Mechanisms of lymph movement. All about lymph. Rules you need to know! How does lymph move in the body?

Lymphatic system

The lymphatic system is a network of vessels that penetrate organs and tissues containing a colorless liquid - lymph.

Only brain structures, epithelial skin and mucous membranes, cartilage, parenchyma of the spleen, eyeball and placenta do not contain lymphatic vessels.

The lymphatic system, being an integral part of the vascular system, carries out tissue drainage along with veins through the formation of lymph, and also performs functions specific to it: barrier, lymphocytopoietic, immune.

The lymphocytopoietic function of the lymphatic system is ensured by the activity of the lymph nodes. They produce lymphocytes that enter the lymphatic and bloodstream. In peripheral lymph, which is formed in capillaries and flows through the lymphatic vessels before they flow into the lymph nodes, the number of lymphocytes is less than in the lymph flowing from the lymph nodes.

The immune function of the lymphatic system is that plasma cells that produce antibodies are formed in the lymph nodes, and there are B and T lymphocytes responsible for humoral and cellular immunity.

The barrier function of the lymphatic system is also carried out by the lymph nodes, in which foreign particles, microbes, and tumor cells arriving with the lymph are retained and then absorbed by phagocytic cells.

The blood flowing in the blood capillaries does not have direct contact with the tissues of the body: the tissues are washed by lymph.

Having left the blood capillaries, the lymph moves in the interstitial crevices, from where it passes into thin-walled capillary lymphatic vessels, which merge and form larger trunks. Eventually, all the lymph flows through two lymphatic trunks into the veins near their confluence with the heart. The number of lymphatic vessels in the body is many times greater than the number of blood vessels.

Unlike blood, which moves freely through vessels, lymph flows through special accumulations of connective (lymphatic) tissue, the so-called lymph nodes (Fig. 4).

The flow of lymph through the lymphatic vessels is determined by numerous factors: a) constant pressure of the resulting lymph; b) contraction of the walls of lymphangions; c) pulsation of blood vessels; d) movement of various segments of the body and limbs; e) contraction of smooth muscles in the walls of organs; f) suction effect of the chest cavity, etc.

Rice. 4. Direction of lymph flow to lymph nodes

Lymphatic vessels, under the influence of the nervous system, are capable of active contractile function, i.e., the size of their lumen can change or the lumen can be completely closed (exclusion from lymphatic drainage). The tone of the muscular membrane of the lymphatic vessels, as well as the activity of blood vessels, is regulated by the central nervous system.

Lymph nodes are organs of lymphocytopoiesis and antibody formation, located along the lymphatic vessels and together with them form the lymphatic system. Lymph nodes are located in groups.

From numerous lymph nodes head and neck Let's note the superficial lymph nodes located on the back of the head (occipital nodes); under the lower jaw - submandibular lymph nodes and along the lateral surfaces of the neck - cervical lymph nodes. Lymphatic vessels pass through these nodes, originating from cracks in the tissues of the head and neck.

IN mesentery of the intestine there are dense clusters of mesenteric lymph nodes; All the lymphatic vessels of the intestine, originating in the intestinal villi, pass through them.

From lymphatic vessels lower limbs It should be noted the superficial inguinal lymph nodes, located in the groin area, and the femoral lymph nodes, located slightly below the inguinal nodes - on the anterior inner surface of the thighs, as well as the popliteal lymph nodes.

Of the lymph nodes of the chest and upper extremities, it is necessary to pay attention to the axillary lymph nodes, located quite superficially in the axillary region, and the ulnar lymph nodes, located in the cubital fossa - near the internal tendon of the biceps muscle. Lymphatic vessels pass through all these nodes, originating in the crevices and tissues of the upper limbs, chest and upper back.

The movement of lymph through tissues and vessels is extremely slow. Even in large lymphatic vessels, the speed of lymphatic flow barely reaches 4 mm per second.

Lymphatic vessels merge into several large vessels - the vessels of the lower extremities and lower torso form two lumbar trunks, and the lymphatic vessels of the intestine form the intestinal trunk. The fusion of these trunks forms the largest lymphatic vessel of the body - the left, or thoracic, duct, into which the trunk flows, collecting lymph from the left upper half of the body.

Lymph from the right half of the upper body is collected in another large vessel - the right lymphatic duct. Each of the ducts flows into the general blood stream at the confluence of the jugular and subclavian veins.

Inside the lymphatic vessels, like veins, there are valves that facilitate the movement of lymph.

Acceleration of lymph flow during muscle work is a consequence of an increase in the area of ​​capillary filtration, filtration pressure and volume of interstitial fluid. Under these conditions, the lymphatic system, by removing excess capillary filtrate, is directly involved in the normalization of hydrostatic pressure in the interstitial space. An increase in the transport function of the lymphatic system is simultaneously accompanied by stimulation of the resorption function. The resorption of fluid and plasma proteins from the intercellular space into the roots of the lymphatic system increases. The movement of fluid in the direction of blood - interstitial fluid - lymph occurs due to changes in hemodynamics and an increase in the transport function (ability) of the lymphatic bed. By removing excess fluid from tissues and redistributing it within the extracellular space, the lymphatic system creates conditions for normal transcapillary exchange and weakens the effect of a rapid increase in the volume of interstitial fluid on cells, acting as a kind of damper. The ability of the lymphatic bed to both remove and partially deposit fluid and proteins leaving the blood capillaries is an important mechanism for its participation in the regulation of plasma volume during exercise.

The central mechanisms that play a large role in phase changes in lymph flow during dosed muscular work and during the recovery period include changes in the neurohumoral support of muscle activity and lymph circulation processes, changes in the functional state of organs, motor activity of skeletal muscles, and external respiration parameters.

Currently, there is a real possibility of actively influencing the functional state of the lymphatic system (Mikusev Yu. E.). Physical lymphostimulators include:

Local irritants (compresses, mustard plasters, cups);

Physical therapy products;

Eastern reflexology methods;

Electromagnetic fields;

Hyperbaric oxygenation.

Methods of stimulating lymph formation and lymph circulation:

1. Lymph-stimulating substances. Substances that affect hemodynamics:

A. Increasing hydrodynamic blood pressure and reducing plasma osmolarity (creating a water load).

B. Due to their molarity, they promote the flow of fluid into the vascular system and thereby increase the hydrodynamic pressure of the blood.

C. Affecting the rheological properties of blood and lymph.

2. Agents that affect the microlymphohemocirculatory system:

A. Changing the permeability of cell membranes.

B. Affecting the receptor structures of the microvascular bed (? - mimetics, ?-adrenergic blockers).

3. Drugs that act on the central and intermediate links in the regulation of general and local hemodynamics (vasomotor center and heart).

4. Substances that affect the mechanisms that produce or contribute to the movement of lymph.

Biological methods of lymphostimulation:

Intravenous drip infusion of autologous blood;

Intravenous drip infusion of central autolymph;

The use of a class of bioorganic compounds that act as neurotransmitters.

On the upper limb lymphatic vessels begin on the dorsal and palmar surfaces of the fingers with transversely lying stems. The latter, having reached the lateral surfaces of the fingers, are collected into larger trunks that rise vertically to the palm (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Location of the lymphatic network on the upper limbs

This arrangement of the lymphatic pathways determines the technique of stroking and rubbing the fingers. Massage techniques should be performed as follows:

Under the influence of massage, the movement of all body fluids, especially blood and lymph, accelerates, and this happens not only in the massaged area of ​​the body, but also in distant veins and arteries. For example, foot massage can cause redness of the scalp.

