What size should a man have? Normal penis size

The size of the penis can vary depending on age and race. All men have different sized genitals, and this is normal. Some men worry about penis size. However, its parameters do not in any way affect the quality of sexual intercourse.

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Penis length: normal

Not every man is happy with the size of his penis. Some of them consider it too small. This leads to the appearance of complexes and self-doubt. Numerous studies have determined the average length of the penis, which is considered normal.

Important: there is no generalized data. The size of the penis for a particular man is individual. The rate depends on age, height, genetics and race.

Research has determined the average size, according to the anatomical features of the male body. So, back in 1899, the norm was considered to be 9.5 cm. Research was carried out on the organ in a relaxed state. Over the years, regulations have changed. The average length of the penis in a relaxed state began to vary between 7.5–10 cm, and the diameter – 2.5 cm. With erection, the indicators increased to 12.5–17.5 cm, and the thickness acquired 3–3.5 cm.

Important: parameters are determined only in an excited state.

Some males consider their own penis small. However, in reality it is the optimal size. A similar phenomenon is typical for large and obese men. Compared to the background of the physique, the organ seems small. So, to determine the average size, men were divided by age category up to 40 years and after 40, and weight.

It is noteworthy that the size also depends on the characteristics of the race. In black people, the parameters exceed the standards by 2–3 cm. There is a lot of information, however, according to the average established standards, the size of the penis is approximately 15 cm in an erect state.

Normal Penis Thickness

The average thickness of the genital organ in a state of arousal is 3–3.5 cm. In black men it is 5.5 cm. The interracial average is 4 cm. Important: it is not recommended to take information to heart. This is a normal indicator that can vary depending on age and weight. It is noteworthy that in older people the length and thickness decreases.

According to the research, the following data were obtained:

6 cm 2,9%
7.6-8.5 cm 1%
8.6-9.8 cm 7%
10.4-11.2 cm 24%
12.4-13.6 cm 35%
14-15 cm 7%

The statistics provided indicate the percentage relationship between common parameters of the genital organ. When recalculating, scientists derived the ideal figure for the thickness of the penis, it is 4–5 cm. A penis is considered thick if it is more than 5 cm. If the girth does not exceed 3.5 cm, the organ is small.

Important: the formation of thickness and length occurs during puberty and ends by adulthood.

Most men try to correct the situation by resorting to methods of penis enlargement. Modern pharmacology has a lot of methods, from ointments to surgery. Such an effect increases the width of the organ by no more than 1.5 cm. The effect lasts for 6 months. The procedure involves the use of your own subcutaneous fat, which tends to dissolve over time.


Guys often incorrectly assess the parameters of the genital organ. This is due to dissatisfaction with size and low self-esteem. The presence of complexes leads to a distorted assessment. When viewing the penis from above, the illusion of a smaller shape is created. It is noteworthy that the change in size downward is due to fat accumulation in the pubic area. The examination is carried out from the side and in front of the mirror. This action will allow you to estimate the real size without visual distortion.

Determination of the average size of the penis is carried out exclusively in an excited state. This also applies to the process of identifying the true parameters of a particular organ. The parameters of an erect penis can fluctuate. It is noteworthy that the degree of excitability is influenced by external factors, in particular, time of day, ambient temperature and active sexual life. When determining the average size, about ten indicators are taken into account.

The length of the penis is measured in a standing position, and the organ should be parallel to the floor. The procedure involves using a standard ruler. The measuring device is applied to the pubic bone and the upper surface of the organ.

Important: if there is a bend on the penis, the ruler will not work. It is advisable to use a flexible meter. The measurement is taken from the base to the edge of the head. The length of the genital organ is not determined by the lower surface.

The diameter or thickness of an organ consists of several measurements. To determine the indicator, it is necessary to measure the circumference of the penis at the base, then in the middle of the body and at the base of the head. The diameter is determined based on the average length.

The penis is not measured at rest. The received parameter is not true. Measurements in a non-erect state are uninformative. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the organ. When excited, it can increase significantly. It is noteworthy that a large penis practically does not change its original size during erection.

Causes of deviations in the size of the genital organ

If the size of the penis does not exceed 2.5 cm, it is called a micropenis. Underdevelopment of the penis is caused by about 20 congenital pathological processes. They are characterized by a disruption in the production of male hormones and cause both organ underdevelopment and infertility.

