Why does a woman dream about a lot of chickens? Why do women dream about big and small chickens? Seeing dead chickens in a dream

Seeing a brood of chickens in a dream means troubles and worries. However, some of them will benefit you.

Very small or barely grown chickens portend successful endeavors that will require physical endurance from you.

Seeing chickens entering the chicken coop in the evening means that your enemies are plotting evil against you.

Eating chickens in a dream is a sign that selfishness will harm your good name. Affairs and love relationships will continue to be in an unreliable, risky state.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Small

Seeing an incongruously small nose, mouth, ear, or any organ of the body in a dream is a warning against indiscriminate choice of friends.

If you dream of a small animal, insect, bird or fish, such a dream warns that someone's treachery can cause serious harm to you if you do not exercise due diligence.

If your clothes are small or tight in a dream, this is a sign of bitter disappointment in love. A pillow or blanket that is too small foretells that you will soon awaken an interest in the profitable side of life and a desire for self-improvement.

Finding yourself in a small house or small room in a dream means that in reality you will feel short on funds.

Receiving a small amount of money in a dream instead of a large one due means unforeseen circumstances that will dramatically change the measured course of your life.

Interpretation of dreams from

The image of a cute fluffy chicken has been familiar to everyone since childhood, at least from books and cartoons. Like any baby, a chicken evokes touching feelings, but anyone who has had to raise poultry knows how much care the growing young require and how vulnerable and defenseless they are - “chickens are counted in the fall.” On the other hand, poultry is a symbol of prosperity, and a hen and chicks are associated with a caring mother and housewife. In accordance with this, dreams in which chickens are present foreshadow troubles associated with the well-being of the family.

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Dream book of Gustav Hindemann Miller. What do dreamed chickens mean?

A brood of chickens seen in a dream symbolizes a period associated with worries and troubles, but ultimately you will profit from it. If the chicks are very small, you will need a lot of physical stamina. A dream in which you saw chickens entering the chicken coop in the evening means that your ill-wishers are planning something bad. If you eat chicken in a dream, your reputation will suffer due to your own selfishness, and your financial and love affairs will be in a precarious state.

Dream book of Sigmund Freud. What does dreaming about chickens mean?

If you dreamed of a yellow and fluffy chicken, this means you need to take care of your health, since a careless attitude towards the body can turn into illness. If in a dream you feed chickens, you are about to have an intimate relationship with a completely inexperienced partner who cannot relax for the sake of pleasure; It will take a lot of patience to convey your sexual experience to him.

Esoteric dream book. What do chickens symbolize?

Dreaming about chickens means that you are spending too much time on trivial worries and petty worries. There is no need to waste your life on them, because there are more serious things in it.


The chicken is a symbol of everything that requires care, which will later turn out in your favor. Most often, such a dream comes to women and symbolizes household chores and raising children, but it can also be related to official matters.

A dream in which a hen is hatching chicks, as well as a chicken trying to take off, also portends good luck. A lost and pitifully squeaking chicken means a defenseless person who will need your help. A dream in which you are holding a chicken in your hands calls for balanced actions, caution and prudence, since you can very easily cause irreparable harm to yourself with your own hands.

A sad omen is a dream about dead chickens - it promises serious family problems, unfulfilled hopes, and the collapse of endeavors. For a woman, such a dream can mean a breakup with her husband or an unsuccessful pregnancy.

A dream in which many noisy chickens appear may foretell a cheerful but troublesome holiday. If the chickens in your dream peck at you or each other, some little thing will darken your life.


In this dream book you can find answers to common dreams with chickens and understand why you dream about a chicken and what it brings to real life for men and women.

Why do women dream about big and small chickens?

Large chicks for a woman mean that maximum effort must be made to succeed.

Little chickens are dreamed of as a sign of minor problems, troubles related to work or study.

Why do you dream of chickens that are not small yellow, white, multi-colored with chicken?

Not little yellow chickens mean that your best qualities are needed for better results. Try to give your best.

White chickens mean instability at work. Change is not in your favor.

Multi-colored chickens with chicken signify troubles and implementation of plans.

Why does a pregnant girl dream of chickens?

You will have to make every effort ahead. This applies to raising an unborn child. Difficulties at first.

Why do you dream of chickens hatching from an egg, hatching in shelled eggs in a nest?

Chickens hatching from an egg are a good sign; fate will generously reward you. For all your work and efforts you will receive in full.

Hatch in shelled eggs in a nest for promotion. Praise from superiors.

Why do you dream of chickens in the house, alive and dead, pecking at grain?

Chickens in the house are alive - a sign of joy and good events. It is possible that changes for the better are coming at work.

Dead chickens mean losses. Bad harvest, instability.

Chickens peck grain for money.


Why do you dream of yellow chickens? In a dream, they most often symbolize household chores and usual worries. Dream Interpretations, in turn, offer a number of relevant interpretations depending on the minor details of the plot.

Miller's interpretation

Did you dream about yellow chickens? Get ready for a lot of worries and minor difficulties. However, everything you do in the near future will only be beneficial. Why do you dream of very small, just hatched chicks? The upcoming undertaking will require your complete concentration and unprecedented mobility.

Dr. Freud's opinion

Did you happen to see a whole brood of yellow chickens in your dream? The dream book advises you to take more care of your own health and not overwork. If you continue to live in the same rhythm, you will one day find that you are completely sick and powerless.

What does Aesop's dream book think?

A yellow chicken in a dream represents a weak, defenseless and timid person. Why in a dream is the yellow-throated chick lost and squeaking in fear? An innate sense of justice will not allow you to remain indifferent, and you will stand up for a very modest and unrequited person, thereby earning everyone’s approval.

