The best ski goggles rating. Ski mask for glasses. Peculiarities. Shape, geometry and some design features of frames

Any athlete with minimal skiing experience will confidently say that 50% of successful skiing depends on the selection of equipment. And here we are talking not only about the selection of skis and poles, but also about the purchase of a ski mask. There are also some nuances of choice and purchasing features. Which goggles or masks for skiing are considered the best, and which models should you refrain from purchasing?

General information about glasses and masks

A ski mask protects a person not only from bright sun rays that can interfere with successful skiing, but also from pieces of snow, ice and strong wind. It will help preserve your vision and avoid injury due to loss of visibility.

Many beginners try to save money on buying glasses by purchasing the cheapest models, which not only have questionable quality, break quickly, but can also cause eye disease, since they will not protect against UVA and UVB radiation. This is why professionals immediately purchase good, expensive glasses that will serve their owner for as long as possible.

Which is better, glasses or a mask? Glasses are becoming increasingly popular these days, but there can be one serious problem with them. The fact is that it is problematic to choose glasses that fit perfectly without causing discomfort in the bridge of the nose. But the visibility with a mask is much better and can be worn with regular glasses.

Another serious question that most often arises among novice athletes is the difference between goggles for snowboarding and a model for skiing.

The main difference lies in the fact that snowboard masks give a maximum viewing angle, since this is very important in the sport itself. And if ski masks sometimes provide minimal visibility, then this is not a problem, because when skiing, the most important thing is to see what is in front of the athlete. In the case of a snowboard, a person must have the widest possible viewing angle to avoid the possibility of injury.

Now there are many categories by which masks and glasses are chosen. First, you need to list these categories, and then you should focus on the most important of them. How to choose a mask or goggles for snowboarding? What should you pay special attention to when choosing a mask for alpine skiing?
  1. On the quality of the lenses, and this is perhaps the most important criterion.
  2. For size, shape and frame.
  3. On the quality of fit to the face.
  4. Check for ventilation and compatibility with the helmet.
  5. Lens and filter selection


There are masks on the market now with one and two lenses, fastened to each other. Masks with two lenses are much more practical and reliable, because they help reduce fogging of the model, improving visibility.

It's great if the lenses have coating antifog, since this is what helps prevent the mask from fogging.

Lens shape. Good lenses usually have a spherical shape, that is, they are concave not only horizontally, but also vertically. This allows for much less distortion of the visible image. To reduce distortion, lenses are often made in different sizes, making them thicker in the center and thinner at the sides.


The color of the lenses is also important - the filter. For example, models with black lenses are ideal for riding in sunny weather, but models with blue or clear lenses are suitable for cloudy days or evening riding.

Special polarized lenses are considered one of the best. They have a small grating on the surface that allows only vertical light waves to pass through, which reduces the amount of glare from snow and ice.

Particular attention should be paid to filter type. What kind of filters are there?

  • Transparent, suitable for night skiing, transmits up to 98% of sunlight.
  • Dark brown version, transmits up to 10% of light.
  • Pink filter allows 59% of light to pass through, improving depth of field.
  • The yellow filter, best suited for bad weather, transmits 68% of light.
  • Gray, improves depth perception even in the sunniest weather, transmits 25% of light.


It was already mentioned above that many manufacturers to reduce fogging glasses, a special liquid called antifog is applied to the lenses. It absorbs moisture so quickly that it does not have time to condense on the lens.

This anti-fogging system is considered very effective, but with it Do not wipe lenses from the inside, otherwise this very coating can be damaged. If a person accidentally damages the antifog coating, the glasses will quickly become unusable.


A very important characteristic when choosing a mask is the presence of ventilation. It will be great if the ventilation is regulated, which means that a person will be able to remove accumulated excess moisture outside. Now there is a simple ventilation option, which is holes in the mask, with the help of which air circulation is carried out. This system is a little inconvenient, because too large holes let in a lot of cold air, and therefore, using a mask brings discomfort to skating.

And yet, much more popular are the models in which it operates small fan on batteries. Its operation can be adjusted, thus creating ideal wearing conditions. With high-quality ventilation, a person may be pleasantly surprised by the complete absence of fogging.

