What is a goat's leg from the story surgery. Goat leg. Anton Chekhov - Surgery: A Tale


Zemsky hospital. In the absence of the doctor, who has left to get married, the patients are seen by the paramedic Kuryatin, a fat man of about forty, in a worn Chechunchka jacket and frayed sweatpants. There is an expression of duty and pleasantness on the face. Between the index and middle fingers of the left hand is a cigar, spreading a stench.

The sexton Vonmiglasov, a tall, stocky old man in a brown cassock and a wide leather belt, enters the reception room. The right eye has a cataract and is half-closed; there is a wart on the nose, which from a distance looks like a large fly. For a second the sexton looks for the icon with his eyes and, not finding one, crosses himself over a bottle of carbolic solution, then takes out a prosphora from a red handkerchief and places it with a bow in front of the paramedic.

- Ahh... mine is for you! - the paramedic yawns. - What did you come with?

- Happy Sunday to you, Sergei Kuzmich... To your mercy... Truly and truly the psalter says, excuse me: “Dissolve my drink with crying.” The other day I sat down with an old woman to drink tea and - my God, not a drop, not a blue powder, even lie down and die... If you take a little sip, my strength is gone! And besides what’s in the tooth itself, but also this whole side... It hurts, it hurts! Excuse me, it feels like it’s in your ear, as if there’s a nail or some other object in it: it just shoots, just like that! I have sinned and been lawless... I have scorched my soul with cold sins and spent my life in laziness... For sins, Sergei Kuzmich, for sins! After the liturgy, Father Priest reproaches: “You are tongue-tied, Efim, and you have become a bastard. You sing, and you won’t understand anything.” And what kind of singing is there, judge, if you can’t open your mouth, everyone is swollen, excuse me, and you haven’t slept all night...

- Hmm... Sit down... Open your mouth!

Vonmiglasov sits down and opens his mouth.

Kuryatin frowns, looks into his mouth and among the teeth yellowed by time and tobacco sees one tooth decorated with a gaping hollow.

– Father Deacon told me to use vodka and horseradish – it didn’t help. Glikeria Anisimovna, God bless them, gave them a thread to wear on their hands from Mount Athos and told them to warm milk rinse the tooth, and I must admit, I put on a thread, but in relation to milk I did not observe: I fear God, fasting...

- Prejudice... (Pause.) We need to tear it out, Efim Mikheich!

- You know better, Sergei Kuzmich, that’s what you’re trained for, to understand this matter as it is, what to tear out, and what in drops or other things... That’s what you, benefactors, are meant to do, God bless you, so that we can take care of you day and night, dear fathers... to the grave of life...

“It’s not a big deal...” the paramedic says modestly, going to the cabinet and rummaging through the instruments. - Surgery is a trifle... It’s all about habit, firmness of hand... Just a piece of cake... The other day, just like you, the landowner Alexander Ivanovich Egyptian comes to the hospital... Also with a tooth... An educated man, he asks about everything, he goes into everything, how and what . He shakes hands, by name and patronymic... He lived in St. Petersburg for seven years, he sniffed all the professors... We've been here for a long time... He prays to Christ God: tear him out for me, Sergei Kuzmich! Why not pull it out? You can pull it out. Only here you need to understand, you can’t do without a concept... There are different teeth. You tear one with tongs, another with a goat's leg, the third with a key... It depends on you.

The paramedic takes the goat leg, looks at it questioningly for a minute, then puts it down and takes the tongs.

“Well, open your mouth wider...” he says, approaching the sexton with tongs. - Now we’re... that’s it... Just a piece of cake... Just trim the gum... apply traction according vertical axis... and that's all... (cuts the gum) and that's all...

- You are our benefactors... We, fools, have no idea, but the Lord has enlightened you...

- Don’t reason if your mouth is open... This one is easy to tear, but sometimes it’s just the roots... This one is a piece of cake... (Applies the forceps.) Wait, don’t twitch... Sit still... In the blink of an eye... (Does traction.) The main thing is to take it deeper (pulls)… so that the crown doesn’t break…

- Our fathers... Holy Mother... Vvv...

- Not the same... not the same... what's his name? Don't grab with your hands! Put your hands down! (Pulls.) Now... Here, here... This is not an easy matter...

- Fathers... guardians... (Screams.) Angels! Whoa... Just pull it, pull it! Why are you waiting five years?

