Tall grass - Echinopanax plant, photo. Zamanikha: description, beneficial properties, application of the medicinal properties of the plant

Many people believe that the plant is called lure for good reason. Indeed, thanks to its resemblance to ginseng and red berries, it seems to lure hunters into the very depths of the forest. This plant truly has wonderful appearance. Moreover, it is healing, and that is why it has wide application V alternative medicine.

Zamanikha is also often used in for cosmetic purposes. Cosmetic preparations from this miraculous plant have a tonic and stimulating effect. Substances contained in zamanikha help eliminate wrinkles and slow down the aging process. Let's take a closer look at how high zamanikha is prepared and its use in traditional medicine recipes.

Botanical characteristics of the plant

Zamanika high is a deciduous thorny shrub of the Araliaceae family, reaching a height of eighty or more centimeters. Otherwise, the lure is called high oplopanax. The plant is equipped with a long, fleshy, creeping light rhizome, a straight, non-branching, light brown stem, light green, large, needle-shaped, few alternate leaves located on long petioles, and inconspicuous small green flowers collected in oblong complex racemes.

The fruit of the lure is a ten-millimeter juicy fleshy yellow-red spherical drupe. Shrub plant blooms at the beginning summer period- in the month of June, and the fruits appear in early August. North America, East Asia, Russia, the Far East, Primorsky Krai - the habitat of the plant. Narrow gorges, coniferous forests, steep rocky slopes, birch forests, forest edges, and clearings are the places where lures grow.

Collection, preparation, storage of plant materials

IN medical purposes The entire underground part of the bush is used. It is recommended to collect raw materials in September-October, after the leaves and fruits have fallen. The rhizome is dug up along with small roots. Next, the raw materials are cleaned of soil and other impurities, the above-ground part and spoiled, rotten and blackened parts of the roots are removed.

The roots must be thoroughly rinsed under running water. cold water and cut into small pieces. Next, the raw materials need to be dried. You can pour the raw materials onto paper and leave them to dry outside in the shade or in the attic. Don’t forget to stir and turn the roots so they dry faster and more evenly. To speed up the drying process, you can use a dryer or oven. The temperature should be fifty degrees, no more.

Next, the prepared raw materials are placed in small fabric bags or paper boxes for further storage. The room in which you are going to store the workpieces should be well ventilated, dry and dark. The shelf life of raw materials is three years, no more.

Oplopanax high: chemical composition, pharmacological properties

It is not for nothing that this plant is widely used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology, because it is a storehouse of nutrients and healing substances:

  • essential oil;
  • alcohols;
  • aldehydes;
  • phenolic compounds;
  • free acids;
  • hydrocarbons;
  • glycosides;
  • flavonoids;
  • resinous substances;
  • coumarins;
  • saponins;
  • lignans;
  • carbohydrates;
  • minerals.

The richest composition gives the plant truly healing properties. Zamanikha high has a stimulating, tonic, antidiabetic, adaptogenic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, analgesic, immunostimulating, restorative, and general stimulating effect.

High tempting preparations contribute to:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • stimulation of breathing;
  • increasing the amplitude of heart contractions;
  • lowering blood sugar levels;
  • increased diuresis;
  • increasing mental and physical performance;
  • improving visual acuity;
  • eliminating painful sensations;
  • eliminating migraines;
  • improving sleep, eliminating insomnia;
  • increased motor activity;
  • treatment diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, central nervous system diseases, neuroses, hysteria, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, atonic state, fever.

Zamanikha high - use in traditional medicine recipes.

This plant has been used for a long time traditional healers to cure a lot of troubles. Healing infusions, decoctions and tinctures will help in getting rid of the most various diseases. However, it is important to know the indications and contraindications of the plant. Also, you should not take medications without first consulting your doctor. Remember, self-medication, as well as drug abuse, will not lead to any good.

➡ Preparation of healing tincture. This product is recommended for use when menopause, since it helps eliminate almost all of its manifestations: increased irritability, sleep disturbances, general fatigue, apathy, sudden changes in mood. Regular use the drug will help a woman overcome this period.

