Childhood psoriasis. Treatment of psoriasis in children. Only lazy mothers have sick children! Psoriasis in a child: types, treatment and photos Psoriasis symptoms, causes of appearance in children

When children are diagnosed with psoriasis at the initial stage, parents are first of all interested in the manifestations of the disease and look for photos of the symptoms. To understand the course of the disease and the choice of treatment, you need to know that the disease has several forms, each of which has its own clinical picture.

Causes of psoriasis in children

As a rule, those children whose parents suffer from allergies or are prone to dermatological diseases are at risk for psoriasis. Thus, predisposition to psoriasis is transmitted at the gene level, which is activated under the influence of certain causes.

Fact! If one of the parents has a history of any form of psoriasis, there is a 25% chance that it will be passed on to the child. When both dad and mom suffer from the disease, the chance of the disease in children increases to 75%.

Etiology of the disease

There are many factors that give rise to the disease:

  1. Infectious disease. The infection itself cannot in any way be the cause of psoriasis, but the disease itself leads to a malfunction in the immune system, and this is where the mechanism for the development of the disease is triggered.
  2. Allergy. Also, the appearance of dermatological problems is often associated with seasonal exacerbation of allergies.
  3. Hereditary predisposition. It has long been proven that parents’ propensity for psoriasis leads to a high chance of developing the disease in their baby.
  4. Virus. There is a theory that some viruses can cause the activation of the disease.
  5. Hormonal imbalances. Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system often provoke the development of dermatological problems.
  6. Liver diseases. When dysfunction occurs, the organ cannot remove toxins accumulated in the body, which can lead to the development of psoriasis.

To be prepared for the possible appearance of a skin disease, it would be a good idea to get tested and find out whether your child has a tendency to psoriasis.


The child’s body is particularly susceptible to the influence of its environment, which can cause illness. A number of main factors can be listed:

  1. Wrong nutrition. Constant consumption of products containing large amounts of dyes and preservatives. This also includes allergenic products.
  2. Stress. Psychological stress in a preschool or school, as well as problems communicating with peers can cause stress.
  3. Overwork. Failure to comply with the regime and lack of sleep can have a detrimental effect on the condition of a small organism.
  4. High sensitivity to household chemicals.
  5. Wearing clothes made of synthetic, non-breathable fabrics.

You should pay attention to these factors, the elimination of which will help prevent the occurrence of childhood psoriasis. Once a child's diagnosis is confirmed, eliminating triggers is the basis of treatment.

What do different types of psoriasis look like in the early stages in children?

Often people who have never suffered from psoriasis do not know what the disease looks like. And suspicious rashes can easily be attributed to a common allergic reaction, without taking any measures to eliminate the disease. As a result, parents get an advanced stage of the disease. So what does psoriasis look like in different types of children?

The main signs of the development of plaque psoriasis can be identified:

  1. The baby feels weak and quickly becomes overtired.
  2. Purple spots appear on the skin.
  3. Then these spots begin to peel off profusely, which is accompanied by subsequent keratinization of the skin.
  4. At the slightest trauma to the plaques, a slight bleeding occurs.
  5. The red marks are quite hot to the touch.
  6. The spots are very itchy.

In addition, these traces can grow and merge very quickly. The surface of the plaques is usually covered with a thin gray coating. Such rashes can be found on absolutely any part of the body; the disease is especially insidious on the scalp. You can see what plaque psoriasis looks like in children in the photo.

The disease got its name from the shape of the rashes, which look like dots or small drops. At the initial stage, the disease manifests itself as follows:

  • single rashes appear;
  • the affected area on the body does not exceed 3%;
  • the color of the spots is pale pink or purple;
  • the marks are dry and itchy.

Gradually, the rashes occupy an increasingly larger area and if not treated in a timely manner, the disease can develop into a severe form that is difficult to treat. In the photo you can see what psoriasis looks like in children:

This form is extremely rare. It is present in only 1% of psoriatic patients. The following symptoms of the pustular form of the disease can be distinguished:

  1. First, inflammation appears on the skin.
  2. These areas then develop symmetrical rashes called pustules.
  3. There is a burning and itching sensation in the areas of the rash.
  4. Symptoms intensify at night and upon contact with diapers that have not been rinsed well to remove powder.
  5. Then the rashes begin to fill with fluid.
  6. If the bubbles with liquid burst, the wounds get infected, after which suppuration forms.

The locations of the rash are usually on the soles of the feet and palms.

Exudative psoriasis

Another common form of skin disease. At the first stage of development, the disease looks like this:

  1. Individual pale pink plaques appear on the skin.
  2. These spots quickly begin to grow and merge into one lesion.
  3. Liquid forms in these places.
  4. The skin on the plaques gradually peels off and exfoliates, so a thick layer of keratinized tissue appears on the spots.
  5. When scratching, dead skin comes off well, and liquid and blood appear at the scratch site.

The rash is localized mainly in the folds of the baby’s body and on the limbs. The photo shows what the rash looks like.

Inverse psoriasis

The inverse form of psoriasis in children is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Deep, pale pink spots appear first.
  2. These lesions always have a smooth and shiny surface, since the rashes peel off very well and without a trace.
  3. Rashes appear on the thin skin of the armpits or in the groin area.

Since the localization of the rash is quite tender, the risk of damage and infection increases.

Psoriasis of the scalp

Often childhood psoriasis is localized on the scalp. The disease progresses very slowly, and at the initial stage this disease can be confused with ordinary dandruff. Psoriasis on the scalp manifests itself as follows:

  1. You may first notice the first signs of a reddish rash.
  2. This rash then grows into oval papules with clearly visible scales.
  3. At this stage, peeling of the skin appears, similar to dandruff.
  4. Next, the spots grow and transform into plaques.
  5. The course of the disease is accompanied by unbearable itching. As a result of scratching the plaques, suppuration is formed.

Psoriasis on the scalp can occur in various forms.

