KALI CARBONICUM - Lectures on homeopathic MATERIA MEDICA. Potassium carbonicum (homeopathy, indications for use)

Today I will study with you Potassium Carbonate, known in our nomenclature as Kali Carbonicum (potassium carbonate). It is a complement to Carbo veg. and resembles it in many forms of disease, especially pneumonia. Sometimes, when one remedy fails, another supplements the treatment; hence the additional relation of these means to each other. We have a number of analogues of Kali carbonicum, some of which are shown on the table. We will have a chance to get acquainted with some of them below. There is also some additional relationship between Kali carb. and Phosphorus.

Kali carb. influences hematopoiesis both quantitatively and qualitatively. This is proven by the anemia caused by this remedy. It is characterized by the following symptoms: frequent chilling; every time the patient goes outside, he feels cold if the air is slightly cool, due to the lack of normal resistance to external temperature; in perfect accordance with this anemia, a beating is noticed in blood vessels all over the body. This is not plethora (plethora), but only a semblance of plethora. It is associated with local congestions, which are essentially anemic in origin; The blood volume is normal, but the number of red blood cells is lower than normal. A rush of blood to the head is accompanied by a buzzing in the ears. The patient suffers from dizziness when turning the head quickly, or when riding in a carriage, or in general in all those cases when the blood flow to the brain decreases. The patient suffers from weakness of vision, especially following severe sexual excesses.

Because of this anemia we find Kali carbonicum indicated after severe and prolonged illnesses. Thus, it is useful against weakness after childbirth or miscarriage, in the presence of the following symptoms; very excruciating back pain; a feeling of weakness that makes walking difficult for the patient; The patient suffers from cough and frequent night sweats. Persistent bleeding from the uterus. Urine is rich in uric acid salts. This last symptom, an abundance of urate salts, indicates great decomposition of the tissues, and is a clear proof of the depletion which Kali carb. causes and cures.

You remember that I mentioned Kali carb. among the means that cause severe exhaustion muscular system, and with this depletion, an abundance of uric acid salts in the urine is very often observed.

Kali carb. acts not only on voluntary muscles, but also on the heart. The heart weakens when this remedy is indicated, and therefore you observe that the pulse is irregular or intermittent, or it is very weak, although fast. This character of the pulse in Kali carb. will characterize any disease for which you can give this remedy. This is a characteristic feature that constitutes one of the main symptoms for this remedy; so you will rarely find that Kali carb. was indicated in the presence of a full, round pulse.

An abundance of urate salts in the urine, indicating exhaustion from the disease, also occurs with other remedies. May be, the best remedy Our pharmacology for this symptom, other things being equal, is Causticum. But this statement requires clarification. Remember this. A symptom of this nature does not have the same significance as any symptom on the part of the brain. It is characteristic in its place, and yet, if there are symptoms more characteristic of some other remedy, then you should not think about the meaning of Causticum. Suppose you have a patient with other symptoms requiring Kali carb., for example, let it be a woman after childbirth, with back pain, sweats and other important symptoms; then you can safely give Kali carb. But if we have a patient with no other outstanding symptoms other than this abundance of uric acid salts in the urine, then Causticum will help us out.

Another remedy for this symptom is Senna, which is one of the best remedies in our pharmacology against simple exhaustion with increased destruction of nitrogenous substances.

The peculiar combination of symptoms that we have with Kali carb. - sweat, back pain and weakness - does not occur with any other remedy. It works equally well in both high and low divisions.

You may also think of Calcarea phosphorica, which comes close to Kali carb., due to profuse sweating, weakness and paleness of the skin.

As a remedy also similar to Kali carb., Psorinum deserves attention, which, as is already known, is extremely useful in recovering from illnesses, if there is weakness, profuse sweating, and, in addition, complete despair. The patient despairs of a complete recovery.

Now let's look at the action of Kali carb. on the nervous system. Mentally, the patient appears to be extremely capricious, nervous, and flinches (scared) very easily. You see this a lot in women. They become frightened by imaginary hallucinations; it seems to them that there is someone in the room, or that some figure is passing in front of them and tormenting them. This fearfulness is especially evident at the slightest, especially unexpected, noise or knock, for example, when simply locking a door or window. They not only shudder, as happens to many healthy people under similar circumstances, but they become frightened and begin to tremble. In some cases, when Kali carb. is indicated, you meet with serious mental disorder. The patient does not seem to be interested in anything. This indifference is associated with severe bodily exhaustion. The patient, usually a woman, answers questions with difficulty, as if not knowing exactly what to say or what she wants. This condition is somewhat reminiscent of Acidum phosphoricum, but the apathy of these two remedies does not seem to be completely identical. Kali carb. does not have sensory apathy, but with it there is exhaustion, too strong for the patient to give answers that correspond to your questions. You will often find these symptoms requiring Potassium Carbonate in postpartum mania and puerperal fever.

As a symptom of the nervous system, with Kali carb. we may also encounter convulsions. The patient does not lose consciousness during convulsions; Therefore, this remedy is not indicated for real epilepsy; but it may be indicated in puerperal eclampsia, when the spasms seem to subside with the belching of flatus.

The spine suffers in a Kali carb patient. very much. In addition to the already mentioned pain in the back, due to anemia or miscarriage, we encounter irritation of the spinal cord, which, we note in passing, is the same unclear symptom as any other general symptom, for example, headache. You should always know the cause of such spinal cord irritation. Does it come from loss of juices, from brain disease, or from something else. The patient has Kali carb. you will often find it in connection with uterine symptoms. Therefore, you will have pressure in the sacrum, as if some large weight is pressing down there. There is also a pressing down and in the area of ​​the uterus during menstruation and a burning sensation along the spine, especially along the right side. It is not actually congestion. This is only a subjective sensation caused by irritation of the posterior spinal nerves. Back pain worsens when walking. The patient feels so exhausted that she must sit on a chair or lean on something. In the morning there is sometimes a pulsation in the sacrum, quite similar to the pulsations that occur in other parts of the body. Here the remedy is quite similar to Sepia and the well known Cimicifuga. This pulsating and nagging pain pain in the back is most likely relieved when the patient lies down. This brings you to the comparison between Kali carb. and Natrum muriaticum. The similarity of the spinal symptoms - irritation of the spinal cord, pain in the back and relief from lying down - immediately strikes you. Natrum muriaticum has special relief from lying straight on the back on a hard bed. Additionally, you will find that these two remedies complement each other in treating amenorrhea. Hahnemann says that Kali carb. causes menstruation even in cases where Natrum mur., although indicated, does not give success.

Once I was able to cure with Kali carb. a case of peculiar back pain. A very nervous patient came to me for advice about dyspepsia. “Something very strange is happening to me,” she told me, “Every time I eat something, I have severe back pain that lasts half an hour or more.” This was, of course, a strange symptom. I didn’t know if it was available in pharmacology. But I started looking and found Kali carb. such a symptom: back pain while eating. I gave her Kali carb., which cured her completely.

On mucous membranes Kali carb. acts, causing a number of catarrhal symptoms. We can give it for a runny nose with hoarseness or loss of voice. The patient catches a cold whenever the slightest action fresh air. This is very acute symptom Potassium carbonate. Patient Kali carb. has a tendency towards obesity, and his muscular system rather poorly developed. With the catarrhal symptoms of this remedy there is often a sensation as if there is a lump stuck in the throat that needs to be swallowed. The neck is stiff: the tongue is elongated. During swallowing, a stitching pain is felt in the throat, exactly the same as with Apis.

Sometimes we have more chronic form catarrh of the nose; the nasal passages are blocked, and the patient can only breathe with his mouth open. Nasal congestion is relieved in the open air and returns as soon as the patient enters a warm room. There is a smelly flow from the nose green slime, or the nose turns out to be swollen and red in the morning, with bloody fluid flowing from it. With every cold, there is a tingling sensation in the throat, as if there is a fish bone stuck there. This is a good symptom for Kali carb. You will find it very accurately marked in the Allen Encyclopedia.

In addition to these symptoms, there is almost always an accumulation of mucus in the throat. The patient coughs and expectorates in the morning. This expectoration is observed with all alkalis, but with no other remedy there is this peculiarity - the sensation of the presence of a fish bone in the throat with every cold and “spitting”. This sensation of the presence of a splinter or a fish bone in the throat also occurs with Hepar. Acidum nitricum, Alumen, Carbo veg. and Argentum nitricum.

For coughs Kali carb. sometimes it's beneficial. The cough appears in attacks and is accompanied by suffocation and vomiting of sour mucus and food. This gives a reason to use Kali carb. for whooping cough, and it turned out to be very useful for this disease. Boenninghausen has given us the characteristic symptom of Kali carb., namely, a small sac filled with a clear fluid appears between the upper eyelids and the eyebrows. You will see this symptom often. I only warn you not to confuse it with a similar phenomenon, which, however, does not have any pathological value and occurs in elderly people due to the known looseness of the tissues in this place.

Now about the action of Kali carb. to the lungs. We find it indicated in bronchitis, pneumonia and pulmonary consumption. Below I will show you the indications for its use for each of these diseases separately. The most characteristic symptom that runs through the entire symptomatology of this remedy is stitching pain, localized mainly in the walls of the chest. These pains are aggravated by movement, but appear in contrast to the pains of Bryonia, and independently of this aggravation. The most characteristic location of these pains is the lower third of the right lung, passing through the chest into the back. They can appear throughout the chest, but they are most common in the above location. Then, they may also have a wandering character and appear throughout the body. Here is Kali carb. reminds you of Kali bichromicum, Pulsatilla and Sulfur.

Kali carbonicum is indicated for pneumonia or capillary bronchitis in children, with the following symptoms: severe shortness of breath; although there is a lot of mucus in the chest, it is difficult to cough up. The child is so suffocated that he can neither sleep nor drink. Breathing is accompanied by wheezing and whistling, and the child is tormented by a suffocating cough. Here you should compare Kali carb carefully. with Antimonium tartaricum and choose which of these two remedies is better suited to the case. When one is shown, the other cannot be used.

For consumption Kali carb. indicated in cases where the patient’s physique corresponds to this. The patient's face is puffy, as with alkalis in general. In addition, there are characteristic stabbing pains in the chest and throughout the body, with swelling of the upper eyelids. The cough is difficult. The patient cannot cough up phlegm. He coughs it up only partly, but it slides back down his throat. If you examine this sputum, you will find it often bloody, with an admixture of small lumps of pus scattered throughout it. All symptoms are worse from 3 to 5 am. This hour of deterioration belongs to all potassium salts in general. There is also a very persistent sensation, namely: chilling at noon.

Kali carb. indicated for cardiac inflammation, endo- and pericarditis, and in the presence of characteristic stabbing pains. Don't give it too soon in these cases. It is not one of the remedies suitable in the early stages of heart disease, but is indicated much later, when deposits have already formed on the heart valves.

The same stitching pains with Kali carb. We also find it in back pain, a very persistent form of rheumatism. The same symptom occurs with a threatened miscarriage, as well as during childbirth: sharp stabbing pains in the lumbar region, shooting down from the buttocks to the thighs. The same kind of pain speaks for the use of this remedy for nephritis.

Finally, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that these same stabbing pains serve as an indication for the use of Kali carb. with childbed fever, depending mainly on inflammation of the uterus (metritis). Sharp, stabbing cutting pains in the abdomen, the abdomen is swollen and distended, the urine is dark and in scanty quantities, the pulse is fast but weak, and the patient’s mental state is the same as I described at the beginning of this lecture.

One more symptom, and we’ll be done with this remedy; I’ll also say about its use for gastric neuralgia (dyspepsia). It is required for indigestion, especially in elderly people who have lost a lot of vital juices, when there is a feeling of weakness and emptiness in the stomach before eating and bloating after eating, especially after soup or coffee. In this case, there are sour belches, heartburn and an unpleasant nervous state when the patient is hungry. You see that Kali carb. – a remedy that is indicated for a wide variety of diseases, but this remedy, for the same reason as many others, is very often neglected in practice, because hasty and careless doctors prefer to stick to routine.

Potassium carbonicum (according to Vithoulkas)

As Kent noted, Kali carb. is a remedy whose essence is difficult to grasp, both in the patient and in the Materia Medica. The main pattern of the patient is not easily seen from the tests and is known mainly to experienced homeopaths who are able to make careful and systematic observations. However, it is very important to understand it because Kali carb. - a drug that, if prescribed early enough to prevent the pathology from developing to an incurable stage, acts very deeply and for a long time.

Kali carb type patient. has a special personality: he is dogmatically committed to a strong sense of duty, reaching the point of inflexible, rigid manifestations. In such a tense state, the mind constantly exercises iron control over perceptions, behavior and emotions. Such a person is forced to see the world in black and white and evaluate every phenomenon as right or wrong. His appearance and behavior are correct and tense. He is stoic, does not complain, is dogmatic, follows the books. In the field of psychology, the Kali carb personality type. personifies the “anal-retentive” type. To such a person, life seems solid, clear, unchanging and functional. Such people often become police officers, prosecutors, translators or accountants, i.e. choose activities where routine, correctness and a sense of duty are valued.

In this sense, the Kali carb type patient. overly mentalized. This is not mentalization in the sense of philosophizing, mental creativity or analysis, but rather the overuse of the mind as a mechanism for controlling emotional expression and physical functioning. Mind Kali carb. systematic, correct and routine oriented. He strives for clearly defined, black-and-white, dogmatic situations and functions.

Such a patient may seem devoid of emotions to others, because emotions are expressed in a mentalized way, but this is far from reality. Inside Kali carb. may be very sensitive emotionally, but will never show it. If you tell a patient like Kali carb. about your worries, then his answer will seem to you that you could not be more indifferent, but you may be surprised to discover a few days later that he has silently thought about your situation and found a solution. Such a patient, despite silent internal suffering, may be admired by others for his dignity and integrity in the face of difficulties: for example, a Kali carb type wife. can silently tolerate her husband's adultery. On the other hand, a man of the Kali bich type. It can be difficult to live in a marriage if the wife does not understand him enough to appreciate the indirect way in which such a person shows his feelings. It may seem devoid of emotions due to the fact that it controls their expression, but can feel very strongly (unlike, for example, Acidum phosphoricum or Aurum met., which are truly dead inside and "motionless" in the emotional sphere).

It is for these reasons that it is difficult for a homeopath to treat a Kali carb type patient. Such a patient stoically ignores problems until they reach a serious stage. When he does come to the homeopath, he answers questions with a simple shrug. This is a patient who does not give any symptoms at all. You may ask if he has a fear of the dark, and the patient will simply shrug his shoulders in confirmation, indicating to you that he is of moderate intensity, when in fact he is extremely afraid of the dark. The very symptoms that are most important to the homeopath, i.e. emotional and mental symptoms are downplayed by the Kali carb. patient. to the greatest extent. In such a situation, the ability of the homeopath to insist on real life images and specific examples, and not just recording data, can play a decisive role, because if you provide the patient with Kali carb. to himself, then before he reveals the emotional intensity of his condition, he will allow it to reach an incurable stage. The toll that such mental control can take on the physical level can be illustrated by a simple case.

All my wife's friends are Kali carb type. it was believed that when her husband fell into a troublesome state of old age many years before his actual death, she never showed self-pity or grief. Later, after financial losses, she developed renal colic, for which she was treated allopathically with injections; Congestive heart failure soon set in and she died.

This ironclad mental control prevents the ultimate force from using the most important channels of symptom expression on the mental and emotional level. Therefore, the symptoms are directed with destructive force to the physical level and have a particularly strong effect on the vital internal organs and lower parts of the body. The mental repression is so strong that it seems to have a distorting effect on the structures of the body: extreme mental control can almost seem to distort the structure of even the cells themselves. Deformation of bones, spine and joints occurs (Kali carb. is almost specific for deforming arthritis).

Exaggerated mental control drives the expression of symptoms into the solar plexus in a very characteristic way.