It is almost impossible to detect the disease in a newborn child. According to medical statistics, this happens once in 500 children. Difficulties in making a diagnosis arise due to the lack of specialized equipment and qualified doctors. In city clinics, identification of pathologies is impossible.

To exclude congenital developmental anomalies and prevent problems in the future, it is recommended to regularly conduct examinations with andrologists-endocrinologists. Detection of pathology before the age of 14 promises a favorable outcome. The problem must be solved before puberty begins.

Additional reasons for deviations include:

  • Kallman disease;
  • Klinefelter's syndrome;
  • congenital pathologies;
  • lack of estrogen.

Kallmann disease is detected at the age of 3–4 years. During this period, the surgeon checks the condition of the scrotum and testicular descent. In Kallmann disease, the secondary reproductive organs remain in the abdominal cavity. Surgery is performed to lower the testicles into the scrotum. However, surgery does not guarantee a positive result. With Kallmann disease, there is an imbalance in the pituitary cells responsible for the production of hormones and stimulating the synthesis of testosterone. The testicles will descend into the scrotum, but due to disruptions in the natural process, the likelihood of developing a penis is minimal.

Young men suffering from pathology feel inferior, narrow their social circle or have no contact with peers at all. The small size of the sexual organ provokes complexes and leads to psycho-emotional disorders. Persons suffering from Kallmann disease are susceptible to deep depression.

Klinefelter syndrome is a genetic mutation in which an extra chromosome appears in a man’s body, which is responsible for female sex characteristics. In the presented case, the penis does not develop due to the predominance of estrogen. The guy's figure resembles a woman's: wide hips, narrow shoulders. The man's scrotum is underdeveloped, and the genital organ is characterized by minimal size. Disorders of this type are associated with hormonal imbalances in childhood and adolescence. People with Klinefelter syndrome have problems conceiving a child due to reproductive dysfunction.

A small penis is a congenital anomaly. In rare cases, disruption of its development is caused by injuries or serious pathologies. Penis growth depends on the production of testosterone; with hormonal imbalance, the process is disrupted. An insufficient amount of the male component inhibits development and is accompanied by minimal size. The minimum size is also associated with the absence of 5-alpha reductase. The presented component is responsible for the conversion of the male sex hormone into 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone. A disturbance in the chemical process leads to a decrease in the growth activity of the penis.

Minimum parameters occur for congenital anomalies, in particular Maddock, Noonan, DelCastillo and Pasculini syndromes. Diseases require a thorough medical examination with further observation. Partial restoration of reproductive function is possible.

Estrogens are responsible for the development of the reproductive system. Hormone deficiency in the body is a consequence of inflammatory processes, tumors of various locations and testicular injuries. The condition of the genital organs must be monitored from an early age. Constant overheating of the scrotum is dangerous for the development of problems with the development of the penis and the production of testosterone. Impaired estrogen production is a consequence of tumor processes in the adrenal glands, diabetes mellitus and damage to the pituitary gland.

If a child has deviations, they must be eliminated in a timely manner. However, in the case of congenital anomalies, this is not always possible. Thus, in young men suffering from a lack of male sex hormones, the following symptoms are observed:

  • female physique (narrow shoulders and wide hips);
  • lack of hair on the face, armpits and groin;
  • excess body weight;
  • depressed state;
  • mental disabilities;
  • insufficient testicular diameter;
  • disturbances in the functioning of other organs and systems of the body.

The presented symptoms, along with a small penis, indicate problems with reproductive function. A man suffering from deviations is not able to fully lead a sexual life and eventually conceive a child. Often childhood disorders manifest themselves in adulthood. Thus, small organ sizes are associated with Peyronie's disease. The hardening of the penis leads to its curvature and disrupts its further development.

Penis size is not the main parameter in a man’s life. However, the condition of the genital organ must be monitored from early childhood. Regular visits to a urologist and surgeon will help prevent problems from occurring during the period of active maturation of the body. In the case of congenital developmental anomalies, a set of measures will be developed to maximize the restoration of reproductive function.

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Good afternoon, today we’ll talk about what penis size is considered normal for men. What are the average statistics on the size of the penis at 18 years of age and older, how many centimeters in length and width should the penis be. 18 cm, 17 cm, 16 cm, 11 cm.

For a good sex life, many different factors are taken into account, the main one of which for both men and women is the size of the penis. “Size is not the main thing, the main thing is to be able to use it,” say the majority of the world’s population, but is this true?