Nail psoriasis

Nail psoriasis causes very unpleasant symptoms and aesthetic defects. In the advanced stage, the nail literally decomposes, exposing the nail bed. In order not to start the course of the disease, it is necessary to identify it in the early stages of development. At the first stage of the disease, the following symptoms can be identified:

  1. Numerous depressions in the form of dots appear on the nail plate.
  2. The nail begins to become cloudy.
  3. When pressing on the nail bed, you may feel pain.

Childhood nail psoriasis is very rare and usually develops skin lesions after a certain period of time.

Features of the disease in newborns and infants

Psoriasis in young children has the following number of features:

  1. Newborns almost always develop an atypical form of psoriasis, which closely resembles miliaria.
  2. The resulting spots merge quite quickly.
  3. In children, the rashes are localized mainly on the face and in the folds of the skin.
  4. Closer to 1-2 years, abundant peeling appears at the site of the spots.
  5. Plaques in infants have clearly defined contours.
  6. Complications develop very quickly; developing psoriatic arthritis, as a rule, is asymmetrical.

Knowing these nuances of the disease, you can detect the disease in time and consult a doctor.

Complications of psoriasis

Alas, psoriasis does not always occur without leaving a trace on other organs; quite often this disease carries severe complications that can be life-threatening and can lead to disability.

Psoriatic erythroderma

In some cases of the disease, complications can affect the entire skin. The following symptoms appear:

  • the skin takes on a bright red tint;
  • swelling appears;
  • there is severe dryness and flaking;
  • the patient has a fever;
  • There is itching and burning throughout the body.

Also, with the disease, enlargement of the lymph nodes is observed. A complication can occur with the usual form of psoriasis; the following factors can cause the appearance of erythroderma:

  • abrupt discontinuation of therapy;
  • infectious diseases;
  • stress;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption.

All these factors, especially in adolescence, significantly complicate the course of the disease. Therefore, it is worth realizing that the disease requires only competent, qualified treatment with strict adherence to the recommendations.

Important! The complication can be fatal due to disruption of heat exchange in the body and dysfunction of the skin barrier.

Generalized pustular psoriasis

This is the most complicated form of the disease, difficult to treat. The course of the complication occurs in waves, accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. The appearance of a lesion is always accompanied by an increase in temperature and a deterioration in the patient’s condition.
  2. At first, the plaques are far from each other, but, quickly growing in size, they merge into a single focus.
  3. Plaques are accompanied by the appearance of pus.
  4. After drying, crusts usually form at the sites of pustules, but it happens that purulent formations appear again in the same place.

In addition, Staphylococcus aureus may be sown in some lesions.

Fact! Treatment of generalized pustular psoriasis should be carried out in a hospital under strict supervision.

Psoriatic arthritis

Almost every tenth patient suffers from this joint complication. As a rule, the joints of the following body parts are affected:

  • feet;
  • wrists;
  • lower back.

The damage process begins with inflammation of the joint capsule. But the inflammatory process is rather weakly expressed. Often before the illness, the patient feels a general deterioration in his condition, as well as muscle pain. Symptoms of the disease proceed as follows:

  • the area around the joint swells;
  • the skin in this place becomes burgundy;
  • interphalangeal joints are affected;
  • fingers swell greatly.

Delayed therapy can lead to disastrous consequences, including surgical intervention.

How is psoriasis diagnosed, besides external signs?

Of course, at first, the disease is diagnosed with an external examination, through which a specialist determines the area of ​​focal lesions and the degree of neglect of the disease. But external examination is far from the only method of diagnosis.

Psoriatic triad

The psoriatic triad represents a number of symptoms characteristic of this disease. Based on them, the doctor can make a diagnosis. These symptoms include the following:

  1. Stearic stain. This symptom is characterized by increased peeling. This is due to the fact that dried epidermal cells become loose and cannot linger on the surface of the skin. Peeling flakes look a lot like dandruff.
  2. Terminal film. This symptom is characterized by the covering of the papule with a thin film, which comes off very easily when rubbed. If you remove all the scales from the plaque, you can see this film with the naked eye.
  3. Pinpoint bleeding. This symptom can be detected after the film is removed. With the appearance of pinpoint bleeding, one can observe the beginning of the rapid growth of plaques and their merging together.

Based on a number of these signs, you can accurately diagnose psoriasis.

Laboratory tests for differential diagnosis

After the specialist makes a visual examination, he directs the patient to undergo laboratory tests, which take place in several stages. The patient will need to submit the following material for testing:

  1. Scraping from the site of skin lesions. Differential diagnosis is carried out using the results of histological examination. For a superficial scraping, scaly material is removed from the plaques, and for a deep scraping, droplets of blood are collected from the papules.
  2. Blood donation. A blood test is mandatory in diagnosing psoriasis. With a prolonged course of the disease, a low level of hemoglobin and an increase in the number of leukocytes can be detected in the material.
  3. Analysis of urine. Skin ailments often occur with metabolic disorders; analysis of the material helps to get an idea of ​​the state of the water-salt balance in the body. The detection of sedimentary salts in the urine indicates a severe course of the disease.

Laboratory tests will help make a more accurate diagnosis and determine the stage of the disease. Based on the diagnostic results, individual therapy is selected.

How to put a patient into remission?

Psoriasis in children is complicated by the fact that a number of drugs and procedures are contraindicated for a small body. Therapy to eliminate the disease must be comprehensive, affecting not only the symptoms, but also the mechanism of action of the disease. So how can you put psoriasis in a child into remission and maintain it for a long time?

Treatment with medications

Traditional methods of treatment are the main method in the fight against the disease. It is worth paying attention to the fact that not all drugs are well tolerated by the baby, so it is a good idea to pay attention to contraindications.

Non-hormonal drugs

Treatment of psoriasis in children is carried out with the active use of these drugs. They are quite effective and do not harm the small organism. These means include the following types:

  • Calcipotriol;
  • ointments based on zinc pyrithione;
  • Salicylic ointment.

All ointments must be used strictly according to the instructions to avoid overdose.

