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How to become an honorary donor

Earn extra money, double your vacation time, and get benefits for the rest of your life

I donated my first blood at 19 for money. Now I am 27 years old, and I am an honorary donor to Russia.

I’ve been donating blood for the last nine years; I’ve done it more than 75 times.

Every third person will need a blood transfusion at least once in their life. If hospitals do not have spare blood, the patient may die.

Donating blood is not painful or scary. You will help other people, and the state will thank you. I'll tell you how to become a donor and get bonuses from it.

Victor Sikirin

honorary donor

Who can become a donor

Anyone can become a donor in Russia healthy man over 18 years old. Donation has contraindications:

donors per 1000 inhabitants are needed to cover the need for donor blood, according to WHO. In Russia there are three times less of them

  • chronic or contagious diseases;
  • weight less than 50 kg.

Those who have had the flu, ARVI or tonsillitis should temporarily refrain from donating blood. To become a donor after piercing, tattoos, childbirth or surgery, you need to wait 6-12 months.

What is blood donation like?

Whole blood. At one time, doctors take 450 ml of blood from a vein. Men can donate blood no more than once every two months, women - once every three months.

Platelets or plasma. IN modern medicine What is needed is not the whole blood, but its components: plasma and platelets. During donation, the components are separated from the blood, the rest is returned to the vein along with saline solution to normalize the pressure. Blood components can be donated once every 2 weeks. Every 4-6 donations take a break for a month.

If you become a regular donor, you will most often donate blood components. Donate them 10-20 times a year and become an honorary donor in 3-6 years.

Donate blood ahead of schedule will not work: all donors are entered in single register and they simply won’t let you through at the transfusion station. Missing the deadline is harmful to health, because the body does not have time to recover.

Blood in quarantine

After the first blood donation, she is quarantined for 6 months. During this time, the donor must again donate blood for examination to rule out infection. If this is not done, the blood will be disposed of.

The blood transfusion station should call you and invite you again. But in reality, donors are often forgotten. It’s better to come yourself a few months after the first delivery.

Where do you donate blood?

Some donor centers accept appointments only, I advise you to call and find out. Unified information phone number of the donor service: 8 800 333-33-30.

I advise donating blood at a transfusion station, not at a hospital. Everything at the station is well organized: offices are nearby, the process is automated, the equipment is modern. It can be worse in hospitals.

How to donate blood

Three days before the test, you should not take aspirin and analgesics, and two days before the test you should not drink alcohol. The day before, it is advised not to eat fatty, spicy and smoked foods, and dairy products. Be sure to get a good night's sleep and have a light breakfast of sweet tea and something low-fat. You should not smoke before the procedure.

The earlier in the day you donate blood, the easier your body will tolerate the donation. It is best to donate blood before 11 o'clock. Only experienced donors come to lunch.

What to take with you

To donate blood for the first time to a transfusion station, you need to take your passport and fluorography results. Men also need to bring military ID or registration certificate. From the second donation you will only need a passport.

Present your documents at the transfusion station. Fill out a health questionnaire and an application for monetary compensation for food.

For the first time, blood will be taken from your finger to determine your blood type and hemoglobin level. A therapist will see you: examine you, weigh you, measure your blood pressure and ask you about your health. Afterwards you will be invited to the treatment room.

Blood or plasma is donated in the treatment room. This usually takes an hour. If you are asked how you will hand over - manually or automatically - choose manually, it’s faster.

Donating blood doesn't hurt. Most likely, you will not feel anything other than a slight sting. Much depends on individual characteristics, sometimes the donor may feel dizzy or nauseous and even lose consciousness. There is no need to be afraid of this: experienced staff is always ready. In nine years of donating, I only felt sick once, and that was because I didn’t eat breakfast. A couple of times I saw girls getting sick, but they easily returned to normal after airing. If you feel strange, tell the staff immediately.

Afterwards you will be given a certificate for your employer and sent home. In the next couple of days you need to eat well and drink plenty of fluids. It is better to avoid physical activity.


The vein puncture site is generously treated with a disinfecting solution. All instruments are disposable and sterile, they are unpacked right in front of you. With modern donation it is impossible to become infected.

What do donors expect?

Extra days off. After blood donation, the donor is entitled to 1-2 additional days off: a day off with the same average salary on the day of blood donation, as well as an additional day of rest. These days can be used immediately, or they can be transferred to any other day during the year or added to a vacation. If you go to work on the day of blood donation, you have two days off. Important condition- going to work must be agreed upon with the employer, otherwise the second day of rest will not be given. This is also true if you donated blood before the start of the working day or after it ended. If you donate blood or components several times a year, you can get from 6 to 20 additional days off and extend your vacation.

Weekends cannot be compensated with money.

