Sore throat: possible causes, diagnosis and treatment. Constant sore throat: causes and prevention

Sore throat caused by an infectious disease and constant sore throat- things are completely different.

The cause of regular sore throat may be the development of a chronic disease or the appearance of an inflammatory process.

Only a doctor can determine what kind of disease the body is signaling in this way. He will prescribe treatment.

Symptoms that should not be ignored:

  • sore throat when swallowing;
  • prolonged soreness, dryness and pain in the throat;
  • elevated temperature;
  • swelling of the larynx;
  • labored breathing.

If all or some of the above symptoms have a persistent trend within a week, this is a reason to consult an otolaryngologist.

Constantly sore throat: causes and treatment

The most common cases of this condition include the following diseases:

Chronic tonsillitis

One of the most common causes of continuous sore throat indicates the development of chronic tonsillitis. Infectious diseases such as tonsillitis, ARVI, and influenza often lead to complications and inflammation of the tonsils, which, if not treated in a timely manner, can become chronic.

If the disease is detected at an early stage, when the tonsils have not yet atrophied and can perform their function, conservative treatment with antibiotics, vitamins and restorative drugs is prescribed.

In case of untimely diagnosis, when the tonsils become a source of infection and are no longer able to perform their assigned function, the patient is prescribed a tonsillectomy.


Frequent colds, viral infections, smoking or regularly inhaling dry, dusty or polluted air, as well as excessive alcohol consumption can lead to inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. Chronic pharyngitis develops slowly, with regular alternation of remission and exacerbations.

Smoking or working in a workplace with harmful fumes can cause catarrhal pharyngitis.

Main symptoms:

  • sore throat
  • foreign body sensation ()
  • moderate pain

If treatment is not started on time, pharyngitis becomes chronic, in which the lymph nodes become inflamed, the mucous membrane becomes thinner, and purulent sputum accumulates on the back wall of the throat.

There is an unpleasant odor from the mouth and a hacking cough. The last stage of the disease - atrophic pharyngitis, leads to complete atrophy of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and larynx. The sputum becomes viscous, it is difficult to cough up, and its accumulation on the back wall of the pharynx leads to the formation of crusts, causing severe pain in the larynx.

What else could cause a regular sore throat?

It also happens that the test results for infections are negative and the otolaryngologist has not identified any diseases, but the throat still hurts for a long period of time. In this case, you should analyze your environment and try to independently identify what exactly provokes the pain. The cause of swelling, redness, persistent soreness in the throat or other discomfort may be:


During the flowering season of some plants, many people experience an allergic reaction, which is manifested by a sore throat, swelling of the respiratory tract, lacrimation and other symptoms.

You should isolate yourself as much as possible from the allergen and the patient’s condition will improve significantly. An allergy can be not only to the pollen of a plant.

It is also caused by animal hair, book or regular dust, fish food and some food products.

Dry air

The beginning of the heating season very often becomes the cause of colds and the spread of viral infections. This happens due to dry air in living and working areas.

Dry air is an ideal place for the development of all kinds of bacteria and viruses, which, penetrating into the oral cavity and respiratory tract of a person, become sources of disease. Even if this does not happen, dry air dries out the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and oral cavity and may be the reason why the throat constantly hurts.

Air humidification, frequent ventilation of the room and daily wet cleaning will help get rid of a sore throat and will be a good prevention of the spread of viral infections.


Unfortunately, residents of large cities are forced to suffer from polluted air. Emissions into the air from industrial enterprises, exhaust gases, and fumes from asphalt roads can provoke respiratory diseases and cause constant discomfort in the throat.

Treatment in this case can only be prescribed with homeopathic medicines, which can slightly relieve the pain. It is recommended to resort to homeopathy only as prescribed by a doctor.

To alleviate the condition a little, you should spend more time in the fresh air, travel outside the city, and take morning walks when the air is not yet saturated with exhaust gases.

Esophageal disease– gastroesophageal reflux (GERD).

Due to a violation of the muscular function of the esophagus, gastric juice from the stomach can enter the esophagus, causing irritation and frequent soreness in the throat with its acidic environment.

To clarify the diagnosis of reflux, you should visit a gastroenterologist. After a certain course of treatment and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, usually a sore throat ceases to bother a person.


A sore throat may be a signal of tumor formation. In this case, a visit to the doctor should be made immediately. The first symptoms of a tumor are pain in the vocal cords, radiating to the ear.

Painful sensations become more intense and a person, in order to avoid them, begins to eat less, which can lead to exhaustion of the body. Also, the patient often has a sensation of a foreign body in the throat. Voice changes and coughing with blood discharge may also occur.

Sore throat in a child

The child’s immunity has not yet fully developed and therefore children are more often exposed to various diseases. A common cold, although tolerated by the baby on his feet, entails a runny nose, sore throat, swelling of the nasopharynx and redness of the mucous membrane.

To help the child’s unstable immune system cope with the disease and prevent the development of a chronic form, the correct diagnosis should be established as soon as possible and treatment should begin. If a child often has a sore throat, a visit to the pediatrician should be made immediately.