If the patient acknowledges emotions at all, he will describe them as emotions associated with the stomach: anxiety, fear, even shock from the environment. Kent gave a graphic description of this condition:

"The characteristic state of Kali carb. is a state of anxiety, felt as fear in the stomach." One of my very first patients expressed it better than it is written in the books. He said:

“Doctor, somehow I don’t have the fear that other people experience. I feel it right here” (epigastric region). It's bright and characteristic. It wasn't long before I discovered another feature of Kali carb. As a result of a slight awkwardness on my part, my knee hit the patient’s leg, which was extended slightly beyond the edge of the bed, and the patient said:

"Oh!" - Of course, it was Kali carb. again, because Kali carb. - this is a patient who is afraid, and everything in him goes into the stomach, so that when his skin is touched, he has anxiety, fear or fear in the stomach area. I remember one patient describing the feeling of a blow to the solar plexus that she experienced every time she went to bed; it was so strong that the patient had to get up and walk around a little to get rid of this sensation. Mezereum also experiences a strong similar sensation: he also feels great anxiety in the stomach, but in Mezereum the anxiety arises from the stomach and then pervades the whole body, making the person feel as if he were dying.

So we see that the patient is Kali carb. highly sensitive to emotions and environmental changes, but maintains tight control over the expression of this sensitivity. For this reason we can also observe in Kali carb. extreme insomnia. Sleep is a time when mental control is naturally relaxed, which is difficult for a Kali carb patient to bear. Such a person may not sleep for many weeks, but you will not find any specific reason for the insomnia: the patient denies anxiety, increased mental activity, or sensitivity to noise. It's just a reluctance to let go of control. It may even seem that by living such a regulated, systematic, correct life, the patient does not experience stress and conserves his energy so effectively that sleep becomes unnecessary. However, in reality the patient suffers from sleep deprivation because he rarely gets enough sleep. Kali carb. - one of the remedies that most strongly produces the symptoms of unrefreshing sleep (along with Nux vomica, Lycopodium, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Acidum nitricum, Magnesia and Lachesis, which have strong symptoms from other causes).

It is characteristic that the symptoms of Kali carb. worse from 2 to 4 or 5 am. Insomnia, cough, cardiac dysphonia intensify at this time. This is the time when mental control mechanisms are weakest. When control is weakened, the expression of the symptoms increases, and therefore the patient wakes up with a characteristic aggravation from 2 to 5 am.

As the mental pathology, Kali carb type patient. becomes very irritable. This is again irritability arising from a sense of correctness, a sense of duty, and dogmatism. The patient has Kali carb. There is accurate representation about what is "right" or how to do something "correctly", and he does not tolerate deviations. It is an inflexible state of mind. In the same way, he refuses to accept his illness: the symptoms seem to irritate him, and then make him grumpy and extremely irritable. A wife who is internally disturbed by her husband's adultery does not attack him in connection with it, but instead gets angry with him over trifles: he did something wrong at work or does not perform his household duties correctly. If the prosecutor is like Kali carb. decides that the defendant is innocent, he will refer the case to his superiors and will not tolerate any reference to, for example, political influences or the need to set a legal precedent. Kali carb type patient. would rather risk his career than go against his sense of duty, even if this means taking his inflexible position to an irrational degree (he would rather “fight than change his position,” as the cigarette advertisements say).

WITH further development pathology, there is an increase in many fears and anxieties that previously played a small or unrecognized role in the patient’s life. The nature of these fears is characteristic of the inability of Kali carb. cope with uncertainty or possible loss of control. In some social situations with which he is not familiar, fear of loss of control may arise. He is experiencing strong fear darkness, fear of the future and fear of impending illness. This is not so much a hypochondriacal anxiety about health as a fear of the uncertainties associated with illness: illness is something that he cannot control himself. There is, of course, a fear of ghosts, because they represent an unstable world, the existence of which was previously strongly denied.

Unlike many other drugs, stages of mental pathology Kali carb. rarely go all the way to psychosis. Kali carb. does not lose mental control easily to that extent. Instead, the patient may die from a deep disease of one of the vital organs. It is as if the mind is driving the pathology into the physical body with such force that the vital organs are destroyed before the mind degenerates into psychosis.

It is interesting that the two main organs affected by Kali carb. pathology are the main waste excreting organs - the kidneys and the lungs. Rigidity and inflexibility, an excessive sense of regularity, seem to cause distortion of the bronchial and glomerular membranes in an attempt to check the spread of toxins whose existence is unacceptable to the Kali carb patient.

Blockage of kidney function leads, of course, to the well-known dropsy of Kali carb. Swelling around the eyes, swelling of the upper and lower eyelids appear. More specifically, swelling of the inner part of the upper eyelids appears, similar to small bags.

A wide range of pathologies are observed in the lungs, from bronchitis to pneumonia and even tuberculosis. The cough is very strong, shaking the whole body, incessant, with attempts to gag and vomiting, the greatest worsening is from 2 to 5 o'clock in the morning and from drafts.

Kali carb. may also affect the liver and heart in the highest degrees of failure, again most likely because the patient allowed it to progress too far before recognizing the pathology. This unrecognized transfer to the vital organs is described by Kent: "I can name many cases of fatty degeneration of the heart in which I could have prevented all the problems with Kali carb. if I had known the case better from the beginning. These cases are insidious, and the indications , indicating Kali carb., should be noted on early stage, otherwise the patient will go into an incurable condition. Decay and organic changes occur, and you look at these occurrences and say:

“If only at the beginning of this disease I had seen what I see now, the patient probably could have been cured.” We study the initial stages of drugs in the same way as we study the initial stages of diseases. The homeopath should look back at the case in which he failed, to study its beginning, and see what the manifestations were. An investigation of this kind is as useful to the homeopathic physician as post-mortem examinations are to the old school."

There are very severe and variable symptoms in the gastrointestinal tract. Severe flatulence and alternating constipation and diarrhea, but most noticeable are extremely painful hemorrhoids.

Kali carb type patient. exceptionally sensitive to even the slightest drafts. This patient is so sensitive to drafts and even normal air movement in the house that he may move from room to room in an attempt to find the source of a subtle draft that has no effect on others.

Faced with a patient of such exceptional correctness and mental control that the symptoms are difficult to identify, we can identify the remedy by the very presence of this essence, requiring only confirmation by one of the other known key symptoms of Kali carb. - worse from 2 to 5 am, extreme sensitivity to drafts, swelling of the inside of the upper eyelids, anxiety in the stomach, pathological condition of the vital organs, as well as a strong desire for sweets.

Essential qualities of Kali carb. may resemble other drugs with which it is associated. Of course, it is impossible to study Kali carb. without remembering Nux vomica. However, the essence of Kali carb. different from the essence of Nux vomica. Nux is more ambitious and impulsive, while Kali carb. is quite content to remain within the confines of his routine, and is irritated only because of his sense of rightness, and not because of unsatisfied ambitions, like Nux vomica. However, patients are constantly encountered who, after a good reaction to Kali carb. go into the Nux vomica state. Another remedy which may follow Kali carb. is Phosphorus, especially when the hardness of Kali carb. softens enough to allow the airy sensibility and fears of Phosphorus to emerge.

Potassium carbonicum (according to Berwick)

Kali carbonicum Potassium carbon dioxide (potash)

Weakness is a characteristic indication for all potassium salts - especially pronounced in this drug: soft pulse, coldness, general depression and sudden sharp stitching pains that can appear in any part of the body or with any disease are very characteristic. All pains of the "Kali type" are stitching and cutting; almost all of them are relieved by movement. They are sensitive to any change in weather and cannot tolerate cold weather. One of the best remedies for the postpartum period. Also for weakness after abortion or premature birth. Symptoms typically worsen in the early morning. Overweight, middle-aged people with a tendency to edema and paresis. Sweat, back pain and weakness. Throbbing pain. Tendency to swelling and dropsy. Tuberculous diathesis. Pain spreading from inside to outside, stinging in nature. Feeling of "exhaling". Fatty degeneration of organs. Stinging pains in the muscles and internal parts of the body. Muscle twitching. Pain in small areas of the body on the left side.

Hypothyroidism. Coxite.

Psyche. Sad. Loses faith in his own strength. Changeable mood. Very irritable. Full of fears and fantasies. An anxious feeling in the stomach. Feels like the bed is sinking. Doesn't want to be alone. Never happy or calm. Stubborn and hypersensitive to pain, noise, and touch.

Head. Dizziness when turning the head. Headaches when driving into a cold wind. Headaches begin with yawning. Stitching pains in temples; prolonged dull, mild pain in the back of the head on one side, accompanied by nausea, when driving in a car. Feeling of emptiness in the head. Severe dry hair; their loss (Fluor. ac.).

Eyes. Sudden sharp pain in the eyes. Flashing dots, a grid, dark spots before the eyes. In the morning the eyelids are glued together. Swelling of the upper eyelids like a small bag.

Swelling of the space between the eyebrows. Asthenopia. Weakened vision after sexual excesses. When you close your eyes, there is a painful sensation of light penetrating all the way to your brain.

Ears. Sudden sharp stabbing pain in the ears. Itching, clicking, ringing and roaring in the ears.

Nose. The nose gets stuffy in a warm room. Thick, flowing, yellow discharge; dripping from the choanae (Spigelia). Painful nostrils with peeling epidermis; discharge of bloody mucus from the nostrils. The nasal openings are covered with scabs.

Nosebleeds when washing face in the morning. Ulceration of the nostrils.

Mouth. The gums lag behind the teeth: pus oozes from under them. Pyorrhea. Aphthae. White coating on the tongue. The mouth is always full of saliva. Unpleasant, mucous taste.

Throat. Dry, rough, “baked.” Sudden, sharp, stabbing pains - like a fish bone. Difficulty swallowing: food passes through the esophagus very slowly.

Accumulation of mucus in the morning.

Stomach. Bloating with gases. Desire for sweets. Feeling voluminous foreign body in the epigastric region. Vomiting movements. Dyspepsia in the elderly: burning, acidity, bloating. Stomach upset after cold drinks. Sour belching. Nausea: relief when lying down horizontal position. Constant feeling as if the stomach is full of water. Sour vomiting; throbbing and cramping in the stomach. Aversion to food. An anxious feeling in the stomach. The epigastric region is sensitive to touch.

Constantly gags when swallowing. Pain from the epigastric region radiates to the back.

Stomach. Sudden sharp stabbing pain in the liver. Old chronic liver disorders with soreness. Jaundice and dropsy. Bloating and coldness of the abdomen. Pain spreading from the left precostal area through the entire abdomen: in order to rise, he is first forced to turn on his right side.

Rectum. The stool is bulky, comes out with difficulty, stabbing pain before the urge.

Hemorrhoids enlarged, swollen, painful. Itching, ulcerated pustules in the anus. Copious discharge of blood with normal, natural stool.

Pain in hemorrhoids when coughing. Burning in the rectum and anus. Easily falls out (Graph.; Pod.). Itching in the anus (Ignat.).

Urinary system. At night I have to get up several times. Feeling of pressure in the bladder long before urination. Involuntary loss of urine when coughing, sneezing, etc.

Male genital organs. Complaints after sexual intercourse. Sexual desire is reduced. Excessive emissions, followed by a feeling of weakness.

Female genital organs. Menses premature, profuse (Calc. c.) or delayed, pale and scanty, with pain in the genital area; pain from the back spreads downwards, through the gluteal muscles, with pain in the abdomen. Pain from the left labia, passing through the entire abdomen, reaches the chest. Delay of menstruation in young girls with chest symptoms or ascites. Dysmenorrhea with the onset of menstruation. Complaints after childbirth. Uterine bleeding: constant "seepage" after copious discharge, with severe headaches, relieved by sitting down and by pressure.

Respiratory organs. Cutting pain in the chest; worse lying on right side.

Hoarseness and loss of voice. Dry, hard cough about 3 a.m. with sharp stitching pains and dry throat. Bronchitis, when the whole chest is very sensitive. The expectoration is scanty and viscous, but in the morning and after meals its quantity increases; worse in the right lower chest, worse when lying on the sore side. Hydrothorax. Leaning forward relieves chest symptoms. Forced to swallow expectorated mucus; taste of cheese in the mouth; sputum copious, foul-smelling, clotted. Coldness in the chest. Sterotic breathing. Cough when relaxed uvula. Tendency to tuberculosis: constantly catching colds; better in warm weather.

Heart. Feeling as if the heart has stopped beating. Rapid heartbeat and burning sensation in the cardiac region. Pulse weak and rapid; intermittent for digestive disorders. Threat of heart failure.

Back. Severe weakness. Sharp, stabbing pain in the area of ​​the kidneys and right shoulder blade.

Weakness in the lumbar region. Sensation of stiffness and paralysis in the back. Burning in the spine (Guaco). Severe back pain during pregnancy and after abortion (premature birth). Diseases of the hip area. Pain in the buttocks, thighs and hip joints. Lumbago with sudden sharp pains extending up and down the back and thighs.

Limbs. Drawing sensation in the back of the thighs and legs. Unpleasant sensations, heaviness and tearing pain in the limbs and their convulsive twitching. Tearing pain in the limbs with swelling. Limbs are sensitive to pressure. Tuberculous arthritis. Tearing pains from shoulder to wrist. Ligament ruptures in the wrist joints.

Paralysis in old people, with swelling and dropsy. Limbs easily go numb. Soreness in the tips of the fingers and toes. Increased sensitivity of the heels. Itching in thumbs legs, with pain. Pain spreading from the hip areas to the knees. Knee pain.

Leather. Burning, as when applying mustard plasters.

Dream. Drowsiness after eating. Wake up around 2am and can't go back to sleep.

MODALITIES. Worse after sexual intercourse; in cold weather; from soup and coffee; at night - about 3 hours; lying on the left or sore side. Better in warm weather, even damp; during the day, when moving.

RELATIONSHIPS. Antidotes: Camph.; Coffea.

Additionally: Carbo (total reduction vitality requires the prior administration of Carbo to restore strength to such an extent that Kali carbonicum can produce the desired effect).

Often given after Nux. vom. for disorders of the stomach and bladder.

Similar: Kali oxalicum (lumbago, convulsions); Kali picro-nitricum and Kali picricum (jaundice, severe belching); Kali tartaricum (paraplegia); Kali telluricum (garlic odor of breath, drooling, swelling of the tongue); Calc.; Ammon. phos.; Phos.; Lycop.; Bry.; Natrum; Stann.; Sepia.

Compare: Kali salicylicum. Vomiting, especially in pregnant women; arteriosclerosis with chronic rheumatism.

Kali silicum. Gouty nodes.

Kali aceticum. Diabetes, diarrhea, dropsy - swelling; alkaline urine - in greatly increased quantities.

Kali citricum. Bright's disease is a chronic nephritis.

Kali ferrocyanatum (Prussian blue). Physical and mental prostration after infectious diseases; inability to perform normal work for a long time.

Neuralgic diseases, which can be attributed to the “depletion” of blood and depletion of nerve centers - especially the spinal ones. Fatty degeneration and functional cardiac disorders: pulse weak and irregular. Uterine symptoms are similar to Sepia - nagging pain inside the abdomen, prolapse of the stomach; profuse purulent leucorrhoea and venous bleeding.

BREEDING. From the sixth and above. Should not be repeated too often. Use with caution in cases of old gout, advanced Bright's disease and tuberculosis.

Potassium carbonicum (according to Kent)

Kalium carbonicum/Kalium carbonicum - potassium carbonate

Basic dosage forms. Homeopathic granules D3, C3, C6 and higher. Drops D3, C3, C6 and higher.

Indications for use. Chronic rhinitis, bronchitis, pleurisy, urinary incontinence. Bronchial asthma. Lumbar pain, lumbago. Acute rheumatism of the joints. Heart diseases.

