Madder extract is an effective remedy for urolithiasis. Madder extract - official* instructions for use

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Madder extract helps in treatment urolithiasis. It is known that this pathology is observed in 30–40 percent of people. People aged 25–45 years are susceptible to the disease. Sometimes even the most powerful and expensive medications do not help.

Most herbs do not have complex action for this disease, there are herbs that are universal.

Instructions for use

Surely many have heard the strange and sometimes incomprehensible name of such an extract as madder. But not everyone is familiar with this drug; moreover, only a few know about its properties and scope of application.

Madder extract is a remedy for the treatment of urolithiasis, has antispasmodic, diuretic effect on the body.

Madder tinting – medicinal herb, has an antispasmodic effect.

They are tablets (250 mg each) of a convex shape with brown spots(light and dark).

According to the instructions, the extract has the following pharmacological properties:

  • expulsion of “sand” and other small stones in urolithiasis;
  • loosens kidney stones, promoting their gradual disintegration;
  • reduces painful sensations and improves general health person.

For easier passage and absorption, you can dissolve the medicine in a glass of warm boiled water. During the study of the drug, there were no complaints about health. In half of the patients it was significantly reduced pain threshold, and the rest had rare cases minor prickly sensations.

Side effects: nausea, loose stool. In case of overdose, there may be pain during the passage of stones.

There are rare cases of allergic reactions, this manifests itself in the form of colored urine (red). It is worth immediately reducing the dosage, and sometimes even interrupting the course of treatment.

Available in tablets of 10 or 20 pieces. Store in a place not exceeding 15 degrees. Keep out of reach of children. The shelf life is 2 years. Sold by prescription.

Popular dry extract

The most effective (main) component is a dry extract extracted from the root of the plant. It destroys stones consisting of the elements magnesium and calcium. Prescribed for adults to relieve spasms, the passage of small stones and sand.

The dry extract has a strong diuretic and antispasmodic effect. The number of urinations increases, at the same time, cloudiness is observed, which indicates the release of destroyed stones (sand).

Madder root contains: ascorbic acid, citric acid, malic acid. The rhizome contains proteins, sugar, and anthraquinones. The leaves and stems are rich in carbohydrates and phenolcarboxylic acid, and the flowers contain rutin.

Rhizomes are harvested in the spring (late March - early April) or in August, but always before the onset of frost.


Indications and contraindications

Madder is used in the form of powder, tincture or decoction from the plant.

It is recommended to start a course of treatment with this plant:

  • patients suffering from kidney and bladder stones, sand deposits;
  • for problems with the respiratory system;
  • for diseases skin and bones.

The following is strictly contraindicated:

  • with renal failure;
  • ulcers and other stomach diseases;
  • an allergy to certain components of the drug is possible;
  • in the presence of chronic form glomerulonephritis.

The plant is also used in veterinary medicine to treat animals.

Use in cats

Many animal lovers become unwitting witnesses to the suffering of their pets. This is especially true for cats, which every second person has.

For some diseases, you can use madder, which will have a beneficial effect on your pet’s well-being and help speed up recovery. Doctors veterinary clinics It is advised to dissolve a quarter of the tablet in water and give it to your furry “friends” to drink.

This medicinal water should be given twice a day. But pay close attention to the cat’s current weight so as not to cause an overdose and side effects.

Madder extract is used for cats to remove stones, sand from urinary tract. At in serious condition It will be convenient for a cat to give the required dosage of medication using a syringe without a needle. The course of treatment is at least a month.

It is very important that if cats do not urinate, it is worth increasing the dose of tablets diluted in water by exactly half. As soon as the urination process returns to normal, go back to the original dosage.

Under no circumstances should you add a lot of water to the tablets, leave them for next days applications. Remember, dissolved madder is only valid for a couple of days, then medicinal properties extract decrease.

Like a sick person, the color of the animal's urine may change to red. This indicates that it is worth keeping the intake and dose of the extract to a minimum, and possibly stopping altogether for a short period of time.

Rubia tinctorum
Taxon: Rubiaceae family ( Rubiaceae)
Other names: Georgian madder, petiole madder, speck, crapp, marzana, marina
English: Indian madder, madder, Dyer's madder, alizarine, purpurin

The generic name comes from the Latin ruber- red, based on the color of the roots, and tinctorus- dyeing.

