Pros and cons of alternative medicine. Folk or alternative medicine: pros and cons. Can you trust folk remedies?


Alternative medicine becomes more popular, despite disapproval from others official medicine, expressing the skeptical attitudes of scientists and doctors looking for scientific evidence. Naturally, many patients are not satisfied with the results official treatment, because we suffer from it more often and reap unkind results.

I see three main problems with official medicine here (my personal opinion):

  1. Lack of education of doctors, lack of desire to improve knowledge;
  2. Unconditional faith in the power of medicines, distrust of unconventional methods;
  3. A corrupt structure interested only in selling medicines and profiting from our ailments. It is not profitable for such a structure to cure us, because its sources of profit will be reduced, pharmacies will not be so popular.

In making today's comparison, I distinguish two camps - ancient Eastern and modern Western medicine.

What is the difference anyway?

Certainly, traditional medicine has achieved a lot in surgery, neurology, orthopedics, plastics and other complex areas related to the use of new technologies. However, in most cases, it uses chemical methods of influencing our body, which not only do not have a targeted effect on the cause of the disease, but contribute to its further progression and the development of new ones. Just look at the side effects pharmaceutical medicines, the lists listed are terrifying.

Modern man has accustomed himself to grab the medicine cabinet for any symptoms in search of a medicine, and often for no particular reason, and all because he has not been taught the methods of disease prevention, which Western medicine does not focus on at all. As a result, the most common negative consequences for health are: allergies, dysbacteriosis, impaired renal and liver function, disorders brain activity, chemical dependency.

The paradox is that there are research centers and institutes in the world that have proven effective recipes, for example, Chinese traditional medicine, which has existed for about four thousand years, but they are not perceived by the majority of Russian doctors. The West has stepped further here; in the USA there are even projects for government funding of research alternative medicine. Although there are difficulties there, some scientific publications claim ineffective indicators of the conducted clinical trials non-traditional treatment methods serious illnesses. I think their approach lacks comprehensive treatment.

The main difference between traditional and alternative medicine is the difference in views on the model of health and the functioning of the body. Orthodox medicine has divided us into links, trying to influence a separate component (organ), without taking into account the integrity of the complex structure. Alternative medicine views the functioning of the body as the interconnection of all its physical systems, also taking into account the psychological and social aspects of a person, thereby striving for balance and harmony.

Alternative medicine is known to be effective in treating diseases such as cancer, arthritis, bronchial asthma, diabetes, allergies, gastrointestinal disorders. Some of them relate to diseases that traditional medicine is unable to cure and can only offer symptomatic therapy.

IN Lately However, some experts have begun to evaluate the benefits of alternative medicine in the fight against certain ailments.

What is the reason for the growing interest in ancient Eastern practices?

First, dissatisfaction with the results of using medications chemical synthesis, which have many unfavorable side effects. Secondly, many diseases have not been fully studied, and accordingly traditional medicine is not able to offer anything.

Eastern alternative medicine comes to the rescue. according to such a system includes not only physical training and proper nutrition, but also seasonal prevention health using biological active additives(dietary supplement). The latter are considered safe natural preparations based medicinal plants, capable of regulating the functions of all systems human body, carry out intracellular cleansing of toxins, influence the immune system.

I only considered general points without detailed analysis. In reality, alternative medicine is multifaceted and includes dozens of methods, although I have a negative attitude towards most of them, namely those that are associated with the spiritual aspects of the East or paganism that contradict Christianity.

How often do you take medications unnecessarily?

Please leave your opinion in the comments about alternative and traditional ways treatment.

Healthcare is the most important point in a person’s life and much depends on its quality. It would seem that if we pay taxes, from which free medical services, then they should be provided at public expense. But to do this, we need to separate out the “medical tax” so that everyone knows what part of their earnings they pay for medical care. In Germany, for example, the tax on medicine is 16%, and in the USA it is even higher, but for this money taxpayers actually receive quality care.

Today in our country, public medical services are free only formally; in most cases, the patient is still forced to pay - these include paid tests and additional procedures, and medications at your own expense when prescribed various operations. Therefore, the question immediately arises: if you still have to pay for everything yourself, isn’t it better to use a paid medicine website, where they not only take money, but also provide quality medical service. But even paid medicine provides such accessible services as free assistance at the expense of the state social security. So in the “Clinic” modern diagnostics» Consultation, examination and treatment of hernia is completely free. And the attitude towards patients in such hospitals and clinics is incomparably better than in ordinary ones, because there is competition here. But this does not mean at all that there are no shortcomings in paid medicine.

Advantages of paid medicine:

  • Polite and respectful attitude of the staff;
  • Careful examination;
  • Compensation for poor quality services;
  • Sign up for a convenient time;
  • No queue;
  • Modern equipment;
  • Modern methods of treatment;
  • Interior.

Disadvantages of paid medicine:

  • Not always affordable price;
  • There is no 100% guarantee of the doctor’s high professionalism;
  • Unnecessary additional services are often imposed.

The main disadvantage of paid medicine is not so much the cost of services, which are not available to everyone, but the imposition of unnecessary examination methods or tests, recommendations for more expensive methods treatment. It is beneficial for a medical institution when a patient is treated for a long time, because their earnings depend on it. The same site can be said about free medical care, where each clinic enters into a contract with various pharmaceutical firms or companies to promote them expensive drugs. At the same time, despite all the shortcomings of free healthcare, the advantage is that it is accessible to everyone, regardless of income. And this is not always bad service, since real specialists, such as a surgeon in Moscow, are ready to help the patient under any circumstances, there are both paid and free medicine.

Non-traditional (alternative) medicine: pros and cons

It's no secret that doctors have a negative attitude towards alternative types of medicine. And of course, there are patients who prefer “medicinal herbs” instead of “ harmful pills" Whose position is correct? Let's try to figure it out and find all the pros and cons of alternative medicine methods.