To prepare the medicine, take the rhizome of the plant, chop it finely, pour it into a glass container and pour thirty grams of the raw material with 300 milliliters medical alcohol 70%. Seal the container tightly and remove it from a cold, shaded area for fifteen days. After time, filter the composition and pour into a darkened glass bottle. Take thirty drops of the drug three times a day.

➡ Tincture that helps improve sleep. Approximately thirty grams of dried crushed rhizomes are poured with three hundred milliliters of vodka. Next, the container is tightly closed and placed in a dark, cold room for ten days. The product is shaken from time to time. Then it is filtered and consumed twenty drops twice a day. The course of therapy should be thirty days.

➡ Preparation of a tincture that helps normalize the functioning of the central nervous system. Finely chopped dried rhizomes are poured into a container and filled with medical alcohol. Refrigerate the mixture for fourteen days. Strain and consume thirty drops of the medicine, previously diluted in warm water, twice a day.

➡ Making tea that lowers blood sugar. Combine regular black tea with dried, finely chopped plant rhizomes in equal proportions. Steam five grams of raw material in 300 milliliters of boiled water. Drink one hundred milliliters of tea twice a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and at lunchtime.

➡ Infusion for diabetics. Mix in equal proportions zamanika roots with St. John's wort, mint, blueberry leaves, rhizome elecampane, succession of tripartite, horsetail, rose hips, chamomile flowers. All components must be dried. Grind the ingredients and steam fifteen grams of raw materials in three hundred milliliters boiled water. Infuse the product in a dark, cool room for several hours. Take 60 ml of the medicine four times a day.

Zamanikha is a low shrub belonging to the Araliaceae family. The plant has a long, creeping rhizome and fleshy light-colored roots. Zamanikha is distinguished by a non-branching, straight, glossy light brown stem with frequent needle-like leaves.

The flowers of the plant are small, inconspicuous, yellowish-green, inconspicuous, collected in oblong spherical umbrellas. The flowering period for lure is June and July. Zamanika produces bright red, fleshy fruits that ripen from August to September.

The plant contains a lot useful substances, including essential oils, saponin, alkaloid, coumarin, phenolic compound, carbohydrates.

Zamanikha - types and places of growth

In total, three species belong to the genus Zamanikha, two of which grow in the west North America and in East Asia, and only one species is found in Russia. This is a plant called tall zamanika.

The Far East, Primorsky Territory - this is the territory where the bait is distributed. The plant prefers narrow gorges, coniferous forests, screes and steep rocky slopes located high above sea level.

Zamanikha - medicinal properties

Both official and traditional medicine use the beneficial properties of lure. Its effectiveness is equal to that of ginseng. Zamaniha has antidiabetic, stimulating, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects. It can also enhance mental and physical performance.

Tincture of zamanikha roots is used to treat asthenic conditions, neuroses, schizophrenia, significant depression of the central nervous system.

With the help of tincture of bait, you can reduce heart pain and headaches, reduce irritability and fatigue, arterial pressure, improve sleep.

The use of bait for treatment is very effective asthenic syndromes in pregnant women who have given birth pathological birth.

It also has an effective effect on women during menopause, reduces blood sugar and glucose levels in people with diabetes, and activates urination.

Zamanikha - dosage forms

Medicinal raw materials enticement is its root. It is harvested after the fruits of the plant have ripened and its leaves have fallen. The dug up roots are cleaned from the ground and crushed into small pieces about 35 centimeters in size. After this, the raw materials are dried. The leaves of the plant are also sometimes used. Tinctures and decoctions are prepared from raw materials.

Zamanikha - recipes

In order to prepare a tincture of lure with the effect of stimulating the nervous system, it is necessary to pour alcohol into the rhizomes in a ratio of one to ten. The product must be infused in a dark place for two weeks. Take 25 drops of the strained tincture with water. The tincture has a bitter taste, a peculiar smell and a light brown color.

To prepare tea from zamanikha, you need to mix it with black or green tea dry crushed leaves of zamanikha. You should drink this tea in the morning or at lunch.

