Ammonia in cosmetology use. Contraindications for use. What to do if you are poisoned by ammonia vapors

Some medical supplies used not only in medicinal purposes, but also in economic situations. To such universal means Its use in everyday life is much wider than in medicine. What properties does it have? this remedy and in what situations can it be used?


Ammonia- this is ammonia. Its use in liquid solution known since ancient times. He looks like plain water, but has a pungent and specific odor. IN large quantities ammonia is poisonous, but in small doses it can be used as an irritant and stimulant.

It is necessary to distinguish between ammonia and ammonia). Use in everyday life and in medicine is associated with the second remedy.

As a pharmaceutical

  • When inhaled, ammonia acts on the receptors respiratory tract, awakening respiratory center. From the receptors, excitation is transmitted along the fibers nervous system. It reflexively affects work of cardio-vascular system. Therefore, ammonia is often used for fainting and alcohol poisoning. It should be used with caution. Frequent inhalation of ammonia in large concentrations can cause spasm and respiratory arrest.
  • Using this substance internally in small quantities causes vomiting.
  • Also, ammonia is known for its distracting properties for neuralgia. In practice it works like this. The drug is applied to the skin. Being absorbed, through the skin-visceral reflexes it irritates the tissues, taking on the wave inflammatory processes. In the meantime, the sore muscle is being restored. Thus, ammonia suppresses the focus of excitation, eliminates pain and vascular spasm.
  • Due to its irritating properties, when applied to the skin, it promotes vasodilation, release active substances and improves tissue nutrition and regeneration.
  • Like any other alcohol, ammonia has an antiseptic effect. It is used for insect bites, felons and boils. However, its long-term use for these purposes, due to its irritating properties, can cause local pain, swelling and hyperemia.
  • Sometimes ammonia in combination with other elements is used as an expectorant. By influencing the epithelium of the respiratory tract, it enhances the functioning of the glands. This promotes rapid release of mucus.

At home

Whatever medical properties Regardless of ammonia, its use in everyday life is much more relevant and wider. Most often it is useful in removing stains from clothes and upholstered furniture, silver and even plumbing items. However, his unique properties have not yet been fully studied by experienced housewives, and practical experiments have shown that the solution can also be used in the fight against harmful insects (for example, cockroaches, ants).

Exists great amount household problems that ammonia can solve. Its use in everyday life is not limited.

Cleaning clothes, shoes, furniture

To remove a difficult stain from a favorite item, textile shoes or furniture upholstery, you need to combine a couple of teaspoons of ammonia with a glass of water and pour this solution over the stain for a while. Then rinse (rinse) in cold water. The smell of the product will soon disappear, and not a trace will remain of the stain.

From insects

When removing cockroaches, you should a small amount of add ammonia to the water for washing floors, walls and furniture (1 tsp per liter of water). A sharp and unpleasant smell will drive away uninvited house guests forever if this procedure is carried out regularly, once a week.

To prevent your outdoor recreation from being spoiled by annoying mosquitoes and other insects, you should take ammonia solution with you (in pure form) and sprinkle it over the rest area. After this treatment, not a single midge will bother you anymore.

and dishes

The use of ammonia solution in cleaning crystal and windows has been known for a long time. To do this, add 4-5 drops to a liter of water and wipe the glass surfaces with this solution. Even old and yellowed stains will not resist such a cleanser.

From foreign odors

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, it is ammonia that successfully combats extraneous and unpleasant “aromas” of paint or tobacco. The use of odor control in everyday life is very simple. Place saucers in all rooms, dripping a certain amount of product onto them. Soon unpleasant odors will begin to disappear.

What is dry ammonia?

There is also technical ammonia, or, in scientific terms, In addition to the name, the properties that dry ammonia has are also different. Its use is in demand in technology and chemistry. For example, when soldering or tinning (applying molten tin to hardware for corrosion protection purposes). Also, ammonia (powder) is used as a hardener for varnishes and adhesives.

