The concept and essence of social rehabilitation. Abstract: Types, levels and principles of social rehabilitation Goals and means of social rehabilitation

Social rehabilitation is a set of measures aimed at restoring a person’s ability to function in a social environment. In international practice, rehabilitation is understood as the restoration of past abilities that were lost due to illness and other changes in living conditions. In Russia, rehabilitation refers to both recovery after a serious illness, and comprehensive assistance to people with disabilities, and restoration of a good name and reputation, restoration (administratively) of previous rights.
Social rehabilitation is a set of measures aimed at restoring a person’s ability to live in a social environment; these are programs and actions aimed at restoring a person’s personal and professional status for more complete integration into society. For example, former prisoners sometimes forget the norms and rules of social life after long periods of imprisonment. Social rehabilitation is an interdependent process, on the one hand, aimed at restoring a person’s ability to live in a social environment, and on the other, at changing the nature of the environment itself, which limits the fulfillment of human needs. We can talk about different types of rehabilitation: social rehabilitation, medical and social rehabilitation, social and legal rehabilitation, psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation, social and domestic and labor rehabilitation. Rehabilitation is a complex, multi-level, staged and dynamic system of interconnected actions aimed at restoring a person’s rights, status, health, and capacity in society.

The basic principles of social rehabilitation include: phasing, differentiation, complexity, continuity, consistency, continuity in the implementation of rehabilitation measures, accessibility of rehabilitation measures and voluntariness. Rehabilitation also includes aspects of prevention and correction of deviations. Social rehabilitation has different levels of analysis and implementation of practical activities: medical and social; professional and labor; socio-psychological; social-role; social and household; socio-legal; psychological and pedagogical; social-environmental. Social rehabilitation as a technology of social work can be typologized according to a categorical principle:

  • rehabilitation of disabled people, disabled children;
  • elderly people;
  • social rehabilitation of military personnel and victims of military conflicts. The rehabilitation system for military personnel is implemented in three main areas: social, psychological and medical. The main goal of such rehabilitation is the resocialization or socialization of the individual and the restoration of its previous level and status. The main objectives of the social rehabilitation of military personnel and participants in military conflicts are compliance with their social guarantees, control over the implementation of social benefits, legal protection, and the formation of a positive public opinion;
  • rehabilitation of persons who have served their sentences in prison. The problem of resocialization of such people is becoming more acute in the context of the socio-political transformation of post-Soviet society. It is more difficult for former prisoners to solve the problem of employment in the context of an actual increase in unemployment, increased requirements for the quality of work,

whose strength, skill level and personal qualities of the employee. Social rehabilitation in this aspect should most of all be aimed at restoring the social and legal status of the individual, at removing or mitigating existing social barriers and stereotypes that exclude this category of people from the sphere of normal functioning of society.
Practical experience within the framework of social rehabilitation technology involves the implementation of specific, often targeted measures in accordance with the structure of the individual rehabilitation program. For example, there are individual ITU rehabilitation cards for people with disabilities. An individual rehabilitation program is a set of special rehabilitation measures, including specific forms, methods, means used, timing and duration of activities aimed at restoring and compensating for impaired or lost body functions, and integrating the disabled person into society. An individual program usually reflects medical, social-environmental and vocational rehabilitation. It is necessary to dwell in more detail on the analysis of socio-environmental rehabilitation, which involves methods such as teaching skills to adapt to new living conditions. Social and environmental rehabilitation of disabled people is a set of measures aimed at creating and ensuring conditions for the social integration of disabled people, restoration or formation of social status, lost social connections at the micro- and macro-level. Social and environmental rehabilitation is carried out in two main directions:

  • adaptation of the environment to the needs of people with disabilities (provision of means of transportation, prosthetic and orthopedic assistance, technical means), adaptation of the social space of the city, its districts and social infrastructure

to the needs of people with disabilities;

  • adaptation of a disabled person to the environment, development of skills that enable self-service.
It must be remembered that creating conditions for a normal and independent life and self-service for people with disabilities is an important factor that increases the capacity of people with disabilities. Maximum elimination or reduction of inconveniences that disabled people encounter on the street or in their own apartment is a task, the solution of which contributes to the implementation of the principle of integration of disabled people into society.
Today, the need to create a barrier-free environment for people with disabilities and other categories of citizens with limited mobility is being widely discussed. Objectively, there are conditions that limit the ability of people with disabilities to move in urban space. These restrictions are expressed in the lack of special technical devices for people with disabilities in transport and on the street, and the inadequacy of public city buildings and structures to the needs of people with disabilities. Together with the consideration of objectively existing limitations, the analysis of the sensory perception of the environment by people with disabilities and members of their families makes the picture more complete and in many ways allows us to evaluate the problem from other positions.
For the first time, the idea of ​​​​turning to the environment, to correcting its sensory qualities was put forward by K. Lynch in his work “The Image of the City”^
The author's ideas have a humanistic basis and are aimed at sustainable human values. The idea of ​​K. Lynch about creating communication mechanisms between designers, users and the environment that serves as the object of activity is meaningful. The relevance of creating such communication mechanisms increases when we are talking about people

