Sherry Argov I want to read online. A guide for real women. I want to be a bitch! A guide for real women

1. Don’t feed your man “before”! Most men are primitive, not far from the “simplest” and deeply
subconsciously, in them, to a much greater extent than in women, the following traits predominate: - laziness, feelings of hunger, sex,
entertainment (work, sports, politics, etc. this is also, to some extent, a game for them, but sex, to some extent, is work!).
Laziness plus satiety can easily overcome all other “responsibilities”.
A satiated man may well try to “work” half-heartedly, or even by feigning tenderness, hug you and
fall asleep on your chest.

2. Don't hold back. If you get an orgasm, the man MUST see and know it. A man always
will choose a woman who violently gets an orgasm from him, and not an ideal in appearance, but frigid top model.
It’s better to get three orgasms with one erection than vice versa. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of satisfied ambition
a man who realizes that he is able to bring a woman to orgasm.
3. Plan duration and intensity. The peak of a man’s orgasm is very steep, it comes very quickly and just as quickly
a period of braking begins. On the contrary, a woman has a longer period of arousal and an equally long, gentle
descent, and even multiple orgasms are possible. Probably the best option would be arousal and orgasm
Women FIRST, and if you have an orgasm in front of him, you can rest assured that the man will already be prepared.
4. Does he want oral sex? They all want it... there is nowhere to go, but balance your position, offer him
provide you with the same services. But please note that women usually learn faster what to do and how to do it, and with
men often have to tinker, they don’t always understand what and how to do for you to have pleasure.
Usually they try to try everything on themselves and act similarly, sometimes you have to tinker around until you tame it... But
it's worth it! Do not neglect the opportunity to ask him exactly how he likes it, and directly show him where and how he should like it.
5. Does he want anal sex? Well... your man is the most ordinary and belongs to the 80% of men who would like this.
But according to statistics, 70% of men who try anal sex experience
deep disappointment, and subsequently lose obsessive interest in it. If you have a deep disgust for
anal sex, and tolerate it only because of your partner, invite the man to try it anally too (with a vibrator or
If he refuses, you get the moral right to refuse him next time, and if he agrees, he will at least
know how you feel, and if he doesn’t like it, it’s likely that he will moderate his ardor. Remember that only literate
anal sex can bring a lot of pleasure to both partners.
The main rule is NOT TO HURRY!
6. Does he want to play some kind of sexual games? Does he share his fantasies with you? Congratulations! You received a lot from a man
a rare and expensive gift - trust and frankness. This is a huge luck, men are quite hidden and conservative
creatures react very painfully to ridicule and at the slightest hint of misunderstanding - they withdraw into themselves, for a long time and
seriously. TAKE CARE OF A man's TRUST if he has opened up to you like the apple of his eye! Sometimes even just words along with
fantasize with him, and he will feel your understanding and support.
7. Does he want you to pretend to be a whore, does he want to rape you? One of the most common fantasies of men.
The origins lie in a subconscious feeling of superiority over a woman, and uncertainty about this in the current reality.
Absolutely do not take the offer of such a game seriously as an insult, it has nothing to do with true feelings
your man does not have this desire. People are prone to everything forbidden. As a rule, it is the intelligent ones who
educated and cultured men enjoy such games; it seems to balance their inner world with
dominant universal human values. Feel like an actress! Feel free to say in this game
obscene and rude expressions, if he wants it, and the man who loves you will be wildly delighted, these are the “spices” of which
he misses the bland life. Similarly, it has been noted that often men in everyday life perform responsible
work, with a lot of psychological stress, they are looking for an opportunity to play “victim”, “performer”, “slave”, etc. That is, they are looking for
unloading with the opposite sign.
8. Warm it up! You can’t imagine how exciting it is for men, the knowledge that you are going to visit, and for example,
no panties today... or today you are walking around at work with a vibrator inserted (if you are walking, of course), Only HE knows about
this, and no one else! Such exclusivity makes them drool and not only... Their imagination will fill them with everything else...
Try it, and he will call you at work ten times to find out how you are doing, what you are thinking about, and what are your plans for the evening... Some
men are really interested in a woman’s inner world, they try to get her to talk, especially about sexual topics...
don’t refuse him this, let him talk about sex with you better than on the side...
9. Men love with their eyes... show him everything, when he wants, how he wants, on purpose and supposedly by accident... Keep him on
this leash. He wants to take a photo of you. Well... But together!
Sometimes it’s enough for them to hang around with a camera or a camera without film around you, the main thing is that you tell him frankly
posed! It is important for him to see, he wants to see it, he is interested in the process itself, and not the result.
As a child... well... we allow children a lot. Men love to watch women masturbate, use
vibrators, etc. And the popularity among men of the spectacle of lesbian caresses generally requires a separate in-depth study.
10. You caught him masturbating... Join him and he is yours body and soul. Don't miss the opportunity quickly
satisfy a man if he asks, even if you don’t have time to get pleasure yourself, or you’re on your period, or you’re afraid
ruin your hair, makeup, be late... Fortunately, a man, as a rule, can be satisfied very quickly manually or
orally. In the hallway, in the entrance, in the car, etc. Men consider this kind of sex very extreme. Then you warm him up
you can persuade him to do anything and resolve any issues with him... Use it.
Apply at least eight out of ten tips, and the average man is yours, as long as you want it...

Bookstore shelves are full of research on how to find the perfect husband. How effective are these tips? We analyzed three bestsellers and looked for techniques that really work.

