Vitamins Sanofi aventis Magne B6 forte - “That’s why I take two courses a year. What is the difference between Magne B6 Forte and Magne B6? A visual comparison of the two instructions. And about the form in which magnesium is most absorbable.” Magne B6 Forte or magnesium citrate, what and where

The heart, bones, muscles and kidneys are the organs that become most vulnerable in conditions magnesium deficiency. Since this mineral is part of the structure of many enzymes, it is involved in the generation of intracellular energy, regulation of the level of many biologically active substances (calcium, potassium, vitamins), protein synthesis, and carbohydrate metabolism.

Research shows a connection between the risk of developing hypertensive and coronary heart disease and the level of consumption of this mineral. Therefore, our body should receive daily required amount magnesium Drugs called Magne and Magnelis will help prevent magnesium deficiency. Let us briefly consider their main characteristics.

The pharmacological group to which both drugs belong is macroelements in combination with a vitamin. Magnesium is truly a macronutrient for our body, that is, a substance whose content makes up a significant percentage. Among the biologically significant chemical elements it ranks next after potassium, calcium and sodium.

Magnelis B6 tablets are produced by the domestic company Pharmstandard-UfaVITA. Magne B6 is a French-made product from Sanofi-Winthrop Industrie. This drug has 2 release forms:

  • pills,
  • solution for oral use.

Characteristics of the composition of active ingredients

If we compare Magne B6 and Magnelis B6 in composition active ingredients, then it turns out that the tablet forms of the drugs are similar. The tablets of both brands contain 0.005 g of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and magnesium salt in the form of lactate (0.47 g), which corresponds to 48 mg in terms of “pure” magnesium.

But in soluble form the difference between Magne B6 and Magnelis B6 is significant. In Magne B6 solution the amount of elemental magnesium is increased to 100 mg. This dose of the mineral consists of two magnesium salts:

  • lactic acid (lactate) – 0.186 g,
  • L-pyroglutamic acid (pidolate) – 0.936 g.

There is also 2 times more vitamin B6 in this preparation than in tablets.

The need to combine pyridoxine and magnesium in drugs such as Magnelis B6 or Magne B6 stems from their physiological interaction. B6 is involved in the processes of absorption and intracellular metabolism of the mineral, and also delays its excretion from the body. It is not without reason that deficiency of this vitamin is often accompanied by magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium+B6 has been clinically shown to reduce the risk of kidney stones, reduce the severity of neurobehavioral disorders in children with attention deficit disorder, and in some cases may even improve social and language skills in patients with autism.

Characteristics of the composition of excipients

From excipients Magnelis B6 contains:

  • leavening agents and fillers (kaolin, talc, silicon dioxide),
  • binding components (kollidon)
  • sweeteners (sucrose),
  • stabilizers (gum),
  • tablet coating substances (gelatin, kaolin, wax, gum, dye).

Magne B6 differs in some ways from Magnelis B6 in the composition of additional substances, although in general they are very similar. In Magna B6, instead of collidon, there is another binder - carbopol, and there is no gelatin in the tablet shell.

Magne B6 solution contains Na saccharin sweetener, cherry flavor and sodium sulfite preservative.

Comparing domestic and foreign drugs, we often encounter a situation where similar drugs have a serious difference in price. This is also true for the drugs described. If 50 tablets of Magne B6 can be bought at a price from 599 to 672 rubles, then the same amount of Magnelis B6 will cost almost 2 times cheaper - from 278 to 337 rubles. Magne solution (10 ampoules) costs slightly less than tablets of the same brand: from 532 to 599 rubles.

However, before you buy any of the drugs, be sure to consult a specialist, because some substances may interact with pyridoxine or impair the absorption of magnesium. Also discuss dosage and required course taking a magnesium-vitamin complex.

There is some truth in the humorous saying, “We are what we eat.” There is a certain connection between diet and the psychophysiological state of a person. Deficiencies of certain minerals and vitamins may play a role key role in the occurrence of digestive disorders, heart disease, increased fatigue and even depression. This statement is completely true for those cases in which there is a deficiency of magnesium and vitamin B6. Preventative treatment mineral and vitamin preparations will help to avoid undesirable consequences hypomagnesemia and vitamin deficiency.

