Is it possible for pregnant women to sleep on the right? Dependence of sleep quality on gestational age. Choose the right pillow filling

After two lines appear on the test, a woman has to limit herself in many ways. She shouldn't run long distances or worry.

Pregnant women are also prohibited from drinking and staying up late. In addition, it is undesirable to sleep in certain positions.

On later During pregnancy, doctors do not recommend sleeping on your right side. Of course, women wonder Why shouldn't pregnant women sleep on their right side? or maybe it's possible?

It is not advisable for pregnant women to sleep on the right side - so internal organs are under heavy load

Many people think that best pose for sleeping - right side. At first glance, this is correct, since the heart is located on the left and squeezing it is fraught with consequences. On the other hand, wise nature protected him. So the heart will not suffer during sleep.

However, if you lie on your right side for a long time , troubles are possible. If you sleep in this position for a long time, internal organs are under great stress . They already work actively in pregnant women, so don’t create additional problems for yourself.

Optimal position for sleeping during pregnancy - on the left side, legs bent at the knees, you can put a pillow between them

Here is another explanation why pregnant women should not sleep on their right side. Recently scientists conducted a study which helped them figure out that thirty percent of expectant mothers who slept in this position had stillborn babies . They explained this by saying that if a woman lies on her right side, the heart hangs on the artery. As a result, blood flow becomes more complicated, and venous blood enters the brain more slowly. This is the main reason why a woman and an intrauterine baby lose consciousness.

By the way, in some situations, doctors , vice versa, this position is recommended . For example, if a pregnant woman has an oblique presentation of the fetus .

Why it's better not to lie on your back

In addition to why pregnant women should not sleep on their right side, it is worth saying what other positions you can and cannot sleep in. So, It is not advisable to sleep on your stomach in the last trimesters . It is forbidden in this period sleep on your back.

Many women are in a supine position for a long time, feel severe pain. This means that you need to change your position, as it is dangerous for the health of the fetus and mother. After all child already weighs a lot. Decent weight and uterus, placenta and amniotic fluid . Together they compress the vena cava located under the uterus. As a result, movement is disrupted venous blood , which is fraught negative consequences for the health of the pregnant woman.

During pregnancy, especially in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, you should not sleep on your stomach or back.

If you sleep in this position, you may experience problems such as:

  • Prostration;
  • Dizziness;
  • Headache;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Also, if a woman sleeps on her back, premature detachment of the placenta and fetal hypoxia are possible.

Explaining in detail why pregnant women You can’t sleep on your right side; it’s worth talking about what positions are best for them to sleep in. Them It is advisable to lie on your left side . Place your right leg on a pillow, bending at the knee.

This pose is beneficial because:

  • Helps improve blood flow in the tablet, that is, the child receives the necessary amount of oxygen;
  • Also, if a pregnant woman sleeps in this position, her kidneys work better;
  • If you sleep on your left side, your arms and legs will not swell;
  • In addition, there will be no pressure on the liver;
  • Expectant mothers who sleep in this position have less back pain and better heart function.

Use pillows to make your sleeping position more comfortable

Finding a comfortable position is easier with the help of pillows of different sizes. Try experimenting with them: place them under your stomach, between your legs or under your lower back - it all depends on the choice of the pregnant woman.

It is important that a woman gain strength and rest during sleep , because she has to give birth in a few months. You will have to spend a lot of effort on this. After giving birth, the mother will not be able to sleep for a long time, because the baby requires constant care.

How to organize your sleep correctly

Pregnant women suffering from insomnia should not take sleeping pills , because it affects not only their well-being, but also the condition of the baby.

At night, do not drink drinks containing large quantity caffeine Avoid or significantly reduce the amount of coffee, soda, or tea you drink.

Don't drink too much or overeat a few hours before bed. If the expectant mother has evening toxicosis, she can drink kefir with crackers.

Get some fresh air before bed , but avoid physical activity. Set a daily routine - go to bed and get up at a certain time.

When you wake up from cramps, get to your feet and stand for a while. You can get a relaxing massage. Cramps are a symptom of calcium deficiency. So eat more products, of which it is included.