Zamanikha - contraindications

As with anyone medicine, you must be very careful when taking medications containing zamanika and be sure to follow the dosage and duration of treatment. Overdose may result in vomiting and headache.

Zamanikha is also not recommended for use by people with increased nervous excitability, hypertension, myocardial infarction, acute infectious diseases, fever, insomnia, sclerotic changes in cerebral vessels, epilepsy, hyperkinesis.

Long-term use of drugs can cause urticaria and other skin complications.

Araliaceae family – Araliaceae.

It is a shrub from 0.5 to 1.5 m high with single, almost unbranched, thick (15-20 mm) stems, densely planted in the upper part with thin, very brittle, needle-like thorns.

The leaves are concentrated at the top of the shoots in 1-5 pieces, very large, up to 15-35 cm in diameter, 5-7 lobed, wrinkled, doubly serrate along the edge. The leaf blades and petioles are covered with bristles and small spines. The inflorescence is an apical drooping 10-15 cm long complex raceme of small umbels of small greenish-yellow bisexual regular five-membered flowers. Double perianth. The fruits are dark red, laterally flattened juicy drupes about 1 cm in diameter.

High lure "Oplopanax elatus (Nakai) Nakai": Blooms in the second half of June and July, the fruits ripen in August.

Distributed in the southern part of the Primorsky Territory under the canopy of dense spruce-fir, rarely stone-birch forests almost along the very border of forest vegetation. Prefers steep and wet northern slopes.

Rhizomes and roots of the plant are used as medicinal raw materials. They contain resinous substances, flavonoids, triterpene glycosides, essential oils, coumarins, saponins - echinoxosides, traces of alkaloids, phenolic compounds and mineral salts.

Zamanikhi preparations are used to stimulate the activity of the central nervous system in asthenic and depressive states, with decreased sexual function, flaccid forms of schizophrenia and overwork. They increase the body's resistance to unfavorable conditions and effects, are used to treat mild cases of hypotension, to enhance cardiac activity and have weak diuretic properties.

It is important!

Zamanikha drugs should not be taken in the evening to avoid sleep disturbances, in states of agitation, hypertensive crises and feverish conditions.

Long time Zamanikha was considered the first substitute, but then, due to the limited availability of its reserves and the inconvenient location of the raw material base (upper mountain belt), it gradually gave way to the more widespread and accessible eleutherococcus. Zamanikha tincture is a transparent light brown liquid with a bitter taste and a specific resinous odor. It is taken 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day before meals.

Preparation of high bait

Harvesting wild plants of high-growing plant is prohibited.

It is recommended to grow it in garden and personal plots. Dig at the end of September or October, after the leaves have fallen. The above-ground part is removed, and the underground organs are chopped into pieces of about 30 cm. Dried in well-ventilated areas, turning over often.

Zamanikha high- Oplopanax elatus (Nakai) Nakai (Echinopanax elatum Nakai) is a thorny shrub from the Araliaceae family with powerful thick rhizomes extending horizontally from the center of the bush. The trunks are about 1 m high (up to 3 m), have little branching, and at 8-10 years of age they can bend so much that they reach the soil surface and take root. The bark of the trunks and old branches is light gray, almost bare. Young shoots are densely planted with needle-like, brittle thorns 3-10 mm long. The leaves are alternate, concentrated mainly in the upper part of the shoots. The leaf blades are round, very large, up to 35 cm in diameter, shallowly palmate-lobed, green above, lighter below, with sparse spines along the veins. The leaves appear wrinkled due to a dense network of strongly depressed veins. Leaf petioles are long (up to 1–8 cm), densely covered with short yellowish spines.
The flowers are small, inconspicuous, yellow-greenish, with a double 5-membered perianth, collected in small inflorescences-umbrellas, which in turn form oblong racemes or panicles up to 1-8 cm long at the tops of the shoots. There are 5 stamens. A pistil with a lower ovary and 2 columns. Blooms in June - July. Pollinated by insects. The fruits ripen in September. The fruit is a bright red fleshy spherical drupe with a diameter of up to 1 2 mm, with two flat seed stones.
The seeds have low germination, so seed propagation of lures in the natural environment is almost not expressed. This plant reproduces well vegetatively due to its widely spreading rhizomes.