The 4 Cavaliers Plan by Cindy Lou

Motto: “Date several people at once”

The main advice of the bestseller “Plan 4 Cavalier. The Ideal Man: Find, Choose, Marry,” written by Hollywood actress Cindy Lou in collaboration with Amanda Bynes, date several men at once. More precisely, with four at the same time. For what? According to the authors, this way you get the maximum chance of meeting the “right man”, and in a short time. The book describes each step in great detail: how to present yourself correctly and how to understand that in front of you is exactly the one you need, guided by how he behaves and reacts to your behavior. There are graphs, maps and almost mathematical formulas that convince you that choosing a future spouse is an exact science, and any improvisation is fraught.

You become more confident in yourself, and this sets you apart from other girls.

What will happen in reality. At first, on your first dates, the positive effect of meeting several men at once will be noticeable: you become more confident in yourself, and this distinguishes you from other girls. Sociological studies show that a man can be scared off by feelings of hopelessness and loneliness coming from a woman.

But after the first date, the effectiveness of the “Plan” described in the book depends entirely on the goals you have set: if you are interested in a short-term, easy affair, the “Plan” will come in handy, but if you are looking for a life partner, most likely, these tips will not help, even harm . By dating several men at the same time, you will be overloaded with information and will not get to know any of them as well as you should. You will choose someone with whom it will be easy, fun, carefree, and you will not think about true psycho-physiological compatibility.

A man who feels that you are dating others besides him finds it difficult to open up, to show his true self (by the way, maybe not the most attractive one). He will feel like he is at a competition. But when the race is over, it turns out that you don’t really know this person, you can’t say anything about his hopes, dreams and fears. And it is quite possible that a person closer to you in spirit and life goals will be less successful in this battle.

Conclusion. It is quite acceptable to date several men in parallel at an early stage of communication, but after several meetings you will have to take risks and choose only one that you already liked more than the others.

He Just Doesn't Like You: The Truth About Men by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo

The book “He Just Doesn’t Like You: The Whole Truth About Men” was written by Greg Behrendt in collaboration with Liz Tuccillo and can claim some kind of objectivity, because the advice is given by a man, a heterosexual, who has also very successfully declared himself as one (the only one) male screenwriter) from the writers of the series "Sex and the City". The idea is simple: if you're not sure whether he likes you, then... he doesn't like you. It is pointless to fight for his heart (and other organs), it is better to quit the race and start a new search. And there is no need to wait in vain all night for calls or come up with excuses why he didn’t call or even write a text message. If a man is not indifferent to you, he will break into pieces in order to take a strong position in your heart, and will remain close at all costs, say the authors of the book.

What will happen in reality. We women really tend to get hung up on questions like “At first he liked me, what happened, where is he?!” and look within yourself for the reason for its cooling. Such reflection leads to low self-esteem and a gradual loss of self-esteem. The authors advise, if possible, to abstract yourself from your crush, to look soberly at the relationship, because because of your feelings, you may be incorrectly assessing the situation. If, for example, you gave your phone number, but he didn’t call soon, remember the motto of the book and, without hesitation, go look further.

Everything seems to be logical, if not for one “but”: men have different characters, different temperaments. One, after the first meeting, will start a hunt for you and will not stop until he rings you. Another needs time to think everything over thoroughly, check his feelings, gain courage and make a confession. Therefore, a man’s coldness may mean that he doesn’t like you, or maybe just the opposite! And try to figure it out!

What to do in this case? The only thing that remains is to trust your inner self, this sensitive tuning fork that can intuitively predict what a man’s intentions are. Alas, there is no insurance against error here.

“Men love bitches. A Guide for Too Nice Women by Sherry Argov

Motto: “Play hard to get”

Sherry Argov, a “relationship expert” and author of articles in popular women's magazines, has compiled 100 tips with which, she assures, you can turn even the lowest rag into “the girl of his dreams.” And the dream girl, according to the author, is a bitch “on her own mind” and an unapproachable person. She does not hang herself around the neck of the first person she meets, but reveals herself to her suitors little by little, “in doses,” values ​​her independence and does not allow “anything like that,” perhaps until the wedding and the signing of the marital contract. In general, he pretends to be hard to touch.

Our brains are designed in such a way that people like to learn a little something new about their partner.

What will happen in reality. Your shyness at the initial stage of a relationship can look very romantic and will allow a man to show his best knightly qualities. But when this pink veil settles in the head of a new acquaintance - and this happens quite quickly in adults - interest in the touch-me-not will fade. Unless, of course, you “throw wood” into the relationship from passionate carnal pleasures.

Another important piece of advice is to present information about yourself “in doses” - it can really prolong attention to your person: our brain is designed in such a way that people like to learn a little something new about their partner, gradually discovering new facets of their talents.

And also about the need to have “a little secret and be self-sufficient”: in 2011, one of the studies confirmed that potential partners show more serious interest in a woman if they are not sure that she likes them. In general, Pushkin’s “The less we love a woman, the easier it is for her to like us” also works with men.

If in this game of “cat and mouse” you have “outplayed” a little and look too unapproachable and independent, Sherry Argov gives a recipe for how to get out of such a hole that she dug for herself: she suggests “lowering your own abilities”, becoming, figuratively , "stupid fox."

Asking a man for help, even when you don’t really need it, admiring how he helped you, looking weak and defenseless.