To begin with, what does the penis look like? Consists of a base, trunk and head. The shaft is formed with the help of spongy bodies that fill with blood and thereby bring the penis into an erect state. The head is covered with delicate thin skin and is very sensitive due to the glands that allow the release of sperm. The head also has a frenulum located at its base.

The size is measured either in a stretched position or in an erect position, since in a calm state the length of the penis can vary due to various changes in the external environment (cold, heat) or health status (state of the nervous and autonomic systems, hormonal levels).

At birth, the genital organ is no more than 3 centimeters. Active growth occurs in adolescence from 13 to 17 years. Further, up to 25 years of age, a slight increase may be observed.

A size greater than 18 centimeters is considered large, from 12 to 18 cm is considered medium, from 8 to 12 is considered small, and smaller is considered a micro size.

We present to your attention a table of sizes, where:

  • the first column is age;
  • the second is divided into normal penis size (section 1) and its minimum size (section 2).

Insufficient length of the penis is due to many reasons: genetics, problems in the functioning of the autonomic system, disrupted hormonal levels. There are other reasons that have not yet been identified by scientists.

We will also consider the width and circumference of the penis. The norm is 10 - 16 centimeters. Below is a table of male circumference and the percentage of owners.

Having studied the data in the table, we can conclude that the optimal length for men is considered to be 12 - 13 centimeters or more.

Average stats

The length of the penis depends on the anthropometric data of the man - his height and weight. It also varies in size in its various states. The size of the penis is usually measured according to several parameters: at rest, at maximum stretch and during erection. As a result of such measurements it was found:

  1. Large sizes - up to 24 centimeters in an erect state.
  2. Average (standard) sizes are from 16 to 22 centimeters when erect.
  3. And small size is considered up to 8 centimeters.

These figures are the worldwide average. But French scientists also made their contribution not so long ago. According to them, the size of the average man's penis is:

  • in the resting position - 9.5 cm;
  • during erection - up to 14.5 cm.

In girth:

  • in a quiet position 8 - 9 cm;
  • with erection - 10.5 cm.

A normal penis is the desire of all men and women

All male representatives have different sizes of dignity. Many are satisfied with the length of their “friend,” but, of course, the desire of most men and women is a large penis.

Size directly depends on a person’s race. In South Africa, for example, it is more than 20 cm, and in Asia the norm is considered to be a size significantly smaller than the statistical average.

An interesting fact: many women surveyed believe that a worthy size it is 15 centimeters and the length is not as important as its thickness. So the desire of men to have a huge penis does not coincide with the desires of women in this matter.

What is the normal length for women?

Size is no less important for women than for men. One of the factors when choosing a partner in life is the length and width of the chosen one’s penis.

As mentioned above, according to most women, 15 centimeters is the optimal size, and besides, the depth of the vagina is no more than 10 - 12 centimeters. Therefore, a slightly larger penis is considered normal.

When having sex with a partner who is quite large, most females experience pain in the lower abdomen and find it difficult to find a “painless” position, while sex with a medium-sized person does not cause pain.

Based on these considerations, we can come to the conclusion that women prefer a medium-sized penis, since it gives more pleasure and does not harm the woman’s body, unlike other impressive sizes.

17 - 18 centimeters

When measuring length, you need to take into account the thickness of the penis. If the penis is thin in width when erect, but the size is large, then this is not a reason to be proud. The chance of satisfying a woman with such a “unit” is not great. So the length issue is debatable.

As mentioned above, women prefer medium sizes, but wide in girth. A penis of 17 - 18 centimeters, with sufficient thickness, is considered an almost ideal size.

From 12 to 15 cm

The genital organ is an important part of any man’s body. And dissatisfaction with one’s size often leads to psychological trauma due to embarrassment and rejection of oneself as is, the fear of “disgracing oneself” in bed with a girl.

Many owners of a fairly small penis size (12 - 15 centimeters) often ask the question: “Is this a lot or a little?” In fact, anthropometric data must be taken into account. For a man of average height, this length is quite acceptable, especially if the penis is thick.

According to various opinions, a penis measuring 12–15 centimeters is small, but quite optimal for leading a full sexual life. Therefore, owners of a penis of this length should not worry about this.

At 14 years old

Rapid growth of the penis in males begins in adolescence, which covers the period from 10 to 17 years, since it is during this period that hormonal changes in the entire body occur. The boy's voice begins to break, an Adam's apple appears, his appearance changes and hair grows in the armpits, on the face, on the chest and on the pubic area.

