False chord of the left ventricle in men. What is a false chord in the heart? Methods of diagnostic examination and treatment

The last bell is an important event for every student. But it is especially important for girls, because on the last bell holiday 2016 you want to look your best. Today we’ll talk about the ones that will make you the most stylish at the last bell holiday 2016.

If you don't know what hairstyle to do for your hair at last call 2016, we have ideas! Here are the most fashionable and trendy hairstyles for the last bell at school, which are perfect for owners of both long and medium hair. Shine on last call!

Waves and curls: hairstyles for last call 2016

Probably all graduates associate the last bell holiday with this hairstyle. This is logical, because curled hair instantly gives its owner an elegant and festive look. Pairs perfectly with the white blouse and black skirt set. If you have long hair, you can do your last call hairstyle by curling only the ends of your hair, and if you have medium-length hair, make waves along the entire length, departing approximately 5 cm from the roots. Below are the most interesting hairstyles with curls for last call 2016.

Tip: If you don’t want to look a little old-fashioned, give up the “I am a lamb” curls. The most natural curls are in fashion.

Jessica Alba

Cara Delevingne

Reese Witherspoon

Amanda Seyfried

Bows and ribbons: hairstyles for last call 2016

If at your school it is customary to come to the last bell in a uniform that repeats the image of a Soviet-era schoolgirl, a hairstyle with bows or a ribbon is your option. A hairstyle with bows for last call will look harmonious in combination with the uniform of the times of our grandmothers and mothers, creating an elegant retro look. You can pull your hair into a high ponytail and attach a bow to it, or you can make two playful ponytails by attaching bows on both sides.

Advice: To add some variety to a traditional bow hairstyle, curl the ends of your hair a little. Light curls at the ends - and your traditional hairstyle with bows is already playing with new colors.

Ribbons are another great addition to this school uniform. The most ideal option here is braids. Fortunately, there are a lot of options for braids: it can be a traditional spikelet, a fishtail, or a French braid. All you have to do is weave in the ribbon as you weave.


By choosing this hairstyle for the last call, you will look very elegant. Great for those with long hair. A high ponytail is a timeless classic. It looks very stylish and also instantly gives your outfit an elegant look. In addition to the perfectly styled ponytail, there is another option - a messy ponytail. But here it’s more complicated: to achieve this effect and not look sloppy, you need to add volume to your hair using styling products.

Kim Kardashian



Olivia Wilde

Weaves and braids: last call hairstyles

Modern graduates are lucky: there are more than enough options for weaving (which, by the way, are now in trend) that will suit this event! For those with long and medium hair, we advise you to take a closer look at the “waterfall” weave. The only rule: do not choose too complex weaves. It’s better to give preference to simpler options: they will look more harmonious in this case. Leave complex weaving for graduation.

Leona Lewis

Malvinka: last call hairstyles

Another great hairstyle option for last call 2016. Suitable for owners of both long and medium hair. All you need is to make large curls along the entire length of your hair, and pin back the strands located near your face. A good idea would be to twist the hair around your face into plaits and then pin it up.

Advice: If you want this hairstyle to add volume to your hair, backcomb the strands that you will pin up.

Ariana Grande

Bun: last call hairstyles

Hair tied back is a timeless classic. It is on long and medium hair that you can create a beautiful voluminous bun. You can give the bun a slight negligence (just don’t overdo it) and weave braids into it. Looks amazing! By the way, you can try to do it, which is now at the peak of popularity.

Advice: This hairstyle is not suitable for those with very fine hair.

Blake Lively

We showed the most trendy and fashionable hairstyles for last call 2016 for long and medium hair. By choosing any of them, you will certainly stand out among other graduates. It's up to you to turn these ideas into reality!

A left ventricular false chord, like an accessory or anomalous chord, is a specific type of connective tissue found in the left ventricular cavity. Most often, this diagnosis, and this is precisely the diagnosis of a disease belonging to the group of minor cardiac anomalies, is given to young patients.

According to many doctors, one should not attach much importance to this education. The atypical structure of the organ does not affect the child’s health in any way. He may even be allowed to play sports or dance. However, there is one amendment: you should be regularly monitored by a cardiologist so as not to miss the moment when the false chord needs professional attention.

What kind of fabric is this

False left ventricular chord (LVCH) are cords of muscular-connective tissue, usually located inside the left cardiac ventricle, not connected to the valve leaflets. They were first discovered in the cavity of the human heart during autopsy in 1893. Although the author called them an anomaly, he recognized them as a possibility of the norm. A detailed classification of chords appeared already in 1970, where false ones were clearly separated from true ones. In particular, the bias was made on the location of the threads.