Alternative medicine is a complex of knowledge, carefully selected by our ancestors, about the dangers and benefits different types plants, and other factors that, one way or another, affect human health. This data was collected and refined through trial and error over the course of long period time. They are very valuable to humanity.

Why then does traditional medicine deny traditional methods treatment? Perhaps this is a simple reluctance to recognize such methods of treatment?

In fact, very often people use alternative medicine recipes incorrectly. They can help when the disease is sluggish, chronic, when you need to support, prevent the disease and possible complications when there is no threat to human life and health. It is necessary to remember that in emergency situations when every minute matters, and when serious illnesses Alternative medicine methods cannot be used! However, patients very often violate this rule and come to doctors when the disease is in neglected form, and regaining health becomes difficult or simply impossible. That is why medical workers so negatively opposed to treatment only with alternative methods.

Science and technological progress have made great strides in the 21st century. Modern traditional medicine uses in its arsenal the most effective methods diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. It is simply necessary when emergency conditions, V acute period illness when the patient remains in doubt.

At the same time, traditional medicine without alternative ways there can be no cure.

Unconventional methods are an echo of the past, when there were no such opportunities as there are today. But this does not mean that we can and should forget about all the knowledge that we received from our ancestors. Medical specialists have long noticed that it is enough a large number of patients with severe and long-term illnesses by changing your usual lifestyle, giving up bad habits using herbal infusions and physical exercise, were on the path to recovery, although there were no prerequisites for this.

Alternative medicine methods have been created and refined over the centuries; they contain the knowledge of many generations thirsty for new knowledge. By trial and error, trying out all possible substances, parts of plant materials and animals, people came to optimal results and discovered new possibilities for various drugs. That is why Alternative medicine is constantly evolving. All parts of plants can include substances useful for humans, necessary for some certain disease. Sometimes it is impossible to use raw materials in their raw, original form. Therefore, people have come up with methods for processing it and extracting the most valuable part from a medicinal point of view. Gradually, alternative medicine methods developed, degenerating into such methods of official medicine as pharmacology, physiotherapy.

What are the pros and cons of alternative medicine?
Firstly, these techniques are completely accessible to everyone, they are mostly inexpensive and can be used by anyone. For example, if you consider the price of cough medications, it becomes clear: treatment with apitherapy, herbs, acupressure or heat will be much cheaper. And the effectiveness of the listed methods of alternative medicine is in no way inferior pharmaceutical drugs. Sometimes even surpassing them.

Many people have the opinion that the arsenal of alternative medicine includes only cold medicines. But this is not so, there are many methods for eliminating, for example, gallstones or kidney stones. That is, without the help of doctors you can recover from quite complex diseases.

Doctors and adherents of official medicine most often either deny positive effect from alternative methods, or they believe that this is nonsense that is not worthy of attention. But in vain, because there are many cases when alternative methods helped get rid of ailments that doctors were powerless to deal with.

And although it sometimes seems that traditional medicine recipes smack of witchcraft and witchcraft, the experience of many generations is invested in them. And in ancient times, people on an intuitive level knew how to do things like modern doctors and never dreamed of it. The main thing positive thing The advantage of using alternative methods is that the patient does not additionally poison himself with chemicals.

Despite the negative attitude of official medicine, the number of adherents of a healthy lifestyle and unconventional techniques There is no less treatment in the world. Thus, according to some American statistical organizations, twelve percent of young people under the age of nineteen use alternative methods of treatment. Often they do not really think about the fact that such methods are not always combined with the methods of official medicine. American scientists believe that if a child is accustomed to unconventional methods of treatment from childhood, he will definitely resort to them in adulthood.

Many grandparents collected for generations miracle recipes for every occasion in life. ethnoscience, like a panacea, long and long years replaced traditional methods of treatment for people. Even now, in the 21st century, when humanity has stepped far forward, people still have that faith in medicinal plants.

But is it okay to ignore traditional medicine? And why do so many people who self-medicate come to specialists early or, more often, late?

As long-term practice shows, few people, suffering from some kind of illness, immediately turn to specialists. They often self-medicate. This is understandable; the frantic pace of life leaves virtually no time for oneself. IN free clinics There are always queues, and in paid ones the price list is sometimes intimidating.

So we have to make diagnoses for ourselves, call mothers and grandmothers asking them to tell us what is best to drink for an upset stomach and headaches. But is it normal to be so careless about your health? Doctors will say no. And they will be right.

If we're talking about If you have a mild cold, then you can try to cure a runny nose and sore throat on your own. But even this can be dangerous! The whole problem is that people make incorrect diagnoses for themselves.

Without passing a single test, but only based on own feelings, yes, based on articles from the Internet, they prescribe treatment for themselves. And for " mild cold“It may not be a mild illness at all. Or headache, easily relieved by a paracetamol tablet, may be a symptom of a serious illness.

IN traditional medicine also have their own negative sides. Those drugs that treat one have a negative effect on another. Complete “chemistry” is also not always useful. But you need to be prudent.

It would be much better to go for a consultation with a specialist at the first sign of a cold, headache or other pain. The doctor will take everything necessary tests, will make, which is very important, the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

And then, when it is known exactly what kind of illness has attacked, it can be combined with folk ones, unconventional methods treatment. Some doctors themselves can advise patients on options for replacing tablets with medicinal herbs.

Opinions regarding the usefulness or harmfulness of both traditional and traditional medicine have always differed. Everyone makes their own choice of what to give preference to. But the main thing is to understand that no one, even the most experienced healer grandmother, will be able to accurately determine the disease and make a diagnosis. You should also remember the consequences of a careless attitude towards health, which can sometimes be very difficult to return or restore.