The pharmaceutical market offers us several dozen similar drugs, among which the Magne B6 brand occupies one of the leading positions. You may come across several medicines with this name. What is the difference between Magne B6 and Magne B6 Forte Let's look at it in a short review.

Magne B6 and Magne B6 Forte - what is the difference?

The drugs are produced by Sanofi-Aventis (France). They are produced in the form of film-coated tablets. The prefix “Forte” in the name means that the dosage active ingredients increased by 2 times. Magna B6 contains 0.005 g of pyridoxine (vitamin B6) and 0.048 g of elemental magnesium. Magne B6 Forte contains 0.01 g of vitamin and 0.1 g of magnesium.

Obviously, the effectiveness of preventing magnesium deficiency depends not only on the amount of magnesium in the drug, but also on its bioavailability. Magnesium itself is not very well absorbed into the body, so developers of vitamin and mineral supplements are trying to create chelated forms of the macronutrient in order to improve the rate of its transport across cell membranes. For this purpose, compounds with organic acids or amino acids are most often used.

In Magna B6 and Magna B6 Forte, the differences exist precisely in the composition of the chemical complexes of magnesium with organic acids. Magna B6 contains lactate, and Forte contains magnesium citrate. Magnesium citrate is believed to have a high degree of bioavailability (up to 90%). For lactate it is slightly lower.

Pyridoxine and magnesium exist in a synergistic interaction in the human body. For example, vitamin B6 levels determine how much magnesium will be absorbed by cells. Therefore, drugs such as Magne, based on comprehensive content These elements have an undeniable advantage over those in which magnesium is “alone”.

Since magnesium is a direct activator of the Na+/K+ pump, which is present in all cells, its role is great in many physiological processes body. Secretion of hydrochloric acid and bile, conducting nerve impulses, contraction of the heart muscle is far from full list vital important reactions, which depend on the presence of magnesium.

Interesting data was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. In the study, patients took 0.1 g of magnesium - the dose contained in Magna B6 Forte, which increases the risk of developing colorectal cancer decreased by approximately 13%.

Composition of excipients

Magne B6 and its enhanced formula contain different substances that make up the shell. In Magna B6 it is gum arabic (acacia gum), wax, sucrose, talc and titanium dioxide bleach. Magne B6 Forte tablets are coated, consisting mainly of high molecular weight polyethylene glycol (macrogol) and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose.

The inner part of the tablets consists of:

  • sucrose in Magna B6, but lactose in Forte-preparation (see contraindication below),
  • fillers kaolin, talc in Magna B6 (absent in Forte-preparation),
  • binders (carbopol in Magna B6, but macrogol in Forte-preparation),
  • Magnesium stearate (present in both).

Both drugs are contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components, during lactation (breastfeeding), renal failure, phenylketonuria, simultaneous administration Levodopa. During pregnancy only if necessary with the permission of a doctor.
Magne B6 is contraindicated for children under one year of age. Magne B6 Forte up to 6 years old.
Due to the lactose content in Magna B6 Forte, a contraindication to its use is lactase deficiency, glucose and galactose malabsorption syndrome.

A package of Magne B6 (50 pieces) costs on average from 600 to 670 rubles. The drug Forte is more expensive, because for a package of 20 tablets less you will pay from 695 to 798 rubles.

Magnesium is one of the most important chemical elements present in the human body. The drugs indicated in the title are intended to normalize the content of this substance. What to choose at the pharmacy Magnelis B6 or better than Magnelis B6 Forte or Magnesium B6 Forte – what is the difference between them? I will consider it specifically for readers of “Popular about health.”

Pharmacological group

All three drugs: Magnelis B6, Magnesium B6 Forte and Magnelis B6 Forte are included in the group of magnesium-containing pharmaceutical drugs. They are intended to compensate for the body's current needs for magnesium and are sold without a prescription.