The massage therapist needs to become thoroughly familiar with the location of the lymphatic tract network and the directions in which the massage should be performed.

On the palmar and dorsal surfaces - in the transverse direction;

Along the side surface - straight up.

Next, the vessels of the dorsal surface of the hand go mainly along the interosseous spaces and rise to the forearm, and the vessels of the palm are directed along a radius from the center of the palm to the eminences of the thumb and little finger. From the palm, the vessels pass to the forearm and shoulder almost vertically and reach the axillary nodes. From the dorsum of the hand, lymphatic vessels, bending around the shoulder, also go to these nodes; while part of them goes around the shoulder in front, and the other part - behind. Ultimately, all the vessels of the upper limb pass through one of the axillary nodes and some of them also through the elbow nodes.

Therefore, when massaging the forearm, the massage therapist’s hand should move in the direction of the nodes located in the elbow bend, and when massaging the shoulder - in the direction of the nodes located in the armpit and the nodes lying above the internal condyle.

On the lower limb, collecting from the dorsum and plantar sides of the foot, the lymphatic vessels rise on both sides of the ankles; at the same time, in the inner side of the thigh and lower leg, the vessels go straight up to the inguinal nodes; vessels running along the anterior and outer surface of the limbs reach the inguinal fold, bending around the thigh in front; the vessels running along the posterior and inner surface, bending around the thigh from behind, also reach the same group of inguinal nodes. Some of the lymphatic vessels pass through two or three nodes located in the popliteal fossa (Fig. 6)

Rice. 6. Location of the lymphatic network on the lower limb

In connection with the indicated location of the lymphatic pathways, the massage therapist’s hand, when performing massage techniques on the lower leg muscles, is directed to the nodes located in the popliteal fossa, and on the thigh muscles - to the nodes lying under the Poupart ligament.

Two large groups of axillary and inguinal nodes play the role of centers; not only all the lymphatic vessels of the extremities flow into them, but also the vessels of the general integument of the body.

Thus, on lumbar spine level there is, as it were, a lymphatic division: the lymph of the integument of the upper part of the body and all the lymph of the upper extremities passes through the axillary nodes, and the lymph of the lower extremities and integument located below the lumbar line passes through the inguinal nodes (Fig. 7)

Rice. 7. Lymphatic network to: A) anterior surface of the body; b) the back surface of the body and the direction of massage movements

Consequently, the direction of movement of the massage therapist’s hands when massaging the muscles of the chest, upper and middle back is towards the axillary nodes of the corresponding side. When massaging the muscles of the lumbosacral region, the hands move towards the inguinal nodes.

In the neck, the lymphatic vessels lie over and deep below the sternocleidomastoid muscle. A plexus is formed from them, which accompanies the carotid artery and jugular vein and, near the lower end of this vein, forms one common trunk, flowing into the upper end of the thoracic duct.

When massaging the head and neck, the massage therapist’s hand movements are directed downward (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Lymphatic network: A) lateral and posterior surfaces of the head and neck; b) facial area and scalp

1. All movements when performing various massage techniques are made along the lymphatic flow towards the nearest lymph nodes.

2. The upper limbs are massaged towards the elbow and axillary nodes; lower - towards the popliteal and inguinal; The breasts are massaged from the sternum to the sides, to the armpits; back - from the spinal column to the sides: to the armpits when massaging the upper and middle back, to the groin - when massaging the lumbosacral area; The neck muscles are massaged in the direction of the massage therapist’s hands downwards, towards the subclavian nodes.

3. Lymph nodes are not massaged.

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The lymphatic system performs in the body the functions of cleansing tissues and cells from foreign agents (foreign bodies), and protecting against toxic substances. It is part of the circulatory system, but differs in structure from it and is considered as an independent structural and functional unit, having its own network of vessels and organs. The main feature of the lymphatic system is its open structure.

What is the lymphatic system

A complex of specialized vessels, organs, and structural elements is called the lymphatic system. Essential elements:

  1. Capillaries, trunks, vessels through which fluid (lymph) moves. The main difference from blood vessels is the large number of valves that allow fluid to disperse in all directions.
  2. Nodes are single or organized in groups formations that act as lymph filters. They retain harmful substances and process microbial and viral particles and antibodies through phagocytosis.
  3. The central organs are the thymus, spleen, red bone marrow, in which specific immune blood cells - lymphocytes - are formed, mature and “trained”.
  4. Separate accumulations of lymphoid tissue are adenoids.


The human lymphatic system performs a number of important tasks:

  1. Ensuring the circulation of tissue fluid, along with which toxic substances and metabolites leave the tissue.
  2. Transport of fats and fatty acids from the small intestine, which ensures rapid delivery of nutrients to organs and tissues.
  3. Protective blood filtration function.
  4. Immune function: production of large numbers of lymphocytes.


The lymphatic system has the following structural elements: lymphatic vessels, nodes and lymph itself. Conventionally, in anatomy, the organs of the lymphatic system include some parts of the immune system, which ensure the constant composition of human lymph and the disposal of harmful substances. According to some studies, the lymphatic system in women has a larger network of vessels, and in men there is an increased number of lymph nodes. We can conclude that the lymphatic system, due to the peculiarities of its structure, helps the functioning of the immune system.


The flow of lymph and the structure of the human lymphatic system obey a certain pattern, which provides the lymph with the opportunity to flow from the interstitial space to the nodes. The basic rule of lymph flow is the movement of fluid from the periphery to the center, while passing through filtration in several stages through local nodes. Moving away from the nodes, the vessels form trunks called ducts.

From the left upper limb, neck, left lobe of the head, organs below the ribs, flowing into the left subclavian vein, the lymph flow forms the thoracic duct. Passing through the right upper quarter of the body, including the head and chest, bypassing the right subclavian vein, the lymph flow forms the right duct. This separation helps not to overload the vessels and nodes; lymph circulates freely from the interstitial space into the blood. Any blockage of the duct threatens edema or tissue swelling.

Lymph movement

The speed and direction of lymph movement during normal functioning are constant. The movement begins from the moment of synthesis in the lymphatic capillaries. With the help of the contractile element of the walls of blood vessels and valves, the liquid is collected and moves to a certain group of nodes, filtered, then, purified, it is poured into large veins. Thanks to this organization, the functions of the lymphatic system are not limited to the circulation of interstitial fluid, and it can work as a tool of the immune system.

  • Metastases - what they are, at what stage of cancer they appear, symptoms and treatment
  • Lymphomyosot - instructions for use, release form, indications for children and adults, side effects and price
  • Microcurrents for the face - principle of influence, indications, preparation and implementation, effect with photos and contraindications

Diseases of the lymphatic system

The most common diseases are lymphadenitis - tissue inflammation due to the accumulation of large amounts of lymph fluid, in which the concentration of harmful microbes and their metabolites is very high. Often, the pathology takes the form of an abscess. The mechanisms of lymphadenitis can be triggered by:

  • tumors, both malignant and benign;
  • long-term compartment syndrome;
  • injuries affecting directly the lymphatic vessels;
  • bacterial systemic diseases;
  • destruction of red blood cells

Diseases of the lymphatic system include local infectious lesions of organs: tonsillitis, inflammation of individual lymph nodes, tissue lymphangitis. Such problems arise due to the failure of the human immune system and excessive infectious load. Traditional methods of treatment involve various methods of cleaning nodes and blood vessels.

