First visit to the gynecologist: what do you need to know? Preparing for an examination with a gynecologist: what to take with you to the antenatal clinic, hygiene rules

What you need to take with you to your gynecologist consultation

For many women, the thought of a mandatory examination by a gynecologist does not always evoke pleasant feelings and associations. However, in fact, regular passage preventive examinations with an obstetrician-gynecologist is of great importance for women's health.

During the examination, so-called precancerous conditions And initial stages development tumor diseases , therefore, you should not neglect this preventive procedure to monitor a woman’s health.

Regular visits, examination by a doctor and basic cytological studies- the key to a woman’s health. And a consultation with a highly qualified oncogynecologist at the Spizhenko Clinic will help you cope with doubts, if any, and choose effective treatment, if necessary, and most often - to make sure that everything is fine.

How to prepare for an examination by a gynecologist at the Spizhenko Clinic and what should you have with you?

When coming to a consultation with a gynecologist, it is advisable to have with you medical documentation, which would contain information about previous visits to the gynecologist, as well as the results of cytological and laboratory tests conducted earlier, MRI data. This will help avoid unnecessary examinations and, consequently, unnecessary spending.

Also, when visiting a gynecologist at the Spizhenko Clinic, no need to bring take extra with you disposable gynecological set - All Consumables, in particular, diaper, gloves, shoe covers, disposable collection tools biological material for research, etc., are included in the cost of the initial consultation with a gynecologist.

At the Spizhenko Clinic, a modern medical center, specializing in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer, consultations with a gynecologist and a gynecological examination are carried out by a gynecological oncologist of the highest qualification category with more than 17 years of experience - Lina Nikolaevna.

When should you come for an examination to a gynecologist?

If a woman has absolutely no health complaints and feels well, a preventive gynecological examination is recommended to be done regularly 1 time per year.

However, if you have any complaints about the normal functioning of the female genital organs (bleeding in addition to menstrual cycle, pain in the lower abdomen, vaginal discharge with bad smell etc.), or even the most insignificant, at first glance, symptoms, be sure to seek an emergency consultation with a gynecologist.

When is it undesirable to come for a gynecological examination?

It is not advisable to come for a gynecological examination on the days of the menstrual cycle, however, if bleeding from the vagina continues after the expected end of menstruation, you should not postpone your visit to the gynecologist, but immediately seek help from a highly qualified specialist.

You need to contact a gynecologist with any complaints on intimate health, even we're talking about about urinary disorders. If a woman’s problems with urination are not at all related to gynecology, the doctor himself will determine this and refer her for consultation to to the right specialist. However, in the practice of the Spizhenko Clinic, there have been more than once cases where spotting during urination was associated with gynecological problems.

How does a consultation with a gynecologist take place at the Spizhenko Clinic?

The initial consultation with a gynecologist at the Spizhenko Clinic consists of several stages and includes:

  • consultation with a highly qualified oncologist-gynecologist with the study medical documentation women;
  • examination on a gynecological chair;
  • collection of biological material (if necessary).

If such a need arises, during gynecological examination additional studies may be prescribed, in particular - transvaginal ultrasound, ultrasound of the mammary glands, video colposcopy, MRI of the mammary glands and pelvic organs, cytological studies, laboratory research. Additional Research according to indications, they are not included in the initial consultation with a gynecologist and are paid separately.

The diagnostic center of the Spizhenko Clinic is equipped with everything necessary to diagnose diseases of the female genital organs, both non-oncological and oncological. Therefore, if there is a need for ultrasound, MRI, mammography, as well as cytological and histological studies— all these procedures can be carried out during one visit to a gynecologist and within one medical center.

At the request of a woman, during a gynecological examination at the Spizhenko Clinic, you can undergo cytological examination cervical smears and cervical canal. The value of this type of screening study is the ability to identify background and precancerous changes in the cervix.

How to make an appointment with a gynecologist at the Spizhenko Clinic?

In order to get an appointment with an oncologist-gynecologist and undergo a gynecological examination at our medical center, which is located a few kilometers from Kyiv along the Zhytomyr highway, a preliminary appointment is required.

You can sign up for an initial consultation with a gynecologist at the Spizhenko Clinic, which also includes an examination on the chair, by calling the numbers listed on our website or filling out the feedback form.

Don't put off taking care of your health! Set a date for your preventive examination see a gynecologist at the Spizhenko Clinic right now!

For many women, an upcoming visit to a gynecologist often causes not very pleasant emotions. Because of her embarrassment and sense of bashfulness, the patient simply cannot feel comfortable in the doctor’s office. But it’s time to understand that this specialist helps us monitor our health, and we can and even need to contact him at least once a year, for preventive purposes. Regular examinations will allow you to timely detect the presence of pathology and immediately begin its treatment. So, now you have made an appointment with a doctor, and then the question arises: “How to prepare for an appointment with a gynecologist?”, “Do you need to take anything with you?”, “What is included in the examination?” All these topics concern most girls. decided to answer them, we described in this article how to properly prepare for a gynecological examination and how your anxiety and worries can affect the course of the examination.

