Is it possible for a nursing mother to have seeds first? Seeds during breastfeeding: is it possible to roast pumpkin seeds? Fried ones taste better, but raw ones are healthier.

Is it possible to have seeds breastfeeding, a woman can find out from her doctor. If there is no allergy to the product, then it should be consumed. Whether a nursing mother can have seeds or not depends on the type of seeds themselves. Most often, women eat well-roasted sunflower seeds, but there are ladies who prefer to eat pumpkin seeds while breastfeeding. A small proportion of women eat sesame. The benefits and harms of a particular product for a mother and her child will be discussed below.

Sunflower seeds (they are most often eaten) contain a large number of microelements that are necessary to the human body. The seeds also contain vitamins and amino acids. Each one is like this chemical compound enters the newborn's body along with mother's milk and has a certain effect on its development.

Many women eat roasted sunflower seeds. This product is strong antidepressant. It's very calming nervous system nursing mother. During breastfeeding, seeds deliver useful substances to the woman’s body, which certain cases help strengthen the immune system, which helps prevent the development of various ailments. This is important, since during lactation the mother cannot take many medications because of their possible negative impact per child.

The seeds contain vitamin A, which enters the baby's body with breast milk and has a calming effect on him. Another vitamin contained in sunflower seeds is D, which has a good effect on the baby mentally and physically.

At the same time, the product has the following positive effects on the woman and her baby:

  1. If a mother eats seeds while breastfeeding, her nails and hair will become stronger, and her skin will be smooth and toned.
  2. Sunflower and sesame seeds contain a lot of proteins, iron and calcium, which are necessary for a woman after childbirth.
  3. If a lady suffers from genitourinary or of cardio-vascular system, then during the period of breastfeeding, the seeds are approved for consumption and a very healthy product.
  4. For women who have problems feeding their baby with breast milk, sunflower, pumpkin, and sesame seeds help increase milk production and increase its fat content.
  5. If a woman smoked before giving birth, then she needs to quit bad habit. Perhaps the seeds will help her with this. If you fry them and use them instead of a cigarette, you can get rid of smoking at least for the period of lactation.

How can seeds be damaged?

Sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds can cause an allergic reaction if consumed. But this will not manifest itself on the nursing mother herself, but on her child. Therefore, you should stop eating seeds if a small rash appears on the baby’s body.

There may be others negative phenomena when using seeds for food. If they are used in large quantities, then the mother and child may develop constipation. Eating a mother a large amount of seeds can trigger the development of colic in the baby.

We must take into account the fact that sunflower, pumpkin, and sesame seeds are very high in calories. Therefore, this product is contraindicated for mothers who are prone to obesity.

Sunflower seed kernels can damage tooth enamel, so you need to thoroughly brush your teeth after eating the seeds. The seed shell contains a large amount pathogenic microbes, therefore, a nursing mother should consume the seeds only after thoroughly frying the product.

Before introducing sunflower seeds into her diet, a woman should undergo examination and consultation with a doctor. For some young mothers, the seeds of this plant change the taste breast milk, and this leads to the baby refusing food due to the unpleasant taste.

Pumpkin and sesame seeds

Pumpkin and sesame, or rather their seeds, are less popular compared to sunflower seeds. But if you wish, you can freely purchase them in the store. Pumpkin kernels contain a lot of zinc, which has a good effect on reproductive system man and his vision. This metal improves immunity, helps strengthen hair, and has a positive effect on the skin. Compared to sunflower seeds, pumpkin kernels give a weaker allergic reaction.

They are often used to combat worms. When pumpkin seeds enter the baby's intestinal tract, they do not clog it. There is no irritation of the mucous membranes of the tract.

Sesame is dietary product, therefore, it can be used during breastfeeding by women who are prone to obesity. Sesame seeds cleanse blood vessels and reduce the amount of cholesterol in the body. Sesame helps strengthen the immunity of the child and his mother. The seeds of this plant contain a lot of calcium, which is useful for the development of bones, nail plates, hair, and teeth. It is enough for a nursing woman to eat 1 tsp. sesame seeds per day so that everything appears positive properties product for mother and her baby.

How and in what quantity do you eat seeds?

Is it possible for nursing mothers to introduce sunflower seeds or other plants into their diet immediately after giving birth? This must be done gradually. At first, it is recommended to eat no more than 20 g of seeds per day. At the same time, the woman should watch her baby. If a child becomes constipated or develops rashes on the skin, it is better to remove the seeds from their diet. With absence alarming symptoms a nursing mother can increase the dose taken daily, but this must be done gradually.