How to cleanse the lymphatic system

The lymphatic system serves as a “filter” for the human body; many pathogenic substances accumulate in it. The body copes with the function of cleaning lymphatic vessels and nodes on its own. However, if symptoms of incompetence of the lymphatic and immune systems appear (hardening of nodes, frequent colds), it is recommended to independently carry out cleansing measures for preventive purposes. You can ask your doctor how to cleanse the lymph and lymphatic system.

  1. A diet consisting of plenty of clean water, raw vegetables and boiled buckwheat without salt. It is recommended to follow this diet for 5-7 days.
  2. Lymphatic drainage massage, which will eliminate lymph stagnation and “stretch” the blood vessels, improving their tone. Use with caution for varicose veins.
  3. Taking herbal medicines and herbs. Oak bark and hawthorn fruits will increase lymph flow, and the diuretic effect will help eliminate toxins.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Lymph: lymphatic system disorders, treatment and cleansing - .

Lymph is the second blood in the body, it cleanses it. When lymph is disrupted, then many diseases begin. For 90% of diseases, it is necessary to solve them first problems with the lymphatic system. Diseases come from pollution of the body, when the lymphatic system is not able to cope with the elimination of microbes, poisons and toxins, when lymph flow is disrupted.

If the lymphatic system does not work well or in general, it happens that lymph doesn't work, then, in order to restore the lymphatic system, you should cleanse the body of waste and toxins, take vitamins and microelements for the normal functioning of lymph cells and immunity, and periodically renew all lymph.

In this article we will consider a number of issues related to. A video about lymph will tell you in detail and clearly about the functioning of the lymphatic system:

Lymph: role in the body

Lymph is one of the most important fluids of the body, which is colorless in its normal state. Its composition is similar to blood plasma. Lymph consists of water (94-95%), proteins (albumin, globulins, fibrinogens), lymphocytes, leukocytes, and waste products of the body. It flows through the lymphatic system and protects the body from pathogens, bacteria, waste, poisons, and dead cells.

If you need to speed up the flow of lymph, then read a detailed article about this:

Detailed article on the composition of lymph in the body:

What is the role of lymph in the body?? It turns out that it is lymph that removes and neutralizes the most harmful waste, pumps out excess fluid (which, by the way, is involved in the formation of fat) from the intercellular space back into the vessels. The remains of disintegrated unnecessary and harmful particles are dumped into it:

  • dead cells
  • microbes
  • viruses
  • toxins
  • end products of the vital activity of cells, tissues and organs
  • When illnesses occur because the lymphatic system becomes sick or clogged, many people have a question: if the lymphatic system is disrupted, is it possible to somehow fix it?

    Of course you can, you just need to understand its operating principle, its operating features and get acquainted with modern methods of cleansing and treating the lymphatic system.

    Lymphatic system

    When faced with problems that arise due to lymph, people will immediately start asking: What is the human lymphatic system??

    The lymphatic system is the system through which lymph moves. It consists of lymphatic vessels, capillaries, valves, filters and outlet channels.

    Lymphatic fluid is collected into the lymphatic system through capillaries from the intercellular fluid. Then it enters the vessels and moves in the direction of the lymphatic flow to the nearest filters - the lymph nodes. In these nodes the lymph is cleansed. Contaminants isolated from the lymph by filters are removed from the body through channels.

    Ducts of the lymphatic system

    The lymphatic system contains two ducts, through which lymph flows into the circulatory system. Lymph, accordingly, moves from them to the right and left subclavian veins:

  • right lymphatic duct - through which lymph fluid moves from the right upper quarter of the body: from the right arm, right side of the head and chest, then enters the right subclavian vein
  • thoracic duct, through which lymph fluid passes from the left arm, the left side of the head and chest, and all organs below the ribs, then enters the left subclavian vein
  • Lymph flow always occurs from bottom to top:

    From the fingers to the thoracic lymphatic duct,

    From the toes to the inguinal lymph nodes.

    Movement of lymph throughout the body: directions of movement

    Lymph, unlike the circulatory system, does not have its own pump (heart) and its flow occurs mainly due to muscle contraction. An important role in the lymphatic system is played by valves that allow lymph to pass only in the direction of movement (upward). This is why the massage must be done in the direction of lymph movement (bottom-up), otherwise the valves of the lymphatic system can be damaged.

    All lymph passes through the thoracic, i.e., the main, lymphatic duct only 6 times a day, and a complete blood circulation is completed in 20-25 seconds. With age, lymph moves through the vessels more and more slowly, because the tone of the blood vessels decreases, and a person’s muscle activity also decreases.

    In Fig. given directions of movement of lymph in the body in the front and in the back

    Along with the body, it is worth taking a closer look at the direction of lymph movement on the face. This may be needed for massage and removal of swelling from the face.

    A very detailed article about the direction of lymph movement throughout the body and individual organs

    Speed ​​of lymph movement

    The speed of lymph movement, compared to blood, is very small. If we compare it, we get the following picture: blood circulation in the system takes 25-30 seconds, and the lymph flow passes through the main (thoracic) lymphatic duct 6 times a day.

    The speed of lymph movement through the vessels of a motionless person is about 0.5-1.0 cm/s. Therefore, lymphatic drainage massage is carried out at exactly this speed.

    Lymphatic system in women

    The female lymphatic system differs from the male one in several ways:

  • structure due to the characteristics of internal organs
  • location of lymph nodes
  • lymph outflow pathways
  • The elements of the den's lymphatic system are:

  • Peri-vaginal lymph nodes
  • Sacral lymph nodes (lateral, median)
  • Periuterine lymphatic
  • Obturator lymph nodes
  • Lymphatic system in men

    In men, the urethra is the first channel for the lymphatic system to exit.

    Discharge from the urethra is a sign of severe lymph contamination.

    How to treat the lymphatic system?

    When problems arise with the lymphatic system, many immediately ask the question: “ how to treat the lymphatic system?"What medical and folk remedies?

    However, it would be more accurate to say that the lymphatic system should not be treated, but cleansed and restored to its functionality. Since the lymphatic system is the cleansing system of the body, it removes waste, poisons, toxins, microbes and other elements harmful to the body. Diseases associated with the lymphatic system are associated with its severe slagging. Therefore, for the lymphatic system to function normally, it needs help. And this help can be provided by various folk and medical remedies, lymphatic drainage massages, a healthy lifestyle, a bath, and special exercises to normalize the functioning of the lymph.

    For information on how to cleanse lymph, read the article:

    What color is lymph?

    The lymph of a healthy person, in a free state, is transparent and colorless.

    If various contaminants enter the lymph, its color may change. For example:

  • with a high fat content, the lymph becomes white (becomes milk-like). Lymph acquires this color in the lymphatic vessels of the intestine after consuming large amounts of fat.
  • with a high concentration of red blood cells in the lymph, which have entered there due to damage to blood vessels, the lymph acquires a brown or reddish tint
  • if the lymph is heavily contaminated, it may turn yellow
  • Lymph nodes: role in the body

    Lymph node - filter of the body's lymphatic system

    Lymph nodes play the role of customs, where partial processing of some microorganisms by others occurs, a kind of primary purification and neutralization of harmful inclusions.

    Do you suspect that Is your lymphatic system not working? See symptoms:

    Causes of lymph pollution

    The causes of lymph pollution can be:

  • fungi (lives in the lymph, affects the skin
  • worms
  • bacteria
  • viruses - they are so small that they do not live in the lymph - they immediately go into the cell
  • The above factors of lymph pollution are strongly manifested through symptoms of body pollution.