Preparing for an appointment with a gynecologist.

There are no exact instructions at what age a girl should go to the gynecologist; this usually happens after the start of menstruation, before the age of 14-16. For young patients this event is especially exciting, and for those who have already visited this specialist. In order for the inspection to be comfortable and, most importantly, effective, you need to properly prepare for it. Here are some recommendations to help you plan your visit to the gynecologist:

  • When is the best time to see a gynecologist? – The most optimal time for visiting " female doctor"is the period 8-10 days after the end of menstruation. When bloody discharge And painful sensations not anymore. If you have complaints during menstruation, you should not postpone a visit to a specialist.
  • What should you not do a few days before the examination? – Firstly, it is not recommended to take antibiotics, or complete the course and only then make an appointment. Secondly, you should abstain from sexual intercourse, because Remnants of semen or lubricant may affect the examination results. Thirdly, douching should not be done. This hygiene procedure performed by inserting various medicines. It can also lead to incorrect results diagnostics
  • Is it possible to shave before visiting a gynecologist? – This question also worries many women. There are no special requirements regarding this topic. But there are several recommendations: if this procedure is common for you, then it is best to carry it out a few days before your appointment. You should not shave your hair on the day of the examination. intimate place, this can cause irritation, which will make a gynecological examination much more difficult.

It is also important to remember psychological preparation. Don’t worry if you don’t like your attending physician; you can change him at any time; this can also be done at the state antenatal clinic. I would also like to add that there is no need to be shy during the examination, believe me, this is a normal event for a gynecologist and after you many more patients will come to see him.

Many women are embarrassed to tell their gynecologist about the details of their intimate life, often keeping silent about the number of sexual partners, abortions and other important information. You do not have to justify yourself to anyone; everything that is said to the doctor will remain in this office. “” employs highly qualified specialists who maintain medical confidentiality and, moreover, will not discuss your personal life with anyone.

Important! You should not self-medicate; if you have any complaints, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is also not recommended to trust advice from the Internet and follow it thoughtlessly; this can only harm you.

What should you take with you?

The next topic that interests all girls when they plan to visit a “women’s doctor” is what should they take to an appointment with a gynecologist? The answer to this question will depend on where exactly the woman goes for examination: to a public clinic at her place of registration or to a private medical institution. In the first case, the list will be as follows: an insurance policy, a passport, a disposable vaginal speculum, a diaper to put on the gynecological chair and shoe covers are required. If you are, then you don’t need to take anything with you except your passport. Everything you need will be provided to you at the clinic. We can only recommend capturing the results of tests, ultrasound, and if you have previously been seen by another doctor.

What to talk about with a gynecologist?

Before visiting a gynecologist, it is best to prepare and write down all the questions you are interested in in a notebook, so that during the interview you do not forget to ask about them. The appointment begins with anamnesis collection, the doctor finds out necessary information, he may be interested in:

  • what problems bother you,
  • do you have chronic diseases, allergy to any medical supplies whether there were injuries, operations,
  • at what age did you start menstruation, features of the menstrual cycle, its duration, whether there is heavy discharge, etc.,
  • if you have an active sexual life, you should talk about its approximate beginning, the number of partners,
  • what method of contraception do you use,
  • Have you ever had a pregnancy, and if so, how did it end (childbirth, abortion, miscarriage).

It may seem to you that all this data is too personal information and the gynecologist does not need it at all. But the answers to these questions will help him see the full clinical picture and put correct diagnosis. Try to specifically describe the symptoms that bother you, this will allow the doctor to determine the cause of your concern.

How to behave?

The most important thing is not to worry, remember that you just came to be examined by a doctor. We have already mentioned what the gynecologist asks at the first appointment, so it will be easier for you to prepare. After the interview, you will be invited to sit in the gynecological chair. Remove all clothing below the waist and sit as comfortably as you like in a reclining position, placing your feet on special stands. The examination is completely painless, but you may experience some discomfort. To avoid the appearance discomfort, try to relax. After the diagnosis is completed, get dressed and return to the doctor to get a report and recommendations.

Why choose A-medic?

It is better to start getting ready for the clinic in the evening, when the baby has already been put to bed. Prepare a bag that is lightweight and spacious, with several external pockets with Velcro or zippers. Pockets and compartments inside will also come in handy.

Of course, it is better to “take” a relative to a children’s clinic - a husband or grandmother or grandfather. Close person will be very useful as an assistant: he will be able to remind you what needs to be taken, take a turn, and distract a crying baby. But if there is no such volunteer, it’s okay. Any mother can go to the clinic on her own with her baby.

The main thing is to think carefully about what to take with you, so as not to take anything unnecessary and not forget what you need. Remember, a balanced mother is a certain guarantee of the child’s calm behavior during medical procedures. So, we’re packing our bags for a visit to the clinic with our one-year-old baby.