  • As antiseptic Surgeons treat their hands with ammonia solution (0.5%) before surgery.
  • The human body is in a complex process chemical compounds can produce ammonia itself. The reason for this is the deamination (breakdown) of amino acids. This process is regulated by the body itself by excreting ammonia through urine. At the same time, it acquires a characteristic smell. As a rule, the deamination process is preceded by fasting or dehydration.
  • Some indoor and garden plants (lilies, clematis, geraniums, cucumbers) are very fond of feeding with ammonia. A wonderful fertilizer is prepared at the rate of 50 grams of ammonia per four liters of water.
  • Previously, technical ammonia was used as a diuretic. However, the toxicity of the powder and the rapid development of medicine supplanted it and replaced it with other, safe and effective drugs.

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Ammonia - water solution ammonium hydroxide, colorless clear liquid With pungent odor. It is used as a medicine and for household needs.

Origin of the Russian name

Ammonia takes its name in Russian from the part transformed into speech structure chemical formula ammonium chloride (NH4Cl). Na (N) - sha (H) - tyry (4).

Application in medicine

Ammonia solution (Sol. Ammoniae)

Active substance
Aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide 10%
Breathing stimulants
Local irritants
Antiseptics and disinfectants
ICD-10 R 55. 55. , T 51. 51. ,
Z100* CLASS XXII Surgical practice
Dosage forms
solution in ampoules of 1 ml, in bottles of 10, 50 and 100 ml
Trade names
Ammonia, Ammonia bufus, Ammonia solution

The physiological effect of ammonia is due to its local irritating effect: it excites the sensory endings of the nerves of the upper respiratory tract (the endings of the trigeminal nerve), which leads to reflex stimulation of the respiratory and vasomotor centers of the brain and causes increased respiration and increased blood pressure. In high concentrations it can cause reflexive cessation of breathing!

When taken orally, it irritates the gastric mucosa and causes vomiting. Activates the ciliated epithelium of the respiratory tract, which promotes expectoration of sputum. Has a strong antiseptic effect.

Ammonia is used inhalation, externally and internally.

  • To stimulate breathing and relieve fainting carefully bring a small piece of gauze or cotton wool moistened with the solution to the nostrils.
  • For induction of vomiting(especially in case of alcohol poisoning) diluted a solution of ammonia (5-10 drops per 100 ml of water) is prescribed orally.
  • For insect bites used in the form of lotions or liniment.
  • For neuralgia and myositis used externally for rubbing (in the form of ammonia liniment). Ammonia has a distracting effect, irritating skin receptors.
  • IN surgical practice according to the Spasokukotsky-Kochergin method, wash your hands with ammonia, diluting it in warm water (250 ml of ammonia solution per 5 liters of boiled water).

Side effect

  • The use of ammonia in undiluted form can cause burns to the esophagus and stomach.
  • Undiluted ammonia, when applied externally, can cause skin burns.
  • Inhalation of ammonia vapor in high concentrations can cause reflexive cessation of breathing.

Poisoning with ammonia

When taken orally in high doses, stomach pain, vomiting with an ammonia smell, diarrhea with tenesmus, runny nose, cough, laryngeal edema, agitation, convulsions, collapse occur; death is possible. Lethal dose ammonium hydroxide 10-15 g.

Household use

Being a weak base, ammonia neutralizes acids.

In everyday life, ammonia is used for dyeing fabrics, for removing stains from clothes and for cleaning dishes, furniture, plumbing fixtures, and jewelry.



  • Medicines alphabetically
  • Ammonium
  • Breathing stimulants
  • Local irritants
  • Antiseptics and disinfectants

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what “Ammonia” is in other dictionaries:

    AMMONIA- a transparent, colorless, volatile liquid with a pungent odor (a solution of ammonia gas in water). Two varieties are available for sale: containing 25% and 10% ammonia (medical). In everyday life, 10 percent ammonia is usually used. Possesses alkaline... ... Concise encyclopedia household

    A saturated solution of ammonia in water. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. AMONGIA ALCOHOL, a saturated solution of ammonia in water. See AMMONIA. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language.... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

You can find ammonia in almost every home. Its use is quite extensive - in everyday life, in cosmetology, medicine, in the country and in the garden. At home, it is most often used for dizziness and nausea. The pungent smell of ammonia can quickly bring a person to his senses, but this remedy can also be used to solve other problems. For example, it copes well with pests and a variety of annoying insects, helps rid plants of diseases, wash windows and other surfaces, remove stains on laundry, soften rough heels, etc.