Botanical description of madder

A perennial herbaceous plant with a long horizontal rhizome. The rhizome is branched, cylindrical, red-brown on the outside (orange-red wood inside), thickened at the nodes, multi-headed, developing several stems from crowded buds. The roots are superficial, branched, cylindrical. The stem is branched, from 30 cm to 1.5 m high, ascending, decumbent, tetrahedral, with opposite branches, seated along the ribs with prickly spines bent back, with which the plant clings to neighboring grasses. The leaves are paired, opposite or 4-6 in whorls, glabrous, about 10 cm long and 3 cm wide, shiny, lanceolate, narrowed at the base into a very short petiole, spiny at the edges, rough. The flowers are small with a star-shaped corolla 1-1.5 mm in diameter in axillary semi-umbrellas, collected in leafy multi-colored panicles. The fruit is drupe-shaped, fleshy, with 1-2 seeds.
Madder blooms in June-August, bears fruit in August-September.

Where madder grows

Madder is a plant of the Mediterranean flora, common in Asia Minor and Central Asia, Eastern Europe: Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Georgia, Azerbaijan Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, countries former Yugoslavia. As a wild plant, it is found in the south of the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus.
It grows along the banks of rivers, irrigation canals, among bushes, prefers loamy soils with a constant level of moisture.

Collection and preparation of madder

The rhizome and root of madder are used as medicinal raw materials. They are dug up in the fall after the above-ground parts have died off or in early spring before regrowth begins, thoroughly cleaned of soil and immediately washed in cold water. Dry in the open air, under awnings or in attics with good ventilation, laying out a thin layer of 3-5 cm on tarpaulins or fabric and stirring periodically. It is better to dry in dryers at a temperature of 45-50 ° C. The shelf life of raw materials is 3 years.

Chemical composition of madder

Madder rhizomes contain organic acids (malic, tartaric, citric), hydroxymethylanthraquinones and their derivatives (5-6%). triterpenoids, iridoids, sugars, proteins, ascorbic acid, pectin substances, polyphenolic compounds: purpuroxanthin, quinizarin, purpurin, alizarin.
Carbohydrates, iridoids, phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives, coumarins, flavonoids (quercetin, kaempferol, apigenin, luteolin, etc.) were found in the aerial part. The glycoside asperuloside was found in young shoots (up to 7%). The leaves contain flavonoids and iridoids.
The flowers contain the flavonoids hyperoside and rutin.

Pharmacological properties of madder

Madder has diuretic properties and has bactericidal effect against the coccal group of microbes, reduces tone and enhances peristaltic muscle contractions renal pelvis and ureters, promoting the passage of stones.

The use of madder in medicine

Madder has the ability to gradually loosen and destroy kidney stones and Bladder. Largest healing effect manifests itself in stones consisting of phosphate salts of magnesium and calcium, as well as oxalate nature.
Urine under the influence of madder turns red. Coloring begins 3-4 hours after administration and lasts up to 1 day when using medium doses.
Preparations from madder roots (tinctures, decoctions, dry extract, etc.) are used in traditional herbal medicine and modern medicine for kidney diseases - as a nephrolytic agent to reduce spasms and facilitate the passage of small stones.
A decoction of madder leaves and branches is used as a lotion for women with amenorrhea.
Crushed leaves and roots fade freckles and remove pigment spots on the skin.
A decoction of madder root in wine or water with a small addition of honey and sugar is recommended for the treatment of jaundice, spleen obstruction, melancholy, paralysis, lumbosacral radiculitis; it is effective for internal and external bruises.