    The role of the vagina and urethra in the lymphatic system

    Lymph moves from bottom to top in one direction. Therefore, the first places for the release of waste from the lymphatic system (the so-called gateway) are:

  • vagina in women
  • urethra in men
  • An article about why it is useless to treat lymph with pills

    Most often, it turns out quite well: there is no discharge for three days, and then it starts again (thrush). And thrush is the corpses of a fungus that were destroyed by our body with the help of immune defenders.

    Read about the role of slagging in the body in the menstrual cycle here -

    Increasing general immunity,

    Treatment of organs and functional systems of the body. (for example, using magnetic puncture, acupuncture, yoga, massage, qigong)

    What diseases do a disturbed human lymphatic system lead to?

    A disrupted lymphatic system can lead to many diseases:

  • swelling
  • chronic fatigue
  • laryngitis, tracheitis
  • bronchitis
  • pneumonia
  • arthritis
  • The role of the nose in the body's lymphatic system

    The majority of airborne infection is eliminated through the nose. They cut out the Adenoids - they killed their defensive line!

    The role of tonsils in the body's lymph system

    If the tonsils constantly swelled, got in the way and were eventually cut off, then this means that another protective line in the body’s defense, the cleansing station, was buried.

    The role of the larynx in the body's lymph system

    The larynx is the section of the respiratory system that connects the pharynx to the trachea and contains the voice apparatus. Disruption of lymph flow leads to laryngitis - inflammation of the mucous membranes of the larynx associated with colds and infectious diseases (such as measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough.

    The development of the disease is facilitated by hypothermia, breathing through the mouth, dusty air, smoking and drinking alcohol, and straining the larynx.

    Tracheitis: contamination of the trachea in the body's lymph system

    The trachea connects the larynx to the bronchi. Through this organ, air along with the necessary amount of oxygen enters the lungs and trachea.

    The mucous membrane of the trachea is covered with ciliated epithelium, moving towards the oral cavity and larynx, and goblet cells secrete mucus. Thus, when small foreign bodies, such as dust particles, enter the trachea along with air, they are enveloped in mucus and, with the help of cilia, are pushed into the larynx and pass into the pharynx. This is where the protective function of the trachea arises. As you know, warming and purification of air occurs in the nasal cavity, but the trachea also partially plays this role. In addition, it is necessary to note the resonator function of the trachea, as it pushes air to the vocal cords.

    When the lymphatic system is contaminated, tracheitis occurs - inflammation of the tracheal mucosa: acute and chronic

    The development of tracheitis is promoted by inhalation of dry, cold or dusty air, irritating vapors and gases.

    Morphological changes in the trachea during acute tracheitis are characterized by swelling, infiltration and hyperemia of the mucous membrane, on the surface of which accumulations of mucus can be found, in some cases (for example, with influenza) - pinpoint hemorrhages.

    Chronic tracheitis can develop from acute. It often occurs in people who abuse smoking and alcohol, as well as in cases of congestion in the respiratory tract due to emphysema, heart disease, and kidney disease; It is often caused by chronic inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.

    The role of the bronchi in the body's lymph system

    Symptoms of lymph pollution are common diseases: runny nose, laryngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. It is believed that lymph cannot fight infection due to its contamination.

    Detailed article on symptoms of lymph pollution in general:

    The role of the lungs in the body's lymph system

    It is believed that neumonia is always accompanied by thrombosis of the lymph nodes, preventing the release of fluid.

    The influence of lymph on the appearance of wrinkles and getting rid of them

    Contamination of the lymph, due to stagnant processes, causes the appearance of wrinkles. To get rid of them, it is necessary to cleanse the lymph and improve its blood flow. For example, the Japanese have long practiced facial massage to smooth out wrinkles.

    Neurodermatitis and psoriasis are signs of clogged lymph nodes

    The lymphatic system is also involved in the development of neurodermatitis and psoriasis. These diseases indicate complete obstruction of the lymph nodes due to fungal pathology. In these diseases, the fungus has cemented everything - so the skin opens “fire windows” on the flexural surfaces.

    Movement of the lymphatic system

    The lymphatic system does not have a special organ that organizes its movement. Therefore, movement through the lymphatic vessels is organized by muscles. When muscles contract, the lymphatic fluid is pushed through, but the valves in the lymph vessels do not allow it back.

    If the muscle around the lymphatic vessel does not work, then the movement of lymph stops. Fatigue in the absence of movement means stagnation of lymph and the accumulation of toxins in it.

    Lymph and cold feet: how does it affect?

    At low temperatures, lymph thickens and moves poorly through the vessels. Since lymph is the body's sewer system, cold feet, hands and other parts of the body can lead to congestion and disease. Therefore, measures must be taken. to keep your feet warm.

    To warm up your feet, you can take baths with turpentine and soda. Bath and massage are also useful.

    Movement of lymph from hemorrhoids, prostatitis and adenoma

    Stagnation in the lymphatic system provokes diseases such as hemorrhoids, prostatitis and adenoma. To avoid these diseases, you need to do exercises on the gluteal muscles, massage the lymphatic collectors of the small pelvis.

    Treatment of lymph with currents

    Due to the long circulation and clogging, lymph stagnates, which causes diseases. To accelerate its current and liquefy it, various methods are used, along with which galvanic currents began to be used.

    Properly configured currents along the course of lymph help accelerate it.

    Current treatment is widespread for many diseases.

    Prevention and treatment of the lymph system

    What needs to be done to avoid problems associated with lymph? First of all, movement is necessary.

    You may feel unwell during the lymph cleanse. Why do you feel unwell when cleansing the body's lymph?? Because when toxins begin to move and begin to leave the body, they poison it along the way. But after cleaning everything will go back to normal.

    We raise our legs up, leaning on our shoulders and neck. We stay in this position for the maximum amount of time until we get tired of it (3-10 minutes).

    Lie down on the floor, straighten (preferably) your arms and legs at the elbow and knee joints and lift them up, perpendicular to the floor. Make oscillatory movements (shaking) with your arms and legs.

    If you are sitting at work or in another place where you cannot afford full-fledged gymnastics, do hidden gymnastics. Office workers often experience congestion in the pelvic area. Move your buttocks to improve the movement of lymph and blood in the area. The exercise is also very useful: tighten and relax the anus at regular intervals. This increases the circulation of fluids and develops the pelvic diaphragm.

    How to normalize the lymphatic system?

    If you have impaired patency of the lymphatic system, it must be brought back to normal, since the lymphatic system is responsible for the cleanliness of the body, which protects it from various diseases.

    To bring the lymphatic system back to normal, it is necessary to improve its permeability, to open closed pores; if the lymph has thickened, then it is necessary to increase its fluidity and mobility.

    Cleaning the lymphatic system, special diets, exercises, medications and devices will help normalize the state of the lymphatic system.

    The lymphatic system should not be heated

    The lymphatic system should not be heated and compresses should not be applied to the area where lymph nodes are concentrated.

    The lymphatic system cannot be massaged

    During the massage, avoid the lymph nodes, since if you incorrectly press the leukocytes against the flow of the lymph flow, you will simply destroy them.

    Cleansing the lymphatic system

    If you really don't want your lymphatic system to become clogged (which leads to diseases ranging from high cholesterol to cancer), you need to learn how to cleanse it.

    Lymph cleansing should be done on an empty stomach

    We take lymphostimulants (for example, licorice)

    We take sorbents internally (for example, activated carbon). The second gateway for cleansing the body is the intestines. This is where lymph toxins and sorbents will meet.

    We restore normal intestinal microflora.