Don't be happy about the call when he should be happy that you answered it.
Don't make concessions if it infringes on your interests.
Don’t cancel your entire day’s plans because he “comes once a month anyway.”
Don’t wait for a call in the middle of the night, even when you’re getting sleepy, turn off your phone and go to bed.
Don't fall in love with eyes that know how to blatantly lie to your face.
Don't be sad when he doesn't call you, but he's online all night.
Don't cry when he forgets your birthday.
Don't think that he has changed since he started showing more attention because you have a new friend...
Don't cry when it seems to you that he doesn't love you anymore.
Don’t re-read his messages when you quarrel to make it easier.
Feel free to put an end to it.
The one who needs it will make sure that you don’t have to push your interests into the background.
The one who needs it will come at least every day.
Anyone who needs it, despite being busy, will find 5 minutes a day to hear you.
The one who needs it will call early and ask you not to go to bed, because he will call you back.
The one who needs it will not lie, if only because he has nothing to hide.
The one who needs it won't let you sit online all night.
The one who needs it will not only not forget about your birthday, he will spend it with you.
The one who needs it will not allow you to make a new acquaintance.
The one who needs it will not give a reason to think that he no longer loves.
The one who needs it will not hang up until everything is cleared up and you make peace.
The one who needs it will know by heart what you did/are doing/will do today.
He will always be there, even if there are kilometers between you.
He will be confident in you and will give you the same.
Because he really needs it.
Don't hang out with a loser.
Not the only pebble on the beach. Comments: 4

01/14/2011 at 19:53 Blog

The truth about bitches. 5 lessons of stervology

What does it mean if you are told “bitch”? Perhaps this is a compliment? What makes a woman a woman, at the sight of whom men cry at the same time from happiness and pain - they know that they will not feel so good with any woman, and they also know that their heart is already at the seams. Comparing historical facts, literary sources and personal experience, I was once again convinced that they idolize bitches, not sheep.
And on this occasion I am going to tell you several lessons, consisting of theoretical and practical parts.
Lesson one or “I” - the first letter in the alphabet

Some men consider the word 'bitch' to be a dirty word. This is because they are powerless. Representatives of the stronger sex consider literate women and girls who know their worth well to be bitches. So we will use this term for the sole purpose of accustoming our ears to it and not being offended if someone calls you that.

A bitch is not at all a disheveled girl in worn-out jeans who nags her boyfriend for an extra bottle of beer and inflicts petty executions on her girlfriends. Oh no! This is a girl of the highest standard - special, exotic, luxurious. And the most interesting thing is

that in each, absolutely each of us there lives a bitch.

A bitch begins with boundless self-love. She can't help but love herself. If she begins to treat herself badly, then her entire radiant appearance will deflate like a punctured balloon. Dear girls! The first step on the path to happiness is the ability to love yourself without offending others! If you want to be a queen always and everywhere, then remember: you have no right not to love yourself. To cultivate narcissism, you don’t need to be born the daughter of Rockefeller and look like Claudia Schiffer. In order to love yourself, you need to learn to live today, now, this minute.


You promise that you will never think this way again:

Tomorrow I will lie in the bathroom, tomorrow I will finally take off my jeans and put on a skirt that has been languishing in the farthest corner of the closet for three months, tomorrow I will go to the hairdresser, and perhaps the day after tomorrow, with oohs and aahs, I will still get ready for shaping. You will promise that there will be no more foggy tomorrows, only joyful today. Where are you - the most long-awaited guest, the best client, the most charming girlfriend. And forget, forget about everyone. At least until you get used to the idea that you are wonderful and good without any additions or corrections. When this happens, you may well give your loved ones a piece of your love.

Lesson 2: catch your luck, that is, Pumpkin!

You probably remember the fairy tale where Cinderella, thanks to a pumpkin, turned from a downtrodden little scoundrel into a first-class bitch who throws away expensive shoes and forces the unfortunate prince to crawl on his knees and try on her shoe for all the young ladies in the city. In general, the moral of this fable is this: your combat arsenal should always include only the best and most fashionable. You'll have to try hard with your clothes. But the result is worth it: first of all, you will know WHAT you are wearing. You will always be ready for unexpected turns of events: if you suddenly fall in love, if you are suddenly invited to a wedding (as a bride), then you will never have to bite your elbows because now you are wearing the wrong pants, the wrong boots and not the same stockings.


First, you need to critically examine your entire wardrobe: from your jacket to your underwear. Everything that does not cause delight in you should be sent to the trash bin or by mail to the village of a second cousin (preferably a fourth cousin) somewhere in the village of Zakhukhaevkoe (or a more decent one). Before you start updating your wardrobe, go to our expensive stores and find out exactly what suits you, what is fashionable, what will go with what. Let this be only three things, but what ones! When you go shopping, don’t take your girlfriend with you - usually they persuade you to buy what they want, and not what really suits you. As for makeup, you have to approach it individually, so I can’t say anything. But remember: the price of both cosmetics and clothing does not guarantee quality, so see for yourself.

Lesson 3: Hunting Super Bison

So, when you have prepared mentally and physically for the role of a bitch, then it’s time to go after the super bison, that is, real men. As you know, simply bison, they are men, are an endangered species, and super bison, that is, real men, are generally something from the realm of fantasy. But we are not looking for simple ways, are we? So where do urban bison graze? In the area of ​​your interests. And these are all kinds of exhibitions about virtual whirlwinds, bars, motorcycle clubs, saunas, men's clothing stores, office equipment stores and car dealerships. You have two huge advantages over other girls who are not bitches. Firstly, they are sure that men themselves will come and catch them in nets, like a fisherman, so they will never appear in the men’s zone of interest. And secondly, all the guys will be simply paralyzed with delight: they have long been tired of lonely bachelor parties, and the appearance of a beautiful girl who can distinguish a bumper from a trunk and at the same time wears translucent shirts, like a UFO phenomenon. Only beware of cunning bitches like you.


You were noticed, as his glances, smiles, and words indicate. Answer him in the same way - interested glances, smiles, words. Just no mediocre ones: “I don’t know. Well, what can I tell you?” You don’t know what it’s like to blush, turn pale and giggle stupidly. Act as if you had known for a long time that he would come up to you to meet you. Intrigue with a sharp word, a clever quote, or your curls that you so gracefully straightened. Always end the conversation first. If you played your role flawlessly, then to the phrase: “I have to go,” he will respond with an invitation to a date.

