Yellow discharge appeared. Yellow, odorless discharge in women - causes and treatment methods

Yellow discharge in women should not cause any particular concern, since they can acquire a slight yellowish tint for completely harmless reasons. Vaginal discharge that occurs in women throughout life depends on the state of health during this period, and is also influenced by other factors. The nature of the discharge can be a kind of signal by which one can determine the occurrence of any abnormalities in the body. In order to be able to recognize alarming symptoms in time and at the same time not succumb to unreasonable panic, you need to be able to determine what type of discharge is considered a deviation from the norm.

Characteristic features of discharge

According to doctors, normal discharge may be white or transparent. But sometimes, due to various reasons, yellow discharge occurs. One of the reasons for such a change may be hormonal changes, treatment with hormonal contraceptives, as well as severe emotional shocks. Therefore, you should not be afraid of yellow discharge, especially when it does not cause discomfort or pain, and does not cause itching or burning. Also, the absence of an unpleasant odor allows us to consider such manifestations of the body as a normal temporary phenomenon.

Yellow discharge that occurs as a result of sexual intercourse, when sperm enters the vagina, gives it a yellowish color is also considered normal. Particular attention to changes in the color of discharge should be given to pregnant women, due to the fact that it is during this period that their body becomes most defenseless against the penetration of pathogens of various inflammations and infections.

Yellow discharge is the result of sexually transmitted infections

Infections transmitted by partners during sexual intercourse are caused by various types of bacteria. Most often, changes in the color of discharge in women occur due to trichomoniasis. The development of this infection causes foamy discharge and an unbearable burning sensation due to irritation in the genitals. The nature of these secretions also directly depends on the diseases associated with this infection. More often it is adjacent to gonorrhea, as well as chlamydia. A disease such as gonorrhea stands out from other diseases in that it causes severe pain during urination and provokes the development of inflammation in the vagina.

Similar manifestations are observed with such a common disease of the reproductive system as infectious vaginitis. It is expressed in the development of inflammation in the vaginal lining, caused by anaerobic bacteria, as well as a certain type of Candida or Trichomonas fungi. Green discharge in women occurs due to inflammation caused by trichomonas vaginitis, which, in addition to very profuse, foamy discharge with a strong odor, causes burning and pain.

Changes caused by diseases

Bacteria are present in the vagina in women of any age; they contribute to the formation of healthy microflora, which protects against the penetration of harmful microorganisms. Often, favorable microflora undergoes changes due to improper hygiene rules or due to the development of inflammatory diseases. These include erosion, inflammation in the fallopian tubes, as well as endometritis and salpingoophit. Any of these diseases cause visible changes in the discharge, and the most common case among them is yellow discharge.

Indirect causes of color changes

The most natural and most common reason when the discharge turns yellow or becomes creamy is considered to be the female physiological cycle. Without an unpleasant odor and without causing a burning sensation, they do not have an irritating effect.
Yellow discharge can appear as a result of improper use of hygiene products for washing, which are used in strong concentrations, as well as when using deodorized panty liners.

In women undergoing menopause, a frequent case of yellowing discharge can be caused by manifestations of nonspecific vaginitis, as well as the occurrence of atrophy of the epithelium lining the vulva. Since during menopause there is a high probability of malignant neoplasms occurring in the organs of the reproductive system, the appearance of yellow discharge at this age requires close attention and consultation with a specialist.

One of the most important symptoms that is evidence of trouble during menopause is vaginal discharge. Their appearance is considered normal only during the period of activity of the reproductive organs. Their appearance during menopause, especially of an altered yellow nature, is considered a symptom of ongoing inflammation. The appearance of pain and burning in the genital area due to inflammatory processes is considered a common case of serious pathologies. In any case, such symptoms should be a reason to contact a gynecologist.

As a rule, bright yellow discharge in women is a signal that the body is infected with microbes.

Mucus is always released from the vagina of women. Normally, mucous discharge is transparent and thin, leaving no odor or bright traces. In quantity they do not exceed a teaspoon per day. Although after sex or before menstruation, there may be a little more of them and their color may be pale yellow.