residents who have special requirements for the quality and character of urban space. Because of their social minority position, their needs are often ignored. The barriers existing in urban space can be weakened only if the sensory criteria and needs of people with disabilities can be presented very clearly and made open. The sources for the formation of ideas about how urban space should be organized should be not only specialists and professionals, but also city residents with developmental disabilities who have special requirements for the organization of urban space and its objects.
Thus, analysis of the quality of the region from the perspective of various social groups, including people with disabilities, is a real basis both for public action and for rethinking established urban planning concepts. Its dissemination can generate public support for creating a barrier-free environment and improving its quality in general.
It is possible to recommend some changes in the design process, taking into account suggestions and opinions of users through discussions of construction concepts together with representatives of public organizations of disabled people of different categories (visually disabled VOS, hearing disabled BOG. ​​VOI). At the same time, in order to create an optimal space, it is appropriate to use the social technology of design expertise, where construction projects are examined from the standpoint of their accessibility and openness for people with disabilities. Such an expert group should include professionals - builders and designers, social workers, disabled people themselves or their representatives from public organizations.
The success of creating a barrier-free environment largely depends on the good organization of informal exchange of information and opinions between public and other organizations of people with disabilities and construction personnel*
design institutions, city administrations; from the presence of special legislative acts regulating the problems of creating an accessible environment; sufficient resource support for construction and reconstruction projects. Compliance with these conditions makes it possible to meet special requirements, and the implementation of city accessibility projects for people with disabilities becomes a mechanism for overcoming the social problems of disability and a means of mitigating social conflicts.
The main measures for social rehabilitation of older people include the development of scientifically based practices for providing social assistance to the gerontological group. The sociocultural context of gerontological issues is characterized primarily by the low socioeconomic status of the elderly, problems of loneliness and the lack of a sufficient number of helping resources. The social service system for older citizens today needs qualitative additions, and in some cases, qualitative transformations. Rehabilitation of older citizens is associated with the restoration of their social activity and maximum inclusion in the everyday life of society. Rehabilitation programs for older citizens should not limit the sphere of life activity of this category of the population. Rehabilitation areas should include not only medical and social measures, drug provision, financial assistance, but also educational, leisure, and creative methods that expand the range of activities of an elderly person.
The technology of social rehabilitation is implemented at three levels.

  1. Individual level of social work.
Casework - this method was proposed by M. Richmond and is closely related to the development of psychoanalysis at the beginning of the 20th century. Its essence is in solving a problem in order to provide support and encourage the client to understand the problem and cope with the life situation. The main focus of the matter is

focuses on the client’s adaptation to the social situation. This method is especially relevant in the USA; it is based on the choice of a psychological approach to understanding personality. (For example, with a psychoanalytic approach, the main emphasis is on analyzing the client’s intrapsychic dynamics and providing assistance in resolving intrapersonal problems; with a behavioral approach, focusing on maladaptive patterns of behavior and their correction, etc.).
But regardless of the psychological approach to understanding personality, it is possible to identify common elements that make up the method:

  • establishing primary communication (emotional and intellectual contact);
  • study and analysis of the problem situation;
  • determining the goals and objectives of collaboration;
  • modification of the individual’s relationship with the social environment and/or himself;
  • assessment of progress and results of joint work.
Different individual approaches require different
types of assistance: conversations, counseling, involvement of specialists, etc. For the effectiveness of this method, it is important to consider whether there is an emphasis on the need to provide individual assistance, whether the specialist has the necessary level of psychological and pedagogical training, age, personality, and individual characteristics of the client.
The method of individual social work is especially justified in determining perspectives, adapting to reality, overcoming stress, acquiring communication skills, self-knowledge and self-acceptance.
2. The group level of social work was actively developed in the 70s5. The results of research into the theory of small groups (Ya. Kolominsky, R. Krichevsky, K. Rudestam, etc.) were of particular importance for the development of the method.

The most important conclusions include the following:

  • a small group helps to get out of the role of “just a listener”;
  • in a small group, knowledge of one’s own point of view, one’s own life experience, and personal capabilities becomes real;
  • in a small group, feedback is possible, i.e., finding out how an individual influences others with his behavior and words;
  • a small group can become a tool for accumulating personal experience, a way to manage and check what has been achieved.
The purpose of the group work method is to assist the client through the transfer of group experience for the development of his physical and spiritual strength, the formation of social behavior. The realization of this goal can be achieved through either organizing group activities and social activity of group members in achieving generally significant goals, or expanding the scope of individual experience and self-awareness in intensive communication, or including the group in productive creative activities."
The implementation of the group social work method depends on the goals and objectives of the group. In the practice of social work, various groups are distinguished. For example, the category of sociocultural groups consists of recovery groups, skill recovery groups, educational groups, and self-help groups. In addition, there are also therapeutic groups whose activities are aimed at resolving psychosomatic and existential problems.
Depending on the goals of the group, the position of the social worker may be different. If a group is focused on achieving some generally significant goals in society,

Given the fate of the legal and civil context of the goals (for example, opening a sports ground in a neighborhood), the social worker plays the role of organizer and coordinator of the group’s external relations. If the goal of the group is to expand the sphere of self-awareness and individual experience through intensive and reflective communication (for example, training in communication skills), then in this case the social worker is a mediator of intra-group interaction.
The method of group social work does not have a certain “frozen” form; new original forms are currently appearing, such as the method of family therapy in the USA8.

  1. Social work at the community level. This level is based on the interaction of social services or a social worker with representatives of various public groups and organizations at the local, regional or national level. “Community” (community) is a complex socio-economic, cultural and historical system of a group community of people. The community performs a number of functions in relation to its members: socialization, mutual support, production and distribution of goods, social control, i.e. everything that is aimed at developing the life scenario of the community and the individual. Priority tasks of community social work:
  • development of social connections in the local community and organization of a system of mutual assistance and cooperation of a certain community of people;
  • development, implementation and evaluation of the effectiveness of various social programs and plans for the activities of various organizations related to issues of social welfare of the population.
aTheory and practice of social work; domestic and foreign experience. T. 1. ~ M.; Tula, 1991.

