The shag varieties are the best. Shag is a plant

Makhorka (lat. Nicotiána rústica) - species herbaceous plants from the subgenus Country Tobacco (Rustica) of the Tobacco genus of the Solanaceae family. The word “shag” comes from the name of the city of Amersfoort, which was famous for its tobacco industry in the 18th century.

In Russia and neighboring countries, shag is grown in the southern regions and in middle lane, but in smaller quantities than ordinary tobacco.

IN Latin America use the name “mapacho” to refer to both the shag itself and cigarettes without a filter. Cooked shag tobacco rolled into rolls is called "masatos"

Shag leaves, after fermentation and drying, are used for smoking, and previously they were used to make citric acid, nicotine for the production of nicotine sulfate (for pest control of agricultural crops) and nicotinic acid

The plant is an attribute of healing ceremonies using ayahuasca. Often used in conjunction with others medicinal plants to enhance their impact.

Direct use of tobacco - neutralization of snake venom, wound infections. In Ayahuasca ceremonies, curanderos use tobacco to drive away evil spirits, cleanse space, and relieve traumatic shock.

What is the difference between shag and tobacco?

Often in Soviet films we heard about such a smoking substance as shag. Men tarred it with enviable regularity, and the thick smoke from the cigarette was a striking element even in black and white films. With the development of the tobacco industry, the need to use shag for smoking has disappeared, but now, due to rising prices for cigarettes, many old-timers are returning to simple homemade cigarettes. So what is shag and how does it differ from regular tobacco?

Quality and taste of shag
There is an opinion that shag is the cheapest and low-quality type of tobacco, which was used only by the poorest segments of the population - peasants and workers. In fact, this is not true. Shag belongs to an independent species of plants from the nightshade family; its other names are Indian, country or Turkish tobacco. It appeared in everyday life on the European continents thanks to sailors who transported shag along with potatoes from South America. Since then, it has become tobacco's main competitor. This is not surprising - shag has a unique smell and spicy taste.

Shag seeds can grow in soil with any composition. Thanks to such unpretentiousness, it began to quickly spread throughout Europe, including reaching Russia, where people of all classes used it for smoking. A package of shag twisted into a “goat leg” became an integral part of the image of a soldier during the Great Patriotic War, when this substance was included in the list necessary products for the army.

Shag is not tobacco at all

Nicotiana rustic (Country tobacco), plants of the same genus, but a completely different species. it gained popularity due to the plant’s ability to grow in absolutely any area, and therefore its low cost due to the lack of significant expenses for imports.

Shag was made in two main varieties:

1. Smoking room. It was made from the leaves and a small part of the stems of the plant, since making shag for smoking from leaves alone would lead to an undesirable concentration of nicotine in the finished product. Thus, the smoking material was a mixture of brownish grains from the leaves, as well as white grains from the stems of the plant.

2.Snuff. It included ground leaves of the plant, as well as mint essential oil, glycerin, ammonia and wine alcohol, salt, refined molasses, sodium carbonate, and potash.

Makhorka has become a native Russian, as Peter the Great said, “pampering”. It is worth noting that now its use may also become relevant, since smoking a mixture of natural plant much cheaper and safer than using cigarettes from big tobacco companies.

Seedlings are protected from any frost. When it reaches a height of 10 cm and has five leaves, it can be planted. It is better to do this from May 20 to June 15. Seedlings are planted in beds with distances of 30 by 70 cm.

In the summer, the soil is loosened several times and weeds are pulled out. When two or three flowers open, the entire inflorescence and part of the upper leaves are removed from the plant. This technique is called topping. For ripening, up to ten leaves are left on each plant, and the excess ones are removed. When lateral shoots appear, reaching five cm in length, they are also all removed.

The shag is removed for drying about a month after finishing. By this time, the middle leaves of the plants droop to the ground, become covered with light yellow spots and emit a strong odor.

First, stratification is performed.

In the middle of the day, the stem of each plant is cut lengthwise: from the crown to the bottom, not reaching three cm from the soil.

After two days, all plants are cut down near the soil level and left in place to wilt.

Then the harvest is brought under a canopy and placed for simmering for a day in a ridge no more than half a meter high. Make sure that the temperature in the ridge does not exceed 35 degrees. The leaves become brownish-brown in the cluster.