Moreover, you should not hesitate in the following cases:

  • Significant increase in body temperature
  • The appearance of a rash on the skin
  • Constant pain or discomfort in the throat cannot be eliminated with traditional medicine and pharmaceuticals
  • There is severe enlargement of the lymph nodes

Such symptoms are a sign of serious inflammation or infection of the throat mucosa, so delay in treatment may result in complications.


As noted above, such discomfort occurs most often due to poor environmental conditions or being in a room with excessively dry or dusty air.

In this case, you may be advised to purchase an air humidifier or use improvised means, for example, placing a wet towel on heating devices.

If you are a smoker, chronic sore throat may occur due to this addiction. Tobacco smoke during smoking injures the mucous membrane, so if you experience pain in the oropharynx, it is better to give up cigarettes.


For treatment, you can use a whole range of medications, which include lozenges, all kinds, as well as rinses (, etc.).


As a rule, when problems with the throat occur (pain, soreness, itching, cough), first of all they try to eliminate the discomfort by gargling. And this is not surprising, since rinsing is the most inexpensive, effective and accessible method of therapy at the early stage of the disease. At home, it is recommended to carry out procedures with infusions of herbs (sage, chamomile, calendula), as well as salt, soda and iodine several times a day until the discomfort is completely eliminated.


If your throat often hurts, you feel dry and scratchy, inhalations will come to the rescue. Inhalation can be done the old fashioned way, over a pan of freshly boiled potatoes, or using an inhaler with saline solution or other medicinal agents.


A remedy familiar to us since childhood for chronic sore throat is warm milk with honey dissolved in it. To eliminate hoarseness, you can add a little butter to it. Honey will help eliminate the inflammatory process, oil will soften swallowing.


If your throat does not go away and constantly hurts, you can apply hot compresses with vinegar, vodka, and mustard. The only limitation when using compresses is high body temperature.

Topical natural remedies

A good remedy for treating a throat is to dissolve pieces of propolis, ginger, lemon, garlic, and cloves in the mouth. For the same purposes, keeping honey and raspberry jam in your mouth is suitable.

If you experience the sensations described in the article during pregnancy, it is recommended that you read about the features and specifics of therapy during this period by clicking on the link

Inflammatory processes developing in the body are divided into acute and chronic. In the case when any symptom persists for a long time, most likely, a chronic course of the disease is implied. If your throat constantly hurts, you should assume this is the course of the disease.

TEST: Find out what's wrong with your throat

Did you have an elevated body temperature on the first day of illness (the first day symptoms appeared)?

In connection with a sore throat you:

How often have you experienced these symptoms (sore throat) recently (6-12 months)?

Feel the area of ​​the neck just below the lower jaw. Your feelings:

If your temperature suddenly rises, you took an antipyretic drug (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol). After that:

What sensations do you experience when you open your mouth?

How would you rate the effect of throat lozenges and other topical painkillers (candies, sprays, etc.)?

Ask someone close to you to look down your throat. To do this, rinse your mouth with clean water for 1-2 minutes, open your mouth wide. Your assistant should shine a flashlight on himself and look into the oral cavity by pressing the root of the tongue with a spoon.

On the first day of illness, you clearly feel an unpleasant putrid bite in your mouth and your loved ones can confirm the presence of an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.

Can you say that in addition to a sore throat, you are bothered by a cough (more than 5 attacks per day)?

The disease is said to be protracted if all clinical symptoms persist in the patient for about three weeks. Consequently, a chronic disease lasts over three weeks and has periods of exacerbation and remission. Constant occurs when provoking factors are present for a long time:

  • exposure to pathogenic microorganisms;
  • the presence of irritating substances (dust, smoke, chemical compounds) in the inhaled air;
  • traumatization;
  • psychogenic factor.


The most common disease accompanied by pain in the throat is an acute respiratory viral infection. Diagnosis of the disease is not difficult, since ARVI is accompanied by severe additional symptoms, such as malaise, headache, dry cough, runny nose, nasal congestion, and fever up to 38 degrees. During the cold season, the incidence increases several times, worsening the epidemiological situation.

In most cases, the disease is harmless and is characterized by a mild course. Only its variety, influenza, deserves close attention, which is explained by the frequency of severe complications.

Effective antiviral agents have not yet been developed, so treatment is symptomatic and aimed at quickly removing pathogenic microbes from the body.

To treat a sore throat in this case, use

  • plenty of warm drinks;
  • topical preparations with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • local procedures, gargling, inhalations, compresses, rubbing.

ARVI, which proceeds without complications, is characterized by the fact that all symptoms regress within 5-7 days, the patient recovers. A sore throat, which is permanent in ARVI, also goes away after a given period of time.

What to do if your throat constantly hurts for 7-10 days or longer? In this case, the patient It is necessary to consult an otolaryngologist to find out the cause of this condition. In patients with a weakened immune system, with severe concomitant pathology, who have been taking corticosteroid drugs and antibiotics for a long time, the disease may be characterized by a longer course. However, after 2-3 weeks, all symptoms will gradually regress.

In this case, all efforts should be aimed at increasing immunity. To do this, such patients are advised to follow a daily routine, walks in the fresh air, and a nutritious diet. Multivitamins can be prescribed additionally in the form of pills or injection forms. In severe cases, immunostimulating drugs are prescribed.