The second active ingredient in all three drugs is pyridoxine hydrochloride, better known as vitamin B6. It is important to understand that the drugs in question are not vitamin supplements. This active substance is intended solely to stimulate the absorption reactions of magnesium from the intestines.

Active substance

Magnelis B6 contains the following: active substances: magnesium lactate, in the amount of 470 mg, as well as pyridoxine hydrochloride, the content of which is 5 mg.

Magnelis B6 forte contains magnesium in the form of citrate salt, the content of which is 618.43 milligrams. In addition, the drug contains double the amount of pyridoxine - 10 mg.

The composition of the drug Magnesium B6 Forte completely copies that of the drug Magnelis B6 Forte. It contains similar active substances in identical quantities. For this reason, both drugs can be considered as exact analogues of each other.

pharmachologic effect

Magnesium is one of the most important elements involved in the processes of generation, transmission and transformation of electrical impulses into biological tissue. Its value is difficult to overestimate since magnesium deficiency is extremely severe and is accompanied by multiple electrolyte disturbances.

Magnesium regulates electrical activity heart muscle. It is necessary for the balance of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system. Besides, normal operation skeletal muscles will be impossible in conditions of deficiency of this mineral.

Magnesium also affects activity digestive system, being a regulator of peristaltic activity and at the same time a stimulator of adsorption reactions of basic food nutrients.

Indications for use of drugs

As a matter of fact, the indications for use for all three drugs are absolutely the same. Medicines are prescribed for conditions the cause of which lies in magnesium deficiency. Below I will give sample list indications:

Chronic stress;
Heart rhythm disturbances;
Spastic pathology of skeletal muscles;
Increased irritability;
Drowsiness and sleep disturbances.

It is important to note that the list of indications can expand significantly. You can take magnesium-containing medications if you have wide range diseases, one way or another, accompanied by magnesium deficiency.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications to the use of Magnelis B6: phenylketonuria, age less than 6 years, intolerance to active or auxiliary substances, severe renal failure.

Magnesium B6 Forte and Magnelis B6 Forte in mind high content magnesium add the following conditions to the list of contraindications: phenylketonuria, the need to take levodopa, lactose or galactose intolerance.

Side effects

The negative consequences of taking all three drugs are the same. The difference lies only in the frequency of their occurrence. For drugs with high content magnesium it is higher than that of Magnelis B6.

Taking medications may be accompanied by the following: side effects: tingling in the fingertips, nausea, occasional vomiting, headache, weakness, increased blood pressure, manifestations of flatulence, tachycardia.


Magnelis B6 contains magnesium in the form of lactate. Other drugs include magnesium citrate. It is believed that the human body perceives magnesium lactate better and therefore the bioavailability indicator of this medicinal substance slightly higher - about 60 percent, versus 40.

However, the drugs Magnesium B6 Forte and Magnelis B6 Forte can “boast” more high dosages magnesium salts. It is expected that their use will be more effective. In addition, these medicines can be taken a little less frequently.


Strictly speaking, there is no fundamental difference in all three medications. Magnesium lactate or citrate is not fundamentally important. The first is characterized by a higher bioavailability coefficient, but due to the increased concentration of the second, the severity therapeutic action leveled out.

The price category of these medicines is also the same. Of course imported medicines, produced in the European Union will be approximately 2–4 times more expensive than domestic or Indian analogues, called generics (same active substances).

The fundamental differences between generics and originals lie in the composition of the excipients. In addition, the degree of chemical purity should also be taken into account. active component, which largely determines the severity of pharmacological effects.

It is believed that in developed countries 7 out of 10 people don't get paid recommended daily norm magnesium. The consequences of this are quite serious, because... magnesium is involved in 300 biochemical reactions and plays a key role for: bone health; blood clotting; brain activity; muscle contractions; energy metabolism; immune function; insulin sensitivity; respiratory function; regulation blood pressure; synthesis of various compounds.

