How to choose sunglasses for children? Children's sunglasses: benefit or harm

Some parents believe that Sunglasses should be selected for children only with adolescence. Modern ophthalmologists refute this opinion, inviting adults to seriously think about their choice sunglasses for children from three to four years old. After all, it is at this age that a child begins to show miracles of independence, exploring the world not only next to his mother’s skirt. At three or four years old, the baby walks a lot in open space, and his soft skin around the eyes, and the eyes themselves are exposed to active sun rays, from which it is better to protect.

Glasses protect your child from:
  • burn of eye tissues (feel the burn on physical level impossible, only an ophthalmologist can determine it)
  • retinal dystrophy
  • damage to the eye shell
  • myopia
  • early cataract
  • dirt and dust
  • allergic reactions (spots, hives)
  • excessive load on the circular and radial muscles of the eye
  • color blindness

Harm from UV rays
Did you know that 40 minutes in bright sun without glasses is equivalent to 2 hours of sitting in front of the TV or computer, and the right glasses block about 97.8% of ultraviolet radiation? Harmful rays are dangerous not only in the sun, but also in the shade: even when the baby is near the water or playing snowballs on a sunny frosty day.
It is extremely important to protect your child's eyes from exposure to sunlight and while skiing. Glasses protect the most delicate area - the skin around the eyes, which ages the fastest. Light-eyed children have a much harder time adapting to the sun, so they first need their eyes to be protected.

When your eyes hurt...
With sunburn and allergies, the baby sees worse, squints, experiences discomfort, he has a desire to hide in the shadows, he rubs his eyes, blinks. At this moment, it is extremely important to calm him down, take him to the shade and wash his eyes with warm tea. It is better for the baby to lie with him for a while eyes closed. After a short rest, you should, if possible, go to an ophthalmologist and act according to his recommendations.

What should be the “correct glasses”?
  • Lens coloring should be uniform; lenses that are darkened only at the top may not absorb enough rays of the visible spectrum, and the eyes will get tired;
  • when choosing glasses with plastic frames, pay attention that the plastic is of high quality, elastic and moldable; it is better if there is another frame inside the plastic - metal;
  • check that the screws that secure the arms are screwed in completely;
  • when you tilt your head, glasses should not fall off your face or slide down to the tip of your nose;
  • glasses must be certified
Ophthalmologists recommend purchasing medical glasses for children with photochromic glass (so-called “chameleons”), which change color depending on the lighting. This way you will kill two birds with one stone, and you will not need to buy sunglasses. Good sunglasses for children should cost at least $50.

The right glasses mean your eyes are fine!
So, we have already agreed that glasses should be selected for a child from the age of three. It is advisable to buy children's sunglasses in specialized stores, and not on street stalls. After all, low-quality products can cause much more harm than good.
Since the child moves a lot, plays outdoor games and bends down quite often, it is extremely important that with any movement the glasses do not fly off the bridge of the nose and “sit” well - do not squeeze or rub. Designers from different countries come up with great amount interesting frames for children with supportive hypoallergenic elastic. The child can work with it active species sports, running, jumping, etc. without difficulty.

Cost of popular brands of glasses:
Solano(Italy) from 1200 rub.
Ray-Ban Junior (USA)– this collection includes the brightest, stylish and light glasses, in which you can go rollerblading and go for a country walk – from 1,500 rubles.
Kipling(Belgium) – from 1300 rub.
Lacoste(France) – from 1500 rub.
Polaroid(Switzerland) – the company has released “Polaroid Kids” glasses for children, which have polarized lenses with a seven-layer multifunctional coating starting from 1000 rubles.

Nota Bene: The glasses must have a label indicating the name of the manufacturer and the material from which the lenses are made. Please note: the company name on the temple must match the label.
Lenses First of all, pay attention to the material from which the lenses are made. As a rule, glass, polycarbonate or acrylic plastic are used for these purposes. Modern ophthalmology cannot ignore improved glasses with polarized lenses. What it is?
A special polarizing filter removes glare reflected from horizontal surfaces. Such lenses will allow your child to see surrounding objects clearly and in contrast, without distorting color perception. Polarized lenses significantly reduce eye fatigue, eliminate glare from sun glare, and increase the comfort of your eyes when exposed to bright sun. They are ideal for being in the bright sun, relaxing on the water or in the mountains.