Did you dream that yellow chickens drink water? The Dream Interpretation does not advise making hasty conclusions, otherwise you will not be able to correctly assess the situation and will completely lose in the fight against a more experienced and calculating opponent.

In a dream, did you have to hold a yellow chicken in your palms? You will receive an offer that seems very advantageous at first glance. But the dream book recommends not to rush to take it, otherwise you will get bogged down in endless problems and difficulties.

Decoding a children's dream book

Why do you dream about a yellow chicken? According to this dream book, the image conveys the weakness and defenselessness of the dreamer. He is sure: you vitally need the support of a person who is more mature in all respects.

Answer from the birthday dream book

Did you dream about yellow chickens? You are equally likely to make a profitable purchase, make a stupid friend, or get into big problems.

Interpretation of the dream book from A to Z

Did you dream of a mother hen with yellow chickens? The dream book believes that you missed the opportunity to arrange a happy destiny with your chosen one. For family dreamers, the same image promises an affair on the side.

Why do you dream of yellow chickens running around the house in your dreams? You are so tired of everyday worries that you dream of one thing: to give up everything and hide from the world somewhere on a desert island.

Dream interpretation of lovers is sure

If you dreamed of a little yellow chicken, then you should pay attention to your health. You risk suffering from a serious physical or mental illness.

Why do you dream if in a dream you had to feed yellow chickens? This means that you will have to deal with a naive and inexperienced person who will have to be taught literally everything.

What does it mean to crush yellow chickens in a dream?

Did you dream that you deliberately ran over a yellow chicken? Receive a very valuable gift, but you will be forced to refuse it. Why else would you dream that you crushed chickens? You will be delighted when you learn about some surprise. But you will be incredibly upset that it is not intended for you at all. If the chicken you wanted to kill ran away from you, then in reality you will lose something valuable.

Yellow chickens in a dream - examples of transcripts

As usual, for a competent interpretation of a dream, you need to remember as many details of the dream plot as possible.

  • chickens squeak - joy
  • running around - household chores, minor work difficulties
  • large brood - profit, increase in wealth
  • dead - irritation, anger
  • cutting is a necessary but extremely unpleasant job
  • catching is a lot of trouble
  • carried away by a bird of prey - you need protection
  • selling is unexpected happiness
  • buy - profit
  • steal - many works will bring well-deserved money
  • feeding - minor troubles

And remember, the more yellow chickens you see in your dream, the more problems and worries you will actually face.


People quickly get used to the things they encounter every day and stop noticing them. Therefore, dreams with such things usually do not arouse keen interest. Meanwhile, everyday things can tell the dreamer a lot.

For example, a person may dream of chickens. What associations will such a dream cause? Most people won't even remember it. Only people who have previously seen yellow chicks only a few times will be interested in such a dream.

They will associate chickens with village life, bustling life, clean air and tranquility. Pleasant associations, but dream books allow you to find out exactly what such a dream means.

Why do you dream about small chickens?

A lot of little chicks in a dream, according to most dream books, portends numerous troubles. But more often than not, such a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously without taking into account the features of the dream.

Chicken feather color

Any detail of the dream is important for an accurate interpretation of the dream. Of particular importance is chicken color.

  • People with poor health may dream of a small chicken with yellow feathers. Such a dream indicates that the body’s strength is running out. It is imperative to visit a doctor to prevent the possible development of the disease.
  • A black chicken can be dreamed of by people who in reality have a lot of things to do that need to be completed. Such a dream speaks of the need to overcome stagnation in life and take the path of progress. This dream encourages action.
  • A chicken of a non-standard color can be dreamed of by a person who is always looking for something. Such a dream portends good life changes.
  • Why do you dream of a gray chicken? This is a sure sign of the need to search for the source of mental tossing. After such a dream, a person is recommended to seek help from a specialist.

Appearance and condition of the chicks

To correctly interpret a dream, you must remember as many of its details as possible.

  • An energetic chicken in a dream foretells prosperity. The dreamer will soon encounter favorable changes in life. They will allow him to live the rest of his life in abundance. You just need to recognize the opportunity in time and miss it.
  • If there are a lot of chicks and they are very small, then this is a sure sign that the dreamer is being weighed down by small household chores. Trying to solve them, a person walks in a vicious circle. He can break it if he remembers his main goals in life and his purpose.
  • You may dream of a barely hatched chick, which means it’s time to start implementing long-cherished plans. At the same time, we should not forget that to achieve success you will have to go through many difficulties.

Why do you dream about dead chickens?

Many people get very scared when they dream death of a person or animal. In fact, such dreams have nothing to do with death, but indicate possible troubles. In fact, these are dreams - harbingers. If you respond to them in time, you can avoid problems.

  • A dead chicken seen in a dream indicates the dreamer's emotional vulnerability. Someone from your inner circle wants to take advantage of this feature of the human psyche to solve their own, not always good, problems. The dreamer is advised to avoid conflict situations if possible.
  • A dying chick in a dream represents close relationships between people. This is a symbol of some kind of crisis and quarrels. It indicates a fading interest between close people. If the dreamer cares about his soulmate, then he needs to be more patient.

What did the chickens do in the dream?

To correctly interpret a dream, you need to remember not only the characteristics of the dreamed object, but also actions that were carried out with him, or, if it is a living object, he performed it himself.