Chronic tonsillitis

The causes of constant sore throat may be an inflammatory process in the tonsils, chronic tonsillitis. The doctor performing pharyngoscopy can easily clarify the diagnosis in this case. Involvement of the tonsils in the process is indicated by their enlargement, hyperemic or bluish coloration. There may be presence of purulent plugs covering the follicles or filling gaps.

The disease often develops against a background of reduced immunity. Smoking and unfavorable environmental conditions contribute to the development of chronic tonsillitis. The inflammatory process in the tonsils is supported by foci of infection in the body.

All attempts to combat this pathology begin with the identification and sanitation of foci of chronic infection. Procedures aimed at increasing immunity are also effective.

Antibiotics are used only during the period of exacerbation, when intoxication increases and body temperature rises above 38 degrees.

Quite often, otolaryngologists resort to surgical treatment of patients with chronic tonsillitis. Despite the fact that the tonsils have a protective function, standing in the way of infection, tonsillectomy may be the only method of treating this disease.


Carrying out surgery in the throat for any reason is also accompanied by pain. Depending on the scope of the intervention performed and the individual characteristics of the patient, pain may persist for several days or weeks, causing some anxiety to the patient.

Burns from hot liquid or steam, chemicals, as well as mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of the throat with sharp objects, a fork or a bone, can lead to the development of long-term pain. How to cure such a pathology? Gargling, local use of antiseptics and agents that promote healing will help speed up the recovery process.

Occupational hazards and allergies

The development of chronic pharyngitis and laryngitis can be caused by occupational hazards, when people, due to their profession, have to deal with dust in an enterprise or exposure to chemical compounds in the inhaled air. Having a constant irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx, these factors lead to the development of a pathological condition. If, after using anti-inflammatory, local antiseptic agents, the sore throat does not go away, such patients are advised to change activities.

The question of exposure to allergens is posed similarly. The development of a symptom such as a persistent sore throat may indicate that the patient has come into contact with a hazardous substance. Due to the interaction of the body with the allergen, a pathological antigen-antibody reaction occurs. In patients, it can develop when inhaling pollen from certain plants, household dust, animal fluff, or eating hazardous foods. The consequence of this is lacrimation, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore and scratchy throat, difficulty breathing and other symptoms.

The causes and treatment of allergic conditions are not fully understood. Since a pathological reaction occurs only when a dangerous substance comes into contact with the body, the most effective therapeutic The measure is to eliminate the allergen. However, choosing the most dangerous substance from the whole variety of surrounding objects is a difficult task. Having ruled out pathology of the ENT organs in the development of pain in the throat, the patient needs to consult an allergist and conduct appropriate examinations to clarify the allergen.

It may take some time to get diagnosed. An indirect sign indicating the allergic nature of the changes occurring is the rapid effect of the use of antihistamines. These drugs block the action of inflammatory mediators and lead to a significant improvement in the situation.


A constant sore throat may occur due to the development of tumor processes in the pharynx cavity. In this case, symptoms increase gradually. At the same time, complaints are characterized by diversity. Depending on the location of the process, the patient may notice a sensation of a foreign body in the throat, soreness and scratching on one side.

The throat begins to hurt after some time. The nature of the pain can be dull, aching, radiating to the jaw or neck. Often the larynx is involved in the process, which is manifested by distortion of sound reproduction. The patient's voice becomes hoarse and nasal. There is an increase in regional lymph nodes.

In addition to pharyngoscopy, laboratory tests help in diagnosis. A general blood test may reveal an increase in ESR up to 50 mm/h and a change in the blood formula. Carrying out a diagnostic biopsy helps to reliably clarify the diagnosis.

Pathology of other organs

Constant pain in the throat is not always associated specifically with pathology of the ENT organs. This symptom may characterize the following conditions:

  • reflux esophagitis;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • neuralgia.

With reflux esophagitis, food refluxed from the stomach enters the esophagus, causing irritation. Gastric juice that gets on the mucous membrane of the throat contributes to the development of pain. In this case, complaints appear after lunch and accompany every meal.

The condition is aggravated when taking a horizontal position of the body after eating or bending the body.

Thus, with constant pain caused by this pathology, patients are advised to remain in an upright position or take a walk for 1-2 hours after eating.

Osteochondrosis of the spine is an insidious disease that masks various pathologies. The process, localized in the cervical region, can occur under the guise of cardiac dysfunction, as well as otitis, pharyngitis, and tonsillitis. A pharyngoscopy will allow you to exclude diseases of the ENT organs.

At the same time, X-ray examination, computer and magnetic resonance imaging will help clarify the diagnosis. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of tablets or external preparations, as well as physiotherapeutic procedures, will help improve the situation in the cervical spine and reduce crunching when moving. After the course of treatment, pain in the throat caused by pathology of the musculoskeletal system will also disappear.

An otolaryngologist, finding out why a patient’s throat constantly hurts, must collect all additional complaints, study their nature, connection with food intake and other factors.

Pharyngoscopy plays an irreplaceable role in diagnosis.

Sore throat can be caused by various processes occurring in the pharynx cavity, both acute and chronic. Factors that contribute to a frequent sore throat are:

  • exposure to pathogenic microorganisms;
  • environmentally unfavorable background;
  • hazardous production;
  • bad habits;
  • injuries.

