Elena Korikova: men in her life. Dangerous games of Malakhov and Coricova Who was useful to whom

45 years

Malakhov is always in the news, especially recently in connection with his departure from Channel One.

Also, his rich wife Natalya Shkuleva again came into view in connection with Andrei’s statement about his intention to take maternity leave in connection with the upcoming birth of a child.

I casually read and heard some vague scandalous rumors about Malakhov’s gay orientation, however, seven real novels with real women can indicate the opposite?

Below the cut are several photos and a short mix of facts and rumors))

Young Andrei Malakhov – host of the talk show “Big Wash”

Tanya Moskalenko

Andrei spent his childhood and youth in the northern city of Apatity.
At school he fell in love with classmate Tanya Moskalenko.

Andryusha long sought the favor of the little beauty, but one day he struck her down on the spot. Instead of writing an essay on the topic “How I spent my summer,” the future TV presenter came to the board and in a tiny voice began to sing Alla Pugacheva’s hit “Summer, ah, summer!” The teacher gave him an A for resourcefulness. Moskalenko studied music, so she also appreciated Malakhov’s feat and began to allow him to carry her briefcase. But in the eighth grade, their paths diverged - Tanya’s parents took her to Murmansk, where she entered a music school, and later married a local singer.

Swedish Lisa

After school, Malakhov went to conquer Moscow and entered the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University.
In his senior year, he fell in love with the Swedish opera singer Lisa.
They say it was she who made Andrei a man.
Soon the couple began to live in a civil marriage, which lasted almost seven years.
Lisa was 13 years older than Andrei and tried to persuade him to move to Sweden.
But Malakhov dreamed of making a career in his native country.
After receiving his diploma, he got a job on TV. The salary of a young specialist at the “first button” grew by leaps and bounds. But my personal life fell apart.
In the end, the Swede broke off relations with Malakhov and left for her homeland.
And after a while the news came that she committed suicide by jumping out of the window. Andrei took the loss seriously, threw himself into work and for a long time could not find his soul mate.

Marina Kuzmina

In the mid-2000s, the popular TV presenter began going out with businesswoman Marina Kuzmina. They met at a sports club party. The chosen one again turned out to be much older. Envious people spread rumors that an eligible groom was having a contractual affair with the owner of a mine in South Africa.

The TV presenter did crazy somersaults with Marina KUZMINA. The conversations intensified when it became known that Kuzmina had added the missing amount to Malakhov to buy an apartment. But the showman said that he borrowed money, and having repaid it, he soon broke up with Marina. “She couldn’t buy me,” Malakhov later summed up. In total, their relationship lasted about two years.

Elena Korikova

When gossip columns began to write about Andrei’s affair with the star of “Poor Nastya” Korikova, not everyone believed in its authenticity - Malakhov courted her in a painfully graphic manner.

Consider, for example, his ostentatious steps when he presented the actress with a gorgeous ring and began to spread rumors that he would propose to Elena from the stage at the TEFI ceremony.
As one would expect, no proposal followed, and the couple announced that they had separated.

Margarita Buryak

Korikova was replaced by another mature companion - Margarita Buryak.
At first, there were rumors around the party that Andrei was taking this lady to nightclubs for the sake of her 16-year-old daughter, whom he was allegedly going to marry. But Express Gazeta journalists found out that this is not so


The showman even took Magarita Buryak to her homeland in Apatity, where she celebrated the New Year as a family.

Anna Sedokova

In the spring of 2009, Malakhov and Anna Sedokova suddenly became the most popular celebrity couple. Together they participated in television projects, hosted programs and even shot a video clip.

According to rumors, what Andrei liked most about Anya SEDOKOVA was her curvaceous figure and lovely curls.
At the celebration of his birthday, Andryusha publicly promised to walk Anya down the aisle and even set a wedding date - 09.09.09.

But instead of a celebration in September 2009, Malakhov introduced a new friend to the party - Natasha Shkuleva.

The TV star’s love for Natasha did not awaken immediately. Shkuleva and Malakhov looked at each other for a long time, called each other, went to restaurants. Soon, friendly relations reached a new level. Malakhov’s friends assured: What Andrei likes about Natasha is that she is a non-secular person, does not like parties, is beautiful, modest, from a good family, and although she is not a star, her income is no less than his own. More than once the TV presenter said that what surprises him about his beloved is her insight.