Preparations for oral administration

Since the treatment of psoriasis in children should have an integrated approach, the impact on the disease should take place not only externally, but also internally. As a rule, children are prescribed a small group of drugs with different spectrums of action, these include the following medications:

  • antihistamines;
  • sedatives;
  • vitamin complexes.

In advanced forms of psoriasis and complications, hormonal drugs are used. Today, there are corticosteroid medications adapted for small patients, so you should not be wary if a doctor prescribes such medications for your child.

Physiotherapeutic methods

Physiotherapeutic procedures are an effective addition in the treatment of the disease. They help normalize the patient’s condition and relieve the main discomfort symptoms.


Ultraviolet irradiation is widely used in therapy against psoriasis. Exposure to ultraviolet rays can occur either throughout the body or locally, depending on the affected area. This procedure gives the following effect:

  • bactericidal effect;
  • reduction of rashes;
  • long-term remission.

The procedure is usually performed in a medical facility, but there are some types of therapy that can be done at home.

Excimer laser

Another procedure that is widely used in the treatment of psoriasis. The therapy involves exposure to ultraviolet light in the form of a thin, targeted laser. The advantage of therapy is that the effect is strictly on psoriatic plaques, without affecting healthy areas of the skin, which reduces the occurrence of adverse reactions. The radiation dosage is calculated individually depending on the age and stage of the disease. The course of therapy gives the following results:

  • plaques completely disappear;
  • remission lasts more than a year;
  • all symptoms disappear.

The patient should visit the physiotherapy room 2-3 times a week. The course consists of 11-14 procedures.

Therapeutic baths

Psoriasis in newborns can be treated by taking medicinal baths, to which sea salt and healing mud from the Dead Sea are added. Regular therapy sessions contribute to the following results:

  • itching is relieved;
  • wounds heal;
  • Gradually the plaques lighten and disappear.

The positive effect of the procedure is due to the high content of useful minerals and salts in the components, which have a beneficial effect on the skin.

Important! This method is suitable for maintaining remission; during periods of exacerbation, this method should be abandoned, since salt can corrode wounds.

If there are very few wounds on the body, then before the procedure you can smear them with a small layer of Vaseline, which forms a protective film on the surface of the skin.

Diet in therapy against psoriasis

Since psoriasis in infants requires an integrated approach, adherence to a diet that includes the following nuances becomes mandatory in therapy:

  • exclusion of allergenic products;
  • presence of fiber in the diet;
  • compliance with the diet.

A balanced diet will help maintain remission for a long time. If the child is breastfed, then nutritional restrictions are imposed on the mother's diet.


Traditional methods of treatment are quite effective and safe. The main recipes include the following:

  1. A decoction of celandine and string. Taking a bath with this infusion relieves symptoms well and sets the baby up for a sound sleep.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil. This product has a healing and antimicrobial effect. They should lubricate the affected areas.
  3. Tar. You can mix birch tar and Vaseline in equal proportions and apply the medicinal cream to the plaques.

You should use traditional methods with caution, since newborns may be allergic to some components.

Psoriasis in children is always an unpleasant problem that gives the baby a lot of discomfort. But, knowing the enemy by sight, you can notice the disease at its first manifestations and begin proper therapy to eliminate it in time

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Psoriasis is not uncommon in recent years, but today the number of children who have been exposed to this disease has increased.

The explanation for the increase in incidence among children can partly be explained by heredity, when the tendency to psoriasis is passed on from parents to children, but it should be remembered that psoriasis is a non-infectious disease and is not transmitted through contact between healthy children and sick children.

The symptoms of psoriasis are similar to the symptoms of psoriasis in adult patients, however, THE INITIAL SIGNS OF PSORIASIS IN CHILDREN ARE ASSOCIATED WITH DISORDERS IN THE BODY'S METABOLIC PROCESSES and most often develop in the cold season.

Symptoms of the disease

Unlike adult patients, in a child, and especially in infants, SYMPTOMS DEVELOP SUDDENLY with limited redness in the skin folds followed by detachment along the periphery of the skin layer. Often such symptoms are misdiagnosed as candidiasis, diaper rash or eczematide. In the future, the rash may appear in atypical places (genital area and face).

As a rule, childhood psoriasis develops in 4 stages:

  • initial;

  • stationary;
  • progressive;
  • regressive stage.

In children, the course of the disease is atypical, so in some cases parents cannot understand that the baby is developing psoriasis.

The initial stage of development of psoriasis in children is characterized by:

  • hyperemia occurs in the folds of the skin, followed by maceration and peeling of the affected area of ​​the body;
  • if the psoriatic rash is located on the scalp, the appearance of specific crusts and severe itching is noted;
  • Quite often, the primary stage of the disease in young children occurs at sites of irritation with medications or as a result of contact with clothing (diapers, diapers, etc.);
  • in the teardrop form of the disease, the papules are pinpoint-like. They appear suddenly and spread to the face, neck, head, bends of the legs and arms.

Unlike the disease in adult patients, childhood psoriasis is long-lasting and severe. Subsequently, the papules transform into psoriatic plaques and can grow to the size of a child's palm.

The reasons for the development of psoriasis are not fully understood, however, the famous pediatrician, Dr. Komarovsky, believes that the root cause of psoriasis is PSYCHOSOMATIC FACTORS, therefore the treatment and diagnosis of the disease in children should be taken seriously.

The most common sites of localization of psoriasis in children

Psoriatic manifestations in children can affect any part of the body and are located similarly to adults, but are much brighter and more severe.

Most often affected:

FACE. As a rule, the rash is localized on the forehead and cheeks, accompanied by severe redness and itching. Subsequently, the rash spreads to the eyelids and ears. For any patient (especially a child) with psoriatic rashes on the face, this form of the disease has a psychologically depressing effect and requires a delicate approach.


The most commonly affected areas are the inguinal folds and the chin fold. Sometimes a psoriatic rash appears in the umbilical fold, accompanied by characteristic manifestations (itching and hyperemia).