Glass practically does not scratch and does not distort the image, but it is a very traumatic material that is contraindicated for children. Polycarbonate plastic is a completely different matter. It is durable, almost unbreakable and unscratchable. Glasses made of polycarbonate plastic are lightweight and distortion-free. Of course, they can also break, but plastic shards are not as dangerous as glass shards. Polycarbonate plastic is cheaper than glass, but much more expensive than acrylic plastic.

Acrylic plastic- the cheapest material. It is not advisable to buy such glasses for your children. After all, it allows the most harmful rays to pass through. As is known, natural protective function pupil - constrict when it hits it bright light. With acrylic plastic, this reaction stops working (due to the dark coloring of the lens), so the pupil remains wide, and harmful UV rays penetrate through it unhindered. Acrylic lenses do not break, but are easily scratched and almost always produce severe distortion, which is very harmful to vision. It is glasses made of acrylic plastic that are sold at most street stalls.

Frame. If your child suffers from allergies, pay attention to what the frames are made of. Beware of cheap, low-quality plastic products.
Doctors do not recommend buying glasses with metal frames for your child. Metal can cause a severe allergic reaction in a baby.
And most importantly: if you bought dark glasses for your child, explain that they need to be regularly wiped from dirt and dust, and also protected from scratches, since damaged glasses are dangerous for the eyes.
A trip to an optical store with your child can be turned into a small holiday. Many foreign manufacturers of children's glasses have tried their best - as a gift they will offer the child all sorts of accessories for a wonderful purchase - multi-colored bandanas and elastic bands, bright handbags, glow-in-the-dark glasses, Stuffed Toys in the form of keychains. And this is an excellent addition to a good summer mood and healthy eyes.

The world through rose-colored glasses
Very often, sunglasses are made from colored glass. Colored glasses serve to protect the eyes from too bright light. Previously, green glasses were used, but since it turned out that they, transmitting the brightest rays of the spectrum, least reach the target, they began to use gray and blue glasses. Gray smoky glass absorbs all colored rays almost equally; Blue glasses block the brightest yellow and orange rays.

Children try to imitate adults in everything, and if the mother wears sunglasses, then the child simply needs them.

Sunglasses- This fashion accessory or protecting children's eyes from the sun? The sun's activity increases every year and being exposed to it is dangerous. 20 minutes of exposure to the sun is equivalent to an hour of watching TV.

Our children walk a lot and are outside, so it’s better to buy your child sunglasses so that they protect the child’s eyes from ultraviolet rays. Children's eyes are more vulnerable to sun damage than adult eyes.

Let's look at how to choose the right sunglasses for our children.

Why does a child need sunglasses?

Sunglasses protect your child's eyes from:

  • burns on eye tissues;
  • allergies;
  • from dust, dirt;
  • damage to the eye shell.

All these factors indicate that a child needs sunglasses in the summer.

At what age can you buy sunglasses for your child?

You can buy glasses completely small child, but it won't do any good. One year old children consider glasses as a toy and simply break them or throw them away. Therefore, children should purchase glasses from the age of 3-4, when the child understands what they are needed for. And for children, it is better to wear hats with visors that will protect their eyes from the sun's rays.

Choosing sunglasses for children

What do we pay attention to?

1. Place of purchase. It is better to buy glasses in specialized optical stores, and not in tents on the street.

2. Material. When choosing glasses for children, pay attention to what material they are made of. Lenses can be made of plastic or glass.

Adult glasses with glass lensesperfect option. But glass is not suitable for children. It may break and injure the child's eyes.

Plastic lenses are polycarbonate and acrylic. Acrylic lenses are cheaper, but quickly scratch and distort reality. This is harmful to the baby's eyes. Polycarbonate lenses are more expensive, but they are stronger, do not distort images as much, and are therefore more suitable for children.

