The cheek is swollen from toothache. My cheek is swollen and hurts. Symptoms of diseases of various etiologies

Every person wants to have an attractive appearance. Therefore, special attention is paid to facial care. But what to do if the aesthetic appearance of your face is spoiled by a swollen cheek? This problem cannot be hidden with the help of cosmetics such as powder and foundation.

There are many reasons why cheek swelling occurs. In a matter of hours it can become quite noticeable. Why does this happen and how to resist the disease? In this article you will find answers to your question.

Causes of cheek swelling

There are many reasons that lead to cheek tumors. Here are just a few of them:

  1. Toothache. The development of caries can cause the formation of flux, which causes swelling. Swelling may occur after tooth extraction. Antibacterial drugs are taken for treatment. If the treatment process was carried out correctly, the swelling will disappear within 2-3 days.
  2. Salivary glands. Swelling may appear due to inflammation of the salivary gland ducts.
  3. Sinusitis. Inflammation of the nasal sinuses and the accumulation of purulent fluid in them may be accompanied by swelling.
  4. Lymphatic system. The process of inflammation occurring in the lymph nodes is one of the common causes of edema.
  5. Inflamed facial nerve. Neuritis can occur with a cold. This is a one-sided process, which is accompanied by disturbances in facial expressions and movements, as well as pain. To get rid of the disease, you should consult a neurologist.
  6. Mumps. A viral, infectious disease that affects the salivary glands and leads to swelling of the cheek. Swelling can form on one side of the face or appear on both sides.
  7. Infectious mononucleosis. The disease is very similar in symptoms to ordinary sore throat. It is acute. Treatment can only be prescribed by the attending physician.
  8. Diphtheria. A disease of the tonsils associated with the penetration of the Loeffler bacterium into the body. The disease is accompanied by high fever and plaque formation on the tonsils. Taking antibiotics is ineffective, so treatment is carried out using a special anti-diphtheria serum.
  9. Injuries. Damage to the cheek, traumatically. After injury, the healing period will last 2-3 weeks.
  10. Allergy. Intolerance to certain foods, medications and hygiene products. Taking anti-allergy medications will help get rid of this swelling.

The cheek is swollen inside - what to do and how to treat it?

The main cause of cheek swelling

A common cause of cheek swelling can be dental problems. The main culprit is a bad tooth. It is this that causes pain and leads to swelling of the soft tissues of the face. Toothache is not the only problem. Inflammation of the gums and periosteum can be dangerous. It poses a threat to human life and health.

Many people ask the question: “If your cheek is swollen from a tooth, what should you do?”

  1. Do not heat the area where the abscess occurs.
  2. Go to the doctor immediately. It may be necessary to remove the purulent formation and install drainage. The dentist will also prescribe the correct medication.

If your cheek is slightly swollen after tooth extraction, there is no need to worry. Quite normal physiological processes occur in the body. When removed, the tissue around the tooth is damaged, resulting in swelling. In such situations, doctors prescribe rinsing the mouth with antiseptic agents, such as Stomatodin, Mevalex and Gevalex, and also recommend applying a cold heating pad to the swollen cheek.

What to do if your tooth hurts? How and with what to relieve cheek swelling and pain?

The exception may be obvious swelling and ongoing pain. If you experience these symptoms after tooth extraction, go to the dentist immediately.

Other causes of cheek swelling

Patients often have questions about why the cheek is swollen, but the tooth does not hurt? The gums are swollen, the inside of the cheek is swollen - this may indicate the development of gumboil or the eruption of a wisdom tooth. In such a situation, analgesic medications are prescribed to neutralize pain. You will need to rinse your mouth. You can use an antiseptic or warm saline solution for this purpose. As your wisdom tooth grows, replace your hard-bristled toothbrush with a softer one.

The cheek may also become swollen after filling a tooth. This means that during the treatment, sanitary and hygienic standards were violated or the filling technology was carried out incorrectly. You still need to see a dentist, even if your cheek is swollen, but your teeth don’t hurt. Swelling of the cheek may not even be accompanied by pain, since the dental nerve has been removed.

If the abscess continues, the filling will have to be removed and treated again.