Medicinal preparations of madder

Cystenal(drops for oral administration) is a tincture of madder root with the addition of ethanol, magnesium salicylate and essential oils.
Cystenal is indicated for cases accompanied by secondary inflammatory changes, crystalluria, and spasms of the urinary tract.
Directions for use and doses: orally, 3-5 drops 3 times a day 15-30 minutes before meals (in water or on a lump of sugar). If necessary, it is possible to temporarily increase the dose to 10 drops 3 times a day. At increased acidity gastric juice Cystenal should be taken during or after meals. In case of reduced gastric secretion, a combination with drugs containing pepsin and hydrochloric acid. The course of treatment is 3–4 weeks.
Madder root decoction: Brew 10 g of finely crushed madder roots with 1 cup of boiling water, heat in an enamel pan with a lid for 10 minutes, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3-5 times a day.
Madder extract prescribed orally for urolithiasis 3 times a day, 3-4 drops per piece of sugar half an hour before meals. For attacks of colic, 20 drops of extract are prescribed once. Take after meals. The course of treatment is 20-30 days. Repeated courses are carried out after 4-6 weeks

Results of scientific research on madder

In a study on rats, madder was found to have antidiarrheal activity.
Animal studies have shown that the plant is carcinogenic to rats.
When studying madder, its antimicrobial properties were discovered in vitro (in vitro).

Contraindications for the use of madder

Madder preparations are contraindicated for acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, gastric ulcers, and hyperacid gastritis.
Madder root, when taken orally, can cause miscarriage in humans.

Use of madder on the farm

The history of madder cultivation is primarily associated with its use as coloring matter bright red color (alizarin pigment). Madder extracts, marketed under the name krappe, were most popular in the 19th century - before the era of aniline dyes.
Purpurin, extracted from madder, is being considered as a potential substitute for cobalt in lithium-ion batteries. This will help eliminate hazardous material from production, allow batteries to be produced at room temperature, and reduce the cost of battery disposal.

Used Books

1. Maznev N.I. Encyclopedia of medicinal plants. 3rd ed. - M.: Martin, 2004
2. Inoue, Kaoru; Yoshida, Midori; Takahashi, Miwa; Fujimoto, Hitoshi; Ohnishi, Kuniyoshi; Nakashima, Koichi; Shibutani, Makoto; Hirose, Masao; Nishikawa, Akiyoshi (2009). "Possible contribution of rubiadin, a metabolite of madder color, to renal carcinogenesis in rats." Food and Chemical Toxicology 47(4):752–9
3. Kalyoncu, Fatih; Cetin, Burcu; Saglam, Hüsniye (2006). "Antimicrobial activity of common madder (Rubia tinctorum L.)". Phytotherapy Research 20(6):490–2.
4. Karim, Ahmed; Mekhfi, Hassane; Ziyyat, Abderrahim; Legssyer, Abdelkhaleq; Bnouham, Mohammed; Amrani, Souliman; Atmani, Fouad; Melhaoui, Ahmed; Aziz, Mohammed (2010). "Anti-diarrheal activity of crude aqueous extract of Rubia tinctorum L. Roots in rodents." Journal of Smooth Muscle Research 46(2): 119–23.
5. Blömeke, Brunhilde; Poginsky, Barbara; Schmutte, Christoph; Marquardt, Hildegard; Westendorf, Johannes (1992). "Formation of genotoxic metabolites from anthraquinone glycosides, present in Rubia tinctorum L." Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 265 (2): 263.
6. Inoue, Kaoru; Yoshida, Midori; Takahashi, Miwa; Fujimoto, Hitoshi; Shibutani, Makoto; Hirose, Masao; Nishikawa, Akiyoshi (2009). "Carcinogenic potential of alizarin and rubiadin, components of madder color, in a rat medium-term multi-organ bioassay." Cancer Science 100(12):2261–7.
7. Reddy, Arava Leela Mohana; Nagarajan, Subbiah; Chumyim, Porramate; Gowda, Sanketh R.; Pradhan, Padmanava; Jadhav, Swapnil R.; Dubey, Madan; John, George; Ajayan, Pulickel M. (2012). "Lithium storage mechanisms in purpurin based organic lithium ion battery electrodes". Scientific Reports 2.

Photos and illustrations of madder

Madder resembles external characteristics, as it has small flowers, thorns, dense elongated leaves, collected in a ring around the stem.

It grows in Crimea, North Africa, Asia Minor, Azerbaijan, Dagestan; can grow up to two meters due to creeping stems.