- It’s just a matter... surgery... You can’t do it right away... Here, here...

Vonmiglasov raises his knees to his elbows, moves his fingers, bulges his eyes, breathes intermittently... Sweat appears on his purple face, tears in his eyes. Kuryatin sniffles, stomps in front of the sexton and pulls. The most painful half a minute passes - and the forceps are torn from the tooth. The sexton jumps up and puts his fingers in his mouth. In his mouth he feels the tooth in its old place.

- Pulled! - he says in a tearful and at the same time mocking voice. - May you be so drawn to the next world! Thank you very much! If you don’t know how to tear, don’t try it! I don’t see God’s light...

- Why are you grabbing with your hands? - the paramedic gets angry. “I’m pulling, and you’re pushing me under the arm and saying all sorts of stupid words... Stupid!”

- You yourself are a fool!

- Do you think, man, it’s easy to pull a tooth? Take it! It’s not like he climbed up the bell tower and banged on the bells! (Teases.) “You can’t, you can’t!” Tell me which pointer you found! Look... You tore at Mr. Egyptian, Alexander Ivanovich, and he didn’t say anything, no words... A man cleaner than you, but he didn’t grab him with his hands... Sit down! Sit down, I tell you!

- I don’t see the light... Let me catch my breath... Oh! (Sits down.) Don’t just pull for too long, but pull. Don't pull, but pull... Immediately!

- Teach a scientist! What, my God, uneducated people! Live with people like that... you'll go crazy! Open your mouth... (Applies forceps.) Surgery, brother, is no joke... This is not to read in the choir... (Does traction.) Don't twitch... The tooth, it turns out, is old, has taken deep roots... (Pulls.) Don't move... So... so... Don't move... Well, well... (A crunching sound is heard.) I knew it!

Vonmiglasov sits motionless for a minute, as if unconscious. He is stunned... His eyes look blankly into space, at pale face sweat.

“It would be a goat’s leg for me...” mutters the paramedic. - What an opportunity!

Having come to his senses, the sexton puts his fingers into his mouth and finds two protruding protrusions in place of the sore tooth.

“You lousy devil...” he says. - They planted you here, Herods, to our destruction!

“Swear at me again here...” mutters the paramedic, putting the tongs in the closet. - Ignorant... Few of you were treated to birch in the bursa... Mr. Egyptian, Alexander Ivanovich, lived in St. Petersburg for seven years... education... one suit costs a hundred rubles... and even then he didn’t swear...

What kind of peahen are you? It’s okay for you, you won’t die!

The sexton takes his prosphora from the table and, holding his cheek with his hand, goes home...

Zemsky hospital. In the absence of the doctor, who has left to get married, the patients are seen by the paramedic Kuryatin, a fat man of about forty, in a worn Chechunchka jacket and frayed sweatpants. There is an expression of duty and pleasantness on the face. Between the index and middle fingers of the left hand is a cigar, spreading a stench.

The sexton Vonmiglasov, a tall, stocky old man in a brown cassock and a wide leather belt, enters the reception room. The right eye has a cataract and is half-closed; there is a wart on the nose, which from a distance looks like a large fly. For a second the sexton looks for the icon with his eyes and, not finding one, crosses himself over a bottle of carbolic solution, then takes out a prosphora from a red handkerchief and places it with a bow in front of the paramedic.

Ahh... mine to you! - the paramedic yawns. - What did you come with?

Happy Sunday to you, Sergey Kuzmich... To your mercy... Truly and truly the psalter says, excuse me: “Dissolve my drink with crying.” The other day I sat down to drink tea with the old woman and -? my God, not a drop, not a blue powder, even lie down and die... If you take a little bread, my strength is gone! And besides what’s in the tooth itself, but also this whole side... It hurts, it hurts! Excuse me, it feels like it’s in your ear, as if there’s a nail or some other object in it: it just shoots, just like that! I have sinned and been lawless... I have scorched my soul with cold sins and spent my life in laziness... For sins, Sergei Kuzmich, for sins! After the liturgy, the father priest reproaches: “You are tongue-tied, Efim, and you have become a bastard. You eat, and you won’t understand anything.” And what kind of singing is there, judge, if you can’t open your mouth, everyone is swollen, excuse me, and you haven’t slept all night...

Hmm... Sit down... Open your mouth!