In order to avoid many incurable chronic diseases in women, they need to be very careful about themselves. And they simply have to notice the color of the mucus.

If the mucus has a slightly yellow tint, but there is no feeling of discomfort, this indicates the normal function of the reproductive system, except for minor deviations in its functioning. But its character, abundance and structure depend on many factors. Discharge of an unnatural color with a not very pleasant or pungent “aroma” serves as a signal of pathology in the functioning of the genital organs.

Often, the yellow color of mucus released from the vagina indicates infectious infections that are sexually transmitted, or inflammatory processes in the organs of the urinary system. And such a phenomenon should be a reason to visit a gynecologist. But even he will not be able to immediately say about the reasons for this phenomenon.

It is worth clearly knowing the reasons for the appearance of this color of the secreted liquid in order to understand how dangerous this phenomenon is.

Reasons for yellow discharge include:

  • sexual infections such as trichomoniasis, chlamydia, etc. With such infectious lesions, they are often accompanied by itching and burning. The mucus smells like rotten fish;
  • infection with venous diseases also often causes a change in the color of the discharge (They also have a yellow tint and a strong unpleasant odor, but pus is mixed with them);
  • lack of sex in women's lives;
  • prolonged nervous tension;
  • hormonal metabolism disorders;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • disruption of the microflora of the vaginal mucosa of women;
  • allergies to synthetic underwear or intimate hygiene items, condoms, etc.

It's not always a disease!

Sometimes between periods, the mucus turns yellow or greenish. This phenomenon does not always become a sign of disorder in the body. Fluctuations in color occur even due to changes in diet or climate.

If the yellow color of the mucus is not accompanied by other symptoms, then maybe there is no disease either. To do this, you need to carefully “listen” to yourself, listening to the sensations within yourself. In the case when no deviations are felt, you need to observe the discharge for some time. If any changes are noticed, and the color of the mucus gradually becomes richer, you should definitely visit the antenatal clinic.

When is discharge dangerous?

A woman is generally obliged to appear in the gynecologist’s office at least once a year, and ideally more often. Bright-colored vaginal discharge is often the result of inflammation, especially if weakness and other signs appear. Different combinations of such signs indicate different diseases of the female genital organs.

In the case when the discharge is scanty and has a yellow color, which is diluted with purulent or bloody impurities after sex, accompanied by pain, we can talk about dysfunction of the reproductive system such as uterine erosion. This disease is easily treated. But it should be remembered that the disease never cures itself.

Often the discharge becomes yellow due to inflammation in the uterine tubes. In the case of a chronic nature, the disease is associated with a weakened immune system, nervous tension, and a cold.

The disease requires complex treatment with antibacterial drugs.

Such shades of discharge are observed in cases of colpitis. Colpitis can be a consequence of injury or infection in the organs of the reproductive or urinary system of women.

There is also the appearance of discharge that has a bright yellow tint due to vaginal dysbiosis. And this is also a reason to visit a gynecologist.

To make a diagnosis and draw up a treatment plan, the doctor must determine the causative agent of the disease by conducting an examination.

Self-medication here is often deadly, but promptly contacting a gynecologist allows you to get rid of the pathology quickly enough.


Doctors say that natural vaginal lubrication can be colorless or yellowish in color. Its consistency, color, presence of impurities and volume depend on the phase of the female cycle, hormonal levels, and various external and internal reasons. Is odorless yellow discharge in women normal or pathological?

Main reasons

Copious or scanty yellow discharge without a pungent odor may be a sign of pathological changes in the reproductive and genitourinary organs and indicate the presence of a focus of inflammation. But they can also arise due to natural reasons.

Why is there a yellowish discharge? Even a healthy woman can experience various types of vaginal mucus. The vaginal discharge includes fluid from the cervical canal, internal secretions of the vaginal glands, dead epithelial cells, and dead bacteria.