Spreading the bait

Zamanika high is a Far Eastern plant. Its range occupies Korea, Japan and the eastern regions of China. In our country, baitfish is found only in the south of Primorsky Krai. It grows in mountain coniferous and mixed forests, in stone birch forests, as well as on open mountain slopes and rocky places at an altitude of 600-1,500 m above sea level. It usually grows in groups and often forms thickets.
Zamanika is quite shade-tolerant and moisture-loving, but it also grows on sunny slopes, although it looks clearly depressed in such conditions. When the forests in which the beetle grows in the undergrowth are lightened, it, as a rule, dies or reduces its presence.
Tall sedum is included in the Red Book and requires protection and careful treatment. Rarely bred as original ornamental plant. Deserves a broader culture. It can be used to form difficult-to-climb hedges.

Features of preparing bait as a folk remedy

Zamanikhi conduct industrial procurement of raw materials in the fall. Its rhizomes are located in the near-surface layer of soil, so they are easily pulled out. Usually, entire bushes are pulled out. The rhizomes are shaken off the soil and cut off from the stems. They are washed in water, cut into pieces 30-35 cm long, dried in air, and then dried in warm rooms or dryers at low (up to 30-50 ° C) temperatures.
Taking into account the limited habitat of wild lure and the official protection of this plant, the procurement of raw materials can only be carried out in specially designated areas. Intensive procurement of raw materials, which reached in the 70s. XX century, more than 50 tons per year, led to a serious reduction in the thickets of this valuable plant in Primorye. When harvesting, you need to leave some of the plants untouched as queen cells for renewal. Repeated harvesting in the same areas cannot be carried out earlier than after 10 years. It is, of course, advisable to use more widely in medicinal purposes above-ground shoots of the lure.

Medicinal value of lure and methods of medicinal use

Medicinal raw materials are rhizomes with roots. They contain saponins, essential oil(up to 1.3%), traces of alkaloids. IN last years It has been established that from above-ground shoots it is possible to produce medicines with the same activity as from underground shoots.
In medicine, a tincture of the rhizomes and roots of the plant is used as a tonic and stimulant for the cardiovascular system.
The tincture has a luring effect positive influence for patients with a sluggish course of schizophrenia, it is prescribed for exhaustion, physical and mental fatigue, low blood pressure, asthenoneurotic and asthenohypochondriacal reactions, sexual impotence. It can be used as a tonic for initial and mild form diabetes This medicine has been found to help normalize sugar levels in the blood and urine. Therefore, bait is included in many preparations recommended for the treatment of diabetes.

Roots of high tempting and elecampane high; horsetail herb, common yarrow, tripartite string, St. John's wort, peppermint, blueberry leaves, chamomile inflorescences, rose hips - all 10g.
Infusion: 10g of a mixture of crushed plants (1-2 tablespoons) pour into 1 glass hot water and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool, squeeze out the remaining raw materials. Take 1/3 cup of infusion 3 times a day before meals.

Tincture of enticement- an active medicinal product, sometimes replacing scarce ginseng drugs, but it must be treated under constant medical supervision. Zamanikha tincture is prepared from the roots in 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:5. Leave in a warm place for 2 weeks, strain. Store in a dark glass jar in a cool place. The tincture has a light brown color, a bitter taste and a peculiar smell. Take 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals. The course of treatment is 30 days. After taking the tincture, patients experience reduced fatigue, irritability, improved sleep, a feeling of vigor, good mood, performance is restored, appetite increases.
So generous healing properties lures and determined its popular nickname - “one hundred forces.” However, we should not forget about contraindications: this is increased blood pressure and individual intolerance to temptation. It is also not recommended to take medications in the evening and at night.

Traditional medicine advises using a tincture of the root of the plant for impotence:
10g of roots per 100g of 40% alcohol, leave for 20 days. Take 20 drops 2 times a day before meals. Store in a dark place.