Over the course of many years of numerous studies, medical scientists have found that:

  • about 20% of cases with the detection of atypical tissues may be accompanied by pathological changes in the functioning of the organ;
  • in 19% of cases rheumatic heart disorder was observed;
  • the same number of patients had atherosclerotic lesions;
  • 12% of those examined were found to have mitral valve disease;
  • in 5% of cases cardiomyopathy was detected;
  • was present in the same number of patients.

The risk of such formation increases with an unstable psycho-emotional state

Based on the data obtained, it was concluded that LVHL, as a result of a congenital defect, in particular cases can lead to the development of dysplastic syndrome. Disturbances in the structure of the left cardiac ventricle of this type are more common among the male population of the planet. Appearing during the embryonic development of the fetus, false threads can subsequently be transformed into additional pathways of circulation and impulse conduction. The risk of such formation is especially high when the body is intoxicated, the psycho-emotional state is unstable, and physical exertion is feasible.

Classification of chords

  1. Atypical chords can be located in the left or right ventricle (moreover, inside the left ventricle much more often than the right, in the latter case they are defined as pathological).
  2. They can occupy the apical, middle or basal part of the ventricle.
  3. Placed longitudinally, diagonally or across the cavity.
  4. Found singly or in a group.

The most common phenomenon is a single FV chord – more than 60% of cases.

Signs of anomaly

The clinical picture is poorly expressed. Among the visible signs we note:

  • change in heart rate;
  • general weakness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • detection of systolic murmurs (transverse basal and multiple chords can provoke arrhythmia);
  • untimely contraction of the heart and its depolarization (less noticeable in a state of excitement and during physical exercise);
  • change in blood flow rate, overexcitation of the left cardiac ventricle;
  • changes in the anatomical shape of the left cardiac ventricle.


There are few advanced methods for diagnosing LVHL. Ultrasound examination allows you to see, and echocardiography allows you to hear and monitor whether the LVE chord is interfering with the functioning of the organ. The Doppler diagnostic method is used to measure the size, determine the density and nature of LVHL.

Echocardiography is one of the progressive methods for diagnosing LVHL.

For a newborn baby 1 month old, only echocardiography is applicable, since it is still difficult to see anything in the cavity of the heart, much less measure it. Note that for a child, detection of LVHL is much more typical than for an adult. With proper growth and development of the baby, the anomalies can eliminate themselves.

For an atypical chord, the standard formulation of the examination results is (minor anomaly of cardiac development).


For most patients with LVHL, the presence of an extra notochord during their lifetime has little impact on their health. To protect a child from the appearance of possible pathological manifestations with age, you need to be observed by a cardiologist for some time, reduce physical activity, and vitaminize your diet.

Multiple formations in the left ventricular cavity can lead to cardiac disorders of various types. Each specific case is considered separately, and only then adequate therapy is selected.

From a general purpose we note:

  • physiotherapy;
  • dietary food enriched with vitamins;
  • drug therapy;
  • adherence to daily routine;
  • rational replacement of work and rest;
  • staying in the fresh air.

If you or your baby have atypical left ventricular connective tissues in your heart, you should not react violently and rush to extremes. Many people live to a ripe old age without even knowing they have LVHL. Note that there are no traditional methods for the disorder, so you should not self-medicate. Trusting a qualified specialist is the only right decision.

Among the anomalies associated with the functioning of the heart, one of the most common diseases is false chord of the left ventricle. Its detection, as a rule, causes fear and apprehension, but, as it turns out, such a phenomenon is not yet a reason to panic.

What is an anomaly

In order to clearly understand what a false chord in the heart is, and whether it can pose a danger to life, let us briefly consider the structure of this organ.

The heart has 4 chambers: the right atrium and the left atrium, the right and left ventricle. From the atria, blood flows into the ventricles; valves regulate blood flow (they open and close in accordance with the heartbeat cycle). In order for them to be mobile, tendon threads (chords) are provided. They are attached to the valve on one side and to the walls of the heart on the other. The threads contract and tighten the valve - it opens, the threads relax and release the valve - it closes.

During the intrauterine development of the fetus, it may happen that a thread-like fibrous structure is formed, which is characterized by an atypical attachment to the walls of the ventricle - this anomaly is called a false chord. In most cases, it is located in the left ventricle, and much less often in the right.

All chords in direction are divided into:

  • longitudinal;
  • diagonal;
  • transverse.