To increase the level of magnesium in the body, doctors and nutritionists recommend consuming magnesium preparations and supplements in a biodigestible form. Currently, in Russian pharmacies you can buy drugs such as: MAGNE B6 FORTE (magnesium + vitamin B6) and Magne B6.

Magne B6 Forte and Magne B6
- these are French drugs that increase the body’s adaptive abilities, have sedative effect, normalize sleep without affecting hypnotic effect. Normalize arterial pressure And heartbeat. Helps alleviate or completely eliminate such symptoms and symptoms magnesium deficiency, such as dizziness, breathing problems, tinnitus, depression, tearfulness, increased irritability, nervousness.

The reason magnesium deficiency is so common around the world is that the diet of the majority of the population does not include magnesium rich foods in the right quantity. Namely,nuts, seeds, buckwheat, brown rice, whole grains and bran, vegetables and fruits.

>>>Magne B6 ® forte, 30 tablets, average price in pharmacies of the Russian Federation - 550 rubles.<<<

Formula of the drug Magne B6 ® forte based on magnesium citrate provides high bioavailability, and vitamin B6 helps improve the absorption of magnesium from the gastrointestinal tract and its penetration into cells. 1 film-coated tablet contains:

magnesium citrate— 618.43 mg, which corresponds to 100 mg of magnesium (Mg++),

vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) - 10 mg;

Total in one package 18.5 grams of magnesium citrate, adults are recommended 3-4 tablets per day, divided into 2-3 doses, with meals.

>>>Magne B6 ® average price - 500 rubles.<<<

Magne B6® should be taken in courses once or twice a year. In the first two weeks of use (in saturation mode), take two tablets three times a day. The remaining month and a half (main course) requires taking a lower dose: two tablets twice a day. Adults are recommended to take 4-6 tablets per day.

1 tablet Magne B6 ®, coated, contains:

Magnesium lactate dihydrate – 470 mg
Pyridoxine hydrochloride – 5 mg

The most beneficial benefits of consuming magnesium are:reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and strokes.

Scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health analyzed sixteen studies involving 300 thousand people, which assessed the relationship between lower levels of magnesium in the blood and the risk of cardiovascular diseases and strokes. The results confirmed that higher magnesium levels reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by at least 30% because:

  • Magnesium improves insulin sensitivity. The development of insulin resistance is known to cause not only an increased risk of diabetes II, metabolic syndrome, and other factors associated with an increased risk of heart disease and stroke, such as increased systemic inflammation and higher levels of C-reactive protein (CRP);
  • Magnesium plays a key role in regulating blood pressure. Low magnesium levels are associated with higher blood pressure;
  • Low magnesium levels increase the risk of abnormal heart rhythms, which leads to the risk of heart complications;
  • Magnesium strengthens the blood vessels of the heart and arteries.

In the second study at Harvard, an analysis was carried out on 500 thousand people, and scientists found that the risk of disease decreased when magnesium intake increasedfrom 150 to 400 mg per day.

Exist similar foreign drugs, also designed to correct magnesium deficiency, which contain magnesium citrate with and without vitamin B6, and at lower prices. Here are some great options for purchasing magnesium supplements from the online store:

Similar in composition to Magne B6, one capsule contains 500 mg of magnesium in three forms and vitamin B6. Volume is 2 times larger, price is 2 times less, approx. 200 rub.

Magnesium citrate from Now Foods is the most profitable option for magnesium citrate on Iherb, price about 450 rub.., but the volume is 3 times larger when compared with Magne Forte. The only negative is that it does not contain vitamin B6, but if this is so important for you, there is a very large selection of this vitamin in different dosages and at different prices. For example, vitamin B6 from one of the most respected manufacturers of health supplements in the world - Solgar.

Here is magnesium citrate from the company Solgar, the price is about 400 rubles, the volume, when compared with Magne B6 Forte, is only 30% more. There is also no vitamin B6 in the composition, but I almost always drink sports drinks, which contain plenty of vitamin B6. As a last resort, you can buy this vitamin separately.