Face fit and perfect fit

During the purchasing process it is important try on a mask, securing it correctly. If the model does not pinch anywhere, does not put pressure on the bridge of the nose, then you can purchase it, because it fits perfectly in size.

You also need to pay attention to the shape of the mask, because it must provide viewing angle at least 120 degrees.

It is very important that the mask fit tightly to the face, there were no gaps between the surface of the model itself and the skin. If there are such gaps, the mask will allow cold gusts of wind to pass through, and this will also cause discomfort. It is especially worth checking whether the nose slot does not interfere with normal breathing. If a person feels discomfort, it is better to refuse to buy a mask.

Shape and frame

Now they allocate three frame options:
  • Children's with adaptation to children's face shape and size.
  • Women's are slightly smaller in size than the general ones, which take into account the average size of a woman's head.
  • General is perhaps the most popular option for masks.

The frame itself on masks should be thin, but the lenses must be attached securely. This is why frames are usually made from practical polyurethane terpolyurethane. This material retains flexibility and strength even with large temperature changes.

The mask itself usually has a slightly rounded shape, and also involves the use of a well-stretchable strap. Strap It should be perfectly adjustable, fit snugly to the head and not cause discomfort. The inside of the mask should have a soft layer, usually foam rubber, which improves the fit of the model and softens the impact of a fall.

Helmet compatibility

It is important that the mask also fits perfectly with the helmet. That's why you can take a helmet with you to the store to actually check the quality of compatibility.

The mask should fit snugly to the helmet, not dangle or fall off. The safety of the mask and its condition often depend on this. If the model does not attach well to the helmet, if it does not lock onto it, then it is better to refuse the purchase.

If a person wears glasses that improve vision, then he should purchase special masks that allow him to wear them over his glasses. Such models are usually more expensive, but they are very convenient to use.

Mask care and instructions for use

Since the ventilation system and especially the lenses in such ski masks are sensitive, it is important to know rules, helping to extend the life of any model.

  • You can wipe both the inner and outer surfaces of the lenses only with a special optical cloth included in the kit.
  • After use, the mask should always be thoroughly cleaned of snow and ice, dried, and then stored warm.
  • The mask should always be stored in a special case, as this prevents the risk of mechanical damage to the model.
  • It is very important to thoroughly clear the ventilation system of snow and ice before they harden, otherwise the mask itself will begin to fog up heavily, which will increase the risk of injury when skiing.
  • Many experienced skiers advise always having two masks with you. If one becomes unusable during the ride, a person can always continue the journey without risk to his health.

The most important The rule here is to always wipe the lenses with the cloth included in the kit, do not try to clear them of snow with anything you can get your hands on. The lenses are very sensitive to external influences, and if not properly cared for, the mask can quickly fail.

Top 5 best mask manufacturers

Of course, when selecting models, experienced skiers also pay attention to the manufacturer, knowing which of them have proven themselves well on the market. So, which manufacturers are considered the best, and which masks will meet all customer requirements?

  • Ski goggles from the brand have proven themselves to be excellent Uvex. (average price 2000-3000 rubles)
  • Masks are popular Dragon.(average price 5-8 thousand rubles)
  • Ski goggles from the manufacturer will also be an excellent choice. Oakley. (average cost 3-6 thousand rubles)
  • Masks Anon are relatively affordable (average cost 3-6 thousand rubles)
  • Marker is another popular manufacturer of quality masks. (average cost 5-8 thousand rubles)

How to choose a mask - video

Let's now watch a video where they will tell you how to choose the right ski mask, what filter to use and how to care for it.

Ski goggles are an important component of the equipment of all fans of skiing on snowy slopes, from beginners to professional athletes. Of course, in theory you can ride without them, but, as practice shows, nothing good comes of it. And it’s not even about safety (unfortunately, many people remember it last), but about banal convenience. After all, the vast majority of people come to the slopes for the sake of positive emotions. But when the wind is constantly blowing in your eyes, the sun is shining, or snow and ice chips are trying to get into your eyes, it is very difficult to enjoy the process.

Therefore, for all those who are going to try their hand at alpine skiing or snowboarding, there is no question: do they need glasses or not? Here a completely different problem arises - how to choose the most suitable model for yourself. In this rating, we have collected 9 of the best options available on AliExpress. But before you buy the equipment you like, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with a couple of tips: they will help you avoid making a mistake in your choice.

