Treatment of colon cancer with folk remedies and herbs. How to treat and cure intestinal cancer with folk remedies. Rectal cancer, history of healing

– the most common and most dangerous type of cancer. It has been observed that treatment of colon cancer folk remedies has a favorable result. Mainly used as therapy herbal teas, tinctures. Healing plants for cancer help cleanse the blood and boost the immune system.

About the disease

In 2nd place among malignant neoplasms is colorectal cancer. Often the disease is detected very late, and treatment is no longer effective. This is due to the fact that symptoms of intestinal cancer appear only at stage 4 of its development.

There are several causes of a tumor, and most often it is ulcerative colitis already in neglected form. Does not contribute to cancer formation? proper nutrition(significant consumption of red meat, fat, lack of vegetables).

Although the symptoms of the pathology appear quite late, there are still certain signs of cancer that should alert a person:

  • presence of blood in feces;
  • constipation caused by intestinal stenosis;
  • anemia;
  • constant increase in body temperature;
  • bowel dysfunction (diarrhea, increased gas formation);
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • feeling of pain in the lower abdomen;
  • weight loss;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • constant fatigue, malaise.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a thorough diagnosis. The earlier the disease is detected, the more favorable the prognosis.

Once cancer is diagnosed, treatment should be started immediately. therapeutic measures. Usually the cancerous tumor is removed surgically. But not every person is able to undergo surgery, so they turn to folk methods treatment. Many recipes are a panacea due to their effective, universal properties. There is a huge number in the fight against cancer. good funds, tried and tested over the years.

How do folk remedies help?

The main help of folk remedies in the treatment of intestinal cancer with the addition of herbs and plants is aimed at:

  • renewal of damaged cells;
  • elimination of inflammation;
  • blood purification;
  • strengthening immunity.

The choice of cancer treatment methods and herbal medicines must be approved by the attending physician; they are prescribed based on the test results obtained, the stage of development of education, the patient’s well-being, as well as the individual tolerance of the components.

Effective folk recipes

Traditional medicine in the fight against oncology involves the production of tinctures, decoctions, extracts from medicinal plants and herbs. Herbal infusions have proven themselves to be excellent.

Celandine - will help cope with cancer

Celandine contains toxic alkaloids. succinic acid appears in cell division, and also promotes metabolism and increases tissue regeneration. If there is not enough of it in the body, cell renewal is inhibited and the risk of cancer increases. Cytostatic effect has a component - chelidonin, which inhibits the growth and spread of cancer cells.

People's effective recipe with celandine:

  • finely chop the aerial part of the celandine;
  • put in a jar and add 40% vodka until the plant is completely covered;
  • place in a cool, dark place;
  • insist for 3 weeks.

It is necessary to treat a malignant tumor of the colon with this remedy, starting with 4-5 drops, then increase the dosage, reaching 50 drops, once a day.


You can treat cancer with the herb hemlock. It contains poisonous substance, upon penetration into the body (if the dose is correct and the product is prepared correctly), it affects the activation of the production of antibodies that inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the colon.

The peculiarity of hemlock tincture is to store the product prepared from inflorescences and vodka (alcohol) in a dark place, constantly shaking. The dose and regimen of use must be agreed with a specialist. Let's assume that the herb is taken in combination with other folk recipes.

Birch mushroom is used to treat stage 4 cancer with metastases. Often, a folk remedy was the only salvation for those who could not produce surgery, and chemotherapy did not show the expected result. Chaga mushroom helps normalize the health of a patient who has undergone chemotherapy.

To create a recipe against cancer:

  • wash well, finely chop the mushroom;
  • You should get 0.5 liters of raw material;
  • place in a 3-liter jar, pour slightly cooled boiling water (1.5 l);
  • cover the container with gauze and keep for 2 days in a dark, cool place;
  • strain, squeeze the gauze well.

Directions for use: take the resulting decoction at least 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, 100 ml. The infusion cannot be kept in the refrigerator for more than 4 days, after which a new medicine should be prepared.

Colchicum splendid

Stage 4 cancer can be treated with this herb. An ointment is made from colchicum (usually used for skin cancer). However, cleansing enemas are no less effective.

Method of preparing a folk remedy for cancer:

  • in the evening you should brew 1 tablespoon of herb in 0.5 liters of boiled liquid daily;
  • When the infusion has cooled to room temperature, the procedure can be performed.