NAILS. 30% of all sick children suffer from psoriatic nail lesions. This symptom is classified as “nail dystrophy” and affects all nails. In this case, very small depressions are observed on the nail plates.

Despite the fact that psoriasis is transmitted genetically, heredity is not one of the main reasons that provoke psoriasis among children. As a rule, the development of psoriasis in a child is sequential (every 3 months changes in the course of the disease occur). However, even in difficult cases, Dr. Komarovsky does not recommend treating psoriasis with steroid drugs, retinoids and immunopressors, since these treatment methods have a lot of undesirable consequences.

Types of psoriasis in children


Infants may be susceptible to a form of the disease called diaper psoriasis, which first appears in the buttock area as a result of exposure to urine and feces. This type of psoriasis is quite difficult to identify, so careful diagnosis is required. In children over 1 year of age, the causes of damage to the skin, buttocks and scalp should be determined and treatment should begin.


Children, just like adults, can experience plaque psoriasis, as well as psoriasis vulgaris, characterized by hyperemic areas of the skin with smooth borders. Psoriatic plaques are covered with white scales. It is important to determine when the first stage of the disease appears and what it looks like. It is very important to identify the symptoms of the disease when the disease begins to progress. This will allow you to get a positive result during subsequent treatment.

DROP-SHAPED. Guttate psoriasis occurs most often in children and is characterized by the appearance of red bumps (especially on the legs and arms) after mechanical trauma to the skin. As a rule, the teardrop form of psoriasis is accompanied by an infectious process. Quite often, this guttate psoriasis is confused with an allergic attack.

PUSTULAR. In children, this type of disease occurs very often in children and is accompanied by damage to the joints (sometimes together with the pustular form of psoriasis). Psoriatic arthritis is quite severe and can lead to irreversible consequences of the joints.

PSORIASIS OF THE SCALP. The main causes of psoriasis of the scalp are disruptions in the body's metabolic processes. This form of the disease most often occurs in infants. The skin of the scalp softens and gradual peeling of scales is observed in the affected areas on the scalp.

Negative manifestations on the scalp are accompanied by redness of the skin, itching and powdery (slightly silvery) scales. In this case, psoriasis should be differentiated from seborrheic dermatitis, when the separated scales are greasy and slightly yellowish, therefore, diagnosis is prescribed followed by treatment based on the examination results.

Dr. Komarovsky claims that children with scalp psoriasis subsequently develop psychological complexes, often leading to isolation from society. Despite the fact that the disease is not transmitted by contact, the attitude of others towards a sick person is very wary.


30% of sick children are susceptible to this type of psoriasis. Diagnosis, as a rule, is not difficult, since every dermatologist knows how psoriasis manifests itself in children with nail damage. The main causes of psoriatic nail damage in childhood are explained by malfunctions of the immune system, when the horny covering of the nail and the upper skin layer begin to grow and separate. The immune system perceives this division as a pathology and produces antibodies to fight it, which leads to the destruction of nails.

The symptoms of nail disease depend on the form and type of psoriasis.

  • The most common types of nail psoriasis include:

  • thimble-shaped - small depressions appear in the nail area, resembling a thimble;

  • onycholysis - nail detachment is noted in the absence of an obvious inflammatory process. There is a yellow-pink border around the nail plate;

  • onychomadesis - this stage is characterized by rapid detachment of the nail, without a border around the nail bed;

  • subungual hemorrhage - characterized by pinkish-red spots, as well as hemorrhages in the form of a strip of brown, red (sometimes black) colors under the nail;

  • psoriatic paronychia - with this form, thickening of the finger and periungual fold with a simultaneous inflammatory process is observed.

Famous pediatrician – E.O. To avoid the development of nail psoriasis in children, Komarovsky recommends the following preventive measures:

  • It is necessary to constantly trim the baby’s nails;
  • microtraumas in the hand area should be avoided;
  • It is important to keep your hands clean.

Diagnosis of psoriasis in childhood

Determining the disease, as a rule, does not require additional instrumental examination. Already during the first visual examination of the child, the doctor can see characteristic symptoms.

Sometimes a histological examination of the affected area of ​​the skin is prescribed in order to exclude diseases with similar symptoms (papular syphilis, seborrheic dermatitis, lupus erythematosus, etc.).

Treatment of psoriasis in children

Today, there is no “universal” treatment that would get rid of psoriasis forever, which depends on the insufficiently studied etiology of the disease (failures in metabolic processes, improper functioning of the immune system, psoriasis is inherited, etc.). Drug therapy, including creams and ointments, alleviates the patient's condition for a short period of time. To select the most effective treatment method, the age of the child and the form of the disease are taken into account.

The most commonly used methods are:

  • Dr. Komarovsky recommends starting the treatment of childhood psoriasis with nutritional correction, especially in children from 1 to 12 years old. When feeding infants, the diet must be followed by the nursing woman. First of all, the diet includes the exclusion of fatty, sweet, spicy and fried foods, as well as brightly colored fruits and vegetables;

  • for uncomplicated psoriasis, children are prescribed local remedies (ointments and creams) with keratoplasties and keratolytics (softening and exfoliating preparations), which include tar, ichthyol, salicylic and naphthalan ointments;
  • in case of severe itching, treatment of psoriasis in children is carried out with antihistamines (Claritin, Zodak, Suprastin, etc.) and desensitizers (10% calcium chloride solution);
  • to stabilize the nervous system, valerian tincture is prescribed in a dosage appropriate to the baby’s age, and vitamin preparations (Riboflavin, Cyanocobalamin, Pyridoxine);
  • increasing the protective function of the body is carried out by means with pyrogenic properties (Prodigiozan, Pyrogenal), normalizing vascular permeability and slowing down accelerated cell division;

  • To eliminate plaques in the arm area, it is recommended to use ointments and creams with Prednisolone and Salicylic ointments in the form of sterile dressings. If psoriatic manifestations develop on the head, Papaverine ointment or Daivonex cream is prescribed. In extreme cases, if the therapy is ineffective, the doctor may prescribe glucocorticosteroids.