The inner lining of the uterus and vagina consists of epithelium, which is periodically renewed. Dead cells combine with mucus - leucorrhoea appears, which may have a white or yellowish tint. Vaginal discharge plays the role of natural lubrication and protective barrier, preventing pathogenic microflora from entering the vagina. Yellow mucus often appears in large quantities after an abortion or artificial termination of pregnancy.

What does yellow mucous leucorrhoea after sexual intercourse mean? If they appear after unprotected sexual intercourse and do not change color, then the vaginal secretion comes out along with sperm. After sex with a condom, yellow mucus is the result of the active activity of the glands that produce vaginal lubrication.

Important! Yellow discharge on panties is considered normal if it is not accompanied by itching, burning, or pain. Normal leucorrhoea has a uniform structure and does not emit a strong odor.

Yellow discharge from the urethra is less common in women than in men - this is due to some anatomical features.

Reasons for the appearance of yellow mucus from the urethra:

  • urolithiasis - large stones injure the walls of the urethra, and an inflammatory process develops;
  • venereal diseases;
  • unbalanced diet - excessive consumption of fatty, spicy, sour foods can lead to inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • hypothermia.

Sometimes discharge appears not only from the vagina, but also from the mammary glands. In most cases, this is a sign of the development of a serious disease - mastitis or even breast cancer. An exception is pregnancy, 1–2 days before the start of menstruation, strong sexual arousal.

Discharge during menopause

During menopause, the activity of hormones decreases, and less natural lubricant is released - this leads to frequent exacerbation of gynecological diseases during menopause. After 55 years, the functions of the ovaries completely decline; the discharge should be transparent, homogeneous and not watery. All discharges of a different nature indicate the presence of pathologies.

Causes of yellow leucorrhoea during menopause:

  • sexually transmitted diseases, thrush;
  • benign neoplasms of the uterus or cervix;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • oncological diseases.

With the onset of menopause, a woman should more carefully monitor the condition of her body, regularly visit a gynecologist, and follow all his appointments.

Yellow leucorrhoea during pregnancy

After conception, a powerful hormonal change occurs in the body, many habitual processes change, and leucorrhoea may acquire a yellow tint of varying degrees of intensity.

Causes of yellow leucorrhoea in pregnant women:

  1. In the early stages, a mucous plug forms, which protects the baby from the negative effects of external factors, the body takes care of the safety of pregnancy. Along with the discharge, excess plug comes out, which is colored pale yellow.
  2. In the second trimester, against the background of active growth of the fetus, many processes in the female body change, and the immune system weakens. Against this background, sensitivity to allergens increases - reactions to panty liners and intimate hygiene products may occur. Often in the second half of pregnancy, inflammatory processes occur in the ovaries and fallopian tubes, which are accompanied by yellowish discharge.
  3. 2-3 weeks before birth, yellow mucous discharge appears as the mucus plug comes out.
  4. Yellow sticky discharge from the mammary glands - colostrum, most often appears immediately before childbirth, sometimes at 5-6 months.
  5. After childbirth, yellow discharge normally appears at the final stage of lochia release.

Cystitis often occurs in pregnant women; it occurs against the background of hormonal changes and weakened immunity. Normally, the disease is accompanied by clear discharge. If during cystitis the discharge changes color or smell or consistency, this may indicate vaginosis, sexually transmitted infections, or colpitis.

The nature of leucorrhoea, its structure and quantity depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Why does yellow discharge appear in teenage girls? Leucorrhoea without a particular odor appears approximately 10–12 months before the first menstruation, which indicates the beginning of preparation for reproductive activity.

What does white-yellow discharge indicate during ovulation? Moderate leucorrhoea indicates the maturation of the cells; as the date of menstruation approaches, their quantity increases, but at the same time they become more liquid.

The week before menstruation, the amount of leucorrhoea becomes maximum, and if a woman is depressed or stressed, the volume of dark yellow discharge increases noticeably.

Important! Yellow leucorrhoea often occurs as a result of allergies to pads, tampons, underwear, and contraceptives.

Normally, yellow leucorrhoea before menstruation should be uniform, without clots, and their amount should not exceed 4–6 ml. If yellow discharge is accompanied by pain and burning, or its volume significantly exceeds the norm, you should consult a specialist.