An infusion of the stinging nettle plant helps activate hematopoiesis, helps with venous disease and is used to treat intestinal cancer.

Preparation method:

  • you will need 7 g of dried plant;
  • brew in 200 ml of boiled liquid;
  • Infuse for half an hour, strain;
  • apply on an empty stomach three times a day, 1 tablespoon.

ABOUT useful qualities Many people have heard of flaxseed oil. However, not everyone has the idea that the drug is used in the fight against cancer. Rich Content useful components favorably destroy cancer cells. The oil contains vitamins A, B, K, E, F, iron, phosphorus and much more.

Flaxseed oil has a positive effect on bone tissue. The product helps strengthen the immune system, strengthen the nervous and hematopoietic systems, and increase the level of hemoglobin.

For cooking medical prescription for cancer you will need:

  • 6 tablespoons of low-fat homemade cottage cheese;
  • add 3 tablespoons of flaxseed oil;
  • You can mix using a mixer or blender;
  • add 1 teaspoon of high-quality honey and 30 g of flaxseeds to the resulting composition;
  • the product is ready (you can put fruits and nuts in it if desired).

People who regularly eat cottage cheese with linseed oil, can get rid of tumors and cure the prostate.

Enemas are effective remedies

You can cure intestinal cancer with folk remedies using enemas:

  1. Every day you can do soda enemas before bed. You will need 1 cup of boiling water, add half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate to it. The drug is injected into the rectum. Soda exhibits an anti-carcinogenic effect, has an analgesic and antiseptic effect.
  2. You will need celandine juice. The plant should be crushed and squeezed through cheesecloth. Leave for two days in a dark place. To produce microenemas, you will need 1 drop of the product for 1 glass of boiling water. The course of treatment is 7 days, before bedtime. Then take a week off and repeat.

To perform enemas in the treatment of cancer, you need to draw liquid into a bulb, lie on your side, and bend your legs towards your stomach. Carefully inject the product into anal hole, then try to squeeze the sphincter, roll over a couple of times, then void.

What to use if you have cancer

Natural antioxidants should be introduced into the diet for stage 4 cancer with metastases in order to eliminate cancer toxic substances, as well as restore the functioning of the digestive organs.

And herbal help will help improve a person’s health:

  1. The juice of sauerkraut, fresh cabbage is used in the presence of neoplasms that have reached stages 3-4.
  2. Cabbage juice can be combined with aloe, which helps relieve inflammatory process, building immunity.
  3. Turmeric inhibits the growth of cancer cells in the intestines and gastrointestinal tract, and prevents cancer.
  4. Ginger – has a strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effect, reduces the appearance of metastases and tumors. Also used for pancreatic diseases.

Herbal treatment is carried out in for preventive purposes appearance of cancer. For hematopoiesis, reduction side effects after chemotherapy, radiation exposure use antitumor folk recipes(medicinal plants, soda, fruits, berries, herbal teas).

Folk remedies against intestinal cancer are effective after surgery, they are part of complex treatment, but are used only in consultation with the doctor. It is important to realize that many medicines are created from poisonous herbs. Self-medicating or not sticking to the dosage is very dangerous.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Don't self-medicate! Be sure to consult a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and carries out treatment. Study Group Expert inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

About intestinal cancer, symptoms and treatment with folk remedies and traditional medicine every person should know. After all, the disease ranks 2nd among cancer diseases, and therefore not a single person is immune from it. Not only is the disease widespread, but it is also gaining more and more momentum, especially in countries with developed economies. So what is this insidious and dangerous disease?

Bowel cancer is malignancy intestinal mucosa. Any part of the organ is susceptible to tumor growth, but most often a malignant tumor develops in the large intestine. The disease most often attacks people after 40 years of age. Both women and men are equally susceptible to colon cancer.

Bowel cancer: causes

There are three main causes of this disease, and these include:

So, if a person has or has had cases of intestinal cancer, as well as polyposis, in his family, then the risk of acquiring the disease increases significantly.

Also this disease may precede chronic diseases. Such ailments include Crohn's disease, adenomas, and polyps. Such diseases cannot be called malignant, but if these diseases are not treated properly, they create the preconditions for the development of intestinal cancer.