  • The chickens and the hen go into the chicken coop. Such a dream indicates the presence of hidden enemies. Perhaps they are already in the seer’s inner circle, but for the time being they are hiding under the guise of best friends. They are ready to deliver a sneaky stab in the back.
  • The hen protects the chickens from the attack of the hawk. All dream books interpret such a dream in the same way - someone close to you needs protection. The dreamer is advised to ask his family if they need help.
  • The chicks, together with the chicken, peck the grain. If there are a lot of chicks in a dream, then this indicates the possible appearance of uninvited guests who will help you gain material well-being.
  • Why do you dream of chickens that squeak loudly, but the chicken does not pay attention to them? This means that the dreamer in reality does not notice a person in his environment who needs protection.
  • The chicks drink water together with the chicken. This dream symbolizes defeat in a clash with an ill-wisher. The loss will occur due to the impulsiveness and inattention of the seer.
  • Holding a chick in your hands means striving for professional and personal growth. Soon the dreamer will receive positive news that will help improve well-being.
  • A hen in a dream helps the chicks hatch. Such a dream foreshadows the imminent successful completion of creative projects.

Why do you dream of a hen with chicks?

Many chickens with chicken in a dream indicate an imminent arrival of expected guests. The troubles associated with this will be pleasant for the dreamer.

You can also dream of a hen with chicks as an addition to the family.

If the dreamer saw a chicken sitting on eggs in a dream, then in reality he will get rich.

In addition, a hen with chicks in some dream books is interpreted as a symbol of the upcoming wedding.

Why do you dream about chickens hatching before your eyes? A vision in a dream foreshadows family happiness, the birth of children, and profitable business. But the dream book also warns of a negligent attitude towards health, an unreliable source of income or great naivety.

Don't be so naive, take care of your health

The dream plot suggests: you are a very naive person. Try not to unconditionally take for granted everything that others tell you.

Seeing chicks emerging from eggs in a dream means: your income is influenced by many factors, and not all of them depend on you. It's better to look for additional sources of income.

Why do you dream about chickens hatching? The dream book warns: the sleeper is too negligent about his health. It is necessary to take action at the first signs of ill health, and not wait until the disease goes away on its own.

If they die immediately, it means that in reality the dreamer generates many new ideas, but does nothing to implement them.

Birth of children, renewal in life

Chickens that are born, near which a hen clucks in a dream, symbolize family happiness and prosperity, a prosperous life.

If a young couple had such a vision before their wedding, they will have many children.

For a woman, such a plot promises, according to the dream book, an early pregnancy.

Do chicks hatch right in your home? This promises renewal in life. Favorable conditions will arise to create something or become a new personality.

If there were a lot of them in your dream, it means you have opportunities for development. However, one should think not only about the pragmatic side, but also about spiritual aspirations.

To implement plans you need to work hard

Why do you dream about a brood of these little yellow lumps? The dream book explains: you are successfully implementing your plans that require physical labor - for example, in construction or production. Expect high results and good rewards for your work.

Did you dream about colorful ones? There will be unexpected pleasant entertainment that will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Seeing chickens hatching in a dream means worries and troubles, but some of them will be useful to the dreamer.

Dream details

The interpretation of the dream takes into account what the chicks that emerged from the eggs did:

  • pecked millet - make a profitable investment;
  • drank water - incorrect assessment of the situation, premature conclusions can be harmful;
  • scattered in different directions - overexertion has a bad effect on you, you need rest;
  • huddled together - a certain matter requires close attention, but can still end in failure;
  • squeaked loudly - a joyful event is coming.

Miller's interpretation

Why dream of seeing chickens hatching from eggs? Miller's dream book focuses the sleeper's attention on his inability to withstand situations that are a little more complex than usual. You need to work on yourself.

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a small, yellow chicken - this dream suggests that you need to be more careful about your health. If you continue to be so careless about everything related to your body, you will eventually get sick. Feeding chickens - your sexual experience may come in handy very soon. The thing is that in the near future you will have to make love with a very inexperienced partner, with a person who absolutely does not know how to relax and enjoy sex. Your task is to teach him everything good that you know.

I dreamed about chickens

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a brood of chickens in a dream means troubles and worries. However, some of them will benefit you. Very small or barely grown chickens portend successful endeavors that will require physical endurance from you. Seeing chickens entering the chicken coop in the evening means that your enemies are plotting evil against you. Eating chickens in a dream is a sign that selfishness will harm your good name. Affairs and love relationships will continue to be in an unreliable, risky state.

Expert answers


I dream about how I open my bag and see a black, small and fluffy chicken there. I pick it up and see that I already have two chickens in my hands, and a yellow one has been added. Then, I don’t understand how, the chickens end up in a flower pot. I understand that they will suffocate underground, and I begin to shake them out. When I shook it out, I thought that they had already suffocated, but I saw that they were slowly starting to come to life. What would this be for? (Svetlana)

Chickens in a dream symbolize missed opportunities. Judging by the description of the dream, in reality you find yourself in a situation that is not easy to solve. You realized that you took several wrong steps, and now you are trying to correct what you have done.

The little yellow chicken is the cutest creature that you want to warm and protect. This is a symbol of the beginning of life, Easter, purity of heart. Surely, if a person saw a chicken in a dream, the dream can hardly be called a nightmare. Why do you dream about chickens?

The main general interpretation of such a vision is possible missed opportunities. Moreover, they can remain in the past or lie in wait for you in the future.

Depending on the details of the dream - the color of the plumage of small birds, the actions of you and the chickens, their number, the interpretation may be different. Various dream books also explain dreams with small fluffy balls differently. This article will help you understand the interpretation of sleep and prevent possible negative events.

General interpretations of dreams with chickens

Dream books associate the appearance of chicks in a woman’s or man’s dream with certain concerns that concern a person at a given moment in time.