Take a walk before bed fresh air

If the cause of insomnia is fear of childbirth, you can attend preparatory courses before childbirth or chat with friends who have already given birth. Having received the necessary knowledge, a pregnant woman will not be afraid of childbirth.

In any case, do not forget that regardless of the chosen position, if the blanket is heavy and the summer is hot, or if you have a fight with relatives, you will not be able to sleep. And the question of why pregnant women should not sleep on their right side is unlikely to bother you in these cases.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

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There is no need to talk in detail about the importance of proper sleep for a person. It is at night that the body recovers, and lack of sleep can cause a variety of diseases. What can we say about pregnant women, who undergo a significant restructuring of their entire body and they, like no one else, are in dire need of good rest. Lack of sleep can also negatively affect the future health of the child.

But how can you sleep properly during pregnancy? Growing belly gets in the way good sleep, prevents you from using already familiar poses and creates discomfort. Therefore, knowledge of how to sleep properly is always relevant and necessary. Stress on female body at this time it is simply colossal, he works in enhanced mode and the desire to take a little nap is quite normal.

A strong desire to sleep causes in the first months high level hormones. The body of a pregnant woman changes, creating a load on all systems and organs, and a reflex depression of the central nervous system occurs. Towards the end of pregnancy, many people face the problem of insomnia. There are reasons for this: it’s hard to find a comfortable position, anxious thoughts before giving birth, how can you sleep here?

But a woman should know how to sleep better so that it is safe and comfortable.

Looking for a comfortable sleeping position

Each person has his own favorite comfortable positions in which sleep is sweet and sound. Naturally, pregnant women also have their own preferences. But if a woman liked to sleep on her stomach or on her back, she will have to leave her habits in the past for the entire duration of pregnancy.

True, in the first trimester, up to 12 weeks, future mom can afford his favorite poses. But the sooner you start changing your habits, the easier it will be to get used to new circumstances and positions, especially since familiar positions, especially in the second and third trimesters, will not bring anything good except discomfort. They can become dangerous for pregnancy in general and for the fetus as well. So, it would be better to refuse in favor of more acceptable and safe options.

All a woman’s efforts and aspirations should be directed at this time to protecting her child. Despite the fact that the baby is protected by those around him amniotic fluid, after all, the weight of your body poses a threat to it and there is a risk of injury, especially during sleep, when we do not control most of our movements.

You will have to stop sleeping on your back from the 28th week. At this time, pressure is already observed from the tummy, the growing uterus and fetus put pressure on the lower back, then the intestines and vena cava, thereby blocking the flow of blood and oxygen to the cells and tissues. Naturally, the fetus also suffers from this. Difficulty breathing, dizziness, decreased blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, impaired blood flow in the kidneys and placenta, exacerbation of hemorrhoids - a negative list of the consequences of such a position in sleep.

The child will also be indignant, showing increased activity, which indicates an uncomfortable position and lack of oxygen. Roll over if your baby kicks or if you feel your limbs going numb. Lying on your left side is considered the safest and most comfortable sleeping position.

With this position of the body, blood circulation is not disrupted, and neither the mother nor the fetus suffers. Nothing interferes with blood circulation, and the child receives both oxygen in full and everything necessary substances. There is no pressure on the liver and after sleep there is no pain in the back or pelvic area. According to doctors, this position also has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart.

In case of transverse presentation, you should sleep on the side where the baby's head is located. Someone will say that it is impossible to stand in one position all night. Of course, change positions, turn over 3-4 times from side to side, even with a breech presentation of the fetus.

Helper pillow

It will be difficult to get used to any position that is unusual for you, including sleeping on your left side. Note that for a pregnant woman sleeping on her left side is the ideal position. A woman may experience discomfort during sleep due to her growing belly. In this case, great benefit will bring the use of additional pillows. Soft pads of different sizes should always be kept near you. They will come in handy, by the way, when you need to choose a position that is comfortable for you.