  1. The most important part of glasses are the lenses. They vary in color, material and type and all characteristics are significant in their own way. So, each color is designed for specific weather conditions, but dark shades (black, gray, gold) are more popular among riders. They are aimed at sunny and cloudy weather, which is what most non-professionals prefer to ride in. Polycarbonate is considered the most optimal material for lenses, since it best protects against impacts and mechanical stress.
  2. Today, an almost mandatory condition for any model of glasses (including budget ones) is the presence of 100% protection from ultraviolet radiation (they are marked with the UV 400 mark) and anti-fog coating (eliminates the problem of lens fogging). The presence of other functions (advanced ventilation system, GPS location tracking, video camera, etc.) will undoubtedly be a plus, but you can do without them.
  3. When choosing goggles for snowboarding, you need to look for options with a wide viewing angle, since this type of winter entertainment is more demanding of good lateral vision.

The best all-round ski goggles


Best price
Price on AliExpress: from 1283 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Below in the review we will mention the GOG-201 Pro glasses from COPOZZ. So, MAX JULI BNC in appearance is almost a complete copy of them (or vice versa, it’s difficult to determine exactly; most likely, both companies were inspired by some European brand). However, it is quite difficult to blame them for this - the mask looks quite elegant and at the same time has all the characteristics required of this segment. Judge for yourself: Anti-fog coating, 100% UV protection, replaceable system of lenses and straps (you can order several types of components and combine them depending on external conditions), compatibility with regular glasses (special recesses are provided for ease of putting on - such the function is marked with the designation OTG). The lenses are spherical in shape, so the natural width of view is limited to a minimum (which will especially appeal to snowboard riders). The fly in the ointment in this laudatory list is not the best frost resistance (minor fogging is observed even at -20 C).


Largest selection of colors
Price on AliExpress: from 1770 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

NANDN decided to rely on the widest possible range of color solutions. At the time of compiling the rating, 13 variations of frames and lenses were available for sale, and there are about 20 in total. The wealth of choice, in general, is the main advantage of this model. Regarding the other declared functions (ventilation, 100% UV protection, anti-fog, OTG compatibility, interchangeability of straps and lenses), buyers have no serious complaints, but any technical revelation is also not noticeable compared to cheaper analogues of competitors. The only interesting thing is that it has the smallest width (165 mm) of all the glasses presented in the category. For this reason, in theory, they should not look too huge on a person and hide half of the face, but in practice it is very difficult to see the difference.


Best Design
Price on AliExpress: from 1880 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

HB 108 from VECTOR is an excellent choice for those who value in glasses not only ergonomics and reliability in use (although there are no particular complaints about these features either), but also their appearance. At first glance, the completely uncomplicated futuristic design, together with the mirror coating of the lenses, in reality looks cool and stylish, and their dark blue version, in combination with some suitable helmet, will be suitable for cutting through the snowy expanses on alpine skis, and at the same time it will be appropriate, for example, for RoboCop cosplay at Halloween. The set of characteristics is standard for this segment, although reviews say that you need to be extremely careful with the lenses - without proper care, they are easily scratched and quickly get dirty. In addition, buyers note the presence of an unpleasant odor of varying degrees of severity (its origin is not known for certain, but the main suspicion is towards the glue). Compensation for the above-described inconveniences can be considered the storage case that comes with the kit (competing companies only include these in models starting from 2,000 rubles).

1 COPOZZ GOG-201 Pro

The best ratio of price and quality
Price on AliExpress: from 1520 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The COPOZZ brand has long established itself in the segment of sports equipment and accessories and is well known among those who do not want to overpay for European brands that are almost identical in quality. The GOG-201 Pro model in question is the most popular in the company’s range and has everything necessary to satisfy even demanding customers. The seller stated that the main material used double lenses made of first-class Italian high-resolution polycarbonate (he is quite likely being disingenuous, and in reality everything is much more prosaic, but in any case, there were no complaints about the quality of the material). There are several rows of ventilation holes, so there will be no problems with the flow of fresh air. A wide range of colors for both lenses and frames are available on the product page, each shade accompanied by an explanation regarding light transmittance and recommended weather conditions. Customers are especially delighted by the ability to remove and replace lenses.