This plant is a source of natural dye, which was used on a large scale in the textile industry until the end of the 19th century. However, today the medicinal properties of madder are more valued, which can come to the aid of a person with sufficient serious illnesses. Madder tinting - beneficial features and contraindications of the perennial plant are described in this article.

Chemical composition

Madder will help get rid of many diseases

The benefits and harms of madder are determined by its composition. It is rich in a wide variety of substances that have a positive effect on the body, in particular, good for the kidneys, heart, and blood vessels.
The plant contains the following components:

  • cardiac glycosides;
  • pectins;
  • sugar;
  • flavonoids;
  • coumarins;
  • vitamin C;
  • iridoids;
  • triterpenoids;
  • anthraquinones.

In addition, the plant contains minerals, in particular iron, potassium, zinc, magnesium, and boron. It is also a source of acids: malic, tartaric and citric. Among other things, the composition of plant raw materials contains carbohydrates, proteins, tannins and natural dye.

Benefits of the plant

Madder root has medicinal properties to a greater extent. There are many drugs based on this component. The root has a diuretic, antispasmodic, diaphoretic effect, promotes the removal of bile and stones.
Therefore, madder has the following indications for use:

  • ascites;
  • diseases and pathologies of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • rickets;
  • diseases respiratory system;
  • anemia;
  • gout;
  • spleen diseases;
  • tuberculosis, including intestinal;
  • dysentery;
  • sciatica.

In addition, the plant can be used externally. In this case, it is used for ulcers, skin cancer, rosacea, dermatomycosis. With its help, age spots are lightened. However, the most common use of madder root is in the treatment of urolithiasis, since, thanks to its nephrolytic effect, stones are effectively removed from the bladder and kidneys.

You will learn more about the benefits of the plant from the video:

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Harm and contraindications

Madder - a herb, an extract from it or another form of the product - has a number of contraindications and consumption standards. Essentially this is medicinal product, so it is important to follow the instructions so as not to worsen the condition and not lead to side effects.
It is advisable to refrain from self-administration of medicine containing this plant in the following cases:

  • with gastritis;
  • with peptic ulcer;
  • in case of disorders of the liver and kidneys, the presence of their pathologies;
  • with hypersensitivity.

In addition, pregnant women and nursing mothers should take the drug with caution. You should definitely consult your doctor first. Also, according to the instructions for use, madder extract, drops, decoction, infusion based on it can be consumed only after a meal, more precisely, after 40 minutes, since the plant has an irritating effect.

The doctor must write out a treatment regimen that must be followed. If you neglect it or change the dosage, then as a result madder will cause side effects in the form of allergic reactions or exacerbation of inflammatory processes. During use, a slight change in the color of urine is possible, however, you should refuse treatment or reduce the dosage if an intense red-brown color appears.


Features of the use and contraindications of madder herb depend largely on the choice dosage form. IN folk medicine Tinctures, decoctions, infusions, and herbal teas are prepared from the plant. Pharmacies can offer madder extract in the form of tablets, drops, or powder. Madder grass in all these variants will have various instructions by application. In addition, in medicine, it is often not the leaves of the plant that are used, but its root, which has a different application pattern from the greenery of the plant.

In folk medicine

You can read about how to take tablets and drops, which are based on madder extract, in the instructions for the drug. 2-3 tablets are dissolved in 0.5 glasses of water and taken three times a day. The drops are also dissolved in water and drunk twice a day. Usually the norm is 20 drops. In folk medicine, decoctions and infusions are prepared using the root and rhizome of the plant.

Kalgan root is also widely used in folk medicine.

The following recipes are common:

  • Decoction. To prepare, grind the raw materials to a powder state. You will need one and a half cups of boiling water and 1 tsp. the received raw materials. The product is boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and filtered, drunk three times a day, half a glass of decoction is considered the norm, and optimal time The interval for taking is 40 minutes after meals;
  • Infusion. First pour in 1 tsp. crushed raw materials cold water in a volume of 200 ml. The mixture is kept for 8 hours, filtered and refilled with 200 ml of boiling water. This drug is infused for 15 minutes, filtered and mixed with the previous infusion. You need to drink the mixture in two doses a day.

The use of a decoction is necessary to remove salts from the joints.
This is relevant for the following diseases:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • gout;
  • polyarthritis;
  • arthritis.