GOOD CHOICE TO EVERYONE, but CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR before using any supplements!!!

A lack of magnesium in the human body leads to a number of pathological conditions. Even serious health problems are sometimes solved by replenishing this substance. An effective remedy for eliminating magnesium deficiency is taking the drug Magne-B6. How and under what conditions should I take this medicine? What side effects and contraindications are important to know about before starting treatment with Magne-B6?

The role of magnesium in the human body

Magnesium is necessary for bones, heart, muscles, liver, kidneys. The total amount of this element in the human body is approximately 25 g. Its daily requirement for women is 300 mg, for men – 350 mg. Pregnant and nursing mothers should receive up to 925 mg (dose for expectant mothers) and 1250 mg (dose for women during lactation) of magnesium daily. What role does this element play in the body? Magnesium takes part in:

  • protein synthesis;
  • regulation of cell growth;
  • removal of harmful substances;
  • normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • regulation;
  • prevention of urolithiasis;
  • phosphorus metabolism;
  • maintaining normal functioning of the heart muscle.

Release form of Magne B6

To treat magnesium deficiency, doctors may prescribe Magne B6 tablets. They are sold in packs of 30 and 50 pieces. Composition of Magne B6 tablets: 470 mg magnesium lactate dihydrate (corresponding to 48 mg magnesium), 5 mg pyridoxine hydrochloride. If necessary, the doctor prescribes a solution. contain 10 ml of the drug. Composition of Magne B6 solution: 10 mg pyridoxine hydrochloride, 186 m sodium lactate dihydrate, 936 mg magnesium pidolate (corresponding to 100 mg magnesium).

Indications for use Magne-B6

Since magnesium is essential for the normal functioning of all body systems, its deficiency affects the condition of almost all vital organs. Magne-B6 is often prescribed for painful conditions when other medications are not effective or the causes of the disorder are not clear. How and why do they take magnesium B6? Let's consider for which pathologies of different body systems the use of this drug is indicated:

  • The cardiovascular system needs magnesium for irregular heart rhythms, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, ischemia, a tendency to thrombosis, and heart pain.
  • Nervous system disorders associated with increased irritability, insomnia, depression, and nervous tics are treated with Magne-B6.

During pregnancy

When planning a pregnancy, doctors recommend drinking Magne-B6. This will help prevent and eliminate some problems so that you can carry your baby without difficulty and keep him healthy. good condition mother's nervous system. Why is magnesium B6 needed during pregnancy? It is important for expectant mothers to provide their bodies with useful microelements and substances while carrying a child. Magnesium is one of them. It is important for the correct and normal development of the fetus.

The nervous and other systems of a pregnant woman will not be able to function normally without a sufficient supply of Mg. This element can be absorbed from. Expectant mothers should include buckwheat, oatmeal, dried fruits, and legumes in their diet. But as the fetus grows, a pregnant woman’s need for magnesium increases, so the doctor may prescribe her to take Mg B6.

How does maternal use of Magne-B6 affect the fetus? Medical studies have proven that this drug does not have any negative effects when used correctly. However, this does not mean that pregnant women are allowed to drink it without a doctor’s prescription. Only a doctor after an examination will be able, if necessary, to prescribe magnesium to the expectant mother to eliminate or prevent its deficiency. A gynecologist may prescribe Magne-B6:

  • when a woman complains of a high degree of irritability, constant mood swings, poor sleep, stress;
  • with uterine tone to avoid spontaneous abortion;
  • with severe early toxicosis;
  • at ;
  • for spasms and intestinal colic;
  • with rapid fatigue;
  • with tingling and numbness of the limbs;
  • with malnutrition;
  • at ;
  • with intense fetal movement in the last months of pregnancy, because sometimes this indicates oxygen starvation of the fetus due to a lack of magnesium.

For children

The doctor will prescribe Magne-B6 for the child if there is a severe deficiency of this element. Lack of magnesium in children is expressed in increased nervous excitability, insomnia, anxiety attacks, stress, muscle spasms, etc. After replenishing magnesium levels in children's bodies, their mothers noticed that children and teenagers became calmer, more attentive and slept better.