The reproductive organ also enlarges. First, the scrotum grows, then the penis itself. So, at the beginning of growth at 10 - 11 years old, the size of the penis is approximately 5 - 7 cm in a quiet position, and 10 - 11 cm in an erect position.

At the age of 14, the normal size is considered to be 8 - 9 cm in the resting position, and 14 - 15 cm with an erection. But do not forget about the individual characteristics of a person. A lag or an increase of a couple of centimeters is not a deviation from the norm.

The eternal male question: “What size penis should men have?” still haven't received a response. Opinions vary. Some are content with little, while others passionately desire to enlarge their reproductive organ. Statistics show what size is considered normal, most men have a penis size in the range of 14 - 18 centimeters, which is considered normal, and only a small percentage of the male population can boast of a huge size. Therefore, all fears in this regard are simply far-fetched.

Advice: throw away complexes and unnecessary fears and live a full sex life!

The fable that black people are superior to their white counterparts in the development of the genital process still lives on.
Disputes go on from year to year, but they cannot agree... and even gays and heterosexuals cannot agree on who has more “dignity” dimensions. But what about in reality?

A little theory on articulation.
Men have genitalia of different sizes. Most of them are satisfied with the size of their own penis, others tend to believe that their symbol of male prowess is too small, and suffer from an inferiority complex about their penis solely due to the lack of information about the normal size of the male genital organs. And ladies, this information will be useful...

To establish the normal size of a particular man's penis, it is necessary to know a clear definition of the boundaries of the norm and the statistical average size of the penis.

To this end, many scientists have long presented the anatomical parameters of the size of the penis.

Data on the normal length of the penis were first published in 1899 by Loeb H., and then it was 9.5 cm. However, the author conducted research on the length of the penis only in a relaxed state.

According to Franoeur T. et al. (1991), the penis at rest ranges on average from 7.5 to 10 cm in length and 2.5 cm in diameter.

In an excited state, the penis ranges on average between 12.5 - 17.5 cm in length and 3.0 - 3.5 cm in diameter.

Kabalin J., Perkash J. in 1994 confirmed that the average length of the penis during arousal is 15 cm. According to Roos H., Lissoos I. (1994), the penis of an adult male without erection ranges from 7.5 to 10.5 cm, with excitement from 12 to 18 cm, with an average value of 13 cm.

In Russia in 1998 - 2002. I. Kon conducted studies of the size of the penis in an excited state (in length) in 8,267 men over 18 years of age. And I received the following data in percentage terms:

Penis: what size is considered normal?

Conclusion: it is necessary to assess the size of the penis in a state of full erection.

However, with a normal penis size, it may appear small in appearance. This happens in overweight or obese men, who often complain of a decrease in the length of the penis.

Very often, in obese men, a normal-sized penis can be practically hidden in the thickness of the fat fold.

Conclusion: Excess weight reduces the visible part of the penis.

In the study Schoenfeld W.A, Beebe G.W. (1942) found that the thickness of the subcutaneous fatty tissue of the anterior abdominal wall increases with age, so the men studied were divided into two groups - under 40 years of age and after 40 years of age.

Depending on age, the thickness of suprapubic subcutaneous fat significantly increased, and it was greater in the group of older men.

In old age, the length of the penis may decrease. This is due to the fact that with aging, the number of elastic fibers decreases both in the entire body and in the penis.

Some authors cite certain features of the size of the penis in men of different races. For example, in black people, the penis is on average a centimeter larger at rest, and in an excited state it is comparable in size to the genitals of white men (Da Ros C., et al., 1994, Prost H., 1997).

Thus, based on the generalized data given in various sources, we can conclude that an adult man who has an erect penis of 15 cm in length or more can be absolutely sure that his penis is statistically average in size.

Incredible facts

Manhood size has always been a special topic for women and an Achilles heel for men. The stereotype “the more the merrier” is no longer as relevant as previously thought.

Recent research by specialists focused on measuring and calculating the average length of the penis of men in different parts of the world has shown that Compared to 2011, the figures have changed significantly. So, on average, the length of the manhood of Ukrainian men is about 14 cm, and to be precise, 13.97 cm.

Among the Slavic brothers, the indicators have improved by almost 1 percent over the past year; today the result of the average Russian is 13.3 cm. It is worth adding that residents of Australia are close to Russian men (they caught up with the Russians, improving the indicator from 13.2 cm up to 13.3 cm), as well as North American men (13 cm, last year it was 12.9 cm). Each of these nations improved their score by one-tenth of a percent.