The infusion is used as a painkiller, necessary if there is cholelithiasis. In addition, it is prescribed for cholecystitis.

In cosmetology

Thanks to its antiseptic, rejuvenating, cleansing and whitening properties, madder is used in cosmetology. This is an assistant in the process of getting rid of inflammation, acne, rashes, and promotes treatment skin diseases. Plant-based products eliminate freckles and age spots. In addition, the root can rejuvenate the skin, give it elasticity, freshness and a healthy appearance.

There are ready-made creams, lotions, and masks with the addition of this natural ingredient. However, you can prepare useful skin care products yourself. To make the skin smooth, silky, tender and elastic, it is recommended to take a bath with the addition of a decoction of madder. To prepare, boil 2 tbsp in 2 liters of water for 5 minutes. spoons of dry grass. The resulting liquid is added to the bath, in which you should spend about 15 minutes.
This product is also great for washing to take care of your facial skin. You can add a decoction, infusion or powder from the plant to a variety of masks. A pharmaceutical extract is also suitable.

Madder preparations are also used for hair care; you can add, for example, powder to shampoo, mask, or conditioner. Rinsing it with a decoction or infusion will help revitalize your hair, give it a natural shine and silkiness. medicinal plant after washing with shampoo.

To give your hair a reddish tint, you can make a mask:


Madder is very useful in the fight against urolithiasis, it effectively removes stones from the kidneys and gall bladder, eliminates painful sensations. Based on it, pharmacies have drugs that help cope with ailments. In addition, there is a plant extract, a dry powder from the root and rhizome. The latter option is excellent for preparing infusions and decoctions used in folk medicine, cosmetology, when skin and hair care is required.

Similar materials

A plant such as madder is actively used in various branches of medicine. It is used in various forms. The indications for use of the plant also differ. But it is important to know how to use it correctly.

Madder is a herb from the Madder family. It is a perennial plant with a strong root system formed by small creeping roots and a central rhizome. The plant has a thin, straight stem with a wide surface.

The flowers of the plant are small, yellowish-green. They gather in inflorescences and are located at the ends of the branches. The plant blooms from June to September. After madder fades, fruits appear in the form of black drupes.

IN natural conditions madder grows in Crimea, Azerbaijan, Dagestan, Asia Minor, and North Africa. She loves light areas, meadows, forests, and hedges. In ancient times, the plant was used to create a bright red dye. To make it more resistant, more and more new varieties were developed over time.

Today, this plant is not used so actively for industrial purposes, but its medicinal properties allow it to be actively used in medicine. Distinctive feature The plant is that it is used both by conventional and traditional medicine.

Medicinal properties

Madder contains coumarin, carbohydrates, and flavonoids. The root of the plant contains sugars, pectins, anthraquinones, citric, tartaric, malic acid and a number of other substances. It is the rich composition that can explain the numerous beneficial properties of the plant. The following beneficial properties of madder are known:

  • One of the important abilities of the plant is the destruction of the bladder. It is especially effective if the stones include calcium, magnesium and phosphoric acid salts.
  • This herb helps with various bladder problems and cholelithiasis.
  • Women are often recommended to use madder for painful periods.
  • The plant is used for urethritis, prostatitis, hyperthyroidism, and the already mentioned stones in the urinary system.

Preparations based on madder have the following effects:

IN official medicine dry extract of the plant is used as an antispasmodic, diuretic, and helps to loosen urinary stones containing phosphates, magnesium and calcium oxalates. Plant-based products help reduce spasms and promote the passage of small stones.

In addition to decoctions and infusions, an ointment is made from madder, which is used externally for various injuries.

What are the indications?

Different forms of the plant can be prescribed for pathologies and diseases of the kidneys, diseases of the respiratory system, urinary system, spleen, rickets, gout, anemia and so on.

Externally, the product can be used for rosacea, ulcers, ringworm, and skin cancer. It helps lighten age spots. Madder is often prescribed for urolithiasis, as it has a strong nephrolytic effect, allowing stones to be removed from the kidneys and bladder more quickly.