The largest number of seeds that a woman with breastfeeding can eat per day is no more than 100 g of seeds per day. This amount is enough for the body to receive essential vitamins and microelements.

With this consumption, performance improves intestinal tract, the danger of the appearance of worms is prevented, the possibility of developing thrombophlebitis or cardiovascular damage is eliminated.

But you cannot combine the use of seeds with the intake of other products. It is better to use them in between main meals.

Some women are interested in whether it is possible to eat plant seeds raw? Doctors do not recommend doing this. It is better to fry them, but using a small amount of sunflower oil.

Some patients develop dependence on seeds. To get rid of it or reduce the consumption of the product, it is recommended to eat them in such a way that at least 2 hours remain before the baby is fed.

To reduce cravings for sunflower seeds, you need to gradually reduce the amount of product eaten per day. After reaching positive results You can replace sunflower kernels with a pumpkin equivalent.

Self-hypnosis also helps well in eliminating addiction. To do this, a woman must mentally repeat to herself all the data about the dangers of abusing seeds for herself and the born baby. Often such self-hypnosis gives positive results.

It is the woman herself who decides whether to stop eating seeds during breastfeeding or to continue eating them. But you need to know that despite some negative sides using seeds, in general their effect on the body of a woman and her child is positive. If there are no contraindications and a sense of proportion is developed, then you can use this product without fear.

Today, seeds can be called one of the most favorite products among most young mothers. After all, during long walks with the baby, mothers do not know what to do with themselves while their child is sleeping, and pass the time by husking sunflower or pumpkin kernels. But not all nursing mothers think about the safety of eating seeds during breastfeeding. And even on the contrary, many new parents are confident that pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds have the best effect on the production and quality of breast milk, since they contain a lot of useful microelements. Is this really so, can a nursing mother eat it? pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds for nursing mothers and what is the opinion of medical workers?

Benefit or harm - different points of view

According to the first version, which is supported by seed lovers, sunflower and pumpkin seeds are extremely useful for both mother and baby. Firstly, they contain a lot useful substances. Secondly, breast milk becomes more nutritious. Thirdly, the seeds, or rather the process of cracking them, calm the nervous system. According to the second version, which is put forward by doctors, it is better to exclude pumpkin and sunflower seeds from your daily diet. This can be explained quite simply – the seeds contain allergens that are dangerous to the baby’s health. In addition, seeds during breastfeeding can cause colic, flatulence and stool problems in the newborn.

Which seeds are best for breastfeeding?

Today you can find different seeds on the shelves of modern stores. But few nursing mothers think about how beneficial each specific type is.

Sunflower seeds contain the following set of useful microelements:

Sunflower seeds contain 570 calories per 100 grams. product.

Pumpkin seeds:

Pumpkin seeds contain 180 calories per 100 grams. product. They do not clog the intestines and are used as folk remedy from worms.

Sesame seeds are less popular, but they are the optimal product for breastfeeding. Sesame kernels can be called a dietary product with a large amount of calcium, which is indispensable for the baby’s hair, bones, nails and teeth. In addition, they contain a number of substances that improve the immune system of mother and child. Thus the use sesame seeds during breastfeeding will protect the baby from a number of bacteria and harmful diseases. And for them to bring only benefits, mother should eat one teaspoon of this product every day.

How and how many seeds can you eat?

To ensure that a young mother and her baby do not suffer from eating seeds, you need to know how to eat them correctly. Firstly, during lactation a mother should not eat overcooked kernels. Better buy raw product and cook it yourself. Secondly, introduce the product into your diet gradually. At first, you can limit yourself to 20 grams per day, and then increase your intake of seeds to 100 grams. This amount will allow you to satisfy the body's needs for microelements and not harm the condition of your child.

Dependence on seeds - there is a way out

No matter how ridiculous it may sound, today there really is such a thing as dependence on seeds. Some mothers during lactation cannot resist the weakness of gnawing on sunflower or pumpkin kernels at the first opportunity. And many people experience real withdrawal symptoms if, when going outside, they discover that there are no seeds in their pocket. If you are convinced that the baby does not react in any way to your consumption of seeds, then this dependence can be left without attention, unless, of course, you do not care about the health of your own teeth. But if the baby reacts to them with rashes and stomach upsets, then you should think about it and use a number of tips given below.