Characteristic signs. General weakness with a tendency to sweat and edematous swelling of the upper eyelids. The scalp is very dry. Chilly patients with profuse sweating with little exertion. Feeling of numbness throughout the leg. Knee pain when walking up stairs, especially when going down.

Worse - after sexual intercourse; in cold weather; from soup and coffee; at night - about 3 hours; lying on the left or sore side.

Improvement - in warm weather, even damp; during the day, when moving.

The Kali carbonicum patient is difficult to study, so the remedy is also difficult to study.

It is not used as often as it should be, and the reason for this is the complexity of the drug, which can confuse the doctor. It has a huge number of contradictory, changing symptoms, this is due both to the patient himself, who conceals his symptoms, and to the fact that many of them are of an uncertain nature.

The Kali carbonicum patient is capricious, hot-tempered, irritable to the point of extreme, quarrels with his family and with those on whom he depends. He does not want to be alone, because in solitude he is overwhelmed with fears and visions, “fear of the future, death, ghosts.” If he has to stay at home alone, he suffers from insomnia, cannot sleep a wink, or has terrible dreams all the time. He is never calm, he is full of visions and fears. “What if the house catches fire?!” “What if I have to do this or that?!” “What will I do if this or that happens?!”

The patient is hypersensitive to everything, to any change in the weather; he can never achieve an absolutely comfortable temperature in the room; he senses any draft, any air movement in the room. He cannot tolerate open windows in the house, even in a place remote from them. He wakes up in the middle of the night and looks for where the draft is coming from. Complaints worsen in damp and cold weather. He is sensitive to cold and shivers all the time. He feels the cold in his nerves; They all start to get sick from the cold. In the cold, neuralgic shootings appear here and there, and when the diseased part of the body warms up, the pain moves to some other place. All the pains of this medicine change place and move to the cold parts of the body; If you cover one part of the body, the pain will spread to the uncovered part.

This medicine is filled with piercing, burning, tearing pains, they move from place to place. Naturally, Kali carbonicum also has pains that constantly remain in one place, but, as a rule, the pains still wander from place to place. Pain, cutting like a knife. Pain, similar to injections of hot needles, piercing, stinging, burning. Such pain is felt in internal organs and respiratory tract. Burning in anus and rectum, described as like pushing a red-hot poker inside; burning like hot coals. Hemorrhoids burn like hot coals. The burning sensation of this remedy is similar to that of Arsenicum.

Further, when studying the text, it is clear that the characteristic feature of this remedy will be the onset of symptoms at 2, 3 or 5 o'clock in the morning. The cough of Kali carbonicum occurs or is most severe at 3, 4 or 5 o'clock in the morning. The febrile state occurs from 3 to 5 am. If the patient suffers from asthmatic shortness of breath, the attack will develop at 3 o'clock in the morning, waking him up. The patient may be awakened various symptoms, and he stays awake until 5 a.m., after which he gets much better. Naturally, there are many symptoms that a patient can suffer from at any time of the day, but the time mentioned above is the worst. He wakes up at 3 o'clock in the morning in fear, with fear of death, fear of the future, with anxiety about everything in the world and remains awake for two or three hours, and then falls asleep and sleeps soundly.

The patient's body remains cold all the time, and a lot of clothing is required to warm it, but, despite the coldness of the body, the patient sweats profusely; abundant cold sweat all over the body. Sweating from the slightest effort, sweating of parts of the body where there is pain, sweat on the forehead; cold sweat on forehead during headache.

Neuralgia of the scalp, eyes, maxillary bones with neuralgic shooting pains. Violent pain here and there in the head, as if it were about to split. Cutting and piercing headaches. Violent congestive pain, as if the head were full of something. The head is hot on one side and cold on the other; forehead covered with cold sweat.

The remedy has catarrhal congestive headaches. Whenever the patient goes out into the cold air, the nose clears, dryness and burning occur on the mucous membranes; when he returns to the warm room, discharge begins from the nose and the nose becomes blocked so that the patient can no longer breathe through it; in general, at this moment the patient feels better. This way the nose is cleared fresh air and placed in a warm room. When the nose is cleared and the patient can breathe through it, the headache hurts the most; it hurts from the cold air, which causes a burning sensation. Cold air seems hot. All these patients suffer from chronic catarrh. When they ride in the cold wind, the catarrhal discharge subsides, but the headache appears; hence the symptom: headache from riding in a cold wind. Whenever the cooling in a draft stops the discharge, a headache occurs, and as soon as the discharge returns, the headache subsides. Neuralgic pain in the eyes, scalp, maxillary bones, arising from suppression of chronic catarrhal discharge; when the discharge resumes, these pains stop.

With chronic catarrhal inflammation of the nose, there is a thick, flowing, yellow discharge; dry nose, alternating with nasal congestion. In addition, a patient suffering from chronic catarrh will secrete yellow mucus from the nose in the morning, clogging the nasal passages. In the morning, the patient blows his nose and coughs up dry, dense crusts that clog the nasal passages, moving into the nasopharynx and further into the larynx. These crusts dry to the mucous membrane, so when they separate, bleeding occurs. The places where the crusts come off bleed.

The patient is predisposed to sore throat, he constantly catches cold, and the cold settles in the throat. The patient also tends to have enlarged tonsils; At the same time, there is a chronic enlargement and thickening of the parotid glands - one or both. Large nodes behind the ears, under the jaw. These glands grow and harden, and are at times painful, with shooting, piercing pains when walking in the open air. When the air touches these enlarged glands, they become painful; the patient feels better in a warm room. Acute colds spread to the chest, although Kali carbonicum is most used for chronic chest catarrh and chronic bronchitis.

The chest is very often affected in exactly the same way as the nose. In cold air there is dryness and a dry, barking, hacking cough, and in warm air phlegm is produced abundantly; It is at this time that the patient feels best; the production of sputum seems to alleviate his condition. The patient suffers greatly from a dry, hacking cough with sputum discharge in the morning. The cough begins as dry and jerky, gradually, and sometimes very quickly, intensifies and takes on the character of a frantic spasmodic cough, in which the patient gags and vomits; when coughing, the patient feels as if his head will fly into pieces. The face swells, the eyes appear bulging, and then there is what is present in most cases of Kali carbonicum, a special kind of swelling between the eyelids and eyebrows, this swelling swells during coughing. You should pay attention to this sign, and even if there are no other swellings on the face, this small swelling between the eyelid and eyebrow will be present. Sometimes it fills up to the size of a small bag of water. Kali carbonicum causes this swelling, and sometimes this symptom alone may lead one to think that this remedy is suitable for the whole case. Boenighausen speaks of an epidemic of whooping cough in which the majority of cases corresponded to Kali carbonicum, and this particular symptom was present. No medicine should be prescribed for a single symptom. If you decide on a remedy based on a particular symptom, study the remedy and the disease to make sure that they are similar to each other enough to expect a cure. Any deviations from this rule are disastrous and lead to the vicious practice of prescribing drugs for one symptom.

Dry, jerky, constant, vomiting cough, barking cough with blowing out blood through the nose, vomiting whatever gets into the stomach, and expectoration of blood-streaked mucus - this is the picture of whooping cough, usually cured by Kali carbonicum, but you will be even more confident in the prescription if this special and prominent symptom is present : swelling between the eyebrow and eyelid, swelling around the eyes.

There have been a number of cases of pneumonia in the hepatic stage requiring Kali carbonicum (similar to Sulfur). Next, when the pneumonia has gone, think of Kali carbonicum if every slightest cold settles in the chest with the appearance of the symptoms I have just described. There is sensitivity of the body to weather changes, to cold and damp weather, with a continuous dry, cracking cough, retching, worsening from 3 to 5 o'clock in the morning and wandering neuralgic pains. These symptoms gradually intensify, and the patient seems to return to his pneumonia. He will tell you: “Doctor, since I had pneumonia, I have never felt well again.” Catarrhal inflammation settles in the chest, and there is a chronic tendency to catch colds. In these cases there is a threat of tuberculosis, and it is very difficult to count on the recovery of such patients without Kali carbonicum. With this tendency for catarrhal inflammation to be localized in the chest, it is necessary to think of Kali carbonicum, as well as of Phosphorus, Lycopodium and Sulfur.

Another most common condition related to this remedy is a tendency to edema. There is swelling throughout the body. The legs swell, the feet swell, pressing on the back of the hand leaves a dimple, the face looks swollen and waxy. Weak heart. I can think of quite a few cases of fatty heart disease which could have been prevented by Kali carbonicum if I had understood them better at the onset of the disease. These cases are quite insidious, and the indications for Kali carbonicum must be noticed in the early stages, otherwise the patient's condition will progress until it becomes incurable. It is this particular state of weakness and lack of circulation, which ultimately leads to swelling and many other complications, that has its counterpart in Kali carbonicum. All complaints of this medicine come on unnoticed, as if gradually. The remedy has a special kind of vague manifestation, when the patient looks exhausted, he has severe shortness of breath when climbing to a height or even when walking on level ground, but an examination of the lungs shows that they are quite clean. Eventually complications arise, organic changes appear, and then you analyze your cases and say to yourself: “If at the beginning of the disease I could see what I see now, the patient could be cured!” We must study the initial manifestations of drugs, just as we study the initial manifestations of diseases. A thinking homeopath will certainly look back at a case in which he or someone else failed, as this will provide an opportunity to study and understand the development painful condition at its beginning, to see its primary manifestations. This type of examination of remedies is as valuable to the homeopath as post-mortem examination is to the old school physician.

The condition of the patient's teeth is quite characteristic. Changes in the gums are scurvy and scrofulous in nature. The teeth separate from the gums, decay, change color and begin to loosen, so that the patient loses them in quite at a young age. The patient suffers from toothache whenever he gets cold from riding in cold wind and wet weather. Pain occurs even before the teeth begin to rot and turn yellow; stitching, tearing, tearing pain in the teeth. Bad breath; Pus leaks around the teeth. There are many small ulcers and small aphthous spots in the mouth. The oral mucosa is pale and constantly ulcerated. The tongue is covered with a white coating with a feeling of disgusting taste in the mouth; covered gray coating in combination with migraine.

While many of the symptoms of Kali carbonicum are worse after eating, some of them are better after eating. There is pulsation in the epigastric region when the stomach is empty. There is also a pulsation throughout the body, pulsation in the fingers and toes; there is no part of the body where this beating is not felt; the patient cannot sleep because of this sensation. Often pulsation occurs even when there is no sensation of heartbeat in the chest area. The medicine also has severe heart palpitations.

Kali carbonicum corresponds to many cases of chronic dyspepsia. After eating, such patients feel as if they are about to burst, the bloating is so great. Severe flatulence; belching and gas; foul gases. Belching is also accompanied by regurgitation of liquid, an acidic liquid that causes a sore throat, irritation and rawness in the throat and mouth. Pain and burning in the stomach after eating. A feeling of nausea in the stomach that does not go away after eating. The hallmark of Kali carbonicum is the anxiety felt in the stomach region, a special kind of fear. One of the first such patients who came to me expressed this feeling much better than it is described in books; she said: “Doctor, one way or another, I’m not afraid like all people are afraid, my fear is in my stomach.” The patient said that when she gets scared, it immediately goes to her stomach. “When a door slams loudly, I feel the sound reverberate in the pit of my stomach.” This is unusual, it catches your eye. Just recently I have observed another distinctive feature of Kali carbonicum. Inadvertently, I touched the patient’s foot with my knee, which was slightly protruding over the edge of the bed, and the patient immediately groaned. This was undoubtedly Kali carbonicum. Thus you will recognize this medicine by the fact that the patient is frightened and fright is felt in the stomach region, and by the fact that fear, or anxiety, or tension arises in the patient when something touches his skin. One might argue that this has something to do with solar plexus, but all that matters to the doctor is the symptom itself. The soles of the feet are so sensitive in the Kali carbonicum patient that even the touch of a sheet causes trembling throughout the body. Strong pressure does not cause discomfort, but any unexpected touch causes stimulation of the nerve endings. This patient is hypersensitive to everything around him, to touch; flinches from the most ordinary and lightest touch, while strong pressure is quite tolerable. He is terribly afraid of tickling soles. I often examine feet; At the same time, such patients shudder, pull their leg away and cry out: “I’m afraid of tickling!” At the same time, I touch them so easily that sometimes I myself am not sure whether I touched them or not. Lachesis has a similar symptom: a light touch is painful, while strong pressure does not cause discomfort, but there is no such intolerance to tickling. In Lachesis the abdomen is so sensitive that even the touch of a sheet causes pain. I have seen Lachesis patients use special hoops to prevent the sheet from touching the abdomen. In these cases we understand that these patients find themselves within the scope of action of Lachesis, as well as those who cannot bear the slightest touch on the neck and suffer greatly from tight collars. But this sensation is still different from the state of nervous hypersensitivity to touch. I have had patients whose skin was so hypersensitive that I did not dare touch them unless I warned them in advance that I was going to touch them. “Now I have to take your pulse, sit still.” If I touch the arm or feel the pulse without warning, the patient will shudder violently. This condition corresponds to Kali carbonicum. Such things can be discovered by studying trials and other relevant sources. Such symptoms originate from the hypersensitivity characteristic of these patients and are of great clinical value. The possibilities of our Materia Medica are amazing, but they could be even greater if some homeopaths complemented it by thoughtfully, carefully and verbatim in describing their observations. Nowadays only a small number of homeopaths can get together to discuss really valuable things - a shamefully small number, despite the fact that many years have passed since the publication of Hahnemann's books.

There are many chronic liver patients who cannot talk about anything other than their liver. Every time they come to the doctor, they talk exclusively about the liver, about the feeling of fullness in the liver area and about the pain passing through right shoulder blade, then up and covering the entire right half of the chest. All this is combined with a constant feeling of tightness and stretching; with vomiting bile; with a lot of stomach troubles and a feeling of fullness after eating; with attacks of diarrhea, interspersed with constipation, which persist for many days and require considerable strain during bowel movements. Periodic bilious attacks when there is constipation; the patient cannot lie down at night; difficulty breathing at night or at 3 o'clock in the morning, especially in patients who are too sensitive to cold, damp weather, in those patients who always want to sit by the fire. Such liver patients are often completely cured after taking Kali carbonicum. Sometimes it turns out that they have already tried all the liver drugs, taking them as laxatives or as emetics, but all these drugs ended up making their problems worse. Kali carbonicum affects the basis of these manifestations, destroys the very root of evil.

Many of the symptoms of Kali carbonicum are related to the stomach. Patients experience repeated attacks of colic, cutting pains with sprains, pain after eating, constipation or diarrhea. Colic with cutting, tearing pains, from which the patient bends in half and which occur at short intervals. Severe gas formation. Let me remind you that in cases of colic you should think of Colocynth and other acute remedies which cure colic within two or three minutes, but unfortunately you will find that these acute remedies which relieve colic so quickly do not, when given repeatedly, have such a wonderful and effective impact. You will have to look for an antipsoric remedy that suits the case as a whole. The study of colic alone during an attack of the disease allows for a one-sided and narrow approach to each specific case; Once the colic has subsided (for example, after prescribing Colocynth), you will be able to examine the patient and all the symptoms in more detail this case, and here it becomes obvious that they all correspond to Kali carbonicum. After prescribing this medicine, you have every reason to expect that the attack will never happen again. This is the nature of Kali carbonicum. It's deep and lasting active medicine, penetrating into the very basis of a living organism. It cures symptoms which are of a psoric nature, or which arise from the suppression of eruptions in childhood, or which are connected with the closure of ulcers and fistulas, immediately after which they arose. All these wandering pains and chilliness decrease again after the appearance of the rash; after a sudden onset of discharge; as a result of bleeding, ulcers that spread deep and freely pour out their contents; after the opening of the fistula.