After this, the shag stems are hung in the barn in small bunches for 30-40 days to dry. Their humidity is adjusted to 35 percent.

The leaves are separated from the stem and separately, both are crushed by cutting.

Who can tell the difference between tobacco and shag? This question is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The fact is that the answer lies, as it were, on two planes - the purely botanical and the everyday colloquial. Let's look at both areas in more detail.

Tobacco and shag in everyday use

In Russia, it has long been believed that tobacco and shag are almost synonymous. Only shag is such a very coarse tobacco that comes exclusively in loose form, and besides, it strongly “tears the throat.” And the tobacco is thinner, weaker. Shag is suitable for rolling cigarettes or as a last resort for stuffing tubes (and then only in exceptional cases), and tobacco is used for cigarettes and also for pipes.

In general, the difference between tobacco and shag in the everyday sense ends here; only a few touches remain to be added to the portrait of both. A close “relative” of shag is “samosad”, and, as the name implies, this is tobacco planted in one’s own garden. But tobacco grown in Russia is of low quality, due to two main factors. The first is that tobacco is a heat-loving plant and is practically not grown north of the 55th parallel (approximately the Moscow-Chelyabinsk axis and further to the east), and the second, which is a consequence of the first, is the absence of a tobacco cultivation culture. “Pipe” tobacco is a 100% imported product; usually has a fairly high quality and is often treated with flavorings.


Having decided on the everyday meaning of the words “tobacco” and “shag,” let’s figure out whether there is a difference between them in the botanical sense. It turns out there is! In botany, tobacco is a genus of perennial and annual herbs belonging to the nightshade family - that is, it is a close relative of potatoes and tomatoes. The Colorado potato beetle, a well-known potato pest, also eats tobacco leaves with an excellent appetite.

And shag is one of the plant species belonging to the genus “tobacco”, in Latin – Nicotiana rustica. Its main difference from other tobacco products is its unpretentiousness. The boundary of the shag's distribution area due to its high resistance to adverse climatic conditions located much further north than other representatives of the genus. In addition, shag is subject to significantly lower requirements than tobacco in general.

The history of the penetration of tobacco into Europe is traditionally associated with the era of great geographical discoveries, when Columbus's sailors brought an unfamiliar plant, and with it the habit of inhaling tobacco smoke. It is interesting that if tobacco in general is used almost exclusively for the manufacture of cigarettes, cigarettes and cigars, then several more uses have been found for shag. Thanks to high content in citric acid leaves it serves as a raw material for the production of this valuable food product. In addition, ingredients are extracted from shag to produce nicotine sulfate (a pest control agent) and nicotinic acid (a vitamin involved in many redox processes human body).


Let's summarize what is the difference between tobacco and shag. This table contains both the differences and similarities between them in two aspects - botanical and everyday.

Tobacco Makhorka
Botanical classificationGenus of plants in the nightshade familyType of herbaceous plant of the genus Tobacco
ApplicationAlmost exclusively - for the production of cigarettes, cigarettes and cigars, also in small quantities produced in bulk for filling tubesAs a raw material for the tobacco industry, and is also used for the production of citric acid, insecticides (pest control products) and nicotinic acid(vitamin B 3)
SpreadingThe original range is areas with a warm climate in the South and North America; is now cultivated all over the world, but it is not grown north of the 55th parallel, since the short growing season greatly reduces the quality of tobaccoCan grow at higher latitudes than other members of the genus due to its resistance to unfavorable climatic conditions

In the twentieth century in Russia, the smoking masses repeatedly returned to one of their favorite types of applied art - rolling cigarettes. This happened in the post-revolutionary period, when many tobacco factories did not work, during and after the Great Patriotic War, when there was a shortage of factory products. Smoked the so-called<самосад>, more precisely<махорку>(Nicotiana rustica). Spurred on by difficult conditions, creative popular thought reached perfection in<самокруточной>areas. As a result, a truly Russian modification of the rolled cigarette appeared -<козья ножка>. Manufacturing<goat leg> - this is a completely special art. From a piece of newspaper, for the master the piece can be of any shape, a unique product is obtained, consisting of five parts: a mouthpiece, a forearm, a joint, a breech and a plug. The design is very similar to smoking pipe. Usually goat leg<заправляли>shag.