In the case when the false chord of the left ventricle of the heart is located longitudinally and diagonally, it does not pose any harm to the body, because in this position it cannot interfere with blood flow. If there is a transverse attachment, then this may affect the functioning of the myocardium.

Reasons for the anomaly

The causes of false chord of the left ventricle are still in the process of detailed study, but the main factor has already been identified and proven - heredity. Most often, the phenomenon is transmitted through the maternal line; the first risk group is children whose mothers suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In addition, uterine anomalies can lead to:

  • adverse environmental impacts;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol during pregnancy;
  • weak maternal immunity;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • fetal infection;
  • unbalanced psycho-emotional state.

What symptoms are characteristic of the anomaly?

This phenomenon does not have any characteristic external symptoms; many people do not suspect its existence for years, because in most cases, the presence of this anomaly does not affect the quality of life.

The only thing that will help you pay attention to a false chord (as well as a blockade of the pedicles) is to listen to systolic murmurs, which do not occur in a healthy organ.

Usually, this anomaly is detected immediately after the birth of a newborn, but there are exceptions, and noises are not audible. In this case, after some time some changes in the general condition may be observed:

  • weakness, high fatigue during physical activity;
  • the appearance of fairly distinct heart contractions;
  • pain in the chest area.

Also, one can note the connection between false chord and heart blocks - if they are present, disruptions in heart rhythms are observed.

Methods of diagnostic examination and treatment

During auscultation (listening), the patient is prescribed a consultation with a cardiologist and examination in the form of:

  • taking an electrocardiogram (ECG);
  • ultrasound examination.

False chord of the left ventricle in a child is almost always safe and does not require specific treatment (for example, medications or surgery). This abnormality may not be a cause for concern, but those who have it are sure to visit a cardiologist periodically, undergo recommended examinations and follow some rules for living with a heart abnormality.

Prescription of medications can be done if any symptoms and ailments bother the patient. Most often, vitamins are prescribed, the purpose of which is to improve the nutrition of the layers of muscle tissue of the organ, and potassium and magnesium are also prescribed. If you need to regulate metabolism in cells, then antioxidants are used.

In rare cases, if there is a transverse false chord in the cavity of the left ventricle, additional examination is performed and cryodestruction (the so-called cold treatment method) or surgery to excise the anomaly may be prescribed.

Attention! If a false chord in a child’s heart still requires medical intervention, then it is very important to choose a specialized cardiology clinic with modern, high-tech equipment.

How to support the body if a heart abnormality is detected

On the question of what should be the life activity of a person who has been diagnosed with a false chord of the left ventricle, doctors give the following recommendations.

There is no need to exclude physical activity, because it helps improve health, but it is very important to distribute it correctly. If a child wants to engage in dancing or sports (with the condition - not professionally), it is better to make some restrictions. For example, it is not advisable to take it to the boxing section or weightlifting. You should not get involved in scuba diving, diving, parachute jumping, or mountaineering.

Physical therapy exercises using a hoop, ball, wall bars are recommended; sports and dance walking, rope climbing, crawling, and running are allowed. Such classes can be conducted independently or in special groups.

If a false chord is detected in a child, it is necessary to provide him with a complete, balanced diet, with a maximum content of vitamins (especially group B) and minerals (focus on potassium and magnesium).

Equally important is a calm and balanced psycho-emotional state, the absence of stress and nervous experiences. Walking in the fresh air has a beneficial effect on health.

Often in children under 18 years of age, doctors find a small thread-like connective tissue in the left ventricle called a notochord in the heart. When parents hear the name of this “small” anomaly, they panic. But this should not be done, since this is exactly diagnosed as an additional chord and is not a fatal disease. However, it also has another side – a more dangerous one.

Chord in the left ventricle of the heart - pathology or normal?

Depending on location in the heart:

  • Right ventricular accessory chord;
  • Left ventricular accessory chord.

Depending on the histological structure:

  • Fibrous;
  • Fibromuscular;
  • Muscular.

Depending on the mounting location:

  • Apical;
  • Middle;
  • Basal.

Depending on the direction of the connective tissue:

  • Diagonal;
  • Longitudinal;
  • Transverse.

Depending on the number of threads:

  • Singles;
  • Multiple.

Causes of left ventricular chord formation

In 92% of cases, an additional chord arises due to a hereditary tendency to the disease. It is transmitted through the maternal line, less often through the paternal line. Therefore, if a mother knows that an additional chord in the left ventricle of the heart was previously discovered in her, it is worth thinking about her child, since the chord does not make itself felt for a long time, and this can cause a complex disease in the future.