    Gymnastics should become a way of life.

    Green coffee cleanses the lymphatic system well from stagnation in subcutaneous fat:

    What are the signs of lymph cleansing?

    After cleansing the lymphatic system, the question naturally arises: what signs can be used to judge the cleansing of the lymphatic system?

    The lymphatic system travels through its capillaries and vessels on average in three days, so the shortest period of cleansing procedures is recommended to be carried out about three days.

    The first signs of cleansing the lymphatic system are the activation of excretory processes:

  • nasal discharge
  • the appearance of mucus in the stool, the appearance of liquid and foul-smelling stool
  • increased sweating
  • change in sweat odor
  • change in the color and odor of urine
  • release of gases
  • the release of tears is a sign of clearing the eyes
  • salivation
  • the appearance of belching
  • the appearance of yawning
  • reduction of swelling
  • disappearance of the rash
  • skin improvement
  • cheerfulness
  • increased mobility of the body, joints, muscles
  • weight loss
  • improvement of the general condition of the body
  • Increased body temperature is a sign of cleansing of the lymphatic system. Since at this time the body fights infections, and the lymph, liquefied from the elevated temperature, removes poisons, toxins, and dead bodies of microbes.

    Signs of a clogged lymphatic system

    Signs of a lymphatic system disorder have a very pronounced expression. They are caused by congestion in the lymphatic system, such as the following:

    Swelling of small joints (you may notice that your rings have become less comfortable to fit);

    Feeling tired, lack of strength;

    Soreness and weakness in the morning;


    Dry and itchy skin;

    Mental instability;

    Cold hands and feet;

    Diseases such as cough, colds, bronchitis, tonsillitis, bronchial asthma, stomach ulcers, abdominal pain.

    These are just some of the symptoms of congestion in the lymphatic system. Some systems of medicine believe that almost every disease (or symptom) can be associated with lymph congestion. This is why it is so important to maintain healthy lymph and avoid eating foods that can clog it.

    Causes of clogged lymphatic system

    The main causes of congestion in the lymphatic system are:

    Stress causes disruption of biochemical processes in the body. It is believed that stress is responsible for 80% of all chronic diseases, including congestion in the lymphatic system.

    Chronic digestive imbalance. Most lymph is found around the intestines, which is known as GALT, or intestinal lymphoid tissue. If the intestinal villi (thread-like projections that cover the surface of the small intestine) are not in good shape, it affects the flow of lymph and prevents it from performing its function of cleansing the body and strengthening the immune system.

    Iodine deficiency plays an important role in protecting the body from environmental toxins. If it does not enter the body in sufficient quantities, it can lead to blockage of the lymph.

    Lymphatic system and stress

    How are they connected? lymphatic system diseases and stress?

    They have forward and backward connections:

    On the one hand, stress causes a depressed state of the lymphatic system, which causes its stagnation and pollution. This happens because stress releases stress hormones: catecholamines and cortisol, which pollute the lymph

    On the other hand, contaminated lymph causes poor health, loss of strength, and stress.

    How does the lymphatic system respond to stress?

    When stressed, special hormones are released - stress hormones, which mobilize the body's internal systems, for example: cortisol and adrenaline.

    The lymphatic system immediately releases excess of these hormones through sweat and through the pores on the skin. Externally, this manifests itself as increased sweating, unpleasant odor from the armpits, and skin rashes.

    Cleansing baths for lymph

    Simple hot baths help to cleanse the lymph, as does visiting a sauna or bathhouse.

    There will be an even greater effect if you take baths to cleanse the lymph:

  • with soda
  • With salt
  • with turpentine
  • with magnesium sulfate
  • from walnut leaves
  • Periodic lymph cleansing

    To avoid lymph congestion, you should cleanse your lymphatic system regularly. Seasonal cleansing of the lymphatic system is usually performed 2-3 times a year in spring, autumn and January (after the holiday period). However, you must maintain a routine that keeps your lymphatic tissue healthy throughout the year.

    During the period of cleansing the lymphatic system, follow these rules:

    Avoid refined and processed foods and drinks. Avoid eating any breads, cookies, cereals, pasta or foods with added sugar.

    Avoid food allergens, including dairy, wheat, corn, soy, preservatives and additives.

    Avoid trans fatty acids, which are found in margarine, fried foods and fast food.

    Limit your consumption of coffee, alcohol, tobacco and carbonated drinks.

    Eat plenty of cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and watercress).

    Use healthy oils: cold pressed, olive or coconut oil.

    Drink 6-8 glasses of clean, warm water at room temperature daily.

    Exercise regularly; Take care of relaxation and good sleep.

    These rules should be followed when planning your diet.

    Self-massage of the lymphatic system

    Self-massage or lymphatic drainage self-massage plays an important role in maintaining the cleanliness of the lymphatic system. Every day you need to carefully massage the lymphatic ducts of the limbs and skin. Kaja is the largest channel for the release of impurities from the lymphatic system through the pores.

    Thanks to lymphatic drainage massage, the speed of movement of the lymph increases 8 times. As a result, toxins begin to leave tissues faster and metabolism improves.

    However, it is better to perform intense self-massage after cleansing the lymph and following its exact course, otherwise you may get swelling.

    Self-massage of the skin can be done every morning with your hands or using special massage devices. After the massage, you need to take a shower to wash off the released toxins. This massage helps to significantly improve the structure of the skin.

    Self-massage of the limbs is carried out in the morning and evening. It is advisable to do it in the shower and when using massage oils. Since the lymph goes from the limbs to the torso, it is necessary to massage from the limbs up in the direction of the lymph, with soft but noticeable massage movements.

    Today we will talk about beauty again, but instead of testing new creams and face masks, we will turn our attention deep into the body, namely, we will study the lymphatic system, lymphatic drainage and their effect on beauty and health in general.

    Skin is of great importance to us, and not only because well-groomed and beautiful, it makes us beautiful. The skin performs many different functions - protection from harmful external influences, maintains the temperature of internal organs, mitigates the harmful effects of sunlight on the body as a whole, toxic waste products of the body are constantly released through the skin. In other words, the skin is an intermediary between the body and the external environment.

    The respiratory and excretory functions of the skin are vital for health. If the normal functioning of the skin stops, poisoning of the body may occur. Skin disease always affects the health of the body, just as disease of any organ affects the condition of the skin. By influencing the skin with various medical means, it is possible to influence the entire body, for example, hydrotherapy, massage, etc.

    And so, everything in our body is interconnected. When we talk about skin care, we always start with cleansing, then moisturizing, etc. But most importantly, if the body is not cleansed from the inside, then all efforts to rejuvenate the skin will be in vain. Therefore, let's think about health first. What we are going to talk about now will tell us what efforts and where each of us needs to make in order to combine beauty and health.

    Today we’ll talk about an important system that plays a special role in the human body: the lymphatic system. In order for you to seriously think about how important it is for the skin and the entire body as a whole, you will have to delve a little deeper into the structure of your body. Perhaps then many of us will understand what prevents our skin from having a beautiful color, being firm, elastic and velvety.

    The lymphatic system is part of the vascular system in the human body. The lymph circulating in the body moves slowly under low pressure, since the lymph system does not have an organ that plays the role of a pump, which the heart does in the circulatory system. Its speed of movement is 0.3 mm/s. Lymph moves in one direction - towards the large veins.

    It plays an important role in metabolism and cleansing of body cells and tissues. Thus, we already see where cleansing of the body begins, and in particular the skin, which we take care of in the first place.