Against insects

If the house is attacked by ants, you need to treat the places where they often appear with ammonia solution (100 ml per liter of warm water). To do this, you can use a spray bottle or a regular cloth. Two or three treatments are enough for these insects to forget their way into the house. In nature, it is enough to spray the clearing chosen for relaxation or place containers with the prepared solution around the perimeter. Protection against crawling and flying midges will be provided for a long time.

Lovers of flower beds and vegetable beds know that fertilizing plants is essential for good flowering and a bountiful harvest, and it is also necessary reliable protection from pests. Dissolve 50 ml of alcohol in 4 liters of water and pour a glass under the root of each bush. Even a mole cricket cannot resist such treatment. You can additionally spray the leaves. Do this feeding at least once a month. The product can also be used for indoor plants, only they need to pour no more than 30-50 ml of solution at a time under the root. Ammonia also helps well in the fight against aphids. To do this, dissolve 100 grams of washing powder and 100 ml of alcohol in a bucket of water. The solution is carefully sprayed on plants that aphids love. It is advisable to carry out the treatment on a sunny day.

Using ammonia in everyday life

To provide windows with long-term protection from dust and dirt, you need to wipe the clean surface with a solution of water, glycerin and ammonia (3:5:2). Can also be used for car windows. Treated in this way, they do not freeze, and this also makes subsequent washing easier. Dirt is easily washed off along with a film of glycerin. This method can also be used for tiles and plastic surfaces. Give it a try. It is very comfortable. Ammonia is indispensable for washing wooden floors and walls painted with oil paint. Just add a few drops to water to keep surfaces clean and shiny longer.

For heels

Rough skin and cracked heels are a problem familiar to many. It's not aesthetically pleasing and it's painful. Ammonia in combination with glycerin can help. They must be mixed in equal proportions and applied to problem areas in the morning and in the evening. In just a few days the result will appear, but don’t be lazy and continue doing the procedure, then your heels will become soft and pink, and your nails will be strong and healthy. Can also be used to combat rough skin on elbows, etc.

For laundry

It doesn't matter what detergents are used. Anyway, sooner or later they will appear yellow spots, the sparkling whiteness will disappear. Bleach only spoils the material, and ammonia will help get rid of the problem without harming the product. If you are going to wash linen or cotton, you must first soak the items in warm water with the addition of 6 table. spoons of alcohol. For wool, silk and cashmere, you need to prepare a solution of 10 liters of water (warm, but not hot), 7 tablespoons of salt, 50 grams of regular washing powder, 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and 50 ml of ammonia. Depending on the degree of contamination, you need to keep things in it for 2 to 4 hours, then rinse.

Ammonia is a real lifesaver for any housewife. Use it to solve everyday problems. This cheap remedy can truly work miracles.

Ammonia is a liquid that is an aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide and is used for medicinal purposes. Let's consider what is the effect of ammonia on the human body, and what are the indications for the use of this product in medicine and cosmetology.

The effect of ammonia

Ammonia has a sharp, specific odor, which determines its physiological effect. At inhalation use ammonium hydroxide solution (inhalation) irritates special receptors located in the nasal mucosa. As a result, the respiratory and vasomotor centers of the brain are activated, breathing becomes more frequent and blood pressure. In this case, prolonged inhalation can provoke a reflex cessation of breathing.

The external effect of ammonia is determined by its antimicrobial, antifungal, antipruritic, cleansing and local irritant properties. It is able to heal small cracks in the skin and neutralize the acid introduced during insect bites. Concentrated ammonia can cause burns to the skin and mucous membranes.

Internal administration of diluted ammonia can stimulate vomiting reflex due to irritation of the gastric mucosa. Also, the use of a low-concentrated solution of ammonium hydroxide helps to activate the ciliated epithelium of the respiratory tract, which helps with the discharge of sputum.

The use of ammonia in medicine

Ammonia is often used in cases of fainting to bring a person to his senses. Other indications for its use in official and folk medicine are:

Ammonia for nail fungus

  1. Dilute a tablespoon of ammonia in a glass of water.
  2. Soak a piece of gauze with the resulting solution.
  3. Wrap the affected nail in gauze, cover it with plastic and put on a sock.
  4. Carry out the procedure at night three times a week until a healthy nail grows.