Discharge like yellowish snot is often the first sign of pathologies of the genitourinary organs.

In what cases does mucus appear constantly:

  1. With vulvovaginitis, leucorrhoea can become bright yellow; with this pathology, pain occurs during emptying the bladder and sexual intercourse.
  2. Cervical erosion is characterized by inflammatory processes in the tissues of the vaginal mucosa and cervix. This weakens the protective barrier, and the organs of the reproductive system are affected by pathogenic microorganisms. Against the background of erosion, concomitant diseases often appear - vaginitis, cervicitis. In this case, after sexual intercourse, yellow discharge with blood appears.
  3. Adnexitis, salpingitis - inflammatory processes are accompanied by yellow-brown discharge with purulent inclusions. Additional signs are nagging pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, the process of urination causes discomfort.
  4. Yellow, curd-like discharge is a sign of candidiasis, and it often has a sour odor. The pathology develops against the background of frequent stress, hormonal imbalance, and weak immunity.

Important! Yellow discharge and itching, pain in the groin area are the main signs of many diseases that are sexually transmitted.

With chlamydia and trichomoniasis, yellow-green discharge appears, which acquires a rotten smell as the disease progresses. The labia and nearby tissues constantly itch, emptying the bladder and sexual intercourse is accompanied by pain and burning. The mucous membrane of the labia minora becomes swollen and acquires a bright red color.

Treatment methods

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause based on the results of various laboratory tests. In addition to a clinical blood test and a vaginal smear, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and PCR diagnostics may be required.

Treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes of discharge and includes general and local antibacterial therapy. Additionally, medications are used that help restore normal vaginal microflora, improve blood circulation - lactobacilli, and physiotherapy usually has a good therapeutic effect. For treatment, suppositories and vaginal tablets are most often used; general medications are used only for acute forms of pathologies.

How to treat:

  • trichomonas vaginitis – Tinidazole, Clotrimazole;
  • fungal infections - Fluconazole, Tsiskan, Orunit, Pimafucin;
  • menopause - vaginal tablets with estrogen Ovestin;
  • infectious diseases - Hexicon, Terzhinan, Betadine suppositories.

Only a doctor can choose the right drug and describe a treatment regimen. Any self-medication can be dangerous, especially during pregnancy or menopause.
The variety of causes for the appearance of yellow, watery discharge in women makes diagnosis difficult; the doctor will be able to prescribe adequate therapy only after a comprehensive examination of the patient. You can protect yourself from serious diseases only by regularly visiting a gynecologist.

Yellow discharge of an unusual appearance with an odor that has not been observed before leads the woman to unpleasant thoughts. Some consider this a consequence of insufficient intimate hygiene, others think about a sexually transmitted disease. There is no need to be scared in advance. Discharge may be a consequence of physiological changes in the body. However, such manifestations often require treatment. In any case, the occurrence of such symptoms should not be ignored. A woman should definitely visit a doctor to find out the exact cause and, if necessary, begin therapy in a timely manner.


Possible causes of discharge

The appearance of yellow discharge in women often indicates pathological processes in the body. They may be associated with a violation of the bacterial composition of the vaginal environment, as well as hormonal abnormalities. Some diseases are accompanied by copious discharge that has an unpleasant odor.


Inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. Lactobacilli that live in the vagina protect the internal genital organs from pathogenic microorganisms. Violation of the microflora composition occurs due to hormonal imbalances in the body of women, weakened immunity, and the use of antibiotics. The causes of deviations may be diseases of the genitourinary system and endocrine glands, and the formation of tumors. The infection can be transmitted sexually. The discharge of yellow mucus occurs during sexually transmitted diseases; yellow or yellow-green discharge smells like fish. The source of vaginosis is the pathogenic bacteria Gardnerella.

This bacterial disease is dangerous during pregnancy, as it causes miscarriage or premature birth. The entry of pathogenic bacteria from the vagina into the uterus causes inflammation of its mucous membrane (endometritis).