As a result, in France, in Versailles, the wedding of Malakhov and Shkuleva took place, which, according to rumors, cost half a million euros.
One bride's dress cost 50 thousand.

Further gossip of dubious nature.
There have long been rumors that Malakhov is also partial to the male sex.
For example, according to the website life-star.ru, Andrei was once caught in the gay club “Three Monkeys”, accompanied by a tanned, brutal handsome man, whom the hero of the blue screen held by the hand.

The website “Slukhi.ru” once posted information that supposedly the Odessa singer Maxiwave was a dear friend of the TV presenter.
In an interview, the TV star explained how he felt about the hints about his “blueness”: “At first I was upset out of habit, in case my parents read it.
And then he spat: do I have to prove the opposite with terrible force? My older comrades reassured me: “On the contrary, you should be pleased that both women and men like you: this is precisely real success!” So I try to take this hype calmly.


The star still has a lot to discuss with fashion designer Elena YARMAK.

Close relationships at different times were attributed to Malakhov with: * the fur queen Elena Yarmak; * sister of oil oligarch Alla Ruga; * TV presenter and socialite Ksenia Sobchak; * a relative of the owner of the Bosco di Cileggi trademark, Anna Moiseeva; * fashion designer and press secretary of State Duma deputy Emma Salimova; * designer Anna Burmistrova; * the wife of an employee of the British embassy, ​​Svetlana Samoryaninova; * American fashion designer Calvin Klein; * Odessa singer Maxim Viktorovich Maxiwave; * general director of the boutique agency “R.S.V.P” Bettina von Schlippe.

How do you feel about Malakhov, do you perceive him as a star, or as a macho, or as an interesting person?

The personal life of Andrei Malakhov has long been “registered” on the pages of gossip columns. What was the cost of one affair with businesswoman Marina Kuzmina, who suddenly exchanged Malakhov for some young bartender. Or the story of Andrey’s appearance at the TEFI ceremony with a ring in his pocket. The ring, it seems, was intended for Elena Korikova, but was never given.

In general, it’s such a “soap opera” that you just want to say: “Give me the details!” Out of old friendship, Malakhov did not refuse me details. We are sitting in his new restaurant, where the TV presenter works as an art director, and memories of the past do not in the least prevent Malakhov from energetically cutting a steak.

Who was useful to whom

- Andrey, you probably know that they said about you and Kuzmina that your entire novel was an agreement on joint promotion. Well, like what Claudia Schiffer had with David Copperfield...

Now that it's all over, I think it was the right thing to do. I guess I was being used. But I'm not offended. At some point I really felt good, calm, easy and fun.

- And Marina Kuzmina, thanks to her affair with you, does not crawl out of the pages of gossip columns...

There are other opinions. They say they picked Malakhov, showed him life and allowed him to touch the world of the rich.

- Were you allowed?

You know, I certainly haven't flown first class around the world before or lived in the presidential suite. But that doesn’t mean that I didn’t see anything at all. For me, it doesn’t make much difference from which room I go to see the streets of Paris. Do I have twenty rooms or one? In short, that's not the point. I feel very sincerely about Marina and even... Yes, we don’t communicate, but I hope that she will be happy with this boy. Or with other boys who will appear in her life.

- By the way, on whose initiative did your novel end?

The initiator was Marina. We were supposed to meet her in Turkey and go on a yacht with friends. We each arrived there on our own. I sent a car for her to the hotel. The car stood for several hours and returned. As I later found out, Marina did not come to Turkey alone. That's all.

She paid, I gave gifts

- Let's go back to the time when your romance was in full swing. The newspapers wrote that Marina pays for some exotic trips, that you go somewhere almost every week. It was so?

It really was a slightly different rhythm of life, which ordinary people cannot imagine. Marina could call and say that in the morning we were flying to Tokyo for two days. 20 hours on a plane for two days. But this madness has its own charm. And that’s what Marina is all about. If I were going to Japan myself, I would buy a discounted ticket and spend a week of thoughtful relaxation. And here - yes, of course, it was always a ten-room apartment, but... We arrive in Tokyo, she goes to a business meeting, and I get on a tourist bus (we have these at the Kazansky station) and go look around. Quite a journey, I must tell you.

- Didn’t such a delicate moment that all this is happening with her money bother you?