The use of ammonia in cosmetology

Using ammonia for hands and feet

Ammonia in combination with glycerin - excellent remedy for the skin of the hands and feet, as well as dry, cracked skin on the elbows. A simple recipe for a lotion based on these ingredients allows you to very quickly restore softness to the skin and get rid of cracks and rough skin. So, prepare the lotion as follows:

  1. Mix one teaspoon of ammonia (10%), 40 g of medical glycerin and 50 ml of water.
  2. Add 2-3 drops of perfume or any essential oil.
  3. Lubricate the skin of your hands and feet, as well as elbows, morning and evening.

Using ammonia for the face

Ammonia - excellent remedy for those prone to blackheads and pimples. It can be used for washing by diluting it in water (half a teaspoon of ammonia is required per glass of water). You can also wipe problem areas on the face with a solution of ammonia at a concentration of 1-2% using a cotton swab.

Using ammonia for hair

Ammonia: use in everyday life, in medicine

In almost every home you can find ammonia in the medicine cabinet. Its use in everyday life and in medicine is quite extensive - it is also used in cosmetology, in the country and in the garden.

At home, it is most often used for dizziness and nausea. Some medications are used not only for medicinal purposes, but also in economic situations. Such universal remedies include ammonia. Its use in everyday life is much wider than in medicine. What properties does this product have and in what situations can it be used?

Ammonia: use in everyday life. Useful tips

Ammonia is ammonia. Its use in liquid solution has been known since ancient times. It looks like ordinary water, but has a sharp and specific odor. In large quantities, ammonia is poisonous, but in small doses it can be used as an irritant and stimulant.

It is necessary to distinguish between ammonia (ammonium chloride) and ammonia (this is ammonia). Use in everyday life and in medicine is associated with the second remedy.

As a pharmaceutical

  • When inhaled, ammonia acts on the receptors of the respiratory tract, awakening the respiratory center. From the receptors, excitation is transmitted along the fibers of the nervous system. It reflexively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, ammonia is often used for fainting and alcohol poisoning. It should be used with caution. Frequent inhalation of ammonia in large concentrations can cause spasm and respiratory arrest.
  • Using this substance internally in small quantities causes vomiting.
  • Also, ammonia is known for its distracting properties for neuralgia. In practice it works like this. The drug is applied to the skin. When absorbed, it irritates tissues through cutaneous-visceral reflexes, taking on a wave of inflammatory processes. In the meantime, the sore muscle is being restored. Thus, ammonia suppresses the focus of excitation, eliminates pain and vascular spasm.
  • Due to its irritating properties, when applied to the skin, it promotes vasodilation, release of active substances and improves tissue nutrition and regeneration.
  • Like any other alcohol, ammonia has an antiseptic effect. It is used for insect bites, felons and boils. However, its long-term use for these purposes, due to its irritating properties, can cause local pain, swelling and hyperemia.
  • Sometimes ammonia in combination with other elements is used as an expectorant. By influencing the epithelium of the respiratory tract, it enhances the functioning of the glands. This promotes rapid release of mucus.

Whatever medical properties ammonia has, its use in everyday life is much more relevant and widespread. Most often, it is useful for removing stains from clothes and upholstered furniture, for cleaning gold, silver and even plumbing items. However, its unique properties have not yet been fully studied by experienced housewives, and practical experiments have shown that the solution can also be used in the fight against harmful insects (for example, cockroaches, ants).

The use of ammonia for plants

Lovers of flower beds and vegetable beds know that fertilizing plants is essential for good flowering and a bountiful harvest, and they also need reliable protection from pests. Dissolve 50 ml of alcohol in 4 liters of water and pour a glass under the root of each bush. Even a mole cricket cannot resist such treatment. You can additionally spray the leaves. Do this feeding at least once a month. The product can also be used for indoor plants, but no more than 30-50 ml of solution should be poured at the root of them at a time. Ammonia also helps well in the fight against aphids. To do this, dissolve 100 grams of washing powder and 100 ml of alcohol in a bucket of water. The solution is carefully sprayed on plants that aphids love. It is advisable to carry out the treatment on a sunny day.

There are a huge number of household problems that ammonia can solve. Its use in everyday life is not limited.