It is recommended to carry out such physical procedures as plasmapheresis, ultraviolet irradiation, PUVA therapy, hemosorption and hirudotherapy. In addition, for young patients with psoriasis, rest in the sanatoriums of Crimea and Sochi has a positive effect.

Treatment with folk remedies

In addition to drug treatment, therapy with traditional methods, including procedures such as:

  • rubbing into the skin, as well as adding essential oils (bergamot, lavender, rose, jasmine) to the baby’s bath;

  • ingesting decoctions of chamomile, linden and lavender, which have an anti-inflammatory and calming effect;
  • You can exfoliate psoriatic scales by applying moist, crushed oatmeal to the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • cream and ointment with the addition of calendula have a positive effect;
  • It is recommended to take 0.5 - 1 tsp orally daily. sea ​​buckthorn oil. In addition, it can be used to lubricate the affected area.

It must be remembered that pathology should be treated with folk remedies in combination with basic procedures. Only with such treatment can long-term remission be achieved, symptoms reduced and relapses prevented.

With an integrated approach (diet, use of medications and treatment with traditional recipes), the prognosis for recovery is favorable.

As a rule, psoriasis that first appears in children is easy to treat.

Often it is enough to follow a diet, study and rest regime. But if psoriasis progresses, then treatment should be started as soon as possible and the child’s condition should be closely monitored. It is important for your child to lead a healthy lifestyle to help their immune system fight psoriasis. Rashes can be a serious problem for children, who must learn to treat and manage their condition. To do this, they need support from their family.

Psoriasis occurs in childhood in 20 cases, at the age of 20 years in a third of cases. This non-infectious chronic skin lesion usually develops from a certain genetic predisposition.

Environmental factors can be a cause, as well as external factors (such as seasonal changes or contact of clothing with skin) and internal factors (such as infectious diseases such as sore throat, emotional stress and certain medications). Clinical symptoms of psoriasis in children are usually similar to those in adults. However, psoriasis in children can take atypical forms, which can make diagnosis difficult. Some skin conditions that affect children around the buttocks, eyelids or skin look similar to psoriasis.

This disease develops a complex because the attitude of surrounding people can be cruel.

And here are the results that were obtained after two months of treatment using Dr. Ognevaya’s method

I will never forget a number of incidents that happened in my childhood. Of course, this is an extreme experience. And God forbid everyone to go this way.

I remember myself at 8 years old. Sochi. I lived on Mandarinovaya Street with my mother. When I first came to the beach. I'm at sea...everything is from the sea. Immediately this part of the beach became free. Everyone looked in my direction with suspicion, the children pointed their fingers and went to the beach with their grandmothers. And the second picture from my childhood always reminds me of the cruelty of people. And I will always remember my mother, with her eyes swollen from tears, who tried to explain to everyone that my Svetochka was not contagious. It was in the Vsochin bathhouse, I was 8 years old and then I lost consciousness for the first time. And how much there was. We lived on Baumanskaya. My mother and I got on the tram - all from the tram. And the wild screams of mothers who pulled out their children, afraid of me like a leper.

I remember being a first-year student at the musical comedy department, when the course leader N.A. came up to me and said: “Sveta, the girls don’t want to rehearse with you, they don’t want to put on costumes after you. You need to leave on your own. Better go to medical school...” Thanks to N.A. Today I can say that I am happy only because I can hear the words of gratitude from my patients.

But I will always love theatre, stage, poetry. And I very often dream that I am standing on stage, in some kind of stage costume, and hear the voices of my dissatisfied classmates. This remained my pain for the rest of my life.

What is psoriasis in children

Psoriasis often occurs in children as one of the following: Lesions on the elbows, knees, and scalp that are usually permanent (do not appear and go away). Or small red plaques that sometimes cover the entire body, but suddenly disappear after a few weeks. Psoriasis is often unpleasant for a child. Rashes cause great concern even during pregnancy, which creates a deep psychological impact. Inappropriate attitudes from other children can make the problem worse.

If your child has psoriasis, you should do everything in your power to try to get rid of the rash.

The child should be seen by a doctor and diagnosed as soon as possible. You must strictly follow your doctor's advice and do not forget to regularly use the creams prescribed by your doctor. If you persistently follow all the instructions, you can ease the course until the plaques disappear.

Treatment for psoriasis on the legs is the same as for adults, and the skin should be treated with care while it is being treated. It's best to avoid uncomfortable shoes that can damage your skin. However, once the disease becomes manageable, you can allow such tight control to be relaxed a little.

Your child's well-being and health are more important, and if your child enjoys sports, not to mention the practical benefits, you should encourage your child who suffers from psoriasis to participate in physical activities and play sports. Make sure she/he has a variety of interests, but be careful not to break the skin. Psoriasis can start when the skin becomes damaged, for example if a child spends too much time riding a bicycle. There is no reason to prevent swimming. To reduce skin irritation caused by water disinfection, petroleum jelly can be applied to the desired areas.

Children who are overweight may have psoriasis in the skin folds and areas where it remains tight. However, strict dietary restrictions can cause emotional discomfort and be a new provocateur.

It is also important to keep your child's immune system healthy. Because his immune system, like the rest of his body, is still immature, and maintaining a balanced diet is essential to ensure the immune system functions at its optimum. Tobacco smoke also affects the immune system, so you should protect your child from exposure to tobacco smoke.

Your illness is to manipulate you or emotionally blackmail you, and children must learn not to view psoriasis as a disadvantage. Often, children who base their self-esteem on appearance and “image” may suffer from ridicule about rashes, which can create a lot of inconvenience. They must learn to ignore these comments from a social point of view, which can be helpful to explain to the child (and his best friend) during meetings with teachers.

Psychological stress (regardless of the cause, be it school or family) can have a significant impact on the disease, so if a child's psoriasis worsens, then seeking help from a psychologist or expert should be considered at an early stage.