The meaning of sleep depends on many factors:

  • The presence of a hen with chicks in a dream foreshadows unpleasant troubles associated with the risk of losing a lover.
  • A woman who saw such a picture in a dream pays little attention to her husband, and he began to seek consolation on the side. In addition to family troubles, there may be a problem with providing the family with food if the dreamer lives in a rural area.
  • When a person sees in a dream a large number of small chickens surrounding him in the house, he should rest. Perhaps household chores and everyday worries have become so tiring that rest has become vitally necessary.

Entrepreneurs and businessmen dream of a large number of chickens as a sign of a successful deal that promises considerable benefits. If there are ducklings and goslings in the general company, financial affairs will certainly go uphill, and the business situation will improve significantly.

When you dreamed of selling chickens, you should expect a gift. Or someone is waiting for a valuable surprise from the dreamer.

Grown-up chickens surrounding a person in a dream symbolize perseverance in overcoming obstacles. Such a dream suggests that you should not stop there; you need to make even more efforts in the work you have started.


Color and number of chickens

Most often, chickens in a dream evoke tenderness and tenderness. A lonely, defenseless creature in this case indicates health problems and the need to take care of oneself, putting aside current worries.

Another appearance of the chick can be assessed by the subconscious in different ways:

  1. Black chickens seen in a dream force you to more actively take decisive steps to get out of a period of stagnation in business.
  2. White feathered babies are dreamed of when the dreamer is faced with a difficult choice. The dream means the advantage of spiritual values ​​over material ones and encourages a person to change his own inner world.
  3. The dull, dirty shade of a dreamed chicken indicates possible nervous disorders and approaching depression.
  4. The unusual color of chicken chicks - red, green or blue - shows that the dreamer will receive pleasant surprises from family and friends, valuable gifts from loved ones and friends.
  5. The colorful coloring of feathers warns of the insidious plans of enemies and envious people. Perhaps the dreamer will find himself at the epicenter of other people's intrigues in the near future. Therefore, you should be alert and weigh every step.


A vision in which yellow chickens appeared in the plot is considered a warning. The sleeper needs to start taking care of his health. Perhaps his body is exhausted and an illness will begin to develop in the very near future.

  • If the dreamer depends on bad habits, you need to try to get rid of them. Otherwise, trouble may arise.
  • The bright yellow color of the chicks symbolizes the cowardice and inner indecisiveness of a person.



Dreaming of black chickens foreshadows a problem or an unpleasant situation. Solving it will require a lot of effort and time, and you shouldn’t hope that everything will sort itself out on its own. Inaction can lead to unforeseen consequences.

Perhaps the sleeping person is surrounded by a very bad person who is trying to discredit the dreamer’s honest name and ruin his reputation. If measures are not taken, the enemy’s plans will be realized.


White chicks symbolize renewal, the opportunity to get another chance, change your worldview and become a completely different person. There comes a period when the dreamer can show all his abilities and create something unique.

A similar image, as a rule, arises when the moment comes to choose between material wealth and peace of mind. This is very difficult for any person, but those who cope with it will move to a new level of development.


In the plot of a vision, going into a chicken coop and finding many colorful chickens there foreshadows the insidious plans of enemies against the dreamer in real life. You need to be vigilant and attentive so as not to fall into the trap.

In general, the sleeper can easily cope with minor troubles on his own, and friends and family will help him overcome more serious problems. The main thing to remember is that the subconscious gives a person a hint, and if he uses it in reality, then no intrigues can cause harm.

Other colors

  1. White chickens mean an upcoming renewal, presenting an opportunity to change your worldview and become a completely different person. The period of demonstrating all your abilities and creating something unique. As a rule, such an image appears when the dreamer is faced with a choice between spiritual balance and material wealth.
  2. Nondescript colors encourage you to plunge into your own inner world and look for the causes of mental disorders. After such a dream, dream books recommend contacting a specialist in psychology who will help solve the problem of loss of mental strength.
  3. Non-standard colors, such as: blue, green, red and others, uncharacteristic of the usual color. Such dreams promise changes in life and pleasant surprises. After such a dream, feel free to expect gifts from loved ones, and career growth is possible at work.


Lots of chickens

  • You dream a lot about small chickens - you will have many small quarrels with relatives and friends that will not bring results.
  • If you dreamed of yellow live chickens, expect a lesson in life, which will most likely come from the opposite sex.
  • Lots of chickens - bad luck and gossip.


There are fewer chickens than there should be

This dream book about chickens speaks of premature, unjustified joy.

If it seems to you that your business is going very well, don’t tell anyone about it and don’t rejoice ahead of time, because everything could turn out to be exactly the opposite from minute to minute.


Interpretation depending on place and time

Much in a dream depends on the place where the events take place.

  1. In this case, it is a chicken coop. If the chickens are inside it, then this means difficulties in business. Perhaps there is a young and inexperienced person next to you who is disrupting the work process.
  2. Chickens running and swarming in the grass outside - to new prospects and opportunities for further growth. If the chickens are near water, then this promises a new round of love relationships.

Chicks and hens dream of joining the family. Watching a family chicken couple with their small children in a dream means a change for the better and a great joyful event are ahead.

And spotting a lame or one-eyed chicken in a flock means illness or injury.


What do dreams with dead chicks mean?

Dream books interpret such manifestations of the work of the subconscious in different ways:

  • If a little chick dies in the dreamer’s arms, you should be more attentive to your soulmate. This indicates the desire of a loved one to find solace outside the family circle. Therefore, it is necessary to be vigilant and try to smooth out rough edges in relationships so that the crisis does not lead to separation.
  • If a chicken in a dream passes into another world due to the fault of the dreamer, most likely you will have to refuse a valuable and pleasant gift in the future.
  • A dead chicken seen in a dream can symbolize one's own weakness. It can be taken advantage of by unscrupulous colleagues or friends who harbor a grudge.