There is a set of unspoken rules that should be followed if you decide to try your hand at the difficult art of rolling and smoking cigarettes. Under no circumstances should you roll a cigarette with dirty hands - this is simply nonsense. Not so much because it is unhygienic, but because it is a sacrilege of an age-old ritual. You should never make rolled-up cigarettes in advance, in reserve - not only the smoking process is important, but also the manufacturing process. The ritual requires time and attention. You cannot smoke a rolled-up cigarette on the go or in transport: the ritual, we repeat, cannot be rushed. You should not offer a hand-rolled cigarette you made to someone else, unless, of course, it is your friend who has decided to learn from you the craft of rolling their own.

In the old days, demands were not the same as now - we managed without cars, without electricity, without airplanes, without televisions and even without the Internet. But they couldn’t do without shag. The entire history of our country is firmly connected with it. Whether a peasant sits down to rest near the arable land, whether a worker leaves the workshop after a shift, or whether a soldier lowers his gun during a respite between battles - everyone has it in their hands, a man’s irreplaceable companion, shag.

Many people believe that shag is just inferior grade tobacco Deep misconception! This is an independent plant, a close relative of tobacco, but still not the usual tobacco that is grown as raw material for cigarettes. The ancestry comes from wild tobacco that grew in South America. There it was discovered by European sailors at the beginning of the 19th century. Unlike potatoes, shag originally came to Russia, and only a century later it spread to Eastern and Central Europe.

Since then, almost until the middle of the twentieth century, shag successfully competed with tobacco. Still, it tastes and smells somewhat different and more tartly aromatic. That is why those who believe that shag replaced tobacco for poor people are wrong. It didn’t happen at all - for a change it was smoked and sniffed by representatives of all segments of the population. And if the ladies sniffed the shag with pleasure, and the gentlemen filled their pipes with it, the men twisted the famous “goat legs”.
To create such a cigarette is an art. First, you need thin tissue paper. Since there was always a shortage of it and it was not cheap, newspapers were used. Secondly, you had to be able to twist a “boat”, pour the required amount of shag into it, and then roll it into a tube. The edges of the paper were stuck together with saliva.
The whole stage can now only be seen in films about the war. People of the older generation remember the wonderful song “Let's smoke” performed by K.I. Shulzhenko. The actress very accurately imitated the process of creating a “goat’s leg.”
Shag has another noble purpose: it is indispensable in gardening. You can, of course, poison numerous bugs, flies and fleas with toxic chemicals (which will happily be transferred into the crop), or you can use a win-win remedy - tobacco dust. Just like waste from cigarette production, waste from shag production becomes extremely useful dust.
However, it is not necessary to buy it. It is much better to plant a little shag on your six hundred square meters - it requires almost no care. And spread the leaves throughout the area. And then a multi-million army of small winged parasites will overnight move into the gardens of your “tobacco-free” neighbors. The best way Humanity has not yet come up with the idea of ​​fighting pests and plant diseases.

As for purely smoking properties, shag is good in itself, but it is also widely used as a raw material for nasvay. These are green balls made from a mixture of shag, ashes from burning flax, spice plants, oil and slaked lime. Nasvay is not smoked, but chewed. Or rather, they put it in the mouth by the upper or lower lip and just hold it. In this case, swallowing saliva is not allowed, otherwise vomiting and diarrhea will begin.
Nasvay is a good remedy for those who quit smoking. But once it becomes a habit, it becomes dangerous, causing chronic diseases oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract.
As a plant, shag, unlike tobacco, is unpretentious. Feels great at all latitudes, even in the Arctic. Even if there is less heat there, there is much more sun (on white nights almost 24 hours a day), and shag sunlight respects more than warmth.
We grew it in the north, and in the south, and on state plantations, and on peasant estates - the demand in the old days was enormous.
By the beginning of the last century, the shag industry firmly occupied one of the first places in production, to put it modern language, consumer goods. And at the same time, in pursuit of profits, she began to supply elementary hacks to the shelves.
It was thanks to unscrupulous manufacturers that the word badille came into use, becoming a common noun, meaning something empty, counterfeit. In fact, badille are the stems of a plant, the leaves of which are used to make tobacco. They began to add ground badilla to shag, more and more. It ended with the fact that they began to make shag from one badilla - the result was an absolutely black surrogate of the appropriate “quality”.
Of course, the manufacturers were fined, and quite often, but the amount of any fine paled next to the figures that expressed the profit from the sale poor quality goods. When public opinion began to grumble, the manufacturers threw up their hands: they say, we are doing it for you - tobacco and shag contain nicotine, but badilla has almost none. So say thank you for caring about your health.
The controversy ended in 1905, when the government allowed the use of a surrogate, but with a mandatory accompanying inscription on the packaging. Something familiar, isn't it? A hundred years later, we are experiencing a similar epic with juices, lemonades, milk...
Be that as it may, the addition of badilla to shag sharply reduced the popularity of this product, and shag manufacturers had to be content with a pitiful semblance of the former fabulous profits. What can you do, greed is the path to poverty.
Twice after this there was a surge of interest in shag, dictated by a sharp deterioration in the economic condition of the country - during the First World War and the Great Patriotic War. Now shag is pure exotic.
But actually, why? Aren't you interested in trying what our great-grandfathers smoked and snorted? Shag is being produced. There are companies that supply this extraordinary product to all corners of Russia. Unlike what now fills our cigarettes, natural shag does not contain any additives, maintaining its pristine purity. And quality and ecology have always been above fashion.
In any case, in Lately Old Russian songs began to sound on the radio again, glorifying a faithful, reliable friend - shag...