The best ski goggles worth up to 1000 rubles

3 Tree Better S400

The cheapest model with UV protection
Price on AliExpress: from 258 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The most budget option for ski goggles, which can be found on AliExpress. It’s worth making a reservation here: there are examples that are cheaper (some products are even almost twice as expensive), but unlike the Tree Better S400, we were unable to find reliable evidence that they were actually used while skiing or snowboarding (but a huge part buyers happily shared information about their use in the garage, during repairs, etc.). There are such confirmations regarding this model and the reviews about them are quite good. They protect from getting anything in the eyes, from the sun too, and for many, no other functions are needed. The entire line of colors is labeled as UV400 (100% ultraviolet protection), and one of the modifications even comes with polarized lenses (but you can hardly expect a significant effect at this price).

2 Skiing Eye Protection Goggles

The most versatile model
Price on AliExpress: from 309 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

A simple and unpretentious model of glasses in its design, which at the same time the designers tried to make as stylish and bright as possible. There is ultraviolet protection (according to the UV400 standard), and the body itself is made of lightweight rubberized material (which, on the one hand, prevents glasses from breaking, and on the other, ensures a comfortable fit, especially in the nose area). In addition, these glasses are extremely versatile - they will look good on you not only while skiing and snowboarding, but also when cycling, fishing, etc.

Judging by the reviews, the lenses used here are quite durable (made of polycarbonate) and in general the model is quite suitable for beginners trying their hand at some local urban slopes.

1 Winter Sports Snow Ski Mask

Favorable price for a full-size mask
Price on AliExpress: from 531 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Another interesting product from an unnamed Chinese brand. For a very affordable price (just over 500 rubles), the buyer is offered a full-fledged mask designed specifically for winter sports. Its main advantages lie in the design itself: such a mask completely covers a person’s face, which means it reliably protects him from snow, wind and other potential troubles. For more comfortable wearing, the inside is decorated with special soft inserts, and the whole thing is attached to the head with a comfortable adjustable elastic band.

To be fair, it should be noted that the original lenses here are not very reliable, made of a thin layer of polycarbonate, which, if used carelessly, quickly gets scratched and also fogs up easily. But here, as they say, the quality fully corresponds to the price.

The best ski goggles costing from 2000 rubles

3 EnzoDate LY49

Interesting design with a double lens system
Price on AliExpress: from 2039 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

If for some unknown reason you have a persistent intolerance to COPOZZ brand products, but at the same time you are looking for cool glasses from the premium segment (as far as such a formulation can generally be applied to products from AliExpress), then the final choice is relatively small. And the LY49 model from EnzoDate is one of the few worthy alternatives to the above-mentioned monopolist.

Among its main features is an interesting design with the simultaneous use of two different lenses at once (neutral yellow lenses are additionally attached to the main ones, selected by the person independently based on the current weather). The whole thing is held on by magnets, with all the ensuing advantages and conveniences. The glasses themselves are also made of quite high quality (the seller claims their German origin) providing all sorts of standard levels of protection (from ultraviolet radiation, fogging, scratches, etc.).

2 COPOZZ GOG-201-Set

Best completeness
Price on AliExpress: from 2547 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The already familiar GOG-201 was equipped with an additional yellow-transparent lens (specially designed for riding at night or in cloudy weather) and a case where all this stuff can be neatly folded without fear that the equipment will get damaged during transportation. In principle, the entire set is easy to buy separately, but if you don’t bother looking for discounts and bonuses, it will cost a little more. Plus, there is a danger of getting something that is not exactly what you ordered, and the components will not fit together. In this case, such a possibility is practically excluded, since compatibility is specially checked before shipment. Many people have difficulty replacing lenses, but this is more a matter of sleight of hand and over time you can get used to it (or not).

1 COPOZZ GOG-2181-Set

The most convenient lens changing mechanism
Price on AliExpress: from 2800 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Having heard a lot of complaints about the “hellish mechanism for replacing lenses” in the GOG-201 model, the guys from COPOZZ decided that they needed to get rid of the problem radically and released GOG-2181, identical in completeness and in their characteristics, but with one important feature - the lenses are held on by magnets. Thanks to this, the process of replacing them will not cause difficulties even for a child. The magnets themselves are very strong and reliably hold the structure together (numerous positive reviews from those who have tried the glasses actually indicate that there were no incidents during accidental falls or collisions - the lenses always remained in place). Therefore, GOG-2181 is perfect for those who want to collect a whole arsenal of color filters for different situations and be able to quickly change them.

