Cardiac stenting risks. Complications of cardiac artery stenting. Real advantages of the method

Often, heart disease occurs due to loss of elasticity of blood vessels. The vessels lose the ability to expand sufficiently, which prevents normal blood flow. In addition, cholesterol deposits accumulate on their walls. And if one of the vessels becomes clogged, necrosis of a certain area of ​​tissue develops.

Such a defect can be fatal. Therefore, doctors all over the world are conducting research into the treatment of this disease and looking for new methods to overcome it. One such method is cardiac stenting surgery.

Stenting is the installation of a stent inside a vessel. The result of this measure is the widening of the narrow part of the artery, and blood flow to the organ returns to normal.

This method of treatment is an intravascular surgical intervention, for the implementation of which surgeons require a high level of qualifications.

Stents are used during this operation. This device is in the form of a durable mesh tube, most often made of cobalt. It can become the framework of the artery. There are several types of stents, which differ in size, type of coating, and mesh structure.

Features of surgical intervention

During this procedure, a catheter with a stent at the tip is placed into the femoral artery. This catheter is moved to the desired area, a stent is installed, which forms the required width of the vessel. Once the catheter is removed, it remains in place, maintaining normal blood flow.

For this operation use local anesthesia. The duration of work is from 1 to 3 hours. If necessary, multiple stents can be placed.

Stenting of cardiac vessels

After this medical treatment, the patient must spend at least seven days under medical supervision, followed by an extract. But the process of full rehabilitation takes much longer.

Make a choice in favor this method Treatment can only be done by a cardiologist. He must conduct a thorough diagnosis and make sure that the operation is necessary, as well as its safety for the patient’s life.

The operation is necessary when:

  • severe attacks of angina pectoris;
  • the need for coronary artery bypass graft support;
  • severe heart attack.

Examination of the patient can also reveal the reasons that are an obstacle to stenting of the heart vessels. The most common of them are:

This method of treatment has certain advantages that force doctors to choose this particular operation. These benefits are as follows:

  • short period of medical control over recovery;
  • no cutting required chest;
  • short rehabilitation period;
  • acceptable cost.

The following can be said about this. After vascular stenting, the health of the vast majority of patients improves. But some may experience complications such as:

  • bleeding;
  • kidney problems;
  • hematoma formation at the site of artery puncture;
  • thrombus in the area of ​​the stent, which leads to the need to repeat the operation.

Complications occur very rarely, occurring in approximately 10% of patients. But this possibility cannot be ruled out. However, cardiac stenting is one of the safest treatment measures. Naturally, the patient will have to be more attentive to his health, follow the doctor’s recommendations, take necessary medications and undergo routine examinations.

If this is done conscientiously, a person who has undergone stenting has the opportunity to live as many years as he or she wants.

It happens that even after surgery, the tendency to narrow the artery persists. But the likelihood of this is low, and scientists continue research work in this area, and the number of improvements is increasing. The practice includes stents manufactured according to new technologies.

Factors influencing life expectancy after surgery

How many years a person will live after vascular stenting depends on him. Even the use of the latest technologies does not guarantee a successful outcome if the patient continues to treat harmful image life. Therefore it is necessary to carry out preventive measures and follow the recommendations of doctors.

Reviews from patients who have undergone this operation say that it is more like a fairly simple medical procedure, and not for surgery.

Since there is no need for long period rehabilitation, patients feel that they have fully recovered.

However, stenting is only a method of overcoming the symptoms of the underlying heart disease, so additional treatment after the procedure is mandatory.

Basic activities that will help prolong human existence:

Physical activity

With regular physical activity, the heart is trained, blood pressure stabilizes and the likelihood of further development atherosclerosis.

Exercising is a way to prevent overweight, therefore, reduce the content of cholesterol and other harmful elements in the blood.

There are no special exercises that should be recommended to everyone who has undergone stenting. The schedule of classes, their duration and frequency, also needs to be built individually for each patient.

It is best to develop this schedule together with a cardiologist who knows the condition of the patient’s blood vessels and the clinical picture of the disease better than anyone else.

After surgery, it is advisable to exercise at least 4 times a week. Main activities: swimming, walking, cycling, jogging. Excessive loads can be dangerous.