Various forms of childhood psoriasis

Psoriasis looks the same in a child as in adults, and the causes of itching in 30% of cases are the same. However, there are some different symptoms. Koebner syndrome, which is characterized by the appearance of psoriatic skin lesions in areas that have been affected by injury or irritation, is very common among children. Often appears in areas such as vaccine scars or injuries caused by, for example, falling off a bicycle.

The fact that a child suffers from psoriasis in the first years of his life is not in itself a factor of poor prognosis. No severe exacerbation of psoriasis in childhood predicts that children will continue to suffer from more severe forms of psoriasis later in life. However, given the chronic nature of psoriasis, it is very likely that the child will continue to suffer from flare-ups of psoriasis, alternating with periods of improvement, for the rest of his life.

Types of psoriasis

Infant psoriasis

Psoriasis can be noticeable at an early age, but rarely appears in children in the first periods after birth. However, infants are susceptible to a special form of psoriasis known as diaper psoriasis. This is a dermatosis with lesions that occur mainly in the buttocks area due to skin irritation from urine and feces. They clearly do not look like psoriatic lesions, and this type is not easy to diagnose. It is very difficult to determine whether a child is suffering from psoriasis or whether it just appears to be dermatosis of the gluteal region. In older children, it is necessary to differentiate between seborrheic psoriasis and dermatitis, identifying the cause of lesions on the skin, buttocks and scalp.

Plaque psoriasis

Like adults, children can suffer from plaque psoriasis, or psoriasis vulgaris, which consists of red, well-defined lesions covered with a thick layer of white scales.

Guttate psoriasis

Guttate psoriasis is especially common in children. Characterized by the sudden appearance after some minor injuries, red bumps, especially localized on the body, arms and legs. This type of psoriasis usually accompanies infections, such as otitis media or nasopharyngitis. Cytological examination of a throat smear often indicates the existence of a streptococcal infection. Guttate psoriasis is often confused with an allergy attack. Other types. Like adults, children can also, in exceptional cases, be susceptible to serious types of psoriasis, such as erythrodermic or pustular psoriasis. In severe forms of psoriasis, hospitalization is required.

Pustular psoriasis

Although rare in children, pustular psoriasis can appear at birth. In this case, the form is known as neonatal pustular psoriasis. It may be the first manifestation of psoriasis, or a complication of psoriasis vulgaris. May be caused by infection, stress, or a vaccine or certain medications. It is often not possible to confirm the diagnosis of pustular psoriasis until they have it is unknown what triggered it.

Generalized pustular psoriasis is often accompanied by allergy attacks. Pustular psoriasis in the area of ​​the palms and feet alternates between periods of improvement and relapse, and can sometimes lead to functional disability.

Erythrodermic psoriasis

Children who suffer from erythrodermic psoriasis appear red from head to toe, and often experience fever and joint pain. The skin on some areas of the body may be covered in plaques. This form of psoriasis may mark the onset of the disorder, or complicate existing psoriasis. It is usually triggered by infections or certain medications.

Psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis in children is also very common. It is characterized by arthritic lesions often in combination with pustular psoriasis. Arthritis can cause permanent damage to the joints.

Localization of psoriasis

Lesions in children are located almost the same as in adults. However, despite the fact that skin lesions can be large.

But facial involvement is relatively uncommon. Lesions appear on the forehead and cheeks, which become very red, and sometimes spread further, to the eyelids, to the ears.

The manifestation of psoriasis on the face has a depressing effect.

Other parts of the body affected by psoriasis. They are:

Mucous membranes, especially the tongue, lesions of which can change shape and location very often (a phenomenon known as “geographic tongue”);

Palms of the hands and feet that suffer from hyperkeratosis (thickening of the upper layers of the epidermis);

Elbows, knees, buttocks very often suffer from psoriasis;

In skin folds: with the exception of children who have a large fold under the chin, in which case the base of the neck is rarely affected. It is very common to have psoriasis in the navel.

Nails: One third of children with psoriasis have thimble nail syndrome. This is called “nail dystrophy”, in which all nails are affected. In this condition, small holes are visible on the nail plates, similar to the pits of a thimble.

Skin: Psoriasis in children is usually easily visible on the skin, but it should be noted that the lesions are sometimes confused with symptoms of dermatitis, especially in the buttock area.

Parents should be aware that psoriasis is a chronic dermatosis that affects quality of life. A definitively effective treatment for psoriasis has not yet been found.

Because psoriasis can be passed on genetically, parents may feel guilty, especially when they themselves suffer from the condition. A study of 100 people with psoriasis found that 11% did not want to have children due to the risk of developing it in children. Parents are also concerned when they learn that stress is a trigger for psoriasis. Finally, a diagnosis can make parents feel helpless because they do not know how to help their children cope with the disease.

However, you need to know that heredity is not the only factor that causes the disease.

Usually, a child’s psoriasis is sequential, changing its course every three months (just like in adults). The lesions may be less noticeable in the summer due to sun exposure. The prescribed treatment must be continued until the symptoms disappear completely, in order to avoid a return.

The most important thing is to moisturize the skin, as a rule, this can be achieved by taking a bath and using emollient and moisturizing creams.

In cases not only of adults, but also of children, I do not recommend the use of corticosteroid drugs, retinoids, or immunosuppressants. Because both PUVA therapy and UVB therapy, and immunosuppressants are a risk of cancer and infections.

What to do?

A man is born! Boy or girl! This is always a joyful event for which every family prepares! When my daughter Elvira was born, I was a first-year student. There was a pediatrician at our site, whom I remember all my life. You know, there is such a popular wisdom: “The most reliable way to find a good doctor, like a teacher, is by recommendation.” But this is today, and then, 40 years ago, it seems to me that everyone then was a doctor from God! I will always remember her words: “Only lazy mothers have sick children.” I always repeat these words and tell them to young mothers. From the first days, we bathed my daughter 1-2 times a day. They bathed in chamomile, string, currant leaves and twigs, and walnut leaves. Yes, it was difficult even then! But there is psoriasis in my family! And my local pediatrician systematically repeated this cocramental phrase. All baby diapers, diapers, undershirts - everything was boiled in a separate bucket and only with baby soap. And everything was ironed on both sides. And all this before one and a half years. But I'm a student. I didn't take academic leave. Psoriasis in infants is very difficult, but you must try. This is how I raised my daughter! You need to breastfeed your babies! And preferably up to 1 year. My pediatrician then told me what I should eat and what herbs to drink. I remember that I ate fresh walnuts every day and expressed milk 3-4 times a night. Of course I didn't get enough sleep. But my daughter is still healthy.