All interpretations come down to one thing: seeing a dead bird in a dream does not bode well; most often, the near future will present new worries and troubles, unpleasant and painful.

Crushing yellow chickens

Did you dream that you deliberately ran over a yellow chicken?

  1. Receive a very valuable gift, but you will be forced to refuse it. Why else would you dream that you crushed chickens?
  2. You will be delighted when you learn about some surprise. But you will be incredibly upset that it is not intended for you at all.
  3. If the chicken you wanted to kill ran away from you, then in reality you will lose something valuable.


Dreaming of hen and chicks

If you dream that a chicken is clucking, what does it mean? Such a dream is already alarming: illness may occur. It’s worth remembering how long it’s been since you’ve visited a doctor, just like that, for preventive purposes? Health must be protected and sleep warns about this.

You may dream of a commotion in the chicken coop - this means there will be commotion, noise, and cheerful company in the house. Why else do you dream of a hen and chickens, especially a flock of chickens? Apparently, such a dream promises successful business, financial independence and good profits.

The conclusion suggests itself: the right direction has been chosen in business and it will flourish! The same well-being is promised by a dream where there is a hen with eggs. There will be family happiness and good luck in everything, even in playing at the casino!

  • If you buy a chicken in a dream, it means that you will receive news, some news.
  • It’s the same if you dream that a person is eating chicken.
  • Why see chickens hatching in a dream? This is a reminder about children: children require more attention and care than they are given.

What does it portend?

What else do chickens mean in a dream, what do chickens and chickens mean in dreams?

  1. Chickens are minor chores. Yes, a person is full of worries, troubles and all the little things. But there is not enough time for anything serious.
  2. The dream warns: do not waste yourself on trifles, otherwise you will not have enough energy or time for something big! You cannot slow down time, you cannot return it - it must be used for its intended purpose.

What if a chicken pecks in a dream? What does she want to say or warn about?

  • The chicken requires paying more attention to the family. With all the troubles and activities, there is no time left at all to communicate with family!
  • Everyone knows what this can lead to: divorce and a maiden name. Therefore, you should put aside all your activities for a while and give your loved ones warmth and care.

One negative thing about dreaming about hen and chicks is seeing a black chicken in your dream. This is already an unpleasant dream: it speaks of sacrifices being made. Anything can happen in life, a dream suggests that you need to give up something or someone, sacrifice your desires or needs.

Whether you dream of a hen or chickens, or maybe even a rooster, it doesn’t matter, you need to live with pleasure and see only the positive in everything. Then the chicken coop seen in a dream will not interfere with joyfully welcoming guests and arranging cozy home gatherings. Even a black chicken won't scare you!


Chickens and eggs

Chickens mixed with eggs represent fragility and the need for protection.

The dreamer should show more attention to his family, take an interest in their affairs and problems, and provide all possible assistance. In addition, you need to be sensitive to everyone who is surrounded by the owner of the dream. If in the plot of a dream chicks begin to hatch from eggs, in real life it will be possible to implement a very interesting and profitable project.

Hatched chicks

Small hatched chicks in a dream warn that you will have to work hard to overcome existing problems.

Watching the chickens hatch means you will be able to implement your plans, but this will require a lot of effort. This dream may also indicate that you are too caught up in the past.


Chicks and ducklings

In many cases, in the plot of a vision, in addition to chickens, you may also dream of small ducklings. Such a vision carries a positive information load and means that the dreamer should soon expect a pleasant and unexpected surprise related to material wealth.

This event will have a beneficial effect on the life of the sleeper and it is quite possible that it will completely change it.

Chickens and cat

If a cat was hunting chickens during a night's sleep, the vision warns the sleeper that he will soon have to face difficulties due to the actions of another person.

They will be ill-intentioned and intended to cause trouble for the dreamer. It depends on the details of the plot whether the enemy succeeds in his plan or not, that is, a chicken caught by a cat does not foretell a favorable outcome for the owner of the vision.

Why does a woman dream of chickens?

  • A woman dreams of small chickens - early marriage and childbearing.
  • Also, according to Vanga’s dream book, you need to carefully analyze your future life and identify all the hidden pros and cons in your character. In small matters, good omen and good fortune await you.
  • Holding chicks or a chicken in your hands is a small chore and worry that can drain your energy.
  • If in a dream a woman has to feed a bird, you have a hidden enemy who wants to harm you.
  • A lot of chickens according to the dream book - a large number of things that will overtake you unexpectedly.

Dreaming of a pregnant girl

If a pregnant girl sees small chickens in a dream, it means immediate pleasant troubles.

If this happened in the last stages, then you should prepare for childbirth. In addition, the dream foreshadows a new addition to the family, which, however, is quite natural in such a development of events.

The child will be born completely healthy, he will be loved by his parents and all other family members.

Other sleep details

Feed the chickens


The birth of chicks

Seeing chicken eggs in a dream means difficulties. It will take a long time before you achieve your goals. The dreamer should decide what his soul really is about and do one thing.

Do you want to know why you dream about a hatched chicken?

  • The project that you have been nurturing like your own child will soon be realized. However, for this, the dream book advises mobilizing all your best qualities: hard work, determination, resourcefulness and sociability.
  • Eggs from which chickens have just hatched indicate that there are many vulnerable and touchy people around you. They can be touched to the core by a thoughtless phrase or a word thrown into their hearts.
  • Seeing eggs mixed with chickens in a dream means the need to show concern for others. Eggs symbolize fragility. You should become more attentive and sensitive towards your family. They will need your support more than ever.


Catching chickens in a dream

If a person caught chickens during a night's sleep, then in real life he will put a lot of work into some business, but he will not see the expected result, it will be insignificant.