Lesson 4: How to tame a wild mustang?

When you congratulate yourself on your first bitchy victory, don’t think that this is the same happy ending. It's too early to wallow in bay leaves. The hardest part is yet to come. You need to tame him so that he doesn’t even think about his freedom until you throw him out the door, and then he, like Eugene Onegin, exclaims: “Hateful freedom!” And then there will be letters with blurred lines and bouquets of red roses in front of the door every day. Bloodthirsty? And, in my opinion, it’s very nice.


First, speak up. About him, his merits, talents, prospects, suits, about his computer and cats. Secondly, listen. His thoughts about His talents, about His prospects, suits and cats. If you are a real woman, you will be able to ask the right questions, even without understanding anything about the subject he is hotly discussing. Try not to yawn and, as much as possible, concentrate on one representative of the male tribe. At least at this moment. Look like a sincere and understanding, but not compassionate mommy. Third, look him in the eyes. Silently. For a long time. Passionately. Calling. Fourth, hide your past, even if your friend was the first cloned man on Earth. Boys are jealous. And never ask him about past loves. Girls are jealous too. Why compare how he loved that one and how he loves you now? Everything for the first time, the very first time. Fifth, never engage in emotional striptease. Be frank, but don't lose your mystery. He shouldn't get to know all of you. As soon as you stop teasing his imagination, he will wag his tail and slip away, no matter how you look at him, no matter how silent you are, no matter how you seduce him. Sixth, please re-read all the above points again. And try to remember them better, so that when you put them into practice, you don’t look at the cheat sheet like a careless seventh grader.

Never be white, affectionate and fluffy like Snow White. I'm good. Sounds like an excuse. All this nonsense that the way to the heart is through his stomach is completely unjustified. When you get married, then it will most likely make sense. And now these boys are not looking for a universal food processor, not a psychoanalyst, not an Emergency Nurse, but a Girl. If you think that he will appreciate that you neglected lectures for his sake, quarreled with your parents, stopped eating chocolate, walk in high heels and don’t sleep at night, then you are deeply mistaken. After eating your pancakes, he will say; "Nerd!" - and will go in search of something more peppery. And he will be right. It's better to be the worst person in the world than a dandelion girl.


If, when he sees you, his eyes no longer burn with the flame of love, then you can conduct an experiment. So, he should come, and you have prepared a surprise for him. Candles, champagne, candies, pineapples and strawberries, two wine glasses. Cigarette bulls. You meet him a little drunk, drunk and damn beautiful. His eyes sparkled again; “Who was it?” - “Oh, an acquaintance!” - and not a word more... the fool will scream, and you will understand how wrong you were about him. Smart, and then your happiness will catch the hint on the fly. He will become attentive, seductive, but you don’t give in. You must again become a prize for him in the fight against an unknown opponent. And only when he - pitiful, in love, exhausted - asks for mercy, can you graciously caress him. Because you really love him...

Comments: 14

01/19/2011 at 21:24 Blog

Bitchy expressions!!!

1) I will play adult games with you if you like to lose...
2) Have you been called an Angel? Or maybe you're just a miracle in feathers? 3)
Before you say that your life is chocolate, make sure it is chocolate...
4) The devils carefully examined my soul, then politely returned it back, and ran to wash their hands!
5) Of course, I know that this is not modest, but God forbid everyone is like me!))
6) The brain consists of 80% fluid. And not only is it sluggish, many people haven’t been specifically topped up yet...
7) If I fall, don't laugh you idiot, make a wish, a star has fallen
You don’t need to kiss my feet - I’m not proud... I’ll wipe them on you myself...
9) I would save the world, but I’m already in my pajamas...
10) When you are beautiful, plus you have brains, you can trip over the stacks of.....
11) He: girl, it seems to us that we are on the same path. She: I don’t think so, I don’t give a fuck!
12) If you feel guilty, the main thing is not to turn around, stand there and leave.
13) Pay attention - SKIRTINTH...And remember - this is exactly your level!
14) A beautiful girl always makes you think that she has someone. As a result, it either goes to no one, or to someone who is not capable of any thought.
15) “I want a guy who’s like, “Ah!”, and all around him: “Oh, fuck...”
16) Find my conscience and I will say that I am guilty))
17) I'm so smart! I'll go buy myself something for this)
18) I look and think, you’re a healthy closet, but the mezzanine is empty
19) I can’t remain faithful for long, it quickly deteriorates
20) I love flirting, I love to smile, say and hear compliments, leave light traces of hope in the hearts of men... But know, I haven’t cheated on any of my boyfriends...
21) Treat me like a child, control me, teach me... I will kick, get angry, disobey, but if you succeed...... I will stay with you forever……….
22) I will live the way you are embarrassed!
23) Anyone can offend me... but not everyone has time to apologize
24) So what if the wind is in your head?! But the thoughts are always fresh...
25) If I live, I will see, if I live, I will know, if I live, I will take into account
26) A woman should belong to the man who will solve problems and not create new ones.
27) I know about my complex character... I don’t care!... You can either love me or hate me. Both of these suit me completely.
28) Don’t destroy my nerve cells, my nervous tigers live in them...
29) I want to turn away from the path of debauchery... But there are not enough turns
30) My thin heel trampled your soul...Do you care? You will marry a cow...You will watch TV and drink beer. And I continue to live the same way... BEAUTIFUL!
31) I don’t talk to strangers in bed.
32) They say that everything passes, Well, come on, pass it already, you’re blocking my future
33) Stupid girls drunk call their ex, smart girls call their future!
34) Where can I get to you? It will take a very long time to go down...
35) I understand that the house should be cleaned and there should be something to eat. I just don’t understand, what does this have to do with me?
36) wonderful girls don’t lie on the road. they need to be taken away from idiots who don’t value them..]
37) I am a very polite girl... and even when I send a person to three places, I always call back and worry... did he get there successfully!)))
38) There are a lot of missed messages on our mobile, simply because the bag is big and too lazy to look
40) Thank you for having me..
41) don’t follow him, it flatters him, take care of yourself, love yourself so much that you become envious
42) My whim is your problem)))
43) Don’t trust your lips that say “go away”, but believe your eyes that ask you to “wait”
44) At night I cry, screaming in pain. And in the morning I get up, put on heels, a dress, a smile and move on with life...
45) If beauty saves the world, then all hope lies only in me!
46)My body is your reward, and my character is your punishment.
47) It’s better to look good than to cook well
48)Forget you? What you! I would like to remember you first.
50) it’s probably very cynical to lie in bed with a man and say to yourself: “I’m sleeping in a new place, I dreamed about the bridegroom”