Vonmiglasov sits down and opens his mouth.

Kuryatin frowns, looks into his mouth and among the teeth yellowed by time and tobacco sees one tooth decorated with a gaping hollow.

Father Deacon told me to use vodka and horseradish - it didn’t help. Glykeria Anisimovna, God bless them, they gave them a string to wear on their hands from Mount Athos and told them to rinse their teeth with warm milk, but I must admit, I put the string on, but didn’t follow the rules regarding milk: I fear God, fasting...

Prejudice... (Pause.) We need to tear it out, Efim Mikheich!

You know better, Sergey Kuzmich. That’s what you are trained for, to understand this matter as it is, what to pull out, and what in drops or other things... That’s what you, benefactors, are assigned to, God grant you health, so that we will be for you day and night, dear fathers ... to the grave of life...

Nonsense... - the paramedic is modest, approaching the closet and rummaging through the instruments. - Surgery is a trifle... It’s all about habit, firmness of hand... Just a piece of cake... The other day, just like you, the landowner Alexander Ivanovich of Egypt came to the hospital... Also with a tooth... An educated man, about asks everyone questions, enters into everything, how and what. He shakes hands by name and patronymic... He lived in St. Petersburg for seven years, smelled all the professors... We've been here for a long time... He prays to Christ God: snatch him out for me, Sergei Kuzmich! Why not pull it out? You can pull it out. Only here you need to understand, you can’t do without a concept... There are different teeth. You tear one with tongs, another with a goat's leg, the third with a key... It depends on you.

The paramedic takes the goat leg, looks at it questioningly for a minute, then puts it down and takes the tongs.

Well, open your mouth wider... - he says, approaching the sexton with tongs. - Now we have it... that's it... Just a piece of cake... Just trim the gum... do traction along the vertical axis... and that's all... (cuts the gum) and that's all...

You are our benefactors... We fools have no idea, but God has enlightened you...

Don’t argue if your mouth is open... This one is easy to tear, but sometimes it’s just the roots... This one is a piece of cake... (Applies the tongs.) Wait, don’t twitch... Sit still... In the blink of an eye... (Does traction.) The main thing is to take it deeper (pulls)... so that the crown does not break...

Our Fathers... Holy Mother... Vvv...

Not the same... not the same... what's his name? Don't grab with your hands! Put your hands down! (Pulls.) Now... Here, here... This is not an easy matter...

Fathers... guardians... (Shouts.) Angels! Whoa... Just pull it, pull it! Why are you waiting five years?

The thing is... surgery... It’s impossible right away... Here, here... Vonmiglasov raises his knees to his elbows, moves his fingers, bulges his eyes, breathes intermittently... Sweat appears on his purple face, tears in his eyes. Kuryatin sniffles, stomps in front of the sexton and pulls... The most painful half a minute passes - and the forceps are torn from the tooth. The sexton jumps up and puts his fingers in his mouth. In his mouth he feels the tooth in its old place.

Pulled! - he says in a tearful and at the same time mocking voice. - May you be so drawn to the next world! Thank you very much! If you don’t know how to tear, don’t try it! I don't see God's light...

Why are you grabbing with your hands? - the paramedic is angry. - I’m pulling, and you’re pushing me under the arm and saying all sorts of stupid words... Stupid!

You yourself are a fool!

Do you think, man, it’s easy to pull a tooth? Take it! It’s not like he climbed up the bell tower and banged on the bells! (Teases.) “You can’t, you can’t!” Tell me which pointer you found! Look... You tore at Mr. Egyptian, Alexander Ivanovich, and he didn’t say anything, no words... A man cleaner than you, and he didn’t grab him with his hands... Sit down! Sit down, I tell you!

I don’t see the light... Let me catch my breath... Oh! (Sits down.) Don’t just pull for too long, but pull. Don't pull, but pull... Immediately!

Teach a scientist! What, my God, uneducated people! Live with these... you'll go crazy! Open your mouth... (Applies forceps.) Surgery, brother, is not a joke... This is not to read in the choir... (Does traction.) Don't twitch... The tooth, it turns out, is old, has taken deep roots... ( Pulls.) Don't move... So... so... Don't move... Well, well... (A crunching sound is heard.) I knew it!

Vonmiglasov sits motionless for a minute, as if unconscious. He is stunned... His eyes look blankly into space, there is sweat on his pale face.