TEST: Find out what's wrong with your throat

Did you have an elevated body temperature on the first day of illness (the first day symptoms appeared)?

In connection with a sore throat you:

How often have you experienced these symptoms (sore throat) recently (6-12 months)?

Feel the area of ​​the neck just below the lower jaw. Your feelings:

If your temperature suddenly rises, you took an antipyretic drug (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol). After that:

What sensations do you experience when you open your mouth?

How would you rate the effect of throat lozenges and other topical painkillers (candies, sprays, etc.)?

Ask someone close to you to look down your throat. To do this, rinse your mouth with clean water for 1-2 minutes, open your mouth wide. Your assistant should shine a flashlight on himself and look into the oral cavity by pressing the root of the tongue with a spoon.

On the first day of illness, you clearly feel an unpleasant putrid bite in your mouth and your loved ones can confirm the presence of an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.

Can you say that in addition to a sore throat, you are bothered by a cough (more than 5 attacks per day)?

Environmental factor

The most comfortable conditions for the mucous membrane of the throat are clean, moist air, free of harmful impurities and smoke. Thus, an exacerbation of chronic throat diseases is observed with the arrival of cold weather and the inclusion of central heating or heating devices that dry out the air. Under these conditions, the mucous membrane of the throat dries out and becomes more susceptible to the action of bacterial and viral pathogens.

Dry air is one of the causes of sore throat.

Industrial emissions and car exhaust gases that exceed the maximum permissible values ​​in the air also have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and lead to the development of periodic sore throat. There are scientific studies indicating an increase in cases of ENT pathology, including cancer, among residents of large industrial centers. At the same time, an indisputable fact is a significant improvement in the condition of patients with chronic pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis after sanatorium-resort treatment in mid-latitude climates, mountainous areas or on the sea coast.

Industrial hazards

Similar reasons for the appearance of a sore throat in an adult working at a cement plant or chemical production. In this case, regular inhalation of air containing hazardous impurities occurs. This can lead to the development of an inflammatory process in any part of the upper respiratory tract and lungs. The negative impact of these factors is evidenced by an improvement in the employee’s condition when the employee is transferred to another job that is not associated with hazardous work.

Among the components of harmful impurities there may be substances that are allergens for some patients. This can further aggravate the situation and cause a state of bronchospasm. Due to the appearance of constant or recurrent sore throat that is not associated with exposure to pathogenic pathogens, the patient should consult an otolaryngologist. In cases where the cause of deterioration in health may be related to the production process, you should change your professional activity. Otherwise, the condition will progressively worsen.

The cause of the development of unpleasant sensations in the throat can be not only dangerous impurities in the air. The professional activities of lecturers, teachers, and singers are associated with overstrain of the larynx tissue, which leads to chronic pharyngitis, laryngitis, manifested by constant sore throat, voice changes, and dry cough.


The cause of constant sore throat in an adult can also be regular trauma to the mucous membrane. Microscratches resulting from damage to the mucous membrane by rough food or sharp bones are also dangerous for the development of traumatic lesions of the throat. By consuming too hot food or drinks, as well as strong alcoholic drinks containing synthetic products, an adult patient contributes to the development of an inflammatory process in the pharynx and larynx.

Involvement of the larynx in the process is indicated by a change in the patient's voice. He becomes rough and hoarse.

Infectious and tumor processes

The most common causes of persistent sore throat are pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria and viruses. Hypothermia, dry and polluted air are only predisposing factors for this. The patient's low immunity contributes to the fact that the body's interaction with pathogenic agents leads to the development of a pathological condition.

Frequent acute respiratory viral infections, which can occur several times a year, are the most common cause of sore throat. Despite the fact that the disease is caused by different viruses, its clinical manifestations are similar. Typical symptoms other than pain in the throat are

  • acute onset;
  • malaise;
  • headache;
  • runny nose;
  • nasal congestion;
  • dry cough;
  • temperature rise to 38 degrees.

Repeated development of the disease throughout the year indicates the patient’s weak immunity. The main therapeutic actions in this case are aimed at increasing the body's defenses.

First of all, it is necessary to study the concomitant pathology. To do this, you should conduct examinations and identify foci of chronic infection, as well as diseases accompanied by decreased immunity. Frequent ARVIs are observed against the background of diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, tuberculosis, and viral hepatitis. There is a sufficient amount of evidence confirming that the sanitation of teeth and gums helps reduce the incidence of chronic tonsillitis. The situation is similar with other concomitant diseases.

Bad habits, alcohol abuse and smoking play an important role in reducing immunity. Having stopped exposure to these factors, many patients notice an improvement in their health within the next few months. At the same time, an active lifestyle, physical exercise, walks in the fresh air, and adherence to a daily routine are an important component of maintaining the necessary immunity. A nutritious diet consisting of all the necessary proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins also helps maintain immunity at the required level. In severe cases, immunocorrection is indicated.

The cause of a constant sore throat or lump sensation may be a tumor. The risk group in this case are smokers and workers in hazardous workshops. In some cases, the symptoms are characterized by scarcity and are detected only with close study. In other cases, attention is drawn to a change in the timbre of the voice and its hoarseness.

In all cases, pain may occur when swallowing. Symptoms increase slowly over several months. That is why annual medical examinations are so necessary to identify severe pathology in the early stages.