Sexual activity may occur with some restrictions for some time, but as soon as the patient feels that he is able to return to the previous rhythm of sexual activity, these restrictions can be lifted.

Compliance with diet

After the procedure, you must adhere to a special diet. Its basic rules:

Reviews from patients about such a diet are not always happy. But it is important to remember that you don’t need to completely avoid the listed products, you should just limit their quantity. The importance of this measure for health is difficult to overestimate.

Taking medications

Healthy lifestyle

When using this treatment method, you should stop smoking. This habit is very dangerous for the heart and blood vessels.

You should also be careful with alcohol. Red wine in small quantities good for blood vessels, but its benefits do not mean that it is necessary to drink it.

Labor activity

The patient can return to work fairly quickly, although the timing depends on his individual characteristics and type of employment. It is worth returning to physically hard work a little later than intellectual work.

But in general, reviews of patients who have undergone cardiac stenting surgery indicate different times for their full return to work.

Recreation and entertainment

There is no travel ban imposed for this operation. Doctors advise choosing active types of recreation, but at the same time you need to focus on your individual characteristics.

While on vacation, you should never refuse to follow the cardiologist’s recommendations and take medicines. If you have doubts whether a particular activity is allowed, you should ask your doctor.

“Three years later, my relative was advised to undergo repeat surgery. What could cause this?

“Repeated surgery is needed if a blood clot occurs in the stent. This treatment does not stop the development of atherosclerosis, so problems may reoccur.”

“The operation was carried out almost a year ago. He quickly returned to normal, excellent condition. Maybe we should stop taking medications?”

“You shouldn’t stop taking medications, especially if you don’t do it yourself. Consult your doctor; if your condition really does not cause any concern, the cardiologist will stop some of the medications.”

“Two years ago my husband had a stent installed. At first he felt well, but now he often has weakness in his legs, insomnia, and sometimes has difficulty breathing. What could this mean and how can I help him?

“It is best to consult with your doctor. Necessary full examination blood to rule out anemia. Listed symptoms may be a reaction to medications taken.”

Stenosis (permanent narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels) is a condition that poses a serious threat to human life. The consequences of narrowing of blood vessels can be coronary heart disease, vascular atherosclerosis lower limbs, cerebrovascular disease, etc. One of the ways to restore arterial blood flow is the stenting procedure.

If you could hold the stent in the palm of your hand, you would hardly notice its difference from the spring of an automatic pen. However, this device plays an important role in allowing oxygen-rich blood to flow to the heart muscle.

Not all diseases can be cured conservatively; sometimes it is necessary to resort to radical intervention. Fortunately, modern developments make it possible to minimize the invasiveness of such an intervention. One way is angioplasty. coronary arteries with stenting. Let's consider what a stent and stenting are, what is the peculiarity of this procedure.

A stent is a metal microtube with cells that resembles a spring. This design is permanently installed at the site of narrowing of the artery, expanding it and restoring blood flow in the damaged area. Length - about 10 mm, diameter - from 2.7 to 7 mm.

Types of stents for coronary vessels

The mesh structure makes it possible to change the lumen of the stent, which facilitates its passage to the site of blockage, and special coatings prevent thrombus formation at the site of installation. The metal alloy ensures the strength of the structure and good responsiveness of its tissues, which prevents the reaction of rejection of the prosthesis.

Stenting of cardiac vessels allows long-term retention of the vessel walls, thereby improving myocardial trophism in the affected area and, as a result, eliminating the symptoms of coronary heart disease and reducing the risk of developing a heart attack. The intervention is performed endovascularly (intravascular access).