“Cutting pain in the stomach, as if it were being torn into pieces.” “Severe pain, forced to sit, bent over and hugging himself with both arms, or lean back to get relief; can't sit up straight." “Cutting and pulling sensations, similar to false labor pains.” Along with severe pain, there is a pronounced feeling of cold, with cramping in the abdomen; the patient wants something hot: hot drinks, hot water bottles. There is a constant feeling of cold in the stomach, external and internal cold. Sometimes the prescription of Kali carbonicum during colic may turn out to be unjustifiably cruel, since if this medicine turns out to be constitutional for the given patient, and all the symptoms of the case correspond to those of Kali carbonicum, then it is very likely that as a result of such treatment there will be an aggravation, which It could have been completely avoided. There are a sufficient number of short-acting medications that can quickly reduce pain, and after the attack is over, you can think about prescribing a constitutional drug. If the patient is able to endure the pain on his own until the end of the attack, then it is better to wait until it passes without using any medications. If you think that such tactics are unnecessarily cruel to the patient, then in such cases you should use short-acting drugs. All recurring pathological conditions that occur periodically, or follow certain errors in the diet, or occur as a result of exposure to external factors, or associated with a certain periodicity in time - they are all chronic; These are not acute situations. They only represent a small part of the chronic miasm, one of its sides; all such cases sooner or later require constitutional treatment. You can indeed quickly reduce pain the first time you see a patient, but later you must study it more deeply and try to prevent new complaints from arising. In other words, if you give Belladonna, or Colocynth, or any other medicine which merely corresponds to the symptoms of colic, it will happen again; This way you will not cure the patient, these are only palliative measures. On the other hand, with colic such as is described here, Kali carbonicum corresponds only to the symptoms that arise and may not at all correspond to the entire constitution of the patient. In such cases, a constitutional and deep remedy like Kali carbonicum is needed. This medicine does not take as long as usual to be effective, and it usually does not make things worse.

“The abdominal muscles are painful to the touch; swollen glands." There is effusion in the abdominal cavity, which is accompanied by intestinal problems, or peritonitis, and is usually, although not always, accompanied by swelling of the extremities. This medicine is especially useful for hepatic edema.

There are many complaints related to the rectum and anus, as well as stool. The drug is characterized by permanent and huge hemorrhoids, which burn and are extremely sensitive to touch; in addition, they bleed profusely, are very painful, and because of them the patient cannot sleep. He has to lie with his back up, with his buttocks spread apart, since the external hemorrhoids are too sensitive when pressed. The nodes cannot be set; There is pronounced tension and swelling inside. Hemorrhoids come out after defecation, bleed profusely and become very painful; they have to be adjusted, and for a long time, after the patient goes to bed, they continue to burn as if from fire. There is a marked deterioration after defecation, the stool becomes hard, knotty, and bowel movements require significant strain. Anal fistulas. The burning sensation is temporarily relieved by immersion in cold water.

There is chronic diarrhea, as well as diarrhea alternating with constipation. In cases with a huge number of small symptoms, it is necessary to rely on the general features that characterize the remedy. In books you can find significantly fewer symptoms of diarrhea than found in clinical practice. “Painless diarrhea, with rumbling in the abdomen and burning during stool, only during the day; chronic cases with swelling under the eyebrows.” Only a few symptoms are given, but it is an important and powerful remedy for diarrhea that has become chronic. In elderly, broken patients, in weak, pale patients, with weakened digestion, with severe gas formation, with significant abdominal distension and liver disorders.

Now it's time to talk about kidney, urinary and urethral disorders, which are based on catarrhal lesions. Discharge from the bladder, purulent discharge with thick, viscous, copious mucous sediment in the urine. In this regard, there arises strong burning sensation: in the urethra, during and after urination. "Urine flows out slowly, with pain and burning." In many cases of old, long-standing urinary disorders, Kali carbonicum comes into very close contact with Natrum muriaticum. In old cases of chronic urethritis, or in long-standing urinary disorders which are due to gonorrhea, these two remedies are very useful, both of which are useful for the scanty, white discharge of chronic urethritis which persists for a long time. Both are characterized by painful urination. Natrum muriaticum has a burning sensation after urination. In cases where there is slight discharge, typical of chronic urethritis, and the burning sensation is very strong and occurs only after urination, and the patient is extremely nervous and fussy, Natrum muriaticum is indicated. If a burning sensation occurs during and after urination, and you have a patient with a broken constitution resembling that described above, Kali carbonicum is preferable when choosing a remedy. Some of these old cases are completely painless, pain does not occur either during or after urination. Then it is necessary to turn to a completely different group of drugs. Old chronic discharge due to gonorrhea is like nothing else serious problem for a young doctor. The number of possible drugs for treatment is huge, and the symptoms are meager, and it often turns out that the patient has only recently turned to the doctor, so it is difficult for him to judge the constitutional state of the patient, who, in turn, can only talk about the discharge: “Nothing but discharge, doctor". You can't extract symptoms from him; he completely forgot about the fact that he wakes up at 3 o'clock in the morning and cannot fall asleep until 5 o'clock, he forgot about everyone nervous manifestations. With patients who have been under your supervision for a long time, whose constitutional state was familiarized with even before such symptoms arose, you should not have any special difficulties.

One of the proofs that the constitution of the Kali carbonicum patient is extremely weakened, that his health is on the way to complete destruction, is the fact that all the symptoms appear and increase after coitus, after sexual excitement. Pay attention in practice and remember that coitus is a normal physiological act for a person, but only for a healthy person whose body is in perfect order, and when this natural process is followed by exhaustion, which persists for a long time, then the constitution of such a patient is significantly to a degree destroyed, something is wrong in it. In Kali carbonicum all symptoms are worse after coitus: vision is weakened, all senses are weakened, the patient trembles and is nervous; he cannot sleep, becomes weak, shudders and trembles for one or two days after intercourse. Similar symptoms are observed in women. Although the patient is very weak, his sexual desire is excessive. It is not normal. There may be sexual arousal that cannot be controlled by the will; such men are predisposed to abundant and frequent emissions, night dreams, and sexual exhaustion. Young people who have abused masturbation or indulged in excessive sexual pleasures approach the time of marriage with weakened sexual capabilities or a complete inability to have sex; then disgust sets in, and no wonder there are so many divorces in the world. When a person is young, some of these problems can be prevented in the right way life and corrected by homeopathy.

Kali carbonicum has many complaints related to the male genital organs; discomfort in the testicular area, their increased sensitivity. One of the conditions is swelling and hardening. Itching and burning pain, a feeling of irritation in the scrotum, as well as sensations that constantly remind the patient that he has genitals. Constant irritation that rivets his attention to the genitals, caused by abuse of sex, secret sins, and sexual excesses. In such cases Phosphorus is usually overprescribed. Many doctors consider it one of the main medicines for treating genital weakness. Indications for the use of Phosphorus are: strong excitement in the genital area, too strong erections, abnormal strength of the genitals. Beware of prescribing it for impotence or weakness, as these conditions are often combined with a very weakened constitution, and Phosphorus not only does not help, but perhaps increases weakness. This weakness, as you already know, is a manifestation of the weakness of the life force. Phosphorus will only accelerate the destructive processes in the body in patients suffering from weakness of vitality, who are always tired, weakened, in a state of prostration, dreaming of getting to bed as quickly as possible.

For women, this medicine provides invaluable help. Kali carbonicum has many complaints and symptoms found in female diseases. This is a valuable remedy in cases of uterine bleeding, which constantly occurs in women who are pale, sickly, prone to hemorrhage, or with constant bleeding after a miscarriage. Such women are subjected to curettage, they are treated with all sorts of methods, but the blood continues to ooze. During menstruation, the discharge is very copious, with clots, and after the menstruation with heavy discharge, which lasted ten days or more, ends, the condition of constant leakage of blood remains. This goes on all the time next month until ten days of heavy menstrual flow occur again. This medicine has cured a huge number of cases of fibroids long before the disease could have progressed to an intractable stage. You must remember that there is a natural tendency for fibroids to stop growing during menopause, after which the tumor shrinks in size without any treatment; however, the correct medicine should stop the bleeding and stop the growth of the tumor, which should significantly decrease in size within a few days.

Kali carbonicum often helps with vomiting of pregnancy, but for this particular medicine to really help in this condition, it must suit the entire constitution of the patient. Vomiting during pregnancy is not cured, although it is somewhat relieved by Ipecacuanha, since this medicine is more consistent with Vomiting as such. In most cases of the use of those drugs that can help with these symptoms, nausea and vomiting are not the main ones in the hierarchy of their actions. This condition is actually based on the constitution of the patient, and therefore it should be treated with the help of a constitutional remedy. Among the remedies often used in such cases are Sulfur, Sepia and Kali carbonicum, sometimes Arsenicum. Naturally, when a pregnant woman has a simple stomach upset with vomiting bile, in some cases Ipecacuanha can serve as a medicine. If the pregnant woman has no constitutional symptoms at all, and when examining the case you find nothing except all-consuming fatal nausea and constant vomiting day and night, a single dose of Symphoricarpus racemosus should help. This would be a prescription under conditions of extremely poor information, and such an approach is only justified in limited or clear-cut cases. This medicine is not long lasting, is not constitutional, and acts much like Ipecacuanha.

Sometimes you may find yourself near a woman in labor who complains of back pain below the waist line. The contractions of the uterus are very weak, their expulsion force is not enough for the normal course of labor, these are the type of contractions that cause a woman to moan: “Oh, my back, my back!” The pain radiates down to the buttocks and legs. Pain in the back, as if it were about to break. If the appointment is successful, ineffective pain will transform into good contractions that can expel the fetus. When you encounter such things, you will find out the background of the case. In your analysis you will go back a few weeks, when the woman was at the end of her pregnancy, and you will see that the symptoms that were then vaguely visible - chilliness and other constitutional features of our remedy - have now reached their peak in the form of the described pains. If you had seen this woman six weeks ago and given her Kali carbonicum at that time, you would have prevented a difficult birth. Childbirth becomes difficult and protracted; the uterus shows weakness, contractions are of insufficient strength, pain is localized only in the back, and not in the uterus, where they should arise. Now I will describe to you several types of pain during childbirth, which are easily confused. The pain begins in the back, then goes to the uterus, and then rolls back again - these symptoms turn you completely from Kali carbonicum to Gelsemium, which should be prescribed in this case. Sometimes these pains are so severe that they seem to hinder rather than promote the contractions of the uterus; then the contractions stop and the woman screams; at the same time, she wants her hip joints to be rubbed; she screams from pain that occurs not in the center of the abdomen, but on the sides, in the area where the broad ligaments of the uterus are located. In this case, Actaea racemosa will help to streamline uterine contractions. In the absence of noticeable contractions, Pulsatilla is preferred; this remedy is necessary when the uterus is inactive against the background of sufficient dilatation of its cervix, when the organs are relaxed, when everything seems to foretell a good and easy birth, but the woman in labor makes no effort. This is a state of weakness and inactivity. Often, within five minutes after taking Pulsatilla, strong uterine contractions occur, sometimes almost painless.

“When walking, the back hurts so much that the patient is ready to lie down right in the middle of the street,” etc. It seems that the pain drains all the strength from the woman in labor. After childbirth there is a tendency to uterine bleeding in each menstrual period, as already described above.

Weakness of the heart, cardiac dyspnea; breathing is short, the patient cannot walk or is forced to move extremely slowly. These are symptoms of fatty degeneration of the myocardium. Choking and shortness of breath shorten breathing so much that it becomes difficult for the patient to even eat or drink; breathing is frequent, shallow, weak. Shortness of breath with a sharp, irregular heartbeat, a pulsation that shakes the whole body, felt everywhere, right down to the tips of the fingers and toes. Strong pulsation; the patient cannot lie on his left side; combined with stitching chest pain and cough. Old asthmatics with weak pulse, with the pulsation and palpitations described above, with inability to lie down. The only position in which the patient feels more or less comfortable is leaning forward, resting his elbows on the armrests of the chair. The attacks are severe and prolonged, he feels especially bad from 3 to 5 am, worse when lying in bed. At 3 o'clock in the morning, asthmatic attacks lift the patient out of bed. Asthmatic shortness of breath with other manifestations of wet asthma or in combination with a feeling of a large amount of mucus in the chest, rough wheezing in the chest, loud, noisy breathing. Patients who constantly hear wheezing in the chest, which is characterized by a noisy cough, difficulty breathing; every time it rains or fogs or in cold, stormy weather, symptoms of wet asthma occur; asthmatic breathing with severe weakness chest, worse from 3 to 5 am. The patient is pale, sickly and anemic, complaining of stabbing pain in the chest.

The cough of this medicine can rightfully be called one of the most severe cough throughout the Materia Medica. It dramatically depletes the entire body. The cough is continuous, accompanied by retching and vomiting, begins at 3 o'clock in the morning, dry, jerky, hard, debilitating. “Suffocating cough at 5 o'clock in the morning. Severe dryness of throat between 2 and 3 a.m.." Consider Kali carbonicum in cases where after past illness, for example, measles, when catarrhal symptoms are already behind, psoric complications arise due to insufficient reactions. The cough after measles is very often a Kali carbonicum cough. For a similar cough that occurs after measles or pneumonia, Kali carbonicum, Sulfur, Carbo vegetabilis and Drosera are more often prescribed than other drugs.

The sputum is copious, very offensive, tenacious, lumpy, streaked with blood or pus-like, thick, yellow or yellow-green. Very often it has a pungent, rather strong aftertaste, reminiscent of the taste of old cheese. Catarrh of the chest. Dry cough day and night, with vomiting of food and mucus, worse after eating, drinking and in the evening.

There is no more characteristic feature of Kali carbonicum than wandering, stitching pains throughout the chest and a feeling of coldness in the chest. Important signs of the drug are severe shortness of breath, periodic tingling, stabbing sensations in the pleura. A large number of cases in which Kali carbonicum can be used are diseases of a catarrhal nature, which tend to spread upward from the lower parts of the lungs. The drug is rarely prescribed in cases where percussion dullness was initially determined over the apices of one or both lungs. Very often it is able to prevent future development of tuberculosis in patients with a poor family history. Do not be afraid to prescribe antipsoric drugs to patients with a hereditary history of tuberculosis, but be especially attentive to patients with extensive tuberculous lesions and cavities in the lungs, as well as latent or encapsulated caseous tuberculosis. Prescribing antipsoric drugs can lead such patients to a dangerous and serious condition. However, it should not be thought that it is dangerous to give Sulfur to someone just because his mother or father died of consumption. Sulfur may be just the medicine that will allow a child to avoid the fate of his parents. Kali carbonicum is quite applicable and capable of acting as an acute remedy in advanced stages of tuberculosis, when it is not prescribed as a direct constitutional remedy. In such cases it acts as a good palliative, while when given as a constitutional remedy it can do great harm in the next few weeks. It’s good that many homeopaths are simply unable to find a homeopathic medicine. When does the patient still have enough lung tissue, capable of recovery, Kali carbonicum is able to perform a miracle, provided the symptoms coincide.

I want to warn you about one aspect related to Kali carbonicum. This is a very dangerous drug for gout. When you meet with old gout, with thickened joints in the fingers and big toes, which are very painful and inflamed from time to time, you may think that Kali carbonicum is very suitable for the symptoms of such a case: the patient is worse in certain weathers, he is pale and exhausted, complaints arise from 2 to 3 am, shooting pains are characteristic. But such gouty patients are often incurable, and attempts to radically cure them can turn into a huge disaster, since the deterioration will last too long. By prescribing Kali carbonicum in high dilution to one of these patients, you will only make him worse, since the deterioration can be very serious and long-lasting, while the 30th dilution can be beneficial. Prescribed for gout symptoms, Kali iodatum acts as an emollient and palliative. Kali carbonicum, on the contrary, can be extremely dangerous; it is a sharp sword in the hands of a doctor. I advise you not to attempt to prescribe this medicine for the purpose of curing such old cases of gout, which are accompanied by the formation of countless nodules. You should not resort to the help of a constitutional remedy that should have been prescribed to the patient twenty years ago, since at present the body does not have enough energy to restore health, it can only destroy itself. It may sound paradoxical, but to cure him means to kill him. The vital force needed to restore health is capable of tearing his body into pieces. You do not have to blindly trust such statements. I just ask you to remember this, and one day, after some time practical work After you have made countless mistakes trying to treat terminally ill patients, I hope you will appreciate the tremendous power of homeopathic medicines. Some have truly crushing power. Avoid and beware of prescribing high dilutions of Kali carbonicum in old cases of gout, in advanced cases of Bright's disease, in advanced cases of tuberculosis.