Cleaning clothes, shoes, furniture

To remove a difficult stain from a favorite item, textile shoes or furniture upholstery, you need to combine a couple of teaspoons of ammonia with a glass of water and pour this solution over the stain for a while. Then rinse (rinse) in cold water. The smell of the product will soon disappear, and not a trace will remain of the stain.

When removing cockroaches, a small amount of ammonia should be added to the water for washing floors, walls and furniture (1 teaspoon per liter of water). A sharp and unpleasant smell will drive away uninvited house guests forever if this procedure is carried out regularly, once a week.

To prevent your outdoor recreation from being spoiled by annoying mosquitoes and other insects, you should take ammonia solution with you (in its pure form) and spray it around the recreation area. After this treatment, not a single midge will bother you anymore.

The use of ammonia solution in cleaning crystal and windows has been known for a long time. To do this, add 4-5 drops to a liter of water and wipe the glass surfaces with this solution. Even old and yellowed stains will not resist such a cleanser.

From foreign odors

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, it is ammonia that successfully combats extraneous and unpleasant “aromas” of paint or tobacco. The use of odor control in everyday life is very simple. Place saucers in all rooms, dripping a certain amount of product onto them. Soon the unpleasant odors will begin to disappear.

What is dry ammonia?

There is also technical ammonia, or, in scientific terms, ammonium salt. In addition to the name, the properties that dry ammonia has are also different. Its use is in demand in technology and chemistry. For example, when soldering or tinning (applying molten tin to metal products to protect against corrosion). Also, ammonia (powder) is used as a hardener for varnishes and adhesives.

Ammonia: properties

Ammonia is obtained from atmospheric nitrogen and hydrogen at high temperature in the presence of a catalyst. Ammonia water is widely used in different areas human life. Ammonium hydroxide is a material for the synthesis of many pharmaceuticals. Despite wide application, ammonia, ammonia are dangerous to human health.

Ammonium hydroxide: mechanism of action

Ammonia vapors reflexively excite the central nervous system, especially the centers medulla oblongata. IN high concentrations they can provoke a reflex cessation of breathing. When administered orally, the drug excites the gastric mucosa and causes vomiting.

Ammonia: use in medicine

In medicine, the above remedy is used for fainting conditions, to stimulate vomiting, and also externally - for insect bites, neuralgia, myositis, for treating the hands of a surgeon using the Spasokukotsky-Kochergin method (diluted). Improper use of ammonia solution can cause the development of burns of the esophagus and stomach. Aqueous ammonia can be used as an expectorant. Its expectorant effect is caused by an irritant effect on the bronchial mucous membranes. To stimulate breathing and remove the patient from fainting cotton swab, moistened with ammonium hydroxide, is carefully brought to the patient’s nose (duration from 0.5 to 1 second). To induce vomiting, doctors sometimes prescribe the use of ammonia orally (only in dilution - 5-10 drops per 100 ml of water). For insect bites, ammonium hydroxide is recommended to be used in the form of lotions.

Cosmetic problems

Aqueous ammonia is used in folk medicine to remove warts and papillomas. To do this, wrap a small amount of cotton wool around a match or toothpick, dip it in ammonia and apply it to the location of the growths for a few seconds. Make sure that the solution does not come into contact with the skin around the tumor, as it may cause a burn. Ammonium hydroxide is also used to remove unwanted body hair. For hair removal ethnoscience recommends preparing a mixture of the following composition: 5 ml of ammonia water, 35 ml of 98% ethanol, 5 ml castor oil and 1.5 ml alcohol solution iodine - all this should be thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass. The resulting product should be applied to problem areas with hair twice a day. In just two or three days you will get the desired result.

Contraindications for use

The above should not be used pharmaceutical in case of loss of consciousness in the absence or difficulty of reflex conduction from the nasal receptors to the brain. IN in this case the miracle of “revival” with ammonia will not happen. It will help in this situation parenteral administration other drugs. Ammonia water is contraindicated for use in the presence of weeping eczema and dermatitis, since this drug will provoke even greater irritation of the skin and can cause a burn.