I already have a granddaughter. We raised our granddaughter the same way.


  1. We need to bathe the babies in herbs.
  2. Mom should eat right
  3. The child should be outside for three naps during the day.
  4. Individual dishes for the child, as well as a bucket for diapers (but not diapers!). A bath that should be washed with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide or any natural disinfectant after each bath. The utensils in which you will cook food should belong only to this purpose. All children's clothes should be ironed on both sides.

Until two months, I did not allow anyone to enter the room where my daughter was. The room was cleaned daily and the windows washed weekly.

I have never fed either my daughter or my granddaughter formula milk. These were only natural products. Yes, everything is very difficult now. But if the mother wants the child to be healthy, she will do everything for this. And no antibiotics! Any cold can be treated with folk remedies, you just have to really want it.

And so the child has psoriasis! What to do?

  1. Bath in string, chamomile, walnut leaves, calendula, birch leaves, etc.
  2. Apply Glutamol baby cream to the skin
  3. Apply with simple baby cream from the Svoboda factory

And hurry to see a competent dermatologist.

Doctors often have to diagnose psoriasis in children. This disease occupies one of the leading positions among childhood dermatitis, which is chronic. Signs of psoriasis can appear in a child of any age. This pathology is often observed even in newborn babies.

Modern medicine still cannot name the exact reasons that influence the appearance and development of the disease. In the course of numerous studies, experts were able to find out that heredity plays a large role in this process. The following statistics were revealed:
If one of the baby’s parents has psoriasis, then there is a 50% chance that he will show signs of the painful condition;
If both parents have psoriasis, the probability increases to 70%;

The development of clinical symptoms of psoriasis in a child is usually observed as a result of exposure to the following factors on the child’s body:

  • Psycho-emotional experiences;
  • Physical overload;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Allergic reactions.

Any adverse effect on the baby’s fragile body leads to such unpleasant consequences.

In a healthy person, dead cells that have already completed their life cycle naturally exfoliate. If there is a failure in this process, then skin particles simply begin to accumulate on its surface. As a result, peculiar plaques are formed that can increase in size and grow.


Psoriasis in children is recognized by the symptoms characteristic of this disease. First, redness appears on the skin. It is localized in the area of ​​folds. Afterwards, swelling of the layers of the epidermis and their peeling are observed. As a rule, in children over 2 years old they begin to peel off severely.
If psoriasis appears on the nails, the child will develop small depressions in the nail plastic. Similar body lesions occur in a third of children who are sick with this pathology.

The first symptoms of psoriasis in children are slight redness

Psoriatic skin lesions, which are observed on the scalp, cause severe redness. Plaques cover the forehead, cheeks, ears and eyelids. Peeling of the skin on the hairline cannot be ruled out. If the disease continues to progress, gray scales will appear under the hair. However, their loss is not observed. This painful symptom is absent even in severe psoriasis.
In some children, psoriasis is detected on the mucous membrane of the mouth and tongue. This area becomes covered with unpleasant spots, which change their color and shape from time to time.
Skin tags always cause pain and severe itching. The rash may peel and crack, causing sores and bleeding. This is a very dangerous condition, since infection easily penetrates into cracks. After about 10 years, psoriasis in a child, in its symptoms, begins to be similar to the signs of the disease in adults.

Stages of development

During the standard course, a skin disease always goes through several stages of its development:


It is characterized by the appearance of primary rashes on the skin. Quite often, adults mistake it for a common allergy or diathesis. In children under two years of age, the initial stage is accompanied by redness. The rash is easily recognized due to the fact that it looks like limited pimples of a reddish tint. Within a few days the rashes are smooth. Afterwards they are gradually covered with gray scales;


At this stage, the rash rapidly grows on the head and other parts of the child’s body. They begin to merge into a single whole. Peeling is observed only on the central elements of the rash. Meanwhile, the side zones are simply growing. The skin gradually becomes inflamed and begins to itch. At this stage, the disease usually lasts from 2 weeks to several months;


Psoriasis in children continues to progress. Its symptoms become more pronounced. Old plaques stop growing. They are replaced by new rashes. Peeling intensifies. The duration of this stage is not indicated by a time frame;


The child's signs of peeling partially disappear. There are much fewer plaques. They leave noticeable scars behind. If the outcome is successful, zones with pigmentation different from the natural color of the skin begin to form. Over time, they completely disappear.
The duration of a particular stage of development of psoriasis in young children depends on exactly how the disease progresses and whether measures are taken to eliminate it.


Psoriasis in children comes in different types. In the thematic photos you can see the features of each of them on the skin. The disease is classified depending on the symptoms and location of the scales.

Film psoriasis

It is diagnosed in children who have not yet turned 1 year old. The rash usually affects the buttock area. They arise due to constant contact of the skin with the baby’s natural secretions and due to rubbing with a diaper. The skin in this area is very irritated, so doctors have difficulty recognizing psoriasis. Some parents do not even pay attention to this problem, as they mistake the rash for ordinary dermatitis.

Plaque psoriasis

This is a common form of skin pathology. Its characteristic features are red spots that cover different parts of the child’s body. At first they are small in size. These spots grow very quickly. Afterwards they begin to peel off.
The top of the rash is covered with a layer of scales, which are easily separated from the skin. Most often they appear on the head, knees and in the bend of the elbows.