It would be a goat's leg for me... - the paramedic mutters. - What an opportunity!

Having come to his senses, the sexton puts his fingers into his mouth and finds two protruding protrusions in place of the sore tooth.

Lousy devil... - he reprimands. - They impaled you here, Herods, to our destruction!

Swear at me again here... - the paramedic mutters, putting the tongs in the closet. - Ignorant... Few of you were treated to birch in the bursa... Mr. Egyptian, Alexander Ivanovich, lived in St. Petersburg for seven years... education... one suit costs a hundred rubles... and even then he didn’t swear... And you what kind of peahen is this? It’s okay for you, you won’t die!

The sexton takes his prosphora from the table and, holding his cheek with his hand, goes home...

For more than 100 years, admirers of Russian literature have had the opportunity to enjoy reading humorous and satirical stories by A.P. Chekhov. “Surgery”, “Chameleon”, “Thick and Thin”, “Death of an Official” and many other works show the writer’s attitude towards moral ugliness, the loss of humanity in a person. A.P. Chekhov in his stories often makes fun of stupidity, ignorance and other people. At the same time, the writer skillfully directs the sting of satire not only at the main character of his work, but also at those people who come into conflict with him, being unable to wisely get out of an unpleasant situation.

Short and meaningful stories are the main path of A.P. Chekhov

Chekhov's story “Surgery” once again emphasizes the opinion of numerous literary critics that the writer is a master of writing miniature novels. This opinion is also supported by a number of phrases used by the writer in his time: “The art of writing is the art of abbreviation”, “Brevity is the sister of talent”, “Language should be simple and elegant”, etc. Chekhov, like no one else, knew how to write briefly talk about global things. With a few strokes he could give a comprehensive description of any person.

A.P. Chekhov never introduced readers to the previous biography of the heroes of his stories, their parents or ancestors before they began to perform any actions described in the story. The author always began stories with the very behavior of a person, his words, thoughts and feelings associated with one or another action he performed. Description appearance main characters or settings are the most that can be found in Chekhov's stories. "Surgery" is no exception to this rule. However, these descriptions do not go beyond what anyone can see, that is, the author’s own opinion does not appear in them, thanks to which the reader is given the opportunity to form his own opinion about a particular place, character or situation.

Chekhov begins his story “Surgery” by mentioning that the doctor left to get married, and his responsibilities for receiving patients were taken over by the paramedic Kuryatin.

The first patient of the paramedic is the sexton Vonmiglasov, who suffers from severe toothache and sincerely relies on the knowledge and skills of the first. Kuryatin, in turn, assures the patient that surgery is a trivial matter, all you need is knowledge and the right approach.

However, after he saw the patient’s tooth and decided to remove it, his confidence decreased significantly. This fact is emphasized by the description of the paramedic's hesitation regarding which instrument to use. He doesn't know whether to choose tongs, a key, or a goat's leg. First, the hero looks at the instruments for a long time, then, taking a goat’s leg, he approaches the patient, but after a few seconds he returns and exchanges it for tongs. This is exactly what A.P. Chekhov draws attention to. As a result, surgery turns out to be not as simple as it seemed to the paramedic at first glance. Taking forceps, he fiddled with the sexton’s tooth for a long time, but was still unable to pull it out. The story ends with the sexton, having suffered pain and angry, leaving the paramedic, reproaching him.

The image of a paramedic in the story

Kuryatin is one of the main characters in the story “Surgery”. Chekhov filled the content of the story with a description of not only the hero’s behavior, but also his appearance. It is worth noting that the paramedic looks far from flawless. The negative image is complemented by the foul-smelling cigarette that Kuryatin holds in his hand.

As for the inner world of the paramedic, here his self-praise and idle talk come to the fore. In this way he covers up his inability and ignorance. He boasts to the sexton of his acquaintance with the landowner Alexander Ivanovich of Egypt, who visited him and did not complain (unlike the current patient). As a result, the sexton leaves with severe pain, and the paramedic still doesn’t understand his mistake, and instead of apologizing, he also calls him ignorant.

The image of a sexton in “Surgery”

No less important place occupied by the sexton Vonmiglasov, the second hero about whom the story “Surgery” narrates. Chekhov emphasizes Vonmiglasov’s illiteracy and stupidity. After all, the sexton, instead of immediately turning to the doctor, listened to various advice from the same ignoramuses as himself.