You know, when I invite my relatives to a restaurant and they try to pay for themselves, I never allow it. Because for them this is serious money, but for me it is an ordinary bill, I pay these every day. It was the same with Marina. Tell her: “Why are we sitting in this restaurant when we can go to the next one, which is five times cheaper?” Pay in half? Stupid. Another thing is that I always gave her gifts. We could fly to the Maldives, and I bought a ring at the airport. It was gratitude, and besides, Marina understood that I could afford to buy her a ring for one and a half thousand dollars. In principle, this is the amount for which I myself could vacation in the Maldives. Of course, not in a detached house on stilts with a glass floor under which sharks swim. But it would be enough for a decent room in a five-star hotel.

- So for you the situation when a woman pays is not nonsense?

It's complicated. And at some moments... it’s unpleasant. And anyway, it would end sooner or later, because you have to be a complete scumbag to live at someone else’s expense. But I’ll say it again - I was not a gigolo who asks: “Buy this, buy that.” If she urgently needed a thousand dollars in cash - and this happened - I gave it, no problem. When Marina asked what I should bring from some trip, I usually joked that it was chewing gum. It was never serious. And this is very important in such relationships with rich people. Because she always understood that she could not buy me. That yes, I’m kind of here, but in principle I can go to McDonald’s.

I was ready to propose to her

- Tell me, is the lady really that rich?

I have one amazing ability. I communicate with people without asking them some questions at all. Because the less I know, the: a) I sleep better, b) the more interesting I am. Of course, I can, using my connections, collect a dossier on a person, and I did this several times in my youth. This is such a disappointment! I have one friend who flies around the world almost once a week. I prefer to think that he is an FSB agent. Moreover, if I tell him about this, he will probably stop communicating with me. Most likely, he is an ordinary businessman... And about Kuzmina, I thought that she had a rich admirer in Spain who wrote her his entire fortune and died while having sex with her.

- What, is there something to die from?!

Malakhov chokes on his steak from laughter.

Reveal the secret: did Marina really buy you an apartment on Ostozhenka?

This is not true, but I understand why such rumors began. Marina actually offered me to buy this apartment in half. I refused: why on earth? And I was missing 80 thousand. I borrowed them from our mutual friends. When Marina accidentally found out about this, she went to these friends and brought them 80 thousand. First of all, I didn’t ask her to do this. Secondly, the apartment cost 230 thousand, and I returned the money to her. He laid down the bones, earned it and gave it to her for her birthday with the words: “You are probably expecting a gift from me, but forgive me, it will be trivial. That's 80 thousand. Happy birthday!" She seemed unhappy.

- Wanted you to owe?

Certainly. She called me Piggy all the time. On the one hand, it was affectionate, on the other hand, it was a hint that I was still behaving like a pig and ungrateful.

- Tell me, did you have serious plans for Marina?

It may sound stupid, but I'll tell you that yes.

- Were you going to propose?

It was practically done. I was just waiting for the moment to arrange it beautifully.

- So you were mentally prepared to live happily ever after with her and die on the same day?

Well, one day is not necessary. (Laughs.)

Rich people don't believe they are loved for nothing

- Judging by Marina’s statements to you, a lot of things irritated her about you. What irritated you about her?

When I asked her to dress in the dress that I liked, she always came in a different one. It was terribly annoying. And the most unpleasant thing about communicating with people who are richer than you is their inner distrust of you. They always suspect that you only want their money, and they arrange “test drives” to find out.

- What kind of “test drives” are they?

A wealthy friend of mine regularly checks his girlfriends. Creates situations from which it is clear why they are with him - for money or not. When it becomes clear what the money is for, he dismisses them. How else, he says, if you are going to connect your life with a woman?

- Marina also gave you tests?

I really don’t want to believe that all these two years were a test.

Korikova is worthy of a prince

- Elena Korikova - is this your revenge on Marina Kuzmina for her bartender?

This is the embodiment of my dream from the time when Korikova appeared in the video “Call me with you.” In my mind, she was a fairy-tale princess. It turned out that the princess lives in a two-room apartment. Why all these Rublev’s wives, not so beautiful, not so smart, have everything, and she has everything in a two-room apartment, I don’t understand.

- So the girl in the two-room apartment doesn’t suit you?

It suits me. But I also understand that I cannot make her happy and throw the Maldives with ten-room apartments at her feet. She knows that I adore her and love her, that I will do everything for her, I will come at any time of the day or night, but I cannot invite her to share an apartment with me in a house with wooden floors (even with a beautiful view from the windows). This would be the height of selfishness.