You can also try various options. For example, place one pillow under your stomach and another between your knees. At the same time, if you are lying on your left side, left leg It is advisable to extend and bend the right one. The cushion under the lower back significantly improves your well-being and position. No certain recommendations In these cases, you can generally place pads wherever you see fit. The main thing is that you feel comfortable and comfortable.

There are special pillows for pregnant women on sale, designed taking into account all physiological needs. They are very convenient and if funds allow, it will be better if you purchase them. , having the shape of a horseshoe, will save you from insomnia and allows you to take any position. You can use pillows to sit half-sitting and take a short nap.

You should also pay attention to what you sleep on. Both a hard mattress and a soft feather bed are not suitable for pregnant women. Something in between needs to be thought through. A bed with springs should be excluded; it should be static.

You can overcome insomnia, which often occurs due to the characteristics of pregnancy and the processes taking place in the body, with the help of aromatherapy and relaxing massage sessions, and taking a warm bath before bed.

Gain strength, get plenty of rest, because you have childbirth and baby care ahead, and these are sleepless and restless nights, so get better sleep now.

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

Pregnancy affects not only the body of the expectant mother, but also her habits, character, and lifestyle. It is quite difficult for women to endure sleep disturbances caused by a rounded tummy. Whether you are sleeping or watching TV, you always need to choose a comfortable position, which must also be safe for the baby.

Mothers should ask what sleeping positions are acceptable during each trimester, the risks of falling asleep on the back or stomach, and what devices should be used to facilitate the process.

Choosing a pose according to the trimester

Every woman should know how much time and how to sleep during pregnancy. Scientists have found that more than 85% of expectant mothers suffer from insomnia and sleep disorders, they often have nightmares or do not get enough sleep. deep phase. This process is complicated by the fact that pregnant women often suffer from drowsiness, especially in the first trimester. On recent months on the contrary, the woman sleeps much less. All these features should be taken into account when choosing a favorable position for rest. Normally for a girl night sleep 10 hours a day are allotted, then the body will fully rest and fight unpleasant manifestations like toxicosis and bloating of the stomach are more successful.

We also ask you to take part in the questionnaire: Did you have problems sleeping during pregnancy?

Comfortable sleeping positions will vary depending on the period.

First trimester

Drowsiness increases significantly, to the point that the woman wants to sleep at any time of the day. This is due to changes in the body, weakened immunity and hormonal imbalances.

During this period, women begin to wonder whether pregnant women can sleep on the right side, left, back, stomach, and what positions are undesirable to take. Since for the first 1-2 months a girl may not even know about pregnancy, the opportunity to sleep out of habit remains and this in no way harms the development of the child. That is, in the first trimester you can sleep in any comfortable position, but gradually accustom yourself to lie down and fall asleep on your left side. Also, due to toxicosis, many women wake up in the middle of the night or in the morning. To reduce the symptom, lie on either side in a slightly elevated position (high pillow). Remember that nausea increases in severe horizontal position, as well as in a position lying on your stomach or back.

Second trimester

The girl notices the rounding of her tummy, the first discomfort appears during sleep, especially when trying to turn over on her stomach. Control the process, because resting on the stomach disrupts blood circulation to the area, which can cause the baby to experience a deficiency of oxygen and nutrients. At relatively small belly You are allowed to fall asleep on your back or right side. Prepare for insomnia and possible seizures.

Third trimester

After 6 months, finding a comfortable sleeping position will be quite difficult. The baby begins to move and even push, since his sleep pattern does not coincide with yours. There is also increased swelling of the body and limbs, which leads to heaviness and cramps in the legs. Before going to bed, it is recommended to massage the area of ​​stiff muscles and stretch them well. Many mothers are interested in how to sleep better during pregnancy in the third trimester. First, find a comfortable pillow or purchase a pregnancy-specific pillow to place under or between your knees. This position allows you to reduce the load on the limbs, relieve pain and normalize sleep. We also carefully place the tummy on the pillow and fall asleep on its side (preferably on the left).