When studying the text, pay attention to the description of sensations. There are a lot of them. Undoubtedly, the most characteristic are sharp and tearing, shooting, stabbing and wandering pains.

Kali carbonicum (according to Grangeorge)

Kali carbonicum (addiction-related suffering)

With this remedy we have patients who are so ticklish that they cannot be examined (Antimonium crudum, Phosphorus). In addition to the craving for sugar, which they eat without other foods, there is swelling of the upper eyelids. This is a suitable medicine for cough and asthma that occurs around 3 am. The child is forced to sit up in bed and complains of aching pain in the chest and throat. This is a cure for all stitching rheumatic pains. It is also a medicine for childbirth with a transverse position of the fetus. In the heart area, the key symptom is a feeling that the heart is suspended by a thread.

Mentally, there is a love for company, but at the same time the individual behaves offensively towards others. We are talking about a very ambivalent attitude towards the outside world. Desire and denial exist at the same time.

To understand this medicine, we must remember the role played by potassium, which is an important element in the cells of our body. Cells contain a lot of potassium, while the extracellular environment contains a lot of sodium. Potassium - The sodium pump of the cell membrane constantly concentrates potassium in the cell and releases sodium out, which is necessary for life. This work requires a large amount of sugar (glucose), which is a source of energy. At birth, after cutting the umbilical cord, glucose no longer enters the bloodstream. The potassium-sodium pump works worse: the amount of potassium in the cells decreases and the fear of cell death arises. The newborn is screaming. The mother gives the breast or a horn, and everything calms down. But the newborn Kali carboaicum will hate those around him because he has suddenly become so dependent on them, and the ambivalence of relationships resulting from this leads to the fact that, having had enough, he immediately rejects the company.

Delfina, 12 years old, has been suffering from severe asthma for many years with daily attacks at night, despite allopathic and homeopathic treatment. I check on her one day at 3 am. Very depressed, she calls for a doctor, but when he comes, he finds it very difficult to listen to her, since the touch of a cold stethoscope causes exaggerated convulsive movements in the child. Upper eyelids swollen with bags. "What do you feel?" “It stings,” she says, pointing to her expanded chest. Kali carbomcum 7 - 9, then 15CH gives a great effect, causing the disappearance of asthma for 2 years. At puberty, however, the disease reappeared and did not respond to this medicine. At the same time, other symptoms appeared, indicating Staphysagria, which finally relieved the girl of asthma (not a single attack for 10 years).

Kalium carbonicum - potash, potassium carbonate. Salt is named after the source from which it was obtained in ancient times - wood ash, in Arabic "al kaljun". While sodium is found mainly in the ocean combined with chlorine such as salt, potassium in the form of various salts is found in soil and plants. In the body, as in nature, sodium predominates in the form of salts dissolved in liquids. Potassium, on the contrary, is an important component of colloidal systems, soil humus, and cellular matter of the body.

In order to understand what metabolic disorders are caused by a lack or excess of potassium, it is necessary to remember what functions it performs in a living organism. Between the two elements - sodium and potassium, as well as between their main complementary elements - calcium and magnesium, there is a basic balance that ensures the tone of living tissues. This is a consequence of the interaction of these elements with anions such as chloride, carbonate, phosphate and sulfate, and the balance of opposite charges.

Although potassium is mainly contained within cellular colloids, it moves freely and quickly throughout the body and is used where it is most needed at the moment - in various cells and organs.

For example, during active work muscles, the concentration of potassium in the blood increases, and during rest it decreases. When significant loss of sodium chloride occurs, such as severe bleeding due to trauma or severe vomiting, potassium moves from cells into the bloodstream. This condition is accompanied by severe muscle weakness, corresponding to a deficiency of potassium in muscle cells, and is manifested by a decrease in muscle tone.

Potassium is a radioactive element that emits 3-rays (negative electrons from the nucleus of the atom). Potassium is an essential element of cell life, and in this case its radioactivity cannot be ignored.

It seems that this is especially important in relation to functions defined as automaticity and rhythm. It is known that Kali carbonicum, for example, has a certain affinity for the cardiac muscle and the smooth muscles of the excretory ducts and blood vessels.

Muscle cells contain large amounts of potassium, because this element is essential for performing their function - contraction, which lasts as long as potassium is in the cell. Despite this, the most damaging of all the major ions to muscle cells is the potassium cation when it is outside the cells. Tests of Kali carbonicum have revealed significant muscle weakness, which proves the action of the drug on the striated muscles.

There are receptor relationships between the functioning of the vagus nerve and the action of potassium. This element stimulates the vagus nerve, and stimulation of the latter increases the flow of potassium ions. Potentized Kali carbonicum can act excellently as a stimulant in regulating the delicate balance through the autonomic nervous system. Potassium acts mainly on the parasympathetic nerves, causing a decrease in the tone of skeletal muscles and cardiac muscle, as well as rhythm disturbances. Excess potassium, however, causes an increase in tone and active contractions of the smooth muscles of the intestines, bronchi, uterus and arterioles.

Potassium is also necessary for normal conductivity in sensory nerves. A disturbance of potassium metabolism in the peripheral nervous system is manifested by pain, most often sharp and piercing, like a dagger, or stabbing - this was revealed in the study of Kali carbonicum. It was also revealed that potassium is no less important for the normal transmission of nerve impulses in the central nervous system. However, excess potassium can cause suppression or even paralysis of vital centers.

The complete absence of potassium also causes suppression of their functions. In other words, potassium must be present in an optimal ratio with other ions. To avoid imbalance in life processes, proper balance must be ensured.

Thus, the main effect of Kali carbonicum is on the nervous system, both central and peripheral, causing depression and hypotension; on the heart, leading to myasthenia gravis and rhythm disturbances; on the smooth muscles of the excretory ducts, causing an increase in tone and active spasm; on the mucous membranes, causing irritation, ulceration and necrosis.


A chilly, trembling, restless patient whose anxiety and anxiety make the interview process very difficult. This may also be a consequence of weakness to such a degree that even participating in a conversation is too much stress for him.

The patient is not only very tired, but also consumed with grief and sadness, crying, listing his symptoms (this symptom is also found in Medorrhinum, Pulsatilla, Sepia and Streptococcinum). Swelling in the form of bags appears between the eyebrows and upper eyelids. Puffiness of the upper eyelids (compare the swelling of the upper and lower eyelids in Apis and the swelling of the lower eyelids in Arsenicum album).

Puffiness and loose edema may appear in different places. The skin is often dry and milky white; the nose is red, swollen and hard. From a sudden noise the patient jumps and screams, the same thing is observed if he is suddenly touched. Does not tolerate even light touch, especially on the soles of the feet; the person is very afraid of tickling.


The patient is exhausted, irritable and touchy, complains that “he is at the limit”, “twitched up”, and cannot cope with the situation that has arisen. Cannot stand loneliness; looking for company, but not attention and love.

He can be witty and eccentric at times, but is not inclined to argue with everyone on any issue. He cannot interest other people, but only bores them. Increased sensitivity to noise. Loud noise, a sudden blow or bad news causes a "strange feeling in the stomach." An attack of chills—“all trembling”—appears during fright or emotional distress. Fears: fear of the future, death, ghosts. Mental and physical asthenia is manifested by constant whims and quirks; many different symptoms.

The Kali carbonicum patient is always cold, often to the point of trembling. Chills are aggravated by food and any vigorous activity, which is an additional burden on weak blood circulation. Tendency to catch cold when exposed to cold air, therefore afraid of fresh air; prefers a well-heated room.

The feet and hands are almost always cold as ice. He has a weak appetite and has an aversion to food, especially black bread. You may crave sour things, which temporarily stimulates your appetite. Often does not tolerate milk. Thirst can change. Often there is no ability to sweat at all, even when it is very hot. On the contrary, when weakness is very pronounced, he sweats at the slightest effort, especially at night. The sweat is usually cold and sticky and comes out in round patches. Usually sleepy during the day, especially during meals, and sleeps poorly at night due to nightmares; As a rule, he wakes up early and cannot fall back to sleep.

General symptoms

These are mainly right-sided symptoms. The sensitivity to cold is so great that the cold feels like pain—it “hurts.” Pain seems to arise from biochemical disturbances of nerve conduction, from congestion more often than from inflammation. The pain is described as unusual, stabbing, cutting or like being struck by a dagger, its severity does not depend on whether the patient is moving, sitting or lying down.

The pain is accompanied by a feeling of cold in the affected area, although the pain itself may be burning. The pain is so strong and unexpected that it causes screams; they are aggravated by cold, touch, pressure and when lying on a sore spot. The warmth brings some relief. The pain is usually localized in the muscles and connective tissue, they move from one place to another. If the pain in one place goes away from the heat, then it may immediately appear in another place. There is a tendency for puffiness to appear in various places as a result of local edema. Symptoms are usually accompanied by a rapidly developing loss of strength. Iron-deficiency anemia.


Kali carbonicum usually develops various types of dizziness due to vascular hypotension. It appears even when the patient is sitting quietly.

In the area of ​​the frontal sinuses there is a burning pain or neuralgic pain of the scalp, eyes and zygomatic region. These pains are worse in the cold or even when inhaling cold air; forced to wrap his head warmly when leaving the room. Congestive headaches are also mentioned, which are relieved by heat and pressure. The scalp and hair are usually dry, and a scaly rash may appear on the scalp; scaly or favus-type rashes, accompanied by hair loss on the temples and eyebrows.


There is a pain in the eyes. Darkening of vision often occurs, especially after sexual intercourse. He often complains of the appearance of flying flies before his eyes. Characteristic is swelling of the inner corner of the upper eyelid and other types of puffiness described above.

Respiratory system

The nose is swollen and very red, the nasal passages are unpleasantly dry. The nasal passages are clogged with foul mucus and crusts with copious liquid yellow discharge. The nose gets stuffy in a warm room, relief comes in the fresh air, and although the nose is not so stuffy, the head continues to hurt. Nosebleeds appear at 9 am or when washing. He often catches a cold, and as a rule, the vocal cords are affected and the voice disappears. The tonsillar tonsils enlarge, this is accompanied by enlargement and hardening of the affected glands. A sore throat is characterized by sharp, stabbing pain or a sensation like “a fish bone stuck in the throat.” A lot of mucus is coughed up from the nasopharynx. When swallowing, there is a sharp stinging pain and a constant feeling of a “lump in the throat.”

The lower respiratory tract is often affected, resulting in a persistent, dry, severe cough, worse from 3 to 5 a.m.; Swelling appears above the upper eyelids, they are more noticeable during coughing. The chest feels cold. Coughing attacks are accompanied by sneezing, choking, and vomiting. The sputum is scanty, viscous, the patient swallows it; or during a coughing attack, gray balls of dense sputum fly out of the mouth. There is a stabbing pain in the chest that gets worse with movement, but it can also appear at rest. These pains are mainly localized in the lower third right lung and spread to the back. Measles or pneumonia give way to chronic catarrh of the chest with a productive cough and profuse sputum, viscous, lumpy, foul-smelling, yellow or yellow-green, and often streaked with blood. The sputum has a putrid taste, like moldy cheese. Shortness of breath bothers you when climbing stairs or uphill, but not when walking on a level surface. The medicine is indicated for bronchial asthma, when the worsening occurs between 3 and 5 am. At this time, the patient is forced to sit, leaning forward, with his head on his knees - this makes it easier for him. Attacks are often accompanied by cardiac weakness.

Digestive system

When exposed to cold or draft appears toothache. Alveolar pyorrhea is accompanied by loose teeth, bad breath and general weakness. The tongue is covered with painful blisters or small boils form on the tip. Swallowing food is difficult due to dryness in the throat, and tingling occurs. Atonic dyspepsia develops, which is accompanied by weakness, a feeling of emptiness: this condition does not improve, but only worsens, both during and after eating. After eating, there is a feeling of cold and leaden heaviness in the stomach or it seems that it is “filled with water.” Severe heartburn and burning sensation.

These symptoms are worse when drinking cold water; some relief comes after belching and from warmth. When bending forward, pain is felt in the stomach. Severe bloating is accompanied by belching and the passage of foul-smelling gases. Bloating occurs soon after eating, even if very little has been eaten; the feeling that everything eaten turns into gas.

Repeated swelling causes very severe cutting pain; this condition is associated with a need for warmth (requires hot water bottles, hot drinks); bends almost in half - it’s easier. The medicine helps with liver dysfunction with a feeling of fullness and pain in the right hypochondrium, in the right side of the chest, spreading under the right shoulder blade, with gastrointestinal disorders and periodic bile attacks. Stool retention often occurs, after which a large amount of hard feces is released, followed by a burning sensation in the anus and rectum. But it is also possible chronic diarrhea, which alternates with constipation, especially in asthenic, pale, exhausted patients.

Hemorrhagic nodes can be very large, constantly fall out, burn as if from fire, and bleed profusely. They are very painful, sensitive to the slightest touch, and cannot be completely reduced. They cause insomnia, and there is a feeling as if “there is a hot poker in the rectum.” Some relief comes from sitting cold bath, which is the opposite of the usual modality. Coughing and urination make you feel worse.

The cardiovascular system

Symptoms of heart failure with a weak, irregular or intermittent pulse are expressed; tendency to palpitations, especially when hungry, and pressing pain in the region of the heart. Symptoms are worse when eating, when lying on the back and at night. A pulsation is felt throughout the body, even when the heartbeat is not rapid. Circulatory failure causes swelling in different places, and severe shortness of breath appears at the slightest exertion. The feeling that “the heart is suspended by a thread.” The medicine is prescribed for endo- and pericarditis with typical pain and exhaustion.

Urinary system

Bladder tone is also reduced. Urination is frequent, while the onset of urine flow is somewhat delayed, and the stream is sluggish. Dysuria with burning both during and after urination. There is a lot of urate in the urine.

Reproductive system

Usually, menstruation is preceded by chilliness and colic, and stool retention is common during menstruation. Pregnancy is usually accompanied by pain in the lower back. The medicine can be indicated for threatened miscarriage, amenorrhea and persistent uterine bleeding that does not stop after curettage, as well as other therapeutic measures. After sexual intercourse, a state of extreme weakness and darkening of vision appears.

Nervous system

The slightest pressure on the skin anywhere causes tingling and numbness - this is how the hypersensitivity characteristic of this remedy manifests itself. Twitching and trembling also appear, even real convulsions, but without loss of consciousness.

Propulsion system

The most characteristic symptom is severe muscle weakness. The legs suddenly give out, the back gives out, and the patient is forced to lie down; When trying to walk, my back feels like it is about to break. There is severe pain in the back, radiating upward and downward, but it is especially disturbing in the sacral area, from where it spreads through the hip joints into the thighs.

The pain intensifies when walking and before menstruation. Relief occurs when lying down or pressing the lower back firmly against something very hard (the latter modality is also characteristic of Cimicifuga, Natrum muriaticum and Sepia). Associated joint stiffness improves with movement. There is pain in the spine while eating. Itching in the bones bothers me. The triad that definitely indicates Kalicarbon/cum is: cold sweat, great weakness and pain in the lower back.