Another cause of swelling may be a cheek injury. If the integrity of the tooth has been compromised and the chip has injured the cheek from the inside, it is necessary to make a roller of sterile cotton wool and place it between the tooth and the cheek. Then go to the dentist. The doctor will polish the chipped area and put a filling, if necessary.

A cheek injury can be caused by more than just a piece of a chipped tooth. The cause of swelling may be insect bites, as well as injuries caused by blunt objects. In these cases, compresses (cold and hot) and special ointments, which can be found in any pharmacy, will help relieve swelling. Suprastin, an antihistamine, helps well against insect bites.

What to do if your cheek is swollen, your gums are swollen, but your tooth doesn’t hurt?

The cause of swelling is the lymph nodes

Mothers often ask the question: “The child’s cheek is swollen, what should I do? The tooth does not hurt and there are no obvious signs of dental problems.”

Indeed, the reasons for the formation of a tumor on the cheek are not always problems with the teeth and oral cavity. Inflammation of the lymph nodes and upper respiratory tract may be accompanied by swelling of the cheek. It is possible that your cheek is swollen, and an anti-inflammatory, pain reliever such as Ibuprofen can help relieve the swelling.

Warming the lymph nodes is prohibited due to the threat of sepsis. If the inflammatory process occurs with a high temperature, calling a doctor is mandatory.

First aid

It is not always possible to get qualified help in a short time. Therefore, everyone should know how to provide first aid if necessary.

The most effective method used at home is mouth rinsing. For these purposes, you can use a decoction of herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties, for example, sage or chamomile. Regular rinsing with herbal decoction will help relieve swelling. Propolis tincture will be no less effective in combating the inflammatory process.

Herbal decoctions to relieve swelling and swelling of the cheeks

  1. Use herbs to rinse. Mix crushed oak bark with chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow and sage. To prepare the decoction, for a half-liter jar of boiling water, take 2 tbsp. spoons of herbs. After boiling, cook for 3-5 minutes and strain the broth. The product is ready for use.
  2. Rinse with chamomile solution. Steam two tablespoons of flowers with a glass of boiling water, wrap and let the solution brew for 20 minutes. Rinse your mouth every 15-30 minutes.
  3. Can be used at home, antiseptic drugs: Stomatidin, Mevalex and Givalex. Dilute the drug with warm water and rinse your mouth every 4 hours.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to heat the tumor. This can aggravate the patient's condition and cause the development of an abscess.
  5. Painkillers if the tumor is accompanied by pain. The analgesics Solpadeine and Ketanov help well, but the latter has certain contraindications. Ketanov has a strong effect and can relieve any pain.
  6. Antipyretic drugs are used for fever. Ibuprofen and paracetamol are good at reducing fever and are analgesics that will help relieve pain.

How to deal with swelling

The most common cause of cheek swelling is diseases of the oral cavity and teeth. The question arises: “If your tooth hurts, your cheek is swollen, what should you do?”

In any case, if your cheek is swollen, you should immediately seek qualified help. You should not delay your visit to a specialist, as the cause of the tumor can be very serious.

If an abscess has formed that causes swelling, it is necessary for the doctor to open it and install drainage to drain the pus. After removing the pus, the dentist will prescribe antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. If an abscess is identified, do not heat the sore spot under any circumstances. Rubbing at the site of swelling is also not recommended.

Watch your health closely. If you have questions or doubts about the appearance of a cheek tumor, we will be happy to advise you and answer your concerns. The photos and videos offered on our website will allow you to familiarize yourself with the problem. We hope the information received will be useful to you.

Ibuprofen is an antipyretic to relieve swollen cheeks.

Cheek swelling is a condition that indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. Often the cause of internal swelling of soft tissues is a diseased tooth. But swelling of the lower part of the face will be a symptom of internal diseases of the body.

Expert opinion

Biryukov Andrey Anatolievich

doctor implantologist orthopedic surgeon Graduated from Crimean Medical University. Institute in 1991. Specialization in therapeutic, surgical and orthopedic dentistry including implantology and implant prosthetics.

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I believe that you can still save a lot on visits to the dentist. Of course I'm talking about dental care. After all, if you carefully look after them, then treatment may indeed not come to the point - it won’t be necessary. Microcracks and small caries on teeth can be removed with regular toothpaste. How? The so-called filling paste. For myself, I highlight Denta Seal. Try it too.