To successfully fall asleep, you can perform a simple exercise. Lie on your back, close your eyes, relax your shoulders. Gently pull your chin towards your chest and place your palms on lower section press. Take a deep and slow breath, then exhale normally, using your palms to control the rhythm of your breathing. Then lie on your side, bend your knees and place the necessary pillows (under your head, between your legs and under your stomach). Continue to follow the chosen breathing rhythm, trying to relax your body as much as possible as you inhale and pull your chin towards your chest.

All women are interested in why pregnant women need to sleep on their left side. The fact is that only this position will protect you from pressure on the vena cava, the branches of which lie to the right of the uterus. Through them the blood returns from lower limbs through the pelvis to the heart. Positioned on the left side, bend at the knee right leg and put a pillow under it. At the same time, it can also be placed on the right side, especially if the expectant mother has kidney problems, has undergone surgery or has recently had stones removed.

For convenience, it is recommended to take a long pillow or blanket and place it between (under) your knees. The greatest comfort will be brought to your rest by a pillow for pregnant women, made in exactly the shape that will help you take the safest and most comfortable position.

Why do pregnant women need to sleep on their left side, the main advantages?

So, the most comfortable positions for sleeping during pregnancy are already known. But why does everyone recommend the left side?

  • In this position, blood flows freely to the placenta, nourishing the fetus useful components and oxygen.
  • Work is returning to normal genitourinary system, making you less likely to get up to go to the toilet at night.
  • Evening swelling of the limbs decreases, heaviness and stiffness in the muscles go away, and the number of cramps decreases.
  • Unfavorable pressure on the liver is eliminated, which is especially important for women who like to eat heavily before bed.
  • The back and pelvic area relaxes as much as possible, due to which daytime fatigue and soreness go away.
  • This position ensures favorable functioning of the heart muscle of the expectant mother.

In addition to information about how to sleep during pregnancy, expectant mothers should also take care of the issue of getting up. Doctors advise not to get out of bed immediately after waking up, especially abruptly and quickly. A woman should carefully turn on the side closest to the door, place her feet on the floor and slowly sit down. Gentle movements will help avoid uterine hypertonicity.

There are some features and pathologies of pregnancy, in which a comfortable and healthy sleeping position is selected individually together with a doctor.

  • Transverse presentation. If the fetal head is located with right side, then the expectant mother should sleep on this side. This will allow the child to still occupy in the future correct position head down.
  • Pelvic position of the fetus. Here doctors recommend lying on your left side and doing special exercise. The woman lies down on a hard and even mattress, removes the pillow from under her head and places it under her buttocks, folded in half (the pelvis should rise 25-30 cm above her head). The pregnant woman lies in this position for 5-10 minutes, after which she takes a comfortable position for sleeping. The exercise should be repeated 2 times a day, starting from 32 weeks. Duration of treatment is 14-20 days. After the child takes the required position, the woman is prescribed to wear a bandage.
  • Heartburn and disorders respiratory system . Many patients ask what position is best to sleep in during pregnancy if they have pain. increased acidity, runny nose, shortness of breath and nausea. Gynecologists recommend lying on your side, lifting top part bodies. Special mattresses or high pillows are suitable for this.
  • Swelling, cramps, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. During daytime and nighttime rest, place an orthopedic pillow under your legs and feet, which will help drain blood from the lower extremities.

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Consequences of sleeping on your stomach and back

For those patients who have slept on their stomachs all their lives, it will be most difficult for them to wean themselves from this position, which is dangerous for the child. In the first months (the uterus is located under the pubic bone), you can lie down in your usual position. But as the abdomen grows, you will have to gradually wean yourself off, since the pressure on the uterus and blood vessels in this area it is extremely dangerous for the baby, even if you manage to sleep on your rounded tummy.

Often, enlarged and painful mammary glands will force you to give up sleeping on your stomach much earlier. Moreover, they should be provided normal conditions for development and filling, which is impossible when compressed and compressed by a mattress.

Many doctors and articles tell which side is better for pregnant women to sleep on, while completely ignoring the possibility of resting on their back. So is it possible or not to unconsciously take this position during pregnancy?

Of course, resting on your back is more pleasant and comfortable than on your stomach, however, discomfort and consequences are possible.