It should be noted: The likelihood of damage to the uterus after childbirth is especially high. Therefore, if there is yellow discharge with an odor during the postpartum period, a woman must undergo a course of treatment.

Vaginosis is easy to distinguish from thrush (candidiasis), with which it is often confused. Discharge from thrush is white, has a cheesy structure and a sour odor.


An inflammatory process that occurs due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms such as trichomonas, streptococci, and chlamydia into the vaginal environment. Symptoms of the disease are:

  • foamy yellow discharge of a greenish color, with a characteristic unpleasant odor;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane of the vagina and labia;
  • itching and burning in the perineal area.

Video: Symptoms of vaginal inflammation

Discharge after menstruation

If there is clear discharge after menstruation, this is normal. The appearance of yellowish-green discharge with an unpleasant odor should cause alarm. They can be a sign of vaginal dysbiosis, vaginosis, colpitis. Such discharge is also typical for diseases transmitted through sexual contact (gonorrhea, for example). When visiting a gynecologist, you need to do a smear to check the vaginal environment for bacteria and fungi, as well as bacterial culture, which allows you to identify hidden infections. Sowing shows what type of microorganisms caused the pathological discharge and what antibacterial drugs they are sensitive to.


A disease that occurs in the uterus due to hormonal imbalances. With this disease, the tissue of the mucous membrane grows. This pathology can cause infertility. Characteristic symptoms include painful menstruation, as well as heavy, yellow-brown, watery discharge with a strong odor that occurs between periods. Endometriosis can be a symptom of female hormonal diseases associated with the formation of benign and malignant breast tumors.

Tumors in various organs

Yellow discharge with shades of varying intensity may also appear with tumors of the internal and external genital organs. In addition, this is often a sign of the formation of a fistula connecting the genital tract to the intestines or bladder. The hole may appear due to the development of a malignant tumor and radiation treatment. Discharge with an unpleasant odor is bright yellow if the pathology is associated with the bladder. If a fistula forms in the intestinal area, then they are dark, with a brown tint.

Symptoms that require you to visit a gynecologist

Since yellow discharge with an odor can be a consequence of serious diseases, you should immediately contact a gynecologist if the following symptoms appear:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • detection of diseases of the mammary glands, which are often associated with hormonal disorders in the body of women;
  • pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • itching and burning in the external genitalia and perineum;
  • the occurrence of pain during sexual intercourse.

Video: Yellow discharge with fishy smell

Prevention of pathological discharge in women

One of the main causes of bacterial damage to the vagina is dysbiosis. Its appearance can be facilitated by insufficient or improper hygiene care, frequent douching, uncontrolled use of antibiotics, hormonal drugs, and unprotected sex. Prevention of deviations accompanied by pathological discharge is the timely treatment of female and endocrine diseases, taking medications only under the supervision of a doctor, observing the rules of intimate hygiene, and protecting against sexually transmitted infections.

What women don't have to worry about. Unusual discharge is another cause for concern. Leucorrhoea without odor and itching in women is not such a rare phenomenon. They may be clear or whitish. If the female body is absolutely healthy, then leucorrhoea as a phenomenon associated with physiology is considered normal. But sometimes the exudate takes on an unpleasant color and odorless yellow discharge appears. Do you need to rush to the gynecologist?

Causes of yellow mucous discharge in women

There are many reasons for the appearance of leucorrhoea, including yellowish ones. One of the first is the physiological cycle, during which there is slight leucorrhoea that has no odor. Often transparent, they sometimes turn yellow in the air, but do not irritate the skin. The discharge may increase during ovulation, when using hormonal birth control, or after sexual intercourse. All this is considered normal.

Yellow-green discharge

If odorless yellowish discharge is a phenomenon considered normal, then yellow-green leucorrhoea, like dark yellow discharge, is a pathology. This color often indicates the presence of pus. The reasons for this may be inflammatory and infectious diseases, such as thrush, chlamydia, gonorrhea, etc. The main reason that causes yellow-green exudate is the inflammatory process of the vaginal walls.