Infectious mononucleosis

A viral disease, infectious mononucleosis, is also accompanied by pain in the throat for a long time. In some cases, the presence of this symptom for more than 10 days is a reason to suspect this infection. In this case, the infectious disease specialist will pay attention not only to swelling of the tonsils, but also to enlarged lymph nodes in the axillary and groin area, prolonged low-grade fever, and the presence of a rash.

A significant proportion of patients have an enlarged liver and spleen, which is reflected in the liver tests performed. A mandatory symptom is a change in the blood formula. Depending on the period of examination, atypical cells or lymphocytosis may be detected. The condition progressively improves, laboratory parameters return to normal within 2-3 months. Subsequently, the patient develops stable immunity to this disease.

Chronic tonsillitis

A common cause of frequent sore throat is chronic tonsillitis. The disease develops as a result of incorrect or untimely treatment of acute tonsillitis and occurs against the background of reduced immunity. In addition to frequent sore throat, patients are concerned about prolonged low-grade fever, fatigue (both physical and mental), pain in the heart, swelling and pain in the joints.

Pharyngoscopy helps clarify the diagnosis. A study conducted by an otolaryngologist reveals enlarged tonsils, adhesions between them, as well as the anterior and posterior arches. An important sign indicating the development of chronic tonsillitis is the detection of purulent contents in the crypts of the tonsils.

Confirmation of the inflammatory process is the presence of enlarged and painful lymph nodes located on the front surface of the neck and near the angle of the lower jaw.

Sexually transmitted infections

Another serious pathology that can be accompanied by a sore throat is HIV infection. The development of this symptom is due to the addition of a secondary infection. Most often, the causative agent is pathogenic fungi, which lead to the development of candidal stomatitis.

In adults, the cause of discomfort in the throat can be sexually transmitted pathogens, chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasma. Carrying out serological diagnostics and bacterioscopic examination of a smear makes it possible to clarify the nature of such a pathogen. Based on the results of the study, the specialist will prescribe appropriate treatment and antimicrobial drugs.

Due to the variety of diseases, when the throat hurts very often, the patient should consult an ENT doctor in a timely manner. Chronic processes often underlie pathological conditions. An important role in their treatment and prevention is played by measures aimed at increasing immunity, which requires time. The earlier the diagnosis is carried out, the sooner the result will be achieved.

Pain in the throat is an unpleasant sensation that is localized in the laryngopharynx area. If your throat constantly hurts, this condition indicates a sluggish bacterial process (more often) and less often about tumor, endocrine and other disorders.

The nature of the discomfort varies. Patients describe it as “burning”, “pulling”, “shooting”. Over time, the location of the unpleasant feeling may change. It becomes diffuse, without a clear location.

According to medical research, 15% of all people in the population experience prolonged sore throat. The complaint of prolonged discomfort occurs in medical practice in 25% of clinical situations. This is a significant number.

In all cases, there is a chronic process that needs to be dealt with. The disease itself only goes away temporarily (the so-called remission phase), but when the immune response decreases, it worsens again.

All factors in the development of long-term pain syndrome can be divided into two groups:

  1. infectious. They occur in most cases. Almost always we are talking about otolaryngological diseases (tonsillitis, laryngitis and others);
  2. non-infectious. This includes neurological factors, endocrine pathological processes (such as hyperthyroidism and goiter formation).

We need to look at the reasons in more detail.

Infectious factors

As a rule, these are acute respiratory diseases of various origins and types.


Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx. The mass fraction in the structure of infectious factors is 15%. This is quite small.

The essence of the pathological process is a viral or bacterial infection of the soft palate and throat. If the disease process is not treated in a timely manner, it becomes chronic and enters a latent phase.

The disease gives a lot of symptoms: intense, prolonged pain in the throat, burning, sore, sore throat, productive cough.

A small amount of viscous sputum is produced. The reflex intensifies in the dark.

It is possible to increase body temperature to subfebrile or febrile levels. That is, hyperthermia is within 39 degrees Celsius. The “calling card” of pharyngitis remains a violation of voice function.

The voice may disappear completely or partially (hoarseness, hoarseness). Objectively, looseness of the oropharynx, exudation of various types, and hyperemia of the pharynx are noted.
Treatment consists of antiseptic treatment of the throat and antibiotics.


Also called sore throat. It is an inflammation of the tonsils. Accompanied by some specific symptoms.

There is intense pain in the throat, burning, itching, and a desire to scratch the affected area.

Breathing problems. Expressed in increased shortness of breath, the manifestation of suffocation (inability to breathe normally). In difficult cases, this is fraught with swelling of the throat, asphyxia and death. Complex therapy is required.

Symptoms also include increased body temperature, voice disturbances, and bad breath due to the intense activity of the bacterial flora.

Significant exudation is noted: pus or serous contents flow from the lacunae. The formation of tonsillitis plugs is possible. These are thick white lumps with a putrid smell.

If chronic tonsillitis is not treated in time, the throat will constantly hurt and will not go away. If there is a constant source of infection, which is washed away along with saliva into the esophagus, pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis and laryngitis may develop.