Diagnosis of heart abnormality

In order to accurately diagnose - an additional chord in the left ventricle of the heart, the doctor prescribes. Thanks to ultrasound, the doctor can quickly, painlessly and accurately diagnose a pathology. In addition, echocardiography allows you to study the heart in real time and in motion.
The problems of the additional chord are also studied using the Doppler method, which helps determine the length of the thread, its thickness, location of attachment and speed along it.

Treatment and prevention of accessory chord in the left ventricle of the heart

Additional chord is not treated traditionally. The only correct decision when it is detected is the correct regime, and a ban on certain sports: scuba diving, parachuting, some types of dancing.
Having diagnosed the chord, the doctor specifically prescribes the patient to attend individual or group physical therapy, which consists of the following set of exercises.

  1. Dance steps of slow types of dances;
  2. Drill exercises;
  3. Exercise on a wall bars, a bench, with a hoop, a jump rope and a ball.
  4. Supervised short-distance running, jumping, rope exercise.
  5. In addition, the patient is recommended:
  6. Maintain a daily routine.
  7. Eat properly;
  8. Avoid ;
  9. Walk on ;
  10. Get diagnosed annually.


  1. Strong. Work should alternate with rest;
  2. Using drugs without consulting a doctor;
  3. Psychological stress;
  4. Professional sports.

Despite such doctor’s recommendations, psychologists advise not to protect the child from school and entertainment with friends. Children should go through all stages of socialization on their own and not feel lonely or isolated from the world. Therefore, in addition to home instructions, the school psychologist and doctor should conduct conversations with children who have an additional chord in the left ventricle of the heart and regularly check the child’s condition.
Diagnosis of an additional chord in the left ventricle of the heart:

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The tendinous chords, or tendinous filaments in the cavity of the left ventricle, are connective tissue formations represented by a thin fiber attached on one side to the fleshy trabeculae in the wall of the left ventricle, and to the leaflets of the mitral or bicuspid valve, on the other.

The function of these threads is to provide a connective tissue framework inside the heart and to support the valve leaflets to prevent it from sagging into the cavity of the left ventricle (LV). When the ventricular myocardium relaxes, the chords tighten, the valve opens, allowing a portion of blood to pass from the atrium into the ventricle at the moment of diastole (relaxation) of the latter. When the ventricular myocardium contracts, the chords, like springs, relax, and the valve leaflets close, preventing the reverse flow of blood into the atrium and facilitating the correct release of a portion of blood into the aorta at the time of ventricular systole (contraction).

chords and trabeculae in the structure of the heart

Sometimes during the period of intrauterine development, for various reasons, not several chords are formed, as usual, but one or more additional threads.

If both ends of the thread are fixed, we are talking about a true chord, and if one end is not attached to the valve leaflet, but hangs freely in the cavity of the left ventricle, we are talking about a false additional or accessory chord of the left ventricle.

As a rule, one additional chord is found; multiple ones are less common. In relation to the longitudinal axis of the LV, longitudinally, diagonally and transversely located chords are distinguished. In most cases, such formations do not have a negative effect on the flow of blood through the chambers of the heart, therefore, they are considered hemodynamically insignificant formations. However, in the case of a transverse location of the ectopic (that is, located in the wrong place) chord relative to the cavity of the left ventricle, its presence can provoke type heart rhythm disturbances.

Recently, the frequency of recording additional chords in the heart has increased, mainly due to an increase in the number of examinations performed in the neonatal period, according to new standards of examination of children under one month of age. That is, such chords do not appear clinically, and if the child had not undergone echocardioscopy, the parents might not have known that the child had an abnormally located chord in the heart.

Diagnosis of “additional trabecula of the left ventricle” in the vocabulary of doctors, ultrasound diagnostics is actually equivalent to the concept of an additional chord. Although, as mentioned above, from the point of view of anatomy, the trabecula is a separate formation that continues the notochord.


Accessory chordae are classified as minor anomalies of the heart (MACD)– these are conditions that arise in the fetus during the prenatal period and are represented by a violation of the structure of the internal structures of the heart. In addition to the additional chord, MARS also includes.

The development of an additional chord is caused, first of all, by heredity, especially on the mother’s side, as well as exposure to unfavorable environmental conditions, bad habits of the mother, stress, malnutrition and concomitant somatic pathology of the pregnant woman.

The occurrence of MARS may be caused by a disease such as connective tissue dysplasia is a hereditary pathology characterized by “weakness” of connective tissue in the heart, joints, skin and ligaments. Therefore, if a child has several heart abnormalities, the doctor should rule out dysplasia.