    The lymphatic system includes:

    Lymphatic vessels and capillaries

    The lymph nodes

    Lymphatic trunks and ducts

    Tonsils, thymus, or thymus gland.

    How is lymph formed and what kind of structure is it in general?

    Ancient Greek doctors discovered that in addition to the red liquid in the human body, there is also a transparent liquid, which they called lymph, which means “clean water, moisture” in Greek.

    As a result of the contraction of the heart, the liquid part of the blood penetrates the walls of blood vessels, tissue fluid is formed. Some of the tissue fluid returns to the blood. Since the heart works and blood constantly flows through the vessels, the difference in fluid pressure outside the vessels and inside always exists.

    This is similar to a perpetual motion machine that works as long as the heart lives... But part of the tissue fluid, washing the cells, enters the lymphatic capillaries, which permeate the tissues of the entire body, and this is how lymph is formed. Tissue fluid nourishes cells, removes their waste and hydrates the body.

    The fluid that has entered the lymphatic system is already called lymph. The smallest lymphatic capillaries merge into lymphatic vessels, which have thin walls and valves that prevent the outflow of lymph. Lymph moves in one direction through lymphatic vessels, along which there are also lymph nodes.

    Lymph nodes, these soft and small internal structures, produce immune cells. It is the nodes that act as filters in which germs are neutralized. When there is a threat to our body from infection, and various bacteria enter the lymph, the lymph nodes increase the production of protective cells that are actively involved in the destruction of microbes and foreign substances.

    From the lymph nodes, the filtered lymph penetrates the veins through the lymphatic vessels, that is, it returns to the blood. You can feel the largest lymph nodes yourself; they are located in the cervical areas. Large nodes are also located in the axillary, popliteal and groin areas. When you get a sore throat, the lymph nodes – the tonsils – become enlarged, because this is where the battle between microbes and the body’s protective substances takes place.

    The lymphatic system promotes the redistribution of fluid in the tissues of the body, since its capillaries drain all tissue intercellular spaces. From here we see that the lymphatic system not only cleanses our body, but also moisturizes it. And we hope to achieve skin hydration only with the help of moisturizing creams, when all this directly depends on the lymphatic system.

    If everything is in order in our body, there are no malfunctions, excess tissue fluid does not accumulate in the tissues, since the lymphatic system moves it through the lymphatic vessels and returns it to the blood. Otherwise, fluid accumulates in the intercellular space, and edema occurs.

    For example, with cellulite, the accumulation of fluid in the tissues is often associated with the presence of toxins in the body. Thus, the lymphatic system cleanses and moisturizes all tissues of the body, and also transports nutrients.

    Cosmetology device for lymphatic drainage

    If, after reading, you understand everything, then you will be able to answer the question, why is at least morning exercise so important for our body? The answer is simple. After all, lymph moves very slowly. But if there is no “pump” in the lymphatic system, then how does it move, if not through muscle contraction, which pushes the lymph further along its difficult life path.

    Lymphatic capillaries and vessels penetrate the muscle tissue, the muscles contract - the lymph is pushed through, but there is no way back for it, the valves in the lymph vessels do not allow passage. But if the muscle around the vessel does not work, then where does the lymph flow come from? Now you understand what movement and, in general, physical activity means.

    Stagnation and damage to the lymph due to the fact that the muscles are lazy, because we are too lazy to do exercises, leads to sad consequences. Physical exercise significantly speeds up the movement of lymph. And this, in turn, improves the condition of tissues during swelling and stagnation.
    A sedentary lifestyle combined with heavy food intake leads to an overload of the lymphatic system, and often for this reason various diseases and immunity disorders arise.

    From all that has been said, we see that the lymphatic system

    Redistributes fluid in the body;

    Protects the body from infections and diseases by removing and destroying various bacteria in the lymph nodes; human immunity depends on it;

    Removes foreign substances and waste products;

    Transfers nutrients from tissue spaces to the blood.

    Now imagine that the lymph nodes are clogged, what will happen then, because they are the body’s filter? Then, let's put it this way, dirty lymph cannot pass through the lymph node, and the body throws it out onto the skin. What will you see on your skin? – There will be dermatitis, furunculosis, acne, acne, diathesis, psoriasis... Probably enough to list.

    When we have a cold, we have a runny nose and nasal congestion. Since the body is fighting microbes, and lymph is directly involved in this, before it enters the blood, it must be cleansed of toxins. The lymph gets rid of this trash through the mucous membranes and skin. Therefore, you should not use vasoconstrictor drops for a long time during a runny nose, as we interfere with the functioning of the lymphatic system.

    The second example when we deliberately disrupt the functioning of the lymph nodes is sweat deodorant. Sweating is the release of not just moisture from the body, but also toxins. If you constantly use a deodorant that blocks sweat, you are harming your body by leaving harmful substances in the tissues in certain areas, such as the armpits. In this zone, the mammary glands are located very close. And then a lot should be clear to you.

    What will help the lymph system work, besides exercise?

    In Russia, treatment with a steam bath with a broom, tea with currant leaves or raspberries has long been used. You should consult your doctor about using a bath.

    Breathing techniques can also stimulate lymph flow, improving your health.

    The movement of lymph is also helped by massage, which increases the outflow of tissue fluid. However, the massage should be in the form of light and gentle circular strokes and kneading. In addition, you need to know for sure that massage is not contraindicated for you.

    The main reason for the contraindication may be malignant neoplasms (cancer). After all, massage movements cause lymph to move, and along with it malignant cells, which contributes to the formation of metastases. And in general, any procedures that affect the lymphatic system are unacceptable for cancer.

    How does massage affect the lymphatic system?

    Accelerates the movement of lymph in lymphatic vessels. Massage movements should occur in the direction of lymph outflow to the nearest lymph nodes. Pressure on muscle tissue facilitates the penetration of tissue fluid through the walls of blood vessels, and this prevents or reduces swelling.

    Harmful substances that easily pass through the walls of lymphatic vessels are removed from the body faster. Massage movements - stroking, pressing and squeezing should be gentle. If the legs are swollen, the outflow of fluid will be helped by elevating them, since in this case the movement of fluid and lymph will be helped by gravity.

    A professional massage therapist can do lymphatic massage for benefit and not harm. You can do it yourself at home, but to do this you need to get instructions on basic techniques from a specialist. Thanks to massage, the volume of lymph flow can be increased 20 times, which means increasing the ability of the lymphatic system to remove toxins and harmful bacteria and strengthen the immune system.

    Lymphatic drainage massage is useful not only for problems with the lymphatic system, but also when you have a cold or simply want to relieve fatigue. All touches should be gentle and soft.

    To activate lymph movement and reduce swelling, massage with essential oils such as geranium, rosemary and juniper, grapefruit, Atlas cedar and lemon oils is effective. Essential oils of anise, orange, basil, cloves, oregano, ginger, hyssop, cypress, coriander, lavender, lemongrass, carrot, and naioli are also used.

    Transport oils can be wheat germ oil, almond oil, avocado, peach oil, jojoba, macadamia oil, safflower oil.

    Lymphatic drainage of the face and body at home

    At home, you can use a bath with a lymphatic drainage mixture, which includes:

    geranium -3 drops

    lemongrass - 3 drops

    hyssop - 2 drops

    najoli - 2 drops

    wild carrots - 2 drops

    If you add 30 ml of grape seed oil to this mixture, you can use it for self-massage.

    Failures in the functioning of the lymphatic system are indicated not only by edema or cellulite, but also by other diseases where there is ineffective removal of harmful substances from the body. For example – frequent colds, headaches, skin problems, etc.