Guttate psoriasis

With this form of the disease, the child’s body is covered with numerous rashes, which in their shape resemble droplets. They are small and round in shape. The formed papules are located above the surface of the skin. They are characterized by severe peeling. The rash can appear in absolutely any part of the body. In the absence of a favorable factor for its further development, psoriasis stops progressing and disappears. Under other circumstances, it develops into another form of the disease.

Generalized pustular psoriasis

Psoriasis in children of this form occurs suddenly. In a short period of time, it affects large areas of the skin. They become very inflamed and covered with painful ulcers. The child constantly suffers from pain in the area where the rashes accumulate.
This form of the disease is considered one of the most dangerous, as it can cause serious complications. This type of psoriasis can even lead to damage to internal organs. The kidneys and heart are most susceptible to its negative effects.

Pustular psoriasis

It is diagnosed in children who are already 7 years old. In young children, this form of psoriasis is observed only in rare cases.
There are quite pronounced signs of psoriasis in children. The pustular form of the disease is accompanied by swelling of the skin and its covering with small blisters filled with non-infectious fluid. Another symptom of this type of psoriasis is inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Erythrodermic psoriasis

A rather dangerous and unpredictable form of psoriasis. It leads to disruption of body thermoregulation. The disease is recognized by severe peeling and inflammation of the skin. The child constantly suffers from itching and pain in the affected area. Large areas of the epidermis begin to peel off over time. If the child is very small, he may not survive this condition.

From the name of the type of disease you can understand that it affects the bending areas of the body. Typically, rashes occur in the groin area, genitals and inner thighs. The skin becomes covered with red spots. They are smooth and do not peel off.

Arthropathic psoriasis

This form of the disease affects the joints. Psoriatic pathology is recognized by symptoms such as muscle stiffness, swelling and swelling of the fingers. The joints begin to hurt a lot. In some cases, the child develops conjunctivitis.
Most types of psoriasis are very similar to each other in their clinical picture. Therefore, without consulting a doctor, it is very difficult to determine which form of the disease the child is suffering from.


If a child has painful rashes on the head or other parts of the body, he should be immediately shown to a specialist. With such symptoms, consultation with a dermatologist is required. He will be able to make a diagnosis after a complete examination of the patient and listening to his complaints. The doctor will prescribe a histological examination for the baby. To do this, a small sample of the affected tissue will be taken from him. The result of the laboratory analysis will help the dermatologist give the child the correct diagnosis. After this, he will be prescribed treatment, which should alleviate the painful condition.


Therapeutic therapy, which is aimed at eliminating the signs of psoriasis in a young child, can be carried out at home or in a hospital. The last option is the most optimal if the patient has a progressive stage of the disease.
It is necessary to find out how to treat psoriasis from a dermatologist who monitors the child’s condition. He may suggest a course of therapy based on the following medications:

  • Sedative and desensitizing. You will need to take a calcium gluconate solution (5%) or a calcium chloride solution (10%). This should be done 3 times a day. The drug is taken in a teaspoon or tablespoon, depending on the doctor’s recommendation. Intramuscular injections based on calcium gluconate solution (10%) are also prescribed. It is necessary to undergo at least 10 procedures;
  • Antihistamines. They help get rid of severe itching. These medications are taken in courses, each lasting up to 10 days;
    Vitamins. Typically, children are prescribed ascorbic acid, which should be taken 3 times a day up to 0.1 g. A solution of pyridoxine (up to 5%) is also used. They give injections with it. Administration of vitamin B12 intramuscularly is indicated. Vitamin B15 and potassium orotate are taken internally;
  • Pyrogenic. They are necessary to stimulate the body's defense mechanisms. With their help, it is possible to normalize vascular permeability and eliminate the mitotic activity of skin layers. On the recommendation of the attending physician, children are treated with a pyrogenic drug such as Pyrogenal. To achieve optimal results, about 8 courses of injections are required.

Traditional medicine suggests that children diagnosed with psoriasis undergo courses of active therapy. With this diagnosis, ultraviolet irradiation and hot baths help. Also, do not neglect topical medications. Therapeutic ointments and creams help soften the skin and reduce itching.

Folk remedies

Certain medications that help treat psoriatic disease may be contraindicated in children. Then their parents and doctors have to select safer therapy for young patients that will achieve a positive result. In such situations, traditional methods of treatment help well. You can alleviate your baby’s condition by the following means:

  • German chamomile lotions. They must be applied to places where a large number of painful rashes accumulate;
  • Salt baths. They have a healing effect and disinfect wounds formed on the skin;
  • Hot tea with the addition of medicinal herbs. This drink is best prepared from dandelion root, burdock, grapes, sarsaparilla and pear balsam;
  • Activated carbon. It removes harmful substances from the body and thereby stops the formation of new plaques on the head, legs, arms and other parts of the body. You should take a solution based on the drug 2 hours before meals. The course of such treatment should last at least 40 days;
  • Tincture of celandine. It is taken orally. The product is made from 1 glass of water and 1 tbsp. l. chopped plant. Before drinking, the drink should be infused for about 40 minutes. Take folk medicine 2 times a day.

A child who has psoriasis must adhere to a special diet. His diet should include vegetable and fruit juices, fresh herbs, fish and turkey meat.

It is highly recommended to avoid animal products that are enriched with large amounts of fat. The patient must adhere to the optimal drinking regime. He should drink about 8 glasses a day.


A huge number of people infected with psoriasis lead a completely normal lifestyle. But many are still concerned about their appearance. This problem is especially of concern to children. Due to illness, a child may become depressed and withdraw into himself. Therefore, parents must take any measures to protect their beloved child from such an unpleasant disease.

Maintaining a correct lifestyle helps prevent the formation of psoriatic rashes on the skin. It is necessary to provide the child with adequate rest, sleep and a balanced diet. He should avoid hypothermia and prolonged exposure to the sun. The use of quick-drying soaps and lotions is also contraindicated.

As a rule, psoriasis that appears in a small child is rarely severe. Therefore, provided that the patient receives timely medical care, he can quickly and permanently get rid of the signs of the pathological process. In order for the baby to recover, he should be completely protected from factors that provoke the progression of psoriatic disease.