Advantages of the technique

Coronary stenting has the following positive characteristics:

Types of stents, their features

Despite the fact that the stent looks quite simple in appearance, it took decades to develop and modernize it. Each type of stent has its own advantages and purposes. Depending on the novelty, material and structure, the following classifications are distinguished:

Classes Kinds
By novelty and material
  • first generation: made of stainless steel, Cypher coating – thickness 0.140 mm, Taxus – 0.097 mm. Not used in modern practice;
  • second generation: an alloy of cobalt, which ensures good tissue responsiveness of the prosthesis, and chromium, which determines the strength of the structure. Xience coating – 0.081 mm, Endeavor – 0.09 mm;
  • third generation – platinum and chromium alloy, Promus – 0.081 mm;
  • fourth generation – scaffolds (completely absorbable).
By material and coating
  • metal without additional coating - used mainly for medium-sized arteries from alloys of metals such as iridium, tantalum, cobalt, chromium, nitinol;
  • with polymer-drug coating - for small-caliber arteries, contain immunosuppressants, thrombolytic or antitumor drugs. Among them are: bioengineered (contain antibodies that grow endothelial cells inside the prosthesis), biodegradable (prevent the growth connective tissue), double coated (inside and outside);
  • biopolymer - dissolve after 1-2 years, for arterioles.
By structure
  • wire;
  • mesh;
  • tubular;
  • ring.

Stent service life

Many patients, when recommending the installation of a device, ask frequently asked question How many years do stents last? Based on average statistical data, a stent can last for 4-5 years if all doctor’s recommendations are followed and the course of the disease is favorable. Subsequently, the stent requires replacement. But there are cases when it “clogs” faster.

The long-term operation of a stent in the heart depends on the following points:

  • how well the stent has taken root, although rejection of the prosthesis is extremely rare;
  • how well the patient follows the doctor’s recommendations, how regularly he takes medications, and whether he adheres to his diet;
  • is there any concomitant pathology and how well is it compensated (for example, decompensated diabetes mellitus).

Indications and contraindications for intervention

Stenting is a fairly reliable and effective method, but is not a panacea. In order to experience all its benefits and positive traits, it must be used in accordance with the following indications:


  • acute cerebrovascular accident;
  • terminal condition, shock;
  • internal hemorrhage;
  • a sharp violation of blood clotting with a threat to life (coagulopathy, hemophilia);
  • uncontrolled arterial hypertension;
  • increased sensitivity to X-ray contrast agents;
  • infectious diseases in acute period, fever.

Execution technique

The operation is carried out with the least trauma, endovascularly and quite quickly. To carry out such an operation, special instruments are required. An X-ray contrast method for visualizing blood vessels is also used.

This operation does not guarantee that restenosis will not occur in the future. It is important that stenting does not eliminate the very cause of stenosis - atherosclerosis, but only expands the lumen of the affected area and the corresponding symptoms. An operation of this type can be carried out in emergency and planned mode.


During a planned operation, preparation is carried out to clarify the degree of vasoconstriction, myocardial contractility, ischemic zone and includes the following studies:

A light dinner is allowed in the evening before the intervention. It may be necessary to discontinue several medications; this issue is resolved by a cardiologist and an angiosurgeon. On the day of the procedure, it is forbidden to have breakfast.

For emergency stent installation, you need:

  • coronary angiography;
  • coagulogram;
  • X-ray of the lungs.

3 days before surgery, antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants are prescribed to prevent blood clotting (Heparin and Clopidogrel, for example).

Stages of implementation

Stenting requires a certain qualification of the surgeon, but still this operation is not particularly difficult and time-consuming to perform. The surgical intervention can be divided into the following stages:

Postoperative period

After the operation, the patient is sent to the intensive care unit, where vital functions are monitored. You may feel chest discomfort for three days.

Moreover, if the femoral artery was punctured, the leg on the corresponding side cannot be raised or bent, and the patient’s position should be supine, on his back. These rules must be followed for a minimum of 5-7 hours. More specific timing adjustments are made by the surgeon. If after the operation special sealing devices were used, the time can be reduced to 1.5-2.5 hours.

Positive aspects of the procedure

During puncture of the radial artery, the position can be sitting, and you can walk after two to three hours.

It is necessary to drink large amounts of fluid to speed up elimination contrast agent from the body. A day later, when good condition and there are no complications, the patient is transferred from the intensive care unit to the general ward, where he remains for 3-8 days until discharge, but earlier discharge from the hospital is also possible.

Rehabilitation activities

After the operation, you must strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations. In this case, rehabilitation will be easy and without negative consequences.

Within 11-14 days after discharge it is strictly prohibited:

  • lift weights;
  • bathe in the bath, visit the sauna or bathhouse, as well as the swimming pool;
  • to drive a car;
  • exercise.