Researcher Richard Linn published measurements of the penises of the male population from 113 countries in the September issue of the journal Personality and Individual Differences, which was published a week ago with a circulation of more than a million copies.

A reasonable question arises: who is the leader in size? Men from which region have the largest penises? It is not surprising that hot and temperamental Africans continue to be among the leaders in this indicator. Based on a recent study, the longest penis is among black residents of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (its size is more than 18 cm).

Ecuadorians (17.8 cm) are breathing in their backs, followed by the male population of Ghana (17.3 cm). However, only the measurements of the latter remained the same as a year ago. But the length of the penises of residents of Congo and Ecuador on average over the past year increased by 0.1 percent (from 17.93 cm and from 17.7 cm, respectively).

It is noteworthy that according to new data from recent studies, the sequence among the leaders of European countries has changed. For example, last year it was found that on average Hungarians have the largest manhood (in 2011 this figure was 16.1 cm). This year the championship branch belongs to the Icelanders (16.5 cm), who pushed the Hungarians into second place. Romanians have the shortest penises (the average length of their manhood is only 12.7 cm).

According to this article, residents of Foggy Albion have an average penis of 14 cm, French men - 13.5 cm. The average length of the penis of an Italian macho, as well as a Dutch man, is 15.74 centimeters. The Swede has this figure of 14.98 cm, beating the Greeks with 14.75 cm and the Germans with 14.48 cm.

It was not surprising that among the residents of the former USSR, Caucasian men, known for their loving nature and hot temperament, became the leaders in penis length. The ranking is headed by Georgians (16 cm). But for the average resident of Belarus it varies about 14.65 cm.

Residents of Southeast Asian countries traditionally close the ranking. For example, the average length of a Chinese penis is only 11 centimeters, in India and Thailand it is even less - 10 cm. And finally, the smallest male dignity among Koreans is 9.7 cm.

Such topics concern specialists who study such issues. They measure his size not out of idle curiosity, but in order to find out whether there is any pattern between the numerical indicator and aspects of various areas of a man’s activity.

It has long been proven that size does not particularly affect the intensity and quality of sexual activity. For example, thanks to special surveys among the female population, the majority of respondents named Brazilians as the best lovers in the world. Second and third places were shared by the Spaniards and Italians, respectively. But the average size of the genital organs of representatives of these nationalities is far from the leading position. And, on the contrary, the inhabitants of the African continent, which has the most significant sexual dignity, are far from the title of the best lovers in the world, which once again proves that size does not matter.

When assessing the length of the genital organ, a man is guided by generally accepted standards. The penis is represented by muscle fibers, three sections of the corpora cavernosa and one spongy layer. The parameters of the member and its functioning depend on their condition. The normal size of the penis varies from 12 to 18 cm. Minor deviations from the norm in either direction are not pathology. The measurement is taken when the penis is erect. Temperature conditions, the man’s hormonal background and psycho-emotional state are taken into account.

In this article we will tell you:

What is the normal penis size?

Scientists have discovered the normal size of a penis through numerous studies. According to statistics, the average length of the penis is 13-15 cm when erect. The diameter of the penis in an erect state is 5-10 cm. In medicine, a penis measuring less than 12 cm in length is considered pathology.

In medicine, the following categories of parameters of the genital organ are distinguished:

  • normal penis size (more than 12 cm);
  • small penis (in an erect state its length is 7-9 cm);
  • micropenis (a pathological condition in which the length of the organ does not exceed 4 cm).

Normal organ length

When determining the size of the penis, it is necessary to take into account the structure of the man's body. Representatives of large builds have penis sizes that are above average. With a miniature build, the length of the organ in the region of 11-13 cm is considered normal. Therefore, one should not make hasty conclusions regarding the parameters.

In medical practice, the norm is considered to be a length of 12 to 18 cm. Everything else is considered a pathology. It should be borne in mind that in adolescents, measuring the length of the penis is inappropriate, since it is in the stage of active growth.

Normal Penis Thickness

The girth of the penis is as important as its length. The volume directly depends on genetics. It is not at all necessary that this indicator will be proportional to the length of the organ. A thickness of 3 to 5 cm is considered normal. The circumference is on average 5-10 cm.

What determines the size of the penis?

The size of the penis depends on a combination of factors, among which heredity is of primary importance.