The implementation of these tasks is aimed at achieving the main goal - intensifying the development of the community and improving its model of life.
Basic principles of implementing the method of community social work: accessibility of service; active cooperation between consumers and help services; interdepartmental approach; support and development of new initiatives; decentralization of budget control; mobility.
The forms of implementation of the method of community social work are different and are especially widely represented in European models of social work (social planning in Sweden, the creation of residents' associations in the UK, etc.).
To implement this method, a social worker has to perform a number of roles: lawyer, broker, expert, social guide, which in turn requires extensive theoretical and practical training. Particularly relevant are the skills of organizing and conducting sociological research and socio-psychological methods of work. Often, solving community problems requires the complex intervention of specialists - doctors, lawyers, psychologists, etc.
The interrelation of factors influencing individual behavior requires the integrated use of all groups of social work methods, especially since many methods intersect in practice and the use of one of them requires the simultaneous use of others.


Uvarova Oksana Alexandrovna

4th year student, Department of Social Work, North Caucasian Federal University, Stavropol

E-mail: YOA .91@ mail . ru

Agulina Svetlana Vyacheslavovna

scientific supervisor, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor NCFU, Stavropol

The main task of social work is to preserve and maintain a person, as well as a group or team, in a state of energetic, creative attitude towards themselves and their life activities.

“Any social subject, throughout his life, many times encounters situations in which his usual model of life activity collapses, formed social connections and relationships are torn. In these conditions, the subject not only needs to get used to and adapt to new living conditions, but also needs to try to regain lost social positions, recreate emotional, psychological and physical resources, as well as the necessary social connections and relationships.”

The concept of rehabilitation is used in various fields of science and practice and contains a number of aspects: social, psychological, medical, legal and professional. Let us dwell on the essence of the concepts of “rehabilitation” and “social rehabilitation”.

According to K. Renner and G. Yumashev, “rehabilitation contains the socially necessary functional and social-labor restoration of sick and disabled people, both children and adults, to embody in reality the complex application of psychological, pedagogical, medical, legal, public, government and other events".

“Social rehabilitation is a set of measures that allows a person to be restored to rights, legal capacity and social status. Such a process is aimed at restoring a person’s ability to live and work in a social environment, which was once impaired or limited for various reasons.”

“In social rehabilitation as a technology of social work, the main role is played by the restoration of the social status of a citizen or group of citizens who have lost it in a difficult life situation. This includes problems arising in connection with unemployment, disability, migration and serving sentences in prison, etc.” .

In social rehabilitation, it is necessary to help a person or group of people. Firstly, they need to be given the opportunity to enter into active life; secondly, to provide guarantees of a certain level of social stability; thirdly, show new perspectives within the acquired social status; and finally, fourthly, accurately develop a sense of self-importance and a sense of responsibility for your life.

“The means that current society has in social rehabilitation include such systems as:

  • education;
  • healthcare;
  • professional training and retraining of specialists;
  • mass communications and media;
  • public and non-governmental organizations and institutions of psychological support, assistance and correction."

The most important goals of social rehabilitation include the following: restoration of the social status of the subject, achieving spiritual, social and material independence, increasing social adaptation to the newly acquired living conditions. The social worker organizes an intentional and goal-oriented process to achieve such goals. The difficulty lies in the fact that often the object of social rehabilitation activities is an adult, independent person, formed as an individual, with an established system of skills, knowledge and skills, interests and ideals, as well as a system of needs.

“In practice, in social work, rehabilitation assistance is expressed to different categories of citizens in need, which contributes to the definition and direction of rehabilitation activities. These include areas such as:

  • aged people;
  • social rehabilitation of disabled people and children with disabilities;
  • military personnel who participated in wars and military conflicts;
  • rehabilitation of persons who have served their sentences in prison, etc.” .

Within these areas of social rehabilitation, it is important to choose a specific type of rehabilitation. The main types of social rehabilitation are socio-medical, socio-psychological, socio-pedagogical, professional, labor and social-environmental rehabilitation. Let's reveal their essence.

Social and medical rehabilitation - helps to restore or develop in a person new skills suitable for a full life, and also helps in organizing life and running a household.

Socio-psychological rehabilitation - helps in restoring a person’s psychological and mental health, optimizes intra-group connections and relationships.

Socio-pedagogical rehabilitation - helps in organizing and implementing pedagogical assistance with all kinds of deviations in a person’s ability to receive an education.

Vocational and labor rehabilitation - helps in the formation of new or restoration of lost labor and professional skills by a person and with further employment.

Social-environmental rehabilitation - helps in restoring a sense of social significance for a person in a social environment.

To implement them in practice, it is necessary to observe the following principles of the main types of social rehabilitation:

  • Timeliness and phasing of social rehabilitation measures - this principle involves identifying the client’s problem and consistent efforts to resolve it.
  • Differentiation, consistency and complexity, aimed at implementing social rehabilitation measures as one of the holistic systems of assistance and support to the client.
  • Consistency and continuity in the implementation of social rehabilitation measures - this principle allows you to restore the resources lost by the subject and prevent the likely occurrence of problematic situations in the future of the client.
  • An individual approach to determining the volume, nature and direction of social rehabilitation measures.
  • Availability of social rehabilitation assistance for all those in need, regardless of their property and financial status.

“The main goal and end result of the process of social rehabilitation is the development in a person of a tendency to independent life, to fight difficulties, and the ability to resist the negative influences of the environment.”

In social work practice, rehabilitation assistance is provided to different categories of people in need. The most important areas of rehabilitation activities include: social rehabilitation of disabled people and children with disabilities; military personnel who participated in wars and military conflicts; old people; rehabilitation of persons who have served their sentences in prison, etc.

One of the areas of modern social policy is social rehabilitation and protection of people with disabilities. In this regard, we will highlight the main types of rehabilitation of disabled people: psychological-pedagogical, medical, professional-labor and social-environmental assistance. In medical rehabilitation, the main role is played by a set of medical measures that are aimed at restoring or compensating for lost or impaired body functions.