To receive rest days, submit certificates from the donor institution to the accounting department: 401/у (about medical examination) and 402/у (about subsidies) or, accordingly, a certified certificate in any form. Two days of rest will be paid, even if you donated blood on a day off.

We write about how to make money on donations, elections and old things, how to receive treatment at the expense of the state, apply for a tax deduction and negotiate with your boss about a salary increase.

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Compensation for lunch. The donor is paid 400-700 R compensation. Instead, according to the law, they can give you a free lunch, but I have not seen this.

Discount travel. If you donate blood at least twice, you can ask for extraordinary discounted vouchers for spa treatment. Vouchers are received at the place of work or study.

1💉 = 2 days off + 400 R

Donation for a fee

A donor can donate blood for money in public or private clinics. But paid donors are not needed everywhere. Usually required rare groups blood. If you want to donate blood for money, call 8 800 333-33-30 and ask where they accept it. Or better yet, to a specific station or donor point.

How to become an honorary donor

To become an honorary donor in Russia, you need to donate blood free of charge 40 times or donate blood with components 60 times. The donor then fills out an application at the transfusion station, and after a few months receives the main documents: an identification card and an honorary donor badge.

Honorary donors of Russia receive an annual cash payment ( in 2017 - 13,000 R). They are served without a queue at government institutions, give a 50% discount on prescription medications. Honorary Donor goes on vacation when he wants, and not when his employer lets him go. In practice, benefits may vary depending on your region.

Donation for a fee is not taken into account in the standards for honorary donation.

Honorary Donor of Moscow

In the capital, there is the title of honorary donor of Moscow. The standards here are to donate blood 20 times or components 30 times. Donations must be made at donor points subordinate to the Moscow Department of Health. They are located at Moscow city clinical hospitals, as well as research institutes and blood transfusion stations.

An honorary donor of Moscow with a Muscovite social card travels free on public transport, receives a 50% discount on housing and communal services and a 50% discount on payments medicines in city pharmacies.

After receiving the title, you must donate blood at least 3 times or plasma at least 7 times within a year. After receiving an honorary donor of Russia, all the benefits of an honorary donor of Moscow are preserved.

How to negotiate with an employer

I've heard that some employers don't like regular donors: they cost more than regular employees.

Such problems have never happened to me. When I worked at school, I donated blood before classes and did not bother anyone. I went to work after donating blood. At the end of the year I went on vacation a little earlier thanks to unused time off.

By law, you may not notify your employer of your desire to donate blood. They handed it over, went away for the weekend, then brought the certificates to the accounting department.

But I always warn you: it’s more honest and simpler. The manager may be dissatisfied: the employee unexpectedly took and arranged a mini-vacation for himself. In order to reach an agreement with the employer, a few days before the donation, I draw up a free-form application, where I indicate what I plan to do with the days off: will I go to work on the day of donation or will I take a day off.

In my experience and the experience of familiar donors, it is better to agree with the manager in advance. Tell them that you are a donor and you are entitled to benefits. Check with your manager and colleagues when your absence will not be so noticeable. Make compromises.


  1. You can donate blood if you are healthy and weigh more than 50 kg.
  2. For the first test, you will need a passport and fluorography, for men - a military ID.
  3. After the first blood donation, you need to donate blood again within 6 months.
  4. The donor is compensated for meals and given 1-2 paid days off.
  5. You can donate blood for money. In 2016 in Moscow they paid 3000 R for 450 ml of blood.
  6. For 60 donations they are given the title “Honorary Donor of Russia”, for 30 donations - “Honorary Donor of Moscow”. Honorary donors have benefits.
  7. The employer cannot prohibit you from becoming a donor or not giving you days off; the law is on your side.

In accordance with Art. 12 Federal Law RF dated July 20, 2012 No. 125 “On the donation of blood and its components”, in order to perform the donor function, the donor is obliged to:
1) present a passport (when visiting the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “PKSPK” and its separate divisions there must be registration in Perm or Perm region at least 6 months old);
2) provide information known to him about past infectious diseases, being in contact with infectious patients, about the use of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, about working with harmful and/or dangerous conditions labor, as well as vaccinations and surgical interventions performed within a year before the date of blood donation;
3) pass medical examination at the blood transfusion station.

Active donors of both sexes who have 3 or more blood (plasma, cyto) donations per year submit, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated September 14, 2001 No. 364 “On approval of the procedure for medical examination of a blood donor and its components”:
- every six months medical certificate an outpatient clinic at the place of residence or place of attachment, indicating the diseases suffered over the past six months;
- once a year, data from a clinical laboratory analysis of urine, fluoroscopic (or fluorographic) examination of organs chest, electrocardiography;
— every three months a certificate of no contact with hepatitis A;
— every six months a certificate of no contact with hepatitis B and C;
- for each application for blood donation - a certificate of no contact with other infectious diseases.