3. Filters. Sunglasses must have a UV filter. that is, they must filter out ultraviolet rays.

4. Frame. Please pay attention to what the glasses frame is made of, especially if your baby suffers from allergies. Doctors do not recommend buying glasses with metal frames for children.

When buying glasses, you need to try them on so that the glasses do not squeeze the bridge of the child’s nose and are held well by the temples and do not fall off the nose.

When choosing sunglasses for your baby, pay attention to the color of the lenses.

Now it's very big choice glasses, many of which have colored glass. You need to know which color is more beneficial for your baby's health.

What do pediatricians say about lens color?

The red spectrum is annoying nervous system. Glasses with such lenses can lead to loss of orientation.

The blue spectrum is dangerous and leads to dilation of the pupils, which negatively affects the health of the child’s eyes.

Green - reflects the world in unnatural colors. A child wearing such glasses may become lethargic. Although such glasses are suitable for adults. They reduce intraocular pressure.

Yellow color distracts attention.

Brown color gives a feeling of warmth and least distorts surrounding objects.

Black sunglasses are ideal for relaxing at sea and in the mountains.

Remember that sunglasses must be cleaned of dust, fingerprints and protected from damage.

When choosing glasses, you need to remember that regardless of the color of the glasses, the glasses will still distort the world, which may result in unwanted injury. To protect your baby’s eyes from the sun, try to stay in the shade more in sunny weather, and wear a wide-brimmed Panama hat for walks.

Today we looked at how to choose sunglasses for children. If you liked the article, write comments and share the information with your friends.

And our Yulechka and her mother rested for several days at the seaside, in Odessa.

I wish you and your children health and have a great holiday during the remaining summer days.

Direct sunlight is harmful both to the entire body and to unprotected human eyes. In children eyeball is intensively formed up to 3 years, therefore, at this age the eyes are more vulnerable. UV radiation has a harmful effect on the cornea, lens, and retina. UV can cause pure allergic reactions from the skin, which can appear from a very early age; in addition, intense exposure can cause photokeratitis ( sunburn cornea and conjunctiva, accompanied short-term loss vision), cataracts and macular degeneration (these changes appear with age, but negative impact starts with childhood). In people living in conditions of increased solar radiation, listed diseases occur more often.

Are there any age restrictions for wearing sunglasses?

The optimal age when children start wearing sunglasses is from 3-4 years (when the child begins to understand that wearing glasses does not need to squint in the sun), but the possibility of using sunglasses from 1 year is not excluded.
With congenital hypersensitivity When exposed to sunlight, children are happy to try on adult glasses and willingly put on the glasses purchased for them. In any case, eyes should be protected with caps with deep visors, try to avoid walks from 11 to 16.30-17.00, when the sun is most aggressive, prefer walks in dense shade and park areas.

What are the basic rules for choosing children's sunglasses - what should parents pay attention to first?

When choosing glasses, first of all you need to pay attention to ultraviolet protection: UV 400 (UVB) is 100% UV protection. There may be a different G-15 marking. G-20 (gray filter transmitting 15%, blocking 85% of light and 20 and 80, respectively), and B-15.B-20 (brown filter with similar properties). G-15.B-15 are more preferable because they block 85% of light. There are five categories of filters based on light transmittance: 1 is the weakest for cloudy weather, 5 is the strongest for ski resorts. To select regular sunglasses for children, it is enough to know the UV protection. It is very important to choose the right frame - it should not be narrow, it should cover the eye area well, it should sit comfortably and comfortably, it should not dig into the skin, it should not fall off when the head is tilted and...the person wearing it should like it will use it.

In your opinion, which lenses are preferable for a child – glass or plastic?

It is preferable for children to purchase plastic glasses- they are lighter and safer in case of various breakdowns. Polycarbonate plastic, Trivex, polarized plastic lenses. For children with vision problems, chameleon glasses are ideal, as they change the light of the glass in the room to a less saturated one.

Often children's sunglasses are rather a useless toy, in best case scenario- a catchy accessory rather than sun protection. What's the difference between real sunglasses for kids and smaller versions of adult glasses and flimsy plastic trinkets?