Worsening when exposed to cold air, small drafts and changes in weather; from soup and coffee; from the slightest touch or pressure when lying on a sore spot. Worse between 3 and 5 a.m.; headache usually worsens at 9 a.m.; weakness from hunger occurs at 10 a.m.; often at noon there is a strong chill. Better in warm damp weather, as in Causticum, Hepar sulfur and Nux vomica. Improved by bending forward and during the day.


This is a very deceptive drug, one might even say dangerous for asthenic, gout-prone patients, if given in potencies above 30 C. It has special value for elderly people. It is necessary to consider the possibility of its use in asthenic conditions and anemia after a severe or prolonged illness or after childbirth or abortion.

Kali carbonicum

  1. Phosphorus, Carbo vegetabilis, Arsenicum
  2. Antimonium tartaricum
  3. Calcarea phosphorica, Psorinum
  4. Causticum, Senna, Natrum muriaticum
  5. Lachesis
    Carbo vegetabilis

Today I will study with you potassium carbonate, known in our nomenclature as Kali carbonicum (potassium carbonate). It is a complement to Carbo veg. and resembles it in many forms of disease, especially in pneumonia. Sometimes, when one remedy fails, another supplements the treatment; hence the additional relation of these means to each other. We have a number of analogues of Kali carbonicum, some of which are shown on the table. We will have a chance to get acquainted with some of them below. There is also some additional relationship between Kali carb. and Phosphorus.

Kali carb. influences hematopoiesis both quantitatively and qualitatively. This is proven by the anemia caused by this remedy. It is characterized by the following symptoms: frequent chilling; every time the patient goes outside, he feels cold if the air is slightly cool, due to the lack of normal resistance to external temperature; In perfect accordance with this anemia, a beating is noticed in the blood vessels throughout the body. This is not plethora (plethora), but only a semblance of plethora. It is associated with local congestions, which are essentially anemic in origin; the blood volume is normal, but the number of red blood cells is lower than normal. A rush of blood to the head is accompanied by a buzzing in the ears. The patient suffers from dizziness when turning the head quickly or when riding in a carriage, or in general in all those cases when the blood flow to the brain decreases. The patient suffers from weakness of vision, especially following severe sexual excesses.

Due to this anemia we find Kali carb. indicated after severe and prolonged illnesses. Thus, it is useful against weakness after childbirth or miscarriage, in the presence of the following symptoms: very painful back pain; a feeling of weakness that makes walking difficult for the patient; the patient suffers from cough and frequent night sweats; persistent bleeding from the uterus; urine is replete with uric acid salts. This last symptom, an abundance of urate salts, indicates great decomposition of the tissues, and is a clear proof of the depletion which Kali carb. causes and cures.

You remember that I mentioned Kali carb. among the drugs that cause severe depletion of the muscular system, and with this depletion, an abundance of uric acid salts in the urine is very often observed.

Kali carb. acts not only on voluntary muscles, but also on the heart. The heart weakens when this remedy is indicated, and therefore you observe that the pulse is irregular or intermittent, or it is very weak, although fast. This character of the pulse in Kali carb. will characterize any disease for which you can give this remedy. This is a characteristic feature and constitutes one of the main symptoms of this remedy, so you will rarely find that Kali carb. was indicated in the presence of a full round pulse.

An abundance of urate salts in the urine, indicating exhaustion from the disease, also occurs with other remedies. Perhaps the best remedy in our pharmacology against this symptom, other things being equal, is Causticum. But this statement requires clarification. Remember this. A symptom of this nature does not have the same significance as any symptom on the part of the brain. It is characteristic in its place, and yet, if there are symptoms more characteristic of some other remedy, then you should not think about the meaning of Causticum. Suppose you have a patient with other symptoms requiring Kali carb., for example, let it be a woman after childbirth, with back pain, sweats and other important symptoms; then you can safely give Kali carb. But if we have a patient with no other outstanding symptoms other than this abundance of uric acid salts in the urine, then Causticum will help us out.

Another remedy for this symptom is Senna, which is one of the best remedies in our pharmacology against simple exhaustion with increased destruction of nitrogenous substances.

The peculiar combination of symptoms that we have with Kali carb. - sweat, back pain and weakness - is not found with any other remedy. It works equally well in both high and low divisions.

You may also think of Calcarea phosphorica, which is closely related to Kali carb. by profuse sweating, weakness and pale skin.

As a remedy also similar to Kali carb., Psorinum deserves attention, which, as is already known, is extremely useful in recovering from illnesses if there is weakness, profuse sweating and, in addition, complete despair. The patient despairs of a complete recovery.

Now let's look at the action of Kali carb. on the nervous system. Mentally, the patient appears to be extremely capricious, nervous, and flinches (scared) very easily. You see this a lot in women. They become frightened by imaginary hallucinations; it seems to them that there is someone in the room, or that some figure is passing in front of them and tormenting them. This timidity is especially evident at the slightest, especially unexpected noise or knock, for example, when simply locking a door or window. They not only shudder, as happens to many healthy people under similar circumstances, but they become frightened and begin to tremble. In some cases, when Kali carb. is indicated, you are met with serious mental disorder. The patient does not seem to be interested in anything. This indifference is associated with severe bodily exhaustion. The patient, usually a woman, answers questions with difficulty, as if not knowing exactly what to say or what she wants. This condition is somewhat reminiscent of Acidum phosphoricum, but the apathy of these two remedies does not seem to be completely identical. Kali carb. does not have sensory apathy, but with it there is exhaustion, too strong for the patient to give answers that correspond to your questions. These symptoms, calling for Kali carb., you will often find in puerperal mania and puerperal fever.

As a symptom of the nervous system, with Kali carb. we may also encounter convulsions. The patient does not lose consciousness during the convulsions, so this remedy is not indicated for real epilepsy, but it may be indicated for postpartum eclampsia, when the spasms apparently go away with belching of gases.

The spine suffers in a Kali carb patient. very much. In addition to the already mentioned back pain due to anemia or miscarriage, we encounter irritation of the spinal cord, which, we note in passing, is the same vague symptom as any other general symptom, for example, headache. You should always know the cause of such spinal cord irritation. Does it come from loss of juices, from brain disease, or from something else. The patient has Kali carb. you will often find it in connection with uterine symptoms. Therefore, you will have pressure in the sacrum, as if some large weight is pressing down there. There is also a pressing down and in the area of ​​the uterus during menstruation and a burning sensation along the spine, especially along the right side. It is not actually congestion. This is only a subjective sensation caused by irritation of the posterior spinal nerves. Back pain worsens when walking. The patient feels so exhausted that she must sit on a chair or lean on something. In the morning there is sometimes a pulsation in the sacrum, quite similar to the pulsations that occur in other parts of the body. Here the remedy is quite analogous to Sepia and the well known Cimicifuga. This throbbing and nagging pain in the back is most likely relieved when the patient lies down. This brings you to the comparison between Kali carb. and Natrum mur. The similarity of the spinal symptoms - irritation of the spinal cord, back pain and relief from lying down - immediately strikes you. Natrum mur. has special relief from lying straight on your back on a hard bed. Additionally, you will find that these two remedies complement each other in treating amenorrhea. Hahnemann says that Kali carb. causes menstruation even in cases where Natrum mur., although indicated, does not give success.

Once I was able to cure with Kali carb. a case of peculiar back pain. A very nervous patient came to me for advice about dyspepsia. “Something very strange is happening to me,” she told me. “Every time I eat something, I have severe back pain that lasts half an hour or more.” This was, of course, a strange symptom. I didn't know if it was available in pharmacology. But I started looking and found Kali carb. such a symptom: back pain while eating. I gave her Kali carb., which cured her completely.

On mucous membranes Kali carb. acts, causing a number of catarrhal symptoms. We can give it for a runny nose with hoarseness or loss of voice. The patient catches a cold at any slightest exposure to fresh air. This is a very strong symptom of Kali carb. Patient Kali carb. has a tendency to obesity, and his muscular system is rather poorly developed. With the catarrhal symptoms of this remedy there is often a sensation as if there is a lump stuck in the throat that needs to be swallowed. The neck is stiff, the tongue is elongated. During swallowing, a stitching pain is felt in the throat, exactly the same as with Apis.

Sometimes we have a more chronic form of nasal catarrh: the nasal passages are blocked and the patient can only breathe with his mouth open. Nasal congestion is relieved in the open air and returns as soon as the patient enters a warm room. Foul-smelling green mucus flows from the nose, or the nose appears swollen and red in the morning, with bloody fluid flowing from it. With every cold, there is a tingling sensation in the throat, as if there is a fish bone stuck there. This is a good symptom for Kali carb. You will find it very accurately noted in Allen's Encyclopedia.

In addition to these symptoms, there is almost always an accumulation of mucus in the throat. The patient coughs and expectorates in the morning. This expectoration is observed with all alkalis, but with no other remedy is there this peculiarity - the sensation of the presence of a fish bone in the throat with every cold and “spitting”. This sensation of the presence of a splinter or a fish bone in the throat also occurs with Hepar, Acidum nitricum, Alumen, Carbo veg. and Argentum nitricum.

For coughs Kali carb. sometimes it's beneficial. The cough appears in attacks and is accompanied by suffocation and vomiting of sour mucus and food. This gives a reason to use Kali carb. for whooping cough, and it turned out to be very useful for this disease. Boenninghausen has given us the characteristic symptom of Kali carb., namely, a small sac filled with a clear fluid appears between the upper eyelids and the eyebrows. You will see this symptom often. I only warn you not to confuse it with a similar phenomenon, which, however, does not have any pathological value and occurs in elderly people due to the known looseness of the tissues in this place.

Kali carb. indicated for pneumonia or capillary bronchitis in children with the following symptoms: severe shortness of breath; although there is a lot of mucus in the chest, it is difficult to cough up. The child is so suffocated that he can neither sleep nor drink. Breathing is accompanied by wheezing and whistling, and the child is tormented by a suffocating cough. Here you should compare Kali carb carefully. with Antimonium tartaricum and choose which of these two remedies is better suited to the case. When one is shown, the other cannot be used.

For consumption Kali carb. indicated in cases where the patient’s physique corresponds to this. The patient's face is puffy, as with alkalis in general. In addition, there are characteristic stabbing pains in the chest and throughout the body, with swelling of the upper eyelids. The cough is difficult. The patient cannot cough up phlegm. He coughs it up only partly, but it slides back down his throat. If you examine this sputum, you will find it often bloody, with small lumps of pus scattered throughout it. All symptoms are worse from 3 to 5 am. This hour of deterioration belongs to all potassium salts in general. There is also a very persistent sensation, namely, chilling at noon.

Kali carb. indicated for cardiac inflammation, endo- and pericarditis, and in the presence of characteristic stabbing pains. Don't give it too soon in these cases. It is not one of the remedies suitable in the early stages of heart disease, but is indicated much later, when deposits have already formed on the heart valves.

The same stitching pains with Kali carb. We also find it in back pain, a very persistent form of rheumatism. The same symptom occurs with a threatened miscarriage, as well as during childbirth: sharp stabbing pains in the lumbar region, shooting down from the buttocks to the thighs. The same kind of pain speaks for the use of this remedy for nephritis.

Finally, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that these same stabbing pains serve as an indication for the use of Kali carb. with childbed fever, depending mainly on inflammation of the uterus (metritis). Sharp, stabbing, cutting pain in the abdomen, the abdomen is swollen and distended, the urine is dark and in scanty quantities, the pulse is fast but weak, and the patient’s state of mind is the same as I described at the beginning of this lecture.

One more symptom, and we’ll be done with this remedy: I’ll also say about its use for neuralgia of the stomach (dyspepsia). It is required for indigestion, especially in elderly people who have lost a lot of vital juices, when there is a feeling of weakness and emptiness in the stomach before eating and bloating after eating, especially after soup or coffee. In this case, there are sour belches, heartburn and an unpleasant nervous state when the patient is hungry. You see that Kali carb. - this is a remedy that is indicated for a wide variety of diseases, but for the same reason, like many others, this remedy is very often neglected in practice, because hasty and careless doctors prefer to stick to routine.

Kalium carbonicum/Kalium carbonicum - potassium carbonate

Basic dosage forms. Homeopathic granules D3, C3, C6 and higher. Drops D3, C3, C6 and higher.

Indications for use. Chronic rhinitis, bronchitis, pleurisy, urinary incontinence. Bronchial asthma. Lumbar pain, lumbago. Acute rheumatism of the joints. Heart diseases.

Characteristic signs. General weakness with a tendency to sweat and edematous swelling of the upper eyelids. The scalp is very dry. Chilly patients with profuse sweating with little exertion. Feeling of numbness throughout the leg. Knee pain when walking up stairs, especially when going down.

Worse - after sexual intercourse; in cold weather; from soup and coffee; at night - about 3 hours; lying on the left or sore side.

Improvement - in warm weather, even damp; during the day, when moving.

The Kali carbonicum patient is difficult to study, so the remedy is also difficult to study.

It is not used as often as it should be, and the reason for this is the complexity of the drug, which can confuse the doctor. It has a huge number of contradictory, changing symptoms, this is due both to the patient himself, who conceals his symptoms, and to the fact that many of them are of an uncertain nature.

The Kali carbonicum patient is capricious, quick-tempered, irritable to the extreme, quarrels with his family and those on whom he depends. He does not want to be alone, because in solitude he is overwhelmed with fears and visions, “fear of the future, death, ghosts.” If he has to stay at home alone, he suffers from insomnia, cannot sleep a wink, or has terrible dreams all the time. He is never calm, he is full of visions and fears. “What if the house catches fire?!” “What if I have to do this or that?!” “What will I do if this or that happens?!”

The patient is hypersensitive to everything, to any change in the weather; he can never achieve an absolutely comfortable temperature in the room; he senses any draft, any air movement in the room. He cannot tolerate open windows in the house, even in a place remote from them. He wakes up in the middle of the night and looks for where the draft is coming from. Complaints worsen in damp and cold weather. He is sensitive to cold and shivers all the time. He feels the cold in his nerves; They all start to get sick from the cold. In the cold, neuralgic shootings appear here and there, and when the diseased part of the body warms up, the pain moves to some other place. All the pains of this medicine change place and move to the cold parts of the body; If you cover one part of the body, the pain will spread to the uncovered part.

This medicine is filled with piercing, burning, tearing pains, they move from place to place. Naturally, Kali carbonicum also has pains that constantly remain in one place, but, as a rule, the pains still wander from place to place. Pain, cutting like a knife. Pain, similar to injections of hot needles, piercing, stinging, burning. Such pain is felt in the internal organs and respiratory tract. Burning in anus and rectum, described as like pushing a red-hot poker inside; burning like hot coals. Hemorrhoids burn like hot coals. The burning sensation of this remedy is similar to that of Arsenicum.

Further, when studying the text, it is clear that the characteristic feature of this remedy will be the onset of symptoms at 2, 3 or 5 o'clock in the morning. The cough of Kali carbonicum occurs or is most severe at 3, 4 or 5 o'clock in the morning. The febrile state occurs from 3 to 5 am. If the patient suffers from asthmatic shortness of breath, the attack will develop at 3 o'clock in the morning, waking him up. The patient may be awakened by various symptoms and remain awake until 5 o'clock in the morning, after which he becomes much better. Naturally, there are many symptoms that a patient can suffer from at any time of the day, but the time mentioned above is the worst. He wakes up at 3 o'clock in the morning in fear, with fear of death, fear of the future, with anxiety about everything in the world and remains awake for two or three hours, and then falls asleep and sleeps soundly.

The patient's body remains cold all the time, and a lot of clothing is required to warm it, but, despite the coldness of the body, the patient sweats profusely; profuse cold sweat all over the body. Sweating from the slightest effort, sweating of parts of the body where there is pain, sweat on the forehead; cold sweat on forehead during headache.

Neuralgia of the scalp, eyes, maxillary bones with neuralgic shooting pains. Violent pain here and there in the head, as if it were about to split. Cutting and piercing headaches. Violent congestive pain, as if the head were full of something. The head is hot on one side and cold on the other; forehead covered with cold sweat.