Social-environmental rehabilitation of disabled people is aimed at a set of measures that are aimed at creating a better environment for their living activities; it provides conditions for the restoration of social status. This rehabilitation activity is aimed at providing disabled people with both special equipment and equipment.

In orphanages, the rehabilitation of children with disabilities and with varying degrees of damage to the musculoskeletal system, both sports and recreational work and vocational training are actively used. In the boarding school, training and production workshops are formed, mainly in several profiles, such as carpentry and sewing, and disabled children are also taught the professions of accountancy, typing and the basics of office work.

“The problem of boarding homes for disabled children and children with disabilities is a certain isolation, lack of free communication between disabled children and the healthy world, which makes it difficult for children to adapt to society. These problems are resolved in rehabilitation centers."

Working with elderly people in boarding homes has its own characteristics. Rehabilitation helps to preserve the social ties of the elderly living here, which is facilitated by collective and creative activity, and general participation in labor processes. Elderly people need to maintain a mobile and active lifestyle; in boarding homes, this is facilitated by occupational therapy workshops, special workshops, subsidiary farms, etc.

Military personnel and their families also need social rehabilitation. The rehabilitation system for military personnel, war veterans and military conflicts is implemented in three areas in the form of medical, social and psychological assistance. The goal of rehabilitation and socialization of the individual is to restore the previous level of social life. The most important tasks of social rehabilitation of military personnel are: providing social guarantees for veterans of wars and military conflicts, implementing social benefits, and legal protection.

“The strongest means of psychological rehabilitation is sincerity, understanding and patience towards the problems of persons who have survived psycho-traumatic war conditions. Lack of patience and understanding on the part of family and loved ones sometimes leads to sad consequences.”

One of the special areas of rehabilitation activities is the restoration of the legal and social status of persons who have served their sentences in places of deprivation of liberty. Such people, upon release, often have neither housing nor employment opportunities. In rural areas, labor teams are created from former prisoners, where they are given shelter and work. But there are only a few such places.

In conclusion, it should be noted that social rehabilitation is aimed at restoring both health, ability to work, and the social status of the individual, his legal status, moral and psychological balance and self-confidence.


  1. Kulebyakin E.V. Psychology of social work. Vladivostok: TIDOT DVGU, 2004.
  2. Kuznetsova L.P. Basic technologies of social work. - Tutorial. Vladivostok: Publishing House of Far Eastern State Technical University, 2009.
  3. Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia. Social rehabilitation // [Electronic resource] - Access mode: - URL:
  4. Fundamentals of social work. Textbook. / Rep. ed. PD. Pavlenok. M.: 2006.
  5. Abstract on the topic “Social rehabilitation” // [Electronic resource] - Access mode: - URL: of access: 09/29/2012)
  6. Collection of articles. Thematic educational materials. Social rehabilitation // [Electronic resource] - Access mode: - URL: of access: 09/29/2012)
  7. Theory and methodology of social work / Rep. ed. P.D. Pavlenok. M.: 2007.
  8. Social work technology. Part I. Textbook. manual for universities (materials for practical classes) / Ed. L.Ya. Tsitkilova. Novocherkassk - Rostov n/d, 2008.
  9. Kholostova E.I., Dementieva N.F. Social rehabilitation: Textbook. - 4th ed. M.: Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2006.