Shag of normal strength should contain 1.4-2.2% nicotine on a dry matter basis. In the RSFSR and the BSSR, planting of shag was carried out with pre-grown seedlings (seedlings), in the Ukrainian SSR - mainly by direct sowing of seeds in the ground. The main botanical varieties of the fifties were: in the RSFSR - AS 18/7, Pekhlets 39/34, Yuryevskaya, Stalingradskaya, yellow - No. 106, No. 109 and LZh-5, as well as Slepukhinskaya, Durman, Prosechanskaya, Saraevskaya, Voronezhskaya No. 2; in the Ukrainian SSR - Khmelevka, Tall Green, Gollandka, LH-1, Egiza, LZh-5, etc.; in the BSSR - Pehlec 39/34, Tall green, Pomeranian.

Plants harvested from the field and dried during the second half of August-October (in Siberia in the spring) were fermented in piles (stacks) in warehouses at a temperature of 18-20° and a relative humidity of 75-80%. Fermentation lasted from 18 to 25 days, during which 2-3 shifts of stacks were made. As a result of fermentation in shag, the smell of greenery and its taste when smoking disappeared, the green color of the leaves turned into brown tones, the content of nicotine and carbohydrates decreased, flammability and storage resistance against mold improved, and the fullness of taste appeared. Violation of these conditions lengthened the fermentation process or led to its incompleteness, i.e., the preservation of the taste of greenery and green tones in color.

Crushing machine for shag

According to GOST 7129-54, shag raw materials were divided by quality into three commercial grades. The 1st grade included plants with mature dense, so-called. material, leaves (at least six per plant), slightly damaged by diseases, and with dense badyl, not damaged by disease; shag with fully mature leaves (at least four per plant) was classified as 2nd grade. low density, partially damaged by diseases, and with a loose canopy; to the 3rd grade - plants that do not meet the standards of the 2nd grade, but with at least two leaves.

Vibrating sieve for sifting shag

The chemical composition of shag plants varies greatly depending on the botanical varieties, growing areas and harvest years. Thus, fermented shag contained (in% of dry matter) in the leaf: total nitrogen 3.1-3.3, nicotine 2.9-4.2, protein substances 11.8-12.9, reducing substances 2.0- 2.7, organic acids 15.1-18.0 (including citric acid 4.5-6.7), ash 16.0-18.9. The stem (badyl) contained (in% of dry matter): total nitrogen 2.1-2.4, nicotine 1.7-2.1, protein substances 6.6-8.6, reducing substances 3.2-5 .4, organic acids 8.3-11.2 (including citric acid 1.8-2.1), ash 17.3.

Packing machine "PS" for shag

Smoking and snuffing shag was produced. To make shag, as a rule, raw materials from several varieties of shag from different regions were used to create a mixture that ensured the quality of aroma and taste of the smoke, as well as nicotine content and strength. Pre-moistened whole shag plants were cut on crumbling machines, after which the resulting particles were sieved on a vibrating sieve. Large parts that did not pass through the sieve were returned to the crusher for re-cutting. The crushed shag, having passed through the drying drum, was transferred to a vibrating sieve, after which it was moistened again. The residue (dry, mainly elongated parts) was crushed on rollers and, after passing through a vibrating sieve, was added to the dry semi-finished product or returned again to the roller machine. The moistened and mixed shag went into bunkers, and from them into packaging machines.