    Lymphatic drainage will help stimulate the immune system, remove toxins from the body, with poor complexion, aging skin, and dark circles under the eyes. After a course of lymphatic drainage, cell nutrition usually improves, the body is cleansed, metabolism improves, skin regeneration processes are stimulated, dryness is eliminated, bags under the eyes disappear, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

    Now you see the necessity and importance of the lymphatic system, on which human immunity depends. And immunity is life!

    The lymphatic system consists of lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels, capillaries and intercellular fluid. It goes from bottom to top and never in reverse order! That is, from the fingertips to the thoracic lymphatic duct. Lymph in the form of intercellular fluid, like water in streams, washes every cell of our body, then through lymphatic vessels-rivers it enters the lymph nodes. Leaving the lymph nodes and merging with each other, the lymphatic vessels form the main lymphatic ducts, from which the lymph again enters the bloodstream. In the blood and liver, the neutralization processes begun in the lymph nodes are completed.

    The nodes occupy a key place in the lymphatic system. Lymph nodes are the wastewater treatment plants of the entire body. In our body, about 1 billion cells naturally die every day, at the same time the immune system destroys viruses and bacteria, and unnecessary toxic substances penetrate through food, air and water. All this is partially neutralized in the lymph nodes. At the exit from the nodes, the lymph appears already purified.

    Lymph nodes produce lymphocytes and antibodies that protect the body from infections.
    Lymph nodes contribute to the uniform movement of lymph through the vessels, facilitating the supply of nutrients necessary for cell functioning to the tissues of internal organs.
    In other words, the lymphatic system is responsible for transport and cleanliness of the internal environment of the body.

    It's not hard to imagine what happens when this cleaning system fails. All cell waste products rush through additional pathways, for example, the skin. As a result, acne may appear, complexion and general skin condition may deteriorate. Redness and age spots that suddenly appear on the skin can also be the consequences of malfunctions of the lymphatic system.

    When the functions of the lymphatic system are impaired, up to 83% of harmful substances accumulate in the intercellular space and, as a result, pollution of the lymphatic bed is formed - lymphotoxicosis. This increases the load on all organs of elimination and detoxification: liver, intestines, kidneys. It turns out that the cleanliness of the internal environment of our body is directly related to the network of lymphatic vessels.

    To prevent all these toxic factors from damaging cells, a constant outflow of intercellular fluid, or drainage, is necessary. How can we help the lymphatic system cope with the ever-increasing flow of substances poisoning our body?

    Lymph cleansing points

    The lymphatic system is the only system, besides the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, that has a discharge through the mucous membranes to the outside!
    This is a completely unique phenomenon, because we cannot throw anything away through the skin! The release of poisons can only be through the mucous membranes, because they do not have a solid dead protective barrier of the epidermis.

    So, the first springboard for lymphatic evacuation is the first place where bacteria corpses land outside - the vagina (in women) and the urethra (in men)!
    As soon as something gets into the body, this “something” is immediately detected here: an uncomfortable state begins below, pain, stinging, etc.

    As a rule, it turns out quite well: there is no discharge for three days - and then it starts again (thrush, for example). What is thrush, what is discharge from thrush? - these are the “corpses” of the fungus that were destroyed by our body with the help of leukocytes!
    Therefore, we must fight not “corpses”, but living fungi! And there is only one way to fight it - by raising your immunity. Because nothing will work with other methods: you can’t kill everything living in the body...

    The second landing site is the intestines, through which a huge amount of poisons is released! There are thousands of lymph nodes open into the intestines - so they secrete it all!

    The third springboard is the sweat glands, especially in the armpits. A person simply has to sweat - the body removes all poisons (hormones, toxic poisons) through the skin.

    What do we do to ensure that they are never displayed? That's right, the much-hyped 24-hour deodorant! And all problems with sweat are solved: even if you scare you, even if you go on a roller coaster ride, there will be no more sweating! Where will the poisons go? To the nearest place - to the mammary gland!
    And hence mastopathy, pollution of the lymphatic pool: the lymph drove everything out - and you sprinkled (anointed), and now you are a fearless, never sweating (but potentially sick) James Bond!

    Never use 24-hour deodorant! Only for 6 hours, and then give the body a chance to sweat - and wash everything off! Unfortunately, chemicals splashed on the skin constrict blood vessels according to a given program - for 12 - 24 - 48 hours. And now super-deodorants have appeared - 7-day ones. Then the mechanism of your sweat glands will simply be blocked - and that’s the end...

    Everything is very simple: here is the knee joint - two bones with a smooth supporting surface, and around them is an articular capsule (capsule). Some people have swelling in their joints... it would seem, why should there be swelling?

    But it turns out that behind this joint there is a huge lymph node, and if it is thrombosed (by bacteria, for example, beta-hemolytic streptococcus), which lives in the blood, then this is where you get arthritis (rheumatoid, infectious-allergic, polyarthritis - if many joints are affected).

    The temperature may rise, but ask yourself: what is it for? Yes, to fight bacteria!
    Or swelling appears. Why? And the lymph node does not allow fluid to pass through. What do we usually do: warm it up, apply mud ointments, hormones, rubs - and do you think it will help? Never! - because, first of all, you need to cleanse the lymph!

    But first we need to determine who “lives” there. Until we know this, neither joints, nor skin, nor kidneys will be able to be cured! To get rid of different “residents” we need different medications: let’s say a fungus lives there, and we are prescribed a course of antibiotics, but they absolutely do not work against the fungus and even feed it! And a powerful fungal arthritis occurs, which is very difficult to cure! And after it, ankylosing spondylitis begins (when a person’s joints begin to twist at one moment), and everything you want...

    The fourth bridgehead is the nose, through which the main amount of airborne infection is eliminated. The adenoids were cut out - they killed their defensive line!

    The fifth springboard is the tonsils. They constantly swelled, got in the way - they cut off and buried another protective line!

    The sixth springboard - the larynx - is laryngitis.

    The seventh springboard is the trachea - the development of tracheitis.

    The eighth springboard is the bronchi - the development of bronchitis.

    The ninth springboard is the lungs - the development of pneumonia.

    That’s it, there are no more protective barriers... A person can block or cut off everything, but it’s completely unclear how he will then secrete poisons!

    Lymph is fine - thanks to exercise!

    In order to cleanse the lymph, you need to purposefully influence not only the lymphatic system, but also the functioning of the liver and intestines.

    Our intestines are surrounded by a very rich lymphatic network. The transport of all fats and fat-soluble substances passes through it and the removal of toxins is carried out. The process of neutralizing substances brought by lymph actively occurs in the liver.

    If the intestines and liver do not work properly, intoxication of the body can increase. As a result, the lymph nodes may not be able to cope with the increasing flow and fail. At the same time, in those parts of the body that are “served” by these lymph nodes, stagnation of lymph will form, accompanied by swelling.

    In 1955, the German doctor G.G. Rekeweg formulated the theory of slagging in the human body. Its essence is that disease is a manifestation of the body’s reaction to the effects of various toxins.

    Why do those who pay attention to exercise usually have everything in order with their lymphatic system? A person does not have a separate heart for the lymphatic system, but how is a moving flow of lymph created? Here is a lymphatic vessel, and around it are muscles. The muscle contracts - the lymph is pushed through, but the valves in the lymph vessels do not allow it back. But if the muscle around the vessel does not work, where will the movement of lymph come from?..