Subsequently, it is prohibited to engage in “explosive” sports (weightlifting, wrestling), more gentle physical activity is recommended (physical therapy, swimming, Athletics and etc.). It is strongly recommended to stop drinking alcohol and quit smoking.

Taking medications

During the year it is necessary to take double antiplatelet therapy: Acetylsalicylic acid + Clopidogrel (or its analogues). After a year, only one antiplatelet agent (Aspirin) is prescribed.

It is also necessary to carry out medicinal correction major diseases (atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, hypertension), for which purpose the following can be prescribed: lipid-lowering, antihypertensive, vasodilating drugs.

Regular consultation with a cardiologist is a necessary component of monitoring the patient’s health.


Nutrition should be balanced and comprehensive, containing proteins, healthy fats and carbohydrates. You should not eat foods high in cholesterol: you must stop eating fast food and fried foods, and replace fatty meats with dietary ones.

At the same time, it is worth enriching your diet with fruits, vegetables, herbs and dairy products. Cereals and flour products made from durum wheat, olive and flaxseed vegetable oil will be useful.

Life prognosis

The prognosis for life and work is favorable if you follow all doctor’s prescriptions and maintain a healthy lifestyle. It is difficult to give an exact answer to the question of how long patients with a stent live, due to the fact that each patient is individual and has his own history of life and illness.

Coronary stenting is one of the most sparing and modern methods treatment of narrowed blood vessels hearts in cardiac surgery. It allows you to expand the lumen of blood vessels, restore normal blood circulation and tissue nutrition, and prevent the development of heart attacks and strokes.

The procedure is performed quickly and is carried out under local anesthesia, painless for the patient.

The first operation was performed in the late seventies of the 20th century by German cardiologist Andreas Grünzig. His patient was a young thirty-seven-year-old man suffering from hypertension and on the verge of a stroke.

To relieve him of severe pain, the doctor decided to try to surgically expand the lumen of the blood vessels using a simple inflatable balloon made literally from improvised materials. The experiment was successful. Cardiac catheterization performed after 20 years showed that the treated artery was still open.

This method was later called balloon dilatation. Then it was improved and new types of structures began to be used in modern cardiac surgery - stents.

Modern stenting

Grünzig's developments formed the basis for the origin of the method and became the basis for the creation of modern methods of performing surgery to dilate blood vessels.

Currently, more than 2 million patients have undergone stenting in Germany alone. Successfully This method is also practiced in our country..

What is a stent?

A stent is a special elastic structure in the form of a cylindrical frame made of metal or plastic. In the body, it provides expansion of a certain area for better fluid passage. IN in this case We are talking about installation in an artery to establish blood flow, but it can also be installed in the intestines, esophagus, ureter and biliary tract.

Types of stents

IN surgical practice they are divided into the following types.

Bare metal

They are successfully used in acute situations (myocardial infarction, unstable angina), for the treatment of stenosis of large coronary arteries of the heart with a low risk of restenosis (re-narrowing). They are made from various metal alloys - tantalum, nitinol, iridium, platinum, cobalt alloys.

With drug coating

Found widespread use in surgical therapy coronary heart disease. Cytostatic (drug coating) prevents the development of complications - reocclusion and restenosis. Divided into different types:

  • Fourth generation designs (scaffolds) are the most modern and relevant for cardiac surgery. Their main advantage is complete resorption. The diameter of the lumen of the vessels remains almost identical to the physiological size.
  • Third generation structures are made with or without a self-absorbable polymer coating. The medicine is then fixed on the porous wall of the structure, gradually releasing it into the body. Most European clinics work with them.
  • Second-generation stents (biocompatible) show good results in the treatment of coronary stenosis and have a low risk of thrombosis. Often used in Russia.
  • The first generation designs are almost never used due to frequent occurrence complications - early and late thrombosis, microaneurysms, development of infarction.

In addition, coronary stents are divided into:

  • Wire - made of one thin wire.
  • Ring - assembled from individual links.
  • Mesh - in the form of a woven mesh.
  • Tubular - from a cylindrical tube.