The story emphasizes the sycophancy of the sexton, which in those days characterized the lower strata of the population. At first he crossed himself, brought prosphora, praised the paramedic - in a word, he behaved very “piously.” However, less than half an hour had passed before his behavior changed to the opposite, he began to wish Chicken Meat all the worst and even took the prosphora with him.

Prototypes of the heroes of "Surgery"

Chekhov's work "Surgery" has real prototypes. Brother A.P. Chekhov repeatedly talked about how the writer during his medical practice At the Voskresensk hospital I observed one case, which formed the basis of the story.

The participants in a real-life situation were a medical student replacing a doctor and a patient presenting to the hospital with a toothache. During the reception, the inexperienced student tried for a long time, but only managed to break the crown. As a result, the angry patient cursed and left.

Analysis of "Surgery"

The story is based on the communication of just two people who met by the will of fate in a rural hospital - paramedic Kuryatin and sexton Vonmiglasov. However, they turned out to be quite enough to emphasize such negative human traits as ignorance and complacency, which is what A.P. Chekhov did. “Surgery” is a work in which the most striking characteristic of the characters is their speech. Vonmiglasov, trying to show his “piety,” alters many ordinary words into a churchly manner. Paramedic Kuryatin, in turn, emphasizes his own importance by using great amount medical terms, naturally, not understandable for a simple sexton.

However, as soon as it comes to tooth extraction, it becomes clear that Kuryatin is not like that at all experienced doctor how I imagined myself at first. Moreover, it seems that he ended up working at the hospital completely by accident and cannot be trusted. Chekhov's story “Surgery” ends, as one might expect, with harm to another person, who, by the way, also turns out to be not so devout as a result. The ignorance of both characters is emphasized by their speech at the end of the story, which moved from a mutually respectful tone to accusations and curses.


Zemsky hospital. In the absence of the doctor, who has left to get married, the patients are seen by the paramedic Kuryatin, a fat man of about forty, in a worn Chechunchka jacket and frayed sweatpants. There is an expression of duty and pleasantness on the face. Between the index and middle fingers of the left hand is a cigar, spreading a stench.

The sexton Vonmiglasov, a tall, stocky old man in a brown cassock and a wide leather belt, enters the reception room. The right eye has a cataract and is half-closed; there is a wart on the nose, which from a distance looks like a large fly. For a second the sexton looks for the icon with his eyes and, not finding one, crosses himself over a bottle of carbolic solution, then takes out a prosphora from a red handkerchief and places it with a bow in front of the paramedic.

- Ahh... mine is for you! - the paramedic yawns. - What did you come with?

- Happy Sunday to you, Sergei Kuzmich... To your mercy... Truly and truly the psalter says, excuse me: “Dissolve my drink with crying.” The other day I sat down with an old woman to drink tea and - my God, not a drop, not a blue powder, even lie down and die... If you take a little sip, my strength is gone! And besides what’s in the tooth itself, but also this whole side... It hurts, it hurts! Excuse me, it feels like it’s in your ear, as if there’s a nail or some other object in it: it just shoots, just like that! I have sinned and been lawless... I have scorched my soul with cold sins and spent my life in laziness... For sins, Sergei Kuzmich, for sins! After the liturgy, Father Priest reproaches: “You are tongue-tied, Efim, and you have become a bastard. You sing, and you won’t understand anything.” And what kind of singing is there, judge, if you can’t open your mouth, everyone is swollen, excuse me, and you haven’t slept all night...

- Hmm... Sit down... Open your mouth!

Vonmiglasov sits down and opens his mouth.

Kuryatin frowns, looks into his mouth and among the teeth yellowed by time and tobacco sees one tooth decorated with a gaping hollow.

– Father Deacon told me to use vodka and horseradish – it didn’t help. Glykeria Anisimovna, God bless them, they gave them a string to wear on their hands from Mount Athos and told them to rinse their teeth with warm milk, and I must admit, I put the string on, but didn’t keep it in relation to milk: I fear God, fasting...

- Prejudice... (Pause.) We need to tear it out, Efim Mikheich!

- You know better, Sergei Kuzmich, that’s what you’re trained for, to understand this matter as it is, what to tear out, and what in drops or other things... That’s what you, benefactors, are meant to do, God bless you, so that we can take care of you day and night, dear fathers... to the grave of life...