Therapy includes the use of several groups of pharmaceuticals: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (so-called NSAIDs), broad-spectrum antibiotics, corticosteroids, antiseptic solutions. There are enough of them in the system.


Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. Occurs relatively often. In the chronic phase of laryngitis, the patient has a sore throat that does not go away, radiating to the teeth, jaws, head, and spinal column.

The disease is characterized by a constant barking cough, discomfort when breathing (shortness of breath is observed, that is, an increase in the number of breaths per minute or suffocation, disturbances in normal inhalation and exhalation).

It is quite difficult to remove such a manifestation: it is necessary to use antitussives of central and peripheral action. Anti-inflammatory and antibiotics will be a good help.



In extremely rare cases, tetanus may develop. In the early stages, sore throat is considered characteristic of pathology. However, as already mentioned, these days tetanus is more of a casuistry than an objective reality.


In all cases when the patient suffers from a constant sore throat, we are talking about a chronic pathological process. Although the duration of each disease described is no more than 2 weeks, subject to initial proper treatment.

Non-infectious factors

The reasons for the development of constant pain in the throat may not be related to inflammatory processes of viral and bacterial origin.

Here the situation is somewhat different. Pathologies develop slowly and gradually, not making themselves felt for months and even years. Treatment also does not go quickly.

Throat neurosis

Occurs relatively often. It is observed in patients with an unstable emotional background.

It can occur in any person at a time of severe shock. The typical patient with pharyngeal neurosis is a young woman with an unstable nervous system and a history of neuroses.

Less common among representatives of the stronger sex. Treatment is psychotherapeutic. Requires the use of sedative medications.


Problems with the thyroid gland can cause characteristic pain due to compression of the tissues of the larynx and trachea. These are false pains provoked by the mass effect.

In medical practice, conditions such as diffuse and nodular goiter occur. In the first case, the gland grows evenly, in the second - in patches (nodes are formed).

It is quite difficult not to notice the pathology, given the mass of pathognomonic symptoms: hyperthermia, constant sore throat, changes in the relief of the neck, voice disturbances, a feeling of hot flashes, pathological thinness, bulging of the eyes (exophthalmos).

Gastroenterological diseases

Reflux esophagitis, gastritis with high acidity. A factor in the development of constant pain is the reflux of gastric juice (acid) into the throat and esophagus.

Since reflux occurs regularly, the discomfort never goes away. Specific treatment and adherence to certain recommendations are required.

So, you should not sleep on your right side, this increases reflux, you should not eat sour, fried, salty foods. Only low-acid foods, etc. are allowed.

More rare causes include tumors of various origins and types.

Both benign and malignant. The list of possible neoplasms is wide: papillomas, polyps, atheromas, chordomas, carcinomas, various types of sarcomas. Treatment is strictly surgical.

Since the factors for the development of painful manifestations are multiple, a careful differential diagnosis is required.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnostic measures are multiple. First of all, it is recommended to see a therapist.

He will tell you who to contact, conduct initial routine research, and give the necessary directions. This is a kind of beacon of the world of medicine, therefore in all controversial cases you should contact this doctor.

In the future, you need to go to the following specialists:

  • Neurologist. It treats diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. Helps with impaired innervation of the pharynx.
  • To a psychotherapist. Treats pharyngeal neurosis using cognitive-behavioral methods and Ericksonian hypnosis. A psychotherapist should not be confused with a psychiatrist and psychologist. These are different specialists.
  • Otolaryngologist. A specialist who treats the oropharynx and nasopharynx. It is likely that he will have to be contacted immediately after the therapist.
  • Gastroenterologist. Treats pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Endocrinologist. Specializes in hormonal pathologies. In particular, on diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Allergist-immunologist. Dealing with allergy problems.

At the initial appointment, an oral survey of the patient is conducted regarding complaints, their duration and nature. It is important to collect anamnesis.

Factors such as the presence of endocrine pathologies and recent infections play a huge diagnostic role. To identify complaints, standard questionnaires can be used.

In any case, the patient’s words must be recorded in writing.

Laboratory tests and analyzes

To verify a probable diagnosis through a number of specific studies, you need to undergo the following tests:

  • Psychological tests, survey, to establish probable neurosis.
  • Visual assessment of the oropharynx using a speculum. It is carried out to identify objective manifestations of an infectious disease.
  • Allergy tests. Required to determine the possible immune etiology of the problem.
  • Stress tests. When they are carried out, the patient is directly confronted with the allergen. Such a diagnosis is only possible in a hospital setting, in order to provide first aid if necessary.
  • Laryngoscopy. It must be done to detect laryngitis in the chronic phase, as well as tumors of various etiologies. A biopsy may be required.
  • Histological evaluation of tissues in the presence of neoplasia. Allows you to determine the type of tumor and its cytological nature.
  • General blood analysis. Gives a typical picture of the inflammatory process with a shift in the leukocyte formula and a high erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Possible eosinophilia (allergic reaction).
  • Biochemistry of venous blood.
  • Throat swabs for bacteriological culture.
  • PCR, ELISA study.
  • FGDS.