  1. Try to eat roasted seeds at least two hours before feeding your baby.
  2. Replace sunflower seeds with pumpkin seeds, which are much less harmful to your baby.
  3. Think about the torment you are causing your baby by eating sunflower seeds. huge quantities and every day. After all, because of your weakness, your dear being suffers. Maybe a sense of responsibility will play a role, and you can at least reduce the number of seeds.
  4. If you decide to fight addiction, then start small, stop taking money with you on walks, and put only a handful of seeds in your pocket.

In fact, eating seeds is not the worst thing that can happen during lactation. Therefore, mom should understand one thing here: if you know a sense of proportion, and your baby does not react to sunflower kernels, then you can sometimes allow yourself this weakness, saturating the body with useful microelements.

Seeds during breastfeeding - video:

After giving birth, many people ask the question: “Can nursing mothers have roasted sunflower seeds?” Some say that during breastfeeding a mother should give up anything that can cause an allergic reaction (this includes seeds), while others, on the contrary, are sure that what formerly newborn If you drink milk containing allergens, so much the better. And in this case, it is impossible to adopt the experience of foreign experts, because abroad roasted sunflower seeds they simply don’t eat - this is our original Slavic “weakness”. Therefore, young mothers doubt whether to allow themselves such a delicacy or is it better to refuse it? Let's try to find out.

Trying to protect their baby, nursing mothers often begin to see a threat in those foods that are actually safe (if consumed within reason, of course).

About possible risks

First, it is worth noting that increasing lactation with the help of seeds is only one side of the coin. Eating sunflower seed kernels too much or too often will lead to hyperlactation - excessive milk production. This can happen if the mother “clicked” the seeds (even in the recommended quantity - no more than 30 kernels) at a time when everything was in order with lactation.

Note! That is why, before including seeds in your diet, you should determine the intensity and nature of milk secretion.

Besides, overindulgence seeds can greatly increase the fat content of milk, and this, consequently, will lead to flatulence and intestinal spasms in the child. Problems with stool may also arise - the seeds, being a difficult-to-digest food, partially (in the form of constituent substances) end up in the milk.

As noted at the beginning of the article, seeds are allergens. And due to the individuality of each specific organism, you need to carefully monitor the child’s condition. Many babies do not react at all to the addition of seeds to their mother’s diet, but sometimes even a small amount causes a rash. AND If a newborn has an allergic reaction, then the seeds should be forgotten until the end of breastfeeding.

There are a number of tips that nursing mothers must adhere to.

Results of an independent examination of non-perishable products in industrial packaging

What about salted sunflower seeds?

It is better to avoid salted seeds for a breastfeeding mother altogether. The reason is simple: salt, being not a very useful substance for the body, can cause excessive appetite. For this reason, if a person eats salty seeds, he wants more and more, and in this case it is more difficult to keep track of the portion and you can simply go too far. In addition, salt enters the stomach with saliva and, after processing, adds salt to breast milk. Of course, this fact cannot have a positive effect on the baby.

Note! Serious problems will arise only if the mother eats more than 1 kg of seeds per day, while small quantity There's no point in giving up. But, again, you should start with small portions, gradually increasing them.

What conclusions can be drawn? A breastfeeding mother only needs to give up certain fruits and vegetables, and nuts and seeds should be included in the diet, especially during lactation. But in limited quantities and only when the child does not have allergies.

Sunflower seeds are one of the most favorite foods among our women. Since ancient times, seeds have been considered not only a delicacy, but also entertainment. However, young mothers are concerned about the question of whether a nursing mother can have seeds? Will they harm the baby?

These worries are not in vain, because any food eaten by a woman during this period “ends up” in breast milk and affects the baby. Sometimes even the safest products raise doubts among young mothers: how will they affect the baby’s health, will they cause colic? Breastfeeding experts give a clear answer: yes, seeds can be used as food while feeding the baby. After all, sunflower seeds contain a lot of useful substances not only for a woman, but also for her baby. However, it is worth listening to doctors and taking into account several of their recommendations.

Regular sunflower seeds- a storehouse of nutrients and a very nutritious product

Benefits of seeds

This product contains a lot useful components, of which the most significant are vitamins D, A and E. Vitamin D helps strengthen the child’s skeletal system and prevents the occurrence of rickets. Even cod liver contains less vitamin D than in sunflower seeds. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that affects the condition of skin, nails and hair, which is important for a woman’s beauty. Vitamin A has a calming effect on a newly born baby and also improves its visual apparatus.