The remedy has catarrhal congestive headaches. Whenever the patient goes out into the cold air, the nose clears, dryness and burning occur on the mucous membranes; when he returns to the warm room, discharge begins from the nose and the nose becomes blocked so that the patient can no longer breathe through it; in general, at this moment the patient feels better. Thus, the nose is cleared in the fresh air and stuffed up in a warm room. When the nose is cleared and the patient can breathe through it, the headache hurts the most; it hurts from the cold air, which causes a burning sensation. Cold air appears hot. All these patients suffer from chronic catarrh. When they ride in the cold wind, the catarrhal discharge subsides, but the headache appears; hence the symptom: headache from riding in a cold wind. Whenever the cooling in a draft stops the discharge, a headache occurs, and as soon as the discharge returns, the headache subsides. Neuralgic pain in the eyes, scalp, maxillary bones, arising from suppression of chronic catarrhal discharge; when the discharge resumes, these pains stop.

With chronic catarrhal inflammation of the nose, there is a thick, flowing, yellow discharge; dry nose, alternating with nasal congestion. In addition, a patient suffering from chronic catarrh will secrete yellow mucus from the nose in the morning, clogging the nasal passages. In the morning, the patient blows his nose and coughs up dry, dense crusts that clog the nasal passages, moving into the nasopharynx and further into the larynx. These crusts dry to the mucous membrane, so when they separate, bleeding occurs. The places where the crusts come off bleed.

The patient is predisposed to sore throat, he constantly catches cold, and the cold settles in the throat. The patient also tends to have enlarged tonsils; At the same time, there is a chronic enlargement and thickening of the parotid glands - one or both. Large nodes behind the ears, under the jaw. These glands grow and harden, and are at times painful, with shooting, piercing pains when walking in the open air. When the air touches these enlarged glands, they become painful; the patient feels better in a warm room. Acute colds spread to the chest, although Kali carbonicum is most used for chronic chest catarrh and chronic bronchitis.

The chest is very often affected in exactly the same way as the nose. In cold air there is dryness and a dry, barking, hacking cough, and in warm air phlegm is produced abundantly; It is at this time that the patient feels best; the production of sputum seems to alleviate his condition. The patient suffers greatly from a dry, hacking cough with sputum discharge in the morning. The cough begins as dry and jerky, gradually, and sometimes very quickly, intensifies and takes on the character of a frantic spasmodic cough, in which the patient gags and vomits; when coughing, the patient feels as if his head will fly into pieces. The face swells, the eyes appear bulging, and then there is what is present in most cases of Kali carbonicum, a special kind of swelling between the eyelids and eyebrows, this swelling swells during coughing. You should pay attention to this sign, and even if there are no other swellings on the face, this small swelling between the eyelid and eyebrow will be present. Sometimes it fills up to the size of a small bag of water. Kali carbonicum causes this swelling, and sometimes this symptom alone may lead one to think that this remedy is suitable for the whole case. Boenighausen speaks of an epidemic of whooping cough in which the majority of cases corresponded to Kali carbonicum, and this particular symptom was present. No medicine should be prescribed for a single symptom. If you decide on a remedy based on a particular symptom, study the remedy and the disease to make sure that they are similar to each other enough to expect a cure. Any deviations from this rule are disastrous and lead to the vicious practice of prescribing drugs for one symptom.

A dry, hacking, constant, vomiting cough, a barking cough with blowing out blood through the nose, vomiting everything that goes into the stomach, and expectoration of sputum streaked with blood - this is the picture of whooping cough, usually cured with Kali carbonicum, but you will still are more confident in the prescription if this special and prominent sign is present: swelling between the eyebrow and eyelid, swelling around the eyes.

There have been a number of cases of pneumonia in the hepatic stage requiring Kali carbonicum (similar to Sulfur). Next, when the pneumonia has gone, think of Kali carbonicum if every slightest cold settles in the chest with the appearance of the symptoms I have just described. There is sensitivity of the body to weather changes, to cold and damp weather, with a continuous dry, cracking cough, retching, worsening from 3 to 5 o'clock in the morning and wandering neuralgic pains. These symptoms gradually intensify, and the patient seems to return to his pneumonia. He will tell you: “Doctor, since I had pneumonia, I have never felt well again.” Catarrhal inflammation settles in the chest, and there is a chronic tendency to catch colds. In these cases there is a threat of tuberculosis, and it is very difficult to count on the recovery of such patients without Kali carbonicum. With this tendency for catarrhal inflammation to be localized in the chest, it is necessary to think of Kali carbonicum, as well as of Phosphorus, Lycopodium and Sulfur.

Another most common condition related to this remedy is a tendency to edema. There is swelling throughout the body. The legs swell, the feet swell, pressing on the back of the hand leaves a dimple, the face looks swollen and waxy. Weak heart. I can think of quite a few cases of fatty heart disease which could have been prevented by Kali carbonicum if I had understood them better at the onset of the disease. These cases are quite insidious, and the indications for Kali carbonicum must be noticed in the early stages, otherwise the patient's condition will progress until it becomes incurable. It is this particular state of weakness and lack of circulation, which ultimately leads to swelling and many other complications, that has its counterpart in Kali carbonicum. All complaints of this medicine come on unnoticed, as if gradually. The remedy has a special kind of vague manifestation, when the patient looks exhausted, he has severe shortness of breath when climbing to a height or even when walking on level ground, but an examination of the lungs shows that they are quite clean. Eventually complications arise, organic changes appear, and then you analyze your cases and say to yourself: “If at the beginning of the disease I could see what I see now, the patient could be cured!” We must study the initial manifestations of drugs, just as we study the initial manifestations of diseases. A thinking homeopath will certainly look back at the case in which he himself or someone else failed, as this will provide an opportunity to study and understand the development of a painful condition at its beginning, to see its primary manifestations. This type of examination of remedies is as valuable to the homeopath as post-mortem examination is to the old school physician.

The condition of the patient's teeth is quite characteristic. Changes in the gums are scurvy and scrofulous in nature. The teeth separate from the gums, decay, change color and begin to become loose, so that the patient loses them at a fairly young age. The patient suffers from toothache whenever he gets cold from riding in cold wind and wet weather. Pain occurs even before the teeth begin to rot and turn yellow; stitching, tearing, tearing pain in the teeth. Bad breath; Pus leaks around the teeth. There are many small ulcers and small aphthous spots in the mouth. The oral mucosa is pale and constantly ulcerated. The tongue is covered with a white coating with a feeling of disgusting taste in the mouth; covered with a gray coating in combination with migraine.

While many of the symptoms of Kali carbonicum are worse after eating, some of them are better after eating. There is pulsation in the epigastric region when the stomach is empty. There is also a pulsation throughout the body, pulsation in the fingers and toes; there is no part of the body where this beating is not felt; the patient cannot sleep because of this sensation. Often pulsation occurs even when there is no sensation of heartbeat in the chest area. The medicine also has severe heart palpitations.

Kali carbonicum corresponds to many cases of chronic dyspepsia. After eating, such patients feel as if they are about to burst, the bloating is so great. Severe flatulence; belching and gas; foul gases. Belching is also accompanied by regurgitation of liquid, an acidic liquid that causes a sore throat, irritation and rawness in the throat and mouth. Pain and burning in the stomach after eating. A feeling of nausea in the stomach that does not go away after eating. The hallmark of Kali carbonicum is the anxiety felt in the stomach region, a special kind of fear. One of the first such patients who came to me expressed this feeling much better than it is described in books; she said: “Doctor, one way or another, I’m not afraid like all people are afraid, my fear is in my stomach.” The patient said that when she gets scared, it immediately goes to her stomach. “When a door slams loudly, I feel the sound reverberate in the pit of my stomach.” This is unusual, it catches your eye. Just recently I have observed another distinctive feature of Kali carbonicum. Inadvertently, I touched the patient’s foot with my knee, which was slightly protruding over the edge of the bed, and the patient immediately groaned. This was undoubtedly Kali carbonicum. Thus you will recognize this medicine by the fact that the patient is frightened and fright is felt in the stomach region, and by the fact that fear, or anxiety, or tension arises in the patient when something touches his skin. One might argue that this has something to do with the solar plexus, but all that is important to the doctor is the symptom itself. The soles of the feet are so sensitive in the Kali carbonicum patient that even the touch of a sheet causes trembling throughout the body. Strong pressure does not cause discomfort, but any unexpected touch causes stimulation of the nerve endings. This patient is hypersensitive to everything around him, to touch; flinches from the most ordinary and lightest touch, while strong pressure is quite tolerable. He is terribly afraid of tickling soles. I often examine feet; At the same time, such patients shudder, pull their leg away and cry out: “I’m afraid of tickling!” At the same time, I touch them so easily that sometimes I myself am not sure whether I touched them or not. Lachesis has a similar symptom: a light touch is painful, while strong pressure does not cause discomfort, but there is no such intolerance to tickling. In Lachesis the abdomen is so sensitive that even the touch of a sheet causes pain. I have seen Lachesis patients use special hoops to prevent the sheet from touching the abdomen. In these cases we understand that these patients find themselves within the scope of action of Lachesis, as well as those who cannot bear the slightest touch on the neck and suffer greatly from tight collars. But this sensation is still different from the state of nervous hypersensitivity to touch. I have had patients whose skin was so hypersensitive that I did not dare touch them unless I warned them in advance that I was going to touch them. “Now I have to take your pulse, sit still.” If I touch the arm or feel the pulse without warning, the patient will shudder violently. This condition corresponds to Kali carbonicum. Such things can be discovered by studying trials and other relevant sources. Such symptoms originate from the hypersensitivity characteristic of these patients and are of great clinical value. The possibilities of our Materia Medica are amazing, but they could be even greater if some homeopaths complemented it by thoughtfully, carefully and verbatim in describing their observations. Nowadays only a small number of homeopaths can get together to discuss really valuable things - a shamefully small number, despite the fact that many years have passed since the publication of Hahnemann's books.

There are many chronic liver patients who cannot talk about anything other than their liver. Every time they go to the doctor, they talk exclusively about the liver, about a feeling of fullness in the liver area and about pain passing through the right shoulder blade, then up and covering the entire right side of the chest. All this is combined with a constant feeling of tightness and stretching; with vomiting bile; with a lot of stomach troubles and a feeling of fullness after eating; with attacks of diarrhea, interspersed with constipation, which persist for many days and require considerable strain during bowel movements. Periodic bilious attacks when there is constipation; the patient cannot lie down at night; difficulty breathing at night or at 3 o'clock in the morning, especially in patients who are too sensitive to cold, damp weather, in those patients who always want to sit by the fire. Such liver patients are often completely cured after taking Kali carbonicum. Sometimes it turns out that they have already tried all the liver drugs, taking them as laxatives or as emetics, but all these drugs ended up making their problems worse. Kali carbonicum affects the basis of these manifestations, destroys the very root of evil.

Many of the symptoms of Kali carbonicum are related to the stomach. Patients experience repeated attacks of colic, cutting pain with sprains, pain after eating, constipation or diarrhea. Colic with cutting, tearing pains, from which the patient bends in half and which occur at short intervals. Severe gas formation. Let me remind you that in cases of colic you should think of Colocynth and other acute remedies which cure colic within two or three minutes, but unfortunately you will find that these acute remedies which relieve colic so quickly do not, when given repeatedly, have such a wonderful and effective impact. You will have to look for an antipsoric remedy that suits the case as a whole. The study of colic alone during an attack of the disease allows for a one-sided and narrow approach to each specific case; After the colic has passed (for example, after the administration of Colocynth), you will be able to examine the patient and all the symptoms of the case in more detail, and then it will become obvious that they all correspond to Kali carbonicum. After prescribing this medicine, you have every reason to expect that the attack will never happen again. This is the nature of Kali carbonicum. This is a deeply and long-acting medicine that penetrates into the very foundation of a living organism. It cures symptoms which are of a psoric nature, or which arise from the suppression of eruptions in childhood, or which are connected with the closure of ulcers and fistulas, immediately after which they arose. All these wandering pains and chilliness decrease again after the appearance of the rash; after a sudden onset of discharge; as a result of bleeding, ulcers that spread deep and freely pour out their contents; after the opening of the fistula.

“Cutting pain in the stomach, as if it were being torn into pieces.” “Severe pain, forced to sit, bent over and hugging himself with both arms, or lean back to get relief; can't sit up straight." “Cutting and pulling sensations, similar to false labor pains.” Along with severe pain, there is a pronounced feeling of cold, with cramping in the abdomen; the patient wants something hot: hot drinks, hot water bottles. There is a constant feeling of cold in the stomach, external and internal cold. Sometimes the prescription of Kali carbonicum during colic may turn out to be unjustifiably cruel, since if this medicine turns out to be constitutional for the given patient, and all the symptoms of the case correspond to those of Kali carbonicum, then it is very likely that as a result of such treatment there will be an aggravation, which It could have been completely avoided. There are a sufficient number of short-acting medications that can quickly reduce pain, and after the attack is over, you can think about prescribing a constitutional drug. If the patient is able to endure the pain on his own until the end of the attack, then it is better to wait until it passes without using any medications. If you think that such tactics are unnecessarily cruel to the patient, then in such cases you should use short-acting drugs. All recurring pathological conditions that occur periodically, or follow certain errors in the diet, or occur as a result of exposure to external factors, or are associated with a certain periodicity in time - they are all chronic; These are not acute situations. They only represent a small part of the chronic miasm, one of its sides; all such cases sooner or later require constitutional treatment. You can indeed quickly reduce pain the first time you see a patient, but later you must study it more deeply and try to prevent new complaints from arising. In other words, if you give Belladonna, or Colocynth, or any other medicine which merely corresponds to the symptoms of colic, it will happen again; This way you will not cure the patient, these are only palliative measures. On the other hand, with colic such as is described here, Kali carbonicum corresponds only to the symptoms that arise and may not at all correspond to the entire constitution of the patient. In such cases, a constitutional and deep remedy like Kali carbonicum is needed. This medicine does not take as long as usual to be effective, and it usually does not make things worse.

“The abdominal muscles are painful to the touch; swollen glands." There is effusion in the abdominal cavity, which is accompanied by intestinal problems, or peritonitis, and is usually, although not always, accompanied by swelling of the extremities. This medicine is especially useful for hepatic edema.

There are many complaints related to the rectum and anus, as well as stool. The drug is characterized by permanent and huge hemorrhoids, which burn and are extremely sensitive to touch; in addition, they bleed profusely, are very painful, and because of them the patient cannot sleep. He has to lie with his back up, with his buttocks spread apart, since the external hemorrhoids are too sensitive when pressed. The nodes cannot be set; There is pronounced tension and swelling inside. Hemorrhoids come out after defecation, bleed profusely and become very painful; they have to be adjusted, and for a long time, after the patient goes to bed, they continue to burn as if from fire. There is a marked deterioration after defecation, the stool becomes hard, knotty, and bowel movements require significant strain. Anal fistulas. The burning sensation is temporarily relieved by immersion in cold water.

There is chronic diarrhea, as well as diarrhea alternating with constipation. In cases with a huge number of small symptoms, it is necessary to rely on the general features that characterize the remedy. In books you can find significantly fewer symptoms of diarrhea than are found in clinical practice. “Painless diarrhea, with rumbling in the abdomen and burning during stool, only during the day; chronic cases with swelling under the eyebrows.” Only a few symptoms are given, but it is an important and powerful remedy for diarrhea that has become chronic. In elderly, broken patients, in weak, pale patients, with weakened digestion, with severe gas formation, with significant abdominal distension and liver disorders.