These methods allow specialized specialists to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Symptomatic elimination of manifestations

Eliminating a symptom is far from a priority task. However, this is where treatment begins. You need to follow a few simple recommendations:

  • Drink as much warm liquid as possible. It warms the throat, normalizes metabolic processes and soothes irritated mucous membranes.
  • Avoid spicy, salty, smoked, fried, processed and canned foods. Firstly, they irritate an already affected throat, and secondly, they provoke new refluxes in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. You can eat non-acidic fruits, vegetables, potatoes, potato juice and other foods. Including lean meat, broth, soups, etc.
  • Talk as little as possible. Do not strain your vocal cords. This is fraught with impaired vocal function.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of sprays - for example Tantum Verde, and Tantum Verde Forte - will help relieve pain. The second aerosol contains an increased dose of the anesthetic component - benziadamine. However, they are effective only for throat infections.
  • In case of an acute allergic reaction, an antihistamine will be needed. The doctor decides what type and generation.

Etiological treatment

  • For gastroenterological diseases Specialized antacid medications are prescribed. They eliminate high acidity of gastric juice. Proton pump inhibitors (Omez and others) are indicated.
  • Endocrine pathologies, primarily thyroid diseases, are treated by prescribing an iodine-free diet or a diet with a minimum content of this element. In complex cases, surgery is needed to remove nodular inclusions. The radical method is also used in case of development of thyroid cancer.
  • Otolaryngological diseases are treated with special means. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs, antiseptic solutions.
  • All tumors are removed surgically. There are no alternatives.
  • Allergic reactions treated with first generation antihistamines. Bronchodilators may be used.

All medications are prescribed only by a doctor. The specialist also determines the treatment tactics.

A sore throat is an annoying condition that can affect anyone. The most difficult case is the chronic form, in which the throat constantly hurts.
List of symptoms:

  1. Constant feeling of discomfort
  2. Difficulty swallowing food
  3. Swelling of the larynx, possible difficulty breathing
  4. Continuous pain
  5. Increased body temperature

Medical causes of sore throat

The causes of pain in the larynx can be of different nature. It is very difficult to independently determine the provoking factors. Treatment must be carried out by an experienced otolaryngologist, and consultation with a therapist and an infectious disease specialist will also not hurt. The most common causes of sore throat are seasonal viral diseases (ARVI, influenza, infectious mononucleosis), as well as bacterial infections (staphylococcus, streptococcus, hemophilia). Aplastic anemia often begins with an irritating sore throat. There are a great many ways of contracting any disease, because many are transmitted by airborne droplets (it’s enough just to talk to an already sick person and the microbes will instantly settle in the body), dirty door handles are also intermediaries in the spread of various kinds of infectious diseases.

External factors that provoke sore throat

There are situations in life when all tests and examinations do not show the presence of a specific infection, but the symptoms of the disease can be traced and remain unchanged for a long period of time. If the larynx hurts frequently, the throat is inflamed, and viral and bacterial infections are not confirmed, you should pay attention to the environment and analyze possible provocateurs of the unpleasant disease. A persistent sore throat may be caused by:

  1. Allergic reaction. To effectively get rid of the irritant, it should be eliminated from the patient’s life as much as possible. An allergy can be to anything: plant pollen, animal dander, mold, book dust, food (most often citrus fruits and strawberries). Eliminating the source will give you long-awaited relief from constant sore throat.
  2. Muscle strain. Most often found in people who are professional vocalists or active athletes. In both situations, the ligaments are subjected to severe stress, which affects well-being. Reducing training and rehearsals, as well as regular use of medications to soften the ligaments, can save the situation.
  3. Insufficient air humidity in the room. Heating appliances dry out the indoor air very much in winter. Because of this, people who are often in such an atmosphere experience a constant sore throat, pain and a feeling of discomfort. Buying a high-quality air humidifier for your apartment or office will instantly solve the problem of a sore throat.
  4. Gastroesophageal reflux. This process is caused by irritation of the throat and esophagus by gastric juice. It is recommended to undergo a thorough examination by a gastroenterologist to clarify the diagnosis. Bringing the gastrointestinal tract back to normal will improve your overall health and relieve constant sore throat.
  5. Tumor development. The cause of formations on the mucous membrane of the throat can be a number of factors: abuse of cigarettes and alcohol, stress, reduced immunity. A developing tumor of the larynx and tongue requires immediate consultation with a doctor for timely treatment.
  6. External irritating factors. Living in a big city is fraught with unpleasant consequences for human health. Exhaust gases, chemicals for treating road surfaces, and industrial emissions into the atmosphere provoke painful sensations in the throat. To solve the problem, you should often travel outside the city for fresh air. Only in this case will the throat be able to rest and be less likely to be bothered by pain and soreness. The use of homeopathic medicines can significantly alleviate the condition. Medicines in this category should be used strictly as prescribed by the treating otolaryngologist.
  7. The emotional state of a person. It has been noticed that a constant sore throat most often bothers active people who like to talk loudly, shout and prove that they are right. To maintain good health, you should monitor your speech and try to speak in a calm tone, without criticism, dissatisfaction, scandals and complaints. The use of sedatives helps achieve harmony. Psychosomatic pain easily disappears when you change your behavior and reconsider your life position, and exhausting, expensive treatment will not be needed. A positive attitude helps you cope with any troubles, even such as a sore throat.