High-quality adult and children's glasses are no different, the only thing is that the choice of children's frames is somewhat difficult due to the insufficient assortment (compared to adult models).

How important is the UV filtering factor in children's sunglasses?

The UV protection factor is very important for all sunglasses (both adults and children). Behind dark glasses, the pupil dilates if there is no UV protection (even black plastic itself only protects from light, and if it does not have UV protection, it does not protect; only glass or plastic with special protection protects from UV) - this has a very detrimental effect on increasingly deeper structures of the eye.

What level of darkness and colors are optimal for children's vision?

It is preferable for children to buy gray and Brown with an average light absorption value of up to 70%. If the family has hereditary diseases retina, you can use yellow-brown lenses, they contain synthetic analogue melanin pigment and filter out 100% of UV radiation.

Almost all recommendations in various issues already mentioned. It is better to purchase glasses for children in optics or specialized departments; I recommend checking the quality certificate, checking the appropriate markings (UVB. UV400. G-15(20). B15(20). "CE" - compliance with European standard quality. For the little ones there are glasses with safety elastic band, adjustable in length. Titanium frames, Kevlar, rubber frames are often recommended. The most important thing is a comfortable frame and high-quality protection from UV. Polarized lenses, among other things, protect against the harmful effects of reflected light (remove glare from smooth surfaces - water, snow).

ABOUT harmful effects sun rays are mentioned often and a lot, so adults carefully choose sunglasses that are suitable in style, shape and other parameters. But the accessory is also needed for children whose eyes are very sensitive to ultraviolet radiation.

According to research by English scientists, if in early age If adequate sun protection is not provided, the risk of cataracts increases in the future.

Another thing is that parents do not know how to choose sunglasses, products, which company is better to buy, and how much the accessory costs. The article presents a rating of quality models, and also discusses the features of glasses and purchase rules.

Sunglasses are not a fashion statement, but necessary protection children's eyes. It has been proven that forty minutes spent in bright sunshine is equal to two hours of watching TV. Should be given Special attention protecting children's eyes from the sun in the first ten years of a child's life. It is during this period that the lens absorbs up to 98% of ultraviolet radiation.

Very suitable age The age from which a child needs to be accustomed to wearing glasses is 2-3 years. The child will use the accessory for its intended purpose, and not pull it into his mouth or chew it. When going on vacation to southern countries, it is not enough to buy a panama hat or a visor for the beach. In such cases, glasses can be bought one year old baby. Thanks to wide range presented on the market, find suitable model won't be difficult.

Glasses protect the child’s eyes not only from ultraviolet radiation, but also:

  • from heavy load;
  • dust ingress;
  • shell damage.

When choosing, they take into account, in addition to age, the material of manufacture - it must be of high quality and safe. Sunglasses should fit comfortably and not cause discomfort. Then the baby’s eyes will not quickly get tired, hurt or strain.

Rules for purchasing an accessory

Each family has its own criteria for choosing a product. But you shouldn’t buy glasses that are too cheap, because they won’t be effective. At the same time, not everyone has the opportunity to purchase an expensive model over and over again if the child has lost his previous glasses.

If your son/daughter, despite his young age, understands that glasses are not a toy, but a necessary thing, then you can buy one branded product that will last for a long time. It is important to purchase the accessory together with your child. Glasses should not only be of high quality, but the child should also like them.

It is difficult for an adult to force himself to wear an uncomfortable and unloved thing, and even more so for a child. When choosing sunglasses for children, consider the following characteristics:

  • lens color. There are glasses with green, red, blue and orange lenses on sale. But not all of them are equally useful. For example, green allows the sun's rays to pass through, but behind red lenses the eyes quickly get tired. Blue and violet dilate the pupil, causing it to absorb even more ultraviolet radiation. It is recommended to purchase glasses with brown or gray lenses. For greater protection, the lenses should be completely coated;
  • frame material. High-quality glasses are made of plastic, durable hypoallergenic rubber. Such an accessory will not cause any inconvenience to the child, especially if instead of the arms there is a ribbon that clasps the baby’s head. This is why the accessory is guaranteed not to fall off at the most inopportune moment;
  • comfort. Before buying glasses, you should put them on your child, ask him to turn his head to the sides, tilt it. Ideally, the accessory does not move, does not press or irritate the future owner.