Do you want to interest him and keep him? Stop pleasing, become a bitch!
The Eksmo publishing house is publishing a book by a New York expert on family relationships, the author of several world bestsellers and 50 American magazines, Sherry Argov. Having studied the relationships of many couples and talked with hundreds of men, Sherry examines typical situations in relationships and shows how a woman’s reaction affects them further development.
The author believes that women should understand how much men value the excitement of hunting and competition. Competition is the most important thing for them. Men love racing cars, enjoy sports and hunting. They enjoy fixing things, figuring things out, and pursuing things. The game of cat and mouse that drives women crazy only excites men. This is the main difference between the sexes. For a woman, the main task is to maintain strong and preferably legalized relationships. This is the destination. For a man, the main part of family relationships is the path to the destination.
Sherry Argov has developed 100 principles that allow a woman to constantly maintain a man's interest. Telesem selected the main ones.

20 Secrets that will keep him in good shape

1 The women for whom men climb walls are not necessarily special. Often they simply don’t care about these men.
2 If you start showing your dependence, it turns a man off. But if there is something he can't get, a man goes crazy until he gets it.
3 A man always treats you exactly the same way you treat yourself.
4 Consider yourself a gift from fate, and then a man will think the same about you.
5 The bitch demonstrates that she is not afraid to be left without a man.
6 When a woman does not give in to advances right away, when she is unavailable, a man wants to conquer her.
7 If you tell a man that you won't rush into a relationship, he will make every effort to get you to change your mind.
8 If you start to overprotect a man, he will look for escape routes to protect his freedom.
9 When a woman demands too much from a man, he avoids commitment. Let him give you what he is willing to give without coercion. And look what he is.
10 A bitch always leaves enough space for a man so that he is not afraid of ending up in a cage. And then... he goes out of his way to lure her into the cage.
11 Always let a man understand that he is free and free in his actions. Then he will relax and lower his defenses.
12 He needs to know that you are with him by choice, and not because of need.
13 As soon as a woman begins to compete with another woman, she puts herself down.
14 Let a man think he has everything under control. He will automatically start doing what you want because he wants to be a king for you.
15 Sometimes a man doesn’t call deliberately to see your reaction.
16 A bitch always puts her own dignity above everything else.
17 Set conditions and don’t lose yourself! Then you will let the man know who you are: a doormat or the girl of his dreams.
18 Before sex, a man cannot think soberly, but a woman remains clear-headed.
19 Every man wants sex and does not think about starting a relationship. Take your time! By not giving what you want, you become his girlfriend, and he won’t even have time to realize it.
20 If a man has to wait until a woman agrees to go to bed with him, he will perceive her as a real beauty and will appreciate her.

By the way!

93% of men admitted that they begin to appreciate a woman more when she:
rarely calls herself and doesn’t always pick up
refuses a date if it is scheduled at the last minute
doesn't lose his head after sex
has her own hobbies and does not neglect them for the sake of a man
controls emotions without showing your affection for him
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Photo Russian Look/Age fotostock

Aldebaran Library:

Sherry Argov

I want to be a bitch! A guide for real women

Eksmo; 2004

ISBN 5 699 04984 3

Original: Sherry Argov, “Why Men Love Bitches”

Translation: Tatyana Novikova


Sherry Argov has developed 100 unique principles of female irresistibility that will help you stand firmly on your feet, believe in your absolute exclusivity and one hundred percent attractiveness, remove all the questions that have been troubling you and build your relationship with a “new” or “old” man in a completely different way, according to your own rules!

Sherry Argov

I want to be a bitch!

A guide for real women

I dedicate this book to my parents


My book is a personal relationship guide for women who are “too nice.” Don't take the word "bitch" in the title too seriously. After reading my book, you will understand that you need to treat everything with humor, including the title.

This book is about something that many women think about but never talk about. Every woman is afraid of appearing too demanding or too dependent to a man. Every woman had a man in her life who persistently pursued her, but as soon as she gave in, he immediately lost interest in her. Every woman knows what it's like when all your virtues are taken for granted. These problems are familiar to any woman, married or single.

So why do men love bitches? You must understand the serious difference between the meaning of this word in everyday speech and what I mean by it. Of course, I don't advise women to become evil monsters. The bitches I'm talking about are not Joan Collins heroines or the classic office bitches who hate all their co-workers.

The women I describe are kind but strong. They have power, even if it is small. They do not give their lives into the wrong hands, they do not hunt for a man. They do not allow a man to think that he owns them one hundred percent. And they are always ready to stand up for themselves when a man crosses the line of what is permitted.