  • In the supine position, blood flows intensely to the pelvic area and lower extremities, so not enough oxygen reaches the lungs and brain. Possible lack of air, dizziness, fainting.
  • The voluminous uterus descends to bladder and intestines, which forces you to go to the toilet several times a night.
  • The enlarged uterus actively puts pressure on the vessels, which prevents normal blood circulation to other internal organs, as well as to the placenta, which can lead to fetal hypoxia. This can cause blood stagnation in the pelvic area and extremities, which can lead to increased manifestations of varicose veins and swelling of the legs.
  • Back pain appears (especially in lumbar region) and bedsores. All day the woman feels broken and weak.
  • Doctors have documented that sleeping on your back increases the incidence of hemorrhoids in pregnancy.
  • The uterus compresses the main vena cava, which forces the heart to pump blood more intensely. This in turn leads to cardiac disorders (arrhythmia, rapid heartbeat, tachycardia), as well as increased blood pressure.

If you unknowingly lie on your back while sleeping, the baby will tell you about the lack of oxygen with strong kicks and movements in the uterus. This means that you should turn on your left side.

Doctors always take into account how comfortable it is for pregnant women to sleep, but still recommend giving up sleeping on your back, starting from the 25th to twenty-seventh week.

Choosing the right place to sleep and bedding

A pregnant woman should not only choose the right sleeping position, great importance The place where she sleeps also plays a role in her health. To do this, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It is advisable to sleep on a spacious bed, thanks to which the expectant mother will be able to take any positions she needs;
  • the mattress must have a flat surface and be non-rigid;
  • when choosing anatomical or orthopedic mattresses, you must buy models either without springs or with independent springs. With their help, you can evenly distribute body weight and relieve stress on the spine;
  • the mattress should be durable, ventilated and hypoallergenic.

How to choose a pillow for a comfortable sleep

Caring manufacturers have invented unique options for pregnancy pillows that follow the contours of the body and take into account the anatomy of the body. different dates. Such a pillow on one side supports the rounded and heavy belly, on the other hand, eliminates blood stagnation in the extremities. It also prevents changes in position during sleep, so the expectant mother can sleep peacefully without worrying about the baby’s health. Of course, sleeping on the accessory is not very comfortable at first, but over time you will adapt. Many mothers begin to get used to a soft friend at the beginning of the second trimester.

Unfortunately, the product has several disadvantages:

  • impressive size, thanks to which the pillow takes up additional space and can displace the sleeping husband;
  • specific fillers that retain body heat and do not absorb moisture (in summer it is hot and “wet” to relax with the product);
  • dry cleaning (most pillows do not fit in a washing machine and are prohibited for hand washing);
  • synthetic materials and fillers can become electrified;
  • Some fillers (for example, polystyrene balls) rustle unpleasantly during sleep.

When purchasing a product, expectant mothers are interested in how to properly sleep on a pillow while pregnant.

How to get good sleep during pregnancy?

While carrying a child, a woman often faces problems trouble falling asleep. In order to correct them, you should:

  • establish a sleep schedule (go to bed and wake up at the same time of day);
  • in the afternoon, give up activities that contribute to mental and physical fatigue (this could be serious negotiations, watching exciting films, etc.);
  • take regular walks in the fresh air;
  • do gymnastic exercises for pregnant;
  • avoid eating foods that excite you nervous system(acute or fatty food, coffee, energetic drinks, tea);
  • take your last meal and drinks no later than an hour and a half before bedtime;
  • ventilate the room, keep it clean, maintain the necessary air humidity;
  • accept sleeping pills only on the advice of a doctor;
  • to calm down, you can drink a glass of milk with honey or mint decoction, take a warm bath with aromatic oils;
  • if insomnia is caused by fear of future childbirth, then it would be best to attend a prenatal training course. Specialists in these courses will carefully consider all situations that provoke fear in a woman.

All expectant mothers should ask their doctor how to sleep properly during pregnancy, how to choose a pillow, and from what date these rules should be followed. Only compliance with the doctor’s instructions will help improve sleep, make it long and calm, without physical and psychological anxiety.