Social rehabilitation is a set of measures aimed at restoring a person’s rights, social status, health, and legal capacity. This process is aimed not only at restoring a person’s ability to live in a social environment, but also the social environment itself, living conditions that are disrupted or limited for any reason.
The implementation of social rehabilitation largely depends on compliance with its basic principles. These include: phasing, differentiation, complexity, continuity, consistency, continuity in the implementation of rehabilitation measures, accessibility and predominantly free for those most in need (disabled people, pensioners, refugees, etc.).
Within the framework of social rehabilitation activities, scientists identify various levels, among them usually called: medical-social, professional-labor, socio-psychological, social-role, social-domestic, social-legal.
In practical social work, rehabilitation assistance is provided to various categories of people in need. Depending on this, the most important areas of rehabilitation activity are determined. These areas should, first of all, include: social rehabilitation of people with disabilities and children with disabilities; old people; military personnel who participated in wars and military conflicts; rehabilitation of persons who have served their sentences in prison, etc.
One of the priorities of modern social policy is the social protection of people with disabilities, the most important area of ​​which is rehabilitation.
The main types of rehabilitation of disabled people are: medical, social-environmental, professional-labor and psychological-pedagogical. Medical rehabilitation includes a set of medical measures aimed at restoring or compensating for impaired or lost body functions that led to disability. These are measures such as rehabilitation and sanatorium-resort treatment, prevention of complications, reconstructive surgery, prosthetics and orthotics, physiotherapy, physical therapy, mud therapy, psychotherapy, etc. The state guarantees disabled people full provision of all types of medical care, including medications. All this is carried out free of charge or on preferential terms in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of its constituent entities.
Social-environmental rehabilitation of disabled people is a set of measures aimed at creating an optimal environment for their life, providing conditions for restoring social status and lost social connections. Such rehabilitation activities are aimed at providing disabled people with special equipment and equipment that allows them to be relatively independent in everyday life.
In Russia, at least three quarters of the total number of disabled people need technical means of rehabilitation. Until recently, there were only thirty types of rehabilitation products in the country, compared to two thousand that were known in the world. As a result of the implementation of the federal comprehensive program “Social Support for the Disabled,” adopted by the government in January 1995, the situation began to change for the better. At the beginning of 1998, there were already more than 200 types of rehabilitation products for the disabled.
Vocational and labor rehabilitation of disabled people is understood as a system of state-guaranteed measures for vocational guidance, vocational training and employment of disabled people in accordance with their health, qualifications and personal inclinations. Measures for vocational and labor rehabilitation are implemented in relevant rehabilitation institutions, organizations and in production. In particular, medical and social expert commissions and rehabilitation centers provide vocational guidance. Vocational training is carried out in regular or specialized educational institutions for the training of specialists in various fields, as well as in the system of industrial and technical training at enterprises. Employment of disabled people who are unemployed is carried out by employment services, where there are special units for this purpose.
It should be noted that there are specific features of employment of disabled people in rural areas. They use such forms of employment as work as part of specialized field teams, individual procurement of wild products, work in auxiliary industries and at home producing small products.
Psychological rehabilitation allows a disabled person to successfully adapt to the environment and society as a whole.
An individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person includes a set of rehabilitation measures that are optimal for him. Developed on the basis of a decision of the State Service for Medical and Social Expertise, it contains both rehabilitation measures provided to a disabled person free of charge in accordance with the federal basic program for the rehabilitation of disabled people, and those in which the disabled person himself or other individuals and organizations participate in the payment.
Crisis phenomena characteristic of the current state of the Russian economy have a negative impact on the situation of vulnerable groups of the population, including children with disabilities. Their numbers are steadily growing.
According to experts, rehabilitation of disabled children should begin at the earliest stages of the disease and be carried out continuously until maximum recovery or compensation of impaired functions is achieved in the shortest possible time. Individual comprehensive rehabilitation programs for disabled children should reflect not only the main aspects of rehabilitation (medical, psychological, pedagogical, social, welfare), but also rehabilitation measures, their scope, timing and control.
In orphanages for children with disabilities, a contingent with varying degrees of damage to the musculoskeletal system is concentrated. Here, sports and recreational work and vocational training are widely used for their rehabilitation. In boarding schools, training and production workshops are created mainly in two profiles:
carpentry and sewing. In many boarding schools, disabled children are also taught the professions of accountancy, typing and the basics of office work.
The problematic side of the rehabilitation process in boarding homes for children with disabilities is its certain isolation. There is no opportunity for wider communication between disabled children and a healthy environment, which leaves a unique imprint on the level of socialization of children and makes it difficult for them to adapt to society. Such problems are better solved in rehabilitation centers for children and adolescents with disabilities. The approximate regulations on these centers were approved by the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation in December 1994. In accordance with it, the purpose of the center’s activities is not only to provide children and adolescents with disabilities in physical or mental development with qualified medical, social, psychological and social , social and pedagogical assistance, but also providing them with the most complete and timely adaptation to life in society, family, learning and work. Thus, in the rehabilitation center for out-of-school education “Creativity”, which successfully functioned in Samara in the second half of the 90s, the education of school-age disabled people in the additional education system was carried out in a team of healthy students. The former learned not to be ashamed of their illness, they quickly developed the necessary communicative knowledge, and the latter learned to see full-fledged people in their fellow students.
Although in recent years more and more similar rehabilitation centers have been opening in our country, their number is not enough. Not every disabled person can afford the costs of undergoing certain courses of medical and social and labor rehabilitation. In this regard, the experience of distant Australia deserves attention, where a disabled person, undergoing a course of social, labor and medical rehabilitation, receives supplements to his disability pension. And they almost completely cover all expenses for these purposes.
Social and, above all, medical and social rehabilitation is becoming important for the lives of older people. Due to the natural aging of the body, a number of chronic diseases become more common with age, and the number of people in need of constant medical supervision is growing. Issues of medical and social rehabilitation of older people are professionally resolved in wide-profile rehabilitation centers and specialized gerontological centers.
Gerontological centers usually use medicinal, non-medicinal and organizational methods of medical and social rehabilitation of older people. Medication includes restorative, symptomatic, stimulating and other types of therapy. Non-drug treatments include massage, physiotherapy, psychotherapy, acupuncture, herbal medicine, etc. The appointment of a separate regime (bed, observation, free), clinical observation, inpatient treatment are an organizational method of medical and social rehabilitation.
Rehabilitation of elderly people in boarding homes has its own characteristics. The introduction of rehabilitation is determined, first of all, by the need to preserve the social connections of the elderly living here. And this is facilitated by collective activity, joint participation in labor processes. The organization of the rehabilitation process in inpatient social service institutions for the elderly is based on modern ideas about the benefits of a person’s mobile, active lifestyle. The means of rehabilitation of older people in boarding homes are occupational therapy workshops, special workshops, subsidiary farms, etc.
In modern Russia, many elderly people who find themselves in difficult life situations need rehabilitation. To support such people and their rehabilitation, special crisis centers began to be created in a number of regions of the country. Thus, in 1998, crisis centers were opened in two districts of Voronezh for elderly people who found themselves in difficult life situations. They can come here for three weeks. Here they are provided with free medical care and food. The centers operate hairdressers and repair shops, whose services are also free.
The increase in crime in the country and increased social ill-being in society stimulate antisocial behavior among children. The number of socially maladaptive children is increasing. Social maladjustment is characterized not only by the severance of children’s connections with parents, teachers, peers, and the deformation of their value orientations, but also by a disruption of the child’s most important activities from play to study. And without all this there can be no full-fledged psychological development and socialization. Social maladaptation manifests itself in such deviations as vagrancy, violation of moral norms, illegal actions, drug addiction, substance abuse, etc.
For the 90s The number of street children in the country has increased by more than one and a half times. Children are fleeing from parental cruelty, the asocial lifestyle that reigns in individual families, they are fleeing from “hazing”, anti-pedagogical treatment in orphanages. The attitude towards them and the methods of maintaining these children cannot be the same as for teenagers with alcoholism and drug addiction or juvenile delinquents. Although they all need rehabilitation, its forms may be different. For some, temporary isolation and the strict regime used in reception centers are acceptable. For the vast majority of maladjusted minors, the place of rehabilitation should be social shelters and social rehabilitation centers.
Military personnel - veterans of wars, military conflicts and their families - need special rehabilitation. The rehabilitation system for such military personnel is implemented in three main areas: social, psychological and medical. Ensuring the socialization of the individual and restoring its previous level become the goal of social rehabilitation. The main tasks of social rehabilitation of military personnel - participants in military conflicts are: ensuring their social guarantees, monitoring the implementation of social benefits, legal protection, forming a positive public opinion and involving military personnel in the system of social relations. According to experts, the main psycho-traumatic impact of a combat situation is the rather long stay of military personnel under conditions of specific combat stress.
It should be recognized that the effect of stress performs a certain positive function for a person during the battle, but becomes a negative, destructive factor after its end due to post-stress reactions. This can manifest itself in unmotivated aggression towards family, friends and even random people. Or, on the contrary, in a depressed state, in an attempt to withdraw into oneself with the help of alcohol and drugs. The so-called “switched off” personality, detachment from everything that happens around, frequent and prolonged static posture, gaze, loss of interest in life indicate the initial stages of mental disorders. Such persons need medical and psychological assistance, special psychocorrection measures and psychotherapy. In individual conversations, it is necessary to give them the opportunity to express all the painful things, showing interest in their story. Then it is advisable to explain that the state they are experiencing is temporary, inherent to everyone who took part in hostilities. It is very important that they feel understanding and see the willingness to help them not only from specialists - social psychologists, but also from loved ones and relatives.
A powerful means of psychological rehabilitation is the sincere manifestation of understanding and patience towards the problems of persons who have survived psycho-traumatic war conditions. The lack of such understanding and patience on the part of loved ones sometimes leads to tragic consequences.
It should also be noted that parents and family members of combatants also need certain rehabilitation measures and psychological assistance. After all, they themselves were in a traumatic situation, expecting daily terrible news about their dear and beloved. Moreover, sometimes different people return to their mothers and wives, in whom it is difficult to guess the former loved one. Special centers and clubs for relatives of people who have gone through war and military conflicts can be a means of rehabilitating such families.
A special area of ​​rehabilitation activity is the restoration of the legal and social status of persons who have served their sentences in places of deprivation of liberty. These people, having received freedom, and with it the right to independently organize their lives, often do not have not only housing, but also the opportunity to get a job. In modern conditions, when there is a real increase in unemployment, it is increasingly difficult for former prisoners to solve the problem of employment. Realizing this, some leaders, mainly from rural areas, create labor brigades (a kind of communes) from former prisoners. They are provided with housing and the opportunity to earn a living through rural labor. But there are only a few such manager-trustees.
This matter should be dealt with, first of all, by the state, helping those former prisoners who are not welcome at home, who need psychological and other forms of rehabilitation assistance. After all, a former prisoner, unable to find work and housing, again takes the path of crime or joins the ranks of the homeless. There are shelters for the latter, and some former prisoners may end up here. But another part of them goes into crime. As a result, “saving” funds for the creation of specialized rehabilitation centers for persons who have served their sentences in places of deprivation of liberty results in large losses and social costs for the state.
Social rehabilitation, being one of the general technologies of social work, is aimed at restoring not only health and ability to work, but also the social status of an individual, his legal status, moral and psychological balance, and self-confidence. Depending on the specifics of the rehabilitation object, methods of rehabilitation influence are determined, supplemented by appropriate private technologies of social work.