You should not buy sunglasses for children at a tent or kiosk. Preference should be given to pharmacies and specialty stores. In terms of price, they will cost a little more, but the glasses will be really high quality and effective.

Brands always supplement their products with a quality certificate, by which the buyer can verify that the product meets all requirements. Sunglasses for children should be chosen with polycarbonate lenses. After all, if they break, the fragments will not harm the baby.

Popular models are equipped with flexible, comfortable arms and tightly screwed screws. On the inside of the arms there are special rubberized inserts that hold the frame on the face. Manufacturers produce glasses for the following age categories:

  • 1-3 years;
  • 3-7 years;
  • 7-12 years old.

Children over 12 years old can also wear adult glasses. You can determine a quality item by the markings on it. inside bow, which shows the degree and category of protection against ultraviolet radiation.

The last parameter is denoted by UV plus a number. The higher the number, the better protection from the sun's rays. For children, choose models marked G-15, which corresponds to UV 400 and guarantees 100% protection. Polarized models are well suited and can also provide protection against glare.

If the child poor eyesight, you should consult your doctor before purchasing sunglasses. Such children are suitable for glasses with photochromic lenses, which change color depending on the lighting.

Variety of models and brands

Manufacturers offer no less wide choose children's sunglasses than for adults. Popular models come in a variety of shades, from bright green to orange. Unisex models with rectangular frames are available for sale, suitable for boys and girls.

Which ones are best to buy for a baby from one to 3 years old? For children of this age, it is recommended to purchase models with a special strap that fit tightly around the head and will not fall off, no matter how active the baby is.

Children from 3 to 10 years old are suitable for glasses made of soft plastic. As they explore the world and things around them, they will begin to twist and bend the accessory in their hands. Children will not break glasses with soft frames and will not be able to get hurt by them.

One of the most popular models are polarized ones, which have such useful property, like removing reflections from smooth surfaces. These glasses best protect your eyes from bright reflected light. The Aviator model, which has drop-shaped lenses, is suitable for both boys and girls. The difference between the glasses is the metal frame and the provision of sun protection, regardless of the angle of incidence of the rays.

The best sunglasses for kids

For an accessory to become an integral part of the image, it must be comfortable and bright. In this case, the child will like the sunglasses, and he will not want to part with them on the beach or for a walk.

Sunglasses by Baby Banz

An Australian company produces an accessory for children aged 0 to 10 years. The manufacturer uses hard, unbreakable polycarbonate for the frame and lenses. The glasses are tested and meet Australian and European standards. The strap is made of neoprene and is adjustable. The soft silicone nose bridge ensures a soft fit.


  • good fixation on the child’s head;
  • high strength;
  • reliable protection against ultraviolet radiation.


  • raw edges, which causes the Velcro threads to fray.

Average price: 1570 rubles.

Children's sunglasses Julbo Lopping

The company has been producing glasses for all occasions since 1888, constantly improving its products. Children's models are designed for those kids who spend a lot of time outside. If you are looking for glasses for a trip to the sea or to the mountains, then julbo Lopping will suit you perfectly.

The accessory is equipped with a polycarbonate lens with an Anti-Scratch coating that protects against the effects of adverse external factors. The glasses come in a variety of fun colors. They can be worn on either side thanks to their comfortable symmetrical shape. Suitable for both boys and girls.


  • 100% protection against ultraviolet groups A, B and C;
  • unbreakable elastic temples;
  • the presence of an additional elastic and adjustable cord.


  • high price.

Average price: 2077 rubles.

Real Kids Shades

Children's sunglasses are presented in a wide variety of colors for children 0-12 years old. They perfectly protect the sensitive lens from ultraviolet radiation, are comfortable to wear and will complement any summer outfit.