Light yellow

White and yellow insignificant discharge without odor and itching is the norm: the walls of the vagina are moisturized and protected from infection. Leucorrhoea may appear for the first time before the onset of the first menstruation. They have a whitish color or white-yellow. Smell, pain, and itchy irritation do not appear. Girls should not have any vaginal discharge before puberty.

The nature of leucorrhoea is influenced by the onset of sexual activity, at which the amount increases and the consistency and color may change: from transparent white to light yellow. Specific leucorrhoea from the vagina also appears from sexual intercourse itself. If the couple does not use a condom, whitish or light yellow clots are released. During protected sexual intercourse, a scanty white-yellow secretion occurs.

Bright yellow

The appearance of bright yellow or yellow-green leucorrhoea, accompanied by odor, itching, burning, is no longer discomfort, but a serious reason to visit a doctor. Bright yellow, curd-like discharge is characteristic of thrush or vaginal candidiasis. In this case, severe itching appears, the external genital organs turn red, and the secretion thickens. And if you have pain in the lower abdomen and in the urethral area, this is a sign of chlamydia. Gonorrhea has similar symptoms, but bleeding between periods is possible.

Features of the appearance of odorless yellowish discharge

The volume and composition of the exudate depends on a number of the following factors:

  • general condition of the female body;
  • hormonal function of the ovaries;
  • mental state.

Normally, vaginal leucorrhoea is transparent or whitish, but sometimes the secretion acquires a yellow color of varying consistency. Below we consider what the appearance of leucorrhoea signals in each specific situation.

During pregnancy

You should be especially careful about leucorrhoea during pregnancy. The hormonal status of the body changes, the blood supply to the reproductive system increases. The amount of odorless mucous secretion with a yellowish tint increases. This is especially typical in the early stages. In the second trimester, leucorrhoea is released more abundantly and becomes yellower.

Before your period

If brown/yellow discharge without a foreign odor develops into a full-fledged menstruation, there is no reason to worry. But if such symptoms appear a week or earlier before your period, it still doesn’t hurt to see a doctor, since this is a sign of inflammation of the uterus, cervical polyps, as well as erosion and other gynecological diseases.

During menopause

Discharge during menopause can be normal or pathological. Here a lot depends on the woman herself. If she is attentive to her health, menopause passes without undesirable consequences. The exudate is often mucous without any particular odors. Its quantity is small. But during menopause, there are also pathologies of vaginal secretion.

After childbirth

Discharge after childbirth, lochia, gradually decreases as wounds heal, their composition and color change. In the first 4-5 postpartum days, lochia is monitored by the maternity hospital medical staff. During this period, the bleeding stops, turning into yellow-brown discharge. After a caesarean section, the period of observation of the woman in labor increases to 7-8 days.

After menstruation

With normal microflora of the genital organs, the discharge is odorless and transparent. As menstruation approaches, they turn white and become thick. A sour odor may occur. If you are taking hormonal contraceptives, you do not need to be alarmed by yellow-brown discharge. But if they are repeated for more than three months, the drug should be abandoned.

Treatment of yellow discharge

If yellow discharge appears, which is accompanied by undesirable symptoms, treatment is necessary. The drug "Polygynax" effectively copes with diseases of a bacterial or fungal nature. With bacterial vaginosis, “Lactagel” helps, which copes with the causative agent of the disease, restoring the microflora. To use a medicinal drug, you must first undergo a laboratory examination to identify the causes of the disease.

To treat diseases caused by vaginal discharge in women, doctors resort to common and proven remedies: Trichopolum, Metrogyl, Metronidazole. If necessary, they are used with other topical preparations for irrigation of the vaginal cavity and douching. In complicated cases of the disease, antibiotics are prescribed.

After an abortion, leucorrhoea often stops abruptly or heavy discharge occurs, often bloody. In the first case, this may indicate a spasm in the cervix, leading to sepsis, in the second - about the remains of fetal particles and the development of an infectious process. And this often requires curettage of the uterine cavity. Any of these changes are dangerous and sometimes require serious treatment, so contact the clinic immediately.

Video about vaginal discharge