Signs of ammonia vapor poisoning

The main signs of ammonia vapor release include cough, shortness of breath, a feeling of heaviness in the chest, and spasm of the larynx. An excited state, hallucinations, nausea and vomiting, and swelling of the respiratory system often occur. As a result direct contact may arise burn injury eye, which requires immediate qualified help. If ammonia solutions get inside, to the above signs of intoxication, you should add pain in the esophagus, intestines, stomach, diarrhea with blood, decreased blood pressure. This condition is life-threatening and requires immediate qualified help!

What to do in case of ammonia vapor poisoning?

First aid for ammonia intoxication: ensure maximum influx fresh air indoors (open the window); perform repeated gastric lavage; give the victim a spoon to drink vegetable oil, some egg whites, a glass of milk; If possible, do a cleansing enema. If undiluted ammonia water comes into contact with skin the victim will also need qualified assistance. In this case, the main therapeutic assistance is abundant rinsing of the affected areas with water for 10-15 minutes. The use of any ointments within 24 hours is contraindicated. Further therapeutic regimen the same as with thermal burns. If splashes of ammonia water get into your eyes, you should immediately rinse your eyes with running water, then apply olive or Vaseline oil, sulfacyl sodium, novocaine with adrenaline. In case of laryngeal spasm, local heat, inhalation, atropine are prescribed, and, if necessary, tracheotomy. If necessary, artificial respiration should be performed.

Ammonia is a universal cleaner

Ammonia water is often used to clean products made from precious metals(silver, gold). For this purpose, solutions of ammonia in water in a ratio of 1:4 are used. After cleaning, wipe the jewelry with a soft cloth. Do not forget that an aqueous solution of ammonia can also be used when washing. To improve foaming, add 2-3 teaspoons of ammonium hydroxide to a bucket of water. In such water, laundry is bleached perfectly. To remove coffee and chocolate stains, you can use an ammonia solution diluted with water in a ratio of 1:25.

To remove stains from silk fabrics, it is good to use a solution of the following composition: 1 teaspoon of glycerin, a few drops of ammonia water and 1 teaspoon of water. Before removing the stain, be sure to check the fabric to see if it is fading. It is best to clean shiny areas on the cuffs and collars of jackets, jackets and coats with a sponge soaked in ammonia water (15-20 ml of ammonium hydroxide per liter of water). If your interior contains antique objects made from wood species such as walnut or oak, and their appearance already leaves much to be desired, they can be cleaned with a 12% ammonia solution. The listed tree species contain tannin, which, when exposed to ammonia water, acquires a beautiful brown-gray hue.

The role of ammonium hydroxide in biological systems

This substance is an important source of nitrogen for living systems. Nitrogen – chemical element, necessary for the biosynthesis of amino acids. Ammonium hydroxide is used in industry to produce nitrogenous fertilizers necessary for normal height and development of agricultural crops.

In human and animal tissues, a significant amount of amino acids is formed due to metabolism. High concentrations of ammonia in tissues are toxic to the body. The liver converts ammonium hydroxide into a product less toxic to the body - urea. Diseases that result in liver dysfunction (hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, cholecystitis) can lead to an increase in the concentration of the above substance in the blood (hyperammonemia). Ammonium hydroxide is involved in the regulation acid-base balance in organism.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

When inhaled, it acts on the receptors of the upper respiratory tract, stimulating reflex-respiratory center. Excitation from receptors along fibers to the central nervous system, where changes occur in the nerve centers, and then in the organs innervated by them. It also has a reflex effect on the functioning of the heart and vascular tone.

When taken orally in small concentrations, it also reflexively excites the vomiting center and causes vomiting.

The “distracting effect” is carried out through cutaneous-visceral reflexes - when applied to the skin, it causes changes in the corresponding segmentally located organs or muscles, which causes restoration of functions. Suppressing the source of excitation that supports pathological process, reduces muscle tension and pain, eliminates vascular spasm.

At the site of application, it irritates skin receptors and therefore causes the release of active substances, as a result of which blood vessels dilate, nutrition and tissue regeneration improve, and an increased outflow of metabolites occurs.

Its disinfectant and antiseptic effect is associated with the ability to coagulate microbial cell proteins in high concentrations. Therefore, it must be remembered that with prolonged exposure irritant effect can turn into cauterizing, which is accompanied by the development of swelling, hyperemia and pain.