Compared to others surgical methods stenting has obvious advantages:

  • The main thing is that the operation is a minimally invasive surgery. The doctor does not need to open the sternum, as during open heart surgery. The process is carried out through a small puncture in the skin (about 2 mm) at the site of insertion of the catheter.
  • The procedure is performed with the administration of local anesthesia. The patient remains conscious throughout. This eliminates possible complications and side effects associated with the administration of deep anesthesia.
  • There is no need to stay in a hospital for a long time. The patient is discharged home after 3-4 days.
  • High performance - approximately 80-95% of cases (depending on the type of stand and coating).


The disadvantages of the method are:

  • The risk of complications (heart attack, thrombus formation, etc.) and restenosis (in 15% of 100% of cases). In patients with a high risk of developing restenosis, it is recommended to install drug-eluting structures.
  • Despite the convenience of the procedure, the installation process is quite labor-intensive, especially if there are large calcium deposits in the body.
  • The disadvantage of the method is also its limited use in cardiac surgery. It is impossible to use it if prolonged vasoconstriction or damage to the arteries at the branch site is detected. It is not possible to install a stent in the small blood vessels of the heart.

Indications and contraindications

The operation may be appointed in the following cases:

  • Myocardial infarction in acute stage(the first hours of its development).
  • Progression of angina with frequent unpredictable attacks, as well as early post-infarction angina, when attacks recur during treatment of myocardial infarction.
  • To maintain artificial blood flow after bypass surgery. Over the course of 10 years, it tends to narrow.
  • Complications after a previously installed stent (restenosis, thrombosis).


Relative may be contraindications:

  • Diffuse coronary lesions
  • Respiratory and renal failure in severe form.
  • Blood clotting disorders.
  • The diameter of the artery is less than 3 mm.
  • Allergy to iodine and iodine-containing drugs. In this case, before surgical intervention the patient may be prescribed drug therapy, reducing the risk of complications.

Preparing for surgery

Before the operation, the patient is prescribed all the necessary tests and examinations to assess the patient’s physiological condition, assess the nature of the blood supply to the affected area, the degree of narrowing of the arteries and their blockage, the speed of blood flow, etc. These include:

  • Examination and detailed medical history. The doctor collects data on the presence of chronic diseases, carried out medical interventions, previous heart disease, etc.
  • General blood and urine analysis, biochemistry, coagulogram, blood test for HIV and hepatitis.
  • Diagnostics of cardiac activity and blood vessels: echocardiography, ECG, Doppler mapping, Holter monitoring, MRI, computed tomography of the heart, ultrasound (Doppler and duplex study), coronary angiography.
It is worth noting that the types of research are selected by the doctor individually based on each specific case.

Preparation rules

On the eve of the procedure, the doctor asks the patient to perform a number of simple rules:

  • The last meal should be no later than 8-9 pm. The day before you should not eat anything fatty, smoked, salty, drink carbonated sweet drinks and alcohol. Dinner should be light, and in the morning you are allowed to drink only plain water.
  • Blood thinners (aspirin) are prescribed in advance to reduce the incidence of ischemic complications. Clopidogrel, ticarelor, ticlopidine and other platelet P2Y12 receptor inhibitors may also be prescribed.
  • The patient must inform the doctor about taking medications and their dosage. It is possible that some of them will have to be temporarily cancelled. It is also important to report any allergies to local anesthetics and iodine.
  • Before the procedure you will need to remove contact lenses and jewelry (chains, earrings, rings).
  • A puncture to insert the catheter will be made in the arm or leg. If you plan to get a piercing in the groin area, you will need to shave the hair in this area.

How the operation is performed

The procedure is performed in several stages:

  • First, the doctor establishes monitoring of physiologically important body functions (monitoring blood pressure and respiratory rate, ECG).
  • 25-30 minutes before the start of the procedure, premedication is carried out and sedatives are administered.
  • The patient lies down on the table, the doctor treats the puncture area, disinfects it, and injects a local anesthetic. The process is carried out under local anesthesia. The patient will be conscious throughout and strictly follow the doctor’s instructions.
  • Intravenous access is through the common femoral artery (transfemoral) or through the radial artery of the forearm (transradial).
  • After the puncture, a conductor with a diagnostic catheter is inserted into the artery and brought to the ascending aorta. Then a balloon catheter is installed along the guidewire at the site of the narrowed artery and inflated with a special syringe. When the balloon is inflated, the atherosclerotic plaque is pressed against the vessel wall, and the lumen increases. The procedure is painless and is performed under x-ray control.
  • After this, the doctor begins to transplant the stent. To do this, the installed balloon catheter is removed, and a new catheter with a stent is installed in its place. The balloon is inflated again under a certain pressure and removed from the artery. The stent forms a reliable support frame that helps the artery remain open.
  • After the procedure, the patient is transferred to an intensive observation unit and then transferred to a ward where he will remain until discharge.