Fundamentals of social work. Textbook. / Rep. ed. PD. Lenok peacock. - M., 1997.
Psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation of children and adolescents with disabilities and learning problems. Brief dictionary-reference book. - Rostov n/d, 1997.
Social work. Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary./ Ed. ed. IN AND. Zhukova. - M., 1997.
Social work with disabled children. Scientific and practical recommendations. Issue 1. - Rostov n/d, 1998.
Social, everyday and labor rehabilitation of disabled people. / Ed. A.I. Osadchikh. - M., 1997.
Reference book on social work./ Ed. AM. Panova, E.I. Single. - M., 1997.
Theory and methodology of social work./ Rep. ed. P.D. Pavlenok. - M., 1993.
Social work technology. Part I. Textbook. manual for universities (materials for practical classes) / Ed. L.Ya. Tsitkilova. - Novocherkassk. - Rostov n/d, 1998.

One of the most important tasks of social work is to preserve and maintain a person, group or team in a state of active, creative and independent attitude towards oneself, one’s life and activities. Process plays a very important role in its solution. recovery this state, which can be lost by the subject for a number of reasons.

Any social subject, regardless of the degree of complexity, throughout his life repeatedly encounters situations when the established and habitual model of life activity is destroyed, established social connections and relationships are broken, and the social environment of his life activity changes with varying degrees of depth. In such circumstances, the subject needs not only to get used to and adapt to new conditions of existence, but also to regain lost social positions, restore physical, emotional and psychological resources, as well as important and significant social connections and relationships for the subject. In other words, a necessary condition for successful and effective social support of a person or group is the restoration of their socially and personally significant qualities and characteristics and overcoming the situation of social and personal insufficiency. This task can and should be successfully solved in the process of organizing and conducting social rehabilitation of the subject.

Social rehabilitation is a set of measures aimed at restoring destroyed or lost for any reason social connections and relationships, socially and personally significant characteristics, properties and capabilities of the subject. This is a conscious, purposeful, internally organized process.