Among the produced models there are glasses for the city, as well as for the sea. The frame shape is aviator and more. The Glide series for children 2-5 years old is made of a special plastic material, so the glasses are almost impossible to break.


  • wide variety of colors and designs;
  • additional protection from peripheral light;
  • high impact resistance.


  • not detected.

Average price: 990 rubles.

Sun Smarties Wrap sunglasses for boys

The accessory is safe and comfortable to wear, and is available in several color variations. Glasses from this brand are recommended by pediatricians because they block 100% of UV rays.

The elastic cord with Velcro is adjustable, so you can easily adjust the glasses to the parameters of each child. The lenses are made of polycarbonate and are pushed outwards.


  • comfortable and stylish accessory;
  • suitable for newborns;
  • passed all tests successfully.


  • not polarized;
  • can be ordered in foreign online stores.

Average price: 1067 rubles.

Babiators sunglasses

Children's sunglasses Babiators are well characterized by such definitions as durability, safety, and style. Thanks to the flexible rubber frame, they will not break, even if you accidentally sit on them.

The product line includes various collections that differ directly in the characteristics of the glasses, equipment and, as a result, cost.

So, when purchasing glasses from the “Babiators Polarized” collection, the buyer additionally receives a hard case with a carabiner, and the glasses from the “Babiators Aces” collection will come with a soft case.

By the way: The manufacturer additionally offers to purchase useful accessories for the glasses. One of these is the “Ready to Flight” set, which includes a case, a cloth for cleaning lenses and a lanyard for glasses.

Glasses provide eye protection from the full spectrum of UV rays. Each product that goes on sale undergoes the strictest control. The glasses are intended for children aged 0 to 6 years.

The manufacturer provides a 1-year warranty on its products, and it covers not only product breakdowns, which is not so important for products of this brand, but also the loss of glasses, which often happens with active children.


  • 25 amazing colors;
  • aviator uniform;
  • impact resistant lens;
  • availability of additional useful accessories;
  • guarantee for glasses against breakage and loss;
  • long service life.


  • high cost of glasses from individual collections.

Average price: 2345 rubles, the price depends on the selected collection and model, the presence of polarizing properties, and varies from 1695 rubles to 2995 rubles.

How to choose and care for sunglasses

When purchasing an accessory, it is important to consider the shape of the child’s face. Then sunglasses will not only protect your eyes, but also complement your look. If the child oval shape faces, you can buy any glasses.

Aviators look good on an oblong face, and for a square face - round frame With minimum quantity details. At triangular shape For faces, it is better to give preference to glasses with round or oval frames.

If you have a round face, it is better to choose angular frames that create a more defined silhouette.

You should not save on purchasing sun protection and buy products from cheap, untested brands.

The best manufacturers are the American brands Real Kids and Babiators. Among the offered range you can find inexpensive but high-quality models. The design of each model is completely different; there are series for teenagers and small children.

Budget options are offered by a company from Italy. Eclipsy Kappartre srl – bright and funny models designed for children from 1 to 12 years old. They reliably protect your eyes from bright sun and ultraviolet radiation.

The well-known manufacturer of children's clothing and accessories Chicco also produces quality glasses for newborns and older children. They are made of hypoallergenic materials and equipped with polarized lenses. The glasses look stylish and fashionable. The accessory fits perfectly on the head, so a child can even fall asleep in them without the slightest discomfort.

Taking care of your sunglasses will extend their service life. Therefore, it is recommended to store the accessory in a special case. Wipe the glass only with a fiber cloth. It is important to teach your child how to use glasses correctly from the first days of purchase.

Basic care tips also include:

  • do not throw glasses;
  • do not place them glass side down on the surface;
  • clean from contamination with a soap solution or a special solvent spray;
  • Do not allow the child to wear the product on his head, otherwise the arms will stretch.

Deformed glasses should be taken to a specialist rather than trying to be repaired yourself!

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Adults are eager to get sunglasses by summer. However, many parents do not care about providing their children with this accessory. But children's eyes are no less sensitive to sunlight; they also need to be protected from ultraviolet radiation and summer dust. Taking care of eye health with early childhood– This is the prevention of vision problems in adulthood.