Rehabilitation period

As a rule, the patient is discharged from the hospital within 2-3 days. After surgery, it is very important to follow all the recommendations of your doctor to ensure a successful recovery.

  • In the first few days after hospitalization, you should limit physical activity and avoid lifting heavy objects.
  • It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids for two days to cleanse the body of any remaining anesthesia and contrast agent.
  • You cannot shower during the first 24 hours.
  • It is important to rest more, gain strength and monitor proper nutrition.


The diet should be light, healthy and balanced.

The diet should be aimed at regulating weight and blood cholesterol levels. This is very hazardous factors, causing heart disease.

Diet principles

  • Exclusion from the diet of fatty, high-calorie foods. Products must contain minimal amount animal fats. Excluded: lamb, pork, sour cream, semi-finished products, lard.
  • Reduce your sugar and salt intake.
  • Limit consumption of refined carbohydrates (sweets, baked goods).
  • Eliminate consumption various sauces and additives (margarine, ketchup, mayonnaise). Replace butter to vegetable.
  • You should not drink black tea and coffee. They can be replaced with chicory, weak green and herbal teas.
  • It is necessary to add more fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals, vegetable soups, stews and salads, lean meats, seafood, compotes, berry fruit drinks, kefir, acidophilus, bread.
  • It is recommended to avoid smoked, salted and fried foods. It is preferable to cook food in the oven or in a double boiler.
  • You need to eat fractionally ( in small portions 5-6 times a day). Last meal three hours before bedtime.

Drug therapy

Prescribing drugs is necessary to strengthen the body, good rehabilitation, prevent blood clots and other possible complications. Typically these include:

  • Aspirin - for a long time.
  • Clopidogrel or other similar drugs (Cardutol, Agregal, Trombex, Troken).
  • Statins for high cholesterol.
  • General strengthening vitamin and mineral complexes for the heart.

Physical exercise

Moderate exercise is beneficial for heart disease. They help slow the development of atherosclerosis, normalize blood pressure, train the heart muscle, strengthen the body, help maintain normal weight.

The intensity and mode of training are selected individually depending on the physiological state of the patients. During the recovery period, exercise therapy courses, walking, visiting the pool, and cycling are useful.


As with any other operation, during stenting complications may develop.

  • Intraoperative complications (arising during work): angina attack, myocardial infarction, disorders heart rate, allergic reactions to medications. In approximately 1.5% of cases, bleeding may develop.
  • Early postoperative complications: tachycardia, arrhythmia, hematoma in the puncture area, thrombosis, aneurysm, infarction.
  • Late complications: infarction, thrombosis, restenosis.

Probability fatal outcome- 0.1%. Interestingly, according to statistics, 0.3% of women die in childbirth every year in the world, and 9.3% of deaths occur in road accidents. That's why the percentage is quite low.

Where to have surgery

Stenting of coronary arteries can be done on a paid or free basis.

  • To receive a service on a budget basis, you need to contact city ​​clinic at your place of residence, see a therapist or cardiologist and find out in detail about the conditions. Some clinics provide medical service according to quotas. In Moscow, for example, you can apply for a quota to the Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex.
  • On a paid basis in Russia, you can have surgery at the Moscow Cardiovascular Center. vascular surgery them. Burdenko, at the GMS Clinic Medical Center, Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after. I.I. Dzhanelidze in St. Petersburg and other medical institutions. average cost is 100-136 thousand rubles.
  • This service is also provided in other countries, for example, in the Israeli clinic Asaf HaRofe. The cost of the operation here is 13 thousand dollars, including three stents. Stenting is common in clinics South Korea- Gil Hospital at Gachon University in Incheon, Ilsan Medical Complex at Dongguk University in Goyang, as well as in many institutions in Germany, where the cost of stenting reaches 10,000 euros. Despite such a high price, patients leave very positive reviews about treatment in European clinics.
The price is individual in each specific case and can consist of many factors: the type of medical institution, the type of stent used, additional studies and tests prescribed.