Each such woman knows what she wants, but does not compromise to get it. And for all that, she remains feminine, like a “steel magnolia” - a flower on the outside, steel on the inside. She uses femininity to her own advantage. She doesn't deceive men and plays fair. She has one quality that “good girls” lack: a sober mind. She does not indulge in romantic fantasies. A clear mind allows her to use her power if it becomes necessary.

In addition, it has the ability to withstand pressure. If a “good girl” gives and gives and gives until her reserves of strength are completely exhausted, a woman with a sober mind knows perfectly well when to pull the blanket over herself.

I spoke to hundreds of men while writing this book, and 90 percent of them laughed and agreed with the title of my book at first glance. Some men perceived this name as the main male secret, which for some reason became available to a woman. “Men need a mental challenge,” they said. And we returned to the same topic again and again.

The men I talked to spoke differently, but the meaning of their words did not change. “Men like it when a woman retains some bitchiness and mystery,” they said. And two points became clear to me. First, men constantly used the term “mental challenge” to describe a woman who they felt needed for nothing. And secondly, in their vocabulary the word “bitch” served as an analogue of “mental challenge.” And it was this characteristic that men found most attractive.

As soon as I mentioned “mental challenge” in a conversation with men, they immediately understood what quality I meant. On the other hand, when I talked to hundreds of women, almost none of them understood the meaning of this phrase. Women believed that it was about character, not demanding and dependent. And these interviews convinced me even more of the need to write this book. If something is so obvious to men, then it should not remain a secret to women.

This book is about what men don't do. They don’t say: “Listen, stop being a doormat!”, “Don’t always agree with me!”, “Don’t consider me the center of your world!” This book is necessary because here you will learn about things that men never tell their partners.

I wanted you to understand one basic point: success in love does not depend on appearance, it depends entirely on character. The media is trying to convince us otherwise. Teenage girls buy magazines and read: “Attract the attention of boys” with clothes or cosmetics. “This nail polish or lipstick will be noticed by all the men around,” the magazine convinces. And what does the girl learn? Because she must win everyone's approval.

How do magazines deal with growing up, not to mention aging?! A teenage girl becomes a twenty-year-old woman, and magazines bombard her with all the horrors of aging. The meaning of all articles and advertisements is the same: “Two wrinkles and a stretch mark on the hips - and you’re already thrown out of the market. At best, they’ll buy you at a discount.” What does a woman learn? How to overcome someone's disapproval.

What is my book written about? About how you need a little irreverence to raise your self-esteem to normal levels. I'm not talking about being disrespectful to people, just what they think. A bitch is a strong woman who derives her strength from her ability to think independently. But modern society is trying with all its might to teach a woman to forget about her own interests and live someone else’s life. The bitch doesn’t want to live by other people’s standards, she has her own.

A bitch always plays by her own rules, she is confident, free and strong. And I hope that after reading my book, many women will discover these wonderful qualities in themselves.

A woman who has successful relationships with men will awaken in herself other qualities that I talk about in this book: a sense of humor and a magical aura that tells everyone around: “I am driving this train. I’ll tell you where we’re going and when to go.” Such a woman knows what needs to be done for her own interests, and she does not need anything or anyone. She is here because it is her own choice.

The bitches that men love so much have all these qualities. They live on the edge. It is this facet that men find so irresistible. The main thing is that such women do not need to look for such qualities somewhere outside. They are always present in their own nature.

NOTE: In the descriptions of real life situations given in my book, first and last names have been changed at the request of the participants

Chapter 1

From doormat to the girl of his dreams

Consider yourself a gift from fate, and then he will believe you

Sexual attractiveness is 50 percent what you actually have and 50 percent what other people think you have.

Sophia Loren

Meet a nice girl.

Each of us knows good girls. It's about a woman willing to give literally everything to a man she barely knows, without asking for anything in return. This is a woman who blindly believes everything because she wants reciprocal affection. She is ready to do whatever she thinks her man wants. Such a woman wants to maintain personal relationships at any cost. And many of us have been in similar situations.

And this is completely unsurprising. Pick up any fashion magazine and read what advice the so-called “experts” give on personal relationships. “First play hardball to win him over, then cook him a sumptuous four-course meal... Bake him a cake with exotic Malay spices for Valentine's Day. Don't forget to decorate the cake with organic strawberries, which you'll have to travel two hours to get. Then serve it all up to him on the second date while wearing your fanciest black lace lingerie.” What do you think this is a recipe for? DISASTER!


Everything that a person hunts for in his life inevitably escapes.

This is especially true for men. With one small exception: if you hunt him in black lace lingerie, he will have sex with you first... and then sneak away.

Why do men slip away in such situations? They run because the woman's behavior does not indicate that she values ​​herself highly. The relationship is at an early stage, and the connection between the partners is still superficial. And the woman is already putting her strongest trump cards on the table.

In fact, with such behavior a woman convinces a man of one of two things. Either she has already despaired of finding a partner, or she is ready to enter into a relationship with any man. Or maybe both at the same time. And this extinguishes his interest in a woman more than anything else. As soon as a man stops respecting a woman because, in his opinion, she does not value herself, he loses the desire to become closer to her. And here it doesn’t matter whether she’s wearing black lingerie or not.

The girl of his dreams does not go out of her way to please someone. That's why the woman a man truly falls in love with probably won't cook him a sumptuous four-course meal. And it’s unlikely that she sets the table with fine china. At best, he can count on one dish (most likely popcorn). And porcelain plates are generally a luxury. A plastic bowl and that’s enough. She will simply ask: “Do you prefer, straight from the bag or poured into a bowl?” Six months later, the same woman will finally cook dinner and serve it on a warm plate. And what will a man say to himself then? “Wow, I’m still nothing!”