Smoking shag. Due to the fact that the nicotine content in the leaves is much higher than necessary, preparing smoking shag from leaves alone would lead to excessive strength of the shag, so both leaves and badyls, which have a lower nicotine content, were used for preparation. The leaves, after being crushed, turned into soft grains of a dark brown-green color; badyl - into hard (woody) white grains. The weight ratio of soft and hard particles predetermined the strength of shag and was one of the grounds for dividing into production grades. Depending on the botanical varieties of shag, the quality of raw materials and manufacturing methods, shag was divided into five varieties (GOST 936-54): Vergun, Highest quality, Strong No. 1, Medium No. 2, Light No. 3. Cigarettes made from smoking shag were also produced (see Cigarettes). Certain varieties of smoking shag were characterized as follows.

Vergun was produced from raw materials of a special botanical variety Vergun (Nicotiana Bustica), distinguished yellow leaves, therefore smoking shag made from this raw material had yellow and specific pleasant aroma smoke, sharply different from the aroma of smoke of all other botanical varieties of green shag. The highest quality was made from raw materials of only the 1st and 2nd commercial grades.

Strong No. 1, Average N° 2, Easy No. 3 differed in the content of soft and hard particles, nicotine content, and flavor strength. In shag No. 1 the number of solid parts is minimal and increases to a maximum in No. 3.The shag dust generated during the processing process remained in small quantities in the finished product, but was mainly sucked out in pneumatic installations and used for the manufacture (without the use of any adhesives) of artificial shag dust. Such artificial grains, similar in size standard particles, was allowed by GOST as an impurity in grades Nos. 1, 2 and 3, and in Nos. 1 and 2 this impurity is allowed due to the soft parts, in No. 3 - due to the hard parts. Characteristics of smoking shag varieties and the sizes of shag particles having great importance for the consumer, were determined using a sieving machine with a set of metal sieves with a diameter of 200 mm. Fractionation of a 100-150 g portion of shag was carried out for 10 minutes on a sieving machine with rotational movements at 160 revolutions of the sieving platform per minute.Humidity upon release from the factory should not exceed 20% (by wet weight); An increase in humidity could cause the shag to become moldy. Humidity of shag products intended for long-term storage, should not have been higher than 18%.The main indicators of the quality of smoking shag were: nicotine content, fractional composition, correct weight, humidity and pack design. Quality checks were carried out: regarding nicotine content - chemical analysis; fractional composition - by sifting the sample on sieves; humidity - drying in special cabinets; the density of the filling and their sealing is organoleptic. To check the quality according to the GOST tasting, a 50-point assessment system was approved for the following organoleptic indicators: smoke smell - maximum score 16, smoke taste - maximum score 18, smoke strength - maximum score 8, fullness of smoke taste - maximum score 8. Depending on the identified defects from the specified maximum points were made (according to special tables) discounts. The final score of the sum of all indicators, minus discounts, for a standard shag had to be at least 35 points. Packed in paper packs with dimensions (in mm): length 84, width 50, height 32; weighing 50 g (at 20% humidity). Deviations were allowed within ± 5%.

Snuff shag. It was produced according to VTU 256-56, and was a shag plant crushed to a dusty state with the addition of the following flavors and alkalis (in%): peppermint oil(with 50% menthol content) 0.5, rectified alcohol 0.5, refined molasses or glycerin no more than 1, table salt no more than 1, potash, soda ash and 25% ammonia in total number until 3.Snuff shag was produced in two grades: superior quality and ordinary. The highest quality contained no less than 1.8% nicotine, no more than 1% large particles (by weight). Ordinary shag contained nicotine at least 1.4%, large particles (by weight) up to 2%

Trade in shag by the mid-20s of the 20th century

The nationalized shag industry, both Great Russian and Ukrainian, was initially united in a shag syndicate. Subsequently, the Ukrainian factories, organized into a local trust, left the syndicate.