Efficiency coronary stenting quite high. The procedure is sufficient modern, painless, invasive, takes little time, has positive reviews. This makes it in demand in the field of cardiology.

As for long-term prognoses, they directly depend on the quality of the procedure performed, the type of stent and rehabilitation therapy which the patient will receive. Restenosis occurs in approximately 15% of cases.

Unlike holding an open surgery under deep anesthesia, stenting lasts only 30-40 minutes and has virtually no complications.

Atherosclerosis is a common disease, the main symptom of which is impaired metabolism. Provoke illness poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyle life, harmful substances, located in the atmosphere, other factors. With atherosclerosis, the level of cholesterol and other harmful lipids in the blood increases, which are deposited in the walls of blood vessels. Various techniques are used to treat ischemic diseases. Thanks to stenting of the heart vessels, the body’s recovery is faster and easier. Find out who is eligible for surgery.

Indications for surgery

Stenting of the coronary arteries can be performed only after full diagnostics, including angiography - X-ray and contrast examination of cardio-vascular system. This helps to determine the presence of narrowings in the vessels, their location, extent, and other nuances. Based on the data, the doctor decides whether it is permissible to perform a stent on the patient and selects the appropriate type of tube.

Surgical intervention also takes place under radiographic control. Sometimes coronary angiography of the heart and stenting are performed on the same day. However, the second operation is not suitable for everyone, but only:

  • patients with ischemia who are not helped by medications;
  • those patients who, based on the test results, were allowed to install a stent in the heart (if atherosclerosis did not affect the main trunk of the artery);
  • patients with angina pectoris whose professional activities are closely related to serious physical activity;
  • having unstable angina or having recently experienced a myocardial infarction:
  1. if the institution where they were taken can perform such an operation;
  2. and if the patient’s condition allows it.

Main types of coronary stents

The type of stent is selected by the surgeon. Cardiology specialists usually offer patients best equipment from what they have. When choosing a stent, much depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, for example, if he has increased blood clotting, it is better to install a covered type. But if a patient with a heart attack needs emergency surgery, he will be given any available stent. In such circumstances, the priority goal is to promptly restore blood supply to the myocardium. Stents are divided into 2 types:

  1. Without cover. These are tubes made of metal alloys that look like mesh frames. In the right place, a modern stent can be extended to a suitable diameter. The latest generation of medical equipment has a special coating with medicinal substances. Thanks to this, the risk of re-stenosis inside the placed stent is significantly reduced. Substances applied to the tubes prevent the formation of repeated narrowing of the vessel inside the stent, including if this is the reaction of the artery to the installed foreign object.
  2. Coated with a special polymer. Previously used monocomponent covered stents resulted in negative consequences: the duration of the healing process increased, inflammation occurred on the vascular stacks, and the risk of thrombosis increased. Patients with such tubes were required to take thienoperidines for life. New stents with multicomponent polymer coating have high level biocompatibility and ensures uniform release of the drug from the tube.

Are there any contraindications to vascular stenting?

  1. Stenting cannot be performed if the patient has widespread stenosis that occupies most of the aorta. In this case, the stent is not enough to cover the entire vessel and restore its patency.
  2. Placing a stent in the heart is not recommended in old age. There is a risk of developing stent thrombosis of the interventricular artery in such patients.
  3. Aortocoronary stenting is prohibited if there is significant narrowing of the lumen of several vessels.
  4. If vascular atherosclerosis has spread to capillaries or small arteries, a stent is not installed due to significant differences in diameter.
  5. They refrain from stenting heart vessels if the patient has any obstacles to performing operations (even those performed using a minimally invasive method).

How is stenting performed?

Vasoconstriction due to the development of atherosclerosis is very dangerous for humans. Depending on the location of the arterial damage, the disease may lead to disruption of the blood supply to the brain - carotid arteries They feed it with blood, and with stenosis this function worsens. There are others no less serious pathologies. Common problems:

  • cardiac ischemia;
  • atherosclerosis of the lower extremities.