To determine the factor that led to the formation of edema, you need to contact your dentist. It is not advisable to self-medicate, otherwise everything may end sadly.

If the swelling of the cheek is caused by inflammation of the tooth, the person will feel pain and discomfort when eating. Light pressure on the infected area will result in an unpleasant pain attack. Hyperthermia of the body may occur, and the patient’s condition and well-being will worsen.

Causes of cheek swelling

The causes of cheek swelling include inflammatory processes inside the oral cavity and insufficient hygiene. Common factors that provoke internal swelling of soft tissues include:

  1. Flux, purulent periostitis is an infectious lesion of the dental pulp. Pathogenic microorganisms enter the dental body through a carious hole and corrode the pulp. The nerve endings are in a state of irritation, which causes pain. The painful sensations disappear, and the process of tooth root decay begins. Pus accumulates in the gum, then it will look for a way out. During this period, the cheek will begin to swell.
  2. The growth of a wisdom tooth is a natural phenomenon that ends with the removal of the erupted tooth. Swelling appears at the location of the “eights”; it indicates abnormal development. First, a mucous hood forms on the gum, and food debris accumulates in it. They rot and inflame the oral mucosa. A person's body temperature may rise, and the cheek and gums may swell. When a wisdom tooth has partially erupted, it will injure the cheek while chewing food or talking. This will lead to increased internal tissue swelling.
  3. Inflammation of the gums without appropriate treatment leads to the development of an abscess and phlegmon. The only difference between these two pathologies is the location of the accumulation of purulent exudate. An abscess is a hard lump between the inside of the cheek and the gum, filled with pus-filled deposits. Characterized by acute pain attacks and a swollen cheek. Cellulitis is an infectious lesion of the gums, teeth and adjacent soft internal tissues. With phlegmon, pus moves freely between swollen areas, without being limited to the membrane of the cavity.

    Do you feel nervous before visiting the dentist?


  4. Gingivitis is a progressive inflammation of the gums. In addition to swelling of the soft tissues inside the oral cavity, it is also characterized by bleeding, increased sensitivity of the gums and bad breath.
  5. Trauma or burn of the mucous membrane leads to swelling of the cheek. You can get injured if you hit or fall, and it’s easy to burn the mucous membrane if you eat hot food. Thermal and chemical irritants can provoke swelling.
  6. Insufficient oral hygiene is the cause of the development of inflammatory processes, as a result of which the lower part of the face swells.

Sometimes cheek swelling is a symptom of an allergic reaction of the body, the consequences of treatment for an oral infection, stomatitis, inflammation of the facial nerve, otitis, or a mosquito bite.

How to relieve cheek swelling?

At the initial stage of infection of the mucous membrane of the mouth, teeth or gums, the tumor is still barely noticeable. If left untreated, the swelling spreads to neighboring tissues, grows and increases in size. In order to prevent the progression of the pathology, it is necessary to urgently take measures to eliminate it.

Methods for treating cheek swelling can be medical or folk, using herbs and infusions. Let's consider the effectiveness of each method.

  • Drug treatment is carried out after a full examination by the dentist and determination of the exact cause of swelling of the internal soft tissues. Antibiotic therapy is of two types - general, which consists of taking tablets, and local, by using gels and antiseptic sprays. The dosage and duration of administration are determined by the doctor. Antibiotics include: Amoxiclav, Azithromycin, Lincomycin, Doxycycline, Miramistin, chlorhexidine, Metronidazole and other medications.

It is prohibited to take such potent drugs without permission. If the patient has a fever or the pain is so severe that it is now simply impossible, it is allowed to take an antipyretic or analgesic on your own.

  • Folk remedies are ineffective in treatment, but they will help to slightly alleviate the symptoms and accompanying discomfort during swelling of the lower part of the face. Such home remedies include rinsing with a soda solution, a decoction of medicinal herbs (sage, chamomile), and hydrogen peroxide. Applying a cold compress to the swollen area will temporarily relieve pain.
  • Medical procedures, such as surgical intervention in the form of an incision in the gums or opening the gumboil, are indicated for diseases of the oral cavity accompanied by suppuration. In a short period of time after the manipulations, the swelling of the cheeks will go away and the face will level out.