The high cost of yellow tobacco products increased the demand for shag. This circumstance aroused the interest in production of private entrepreneurs who sought to rent idle factories, sometimes the same ones that belonged to them before the revolution, but there are often cases when they organized new ones. The revival of private industry was facilitated by the increase in plantations in tobacco areas in 1928 and a good harvest, especially in Ukraine, which lowered prices for tobacco raw materials. Therefore, in the early 20s there was a fairly noticeable amount of shag from private factories on the market. Most of them had to be treated with the same caution as was recommended in relation to private tobacco factories, and to be seduced by the cheapness of their products; however, in the private shag industry, although still in small numbers, there were already factories that had managed to establish themselves good product, in demand in the market. Compared to the mass of shag production of state industry, private capital special significance, of course, I didn’t. Each shag factory produced a product of varying quality.

Smoking shag was prepared from a tobacco leaf and part of the stem or trunk (badille) on which the leaf rests. Badille - less valuable part and does not have the strength and aroma that the leaf has. Its purpose, in most cases, is to regulate the strength of shag; The badilla allowance for the manufacture of a certain grade must be in strict proportion to the sheet. Excessive amounts of it reduce the quality of shag and make it cheaper. It was necessary to keep this in mind when purchasing, especially from private factories. Badilla is not difficult to detect during external inspection of any pack of tobacco. It looks like whitish slivers.

The significant presence of badilla gave a light color to the product, and the predominance of leaf crumbs gave a dark green color.

Before the First World War, shag production was designed for different but specific consumer tastes. So, the north demanded black, strong shag, Siberia - strong, Central Russia - middle and the south - light, weaker goods. Previous manufacturers met these requirements. The largest factories produced eight varieties of shag of different numbers and names: “ordinary”, “semi-pure”, “semi-grain”, “cleaned vein”, etc. By the mid-20s, factories produced mainly the middle type called “semi-grit” No. 8", but there was already a tendency to increase the production of other varieties in accordance with previous tastes. This was in line with the interests of production itself, since raw materials were used more rationally and the cost of the product was reduced.

The varieties and qualities of shag depended on the raw material (leaf tobacco) purchased in the fall after the harvest. Mahorka was cultivated in Central Russia, mainly in the provinces of Tambov, Voronezh and Ryazan, partly in Kursk and the Volga region (Saratov province). In Ukraine - mainly in the Poltava and Chernigov provinces; During the civil war, tobacco planting intensified in Siberia. The main areas for the procurement of raw materials in Central Russia: Pekhletsky, Prosechansky and Ryazhsky - Ryazan province; Usmansky and Krivsky - Voronezh province; Marshansky, Yuryevsky and Seslavinsky - Tambov province; in Ukraine counties: Lokhvitsky, Romensky, Priluksky, Konotopsky, Nezhinsky, Borzenkovsky and Kozeletsky.
In terms of the quality of leaf tobacco, the best areas in Central Russia were considered: Pekhletsky and the villages of Usman district; in Ukraine: Konotopsky, Lokhvitsky and Romensky. In turn, in each region the raw material - tobacco - was divided into grades I, II and III.

Ukrainian raw materials differed in quality and method of preparation from Russian raw materials. Experienced tobacco makers and smokers easily distinguished tobacco prepared only from Russian or Ukrainian raw materials. Although both provinces had almost the same varieties of tobacco and, it seemed, could do without each other, nevertheless, some factories considered it useful and necessary to mix the raw materials of both regions in a certain proportion. Thus, Russian factories added from 25 to 40%, and sometimes more, Ukrainian to their raw materials. The art of combining different varieties, Giving best product in strength and taste, is the task of the factory and the secret of its master sorter. The richer the factory, the easier and faster it purchases the required amount of raw materials and in the best areas of its choice. Only such a factory will produce goods of high, non-competitive quality.

As you know, the price of raw materials determines the cost and selling price of the product. The higher the raw material, the more expensive price finished shag. The price of the best varieties in the harvesting season of 1924 reached 4 rubles. 50 kopecks, dropping to 1 ruble in the worst cases. 50 kopecks Factory methods of processing raw materials also affect the selling price. Raw tobacco materials in general, and early purchases in particular, produced a large percentage of shrinkage and waste in the form of tobacco dust. In reputable, well-equipped factories, the drying of crumbled tobacco and the elimination of tobacco dust were the subject of special attention. Well-dried shag, without dust, was valued higher. Among other advantages, it withstood long-term storage, without leaving yellowness on the package and retaining until the end total weight indicated on the label. Tobacco crumbs played a significant role in production. Well-crushed shag looked like small cubes of the same size. The even fine crumb of normally dried tobacco made it easier to stuff into packs; they came out of the printing press dense and neat in shape. On the contrary, packs filled with unevenly crumbled and undried tobacco became soft and flabby over time and from transportation.