When a sleeper often catches chicks in his dream, then in reality he will be very tired due to constant troubles. If he manages to escape while hunting for a chicken, in real life the sleeper will lose a valuable gift.

Buying chicks

This is a true addition - this is what chickens dream about, an increase in your troubles, affairs, worries, but at the same time you gain more confidence in the future.

By making the necessary investments of both money and effort, you will definitely get a positive result that will please both you and your family.


Interpretation according to different dream books

Undoubtedly, chickens in a dream evoke tenderness in any dreamer. But the same touching feelings and sensations await the dreamer in reality. Let's see what the famous dream books think about this.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a brood of chickens in your dreams promises troubles and worries. However, they will not be a burden, but on the contrary, will bring a lot of benefit.

  • If you dream of barely grown chickens, it means your undertakings are successful, but require enormous physical and moral endurance.
  • I happened to see chicks leaving the street for the chicken coop in the evening, this warns against the machinations of envious people. It’s not a fact that they are plotting bad deeds against you, Miller’s dream book states.
  • A dream where you ate chicken meat tells about your shaky reputation due to your selfishness. Moreover, according to Miller, instability and unreliability will occur on the love and labor front.
  • The dream book indicates that when a chicken dreams, it promises a pleasant meeting with the family. Guests will be very pleased with the hospitality of the hostess.
  • A brood of wild ducklings convicts you of your desire for a free life. Your desires go against common sense.
  • Ducklings, unaccompanied by an adult, promise a creative takeoff.

Vanga's Dream Book

The seer assures that the chicks of this bird in dreams foreshadow financial independence. And when a woman dreams, they announce an upcoming pregnancy.

The image of white ducklings is a harbinger of well-being and prosperity.

Freud's Dream Book

If you dreamed about chickens that you had to feed, it prophesies a night of intimacy with a person who has virtually no experience in this area. You have to teach him to relax, feel and respond to affection, and enjoy. All your sexual experience will find a worthy embodiment.

The dreamer is encouraged to be more careful about his health by a dream in which he dreams of very tiny, newly hatched chickens.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

The white magician’s interpretation of the dream, where he saw a chicken that had just emerged from an egg, indicates the dreamer’s subconscious desire to create a family. A wave of infantile desires washed over him, demanding a way out.

Seeing a chick drinking in a dream means that in reality the dreamer is making hasty conclusions, does not accurately assess the situation, and therefore loses in the fight against a very calculating competitor.

Aesop's Dream Book

  1. Dreaming of a chick rushing about in fear because it is lost foreshadows a confluence of events when you, having an innate sense of justice and responsiveness, will stand in defense of an uncomplaining, soft-bodied person, thereby earning the respectful attitude of others.
  2. If in your dreams you held a chick in your arms, the dream book sends you a message so that in reality you do not rush to accept, at first glance, a lucrative offer. Probe the soil. Otherwise you'll end up with unnecessary hassle.
  3. Good news is prophesied by a dream in which a chicken tried to fly.
  4. In dreams, chickens were looking for food among the paper bills scattered around the yard, sad news due to the dreamer’s negligence.

Islamic dream book

If you were lucky enough to see in your dreams how you laid eggs under a chicken, and they began to crack and chickens appeared from them, it means that something that has long died out will be revived in the family and after a short time a God-fearing and pious child will be born.

It is possible that the dreamer will become the father of sons, and their number will be the same as how many chicks there were in the dream.

If the dreamer placed an egg under a rooster and then took out chicks from them, this promises the appearance of a teacher in his region who will begin to teach children.

The cheerful hubbub of ducklings in dreams of guests. And they had to feed the exhausted ducklings, they warn against intrigues on the part of relatives. But when the ducklings themselves dive deep in search of food, this promises hard, poorly paid hired labor.


Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Seeing chickens in a dream means a gift, and the more chickens, the more expensive the gift will be.

  1. In a dream, you bought or were given chickens - in the near future one of your relatives, whose existence you previously did not suspect, will give you a valuable gift.
  2. If you dreamed that you were selling chickens, you will soon have to give someone a valuable gift.
  3. You dreamed that you killed or strangled a chicken - in the near future you will be presented with a valuable gift, but you will refuse it.
  4. Your chicken ran away - to the loss of a valuable gift.
  5. If you dreamed that someone slaughtered or strangled your chickens, you will receive a valuable gift. And then it turns out that the gift was not intended for you at all.
  6. Eating fried or boiled chicken means receiving a gift that you have dreamed of for a long time.
  7. In a dream, you saw someone eating fried or boiled chicken - someone you know will be presented with an expensive thing that you have dreamed of for a long time.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Did you dream of a mother hen with yellow chickens? The dream book believes that you missed the opportunity to arrange a happy destiny with your chosen one. For family dreamers, the same image promises an affair on the side.

Why do you dream of yellow chickens running around the house in your dreams? You are so tired of everyday worries that you dream of one thing: to give up everything and hide from the world somewhere on a desert island.


Children's dream book

Chicken - You feel like a weak and defenseless creature who, more than ever, now needs the support and love of others.

Russian folk dream book

Chicken - A symbol of a defenseless creature, a weak person, and maybe some results.

If you see a lost chicken in a dream, you, due to your responsiveness, want to protect a weaker person. Seeing a chicken drink means you make premature conclusions and misjudge circumstances in life, which can harm you.

With the chicken in your hands, don't rush into accepting an offer without checking everything that goes behind it.

Dream book of the writer Aesop

Chicken - They say: “Chickens are counted in the fall,” that is, the results are summed up after finishing the work; you should not rush to conclusions when you do not know all the facts. In addition, a defenseless chicken is a symbol of a weak person who cannot stand up for himself.