In order not to aggravate the situation, if you have a cheek tumor, the following is prohibited:

  • warm the swollen area with a heating pad or other heat source. This will accelerate the development of inflammation and increase swelling;
  • try to open the flux to get purulent exudate;
  • rinse your mouth with alcohol solutions. With prolonged exposure, they burn the mucous membrane of the mouth;
  • make compresses from “aggressive” vegetables, such as onions, garlic, radishes. They have questionable effectiveness, but they will add complications, that’s for sure;
  • take medications that thin the blood;
  • self-prescribe antibiotics.

Preventive measures

Swelling of the cheek is an indicator of a problem in the oral cavity. To prevent the formation of a focus of infection and its further development, you need to follow simple preventive recommendations.

  • Eat right so that the body receives all the beneficial vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities for its normal functioning.
  • Reduce consumption of sweets and carbonated drinks.
  • Be examined by a dentist once every 6 months.
  • If you feel discomfort in the oral cavity, seek help from a doctor.
  • Do not self-medicate if the cause of the illness is unknown.
  • To maintain hygiene and remove food debris from the mouth, use different rinses, toothpicks, and dental floss.
  • Brush your teeth 2 times a day.
  • Select teeth cleaning accessories according to your individual teeth.

If you notice slight swelling in the lower part of your face, do not delay your visit to the dentist. Eliminating the problem at the initial stage is easier and simpler than in a neglected state.

Dental treatment is a process whose goal is to eliminate or relieve the main symptoms. If your cheek becomes swollen after dental treatment, this indicates the development of complications. The danger lies in the spread of infection in the oral cavity, so it is necessary to carefully choose methods to eliminate the problem.

Filling or removal provokes natural tissue inflammation due to direct interference with the functioning of body systems.

Reasons why cheek swelling occurs after dental treatment , may be called :

  • dental treatment, which is carried out to eliminate the consequences of caries, pulpitis, periodontitis with improper use of techniques;
  • as a result of complex operations or during anesthesia, hematomas occur at the injection site;
  • the development of dental diseases often provokes the occurrence of gumboil;
  • the use of anesthesia provokes not only swelling, but also numbness in the next day after manipulation.

Reasons for this symptomatology

The cheek swells for several reasons:

  • if an injection needle enters a blood vessel during treatment;
  • in case of nerve damage when applying instruments;
  • when filling material gets into unprotected tissue;
  • with incomplete treatment of dental diseases.

Painful sensations appear after the anesthesia wears off, if it was applied.

To relieve symptoms of anesthesia, there are time periods provided by the dental practice. So, after removal it takes up to 5-6 hours; after filling, unpleasant symptoms may persist longer.

Consequences of dental treatment

There are several types of dental diseases that require immediate attention. In addition, facial swelling develops after tooth extraction, prosthetics or implantation.

The cheek swells after a pin is placed in the patient. This fastening connection has the peculiarity of not immediately taking root in the oral cavity.

Cheek swelling as a reaction to anesthesia is a common occurrence in dental practice.

The disease has 2 stages of development. In the early stages, the gums do not change color, do not hurt, and only bother when brushing or biting.

Subsequent stages of periodontal disease are characterized by protrusions of the gums above the edges of the roots, thinning of the enamel, smoothing of the septa, inflammation of the bone tissue, and swelling of the cheek.

Therapy and how to treat the disease if the cheek is swollen after dental treatment is decided by the dentist.

Periodontitis is an oral disease characterized by the destruction of bone tissue. The periodontium is the tissue complex surrounding the tooth.

With periodontitis the following is observed:

  • inflammation;
  • destructive processes in joints and ligaments;
  • pain, bleeding gums, discharge of purulent substrate;
  • the formation of a periodontal pocket in which pus accumulates.

Swollen gums over a tooth affected by periodontitis cause the cheek to swell due to treatment including root canal cleaning. A fistula often forms at this site. In this case, cutting of the gums will be required. Swelling of the lower part of the face occurs as a result of intervention after gum surgery.

Inflammation of the gums can cause the formation of a periodontal pocket.

For periodontitis, dentists perform professional cleaning, removal, prosthetics, and use complex therapy. The scheme depends on the symptoms, the course of the disease and the degree of neglect.