In addition, your favorite delicacy contains complete vegetable protein, which is biological value not inferior to proteins of animal origin. According to the recommendations of experts, it is not recommended for a nursing woman to consume large amounts of meat, and the seeds can be an alternative to cutlets and stews. The following is found in sunflower fruits: essential amino acid, like methionine, which helps restore liver cells and prevents fatty degeneration. Calcium, magnesium and zinc have a positive effect on the nervous and skeletal system baby.

Excess weight - " back side medals,” so don’t get carried away with seeds if you care about your figure

Damage to sunflower seeds

This product contains a large amount of fat, which will definitely pass into breast milk, and this can cause constipation in a little person. However, each child reacts differently to any product. For some children, a small handful of seeds causes problems with bowel movements or allergic rashes on the skin, and other babies feel quite well. Therefore, in each case, the question of whether seeds can be consumed while breastfeeding is decided on an individual basis.

The high calorie content of seeds promotes weight gain excess weight, therefore, this product, although it has undoubted advantages, should be consumed in limited quantities.

A nursing mother can eat seeds, but little by little, carefully observing the reaction of the baby’s body

How many seeds can you eat?

If you are introducing this product into your diet for the first time after childbirth, it will be enough to eat 20 grams of seeds during the day. Monitor your baby's reaction: is there any rash or constipation? If all is well, the amount can be gradually increased to 100 grams per day

However, experts do not recommend mixing them with other products. Seeds eaten on an empty stomach will cause much less adverse reactions in organism. If you chew a handful useful seeds in between meals, this will prevent bloating. Sunflower fruits are perhaps only combined with greens; all other products are best consumed separately.

If you don’t want to receive a dose of “harmful substances” along with nutrients, be sure to rinse the seeds before eating

What kind of seeds can you eat while breastfeeding?

Can exist on the skin of sunflower seeds dangerous bacteria, capable of causing intestinal disorders. To protect the baby from harmful substances, use a few tips:

  • Nutritionists recommend rinsing this product in water before use to get rid of all questionable substances that may be on their surface.
  • A nursing mother should not eat salted seeds purchased in bags in the supermarket: a large amount of sodium chloride contributes to swelling and increased blood pressure. In addition, your baby may not like the salty taste of milk.
  • The most useful seeds will be those that have not been processed: they retain all the vitamins and minerals. Besides, raw sunflower seeds help get rid of helminthic infestation. But many will not find them as tasty. To give them a crunchy quality, the raw seeds can be dried a little in the oven or in the air.
  • A salty product will definitely not bring any benefit, because it, along with saliva, will end up in the baby’s stomach and will not have a very good effect on its development.

Seeds during breastfeeding are very beneficial for the baby and his mother, but, as with any other product, it is important to observe the measure. It is better to eat a handful of seeds little by little throughout the day than to eat a large amount of this delicacy in one sitting.

Sunflower seeds are a very controversial product during lactation. Pumpkin and sunflower seeds are either recommended to all nursing mothers to increase the fat content of milk, or they are sharply criticized because they are rich in protein, which can cause allergies. Conflicting questions indicate one thing: mothers should be extremely careful when choosing foods for their diet.

Pumpkin and sunflower seeds are undoubtedly rich in vitamins and minerals, but nursing mothers need to be careful when consuming them

Product Features

Rumors that seeds can increase the fat content of breast milk are absolutely groundless (see also:). Scientists have proven that there are no products that could have a strong effect on milk. The seeds are useful for the woman herself, but the quality of the milk will not increase much from them, so you should not eat the seeds for such purposes.

It is possible to saturate milk healthy fats, which are contained in vegetable oils, sea ​​fish or seeds, but the same fats, only harmful, can come with fried foods or from buns, donuts and cakes.