“It’s not a big deal...” the paramedic says modestly, going to the cabinet and rummaging through the instruments. - Surgery is a trifle... It’s all about habit, firmness of hand... Just a piece of cake... The other day, just like you, the landowner Alexander Ivanovich Egyptian comes to the hospital... Also with a tooth... An educated man, he asks about everything, he goes into everything, how and what . He shakes hands, by name and patronymic... He lived in St. Petersburg for seven years, he sniffed all the professors... We've been here for a long time... He prays to Christ God: tear him out for me, Sergei Kuzmich! Why not pull it out? You can pull it out. Only here you need to understand, you can’t do without a concept... There are different teeth. You tear one with tongs, another with a goat's leg, the third with a key... It depends on you.

The paramedic takes the goat leg, looks at it questioningly for a minute, then puts it down and takes the tongs.

“Well, open your mouth wider...” he says, approaching the sexton with tongs. - Now we have it... that's it... Just a piece of cake... Just trim the gum... do traction along the vertical axis... and that's all... (cuts the gum) and that's all...

- You are our benefactors... We, fools, have no idea, but the Lord has enlightened you...

- Don’t reason if your mouth is open... This one is easy to tear, but sometimes it’s just the roots... This one is a piece of cake... (Applies the forceps.) Wait, don’t twitch... Sit still... In the blink of an eye... (Does traction.) The main thing is to take it deeper (pulls)… so that the crown doesn’t break…

- Our fathers... Holy Mother... Vvv...

- Not the same... not the same... what's his name? Don't grab with your hands! Put your hands down! (Pulls.) Now... Here, here... This is not an easy matter...

- Fathers... guardians... (Screams.) Angels! Whoa... Just pull it, pull it! Why are you waiting five years?

- It’s just a matter... surgery... You can’t do it right away... Here, here...

Vonmiglasov raises his knees to his elbows, moves his fingers, bulges his eyes, breathes intermittently... Sweat appears on his purple face, tears in his eyes. Kuryatin sniffles, stomps in front of the sexton and pulls. The most painful half a minute passes - and the forceps are torn from the tooth. The sexton jumps up and puts his fingers in his mouth. In his mouth he feels the tooth in its old place.

- Pulled! - he says in a tearful and at the same time mocking voice. - May you be so drawn to the next world! Thank you very much! If you don’t know how to tear, don’t try it! I don’t see God’s light...

- Why are you grabbing with your hands? - the paramedic gets angry. “I’m pulling, and you’re pushing me under the arm and saying all sorts of stupid words... Stupid!”

- You yourself are a fool!

- Do you think, man, it’s easy to pull a tooth? Take it! It’s not like he climbed up the bell tower and banged on the bells! (Teases.) “You can’t, you can’t!” Tell me which pointer you found! Look... You tore at Mr. Egyptian, Alexander Ivanovich, and he didn’t say anything, no words... A man cleaner than you, but he didn’t grab him with his hands... Sit down! Sit down, I tell you!

- I don’t see the light... Let me catch my breath... Oh! (Sits down.) Don’t just pull for too long, but pull. Don't pull, but pull... Immediately!

- Teach a scientist! What, my God, uneducated people! Live with people like that... you'll go crazy! Open your mouth... (Applies forceps.) Surgery, brother, is no joke... This is not to read in the choir... (Does traction.) Don't twitch... The tooth, it turns out, is old, has taken deep roots... (Pulls.) Don't move... So... so... Don't move... Well, well... (A crunching sound is heard.) I knew it!

Vonmiglasov sits motionless for a minute, as if unconscious. He is stunned... His eyes look blankly into space, there is sweat on his pale face.

“It would be a goat’s leg for me...” mutters the paramedic. - What an opportunity!

Having come to his senses, the sexton puts his fingers into his mouth and finds two protruding protrusions in place of the sore tooth.

“You lousy devil...” he says. - They planted you here, Herods, to our destruction!

“Swear at me again here...” mutters the paramedic, putting the tongs in the closet. - Ignorant... Few of you were treated to birch in the bursa... Mr. Egyptian, Alexander Ivanovich, lived in St. Petersburg for seven years... education... one suit costs a hundred rubles... and even then he didn’t swear...

What kind of peahen are you? It’s okay for you, you won’t die!

The sexton takes his prosphora from the table and, holding his cheek with his hand, goes home...