All necessary tests usually done directly at blood transfusion stations. A certain amount of blood donated by a donor is taken for testing. Determined: blood type and Rh factor; data general analysis blood (hemoglobin, leukocytes, erythrocytes, ESR, etc.); as well as markers of pathogens of blood-borne (blood-borne) infections: human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B and C viruses; the causative agent of syphilis.

If desired, in 1-2 days the donor can come with a passport to the Station and receive the results of his tests. Results are reported only in person and confidentially. If signs of infection are found in the blood, only the person who donated the blood and the doctor will know about it. And the doctor will advise where you can go to find out your health situation.

In addition to the blood test potential donor passes medical checkup, during which the doctor measures blood pressure, temperature, pulse, and asks about your well-being. Before the blood donation procedure, each potential donor fills out a special “donor questionnaire” in which he answers questions about his state of health and previous diseases.

The final decision on admission to blood donation is made by a transfusiologist, who also evaluates the psychoneurological status of the donor and can reject him if he is suspected of using drugs, alcohol, or leading an antisocial lifestyle.


Exists different types donations – donation of whole blood and donation of components. Men can donate whole blood no more than 5 times a year, women - no more than 4 times a year. After donating blood, at least 60 days must pass before the donor can donate blood again. After donating blood, at least 30 days must pass before the donor can donate plasma.

After donating plasma, at least 14 days must pass before the donor can donate plasma or blood again.


When donating plasma, blood, after part of the plasma is separated from it, is immediately poured back into the donor’s body. Plasma can be donated up to 6-12 times a year at intervals of at least 2 weeks, and whole blood - no more than 3-5 times a year at intervals of 60 days.

After five regular blood donations, it is better to take a break for 3-4 months. Plasma is restored within a few days, blood within a month.

The process of removing plasma takes about 40 minutes, taking blood - about 10-15 minutes. However total time The time the donor will need to spend in a medical facility in the first case will be about two hours, in the second case - about one and a half hours.


"DONARE" - from the Latin "to give".
Donation is a selfless gift of one’s own blood in order to help loved ones or even strangers. According to the resolution World Organization Healthcare (WHO), collecting blood only on a voluntary and free basis from donors from low-risk population groups is the main guarantee of the safety, quality, availability and accessibility of blood for transfusion.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated September 14, 2001 No. 364 “On approval of the procedure for medical examination of a blood donor and its components,” admission to donation, determination of its type, as well as the volume of blood or its components taken is carried out by a transfusiologist at a blood transfusion station. Thus, cases in which it is possible to donate blood and (or) its components for a fee are confirmed medical indications established on the basis of a medical examination of a blood donor and (or) its components and recorded in medical documentation donor of blood and (or) its components.
If the donor cannot be allowed to donate blood and (or) its components for a fee, then the donation is carried out free of charge, and in this case the donor is given financial compensation for food (5% of the amount living wage working-age population established in the subject of the Russian Federation in whose territory the blood and (or) its components were donated). In the Perm region this amount is 647 rubles.

Cases in which it is possible to donate blood and its components for a fee are regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2012 No. 1069n “On approval of cases in which it is possible to donate blood and (or) its components for a fee, as well as the amount of such payment.”

Fee for donating blood and (or) its components:
a) in cases where the donor of blood and (or) its components has a rare blood phenotype or does not have one of the erythrocyte antigens, for one blood donation in a volume of 450 (+/-10%) ml - 8% of the valid rate on the date of blood donation and (or) its components, the cost of living of the working-age population established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in whose territory the blood and (or) its components were donated - in the Perm Territory 1,420 rubles;

b) in the case when a donor of blood and (or) its components can be allowed to donate plasma, platelets, erythrocytes or leukocytes by apheresis:

1) for one donation of plasma in a volume of 600 (+/- 10%) ml - 15% of the subsistence level of the working-age population in effect on the date of donation of blood and (or) its components, established in the subject of the Russian Federation in the territory of which the blood was donated and (or) its components (in the Perm region 1,788 rubles);

2) for one donation of platelets in a volume containing at least 200 X 109 platelet cells - 35% of the subsistence level of the working population in force on the date of donation of blood and (or) its components, established in the subject of the Russian Federation in whose territory the blood was donated and (or) its components (in the Perm region - 3588 rubles)

3) for one donation of red blood cells in a volume of 400 ml (10%) - 25% of the cost of living established in the subject as of the date of donation of blood and (or) its components Russian Federation;

4) for one donation of leukocytes in a volume containing at least 10 x 109 leukocyte cells, using the apheresis method - 45% of the living wage in effect on the date of donation of blood and (or) its components, established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.


At least 6 months. In no case should you hide existing risky situations from the doctor at the donor point. Hidden information can be dangerous for the recipient.


Smoking is not a contraindication to donation. Experts recommend refraining from smoking an hour before the blood donation procedure and not smoking for two hours after donation.