$3.98 - $35.65

Sports goggles used in snowboarding and alpine skiing are an effective means of protecting your eyes from snow, branches and blinding sunlight. We have collected 15 of the best glasses and masks for skiing on snowy slopes, which are distinguished by their stylish appearance, durability and excellent visibility, in a new selection of products from Aliexpress.

Ski and snowboard goggles with double lenses Copozz

Several advanced technologies were implemented in ski goggles and Copozz snowmobiles. Double lenses made of durable plastic are not subject to fogging, are resistant to scratches and impacts, but are safe for the eyes even in the event of partial destruction. In addition, they provide excellent UV protection, filtering light waves up to 400 nm. The glasses are secured to the head using a wide, length-adjustable strap.

The advantage of the Reedocks mask is its modular design, consisting of glasses, as well as continuous protection for the chin, jaw and nose. Thus, the most complete protection of the face from the effects of wind, snow and collisions is guaranteed. For air access, the mask is equipped with slits that facilitate breathing and provide ventilation. If necessary, you can leave only the glasses by detaching the lower shield.

The HX-X400 winter snowboarding and snowboarding goggles provide excellent protection from wind, snow and UV rays, without obstructing your field of vision and are suitable for descents in low visibility conditions. The transparent eye shield is made of polycarbonate, resistant to scratches and other physical damage. Thanks to the shock-absorbing layer, the glasses are in very soft and tight contact with the face, without causing discomfort or irritation on the skin.

These goggles, produced under the Robesbon brand, are not strictly ski or snowboard goggles. They can be used not only for skiing on snowy slopes, but also for climbing, cycling and other outdoor activities. The glass installed in them guarantees maximum protection from UV rays and helps maintain eye health. The presence of an elastic strap with length adjustment guarantees reliable and durable contact with the head without regularly slipping onto the bridge of the nose.

To the outside observer, Nandn glasses look like a mirror, but for those wearing them, they are an excellent way to provide full vision while providing protection from adverse light and physical factors. Slits at the top of the glasses provide ventilation and help combat fog. On the inside, the accessory is covered with a thick layer of shock absorber, which leaves a wide gap between the face and the plate, sufficient to be worn together with ordinary everyday ones.

Some of the cheapest glasses in this review are by no means a pale copy of their more expensive counterparts. They also use polycarbonate glass, which is UV-proof and impact-resistant. To increase the level of comfort and a tight fit on the face, the inside of the glasses is lined with a layer of shock-absorbing material. Elastic strap with adjustable length allows you to wear them on any head size.

Benice glasses have a pleasant design and are equally suitable for men and women. The wide transparent polycarbonate shield provides reliable protection and provides excellent visibility even in cloudy and snowy weather. For a comfortable fit on the head, a wide strap with double adjustment is used, as well as a dense shock-absorbing layer on the mask itself. The accessory is suitable for protecting the eyes from glare and is equipped with anti-fog protection.

$ 15.72 — $18.67 | Buy

ROCKBROS ski and snowboard goggles are an excellent choice for those who need an increased level of facial protection at an affordable price. The mirror surface of the visor perfectly transmits light cleared from the UV range and at the same time provides a wide viewing angle. The use of 3 layers of foam material at once makes the glasses fit very soft and tight on the face. The accessory goes well with.

$ 10.76 — $12.99 | Buy

Obadlay is a versatile sports sunglass that uses polarized lenses. You can wear them not only in winter, but also during the warm season, because instead of a belt, they use classic temples designed for the most serious loads. The polycarbonate lenses installed in the glasses have a wide area and provide a high level of eye protection from light, dust and snow. The accessory is available in various color options.

Due to their reliability and durability, Juli glasses can be used in a wide variety of winter activities, including skiing, snowboarding, sledding, tubing, etc. The wide lens perfectly blocks ultraviolet radiation, protects from glare, wind and precipitation. The ventilation system is designed in such a way that it successfully resists icing and snow blockages, guaranteeing the best possible view in any weather.