- I think it's called "She's too good for me."

Exactly. We meet or call each other every day. But I told her that if suddenly a prince came galloping after her on a white horse with the appearance of Brad Pitt and Abramovich’s bank account, burn the phone book with my number!

- And yet, the ring you came to TEFI with was intended for her?

Now it doesn’t matter who it was intended for. But I really wanted to brighten this day by proposing to the girl. I think she understood my intentions and just didn't come. Then Ksenia Sobchak and I were invited to her program by Tina Kandelaki. Secretly from Ksyusha, she asked me to take this ring with me. And when Sobchak said that no one had ever given her jewelry for nothing, I was moved, I felt sorry for Ksyusha, and I took out the ring and gave it to her. You can call it a prize of sincere sympathy.

- Well, what about Elena Korikova, that is, excuse me, our mysterious girl? Did she somehow react to your absentee confession on TEFI?

Reacted. She called, congratulated, and offered to leave everything as it was and be just friends.

I'm a groom again!

- So, as I understand it, you have already matured the desire to get married and lead a banal family life?

I think it's ripe. Moreover, I decided that one child should be my own, and I would take the second from the orphanage. By the way, when I thought about marrying Kuzmina, I hoped that we could take two or three more from the orphanage. We would do something good. The plan for all boutiques in Moscow, Paris and Milan cannot be fulfilled at Marina's expense! (Laughs.)

- Your romance with Marina is over, your relationship with Korikova is too high, that is, are you looking again?

Any relationship that has ended is an incentive. I recently said to the same Ksyusha Sobchak: “God, how beautiful you look, you’re just glowing!” To which Sobchak answered me: “Of course, I’m a bride again, I’m looking again!” Everything is correct. You are back on the “market”. You should look good again. So I took charge of myself, started going to the gym again, and even won the Mr. Fitness title this year. So in a sense I'm a groom again.

In the first half of the 2000s, the secular public knew everything and nothing about Marina Kuzmina: yes, she is fabulously rich, is close friends with designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, loves to relax “like the last time,” changes clothes 4 times a day (otherwise and more often!) and goes out in dresses that barely cover their undeniable advantages. But how old is she exactly? What business does this eccentric millionaire own? Here the evidence varied.

Even her lover Andrei Malakhov (they said the difference between the businesswoman and her chosen one was 20 years) answered these questions with the dexterity of a high-ranking diplomat. Nevertheless, there were practically legends about this bright couple, and later Malakhov even gave his interpretation of the affair with Kuzmina in the book “My Favorite Blondes.”

She showered the Channel One presenter with expensive gifts and opened up a new world for him - first class flights, exotic travel, luxurious mansions, romantic vacations... And she was even ready to pay half the cost of her beloved’s apartment on Ostozhenka. Andrei himself could not afford such impressive expenses, but he gave his beloved sweet gifts:

The romance between Marina Kuzmina and Andrei Malakhov ended not just quickly, but with lightning speed. He explained in numerous interviews that in Turkey he sent a car for her - the couple was going to go on a yacht - however, after standing for several hours at the businesswoman’s villa, the car returned completely empty. Marina in an instant crossed out her lover from her life and disappeared. Andrei, according to his friends, experienced the breakup for a long time and painfully, but still found solace in the arms of another spectacular blonde - actress Elena Korikova.

Kuzmina came to the GQ Awards in 2005 accompanied by 19-year-old Vogue cafe waiter Kirill, which, according to rumors, infuriated Malakhov.

Even after many months, he could not forget the insult: “Do you think I accidentally became a bartender today? After all, this nineteen-year-old brat is a bartender from the Vogue Cafe. Let everyone know that I can make delicious drinks too!” - the TV presenter said ironically while preparing a cocktail at Svetlana Bondarchuk’s traditional “Taste of Summer” party that same year.

And for the first time in many years, Marina Kuzmina was able to comment on this whirlwind romance to Tatler magazine: “Only now, when time has passed, do I remember Andrei with great warmth and understand that he was an important person in my life, very close. And everything could have turned out differently if I had a different character.”

Allegedly, at one point she simply threw all the common photographs with her young lover out the window, onto the road, and “a period of complete alienation ensued.” She still didn’t want to explain to him. Also, in an instant, the businesswoman said goodbye to social life, which she had literally become sick of:

“I turned into an attribute. They began to say: “If Sobchak and Kuzmina came, it means the party was a success,” the woman recalls.