The most common method is to donate whole blood. It is taken from a vein in the arm with an average of 450 ml at a time and lasts 5-10 minutes.

You can donate not whole blood, but its components, for example, plasma - the procedure is called plasmapheresis, or platelets - thrombocytapheresis.

During these procedures, only what is needed is selectively extracted from the donor's blood. clinical use component, and all other components return to the bloodstream.

Thus, a dose of platelets can be obtained from 450 ml of whole donor blood, but most patients need several doses at once. Thrombocytapheresis allows you to increase the number of platelets from one donor. The volume taken during the procedure includes about 200x109 cells dissolved in a small (150-200 ml) amount of plasma. As a rule, platelet collection is carried out using special devices, requires certain preparation of the donor and can last more than an hour.

Plasmapheresis procedures are performed much more often. There are two ways to carry them out: manual or also called “intermittent”, when a dose of blood is taken from the donor and immediately centrifuged, separating it into red blood cells and plasma. The red blood cells are returned to the donor, and the plasma is specially processed for subsequent transfusion to recipients. With automatic plasmapheresis, the process occurs using special apparatus continuously. The whole procedure takes 30-40 minutes.

In order not to harm their health, the donor must maintain intervals between blood donation procedures. Whole blood can be donated once every two months, but no more than 5 times a year. Plasma or platelets can be donated once every two weeks.


There are no restrictions on driving a car on the day of blood donation.

Vaccinations after blood donation can be done 10 days later

Complete restoration of blood composition occurs within 5-7 days. The rate of recovery of different blood components is different. To restore your blood composition faster, it is recommended to drink more fluids - juices, tea. Proper nutrition is necessary: ​​the donor’s diet should always contain protein, which determines the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Products containing protein - meat, beets, buckwheat, lentils, beans and all legumes, fish, etc.

“What should be the minimum weight for a donor? Everywhere it says 50 kg, is that true?”

For the blood service, one of the main principles in its work is the principle “Maximum benefit to the patient. No harm to the donor." That is why the requirements for the donor’s health and condition are regulated. The standard volume of blood collection is 450 ml + 10% of this volume, excluding the amount of blood taken for analysis (up to 40 ml). A donor can donate no more than 12% of the circulating blood volume (CBV), which ranges from 50 ml to 80 ml per 1 kilogram of weight, depending on gender, age and physique. BCC can be calculated using the formula: body weight x 77. Thus, to obtain 490 ml (450 ml + 40 ml) of blood, the donor’s body weight must be at least 54 kg. When storing a smaller volume of blood, the regulated “preservative-blood” ratio in the container is violated and such a dose of blood will be rejected and not allowed for transfusion.

Ask your question

According to studies conducted in Finland and the USA, people who regularly take donor blood, are susceptible to atherosclerosis and heart attacks to a much lesser extent. Also, according to the observations of foreign researchers, blood donors live 5-8 years longer than the average person.

Donating blood to significant volume It is a kind of training for the body. In the event of a car accident or other incident involving major blood loss, the donor has high probability survive.

The donor's blood is tested for various infections(for example, HIV, hepatitis and syphilis) and indicators such as hemoglobin, leukocytes, red blood cells, etc. The blood is quarantined for six months, after which infectious diseases that were not previously identified may also be detected. Therefore, those who donate on a regular basis do not have to worry about their health.

Immediately after blood is taken, the body begins to restore it. The bone marrow begins to produce new red blood cells– red blood cells. These are the cells that deliver oxygen to all organs. Besides, in bone marrow Stem cells are formed from which the tissues of our body are formed. Thus, blood renews the entire human body.

And finally, donating blood is useful because the donor feels joy from the good deed done, because thanks to it, someone’s life may be saved.

Donation safety

Donating blood today is quite safe procedure. Blood transfusion stations use disposable medical systems(needle, tubes and bag), which are sterile and are opened at the donor. Therefore, contrary to fears, a person has no chance of becoming infected with anything.

The loss of blood experienced by the donor also does not pose any threat. Usually about 450 ml of blood is taken at a time, which is no more than 10% of its total volume. Almost immediately after this procedure, a person can get up, drink a cup of tea and go home. Within a day or two, the amount of blood in the donor’s body will be replenished.

Requirements and contraindications

The blood applicant must be healthy, acceptable age– from 18 to 60 years. It is recommended that men donate blood no more than once every two months, and women - once every three months. You will not be able to become a donor if you weigh less than 50 kg.

A person who has recently had the flu or an acute respiratory infection will be able to donate blood only after a month, and after that undergone surgery- no earlier than six months later. Those who have been ill are excluded from donation viral hepatitis and others infectious diseases(there are more than forty of them). Medical institutions only needed quality blood Therefore, it is extremely important that the donor does not have any health problems.