$ 13.99 — $18.99 | Buy

With stylish Spyder safety glasses, you'll feel as confident on any slope as a spider in its web. The polycarbonate glass installed here effectively filters ultraviolet radiation and eliminates most of the glare, and the strap with brand embroidery holds the accessory firmly on the head. A layer of shock-absorbing material is applied along the entire perimeter of the protective shield, which ensures delicate contact with the skin of the face.

Like most of the already mentioned models, these glasses are best suited to protect your eyes from the damaging effects of the blinding sun. Thanks to the increased area of ​​the protective shield, part of the face is also under reliable protection. In addition, wide glass improves peripheral visibility. Ventilation holes located above the eyebrows provide fresh air and prevent fogging.

The CRG mask is designed in such a way that almost its entire front part is solid glass without visible frames. The mirror surface of the lens perfectly reflects light harmful to the eyes and protects them from snow, wind and ice chips. The wide, light green strap not only adjusts flexibly to fit any head size, but also increases visibility on the slopes. On the face side, the glasses are covered with a thick layer of shock-absorbing material.

Anti-fog glasses BatFox

Brightly designed BatFox glasses are the most successful combination of extreme design and protective properties. The large area of ​​protective glass guarantees excellent visibility without compromising safety. The wide nylon strap is adjustable and stretchable to fit any head size, even when wearing a helmet. Contact with the bridge of the nose and the area around the eyes occurs through 3 layers of soft material, and ventilation holes ensure the removal of excess moisture.

It protects not only from sunlight, but also from dust, dirt, snow and midges and should not interfere with your activity. Let's figure out how to choose the right glasses for outdoor activities.

Choosing optics depending on the type of activity

According to the Hamburg account, all optics are divided into:

  • Corrective optics
  • Sun protection fashion
  • Protective sports
  • Just protective

Sometimes some types of activities require very precise movements, and if glasses interfere (slip, fog up, press), then it becomes simply impossible to play sports. For example, if your glasses fog up during a marathon, “welcome to hell,” but if you are climbing a rock and your glasses crawl up your nose, then you will think about anything but a difficult route. Upon closer examination, the most important difference between sports optics and other types of glasses is unprecedented comfort, light weight and protection from various factors.

Since there is a wide variety of activities, the threats to the eyes can be different, because we remember that we are protecting ourselves not only from the sun. For example, even if you are just riding a bike in the park with your child, you will inevitably have to protect your eyes from midges, dust and wind. Conversely, when training on a cross-country ski slope, you don't want to suffer from snowflakes, pieces of ice and icy wind. When playing sports at dusk, which, by the way, is not at all uncommon, you do not need SUNGLASSES, you will need SAFETY glasses.

When developing a new glasses model, engineers first of all think about where and who will use it. That is why sports models differ from one another not only in lenses, but also in design as a whole.

If you come across a seller’s announcement about the versatility of the model, this should alert you. There can be no truly universal glasses!

There are two competing ideas when designing glasses: on the one hand, glasses should provide maximum protection, preferably fitting tightly to the face, and on the other hand, they should provide good ventilation.

If you are a climber, then most likely choose glasses that fit your face tightly and do not let in even a small ray of light. But if you try to ride a bike, ski or just run in these glasses, they will fog up.

A fan of cyclic sports (running, marathon, cross-country skiing) needs glasses with improved ventilation, which means these glasses will have large side clearances.

There are sports, for example, ski mountaineering, where you have to “sweat” at a fairly high altitude, and for this there is a rather limited list of “pseudo-universal” models. Developers go to great lengths to ensure acceptable ventilation with sufficient protection:

  • ventilation slots of tricky geometry;
  • modified optical glass geometry;
  • perforated nose pads, etc., etc.

But before we talk about the various design details, we must get acquainted with the main materials that are used in the production of glasses.

Lens materials

The lion's share of lenses is made from polycarbonate. This is a long and well known material. Engineers love him very much, because... it is highly manufacturable (it can be stamped, cast, polished, painted and modified in a variety of ways), inexpensive and durable. Its only drawback is that it scratches easily. It is known from experience that after 3-4 years of active use of polycarbonate glasses, they become covered with a thin, barely noticeable network of scratches, even with the most careful use.

Other material - mineral glass- much less popular. It is more expensive, heavier, and breaks into dangerous fragments. BUT has a lower refractive index, better optical quality, and is almost scratch-resistant! It is used in a very narrow series of glasses (mountain).