Benefits of seeds

There is undoubtedly a benefit in the seeds, but it lies in their composition. Both types of seeds (pumpkin and sunflower) are rich in nutrients that are essential for daily menu nursing mother:

  • Protein . Just 100 g of sunflower seeds contains 40% of the daily protein intake. Protein plant origin easily absorbed by the body and helps in functioning metabolic processes. Protein is also necessary for the immune system worked correctly, tissues were actively regenerated. Squirrel in pumpkin seeds contains less, its percentage of the daily value is 14.
  • Fatty oils. By consuming seeds during breastfeeding, the body is saturated with beneficial fatty acids. Expensive varieties of red fish of equal composition can only be replaced fish oil. Only from these products can we obtain unique acids that our body cannot produce on its own, namely oleic and linoleic acids.
  • Vitamins. Seeds are simply a storehouse of vitamins. Regarding vitamin E, we see the following picture: just 100 g of sunflower seeds exceed the daily requirement of this vitamin by 30%. Vitamin B6 “fulfills the norm” by 40%, and vitamin B5 by 70%. Pumpkin seeds are not so rich in these components, but they can boast of vitamins B1, K and C.
  • Minerals. When wondering whether a nursing mother can eat seeds, also look at the composition of minerals in which these products are rich. Daily norm phosphorus consumption will be exceeded by 15%, selenium does not lag behind these indicators, saturating the body by 13%. The need for copper will be satisfied by 90%, and the norm of potassium, magnesium and zinc will be replenished by 30%. Minerals Pumpkin seeds contain less. Copper and zinc satisfy the body by 20%, and phosphorus, iron and magnesium – by 30%.

Sunflower seeds are no less useful than pumpkin seeds - they contain more protein and some vitamins. In turn, pumpkin are rich in zinc, which is responsible for the condition of hair and nails, improves the quality skin

Fresh or dried only

To bring seeds during breastfeeding maximum benefit, a nursing mother can and should only use them fresh or slightly dried. Seeds that have passed heat treatment(fried) have virtually no benefit, because when frying they lose more than 90% of their beneficial substances. This way, you only get extra calories from them.

If you can eat, then how?

Breastfeeding specialists, and Dr. Komarovsky agrees with them, answer the question of whether a nursing mother can have seeds: “Everything is good in moderation. Of course, when breastfeeding, a mother should not eat buckwheat and water; her diet needs to be varied. When choosing certain favorite foods, you need to focus on the baby’s reactions. Such reactions are recognized by trial method.”

When deciding whether or not to buy sunflower and pumpkin seeds during lactation, always remember not only the usefulness of the seeds, but also the potential risks:

  • High calorie content. A large number of fat makes the product excessively high in calories, since sunflower seeds contain 580 Kcal per 100 g of seeds. Pumpkin seeds have slightly fewer calories – 440 Kcal. If you get carried away with the consumption of seeds, you can add a few extra pounds. Mothers can eat seeds in moderation and in return get a feeling of fullness for a long time.
  • Possibility of allergies. Foreign protein, which is contained in the seeds, can cause allergic reactions in a newborn. This reaction is expressed in the form of skin rashes.
  • Difficult to digest product. The products in question are rich in fats, which are difficult to digest by the body, so nutritionists do not recommend that nursing mothers eat seeds in large quantities. Excessive consumption of them can lead to constipation - first in the mother, and then in the infant.

Despite the benefits of seeds, a nursing mother should not get carried away with them - this high-calorie product with a limited set of vitamins and minerals. Need complete diet, and seeds can be a pleasant addition to it

To avoid problems, pay attention to the following principles:

  • In moderation. You can nibble on seeds while walking (several handfuls), this is completely acceptable. This amount is unlikely to harm the baby.
  • New - with caution. Anything new, especially not previously used during pregnancy, should be introduced very carefully. An unprepared baby’s body can respond with allergic reactions.
  • Proper preparation. When buying seeds at the market, be sure to rinse them under cold running water, and then only lightly dry them in the oven. Do not fry the seeds under any circumstances, because this will kill all the useful and nutrients. It is also better to exclude salt. Consuming too much salt will negatively affect your body and disrupt its functions.
  • Buy, but check. A responsible producer must wash the seeds before packaging. Opening the package and seeing dirty hands After seeds, feel free to throw away such a low-quality product.
  • Husk is the key to benefit. Buy seeds in husks, and never take peeled ones - they have already lost most of their unsaturated fatty acids.

If you want to get maximum benefits and minimum calories, buy only seeds in their original form. Avoid kozinaki, halva and other sweets. Of course, they are not prohibited, but they contain many times more calories than the pure product.

Now you know the answer to the question whether you can eat seeds while breastfeeding or not: even in the first month of breastfeeding, sunflower and pumpkin seeds will bring undoubted benefits if consumed in moderation, raw or slightly dried. Eat for the health of yourself and your baby!