So, the best shag came from the factory that: 1) prepared the product from raw materials from the best regions; 2) successfully combined (merged) varieties of tobacco that were different in strength, aroma and taste; 3) added normal percentage badilla; 4) dried the crumbs well, and 5) eliminated as much dust as possible from the finished product.

In addition to smoking, larger factories also produced snuff .

Before Civil War 2 varieties were produced - “selected mint” and “green mint” - the latter for 3-4 rubles. a pood cheaper than the first one.

Snuff was prepared by crushing specially selected varieties of dried shag leaves (without badilla) into powder; To this, a significant part (up to 50%) was added tobacco dust, purified from foreign impurities. The amount of added dust was not the same. Each factory set the dust percentage in its own way. The resulting mixture was flavored with a special aromatic liquid, the recipe for which was usually a factory secret. Before the war, snuff was sold at 7-8 kopecks per pound more expensive than smoking shag, but in the twenties, on the contrary, snuff was valued cheaper. The explanation for this must be sought in the amount of added dust, the thoroughness of processing and the cost of aromatic substances.

Good snuff is dark green in color and leaves a feeling of soft velvety powder to the touch, but the smell and effect on the sense of smell are always a matter of taste. Packaging was carried out in ⅛ pounds (20 grams).

Real, or virgin tobacco- Nicotiana tabacum

An annual plant that grows wild in South America, where it can reach a height of up to 3 meters; usually does not branch or branches very weakly, the shape and size of the leaves vary greatly among different varieties, the number of leaves ranges from 16-18 to 40-60. The number, size of leaves and thickness of the leaf blade are the main economically valuable traits that determine the yield of tobacco plants. The flowers are pink or reddish, located in a paniculate apical inflorescence. Tobacco is currently cultivated in 84 countries around the world and is characterized by a wide variety of varieties and forms. Its intraspecific polymorphism is constantly increasing due to the creation of new, mainly hybrid forms, as well as due to its inherent plasticity in changing characteristics and properties under the influence of various growing conditions. The botanical taxonomy of this variety is difficult, so the prevailing classification is based on the suitability of tobacco for processing (cigar tobacco, cigar tobacco, tobacco leaf for wrapping cigars, chewing and pipe tobacco). There are also sustainable tobacco ecotypes that are of industrial importance: Brazilian, Virginia, Cuban, etc. There are 13 varieties of tobacco zoned in our country. The most common: " Virginia", "large-leaved", "Holly", "Anniversary", "Samsun", "Bryansk" And " Cigar".

The cultivation of tobacco, especially cigar tobacco, is quite labor-intensive. Cuban tobacco growers-farmers claim that each plant in the field must be approached at least 150 times per season to obtain excellent quality raw materials (plants at certain stages of development are pinched, then the inflorescences and lower contaminated leaves are removed). After this, careful removal of leaves is carried out at weekly intervals, sorting by texture and size, drying and winnowing, sorting again, fermentation, aging in bales for many months. What follows is the virtuosic manual labor of cigar factory workers who transform a stack of leaves into amazingly high-quality Havana cigars. There are many interesting stories associated with Havana cigars. John Kennedy, who was very fond of Havana cigars, imposed an embargo on their import into the United States, but only after his personal secretary purchased several thousand Havanas. A Havana cigar signed by Fidel Castro was bought at auction for $65,000 by one of the French tobacco magnates. Among Havana fans was the English writer Evelyn Waugh, who once remarked: “The most useless and unfortunate day seems wonderful when viewed through the blue fragrant smoke of Havana cigars.”

Photo by EDSR.

In our society, the word shag is associated with tobacco. But in reality it is a different plant. Moreover, it is used not only for smoking. Although its leaves and stems, ground into powder, are used to make cigarettes, chewing and snorting powder.