Affects the epithelium of the respiratory tract, activating it and enhancing the secretion of glands. This is manifested by the expectorant effect of the drug.

Rapidly excreted by the lungs and bronchial glands

Application of ammonia

Technical ammonia or ammonium chloride, the use of which is in demand in technology and chemistry for tinning and soldering, as a hardener for varnishes and adhesives, and in the manufacture of galvanic cells, is an odorless powder. The only use of this substance in medicine, as a diuretic, is now not used due to toxicity and the emergence of modern, more effective diuretics. This drug has not been available in pharmacies for a long time.

People often ask: Is ammonia ammonia? No, these are different substances. Ammonia is an ammonium salt, powder and the formula of ammonia is NH4Cl. Ammonia is a gas that has a pungent odor and easily turns into a liquid state. But ammonia is ammonia, it’s a synonym, so don’t be surprised if the pharmacy offers you it instead of the alcohol you ordered.

Use of ammonium salt in medicine

B medical practice and currently ammonia is used, or rather a 10% aqueous solution of it, which is called ammonia. Formula -NH4OH. The pungent odor of ammonia irritates the receptors of the nasal mucosa and causes stimulation of the respiratory and vasomotor centers. As a result, it causes increased breathing and increased blood pressure, so in case of fainting or alcohol poisoning allow the vapors of this alcohol to be inhaled.

Confusing concepts or abbreviating them, they often say “ammonium for a hangover” or “ammonium for intoxication,” which is incorrect. Ammonia is indeed used for these conditions; it can be given not only to sniff, but also to drink. Take 5-6 drops per glass of water.

A solution of ammonia in the form of ammonia-anise drops has an expectorant effect, and 0.1% solutions are used for panaritiums, boils, as an anti-inflammatory agent. It is also a good antiseptic and disinfectant.

What else do you need to know about ammonia? In the human body, ammonia is formed as a result of deamination of amino acids, purine nucleotides and other nitrogen-containing compounds. It is neutralized by the biosynthesis of urea. Part of the ammonia is spent on the synthesis of glutamic, aspartic acids, amino acids, a small amount of ammonia is excreted in the urine. Thus, this substance is present in the blood and urine. The blood contains 7-21 µmol of ammonia, and the daily urine contains 29-59 mmol. At increased content protein in food serious illnesses liver and kidneys, the level of ammonia in the blood increases. Increased elimination it is observed in the urine during acidosis, dehydration and fasting. In these conditions, as well as in intense physical activity, if muscle protein is intensively used with a lack of carbohydrates in the diet, or when training against the background of fasting, you can smell “ammonium” in the nose.

Summarizing all of the above, we can name the indications for the use of ammonia.

Indications for use

  • cleaning the surgeon's hands (0.5% solution);
  • excitation of breathing during fainting;
  • insect bites (externally);
  • to induce vomiting (in diluted form!);
  • as an expectorant (in a combination preparation);
  • toxic effect of alcohol;
  • myositis, neuralgia (externally).


  • dermatitis, pyoderma, eczema (for topical use);
  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects

  • respiratory arrest (if inhaled in high concentrations);
  • burns of the skin and mucous membranes.

Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

When fainting, cotton wool soaked in ammonia is brought to the patient’s nose. The cotton wool should be kept 5 cm from the nose, since contact with the skin can cause burns. Inhalation of ammonia vapor excites nerve endings respiratory tract, impulses are transmitted to the respiratory center, which is reflexively excited, and the patient regains consciousness.

For insect bites, apply lotions. For myositis, rubbing with ammonia liniment is used.

Orally, to induce vomiting, it is used only in diluted form - 5-7 drops per 100 ml of water. An undiluted drug taken orally causes burns to the esophagus.


Inhalation of ammonia vapor in large quantities causes a decrease in heart rate, as well as reflex cessation of breathing.

If the drug is taken orally in large quantities, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting with the smell of ammonia, agitation, and convulsions appear. In case of inhalation overdose - runny nose, cough, respiratory arrest, laryngeal edema. When used externally in large doses, burns occur.


At simultaneous use with acids, ammonia neutralizes them.

Ammonia is a real lifesaver for any housewife. Use it to solve everyday problems. This cheap remedy can truly work wonders.