If a person consumes food in his diet that is too rich in proteins and fats, does not eat enough food plant origin, this is also a prerequisite for the development of intestinal cancer. As a result of this there appear congestion in a diseased organ, constipation.

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Bowel cancer: symptoms

Very often, a sick person may not even suspect that he has this disease. After all, the first manifestations of the disease can easily be confused with symptoms of colitis. The main manifestation of the disease is early stages is an admixture of blood in feces Oh. Blood enters the stool from the area of ​​the diseased organ that has been affected by the neoplasm. At the same time, very often blood can remain unnoticed by a person, so people who are at risk need to periodically take a stool test for occult blood.

The manifestations of the disease largely depend on its stages and on the location of the tumor on the diseased organ. Neoplasms of the right part of the organ are characterized by painful sensations in the stomach and blood in the stool, constipation. If the tumor is located in the left part of the intestine, then the patient may complain of bloating and the same constipation, and lack of appetite.

Signs of the disease include long-term (over 2-3 weeks) manifestations, such as belching, nausea, irregular bowel movements, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, dizziness and weakness.

Very characteristic - aversion to meat dishes. As the disease progresses, poisoning of the body with tumor decay products, pale skin, increased nervousness, weight loss, fever and loss of strength.

As for the signs of the disease on late stages, then metastases are added to the above, which very often penetrate the liver.

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Bowel cancer: diagnosis

If a person suspects that he has intestinal cancer, then, naturally, he will urgently consult a doctor. The doctor, based on the symptoms present, will prescribe an examination.

Intestinal oncology is diagnosed by such studies as:

  • collection of feces for occult blood;
  • retromanoscopy;
  • x-ray of a diseased organ;
  • colonoscopy;

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Treatment of bowel cancer with traditional medicine

Whatever the stage of the disease, treatment comes down to surgical intervention. But the method of operation will depend on the stage of intestinal cancer.

If the disease has just begun its development, then the operation will be more gentle. At initial stages For cases of disease, surgery is performed using a colonoscope and partial resection of the diseased organ is performed. So, during the operation, the neoplasm is excised along with the healthy tissues of the organ, but the removal of healthy tissue is carried out in a strictly defined amount.

Chemotherapy for colon cancer is used mainly in the initial stages of the disease. There are 3 types of chemotherapy used. The first type is performed after surgery in order to minimize the risk of relapse. The second type of chemotherapy is given before surgery. It is carried out in order to cancer cells decreased in number. This simplifies the resection. The third type of chemotherapy is given in conjunction with radiotherapy before surgery. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy in the last stages of the disease are mainly used to improve general state patient and relieve pain.

In the last stages of the disease it is necessary abdominal surgery. To do this, the patient makes an incision abdominal wall and the area of ​​the diseased organ that is affected by the neoplasm is excised. Next, doctors sew the edges of the intestines together. The operation can also take place in 2 stages. So, at the first stage, the tumor is removed, and the diseased organ is removed into a colostomy (an artificially created side opening). During the second stage of the operation, this colostomy is removed and the edges of the intestine are sutured together. Wherein natural release feces are restored through the anus.

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What is the patient's survival prognosis?

The prognosis directly depends on the stage of the disease at which it is located. If the disease was detected at an early stage, then 95-97% of 100 survive for 5 years. If the entire wall of the diseased organ is affected without metastases, the survival rate is 50-60%. But if, nevertheless, the disease proceeds with the formation of metastases, then the prognosis sharply worsens, and the patient’s survival rate for 5 years is only 35%.

Bowel cancer (colorectal cancer) is one of the most dangerous species cancer. In Russia, the five-year survival rate of patients suffering from this disease does not exceed 28 percent. In Europeans this figure is 50 percent, in the United States - 80 percent.

Colorectal cancer is the second most common type of malignant tumor in Europe, with more than 400 thousand Europeans diagnosed every year. More than half of them die because the disease is diagnosed too late - already at stage 4, when treatment is ineffective. Only early diagnosis gives a good chance of recovery, so every person should know the symptoms of this type of cancer.

A tumor of the intestine (colorectal cancer) can develop in any part, but, as a rule, it is observed in the colon and. Malignant cancer cells begin to grow inside the intestinal polyps, and over time they grow outward towards the surrounding tissues. Further, the cancer metastasizes to the liver, ovaries, and bones (at stage 4 of the disease).