Complete benefit

Shag seeds are used to make oil for the paint and soap industries. Nicotinic and citric acid are also produced from it. In addition, the preparation from shag is used in garden plots to get rid of pests. The Indians prepare a decoction from it that neutralizes and cleanses wounds from infection. Shamans use it to expel evil spirits. It turns out that shag is a plant that can be beneficial, and not just spoil the health of those who smoke.

Where does he live and what does he look like?

It came to us at the beginning of the 17th century. Before this, in the 16th century, shag spread to Europe, where it was brought from Florida. It received its name in the 8th century. Raw materials from this plant are large quantities arrived in the Dutch city of Amersfoort, where it was used to make smoking powder for all of Europe. And the often repeated phrase “tobacco from Amersfoort” has been transformed into a name that is already familiar to us. It is grown in our country in the south and in the middle zone, as well as in Algeria, India, Poland, Tunisia, the USA and other countries. This plant is unpretentious and can take root on any soil, although the best for it are sandy loam, loamy, podzolized areas, fertilized organic fertilizers. It has round leaves with a fuzzy, resinous surface, and yellow or white tubular flowers with pungent odor. It can reach 1 meter in height. Shag is a plant that does not tolerate frost. It dies even at -2 degrees.

Down the stairs

Although we are accustomed to the fact that shag is smoked by those who do not have the financial means to buy more expensive cigarettes, in the 8th century even Peter I was fond of it. His entourage shared the royal addiction to harmful fun. Therefore, members of the upper class also smoked shag, and there were different varieties of this plant to choose from. But it was also available to ordinary people who did not have the money to purchase ready-made smoking products. Therefore, ordinary people have adapted to making “roll-your-own” cigarettes. To do this, scraps of thin paper were used. Gradually, in order to make more money, manufacturers of the smoking mixture began to make it not from leaves, but from stems. Therefore, those who could afford it switched to tobacco. Mahorka faded into the background because the raw materials from which it was now prepared contained much less nicotine. Nowadays, smokers prefer tobacco. But shag contains less harmful resins and additives and, thus, is less harmful to human health. Yes, and it costs less.

Growing shag

IN field conditions They try to plant it after legumes, vegetables, perennial grasses, corn, winter grains, and root crops. The soil must be fertilized with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It is planted by sowing or using seedlings. Seeds are lowered into the ground to a depth of 1 centimeter, and both germinated and dry are used, which allows you to get a harvest even if some of them die from unfavorable weather conditions. natural conditions. If all conditions are met, then chemical composition This plant will meet the standards, which means it will make an excellent shag. At home, you can also grow and produce it for your own needs.

Try it yourself

To plant shag, you need to select its seeds. You can buy them at a gardening store. Common varieties are Pekhlets local, Pehlets 4, Datura 4. Makhorka is an unpretentious plant, but not frost-resistant, so if you plan to plant it not in an apartment, but on a personal plot, choose the right month of planting. The best choice is one in which there are definitely no frosts in your zone, starting in May. In cold regions, greenhouses must be used. The soil on which shag will grow must be fertilized and moistened. Poor composition and dry soil will not allow you to obtain high-quality raw materials.

Prepare in advance

When growing shag at home, it is better not to sow, but to plant previously obtained seedlings. This way, you will know exactly which plants are able to survive, and you will not have to wait for seeds to germinate, which may die in the ground, and optimal time for landing will be missed. In the apartment, use boxes or pots installed on the windowsill on the south side. start in March, then in May you will be able to plant seedlings in the street soil.

What's next

They are placed at a distance of 25 centimeters from each other. The soil between them must be regularly loosened, fed, and removed from weeds. It is necessary to water rarely, but abundantly. When flowers appear, they are pruned. With proper care, the harvest, which can be harvested after 70 days, will be good. Now you need to properly dry the plants, first collecting them in in the right order. Start with the lower leaves, then move to the rest from bottom to top. Lay them in a layer of no more than 30 centimeters and keep them in the shade for 12 hours. Then, for pre-drying, they are strung on a cord and hung in an open place, protected from rain, for 2 weeks. Then they are removed from the ropes and placed in indoors until autumn. Then all that remains is to grind the raw materials and use them for your own needs.

Mahorka is a plant that helped our people in hard times. And now those who want to get natural food without any special material and physical costs can start growing it. smoking mixture, which differs in quality from store-bought cigarettes for the better.