“An old man will try the tincture from the roots of Zamanikha and he will gain strength, like a good fellow. Will try the tincture good fellow- prowess and unprecedented strength will awaken.”

In the old days, lure was called wolfberry; it was used as a magical love potion, which increased sexual desire. The growing environment is the territory of Asian countries and the western regions of the northern continent of America.

Tall lure can be found in some areas Russian Federation. The plant is well distributed in the Primorsky Territory, which is characterized by rocky narrow gorges, cliffs above sea level, as well as dense coniferous forests.

Zamanikha is a representative of the Araliev family. Characteristics The differences are the upright growing light brown stems, covered with a thick blanket of finely toothed leaves. The root system is fleshy, having a long creeping structure.

The lure blooms with discreet yellow-green flowers, shaped like small rounded umbrellas. The flowering season of all specimens of this species existing in nature occurs in June - July, and in August - September bright red fruits ripen on the plant.

Useful properties of lure

Zamanikha is used as remedy on a par with ginseng, both in traditional and folk medicine thanks to its beneficial properties.

The beneficial effects of lure have been known for a long time.

  1. Increases brain activity and physical endurance.
  2. , strengthens the nervous system.
  3. Reduces blood pressure and body fatigue.
  4. Reduces heart pain and headaches.
  5. It has a stimulating, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect.
  6. Normalizes in the blood.
  7. Preventive action against diabetes.
  8. Removes climate syndrome and asthenic during pregnancy, as well as after pathological childbirth.

Medicine in the form of a tincture, it is perfectly used in the treatment of diseases associated with disorders mental state person: neurosis, depression. The plant has an effective effect: with renal failure, bad work liver, rheumatic problems and atherosclerosis. With the help of lures, visual functions can be significantly improved.

The healing composition of the plant

  • essential oils;
  • saponin and coumarin;
  • alkaloids and carbohydrates;
  • phenolic compounds.

Procurement of raw materials

To prepare a medicinal product, use the root part of the plant, sometimes the leafy part, however, with caution and in small dosages, since they contain toxic substances. At the peak of the growing season, which is facilitated by fruiting, the plant is dug up and cleaned.

The prepared raw materials, the root part, are scraped using sharp knife and cut into longitudinal pieces of 35 cm. Lay out on a flat wire rack and cover with a piece of gauze, leave in a place protected from moisture until completely dry.

Traditional medicine recipes

Dried roots of the plant are used to prepare decoctions, teas and tinctures.

Sugar-lowering tea: brewed using a mixture of black or green tea and dried roots in equal proportions. A small pinch is poured into a glass, poured with boiling water and left to steep for a short time. It is recommended to take tea after waking up during breakfast or lunch.

The stimulating tincture consists of zamanika roots and medical alcohol, taken in a ratio of 1:10. The liquid is kept until ready in a glass container, which is tightly sealed with a lid and placed in a dark place for 14 days.
The prepared tincture of bait is filtered and taken every day in the amount of 25 drops diluted with half a glass of water.

A soothing tincture that improves tone. For preparation you will need pre-dried zamanikha roots and vodka in a parts ratio of 1:5. The principle of infusion is the same as in the above stimulating recipe. The medicine is taken three times a day for a month in the recommended dosage of 40 drops.

Normalizing tincture for good night. It is prepared in the following order: 30 grams of cut roots are poured with 100 ml of medical alcohol, diluted to 40% strength, covered with a nylon lid and infused for a week using the generally accepted method. The tincture is taken daily in the amount of 30 drops per dosage, washed down with water or weak tea.

Contraindications for use

Medicines based on bait cannot be taken continuously; after a certain course, it is recommended to take breaks to avoid illness skin. It is important to strictly maintain the required dosage to avoid attacks of vomiting and headaches.

General contraindications:

  • intolerance;
  • epilepsy syndrome;
  • nervous overexcitation;
  • chronic insomnia, hyperkinesis;
  • infectious diseases, fever;
  • cerebral vascular sclerosis;
  • heart attack and hypertension.

Before using drugs based on bait, you should, as a precaution, consult your doctor and then follow clear instructions.