    1. Provide proper nutrition. First of all, you need to limit your consumption of meat, especially red.
    2. Play an important role in the diet fresh fruits and vegetables, wholemeal bread, brown rice and calcium-rich foods.
    3. Avoid fried food. It is best to stew or bake dishes.
    4. Limit alcohol and quit smoking.
    5. Eliminate factors that increase the risk of developing this form of cancer - remove polyps, treat inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
    6. Conduct preventive examinations, especially if you are susceptible increased risk diseases.


    Treatment of intestinal cancer with folk remedies is quite effective and realistic - especially if done in the early stages of the disease. How to effectively use the power of plants against cancer - read below.

    Colchicum splendid

    This herb perfectly fights any type of cancer, even at stage 4. Colchicum ointment, but in our case we will need enemas from this plant. To carry out treatment, brew 1 tablespoon of colchicum leaves in 0.5 liters of boiling water every evening, cool the liquid to room temperature and do enemas before bed. This procedure must be carried out every day. Additionally, it is recommended to use other folk remedies.
    In the program “Live Healthy” they talked about colon cancer:

    Treatment with three plants

    Traditional healers developed against cancer effective scheme treatment with three plants - nettle, dandelion and flaxseed. It helps even at stage 4 of the disease. We share the recipe with you.

    So, every evening you will need to brew 2 tablespoons of flaxseed in a glass of boiling water, and leave the mixture until the morning. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, you need to drink 1 teaspoon of nettle juice and 1 teaspoon of dandelion juice. After half an hour you eat flax-seed, which you brewed overnight. You can have a full meal 1 hour after taking the seed. Repeat this every day. Treatment should be continued until the cancer disappears completely.

    Additionally, you can use it to strengthen the intestines alcohol tincture calendula. Drink 15 drops of the drug 3 times a day after meals. This helps stop the spread of cancer and treat the inflammatory process in gastrointestinal tract.


    Numerous Scientific research have shown that saffron slows the growth of cancer cells, and even destroys malignant tissue. Therefore, we recommend treatment with saffron as a adjuvant therapy(in addition to the above methods). Prepare this decoction every day: 4 tsp. fill the plants with 1 liter of water and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Drink this medicine in small sips throughout the day. You can also try treatment with saffron enemas: prepare a decoction as described above and perform enemas after bowel movements.

    Birch mushroom

    Birch helped many patients even at stage 4 of cancer. Often it becomes the only salvation in cases where surgery is no longer possible and chemotherapy does not give the expected results. Chaga also significantly improves the well-being of patients who have undergone chemotherapy. In a word, you should definitely try treatment with this plant.

    Wash and chop thoroughly birch mushroom so that you get a half liter jar of raw materials. Pour it into a large glass bottle and pour 1.5 liters of boiled water warm water. Cover the neck of the jar with gauze and leave in a warm, dark place for 2 days. Next, you need to strain the infusion, and carefully squeeze out the sediment through cheesecloth. Take the finished drug 3 times a day, 100 ml, half an hour before meals. Please note that the infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for about 3-4 days, then you need to make new batch medicines.


    Juice from sauerkraut- This natural antioxidant, which helps remove cancer toxins from the body and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is often used to treat bowel cancer. You can drink sauerkraut juice in unlimited quantities.

    Fresh cabbage juice

    Fresh cabbage no less useful than fermented. The juice helps treat cancer at any stage, even the 4th. The only condition is that you must take this drink every day as soon as possible. large quantities. Additionally, use other folk remedies against the tumor.

    Aloe vera

    Aloe treats infections, stimulates work immune system. This plant is especially indicated for the fight against intestinal and stomach cancer. You should take 3 to 5 tablespoons of aloe vera juice per empty stomach 40 minutes before breakfast. Remember that in medicinal purposes Old leaves of the plant are used - they must be at least 3 years old. Before carrying out a therapeutic course, aloe should stand in the refrigerator for 10 days. Immediately before squeezing the juice, pour boiling water over the leaves and wait 5 minutes.