Other important factors include:

  1. Hormonal background. Male puberty begins at 12-13 years of age. At this age, there is an increased production of hormones responsible for the quality of spermatogenesis and the development of the cavernous bodies. With hormonal imbalance, deviations in the size of the genital organ are observed.
  2. Wrong nutrition. Lack of nutrients inhibits the functioning of the reproductive organs. This also affects the parameters of the genital organ.
  3. Ecological situation. Unfavorable environmental conditions can have a depressing effect on penile growth during adolescence. Toxic substances entering the body (drugs, alcohol, nicotine) have a similar effect.
  4. Accompanying illnesses. Most often, disruption of the formation of the genital organs is prevented by endocrine diseases or hereditary pathologies.
  5. Excess weight. Against the background of obesity, the length of the penis decreases significantly. This is due to a visual illusion caused by the appearance of fat folds in the lower abdominal cavity. After losing weight, the situation changes dramatically.

During puberty, the parameters of the penis change. Upon reaching a certain age (after 55-65 years), the size of manhood decreases. This is considered a normal process associated with age-related changes occurring in the body. The number of elastic fibers capable of stretching is significantly reduced. This affects both erectile function and penis size.

Scientists have found that the length of the penis in a calm state has no connection with its parameters during arousal.


When determining the parameters of the penis, accuracy in measurements is important. The conclusion is made based on three indicators - length, girth and diameter of the penis. To measure, use a tape measure or centimeter. Initially, you should achieve a stable erection.

To ensure better glide, it is advisable to use lubricant. One side of the tape measure or centimeter is fixed at the base of the penis, from the top point. In the area where the head of the penis ends, make a mark with a pen or pencil.

To determine the girth, use a piece of thread or a centimeter. Measurements are taken at the thickest part of the erect penis.

The tape measure is wrapped around the penis and a mark is made on it. The resulting number is the girth length.

To determine the diameter, additional research is not necessary. It is enough to divide the girth indicator by the number 3.14. The resulting value indicates the diameter of the penis. To avoid errors, it is advisable to carry out calculations using a calculator.

Reasons for size deviations

Normal penis size occurs in only 60% of the male population. Various deviations are established during the period of intrauterine development. Sometimes they occur under the influence of external factors during adolescence. In an adult man, the size of the penis cannot change.

The following factors can provoke deviations:

  • hereditary diseases;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • organ injury;
  • excess weight.

Congenital pathologies of the structure of the penis are eliminated surgically. Implants are most often used to thicken the organ.

How to find the standard penis size?

To increase the size of the penis to a standard length, you need to resort to specialized means. But first the feasibility of these measures should be identified.

There are several ways to adjust the size:

  • surgical intervention;
  • use of creams and gels;
  • use of extenders and vacuum pumps;
  • various nozzles.

Devices for penis enlargement at home have become widespread. These include vacuum pumps and topical products.

The vacuum method of influencing the genital organ promotes blood flow, resulting in an increase in volume. Creams, ointments and gels have an irritating effect that helps improve microcirculation.

Extenders are most often used after surgery. They are not at all noticeable under clothes. At the initial stages, the device is worn for 2 hours.

In the future, wearing time is increased to 8 hours. The total duration of use is several months. The device stretches the cavernous bodies, allowing you to increase the length of the organ by 2-3 cm.

Surgery is the most effective way to change the parameters of the genital organ. It is carried out in the classical way, using the ligamentotomy technique or by penile prosthesis. Ligamentotomy is considered the most popular technique. It involves cutting the ligament that holds the penis.

After the operation, you need to wear an extender to record the desired result.

The disadvantages of surgical intervention include a long rehabilitation period. The advantage is that the results will last for the rest of your life. The temporary effect is characterized by enlargement of the penis using hyaluronic acid injections.

Traditional methods only help to increase sexual desire. They do not affect the size of the penis. They are recommended to be used in conjunction with other methods of adjusting the size of the male enhancement.

What do women desire?

According to surveys, penis size is not a priority for women. Most representatives of the fair sex pay attention not to the length, but to the girth of the organ. But the man’s skills and the quality of foreplay are of paramount importance. What penis size is considered optimal depends on the individual woman and the structural features of her genital organs.

Normal length of the penis is a relative concept. Generally accepted standards should not be a guideline, since there are many other factors that influence the quality of sexual life. In most cases, problems caused by insufficiently large sizes are psychological in nature.