Even if the plate contains ordinary pasta with meatballs bought at the nearest deli. The man will still say: “This is the most delicious pasta I have ever eaten in my life!”

And then he will feel like a king. The only difference is how much time and effort he will have to put into it. What is obtained with difficulty is valued more.


The women for whom men climb walls are not necessarily anything special. Very often they simply don’t care about these men.

This is not at all about playing some games or manipulating others. You must determine whether you are truly demanding and dependent, or whether you want to be an equal partner in the relationship. The main thing for you is to be able to preserve yourself as you are within any relationship.

What happens if you one day let a man know that you are ready to bend to his demands? He will immediately assume that you are desperate and will want to see how far you are willing to bend. Such is human nature. He will immediately begin to test you. The more flexible you are, the higher his demands will be. He'll treat you like a Duracell battery: how far will he go? What more could he get from her?

Good girls need to understand what bitches have known for a long time. The desire to please and fulfill any desire weakens a man’s respect for you. In practice, you are destroying your attractiveness in his eyes with your own hands. Your relationship is doomed, it's just a matter of how long it will last.

Most men don't see women who jump out of their skin as a mental challenge. An intelligent woman makes the mistake of thinking that if she talks to a man about politics and is well versed in stock market issues, she is stimulating his mind during dinner. But mental challenge has nothing to do with talking.

The mental challenge determines whether you can expect respect from a man or not. It depends on how you treat it. It depends on him understanding that you are not afraid of losing him.

A good girl makes the mistake of making it clear that she is available to a man at any time. "I don't want to play games," she says. Thus, she lets him know how afraid she is to be left without him. And then the man understands that the woman belongs 100 percent to him. It is at this moment that the woman begins to complain: “He never has time for me. He's no longer as romantic as he used to be."

The bitch is more selective when it comes to availability. Sometimes it is available, sometimes it is not. But she's nice. Pretty enough to be the first thing that comes to a man’s mind when he decides to see someone. After all, sometimes she agrees to meet with him. What follows from all this? That she does not belong completely to the man.

What can you say about a woman who is ready to do anything just to see a man? The man is sure that she will not escape from him. After a couple of dates, he starts meeting with friends, staying late at work, calling and canceling an appointment with this woman. When a woman arrives in the middle of the night to see a man, the only thing she's missing is a neon sign that says, "We Provide Delivery."


A man perceives a woman as a mental challenge only if he is not sure that she belongs to him one hundred percent.

How you spend time with a man also says a lot. A good girl, after a week of dating, sits modestly in a chair while the man goes about his business. He might be watching sports on TV, cleaning his fishing gear, tuning his guitar, or working on his car. The girl will suffer, but will not say a word. Instead, she will try with all her might to hide her boredom, just to spend at least some time in his company.

The bitch, on the other hand, will immediately start complaining. No wonder she’s a bitch. And that's not bad at all. But the man will understand that he cannot wipe his feet on her. But remember that mental challenge has nothing to do with verbal scandals. It's only about your actions and the extent to which you are willing to sacrifice your interests. Let's say a man says he loves blondes. You have dark skin, brown eyes and black hair. On your next date, he sees you with bleached hair and bleached eyebrows. What is he thinking? He understands that you are entirely in his hands.

“The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach,” says popular wisdom. This is true, but no one said that you have to spend the whole day at the stove like a slave to feed him. Whether you feed him home-cooked delicacies or snacks from a nearby deli, his stomach will be full. So love is guaranteed for you. This is where a simple rule comes into play: if the food is hot, he will eat it. Everything else is just wasted effort.

Women are accustomed to sacrificing themselves and forgetting about their own interests. I have never seen an article in any men's magazine about how to prepare a four-course meal for a woman. The most that these publications are capable of is advice for those involved in bodybuilding. Tough guys need egg whites with added wheat germ.

I brought up cooking because it's one of the ways women demean themselves. Of course, I don’t want to say that you should completely forget the way to the kitchen. No, you can very well have a celebratory dinner on the occasion of your wedding anniversary or in honor of his birthday. It's nice and doesn't oblige you to anything.

On special occasions, when a man understands what he did to deserve the encouragement, he perceives your cooking as a reward. If you go out of your way every day, he will take your efforts for granted. Since this book is for women, I consider myself entitled to offer you several recipes that are perfect for the first weeks of dating. And, unlike the recipes of professional chefs, they are very easy to remember. You don't even need to write them down.

Popcorn a la carte

I highly recommend that you pay attention to popcorn because it is very convenient to prepare and does not require much time. First place the bag in the microwave, when all the grains “explode”, carefully remove the bag from the oven as it will be very hot. Don't forget to wear a special mitten, an apron, or use a potholder. Your appearance will not only make a deep impression on the guest, but will also let him know that you know what you are doing.

If the popcorn is burnt, inspect it carefully. If it only burns on top, throw away the black grains and serve the yellow ones to your guest, after pouring them into a bowl. And then put a new bag in the oven for yourself.

Required quantity: one and a half bags will be enough.

Delicacy dish for gourmets

Bring water to a boil and place two sausages in it. Cook the sausages for five minutes until they are still firm or semi-solid. Offer your guest a refreshing drink. Then send him to the balcony so he can enjoy the amazing view - even if your window faces a parking lot. While he doesn't see you, cut the sausages into thin slices and stick a toothpick into each one. Show off your creativity by choosing toothpicks in a variety of colors. Now serve small slices of sausage with two “delicacy condiments”: ketchup and mustard. And never tell your guest that these are just sausages. Always call them a “gourmet delicacy.”

And now a little tip for dessert: buy a ready-made roll and serve it with coffee (of course instant). The perfect way to end your meal is with some mint gum. Personally, I recommend Wrigley's Peppermint, Wrigley's Spermint or Trident.