The cheek can often swell in the place where the gum is inflamed after dental treatment.

The reasons why a cheek may become swollen is the development of an infection of the perimandibular tissues. This is a serious disease with multiple complications. Often the development of infection is caused by several reasons; the cheek swells as a symptom of the development of an inflammatory process in the oral cavity.

The infection develops in an ascending manner, body temperature rises, discomfort occurs in the oral cavity, which is accompanied by swelling of the cheeks.

Wisdom tooth

Often the face may become swollen after wisdom tooth removal. This is the name for the third molar, the eighth tooth in the row that is the last to erupt.

Teething is accompanied by some problems:

  • lack of space causes the molar to grow incorrectly;
  • a purulent pocket can often form above it;

Molars, especially those located on the upper jaw, can erupt incorrectly in relation to the inside of the cheek, which causes inflammation of the gums and pain syndromes.

The solution to the problem is tooth extraction. This helps to avoid the spread of similar symptoms to neighboring specimens. The face often swells after wisdom tooth removal. This symptom appears immediately after the operation; after a day, the swelling subsides on its own.

Neurological ailments

The reasons why swelling develops can be neurological reactions, when one or two cheeks swell. The swelling that appears may be a consequence of damage to the facial nerve.

Nerve damage during tooth extraction is common. This is due to the location of the tooth; with deep internal growth, sawing the bone and using forceps is required. When applying the instrument, the dentist closes the viewing angle and acts almost intuitively. In this case, nerve damage occurs.

A cheek tumor occurs due to damage to facial nerves that are not associated with dental diseases. They can have many different associated symptoms and develop independently of each other. In addition to the tumor, facial asymmetry, sagging tissues, and twitching of individual areas develop.

First aid at home

What to do if your cheek is swollen after dental treatment - measures to eliminate this problem do not always require a return to the dentist.

After treatment, the following symptoms may be normal:

  • numbness or swelling of the cheek (a consequence of anesthesia, which should subside within a few hours);
  • increased body temperature or a feeling of “hot cheek” (the temperature should disappear after a few hours).

Cheek swelling often occurs as a result of dental procedures. When 3 hours have passed after treatment, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with antiseptic solutions. Open wounds after tooth extraction are not rinsed. In such cases, they talk about using baths. The solution is kept in the mouth for several seconds, then carefully spat out.

To eliminate swelling, you need to take a drug that will soothe the irritated tissue. It may be an antihistamine. The most common medications are Suprastin and Tavegil. They are taken depending on the weight and age of the patient.

Do not apply warm compresses to a swollen cheek; only cold can help. Massaging can provoke the development of irritation of small vessels, so in case of severe toothache, take painkillers. The most common drugs are Ketanov and Ibuprofen.

When to see a doctor

Often complications after treatment have to be eliminated with a second visit to the dentist:

  • persistence of cheek swelling after tooth treatment for 2-3 days and the formation of a seal at the site of swelling is a cause for concern;
  • if for several days, in addition to the tumor, you feel a general malaise, the temperature remains above 37 C, then you should consult a doctor;
  • the appearance of a tumor 2-3 days after treatment is a sign of the development of inflammation;
  • the appearance of a strong odor from the mouth indicates suppuration and accumulation of pus;
  • Clicking sounds while chewing and discomfort in the jaw area indicate minor nerve damage.

These symptoms may be due to complications, according to dentists.

Methods of treating swelling

The dentist will explain how to relieve swelling of the cheek using applications to a diseased tooth. This is the application of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs to problem areas.

If inflammation of the tissues under the crown occurs, then secondary cleaning of the dental canals is necessary. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, tooth extraction can be avoided.

To relieve minor inflammation, rinsing with special solutions is recommended.

Drug treatment

A symptom of a cheek tumor is often sharp pain. Before removing the tumor from the cheek, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the pain.

The dentist will tell you what to do if your face is swollen due to toothache. The treatment plan will not necessarily include a return to the dental chair.

Products that cope well with uncomplicated inflammation are special gels. The basis for the manufacture of gels is substances that have an analgesic effect. They act as antimicrobials. The danger of self-use is the possibility of overdose when taken. Gels that are most common in dental practice: “Cholisal”, “Metrogil denta”.