The need for social rehabilitation is a universal social phenomenon. Each social subject, regardless of the degree of his social well-being at a given time, throughout his life is forced to change his usual social environment, forms of activity, expend his inherent strengths and abilities and face situations that inevitably and necessarily lead to certain losses . All this leads to the fact that a person or group begins to feel the need for certain social rehabilitation assistance.

Depending on the nature and content of social or personal problems in which people are involved, both of their own free will and in addition to it, and the content of the tasks that need to be solved, the following apply: main types of social rehabilitation.

1.Social and medical includes rehabilitation and reconstructive therapy, restoration or formation of new skills for a full life in a person and assistance in organizing everyday life and housekeeping.

2.Socio-psychological is intended to increase the level of mental and psychological health of the subject, optimize intra-group connections and relationships, identify the potential capabilities of the individual and organize psychological correction, support and assistance.

3.Social and pedagogical – is aimed at solving such problems as overcoming the state of “pedagogical neglect” (additional or individual lessons, organizing specialized classes), organizing and providing pedagogical assistance for various disorders of a person’s ability to receive education (organizing the educational process in hospitals and places of detention, training people with disabilities and children with non-standard intellectual abilities, etc.). At the same time, certain work is expected to create adequate conditions, forms and methods of training, as well as appropriate techniques and programs.

4.Professional and labor – allows you to form new or restore labor and professional skills lost by a person and subsequently employ him, adapting the regime and working conditions to new needs and opportunities.

5.Social-environmental – is aimed at restoring a person’s sense of social significance within a new social environment. This type of rehabilitation includes introducing a person to the main characteristics of the environment in which he finds himself, helping in organizing a new living environment and restoring habitual patterns of behavior and activities to organize his own daily life.

The ultimate and main goal of the process of social rehabilitation is the development in a person of the desire to independently combat difficulties, the ability to resist the negative influences of the environment and mobilize one’s capabilities to create one’s own “I”.

115.Social adaptation as a technology of social work. Types of social maladjustment.

In the process of studying the topic, it is necessary, firstly, to clarify the essence of the concept of “social adaptation”, and secondly, to study in detail the issue of patterns, conditions, types, structure of social adaptation. Then move on to studying the forms and methods of work to regulate adaptation processes.

A variety of social problems require a social educator to provide assistance in order to achieve social adaptation of children, youth, individuals of different ages, groups, and social strata of the population. Social educators and social workers must regulate the mechanisms of a person’s relationship with the external environment and social institutions (families, education systems, the media).

The term “adaptation” comes from the Latin. words adaptatio - adaptation. An important task of adaptation is human survival through the adaptation of the potentials of the individual’s body with the processes of the natural and social environment.

Highlight four types of adaptation:

1) biological, which characterizes the processes of human adaptation to the natural environment. The position of C. Darwin, I.M. was of great theoretical importance for the study of biological adaptation. Sechenov;

2) physiological– optimal adaptation of the human body to the surrounding world. We studied this type of adaptation by I.P. Pavlov, A.A. Ukhtomsky;

3) psychological– mental organization, individual and personal adaptation;

4) social– adaptation to social relations, requirements, norms of the social structure. Social adaptation is an important mechanism of socialization and is a process that influences an individual in different ways and encourages him to choose mechanisms of action in a certain period of life. This process can occur at three levels:

a) at the level of the macroenvironment, which will characterize the adaptation of the individual to the social, economic, political, cultural, spiritual development of society;

b) at the meso level - adaptation of a person in a social group (family, class, production team, etc.);

c) at the micro level – individual adaptation, the desire for harmonious relationships.

Social adaptation is the process and result of a person’s or a group’s adaptation to an environment that is changing, during which requirements and expectations are harmonized.

Adaptation occurs at all levels of people’s social life, becomes a universal means of overcoming life crises, ensures that a person is prepared for everything new that happens in his life, and is a means of harmonizing social relations.

The main goal of adaptation is to overcome the dysfunctions of the social system and harmonize the relationship of the subject with the environment. In modern socio-economic conditions, the successful harmonization of people is hampered by the inconsistency between “cultural” and social structures, which leads to the search for deviant ways to satisfy needs, a departure from legitimate social ways of satisfying needs and to pseudo-adaptation. Deviant forms of behavior “better” (paradoxically) ensure people’s livelihoods than legal ones, although they have a negative meaning for society (racketeering, theft, murder for enrichment, etc.).

Social rehabilitation – a set of measures aimed at restoring a person’s rights, social status, health, and legal capacity.

The implementation of social rehabilitation largely depends on compliance with its basic principles . These include:

· phasing;

· differentiation;

· complexity;

· continuity;

· subsequence;

· continuity in rehabilitation activities;

· accessibility and preferential free of charge for those most in need (disabled people, pensioners, refugees, etc.).

In social rehabilitation activities there are: levels :

medical and social;

§ professional and labor;

§ socio-psychological;

§ social-role;

§ social and domestic;

§ social and legal.

In practical social work, rehabilitation assistance is provided to various categories of people in need. Depending on this, the most important areas of rehabilitation activity are determined. To such directions social rehabilitation should include:

· disabled people and children with disabilities;

· old people;

· military personnel who participated in wars and military conflicts;

· persons who have served their sentences in places of deprivation of liberty, etc.

One of the priorities of modern social policy is the social protection of people with disabilities.

Rehabilitation of disabled people

The main types of rehabilitation of disabled people are: medical, social-environmental, professional-labor and psychological-pedagogical.

Medical rehabilitation includes a set of medical measures aimed at restoring or compensating for impaired or lost body functions that led to disability. These include rehabilitation and sanatorium-resort treatment, prevention of complications, reconstructive surgery, prosthetics, physiotherapy, physical therapy, mud therapy, psychotherapy, etc. The state guarantees disabled people full provision of all types of medical care, which is provided free of charge or on preferential terms in accordance with with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of its subjects.