  • In a dream, to see a lost chicken that is rushing around and screaming - due to your responsiveness and innate sense of justice, you will stand up for the defense of a resigned person, and this will earn respect among others.
  • Watching a chicken drink in a dream means you will make premature conclusions and misjudge the situation, so you will lose in a fight with a more calculating person.
  • Holding a chicken in your hands - do not rush to accept an offer that seems profitable at first glance without checking everything that stands behind it, otherwise you will create unnecessary trouble for yourself.
  • Seeing a chicken trying to fly is a good sign, foreshadowing good news or a message that you have been waiting for.

Erotic dream book

Chicken - A dream of a brood of chickens warns that in the near future you will experience a lot of anxiety because of your loved one.

A newly hatched chicken portends the beginning of a long-term romance that will require a lot of patience from you. If in a dream you call chickens to lock them in a chicken coop at night, it means that your rivals are up to something evil against you.

A dead chicken portends losses in love; for a married woman, an unwanted pregnancy and a quarrel with her husband. If you dream that you are eating chicken, you will suffer from love for a person much younger than you, and your reputation will be damaged.

Summer dream book

Chickens - A new acquisition will be made, a successful purchase will be made, this is the interpretation of what you dream about at night.

Women's dream book

Chickens - Seeing a brood of chickens in a dream means troubles and worries, some of which, however, will benefit you.

Very small or barely grown chickens portend successful endeavors that will require physical endurance from you. Eating chickens in a dream is a call to moderate selfishness, which can damage your reputation. It can also mean a suspended, precarious state of business and personal relationships.


Pocket dream book

Why do I dream about Chickens, what does it mean? Interpretation of the dream book: Chickens - If you dreamed of chickens, then worries await you that will toughen you and teach you a lot.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasiliev

If you dream of Chickens, what is it for: Chickens - If you dreamed of a chicken, then a little joy awaits you and you will make an unexpected discovery.

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

If you dream of Chickens, what is it for: Chickens - If you dreamed of a defenseless chicken, this is a symbol of a weak person who cannot stand up for himself. To see in a dream a lost chicken that is rushing about and screaming - then, due to your responsiveness and innate sense of justice, you will stand up for the defense of an uncomplaining person and thereby earn respect among others.



The chicken is a symbol of everything that requires care, which will later turn out in your favor. Most often, such a dream comes to women and symbolizes household chores and raising children, but it can also be related to official matters.

  1. A dream in which a hen is hatching chicks, as well as a chicken trying to take off, also portends good luck.
  2. A lost and pitifully squeaking chicken means a defenseless person who will need your help.
  3. A dream in which you are holding a chicken in your hands calls for balanced actions, caution and prudence, since you can very easily cause irreparable harm to yourself with your own hands.
  4. A sad omen is a dream about dead chickens - it promises serious family problems, unfulfilled hopes, and the collapse of endeavors. For a woman, such a dream can mean a breakup with her husband or an unsuccessful pregnancy.
  5. A dream in which many noisy chickens appear may foretell a cheerful but troublesome holiday. If the chickens in your dream peck at you or each other, some little thing will darken your life.


Intimate dream book

This source interprets a dream in which chickens appear as a harbinger of future worries and worries about your lover. If you dream of a newly hatched chicken, then in the near future you will begin a long romance, during which you will need remarkable patience.

If you are calling chickens with the intention of locking them in a chicken coop at night, then be careful: someone in your environment is up to no good against you. A dead chicken symbolizes failure in love. For a married woman, such a dream can be a harbinger of an unwanted pregnancy or a big quarrel with her husband.

If you eat chicken, you may become attracted to a person of the opposite sex who will be much younger than you. By doing this, you can greatly undermine your own reputation and face a number of problems.


Dream Book of the Wanderer

The chicken is the childish, tender, timid part of the sleeper himself; secret plans, desires, which will subsequently cause a lot of trouble.

Dream book of a gypsy

Chicken - profit, significant income.

  • Chicken with chickens means that you will receive the protection you were looking for.
  • A chicken laying eggs is good luck.
  • If you hear a chicken clucking, this means consolation from some kind of grievance.
  • If in a dream you feed chickens, it means that minor troubles await you.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Seeing chickens is good luck.

To feed them is poverty.


Family dream book

  • A brood of chickens - dreams of troubles and worries. However, some of them will benefit you.
  • If you dreamed about tiny chickens, they foretell successful endeavors that will require physical endurance from you.
  • If in a dream you went into a chicken coop and saw chickens there, be prepared for the fact that your enemies are plotting some kind of evil against you.
  • If in your dream you ate chicken, you should moderate your selfishness. Someday he will greatly harm your good name. As for your official affairs and love relationships, they will still not be particularly reliable.

Modern dream book

A dream in which you saw a brood of chickens means anxiety caused by many worries, but some of them will bring you profit.

Grown-up chickens are a sign of successful endeavors. To implement them, you will have to strain all your strength.
If you dream that chickens are perching, in real life your enemies are hatching cunning plans to harm you.

Eating chickens in a dream means that because of your own selfishness you will lose your good name. Your affairs will be unpredictable, and your love relationships will be unclear.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

When we call someone a “chicken,” we imply cowardice, timidity, and lack of self-respect.

Are you afraid of something in life? If yes, call on your inner helpers to help. You are never alone. In the kingdom of spirit they are always ready to help you.
“Chickens are counted in the fall”: counting them earlier means drawing premature conclusions.