    This spice has the compound curcumin, which effectively fights against any cancer even at stage 4. Laboratory tests have shown that curcumin limits the growth of malignant cells in the blood, colon, liver, stomach and ovary, causing cancerous growths to die. However, in pure form turmeric is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. To obtain effective medicine, you should combine this spice with red or black pepper - for example, when cooking.

    How to use turmeric?
    Mix 1/4 teaspoon powder with 1/2 tablespoons olive oil and a pinch of pepper. This is a good sauce for fresh salads and soups. The bitter taste disappears after adding a few drops of agave nectar (this preparation is available in stores healthy food).

    You should eat at least 1/3 teaspoon of turmeric per day. Continue treatment until full recovery. Additionally, use other home remedies.


    It is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agent. It effectively supports the body's fight against cancer cells, and therefore helps reduce the formation of new metastases and tumors. If you suffer from intestinal cancer, you should definitely include this spice in your diet. daily diet. You can add ginger as a seasoning to salads, soups and teas. It is also recommended to cut the ginger root into slices, add boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes. You'll have the perfect drink (it can be enjoyed cold or hot) to combat the nausea that often plagues cancer patients. Additionally, treat with other herbs.

    Pine bark tincture

    It is an excellent immune system tonic and a remedy against all types of cancer. If you don’t find tincture of pine bark extract in the pharmacy, prepare it yourself. Take a glass of crushed raw materials, pour it into a jar and fill it with 1 bottle of high-quality vodka. Close the lid and leave away from sun rays 2 weeks. Then you need to strain the product and take 10 drops a day before meals. If you have advanced intestinal cancer, the dose should be doubled and this course of treatment should be continued for 1 month. Then take 15 drops of tincture for another 2 months, and 10 drops for another month. Then a break is taken for 2 months. If the swelling does not go away during this time, repeat the treatment.

    Fly agaric tincture

    Fly agaric tincture has been used for a long time and very successfully against intestinal cancer. However, remember that it is very poisonous, so you should never exceed the recommended dose. In general, this medicine works like this: the poison from fly agarics kills cancer cells and inhibits the production of new ones.

    Recipe: Take fresh fly agaric caps, chop them and fill a glass jar to the top. Pour cold over mushrooms boiled water and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. Then strain the tincture and begin the therapeutic course according to this scheme: on the 1st day you take 1 drop of tincture in the morning before meals, dissolving it in small quantity water. On the second day you take 2 drops, on the third - 3 drops, and then increase the dose, reaching 10 drops of the medicine on the tenth day. Then take 10 drops of tincture for another 10 days. At this point, treatment should be interrupted for 2 months, after which the course should be repeated according to the old regimen.

  • When treating rectal cancer with folk remedies, many hope for positive results. In fact, it may become an alternative to surgery. However, the methods must be agreed upon with the attending physician, otherwise there is a possibility of worsening the condition. Self-medication in this matter is unacceptable. The best option There will be a combination of medications and traditional therapy.

    Treatment of intestinal cancer with folk remedies

    Good results In the treatment of this disease, infusions and tinctures of various herbs are given. St. John's wort is considered one of the most effective. To prepare it, you will need to pour 200 ml of boiling water into 10 g of crushed raw materials. After 2 hours, the product is filtered and taken 50 ml three times a day before meals. In a similar way, you can prepare an infusion of meadowsweet flowers. This herb has antitumor effects. You need to take the product 4 times a day, 50 ml. The course of treatment depends on the stage of the disease, but usually lasts at least 6 months.

    Burdock is considered one of the the best means for oncological diseases. A tincture is prepared from this plant. To do this, you will need to pass the leaves and stems through a meat grinder and squeeze the juice out of the mass using gauze. Then take 500 ml of liquid and add 150 ml of alcohol. Take 10 ml three times a day before meals. Store the product in the refrigerator. You can also prepare an infusion from this plant, which gives good results for colorectal cancer. You will need 30 g of burdock root, pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Drink three times a day before meals. Herbalists recommend preparing a decoction of this medicinal plant. Pour 10 g of crushed root into 200 ml of water, put the container on the fire and boil it for 30 minutes after boiling. Then the broth is filtered and taken 30 ml 5 times a day

    At malignant tumor rectum, you can try drinking a decoction of alder cones. You will need 5 g of crushed raw materials, pour 1 liter of boiling water, put the container on the fire and bring to a boil. Then the broth is removed from the stove and infused for 2 hours. The product is filtered and taken 200 ml after meals three times a day.