Contraindications and possible harm

There are a number of contraindications to the use of madder and drugs based on it. These are severe renal failure, gastric ulcer, chronic or acute glomerulonephritis, galactose intolerance, malabsorption, lactalose deficiency, hypersensitivity. There is also no data regarding the effect of the plant on pregnant and lactating women.

If the dosage is exceeded, the plant can provoke pain, exacerbation chronic inflammation. There is also information that the drugs can provoke allergic reactions. When treating, you need to take into account the fact that products based on this plant can cause the urine to acquire a pinkish tint. If it becomes too red, you should reduce the dose of the drug or discontinue it.

Dosage forms

The plant can be used in the form of a decoction, infusion and tincture. Herbal tea, a plant extract, is also used. The product can also be used externally. In official medicine, the extract is used in the form of tablets and powder. The drug Cystenal is also known.

Instructions for use

There are several main forms in which madder is used in folk and traditional medicine:

Thanks to the experience of herbalists, we know how to relieve a cough, remove chills, relieve headaches and even improve male function (the main thing is that the last 2 needs do not combine in one person, otherwise it will be sad). But as soon as we encounter more serious problems, such as cystitis, kidney stones, salt deposits in joints, we rush to Doctor Aibolit (preferably highest category) for potions and pills. Yes, this is important, but you can help yourself on your own (we can’t cancel a doctor’s examination and tests). With the listed urological troubles, madder will help - a herb that grows mostly in Crimea and Georgia, North Africa and Azerbaijan, Asia and Dagestan.

Madder - dye and medicine

Madder grows not only in forests and meadows, but also along fences in villages, in vineyards, and gardens. Externally, madder is similar to. The flowers are small, but greenish-yellow in color, and the leaves are dense, elongated, with bristles on back side, collected around the stem in a ring. And thanks to its creeping stems, madder grows up to 2 meters tall. You can’t just pull it out, the stems are covered with thorns - not as prickly as those of the plant, but also quite unpleasant to the touch.

The name of the subspecies (tinting) was given by the very property of the above-ground part of the plant. This herb is a natural dye, but its medicinal properties are contained in the roots. Initially, madder dye found its application in the textile and leather industries. Even the ancient Greeks, and then our contemporaries, dyed leather, wool, and clothing fabric in colors from pink to purple with juice obtained from fruits and roots. And, I must say, the dye was very persistent. It's a shame, but synthetic dyes have driven madder out of the textile arena.

Well, okay, we will get more for our health. And madder treats many diseases associated with the kidneys and bladder. It’s so effective that urologists themselves are in favor of having madder in the patient’s medicine cabinet; instructions for use will be given below.

To the kidneys - to the quarries

It is effective in the treatment of cystitis and kidney stones. Usually, in order to treat the kidneys and remove stones, we need to undergo a lot of tests to determine what stones we already have in our kidneys. Madder breaks down some types of stones: magnesium and calcium salts, oxalate, oxalate, urate, phosphoric acid and brings them out. She's filming aching pain at renal colic, treats cystitis, gallstone diseases, rickets, tuberculosis (bone and intestinal), dysentery, pain in the spleen and respiratory organs, gout, anemia, etc. It is useful to take the infusion for osteochondrosis - madder immediately breaks up salt deposits, confirming the truth that salt is a white poison.

To treat all of the above diseases, we boil or infuse madder root - it is the only one that has found application. But don’t forget that the subspecies is called dyeing, so don’t be alarmed if you look into the bowl of your faience friend and see that it’s red-red - madder turns urine red, and the flakes are the pitiful remains of crushed stones that the folk craft worked on means.

Among dancers, IT specialists, and other specialists whose work involves sitting at a computer or constant voltage the place where the back no longer has its euphonious name, scientifically sciatica or inflammation often appears sciatic nerve in a simple way. You can’t massage, heat, or rub – any specialist will tell you that, but you have to fight. Madder root in any preparation, even as a lotion, can relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

Here are the recipes - choose the one that suits your taste. Coursework – about 2 months. If the stones have not come out during this time, move on to the sunflower root. Then, after 4 months, you can drink madder again.