You will know that your dinner was a success when the man insists on inviting you to the restaurant next time. Never in your life will you hear the sacramental phrase from him again: “Well, what are we having for lunch today?”

If after some time he forgets himself and still asks you to cook something, offer him your signature dishes: popcorn, sausages and a ready-made roll with instant coffee, as well as mint gum for dessert. And then start dressing up, because you will be invited to the restaurant in an hour.

A bitch is not a woman who will sit at home and spend her time honing the art of “keeping” a man. The only thing she needs is good company. This will be more than enough before a man can earn something more.

At the beginning of a relationship, pay special attention to the following. If a man does not want to do anything for you during the courtship period, this means that he is unlikely to be able to offer you anything in the future. This behavior is unworthy of you. You deserve better. And you must let the man understand this. Do you have to work overtime? If a man has something to offer you, but you don't allow him to, he will have no choice but to back down. When a good girl puts herself down, her behavior says, “What I can offer you is clearly not enough. And I’m not good enough myself.” The bitch, on the other hand, sends a completely different message to her partner: “I’m good on my own. Be satisfied with this or get out." Now let's make a little comparison.

The foundations of relationships are laid from day one. From the very beginning, he consciously (yes, yes, consciously!) tries to find out how much he can get from them.

Telephone etiquette also speaks volumes. Are you waiting for a man to call so you can make your own plans? Do you go crazy if he doesn't call? Do you call back yourself? Are you showing that you were waiting for his call?

In fact, most men don't deliberately call women to see their reaction. If a woman is anxious, she is easy to control. And the man immediately understands what the woman wants and how much she needs him. Please forget about everything you read in fashion magazines, where psychologists explained to you why a man calls so rarely.


Sometimes a man doesn't deliberately call to see your reaction.

The nature of a man is such that he always tests the waters to understand how far he can go into it. You have noticed this more than once in the behavior of children and even dogs. The same thing happens in personal relationships between men and women.

Men love to pull the blanket over themselves. This gives them confidence in their own abilities. No man will say: “Honey, I need to understand how our relationship is developing.” Instead, he will pull the blanket over himself with all his might to see how you react to it. If you react emotionally, he understands that he has complete control over you. And if you react emotionally often enough, then over time the man ceases to perceive you as a mental challenge. If he can never predict how you will react, you present him with a mystery and remain a mental challenge.

And this behavior gives a man what he absolutely needs: freedom. If you haven't heard from him for longer than usual, show him that it doesn't bother you at all. This behavior will make him worry about whether you missed him (that is, needed him) while he was not around. This will make him pay more attention to you because he will no longer feel that you are dependent on him.

Try never to ask a man: “Why didn’t you call me? Why haven’t you shown up to me for a whole week?” If you pretend that you didn't notice it at all (because you had something to do without him), he will immediately be drawn to you. Why? Because he will not be sure that you belong one hundred percent only to him. Most girls' magazines give them the following completely wrong advice. The authors of the articles recommend leaving notes for men in the most unexpected places (for example, in his backpack or wallet) or writing poetry and leaving them in even more unexpected places. I assure you that this alone is enough for a man to run from you like fire... But the magazines don’t stop there. They recommend that girls stalk a man and just as unexpectedly “deliver him pizza.” Well, where could it be better?! Put all the advice together and what do you get? The magic recipe for convincing a man that you are a pursuer by nature who cannot live a day without him.


If you start to show dependence, it turns a man off. But if there is something that he cannot get, a man will go crazy until he achieves it.

I don’t want to teach you how to manipulate people and play a dishonest game. No, you just have to understand human nature and behave accordingly. A man always wants what he cannot get. When meeting a woman who seems inaccessible to him, he perceives her as a challenge and strives with all his might to accept this challenge and win her favor.

If a man tries to force a woman to become dependent on him, but she continues to maintain her pride and dignity, the dynamic of the relationship changes. The same guy who just wasn't paying attention to you gains faith. He begins to fantasize about how wonderful it would be if such a bitch cooked him dinner, washed his socks, or paid attention to him in some way. But as soon as you show your dependence on a man, all the same things cease to be of any value to him.

Another mistake that women often make. They often humiliate themselves. When you go on a date, you shouldn't talk about the plastic surgery you're about to undergo or the fact that you need to lose weight.

Never refuse compliments. Take them for granted. You must know your worth and never lower it to please a man.

How should you treat yourself? “This is me in all my glory! And there is no one in the world better than me!” Don't waste your money on a therapist. Just say it to yourself and believe in your own words. And when you and I believe in it, he will immediately believe it too.

Humiliation? Don't worry. It is completely curable. This is a bad habit that is easy to break. If you catch yourself being excessively modest, or humiliating, or some other nonsense of this kind, correct the situation immediately. Immediately convince yourself that you are a real treasure, and then everyone around you will believe it. Dot. End. Case is closed. If anyone tries to take away your newfound confidence, that's their problem. Why? Because you will always be one step ahead of him, that's why!

So, let's summarize. Have you ever heard that men always love their ex-girlfriends? They elevate them to such a height that when you accidentally see their photographs, you cannot believe your eyes. You immediately want to say: “Listen, honey, she’s the closest thing to the main character in the movie Lassie Comes Home!” But you shouldn’t do this, because he will immediately rush to her defense: “She looked much better in life.” Don't haggle...try again. “Yes, did she look better? (Pause.) Yes, it looks like a very bad photo.” (I remind you once again: do not bargain!)

A woman must understand that when a man views a woman as a prize and a gift, he sees practically nothing. In the above example, a simple trick works: she acts like a prize, and a funny thing happens. He completely forgets who he is looking at.