Step 1. What documents to take to the clinic

Documents are the most important thing when visiting a clinic. Therefore, we put the child’s medical insurance policy and birth certificate (it will only be needed at the first visit), placed in a transparent file, in the outer pocket of the bag (if it is roomy enough) or inside, in a zippered compartment, away from anything that could splash it. Take your passport too, just in case.

Step 2. Don't forget diapers and nappies to the clinic!

In the main compartment of the bag we have the necessary personal hygiene items. In a separate bag we place two or three diapers and a couple of diapers. Diapers will be needed at the pediatrician's appointment when examining the baby. It’s also clear with diapers: for a baby, going to the doctor is stressful, so “baby surprises” of various sizes are inevitable. Wet wipes are also absolutely necessary.

Step 3. A change of clothes for the clinic - just in case...

A set of changeable clothes - rompers and a blouse or a comfortable bodysuit - will also come in handy. After all, the baby can burp and stain his clothes. If your baby uses a pacifier, don't forget it. She will calm him down while he waits.

Step 4. What to do with a child at the clinic?

You will need two or three toys to keep your baby busy in line. Just don’t give them to him right away, so that he won’t be left without entertainment ahead of time. In addition, a toy can be a distraction if the child is naughty during the reception. By the way, it’s worth taking some new book- with soft textured pages, rubber loops and various funny “rustles”.

Step 5. Where to keep important things during a visit to the clinic?

It is better to put your apartment keys, car keys, and wallet in a separate inner pocket so that you always know where they are, thereby saving yourself the hassle of searching. After all, if, say, the keys end up at the very bottom of the bag under your things, you are unlikely to be happy about it. Take a mirror - it can distract your baby from crying, and you may also need to evaluate your appearance.

Step 6. Bottle of water or milk

A bottle of mixture or tea should be placed in last resort, before leaving home, as they must be fresh. To keep the drink warm longer, it is better to place the bottle in a special compact container.

Even if your health does not raise any questions, this is not a reason to cancel a scheduled appointment with a gynecologist. After all, if there are complaints, it means the appointment is late! What is worth remembering before going to the gynecologist or how to prepare for a trip?

“I don’t have time anymore, I’ll be patient”

“I’ll go to the toilet after the appointment” is a very serious misconception and definitely shouldn’t be tolerated. On the one hand, filled bladder complicates the process of palpation, so it is better to come to the clinic in advance to go to the toilet. But, on the other hand, for some tests it is recommended not to urinate for 2-3 hours so as not to remove bacteria. The gynecologist will definitely raise this question himself.

Why stop taking medications?

Even if the symptoms indicate that the cause of concern is ordinary thrush, we advise you to first consult a gynecologist and only then take certain medications. Antifungal drugs and antibiotics greatly affect the vaginal microflora - the smear result may be false.

Also, 2-3 weeks before the visit to the gynecologist, it is better to stop taking medications to enhance immunity and hormonal drugs. You should not take a break from medications if they are prescribed for constant reception for chronic diseases.

Prevention of reproductive diseases is much more effective than treatment. Does not require large quantity money, time and effort, does not cause inconvenience or pain.

Among preventive measures, with the help of which you can monitor your health, a visit to a gynecologist stands out - despite the fact that you need to go through it once a year, many women neglect this rule.

However, regular examination by a specialist will help to detect pathology in time and begin adequate treatment. In this article we will look at how to prepare for the examination, what to take with you to the appointment.

How to prepare?

Women have the following questions: is it right not to have sex, is it necessary to empty the bladder before entering the office?

IMPORTANT! Self-medication is never a good strategy and can make the doctor's job more difficult. If there is no real need, it is better to wait until your appointment and then purchase medications prescribed by a specialist.

What to take with you?

This is the first and undoubtedly troubling question that arises for a patient going to see a gynecologist for the first time. Depending on the clinic, the list of requirements may vary. The inspection kit may include:

In private clinics, everything is provided as needed. IN free clinics Before going to the gynecologist, you should ask the receptionist what exactly you will need and whether there is a pharmacy in the area where you can buy everything you need. After use, used disposable materials can be thrown into a special bin.

How to prepare the intimate area?

This question usually comes second. What preparation is needed? Do I need to shave? Do I need to wash myself? Maybe do a douche? If this is a girl's first trip to the doctor, this can seriously worry her. Let's look at each question in more detail.

Too aggressive hygiene is never good.

You always need to stick to the golden mean, not only before going to the gynecologist - wash your face not too often and not too rarely, do not use antibacterial soaps, do not wash every half hour during menstruation and, preferably, limit yourself to special care products for the intimate area.

How to behave in a doctor's office?

Girls and women may remain some nervousness due to uncertainty - what to say, how to sit, whether the doctor will judge you. It dissipates once you find out how a standard gynecological examination goes.

When all the necessary manipulations have been carried out, the doctor makes an entry in the chart, records the results of the examination and the date of the last menstruation, and, if necessary, prescribes additional tests and says goodbye to the patient until she comes back for a scheduled visit.