Basic principles of treating a sore throat

Painful sensations are unpleasant in themselves, so it is necessary to carefully select the diet for the period of treatment of persistent sore throat. It is necessary to exclude all solid foods from the daily menu. The main food should be liquid porridges and warm broths, the bread is exceptionally soft, and it is convenient to cook vegetables in a double boiler until they reach the desired state. The beneficial properties of certain foods can have a positive effect on the course of the disease and ensure a speedy recovery. For example, pumpkin porridge has long been famous for its unique effect on sore throat. It reduces the intensity of inflammation and speeds up the process of destroying microbes.

High fat content in food also has a beneficial effect on the regeneration process of laryngeal cells. During the treatment process, it is necessary to eat foods high in vitamins A and E. The inflamed mucous membrane will recover faster, and you can forget that you have a sore throat. Often, a diet enriched with vitamins makes breathing easier, because fatty foods coat the affected areas.

Spices and seasonings themselves cause soreness and discomfort in the throat and are often the primary source of the painful condition. During the period of struggle with constant sore throat, you should adhere to the prescribed diet and exclude hot sauces and pepper from the diet, and also cook food without the use of additional seasonings. Maximum - you can add salt to the dish to improve its quality.

Onions and garlic are a pantry of health. Natural phytoncides do an excellent job of disinfecting mucous membranes, killing pathogenic bacteria. The essential oils included in these products are especially relevant in the treatment of sore throat.

Honey not only provides gastronomic pleasure, but is also an excellent source of improving the functioning of the immune system, and also has excellent antiseptic properties that help cure a sore throat. The use of honey for medicinal purposes has a number of nuances that should be taken into account. Firstly, honey loses a number of beneficial qualities if added to hot tea. Therefore, the use of honey is limited to mixing or drinking exclusively warm drinks. Eating small portions with great caution will save you from possible allergic reactions. Also, consuming honey can provoke attacks of unbearable cough, which can affect the positive dynamics of treatment, causing an exacerbation.

Doctors recommend organizing plenty of drinking during the period of illness: tea with mint, brewed ginger root with lemon and cloves, fruit compotes and water. The liquid temperature should be no higher than 70 degrees. Hot drinks irritate the throat even more, for this reason it is recommended to carefully monitor the temperature in order to improve the general condition.

Creating the right microclimate for successful treatment

The conditions in which a sick person is located have a significant impact on the course of the disease, the length of treatment and the presence of complications. In a room with dry air, the infection spreads faster, so regular humidification of the air is a sure way to get rid of a constant sore throat. To achieve the desired result, you can buy a unit for humidifying the air, or you can also make do with improvised means: hang a wet towel on the heater.

Respiratory tract diseases of any nature require an inhalation procedure. Adding eucalyptus, mint and sage oils to the solution makes breathing easier, relieves irritation, and prevents a sore throat. During the day you can light an aroma lamp in the room. Essential vapors will enter the area of ​​inflammation with inhaled oxygen. For personal safety, it is not recommended to leave a lit lamp unattended at night.

Smoking is harmful, everyone knows about it. But the number of people smoking is not decreasing. If you belong to the category of heavy smokers, then during the period of treatment it is strongly recommended to give up the addiction. Otherwise, all procedures performed will have a zero level of useful effect. Constant injury to the mucous membrane of the throat from tobacco smoke will not allow for quality treatment.

The benefits of gargling for the treatment of persistent sore throat

Modern methods of treatment are gradually replacing old grandmother’s methods, but rinsing is still relevant today. The rinsing process allows you to clean the mucous membrane, thereby freeing it from pathogenic bacteria and preventing the further spread of infection. It is necessary to repeat the action every 2-3 hours and always after each meal. You can prepare infusions yourself, or purchase ready-made ones at the pharmacy. The most common: calendula tincture and chlorhexidine solution. A decoction of chamomile, string and eucalyptus are excellent antiseptics.

Lollipops for sore throat. Is there any benefit?

People suffering from constant sore throat often wake up at night from discomfort in the larynx. This is due to the fact that salivation is not as active at night, so infectious agents multiply quietly, and the mucous membrane is not cleansed with saliva, as happens during the day. Lozenges for sore throat belong to the category of local treatments. The principle of action is based on stimulation of salivation. Today, pharmacies offer a lot of lozenges, lozenges and lozenges: Septolette, Strepsils, Faringosept and others. Many of them also have an antiseptic effect. Lollipops containing medicinal herbs combine antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. The drug Imudon has the unique property of increasing the body's protective functions.

Also, sprays and aerosols are great for sore throat: Hexoral, Yox, Ingalipt, Kameton and others. The benefits of using drugs are high, but for quality treatment it is recommended to consult a specialist. It is he who can prescribe the remedy that is necessary for a particular case. Even the most harmless lozenges should be taken only after consulting a doctor.

Self-medication - no!

Constant sore throat is a serious cause for concern. Diagnosis and treatment are carried out only in medical conditions. An attempt at self-healing can lead to disastrous complications. The causative agents of infectious diseases can spread throughout the body (which threatens to damage internal organs), and treatment will only have to be carried out with a course of strong antibiotics.

Inadequate treatment of chronic tonsillitis threatens the formation of a purulent abscess. If you ignore the course of this form of the disease, signals about more serious health problems may appear. In any case, consultation with an experienced specialist will never be superfluous.