Modern medicine (the branch of endovascular surgery) has several common methods for restoring arterial patency:

  • conservative drug therapy;
  • stenosis of heart vessels;
  • coronary artery bypass grafting;
  • angioplasty (opening the affected artery using a catheter).

The stenting procedure can be performed in an emergency situation (in the presence of unstable angina or myocardial infarction). In other cases, the operation is performed as planned. Based on the results of laboratory tests, during which the condition of the patient’s blood vessels and heart is determined, the doctor approves or prohibits stenting of blood vessels. Before placing a stent:

  • taken from the patient general analysis blood, urine;
  • do an ECG, coagulogram;
  • perform ultrasonic scanning.

Stenting takes place under sterile conditions in the operating room using local anesthetic. Stent placement is done under fluoroscopic control. To gain access to damaged vessels, the doctor punctures a large artery. A small tube (introducer) is inserted through the hole. It is needed to insert other instruments into the artery. A flexible catheter is placed through the introducer to the mouth of the affected artery. Through it, a stent is delivered directly to the site of narrowing of the vessel.

The specialist places the tube so that after deployment it is positioned as successfully as possible. Next, the stent balloon is filled with contrast, which causes it to inflate. Under the influence of pressure, the tube expands. If the stent is positioned correctly, the doctor takes out the instruments and applies a bandage to the puncture site. Stenting takes on average 30 to 60 minutes, but can be extended if multiple tubes need to be installed at once.

Possible complications after the procedure

Complications are most likely to occur in patients with severe forms of coronary heart disease. Increased blood clotting and diabetes mellitus require attention. You can reduce the risk of restenosis and speed up the recovery process by strictly following your doctor's instructions. As a rule, the expected benefits of vascular stenting outweigh the possible risks, so most patients with symptoms of atherosclerosis undergo surgery. TO possible complications Vascular stenting includes:

  • allergic reaction to a contrast agent;
  • thrombosis of a vessel that was punctured;
  • bleeding from a punctured vessel;
  • heart attack during stenting;
  • restenosis of the punctured artery;
  • early angina after surgery.

Rehabilitation period

Rehabilitation after stenting includes a set of measures that will help a person recover faster and reduce the risk of relapse of the disease. Immediately after the operation, the patient must observe strict bed rest in a hospital setting (1-2 days). During this time, the attending physician constantly monitors the person’s condition. When the patient is discharged, he should provide himself with maximum peace at home. Physical activity is prohibited at first. In addition, after stenting, you should not take a hot shower/bath.

Rehabilitation after stenting involves taking medications prescribed by your doctor. With the help of medications, the risk of developing myocardial infarction is significantly reduced, and indicators such as life expectancy and quality of life ischemic disease hearts rise. The duration of the course is on average up to six months. The list of prescribed drugs after vascular stenting includes:

  • reducing the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
  • antiargents;
  • anticoagulants.

During rehabilitation period It is important to follow a diet. The human diet should be limited fatty foods. If you have hypertension, you should avoid salt. If the patient is suffering diabetes mellitus, his diet should contain exclusively products of the ninth table according to Pevzner. Obese people should reduce their caloric intake as much as possible.

A person who has undergone stenting of the heart vessels should regularly perform exercise therapy (physical therapy) 1-2 weeks after the operation. Rules:

  1. The ideal option is walking. Shown easy homemade Job.
  2. The duration of exercise should be limited to 30-40 minutes and carried out daily.
  3. A health path is considered an excellent rehabilitation tool - climbing limited in time, angle of inclination and distance along specially organized routes.
  4. Exercises promote gentle training of the heart and gradually restore its function.

Which is better: stenting or bypass surgery?

Both methods have positive and negative sides, therefore, the doctor determines the method of treatment depending on the individual characteristics of the clinical picture. Stenting is often used if the patient is young and has local changes in the vessels. The defect can be corrected by installing several tubes. For elderly patients with severe arterial damage, bypass surgery is usually used. However, the doctor takes into account the severity of the patient’s condition – the load on the body during bypass surgery is much higher.

Video: what is cardiac stenting