Now it's time to talk about kidney, urinary and urethral disorders, which are based on catarrhal lesions. Discharge from the bladder, purulent discharge with thick, viscous, copious mucous sediment in the urine. In this regard, a strong burning sensation occurs: in the urethra, during and after urination. "Urine flows out slowly, with pain and burning." In many cases of old, long-standing urinary disorders, Kali carbonicum comes into very close contact with Natrum muriaticum. In old cases of chronic urethritis, or in long-standing urinary disorders which are due to gonorrhea, these two remedies are very useful, both of which are useful for the scanty, white discharge of chronic urethritis which persists for a long time. Both are characterized by painful urination. Natrum muriaticum has a burning sensation after urination. In cases where there is slight discharge, typical of chronic urethritis, and the burning sensation is very strong and occurs only after urination, and the patient is extremely nervous and fussy, Natrum muriaticum is indicated. If a burning sensation occurs during and after urination, and you have a patient with a broken constitution resembling that described above, Kali carbonicum is preferable when choosing a remedy. Some of these old cases are completely painless, pain does not occur either during or after urination. Then it is necessary to turn to a completely different group of drugs. Old chronic discharge due to gonorrhea poses a serious problem for a young doctor like nothing else. The number of possible drugs for treatment is huge, and the symptoms are meager, and it often turns out that the patient has only recently turned to the doctor, so it is difficult for him to judge the constitutional state of the patient, who, in turn, can only talk about the discharge: “Nothing but discharge, doctor". You can't extract symptoms from him; he completely forgot that he wakes up at 3 o’clock in the morning and cannot fall asleep until 5 o’clock, he forgot about all the nervous manifestations. With patients who have been under your supervision for a long time, whose constitutional state was familiarized with even before such symptoms arose, you should not have any special difficulties.

One of the proofs that the constitution of the Kali carbonicum patient is extremely weakened, that his health is on the way to complete destruction, is the fact that all the symptoms appear and increase after coitus, after sexual excitement. Pay attention in practice and remember that coitus is a normal physiological act for a person, but only for a healthy person whose body is in perfect order, and when this natural process is followed by exhaustion, which persists for a long time, then the constitution of such a patient is significantly to a degree destroyed, something is wrong in it. In Kali carbonicum all symptoms are worse after coitus: vision is weakened, all senses are weakened, the patient trembles and is nervous; he cannot sleep, becomes weak, shudders and trembles for one or two days after intercourse. Similar symptoms are observed in women. Although the patient is very weak, his sexual desire is excessive. It is not normal. There may be sexual arousal that cannot be controlled by the will; such men are predisposed to abundant and frequent emissions, night dreams, and sexual exhaustion. Young people who have abused masturbation or indulged in excessive sexual pleasures approach the time of marriage with weakened sexual capabilities or a complete inability to have sex; then disgust sets in, and no wonder there are so many divorces in the world. When a person is young, some of these problems can be prevented by a healthy lifestyle and corrected by homeopathy.

Kali carbonicum has many complaints related to the male genital organs; discomfort in the testicular area, their increased sensitivity. One of the conditions is swelling and hardening. Itching and burning pain, a feeling of irritation in the scrotum, as well as sensations that constantly remind the patient that he has genitals. Constant irritation that rivets his attention to the genitals, caused by abuse of sex, secret sins, and sexual excesses. In such cases Phosphorus is usually overprescribed. Many doctors consider it one of the main medicines for treating genital weakness. Indications for the use of Phosphorus are strong arousal in the genital area, too strong erections, abnormal strength of the genitals. Beware of prescribing it for impotence or weakness, as these conditions are often combined with a very weakened constitution, and Phosphorus not only does not help, but perhaps increases weakness. This weakness, as you already know, is a manifestation of the weakness of the life force. Phosphorus will only accelerate the destructive processes in the body in patients suffering from weakness of vitality, who are always tired, weakened, in a state of prostration, dreaming of getting to bed as quickly as possible.

For women, this medicine provides invaluable help. Kali carbonicum has many complaints and symptoms found in female diseases. This is a valuable remedy in cases of uterine bleeding, which constantly occurs in women who are pale, sickly, prone to hemorrhage, or with constant bleeding after a miscarriage. Such women are subjected to curettage, they are treated with all sorts of methods, but the blood continues to ooze. During menstruation, the discharge is very copious, with clots, and after the menstruation with heavy discharge, which lasted ten days or more, ends, the condition of constant leakage of blood remains. This continues throughout the next month until ten days of heavy menstrual flow occur again. This medicine has cured a huge number of cases of fibroids long before the disease could have progressed to an intractable stage. You must remember that there is a natural tendency for fibroids to stop growing during menopause, after which the tumor shrinks in size without any treatment; however, the correct medicine should stop the bleeding and stop the growth of the tumor, which should significantly decrease in size within a few days.

Kali carbonicum often helps with vomiting of pregnancy, but for this particular medicine to really help in this condition, it must suit the entire constitution of the patient. Vomiting during pregnancy is not cured, although it is somewhat relieved by Ipecacuanha, since this medicine is more consistent with Vomiting as such. In most cases of the use of those drugs that can help with these symptoms, nausea and vomiting are not the main ones in the hierarchy of their actions. This condition is actually based on the constitution of the patient, and therefore it should be treated with the help of a constitutional remedy. Among the remedies often used in such cases are Sulfur, Sepia and Kali carbonicum, sometimes Arsenicum. Naturally, when a pregnant woman has a simple stomach upset with vomiting bile, in some cases Ipecacuanha can serve as a medicine. If the pregnant woman shows no constitutional symptoms at all, and when examining the case you find nothing but overwhelming fatal nausea and constant vomiting day and night, a single dose of Symphoricarpus racemosus should help. This would be a prescription under conditions of extremely poor information, and such an approach is only justified in limited or clear-cut cases. This medicine is not long lasting, is not constitutional, and acts much like Ipecacuanha.

Sometimes you may find yourself near a woman in labor who complains of back pain below the waist line. The contractions of the uterus are very weak, their expulsion force is not enough for the normal course of labor, these are the type of contractions that cause a woman to moan: “Oh, my back, my back!” The pain radiates down to the buttocks and legs. Pain in the back, as if it were about to break. If the appointment is successful, ineffective pain will transform into good contractions that can expel the fetus. When you encounter such things, you will find out the background of the case. In your analysis you will go back a few weeks, when the woman was at the end of her pregnancy, and you will see that the symptoms that were then vaguely visible - chilliness and other constitutional features of our remedy - have now reached their peak in the form of the described pains. If you had seen this woman six weeks ago and given her Kali carbonicum at that time, you would have prevented a difficult birth. Childbirth becomes difficult and protracted; the uterus shows weakness, contractions are of insufficient strength, pain is localized only in the back, and not in the uterus, where they should arise. Now I will describe to you several types of pain during childbirth, which are easily confused. The pain begins in the back, then goes to the uterus, and then rolls back again - these symptoms turn you completely from Kali carbonicum to Gelsemium, which should be prescribed in this case. Sometimes these pains are so severe that they seem to hinder rather than promote the contractions of the uterus; then the contractions stop and the woman screams; at the same time, she wants her hip joints to be rubbed; she screams from pain that occurs not in the center of the abdomen, but on the sides, in the area where the broad ligaments of the uterus are located. In this case, Actaea racemosa will help to streamline uterine contractions. In the absence of noticeable contractions, Pulsatilla is preferred; this remedy is necessary when the uterus is inactive against the background of sufficient dilatation of its cervix, when the organs are relaxed, when everything seems to foretell a good and easy birth, but the woman in labor makes no effort. This is a state of weakness and inactivity. Often, within five minutes after taking Pulsatilla, strong uterine contractions occur, sometimes almost painless.

“When walking, the back hurts so much that the patient is ready to lie down right in the middle of the street,” etc. It seems that the pain drains all the strength from the woman in labor. After childbirth, there is a tendency to uterine bleeding in each menstrual period, as already described above.

Weakness of the heart, cardiac dyspnea; breathing is short, the patient cannot walk or is forced to move extremely slowly. These are symptoms of fatty degeneration of the myocardium. Choking and shortness of breath shorten breathing so much that it becomes difficult for the patient to even eat or drink; breathing is frequent, shallow, weak. Shortness of breath with a sharp, irregular heartbeat, a pulsation that shakes the whole body, felt everywhere, right down to the tips of the fingers and toes. Strong pulsation; the patient cannot lie on his left side; combined with stitching chest pain and cough. Old asthmatics with weak pulse, with the pulsation and palpitations described above, with inability to lie down. The only position in which the patient feels more or less comfortable is leaning forward, resting his elbows on the armrests of the chair. The attacks are severe and prolonged, he feels especially bad from 3 to 5 am, worse when lying in bed. At 3 o'clock in the morning, asthmatic attacks lift the patient out of bed. Asthmatic shortness of breath with other manifestations of wet asthma or in combination with a feeling of a large amount of mucus in the chest, rough wheezing in the chest, loud, noisy breathing. Patients who constantly hear wheezing in the chest, which is characterized by a noisy cough, difficulty breathing; every time it rains or fogs or in cold, stormy weather, symptoms of wet asthma occur; asthmatic breathing with great weakness of the chest, worse from 3 to 5 o'clock in the morning. The patient is pale, sickly and anemic, complaining of stabbing pain in the chest.

The cough of this remedy can rightly be called one of the most severe coughs in all Materia Medica. It dramatically depletes the entire body. The cough is continuous, accompanied by retching and vomiting, begins at 3 o'clock in the morning, dry, jerky, hard, debilitating. “Suffocating cough at 5 o'clock in the morning. Severe dryness of throat between 2 and 3 a.m.." Think about Kali carbonicum in cases in which, after an illness such as measles, when the catarrhal symptoms are already behind, psoric complications arise due to insufficient reactions. The cough after measles is very often a Kali carbonicum cough. For a similar cough that occurs after measles or pneumonia, Kali carbonicum, Sulfur, Carbo vegetabilis and Drosera are more often prescribed than other drugs.

The sputum is copious, very offensive, tenacious, lumpy, streaked with blood or pus-like, thick, yellow or yellow-green. Very often it has a pungent, rather strong aftertaste, reminiscent of the taste of old cheese. Catarrh of the chest. Dry cough day and night, with vomiting of food and mucus, worse after eating, drinking and in the evening.

There is no more characteristic feature of Kali carbonicum than wandering, stitching pains throughout the chest and a feeling of coldness in the chest. Important signs of the drug are severe shortness of breath, periodic tingling, stabbing sensations in the pleura. A large number of cases in which Kali carbonicum can be used are diseases of a catarrhal nature, which tend to spread upward from the lower parts of the lungs. The drug is rarely prescribed in cases where percussion dullness was initially determined over the apices of one or both lungs. Very often it is able to prevent future development of tuberculosis in patients with a poor family history. Do not be afraid to prescribe antipsoric drugs to patients with a hereditary history of tuberculosis, but be especially attentive to patients with extensive tuberculous lesions and cavities in the lungs, as well as latent or encapsulated caseous tuberculosis. Prescribing antipsoric drugs can lead such patients to a dangerous and serious condition. However, it should not be thought that it is dangerous to give Sulfur to someone just because his mother or father died of consumption. Sulfur may be just the medicine that will allow a child to avoid the fate of his parents. Kali carbonicum is quite applicable and capable of acting as an acute remedy in advanced stages of tuberculosis, when it is not prescribed as a direct constitutional remedy. In such cases it acts as a good palliative, while when given as a constitutional remedy it can do great harm in the next few weeks. It’s good that many homeopaths are simply unable to find a homeopathic medicine. When the patient still has enough lung tissue capable of recovery, Kali carbonicum is able to perform a miracle, provided the symptoms coincide.

I want to warn you about one aspect related to Kali carbonicum. This is a very dangerous drug for gout. When you meet with old gout, with thickened joints in the fingers and big toes, which are very painful and inflamed from time to time, you may think that Kali carbonicum is very suitable for the symptoms of such a case: the patient is worse in certain weathers, he is pale and exhausted, complaints arise from 2 to 3 am, shooting pains are characteristic. But such gouty patients are often incurable, and attempts to radically cure them can turn into a huge disaster, since the deterioration will last too long. By prescribing Kali carbonicum in high dilution to one of these patients, you will only make him worse, since the deterioration can be very serious and long-lasting, while the 30th dilution can be beneficial. Prescribed for gout symptoms, Kali iodatum acts as an emollient and palliative. Kali carbonicum, on the contrary, can be extremely dangerous; it is a sharp sword in the hands of a doctor. I advise you not to attempt to prescribe this medicine for the purpose of curing such old cases of gout, which are accompanied by the formation of countless nodules. You should not resort to the help of a constitutional remedy that should have been prescribed to the patient twenty years ago, since at present the body does not have enough energy to restore health, it can only destroy itself. It may sound paradoxical, but to cure him means to kill him. The vital force needed to restore health is capable of tearing his body into pieces. You do not have to blindly trust such statements. I only ask you to remember this, and one day, after some time of practical work, after you have made countless mistakes in trying to treat incurable patients, I hope you will appreciate the enormous power of homeopathic medicines. Some have truly crushing power. Avoid and beware of prescribing high dilutions of Kali carbonicum in old cases of gout, in advanced cases of Bright's disease, in advanced cases of tuberculosis.

When studying the text, pay attention to the description of sensations. There are a lot of them. Undoubtedly, the most characteristic are sharp and tearing, shooting, stabbing and wandering pains.

| | Potash, potassium carbonate; tartar salt, colorless, crumbly, caustic, deliquescent salt. The first three dilutions are prepared by rubbing. Type After describing the physiological action, it is clear that the Kali carbonicum type will be weak, anemic, exhausted, with a pale yellow, sickly complexion, and quickly tires. Characteristic 1. Stitching pain. 2. Pain in the lower chest, on the right side, spreading to the back. 3. Pain in the back and kidneys is of such a nature that the patient constantly feels as if his back and legs will now refuse to serve him. 4. Edema accompanying anemia, and, in particular, swelling of the upper eyelids, edematous swelling between the eyebrows and eyelashes. 5. Worsening about 3 or 4 hours. morning. 6. Muscular as well as nervous weakness, due to which the patient is very sensitive to touch, especially in the legs, the soles of which are so sensitive that even the slightest touch of a sheet is intolerable. 7. Gets cold easily. 8. Severe bloating. 9. Sweats easily. Summary Weakness, stabbing pain, bitterness from 3 to 4 hours. morning, here are the three main characteristics of this remedy. “A special kind of sweat, kidney pain and weakness form a symptom complex that no other remedy has,” says Farrington.

indications for use

Main indications RESPIRATORY TRACT DISEASE: bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, tuberculosis, with stabbing pain localized in the lower right part of the chest. COUGH. Dry, cruel, suffocating in nature, attacks, especially from 3 to 4 hours. morning, with difficult expectoration of mucus. The sputum is varied: mucous, yellow or streaked with blood, and purulent. Cough after measles often requires Kali carbonicum. ASTHMA. Bitterness about 3 o'clock. morning. Relief by sitting or bending forward; when rocking. Anemia in young girls during puberty. Severe weakness. The skin is swollen, white as milk; menstruation does not appear. They easily develop swelling, especially on the face, on the upper eyelids and at the same time there is general weakness, pain and weakness in the lower back; the activity of the heart is irregular and intermittent. This condition also occurs in women menopause and among the elderly.

effect on the body

Physiological action Long-term use of non-caustic doses of carbon alkalis causes slow poisoning. They make the blood “pale”: the number of red blood cells decreases, the number of whites and the amount of plasma increases. There is pallor, weakness, mental and physical laziness. Swelling appears. There is severe back pain with great difficulty walking. Alkalies cause dyspepsia. This is most clearly expressed with Kali carbonicum.


“When using this remedy, in the 6th and 30th dilution,” says Dr. Clothar Müller, “I observed little or no results. But since I started prescribing 1st and 2nd, I received top scores, especially in some cases of pulmonary tuberculosis.” Jousset only states that clinical observations are so scarce that new complete studies are needed in this regard.