    Rules you need to know

    First, never allow the lymphatic system to become clogged with toxins, as over time it will become so clogged that it will be very difficult to restore it. If the situation gets out of your control, contact a knowledgeable specialist in a timely manner.

    Secondly, always monitor the condition of the small and large intestines, their complete and regular emptying. To do this, strictly follow your diet. It is also useful to massage the central area of ​​​​the palms of the hands, where there are many biologically active points associated with the abdominal organs. During bowel movements, it is useful to massage the entire intestine.

    Thirdly, regularly, at least twice a year, conduct lymphatic drainage massage sessions - on your own or, if possible, with experienced specialists. If this is not possible, regularly, while visiting a bathhouse or taking a hot bath, use a hard brush or washcloth 10 to 15 times with force along the body along the lymphatic system: on the limbs, in the pelvic, abdominal and thoracic areas - from bottom to top and from the outside inside; on the head and neck - from top to bottom and back to front. When self-massaging, you can use special massage creams, rubbing them into the skin with your hands in a circular motion.

    Fourthly, periodically monitor your weight. When excess weight appears, it is necessary to pay attention to the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, small and large intestines, be sure to intensify physical movements to enhance the movement of stagnant lymph with toxins, balance food intake and expenditure of energy received, and avoid overeating. Remember that the appearance of excess weight is a sure sign of aging.

    What not to do

    The lymphatic system cannot be heated; forget about quartz for the rest of your life!

    You should not put any compresses on the lymphatic system; during a massage, avoid the lymph nodes: leukocytes live there, and if you press them, go against the flow, you will simply destroy them...

    If you damage the lymph node under the knee, it will swell for the rest of your life! There is such a disease as elephantiasis - lymph flows from the inside, all external procedures will not help! Lymph can be cleansed from the inside, but only active movements, muscle contractions - gymnastics - can make it move.

    So that the lymph does not stagnate

    If you feel tired while sitting at work, it means your lymph is stagnant! Whoever moves his arms and legs even a little (hidden gymnastics for the body) - his muscles contract and lymph movement appears.

    And to avoid hemorrhoids, “jump” 30-50 times on the gluteal muscles: this is a massage of the lymphatic collectors of the small pelvis. If there is no such massage, there will be prostatitis, adenoma...

    Sex is also a rhythmic and orderly movement, and if it is active, then the lymphatic system is worked out, profuse sweating occurs...

    Traditional methods of cleansing the lymphatic system

    Carry out this cleaning regularly: first once every three months, then once every six months, and then once a year. The best effect is achieved in spring. It is especially useful to cleanse the lymph before a flu epidemic.

    For prevention, it is useful to periodically drink tea made from apple cider vinegar. To do this, dilute 1 - 2 tsp. apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of warm water, add a little honey and drink 2 - 3 glasses a day.

    To cleanse the lymph, brew a handful of purple burdock flowers in 1 liter of boiling water, cool and drink as tea for a month. When you first take it, eat 3-4 raw burdock roots and 1 medium-sized celery root. Taking a decoction of walnut partitions also helps cleanse the lymph. 1 tsp. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over the walnut partitions. Boil for 10 minutes, leave for an hour, strain and drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

    Pass 100 g of walnuts through a meat grinder and mix with 100 g of honey. Leave the mixture for 2 weeks in a cool, dark place and drink 2 tsp. 3 times a day before meals. And so - 40 days.

    Fir branches - 1 kg (ground into powder), forest raspberries, roots (autumn-spring) - 0.5 kg (powder). Mix. Then put in layers in a glass bowl with honey. For 1.5 kg of mixture you need 0.5 kg of honey and 200 ml of boiled water. Leave for a day, then simmer in a water bath for 8 hours, then leave for another 2 days. Drain the juice. A very aromatic, delicious drink.
    Children under 14 years old should drink 1 tsp, 5 times a day before meals. Adults - 1 tbsp. l. 5 times before meals.
    Use in courses of 12 days: drink for 12 days, rest for 10 days, etc.

    Garlic tincture. Pass 200 g of young juicy garlic through a meat grinder and pour in 200 ml of medical alcohol.
    Close tightly and place in a cool place for 10 days, then strain and squeeze.
    Accepted according to the scheme.
    Day 1 - 20 minutes before breakfast, 1 drop in 50 ml of milk, before lunch - 2 drops, before dinner - 3 drops in the same amount of milk.
    Day 2 - take 4, 5 and 6 drops respectively before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
    Day 3 - 7, 8 and 9 drops.
    Day 4 - 10, 11 and 12 drops
    Day 5 - 13, 14 and 15
    (6 - 10) day the number of drops is reduced in the reverse order: 15, 14, 13 and so on until the tenth day. In the following days, take 25 drops in 50 ml of milk before using all the garlic tincture.

    Cut 1 kg of shoots from coniferous trees (spruce, pine, fir, cedar or larch) and dig up 0.5 kg of raspberry roots. Wash, dry, chop, mix and put in a jar, adding 0.5 kg of honey. Fold in layers: a layer of vegetable mixture and a layer of honey. Pour hot water over all this and let it brew for a day. Then simmer this mixture in a water bath over low heat for 8 hours and let it brew again for two days. You should take 1 tbsp. l. (children - 1 tsp.) 4 - 5 times a day for 2 weeks in a row.

    For diseases of the lymph nodes, tincture of cinquefoil roots helps to strengthen the immune system (100 g - per 500 g of vodka, leave for 8 days, take 30 drops 3 times a day). And for external use any dry heat is suitable. The simplest and, perhaps, the most effective is a dry cloth cloth rubbed with laundry soap. Apply it to the lymph nodes, cover with something warm on top.

    To maintain a healthy lymphatic system, you need to eat right. Try to avoid food that cannot be processed by the body, which can result in intoxication of the body through the intestines. Such food includes all kinds of canned foods, unnatural drinks, products contaminated by the environment, vegetables and fruits containing excess amounts of nitrates.

    An indicator of lymph cleansing will be a reduction in tonsils, adenoids, cessation of runny nose and cough, reduction in skin rashes and discharge from the genital tract. But first you need to remove excess mucus-forming substances from food: starch, bread, pork, sausage, whole milk.

    Massage, baths and aromatherapy

    To reduce swelling and activate lymph movement, special forms of massage are effective, especially with essential oils such as geranium, juniper and rosemary. When procedures need to be carried out for a long time, rosemary can be replaced with black pepper oil, and some experts also include birch or patchouli oil.

    Massage should be done in the direction from the fingers to the collarbone area, where the lymph enters the subclavian vein. Since this massage increases the amount of lymph entering the bloodstream, the amount of fluid released from the body also increases. As a result, after lymphatic massage, increased urination is noted, which is also enhanced due to the fact that the oils used have a diuretic effect.

    This type of massage can be even more beneficial if combined with a bath containing some of the same oils. After the bath, you should massage the body with a dry brush in the same direction as with a regular massage, that is, in the direction from the fingers to the collarbone. You may also need a cleansing diet.

    Cancer is a contraindication for lymphatic massage. The lymphatic system is a route through which cancer cells can travel from one part of the body to another and cause secondary cancers (metastases). Therefore, any procedures affecting the lymphatic system are unacceptable for cancer.

    Look within yourself!

    From a psychosomatic point of view, problems in the lymphatic system are a warning that you should refocus on the most important thing in life: love and joy. There is blame, guilt, and a huge fear of not being “good enough.” A mad race to prove your Self - until there is no substance left in the blood to support yourself. In this race to be accepted, the joy of life is forgotten.