Rinsing is carried out using decoctions and infusions of chamomile or oak bark.

The basis of rinses that are sold in pharmacies are herbal ingredients. The most common: “Rotokan”, “Stomatofit”.

Home treatments

How to remove cheek swelling caused by an inflamed tooth at home worries many patients. What to do if your face is swollen due to a tooth. For these complications, solutions are used. Decoctions of medicinal chamomile are often used.

Health problems in our minds are strongly associated with pain and illness, but what to do if your cheek is swollen and your tooth doesn’t hurt? Experts recommend, first of all, trying to understand what caused this condition, and then immediately seeking medical help, since any tumor is a sign of a pathological process in the body.

Swollen cheek - reasons

If your cheek is swollen, but the tooth does not hurt, you need to carefully “listen” to other processes occurring in the body; perhaps there is no toothache, but there is “tugging” and “pulling” behind the ear, gums are bleeding, or a lump has appeared on the cheek. Swelling and redness in the cheek area can be caused not only by dental problems, but also by infectious diseases, insect bites or injury.

The most common causes of swollen cheeks

1. Dental– even if you don’t have a toothache, your cheek is most often swollen due to problems with your teeth or gums:
- after dental treatment. This may be caused by an ongoing inflammatory process in the root of the filled tooth. The dentist removed the nerve, cleaned the tooth cavity, put a filling, but did not “clean” the roots. Thanks to the removal of the nerve, patients do not feel pain in the tooth, but inflammation inside the gums causes swelling and redness of the cheek area;
- often the cheek swells after tooth extraction, in this case, the dentist usually warns about this and asks the patient to be careful and try not to injure the painful area. Inflammation that persists for several days after a complex dental operation is considered residual and goes away on its own;
- a cheek may become swollen due to problems with the gums - gingivitis causes redness and swelling of the gums, swelling of the cheeks, bad breath, bleeding and is often painless. Inflammation of the gums can be caused by improper oral care, plaque accumulation and untreated dental caries. If the patient’s cheek is swollen, and the gums look inflamed and reddened, a visit to the dentist is indispensable, since gingivitis can gradually turn into periodontitis or periodontitis;
- due to the eruption of wisdom teeth - wisdom teeth that decide to erupt after 25-30 years often cause pain in the jaw and swelling of the cheeks. In these cases, the patient feels a general malaise, severe, dull pain in the gums, the cheeks become swollen, and it becomes difficult to open the mouth and speak. What causes these symptoms and what to do with a growing wisdom tooth, only a dentist can tell you by taking an x-ray. Most often, problems with the eruption of a wisdom tooth go away on their own, but if such a tooth grows crookedly or does not have enough space in the gums, surgical intervention is necessary.

2. Infectious diseases– severe swelling of the cheek on one or both sides, fever, sore throat and general malaise can be symptoms of mumps or “mumps”. Infectious mumps, “mumps”, “mumps” is an inflammation of the salivary glands caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Mumps is characterized by severe enlargement of the cheek and neck area on one or both sides, increased body temperature and general malaise. Adult patients suffer from mumps quite seriously, the risk of complications increases greatly, so treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist - an infectious disease specialist or therapist.
Lymphadenitis can also cause swelling of the cheek - this disease is often confused with mumps, but unlike it, here inflammation affects the parotid and retropharyngeal lymph nodes.

3. Insect bites– if the cheek suddenly begins to turn red and increase in size, and redness or thickening appears on its surface, it is necessary to remember whether the patient has been bitten by any insect. Bites from bees, wasps, bumblebees and some other insects can cause severe swelling and redness, and in this case you can see a bite mark on the cheek.

4. Injuries– swelling and redness of the cheek can be caused by a bruise of soft tissues; a swelling on the cheek may not appear immediately after the injury, but after a few hours or even the next day, if the damage was minor, the swelling quickly subsides, and a mark from the blow or a hematoma remains on the cheek.