To complete the picture, you should know about “exotic” plastic materials - CR39, and its stronger version - NXT. The main advantage of these materials is a closed license, which leads to an increase in their cost, which is beneficial to sellers. These materials are a favorite among military equipment manufacturers because NXT is much stronger than standard polycarbonate. But for sports optics this is not such a significant option, because it still remains plastic, which means it is scratched.

Total: Most likely, in stores you will come across polycarbonate lenses; in the rare case, if you are a climber, you will need glasses with mineral glass lenses.

Lens categories for UV protection

As mentioned above, sports optics protect not only from mechanical impact, but also, of course, from the negative effects of sunlight.

The entire range of sunlight is conventionally divided into 3 parts:

  • infrared light / thermal radiation (2500-780 nm)
  • visible light range (780-380 nm)
  • UV range (380-280 nm)

First, let's destroy a well-known myth: UV radiation is not as dangerous to the human eye as people usually fear. The human eye is generally not transparent to ultraviolet light, meaning that all UV exposure is concentrated only on the cornea (absorbs UV-A) and the lens (absorbs UV-B). The retina does not suffer from UV exposure, since harmful radiation does not reach it. But we experience wild discomfort when our eyes are “hurt” by that same “near” ultraviolet radiation, and therefore sports glasses must block it. Both polycarbonate and mineral glass do this 100%.

The visible range of light in itself is not dangerous to the eyes, but it can greatly disturb us and cause fatigue. To reduce visible light load, our glasses must be dark enough. How dark? This is determined by the category of the lens.

Here is a standard plate for the light transmittance of lenses of various categories:

Category Light transmission range, %
0 80 > 100
1 43 > 79
2 18 > 42
3 8 > 17
4 3 > 8

As can be seen from the table, the spread of densities for the same category can reach up to 36%. “Protection category” has nothing to do with UV, this concept refers only to the density of the filter.

Infrared range (thermal). Without going into deep details of the anatomy of the eye and the basics of ophthalmology, you should know that at high altitudes in dry and clean air, direct thermal radiation is focused strictly in the center of the retina (on the macula) and “burns out” this very delicate place in tens of minutes. This type of eye damage cannot be treated.

The chance of catching a “heat bunny” is not great, but the price for it is high. Therefore, when going to high altitudes, look for glasses with filters with additional thermal protection. They are usually labeled IR (Infrared).

Additional lens properties

All of the above refers to the basic properties of almost all glasses from any manufacturer. But now they produce lenses with additional properties:

1. Photochromic

The first photochromic lens, which could darken under the sun and lighten at dusk, was invented in 1962. Since then, a lot has been learned about photochromic lenses. The vast majority of photochromic lenses darken only under the influence of the UV component of radiation, but the visible range does not affect them in any way. This is why you shouldn’t rely on dark photochromic glasses while sitting in a car. However, recently photochromic lenses that are sensitized to the visible part of the spectrum have begun to appear. They are still expensive and rarely used in sports optics.

The darkening speed of photochromic lenses is highly dependent on temperature. The hotter it is, the faster they “switch”. Such lenses are produced using different technologies, which are not unique. The shade range of the lens is determined by the glasses manufacturer based on common sense. You can create a lens from category 1 to 4. But there is simply nowhere to use such a wide range. Therefore, the most popular switching ranges are categories 1-3 or 2-4.

That's probably all you need to know about photochromic lenses.

2. Polarized lenses

Recently, questions about polarized lenses have become increasingly common. Do you need such glasses and who? In my opinion, they are only necessary for those who spend a lot of time on the water.

What kind of lenses are these? The polycarbonate lens is covered with a thin-film polarizing filter, which partially or completely blocks plane polarized radiation reflected from dielectrics. Are you tired yet? ;-) Simply put, such a filter reduces the brightness of reflected highlights. The most annoying glare comes from the surface of the water. It turned out that these lenses are most in demand among lovers of water recreation. Glasses with these lenses can also be recommended for ice climbers. But when choosing optics with a polarizing filter, you need to remember this: when moving in these glasses, the overall illumination of the field of view continuously changes. Not every person can withstand such a kaleidoscope.

Modern technology allows you to combine all of the above options in one lens. But everything comes at a price - they will be very expensive, and each layer applied to the lens increases optical distortion.