    Celandine is another plant that is good for all types of tumors. It is taken from the root, washed and crushed using a meat grinder. Then the juice is squeezed out of the mass, which is poured into a dark glass container and put in the refrigerator for 3 days. After this, vodka is added to it in a 4:1 ratio and shaken. Take 10 ml of the product half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month, then a break of 10 days is taken, after which it can be repeated.

    The rectum can be healed with ordinary soda. During such treatment, you will need to prepare a solution. 5 g of soda is poured into 100 ml of boiling water. The drug is taken three times a day, 1 hour before meals. Subsequently, it is recommended to increase the dosage of soda, but in this case you will need to listen to the body. Treatment is carried out until complete recovery from the disease.

    You can treat colorectal cancer with garlic. The vegetable must be peeled and chopped. Then honey is added to it in a 1:1 ratio. It is recommended to put the product in a glass container and store it in the refrigerator. Take 5 g before and after meals.

    Nettle can also help defeat the disease. For rectal cancer, an infusion is taken from this plant. To prepare it, you will need to pour 30 g of raw material into 500 ml of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Drink the product warm 5 times a day before meals.

    Tincture of calendula flowers copes well with cancer. This product is sold at the pharmacy. If you can’t find it, you can prepare the medicine at home. To do this, 10 g of flowers are poured with 100 ml of alcohol. The product must be infused for 2 weeks. Take 10 ml three times a day before meals. The product must first be diluted in 50 ml of water, this will protect the gastric mucosa.

    White cabbage and beets help cope with cancer. You need to squeeze juice out of vegetables and consume 15 ml in pure form three times a day. To make the product more tasty, you can add a small amount of honey to it. Herbalists also recommend eating stalks in any quantity.

    Hemlock - the right remedy during treatment oncological diseases, including the intestines. To do this, you will need to grind 100 g of inflorescences and leaves and pour 500 ml of alcohol into them. Leave for 3 weeks, then strain and drink according to the recipe. Start with 1 drop per day and increase to 50. However, it is better not to experiment with this plant, since it is poisonous, but ask your doctor to prescribe a treatment regimen. While using the product, you need to monitor your body. If you experience discomfort, you should stop taking it immediately.

    Propolis has a detrimental effect on cancer cells and stimulates the formation of healthy ones. When treating cancer with this drug, the dosage must be strictly observed.

    Chew 7 g daily pure propolis an hour before meals. You can also make a tincture from this product. You will need to pour 10 g into 100 ml of alcohol and let it brew for 3 days. The product should be added to tea and milk, 50 drops per dose. Drink the drink three times a day before meals. You can look for propolis tincture in a pharmacy, it will work no worse than homemade one.

    Ways to support the body during rectal cancer

    To remove tumor decay products from the body and soften the effect of chemotherapy, it is recommended to take tinctures of gentian, salep or wintergreen, 15 drops three times a day before meals. These products can be found at the pharmacy. Herbalists advise making an infusion of wintergreen and drinking it like tea. You need to put 10 g of raw material in a glass and pour boiling water over it. After 15 minutes, you can use the product with honey or jam.

    The following plants have a good general strengthening effect:

    • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
    • strawberries;
    • currant;
    • cowberry;
    • clover flowers;
    • red rowan.

    From the herbs described above traditional healers advise to cook vitamin teas. If the taste of the drink is unpleasant, you can add mint, lemon balm, or oregano.

    Cleansing enemas

    When treating rectal cancer with folk remedies, enemas with decoctions are indicated. This therapy will help alleviate the general condition and stop the development of malignant tumors. Enemas with a decoction of celandine give good results. You will need to take 10 g of raw material, pour boiling water, put on fire and boil for 15 minutes. As soon as the product has cooled to room temperature, you need to strain it - and you can do an enema. It is recommended to keep the product in the rectum for no more than 15 minutes. For treatment, you can try oat decoction. It is prepared in a similar way to celandine.

    An enema with a decoction of elderberry, elm and sea buckthorn bark gives good results. They need to be taken to equal parts and grind into dust. Then 10 g of powder is poured into 100 ml of boiling water and placed on water bath for 1 hour. After this, the product is filtered, cooled and used as a cleansing enema.