Are you hoping for something that may not happen? Be careful and set realistic goals.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

  1. Seeing a brood of chickens in a dream means troubles and worries, some of which, however, will benefit you.
  2. Very small or barely grown chickens portend successful endeavors that will require physical endurance from you.
  3. Eating chickens in a dream is a call to moderate selfishness, which can damage your reputation. It can also mean a suspended, precarious state of business and personal relationships.

Dream book for a bitch

Chickens - chores around the house, caring for loved ones, children or relatives.

New family dream book

  1. A brood of chickens - dreams of troubles and worries. However, some of them will benefit you.
  2. If you dreamed about tiny chickens, they foretell successful endeavors that will require physical endurance from you.
  3. If in a dream you went into a chicken coop and saw chickens there, be prepared for the fact that your enemies are plotting some kind of evil against you.
  4. If in your dream you ate chicken, you should moderate your selfishness. Someday he will greatly harm your good name. As for your official affairs and love relationships, they will still not be particularly reliable.

Modern combined dream book

A dream in which you saw a brood of chickens means anxiety caused by many worries, but some of them will bring you profit.

Grown-up chickens are a sign of successful endeavors. To implement them, you will have to strain all your strength. If you dream that chickens are perching, in real life your enemies are hatching cunning plans to harm you.

Eating chickens in a dream means that because of your own selfishness you will lose your good name. Your affairs will be unpredictable, and your love relationships will be unclear.

Eastern women's dream book

Chicken is an unfavorable sign, foreshadowing a serious illness or even death.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • Chicken - to great trouble;
  • eating chicken means childhood illnesses.


Dream Interpretation of Dashka

The chicken is a symbol of a defenseless creature, a weak person, and maybe some results.

  1. To see a lost chicken in a dream means that, due to your responsiveness, you want to protect a weaker person.
  2. Seeing a chicken drinking means you are making premature conclusions and incorrectly assessing circumstances in life, which can harm you.
  3. Holding a chicken in your hands - do not rush to accept the offer without checking everything that stands behind it.

General dream book

Seeing chickens in a dream means a gift, and the more chickens, the more expensive the gift will be.

In a dream, you bought or were given chickens - in the near future one of your relatives, whose existence you previously did not suspect, will give you a valuable gift. If you dreamed that you were selling chickens, you will soon have to give someone a valuable gift. You dreamed that you killed or strangled a chicken - in the near future you will be presented with a valuable gift, but you will refuse it.

Your chicken ran away - to the loss of a valuable gift. If you dreamed that someone slaughtered or strangled your chickens, you will receive a valuable gift. And then it turns out that the gift was not intended for you at all.

Eating fried or boiled chicken means receiving a gift that you have dreamed of for a long time. In a dream, you saw someone eating fried or boiled chicken - someone you know will be presented with an expensive thing that you have dreamed of for a long time.

Remember that the interpretation of visions largely depends on the dreamer’s current life situation, and not on the dream book written in the interpreter. Seeing a hen with chicks can promise unpleasant troubles in one case, and in another case, this dream prophesies an addition to the family or a happy marriage.

Listen to your intuition and you will find the right answer within yourself.


  • When a chick hatches, it comes out of the egg wet, already sighted and with pubescence.
  • It takes the hen 19-22 to incubate the chicks that have not yet hatched from the eggs, and she will need another 30-35 days to care for the babies, raise them and train them.
  • Cockerels hatch from heavier eggs than hens.

  • The shell provides protection for unhatched chicks and is very strong and can support the weight of the chicken to protect the chick. But at the same time it is fragile, so that the chicken can break through it on its own and hatch.
  • The shell that protects the chicken can truly be called a miracle of nature; it has more than 7,000 pores that can allow air to pass through.
  • Chickens can get used to the presence of a person, follow him and consider him their friend.


Folk omens about hen and chicks

Since ancient times, domestic animals have been a means of food and life support; people monitored their behavior and identified patterns. Chickens are no exception, with many folk signs associated with them.

  1. Particular attention was paid to the brood hen: it must be planted with an odd number of eggs. Only without strangers and at the moment when the cows have already come from the pasture. It was believed that only in this case many strong chickens would hatch.
  2. The place where the hen sits required special respect; it was not allowed to whistle or cook scrambled eggs. If the jug breaks, it’s not a big deal, because you don’t need to throw it away, but just attach it to the roost and the chickens, according to the signs, will lay eggs even better than before. It is advisable to add another pebble with a hole to the composition with the jug, and then you can definitely sleep peacefully: all the chickens will be safe and healthy.
  3. If your hazel grouse has laid its eggs, you should under no circumstances distribute them among your neighbors to hatch chicks, otherwise you will be left with nothing.
  4. In order for the hen to fly in her own nest, and not among her neighbors, a feather was carefully cut off and placed in her nest. Another, less humane option for solving this problem is to pluck the feathers from the tail and burn it in the flame of the stove.

The man listened warily to the chicken's clucking. If they suddenly all started singing in unison, a quarrel in the house is inevitable. If a chicken crows like a rooster, expect trouble. But there is a way out - signs advise cutting off its wild head as quickly as possible and adversity will bypass the owner’s house.

If a chicken knocks on the window or climbs into the house, wait for news. She laid a small egg - to minor everyday problems.

Chickens are walking weather stations that help knowledgeable people predict the weather. Severe frost and cold are foreshadowed by hazel grouse standing on one leg. And if they wag their tails, expect a blizzard and blizzard.

Chickens wallowing in the dust or getting ready to sleep early foretell imminent rain. Also expect bad weather if the hen hides the chicks by placing them under her.

Here is another curious sign: when the young woman has had sex for the first time, the mistress of the farmstead must take an egg and gently move it through her husband’s hair, saying with feeling, for example, the following cherished words: “let the hen Pestrushka have as many more eggs as Ivan has hair.” at the top."