Swollen cheek - what to do

If your cheek is swollen, but the tooth does not hurt, only a doctor can prescribe treatment, after a thorough examination and diagnosis. You should not take any medications or take painkillers on your own - this can “blur” the picture of the disease and it will be much more difficult to establish a diagnosis or it will be made incorrectly. But if you can’t see a doctor urgently, you can try to cope with the problem using the following means:
cold compress– helps relieve swelling of the cheek after injury, tooth extraction and insect bite; such treatment is contraindicated if there is an increase in body temperature or other signs of an infectious disease;
- rinsing the mouth with a soda-salt solution - suitable for the treatment of dental diseases; pain in the gums after tooth extraction or treatment can be dealt with using 0.5 tsp of soda and salt per glass of water;
— compresses with soda solution and a single dose of antihistamines will help cope with swelling and pain after an insect bite;
— you can relieve pain in the gums when a wisdom tooth comes through using special “freezing” gels and ointments used to treat infants or by drinking a painkiller tablet.

If, despite the measures taken, swelling of the cheek does not disappear within 1-2 days, you should seek medical help as soon as possible, you also cannot postpone visiting a doctor if the tumor is growing rapidly, body temperature is rising and the patient’s condition is sharply deteriorating. If the tumor appeared after an insect bite, began to quickly increase in size, and the patient feels dizzy, short of breath or severe itching, it is necessary to give him an antihistamine as soon as possible and call an ambulance; a severe allergic reaction to the bite may develop.

Despite the fact that every person knows perfectly well how important regular preventative examinations at the dentist are, not everyone sees a doctor on time. Many are willing to endure night pain for weeks just to avoid sitting in the “scary” dental chair. However, a visit to the doctor cannot be avoided, and often a problem that, with timely treatment, could be solved in just one visit, develops into a complication, the treatment of which requires much more time and money. One of the symptoms of this complication is severe pain accompanied by swelling.


If the patient toothache and swollen cheek, then this may be one of the visible symptoms of periostitis, that is, inflammation of the periosteum. An additional sign is a sharp increase in pain if you press on the affected tooth, as well as noticeable swelling of the facial area on the side of the diseased tooth.

Swelling occurs in the area of ​​the gum tissue surrounding the tooth. The gums become hyperemic and painful on palpation. Sometimes a so-called fistula appears - a whitish tubercle on the gum from which purulent discharge occurs.

In addition, there is a general deterioration in the patient’s well-being, weakness, fever, a feeling of exhaustion, and severe headaches may occur.

Treatment of periostitis

If periostitis is not complicated by a purulent infection, then its treatment can be carried out at home (but without fail, under the supervision of a doctor). The dentist selects antibacterial agents for the patient in the required dosage, prescribes painkillers, and advises agents that can be used as local therapy, for example, cold compresses or rinses.

In the process of treating periostitis, it is necessary to reduce general physical activity, avoid procedures that overheat the body: sauna, solarium, bathhouse, sunbathing, etc., it is recommended to take food at a moderate temperature and soft consistency.

The treatment process is quite long. It usually takes about three weeks for complete healing.

In case of periostitis complicated by purulent infection, the patient requires surgical intervention and further medical supervision in an inpatient setting.

Complications of periostitis

Periostitis itself is a fairly serious disease; when you have a toothache or a swollen cheek, you should consult a doctor immediately. In addition, a deadly disease such as phlegmon can become a complication of periostitis. In this case, suppuration begins to occur in the muscle tissue, and such a disease requires long-term treatment in a hospital setting.

After tooth extraction or treatment

Sometimes patients have toothache and a swollen cheek after the pulp (nervous tissue of the tooth) has been removed or a tooth has been removed. Such phenomena are quite normal if they last no more than three to four days, and the pain becomes less intense over time and the swelling subsides.

In cases where the pain intensifies, is pulsating, and the swelling increases, you should contact your dentist; perhaps you are experiencing some complications after treatment or tooth extraction.

Pre-medical measures

If you have a toothache or a swollen cheek, then before visiting your dentist you can take some measures to help alleviate your condition:

  • Apply a cold compress or bandage to the affected side of the cheek,
  • Take an analgesic
  • Rinse your mouth with a warm solution of antiseptic drugs or a decoction of pharmaceutical herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect.

With such symptoms, it is strictly forbidden to apply warm compresses, as this can trigger the onset of a purulent process. It is also not recommended to take antibiotics on your own, without a doctor’s prescription. To find out, you can read this interesting article here.