Social and environmental rehabilitation for disabled people is a set of measures aimed at creating an optimal environment for their living, providing conditions for restoring social status and lost social ties. Such rehabilitation activities are aimed at providing disabled people with special equipment and equipment that allows them to be relatively independent in everyday life.

Under vocational rehabilitation disabled people is understood as a system of state-guaranteed measures for vocational guidance, vocational training and employment of disabled people in accordance with their health, qualifications and personal inclinations. Medical and social expert commissions and rehabilitation centers provide vocational guidance. Vocational training is carried out in regular or specialized educational institutions for the training of specialists in various fields, as well as in the system of industrial and technical training at enterprises. Employment of disabled people who are unemployed is carried out by employment services, where there are special units for this purpose.

There are specific features of employment of disabled people in rural areas. They use such forms of employment as work as part of specialized field teams, individual procurement of wild products, work in auxiliary industries and at home producing small products.

An individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person includes a set of rehabilitation measures that are optimal for him. It contains rehabilitation activities provided free of charge in accordance with the federal basic program for the rehabilitation of disabled people, as well as those in which the disabled person himself or other persons and organizations participate in the payment.

Rehabilitation of disabled children

Rehabilitation of disabled children should begin at the earliest stages of the disease. Individual comprehensive rehabilitation programs for disabled children should reflect not only the main aspects of rehabilitation (medical, psychological, pedagogical, social, welfare), but also rehabilitation measures, their scope, timing and control.

The problematic side of the rehabilitation process in boarding homes for children with disabilities is its certain isolation. There is no opportunity for wider communication between disabled children and a healthy environment, which leaves a unique imprint on the level of socialization of children and makes it difficult for them to adapt to society. Such problems are better solved in rehabilitation centers for children and adolescents with disabilities.

The approximate regulations on these centers were approved by the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation in December 1994. In accordance with it, the purpose of the center’s activities is not only to provide children and adolescents with disabilities in physical or mental development with qualified medical, social, psychological and social , social and pedagogical assistance, but also their adaptation to life in society, family, learning and work.

Rehabilitation of the elderly

Medical and social rehabilitation is becoming of great importance for the lives of older people. Due to the natural aging of the body, chronic diseases become more common with age. The number of people in need of constant medical supervision is growing. Issues of medical and social rehabilitation of older people are professionally resolved in wide-profile rehabilitation centers and specialized gerontological centers.

Gerontological centers usually use medicinal, non-medicinal and organizational methods of medical and social rehabilitation of older people. Medication includes restorative, symptomatic, stimulating and other types of therapy. Non-drug treatments include massage, physiotherapy, psychotherapy, acupuncture, herbal medicine, etc. The appointment of a separate regime (bed, observation, free), dispensary observation, inpatient treatment are an organizational method of medical and social rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation of elderly people in boarding homes has its own characteristics. The organization of the rehabilitation process in inpatient social service institutions for the elderly is based on modern ideas about the benefits of a person’s mobile, active lifestyle. The means of rehabilitation of older people in boarding homes are occupational therapy workshops, special workshops, subsidiary farms, etc.

Rehabilitation of children from disadvantaged families

Increased social disadvantage in society stimulates antisocial behavior among children. Social maladjustment is characterized not only by the severance of children’s connections with parents, teachers, peers, and the deformation of their value orientations, but also by a violation of the child’s most important activities. Social maladaptation manifests itself in such deviations as vagrancy, violation of moral norms, illegal actions, drug addiction, substance abuse, etc.

The methods of maintaining these children cannot be the same as for teenagers with alcoholism and drug addiction, or juvenile delinquents. They all need rehabilitation, but its forms can be different. For some, temporary isolation and the strict regime used in reception centers are acceptable. For the vast majority of maladjusted minors, the place of rehabilitation should be social shelters and social rehabilitation centers.

Rehabilitation of military personnel

Military personnel - veterans of wars, military conflicts and their families - need special rehabilitation. The rehabilitation system for such military personnel is implemented in three main areas: social, psychological and medical. The main tasks of social rehabilitation of military personnel are: ensuring their social guarantees, monitoring the implementation of social benefits, legal protection, forming a positive public opinion and involving military personnel in the system of social relations.

The main psycho-traumatic impact of a combat situation is a fairly long stay of military personnel under conditions of specific combat stress, the effect of which performs a certain positive function for a person during the battle, but becomes a negative, destructive factor after its end due to post-stress reactions. This can manifest itself in unmotivated aggression towards family, friends and even random people. Or in a depressed state, in an attempt to withdraw into oneself with the help of alcohol and drugs. Such persons need medical and psychological assistance, special psychocorrection measures and psychotherapy.

Parents and family members of combatants need certain rehabilitation measures and psychological assistance. Special centers and clubs for relatives of people who have gone through war and military conflicts can be a means of rehabilitating such families.

Rehabilitation of persons who have served their sentences in prisons

A special area of ​​rehabilitation activity is the restoration of the legal and social status of persons who have served their sentences in places of deprivation of liberty. A former prisoner, unable to find work or housing, again takes the path of crime or joins the ranks of the homeless. There are shelters for the latter, and some former prisoners may end up in them. Another part of them goes into crime. As a result, “saving” funds for the creation of specialized rehabilitation centers for persons who have served their sentences in places of deprivation of liberty results in large losses and social costs for the state.

Social rehabilitation, being one of the general technologies of social work, is aimed at restoring not only health and ability to work, but also the social status of an individual, his legal status, and moral and psychological balance. Depending on the specifics of the rehabilitation object, methods of rehabilitation influence are determined, supplemented by appropriate private technologies of social work.