Instructions for use and dosage

Magne-B6 is available in tablets and solution (ampoules). Children under 6 years of age are prescribed magnesium in liquid form. Magne-B6 is also produced in the form of a gel in a tube. In this form, the drug is given to children after 3 years of age after meals. Children under 5 years old are given 5 g once a day, children from 5 to 12 years old - 10 g, and adolescents over 12 years old - 15 g. Never start drinking magnesium without consulting your doctor.

Film-coated tablets

How and how much to take Magne-B6? It is taken with food 2-3 times a day with 1 glass of water. Children over 12 and adults with severe magnesium deficiency drink 6-8 tablets. In this dosage form, the doctor prescribes the drug to children over 6 years of age who weigh 20 kilograms or more. Pediatricians prescribe 4-6 magnesium tablets per day for children. How to take Magne B6 during pregnancy? For expectant mothers with magnesium deficiency, the drug is prescribed to take 2 tablets three times a day, and to prevent a deficiency of this element - 2 tablets once a day.

Oral solution

To eliminate magnesium deficiency, adults are prescribed 3-4 ampoules, and children - 1-3 ampoules per day. In each case, the doctor will establish an individual daily dose for the patient. One ampoule contains 10 mg of magnesium B6. Treatment with the drug continues for up to 1 month. To extract the solution from the ampoule, you do not need to file it with a nail file, but only break off its tip with a sharp movement, having previously wrapped it in a cloth. The duration of magnesium intake is determined individually by your doctor.

Side effects and contraindications

Before you start taking Magne-B6, you need to familiarize yourself with the available contraindications and possible side effects of this medicine. In case of moderate renal failure, magnesium intake can provoke the development of hypermagnesemia. If a negative reaction to Magne-B6 occurs, you should stop drinking and consult a doctor for advice on this matter. Side effects of the drug include:

  • skin and other types of allergies;
  • nausea;
  • painful sensations in the abdomen;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • paresthesia;
  • peripheral neuropathy.

When taking the drug while breastfeeding, it should be taken into account that magnesium passes into the baby’s body during feeding along with mother’s milk. If a person has a deficiency of calcium and magnesium, then the deficiency of Mg is first eliminated, and then Ca. The medicine contains sucrose, so diabetics should consult a doctor before starting treatment with this medication. Magne-B6 is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • age up to 6 years (for taking tablets), up to 1 year (for taking solution);
  • phenylketonuria;
  • sensitivity to components of magnesium B6;
  • impaired glucose absorption syndrome;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • concurrent use of levodopa;
  • sucrose-isomaltose deficiency;

An overdose of magnesium B6 does not cause toxic reactions during normal kidney function. However, there is a risk of drug poisoning in people with kidney failure. In this case, the following symptoms may occur: vomiting, low blood pressure, depression, coma, respiratory depression, cardiac arrest. In case of an overdose of the drug, rehydration (replenishment of fluid in the body) is indicated, and in the presence of renal failure, hemodialysis (blood purification using an “artificial kidney” apparatus).

Approximate cost of the drug

The price of magnesium B6 medicine depends on the manufacturer. If the drug is foreign-made, then its cost will be higher than its analogue from Russian manufacturers. Pharmacies may have different drug prices because they have different drug suppliers. For example, Magne-B6 in tablets costs 818 rubles for 50 pcs., and in ampoules – 395 rubles for 10 amps. 10 ml.

(img 4 = Analog Magne-B6 – Magnelis B6)

Analogs to the drug Magne-B6

What can replace Magne-B6 treatment? The international name of this medicine is Comb drug. Other drugs that are analogues of this medication are also registered under this name. The Russian substitute for Magne-B6 is Magnelis B6. Pharmacies sell analogues of this drug: Hungarian Beres Plus, Polish Magnefar and Magvit v6, Ukrainian Magnikum. Magne-B6 substitutes have different prices, so buyers have a choice.