Recipe 1: for 1 small spoon of madder roots (chopped) 1 cup of water. Boil this mixture for 10 minutes in a water bath. Strain the cooled liquid and drink the entire glass of infusion in two doses on an empty stomach, morning and evening.

Recipe 2: grind madder root into powder and, like, drink 1 g three times a day with a drink warm water(about 100 grams).

Recipe 3: Chop madder rhizome, mix with butter(this will also work), roll small balls and eat, drinking or eating something tasty and sweet.

In the pharmacy you can find herbal tea, which includes madder. The effect of tea is milder than decoctions or infusions from the root. But in mild cases of the disease and as a preventative measure, you can drink it.

If you are in the Caucasus or the Black Sea, take a few bags with roots with you - they will certainly come in handy. If not for personal use, then to help a neighbor or grandmother. Well, if you didn’t stock up on time, there is madder tablets. Reviews about them are not as numerous as about natural roots collected with one’s own hands, but they are also impressive. Within a month of taking the stones, they are crushed and removed from the body, and swelling subsides. And, what is very important, they do not form again - that’s a miracle remedy.

The tablets are a concentrated extract from the roots, that is, madder extract. The instructions warn that you need to take the pills in doses to avoid allergies and nausea. And the dosage is 2 capsules or tablets dissolved in half a glass warm water and drink on an empty stomach. And so three times a day for a month. If you have the product not in the form of a tablet, but in the form of a tincture, then the dosage is different - 20 drops per half glass of water. They take the medicine for a month twice a day, like the pills, at the same time.

Attention! In madder great content iron and salts, so you need to drink tea, infusions and decoctions through a cocktail straw if you value your teeth.

Madder under a microscope

The benefit or harm of any plant is determined by its composition. What does madder hide in itself (there is a photo of it in our article, so you can’t go wrong and in the summer you’ll dig up the roots you need)?

  • Triterpenoids - relieve inflammation, produce immunity, destroy microbes. Beneficial for the heart, kidneys, blood vessels and normal blood pressure.
  • Iridoids - remove bile, toxins, relieve spasms and inflammation, destroy cancer formations.
  • Cardiac glycosides - treat tachycardia, arrhythmia, strengthen the walls of the heart.
  • Anthraquinones – and cell renewal.
  • Coumarins - fight against cancer cells.
  • - blood vessels, pressure, heartbeat, removal of toxins and.
  • Sugar is energy and immunity.
  • Vitamin C – immunity, strong vessels, restorative functions.
  • – cleanse the blood of radionuclides, cholesterol and toxins.

Present in madder and acid:

  • apple – peristalsis, blood vessels, metabolism – as in;
  • lemon – metabolism, immunity, blood purification;
  • wine – diuretic and laxative effect, relieves hangover and heartburn.

Of the macro and microelements, the analysis showed the presence of potassium (heart), iron (blood, immunity), magnesium (vessels, nerves and heart), zinc (insulin, wounds, brain activity), boron (cell renewal, menopause).

And that's not counting tannins, squirrel, natural dyes and carbohydrates.

Murmurena dyeing for furry friends

It breaks our hearts when our four-legged friends are sick: steadfastly, without whining or tears. We will not be mistaken if we assume that the owners of cats and kittens, when mentioning urolithiasis, immediately thought about their pets. Wouldn't madder be effective for treating cats with urolithiasis? It will happen, it will happen.

We will not find out what causes this scourge in cats. Is it the quality of food, water, or the fact that cats stay at home and no one takes them outside. But there is a problem and we need to fight it, and fight it with tablets with madder extract.

A quarter tablet of madder goes into 25 ml of warm water. It needs to be dissolved in water, drawn into a syringe (don’t forget to remove the needle) and given to the fluffy. Dosage – 1 ml of solution per kilogram of weight. Give this amount twice a day. If the disease is advanced, the dose is increased up to four times.

It will take a month to get your cat's health back to normal, so be patient. You can determine whether you need to reduce or increase the dosage by the color of your urine. If it is reddish, we continue to treat. If it gets dark, slow down.

Is madder effective? Certainly! There are plenty of reviews and many owners note that it was madder that saved their cat. So, when collecting the roots of the plant, do not forget to make a larger supply - as a preventive measure, madder will not harm both you and your pet.