The purpose of sunglasses is to protect the eyes. In bright sunshine, a hat with a visor or a panama hat with a wide brim is not enough - children also need sunglasses. This is especially true for residents of the southern regions and those families who go on vacation to hot countries, for example, Egypt or Turkey. Experts say that 40 minutes of exposure to bright sun without glasses is the same as two hours in front of the TV screen.

Children's sunglasses are produced for three age categories:
from 1 to 3 years
from 3 to 7 years
from 7 to 12 years
Children over 12 years old are recommended to buy “adult” sunglasses.

However, despite the fact that glasses are available for sale for children from one year old, it is recommended to buy them when the child is at least three years old - at this age the baby can already be explained how to use them and how to handle them.

When choosing sunglasses for children, you need to pay attention to several parameters. The first of these is the degree of ultraviolet protection. In addition, ultraviolet itself is of two types: A and B. The glasses must be marked with protection against solar UV rays. The UVA symbol indicates type A ultraviolet, and the UVB symbol indicates type B. The higher the UVB reading on the glasses, the better. The most optimal degree is considered to be UV-400.

There is also category 5 - for those who spend a lot of time high in the mountains, for example, skiers or climbers.
The higher the number indicated on the frame, the less ultraviolet light the lenses transmit. For middle zone For Russia, categories 1 and 2 with a G-20 filter, which blocks 85% of ultraviolet radiation, are sufficient, but for more southern regions, categories 3 and 4 are suitable, with UV 400 (UVB) or G-15 filters - 100% protection.

Because the kids are driving beyond active image life, then glasses for them must be chosen from materials that do not break or break. After all, the glasses are located close to the eyes, and if anything happens, fragments of the lenses or fragments of the frame can easily damage the eyes. Glasses for small children are made from special durable and at the same time plastic materials, with flexible temples, on the inside of which, for a better “fit,” there may also be rubberized elements that hold the frame on the face.

Much attention should be paid to the color of the lenses. Parents of boys are always tempted to buy darker glasses so that the child feels like James Bond, while parents of girls are drawn to pink lenses for a more glamorous look. However, you should not buy glasses that are too dark - if you take them off indoors, in the first one or two minutes the child will experience discomfort from pain in the eyes. As for pink, red, yellow, purple, popular among girls, blue flowers, then such lenses will not provide the required level of ultraviolet protection. Moreover, violet and blue lenses cause pupil dilation, and instead of protecting, such lenses will harm the eye - the dilated pupil allows more ultraviolet light to pass through. Mirror lenses are also undesirable for children.

The color of the lenses should ideally be close to the color of the iris. So these are grey, brown, green colors.
Children prefer to buy polarized glasses, protecting the eye not only from direct sunlight, but also from bright glare on various shiny surfaces, from which the eye can suffer no less than from sunlight.
If a child has vision problems, then to choose suitable sunglasses you should contact an ophthalmologist, who will select lenses by color and diopter.

Eyes - most important organ in humans, so don’t skimp on sunglasses, do not buy them in the markets, tempted by the cheapness of goods of unknown origin. You need to purchase sunglasses in specialized salons or pharmacies, because your child’s vision is at stake.

Ophthalmologists say that good glasses those that you quickly forget about. If the child is comfortable in these glasses, then you need to buy them, and if he complains about the inconvenience, then no matter how beautiful they look, you need to pay attention to others, it’s not for you to wear them, but for him.

Glasses should fit well: do not slide back and forth across your nose, do not squeeze your head with the temples, do not distort the picture, do not impair coordination of movements. Therefore, you should buy glasses like shoes - only with fitting. The glasses must have a label indicating the manufacturer and the material from which the frames and lenses are made. On the frame itself mandatory The UV protection category must be indicated. Manufacturer's markings are placed on the inside of the left temple. In addition, real, branded glasses have an individual number printed on one of the temples.

The child must know the rules for using glasses, be able to wipe them and place them correctly on the surface - with the glasses facing up. Scratched or cracked lenses must be replaced immediately, as damaged glasses are much more dangerous for your eyesight than no glasses at all.