Symptoms of accessory chord

As a rule, the accessory chord does not manifest itself in any way throughout a person’s life. This is observed in most cases when the anomaly is not accompanied by connective tissue dysplasia and is represented by a single thread.

If a child has several chords identified by ultrasound of the heart, which also occupy a transverse position in the heart, it is quite possible that cardiac complaints may occur during periods of intensive growth of the child, as well as during puberty and pregnancy. These include weakness, fatigue with chest pain, accompanied by a feeling of palpitations and a feeling of lack of air, pallor. In some cases, such chords can provoke the appearance of the patient.

In the case when the occurrence of MARS is caused by dysplasia syndrome, the corresponding symptoms are characteristic– high growth of the child, thinness, hypermobility of joints, frequent dislocations of joints, deformation of the spine and ribs, structural abnormalities in other organs (prolapse of the kidney, dilation of the renal pelvis, deformation of the gallbladder, bronchopulmonary dysplasia and other anomalies in their various combinations).


Usually the additional notochord is an “incidental” finding when performing echocardioscopy on a child aged one month or a little later. Currently, all babies at this age should undergo a cardiac ultrasound to identify undiagnosed ones immediately after birth and as a routine examination of the child. Therefore, even for parents of a healthy baby, a doctor’s conclusion about the presence of a chord in the heart may be a complete surprise. However, in the absence of other significant pathology, such children are considered practically healthy by pediatricians and do not require close monitoring by a cardiologist.

If the chord in the heart is combined with another pathology of the heart and blood vessels, the child should be observed by a pediatric cardiologist. In this case, the examination of the baby will include, if necessary, an ECG with physical activity at an older age, and daily monitoring of ECG and blood pressure in the presence of heart rhythm disturbances. For adult patients with ectopic chord, the observation plan is the same with examinations performed once a year or more often if indicated.

Is treatment of additional chord required?

If a child has an abnormal chord in the heart, and the baby does not have other significant cardiac diseases, there is no need to treat this condition.

In cases where functional disorders of the cardiovascular system are observed at an older age, which do not cause hemodynamic disorders, development due to the inability of the heart muscle to contract correctly, and also do not lead to, it is possible to prescribe medications that support and nourish the myocardium. The use of potassium and magnesium supplements is justified (magnerot, magnevist, panangin, asparkam), B vitamins, antioxidants ( Actovegin, Mildronate, Mexidol and etc). The prescription of complex vitamin preparations is also indicated.

If the patient has significant cardiac dysfunction, taking medications such as diuretics, antihypertensives, antiarrhythmics and other groups of drugs is indicated. Fortunately, indications for this in the case of abnormal chordae in the heart are extremely rare.


There is no need to follow a specific lifestyle for a child with an additional chord. A balanced diet with fortified foods, long walks in the fresh air, as well as regular physical activity is enough. It makes no sense to limit a child’s participation in physical education or sports. A child can actively run, jump and perform all those physical activities acceptable for his age and practiced in the educational institution he attends. Swimming, figure skating and hockey are welcome.

Regarding preventive vaccinations according to the national calendar, we can say that an additional chord of honey. is not a diversion, and the baby can be vaccinated according to age.

As the child grows up and enters the difficult period of puberty, it is important giving up bad habits and following the principles of a healthy lifestyle. In case of any age-related manifestations of the heart and blood vessels (sweating, fatigue, tachycardia, shortness of breath), the teenager should be shown to a cardiologist and, if necessary, take the above-mentioned drugs or inject them.

Pregnancy for girls with an additional chord is, of course, not contraindicated. In the case of the presence of several of the congenital heart anomalies, it is recommended to conduct an ultrasound of the heart during gestation and observation by a cardiologist.

Serving in the army is not contraindicated for young men. A disqualification from the army is the patient's development of heart failure, which, again, is rare with an additional chord.

A few words should be given to the nutrition of children and adults with structural or functional disorders of the heart. If possible, you should avoid eating fatty, fried, salty and smoked foods. Preference should be given to fresh vegetables and fruits, natural juices, fermented milk products and low-fat fish. The consumption of red and black caviar, dried apricots, raisins, tomatoes, carrots, bananas and potatoes, rich in substances beneficial to the heart muscle, is encouraged. In addition, your daily diet should include cereal products, for example, various cereals for breakfast. Of course, you should protect your child from eating chips, canned soda and various fast food dishes, as this can lead to obesity, and excess weight will have an extremely adverse effect on the condition of the heart muscle and vascular walls in the future.