Sports glasses frame

I've seen glasses without lenses, but it's hard to imagine sports optics without frames, so let's talk briefly about frame materials.

Glasses frame materials

Perhaps the most common material for sports frames is grilamid. It comes in different densities, weights and strengths. It is cheap, easy to manufacture, easily extruded and subject to a wide variety of finishing options.

When creating lightweight glasses models, they sometimes use nylon (nylon). The material is light and elastic, but not hard enough.

Some mountaineering glasses frames are made from metal, following time-tested and dearly loved traditions. There is no need to talk about significant advantages, but they look “rich” and not “like everyone else.”

Shape, geometry and some design features of frames

There are sports glasses full-fledged And half-frame. Semi-frames often come with interchangeable lenses. And if you need glasses with guaranteed ventilation, choose half-frame models. Sometimes it blows so hard that it brings out tears, no fogging ;-)

Tight-fitting, full-frame glasses often have a panoramic view, reduced ventilation, and are heavier, but provide better protection from the negative influences of the external environment.

Is it possible to choose sports glasses on-line?

Yes, if you know exactly how this model fits on you. There is no standard face type. Each individual model sits differently on the same face. When developing glasses, designers most often focus on the width of the bridge of the nose and the volume of the head. On the Internet you can find a lot of confusing recommendations about the “harmonious combination of a triangular chin and square glasses,” but in reality these tips do not work. Only current fashion and trends for future seasons on the shape of frames really “rule the roost.”

If you want to look sporty, energetic, and fresh, choose glasses with pronounced accents on the temples. If you prefer a more classic look, choose glasses without an accent, with rectangular frames. If you have dark skin, feel free to experiment, use bright and white frames. People with fair skin will benefit from dark frames. This way you will help yourself and the consultant in the room understand the endless variety of frames. After all, more often than not we get lost in choosing the shape of the frame, easily understanding the technology and price.

An athlete on a slope definitely needs face protection. Snowboard masks provide protection from the sun, wind and snow. In the Trajectory online store, even experienced riders will find suitable snowboard masks from such well-known companies as Oakley, Anon, Electric, VonZipper, as well as mask and helmet sets.

What types of snowboard masks are there, and how to choose?
A standard snowboarding mask consists of frame-mounted filters and a strap. Lenses for snowboard goggles are replaceable and come in two configurations - cylindrical and spherical.

Previously, the focus was on lens colors and field of view. Now the main trend has shifted towards quickly changing lenses. Now you don’t have to spend a long time changing the lens and risking breaking it or leaving a lot of fingerprints on it. However, a good view is much more important - choose snowboard masks with a large view.

For skiing in the mountains and in the park, different snowboard masks are chosen. There is such a thing as VLT (light transmittance), measured as a percentage. The lower the percentage, the less light passes through the lenses (darker glasses); the higher the percentage, the more light the filters allow through (lighter lenses).

VLT scores are grouped into 5 categories ranging from clear sunny skies (CAT 4) to night skiing (CAT 0). For urban riding, masks with glasses of categories 2 and 3 are suitable; for mountains, the optimal choice is masks of category 4. It's best to buy snowboard goggles along with two or three spare lenses to accommodate different conditions.

Masks for snowboarders also differ in terms of helmet compatibility. Today, basically all brands produce snowboard masks that are compatible with different helmets.

People with vision problems should not deny themselves the opportunity to feel the crunch of newly fallen powder and the splash of snow on their face - this is the opinion of manufacturers, offering masks that fit comfortably over glasses for vision correction.

By putting snowboard masks on his face, the athlete does not sign up for discomfort. The problem of fogging is solved by installing double lenses with an air layer between them, integrated ventilation holes, air flow control systems

Important characteristics of masks:

  • anti-glare coating;
  • anti-fog coating;
  • scratch-resistant coating;
  • UV protection
Buy a snowboard mask
Knowing the basic information about masks, on our website you can order men's and women's snowboard goggles, as well as children's models. For beginner riders, when buying a snowboard mask, the issue of price is usually the determining factor. It may seem that snowboard masks are not cheap, but on our website you will find models up to 3 thousand rubles. Many popular models of snowboard masks are presented in the "Sale" section, where you can purchase goggles at a discount.