is located at the very top, side or bottom of the results when the user is looking for something purposefully.

Thanks to numerous precise settings and algorithms, the “context” is displayed only in accordance with the content of the page.

This scheme is aimed at ensuring that a visitor to a resource on a certain topic is more likely to be interested in the proposed thematic product than someone random.

The system of operation of such programs is known in detail, perhaps, only to developers.

How much can you earn from contextual advertising?

It is impossible to name the exact amount of how much you can earn from contextual advertising. But we can clarify that on Russian intermediary platforms a click is estimated at 0.1-100 rubles.

And your total monthly earnings can range from an insignificant 500 rubles to tens of thousands!

This variation is influenced by the topic of the resource on which the advertisement is located, which user clicked on it, and so on.

Making money from contextual advertising: where to start?

After all of the above, you should have been left with the main question: how to start making money from contextual advertising?

  1. Of course, the first and main step is choosing a topic and creating.
    There are some areas that are more in demand than others.
    This includes women's sites, business topics, finance, and seasonal offers.
  2. For hosting, choose only paid hosting.
    With the free one, you can also try your hand at some resources.
    But only a paid one will pass any test and allow you to generate more income.
  3. Select one or several systems for advertising.
    Experienced webmasters recommend starting with Runner (discussed below) as the simplest system.
    After it, you can switch to Yandex.Direct.
  4. Track statistics and experiment with the type and placement of contextual advertising to get better results and more earnings.

What services allow you to make money on contextual advertising?

When the site has already been created and promoted, you can proceed to selecting a specific intermediary site for placing blocks.

There are three main ones:

  • A popular platform among beginners.
    A special advantage for them is the absence of restrictions on the number of visitors to the resource.
    Literally anyone can start making money.
    And the system for withdrawing your earnings is simple and familiar - to a WebMoney wallet.
    But there are also limitations, of course.
    Users do not have as many options for designing ad units at their disposal.
    And the cost per click is somewhat lower, although using the site is much simpler and more convenient.
  • Yandex.Direct is more picky when choosing platforms.
    And it is worth noting that it only serves the Russian-language category of sites.
    In addition, they must be located on paid hosting.
    Before you submit your partnership application here, you will need to do a lot of promotion.
    At a minimum, the number of your daily visitors should exceed 300.
  • also, or even more attentive to the choice of sites for placing blocks.
    It puts forward certain requirements for the life of the resource, its content, quality and safety.

Different sites have different prices.

So YAN offers you 50%.

But if you pass Google’s strict selection process, you can count on 68% (of each person’s click).

How to earn more from contextual advertising?

As mentioned above, in order for a click to pay higher, you need to choose one of the most profitable topics.

After this, your efforts should be aimed at developing the site and attracting new visitors.

Experienced users say that nothing leads to a resource better than raising its position in search engines.

This can be done using various website optimization techniques.

Oddly enough, in addition to generally accepted topics that gather a large audience, the method of concentration works well.

For this purpose, websites are created on a specific narrow topic. They usually have fewer visitors.

But at the same time, the percentage of those who click on contextual advertising is higher. In total, this gives the best earnings from contextual advertising.

A good example of such a site are fan clubs of certain car brands and the like.

But in addition to choosing such a narrowly focused topic, do not forget about filling the site with quality content.

In general, for stable and growing earnings from contextual advertising, it is important that you pay due attention to the site itself. Create it not for profit, but for people.

Then your business will go up.

Earning money from contextual advertising: how to place it?

The average figure is 40% of attention from users. Of the people who came to the resource for a specific purpose, only 30% will pay attention to your contextual advertising.

But of those who came to the site by accident, 50% will already devote time to studying the blocks posted.

In any case, your goal is to ensure that the attention of both is not distracted by anything. Then the indicators will remain at the specified level, and earnings will increase.

  1. It is believed that the user should not scroll the site page in order for the blocks to come into his field of view.
    Place them near the beginning.
  2. Obviously, too much advertising is annoying and off-putting.
    But a lone block will attract fewer clicks.
    You need to choose the optimal number of blocks yourself, observing the “golden mean”.
  3. Choose the size of your ad so that it doesn’t take up too much space, but also doesn’t get lost.
    Pay attention to which arrangement will look better on the page - horizontal or vertical.
  4. You can use statistics that indicate the following: a person's gaze moves from left to right.
    Therefore, information placed on the right is perceived by the brain as more significant.
  5. Please note that the placement of advertising blocks on the main page and the rest should be different.
    Just as the focus of users’ attention on them differs. Where the main place is occupied by content, the blocks will be better seen on the right. But on the main one, more glances are directed to the upper part.

also explained in the video:

Briefly answer the question, how to make money on contextual advertising, is as follows: fit blocks into the content of the page organically, follow the rules for using the selected advertising system and develop your site.

After all, the larger and better your audience is, the more transitions there will be. Accordingly, your level of earnings will increase.