This was the turning point for her. And her growing daughter Arina (now the girl is starting her career on one of the fashion channels and starred in two DJ Smash videos) and business have finally crowded out endless presentations and parties from her life.

Kuzmina also read her ex-lover’s book “My Favorite Blondes,” for which she became the prototype of one of the heroines: “What can I say? This is what Andrei is all about: the events that actually took place are so closely intertwined with his fantasies on the same topic that he himself does not always remember where the desired is and where the real is. We probably shouldn’t delve into this either,” she summed up in an interview with Tatler.

For those who enjoy the death of a neighbor's cow - a trifle, but pleasant - we have prepared a Friday press review. The journalists of the publications did their best: you read their articles and you understand that someone’s life in the star world has not gone well. And the whole point is that for our stars the Prize was shameful for the laureates and fun for everyone else. In addition, at this event, those present witnessed an almost family scandal between Andrei Malakhov and his rich ex-passion. But first things first. Stay tuned.

So, the newspaper "Life" tells a heartbreaking story about the romance between actress Korikova and TV presenter Malakhov. The couple came to the Silver Galosh award ceremony immediately after Andrei’s ex-girlfriend Marina Kuzmina graced the ceremony with her presence, accompanied by Kirill’s young and very handsome friend, a waiter at a fashionable cafe. As soon as she noticed Malakhov, Marina became very animated, grabbed her boy by the arm and rushed after her ex-lover. For some time, Kuzmina jealously watched Andrey, craning her neck like a goose, and whispered something in her Kiryushka’s ear. The TV presenter, captivated by the luxurious Korikova, maintained an enviable calmness and only turned his head a couple of times towards his former mistress. By the way, after the end of the event, the couple went to the very cafe where Marina’s new boyfriend works. There Malakhov drank too much alcohol, which was completely unusual for him.

The theme of a sudden meeting in a big city of two recently separated lovers is picked up by Komsomolskaya Pravda. The publication's journalists also paid attention to how Andrei Malakhov and Elena Korikova portrayed the “sweet couple.” Poor Nastya was thrilled in the arms of the TV presenter. And next to the “lovers,” the reporters also noticed Malakhov’s ex-passion Marina, who was clinging to her new boyfriend with feigned passion. But Komsomolskaya Pravda paid more attention to the event itself. After all, this is not just an awards ceremony. awarded for dubious achievements in show business. At the ceremony itself, Seryoga shone and did not budge. For example, in the “Charter of the Year” nomination, where stars were celebrated, from whose creativity everyone was tired to death, it was he who earned “Galosh” with his hit “Black Boomer”. Before presenting the “Plagiarism of the Year” award, the audience was given pieces of old hits to listen to, and then a copy of them. And it turned out that Verka Serduchka "slammed" the song from... Yuri Antonov, "Mumiy Troll" - from Chris Rea, and the producer of "Ivanushki" Igor Matvienko - from the Moldovan group "Norok". Seryoga's "Black Boomer" is similar to the melody of a song by Basta Rheims and Mariah Carey. Without hesitation, Seryoga was awarded again. Second "Galoshes".

“Galosha” has become angrier and more political, notes Moskovsky Komsomolets. Alexander Tsekalo and Yuri Grymov worked on the script and direction. It was precisely because they would joke about the nominees that all the celebrities came to the event. Everyone wanted to laugh heartily. The husband of the pregnant Amalia ex-Goldanskaya told everyone this: he only came because his wife said it would be fun. After numerous publications about Vladimir Presnyakov’s upcoming divorce from his wife Elena Lenskaya, the appearance of this couple at the ceremony was more than unexpected. Lena twirled around, showing others her tattoos on her stomach and lower back. Well, as always, the spouses Alexander and Ekaterina Strizhenov and Dmitry and Elena Malikov were exemplary at the evening. Of course, MK journalists did not ignore the most unexpected duet of the evening, Malakhov-Korikova. They noted that this couple defiantly stood on the long staircase of the theater and, looking into the photo lenses, sipped cognac from pot-bellied glasses.

While stars entertain themselves with dubious awards, cartoonish primos are taken off the air. The Moscow Arbitration Court upheld the claim of the artist Oleg Kuvaev, the creator of the image of the cartoon character Masyanya, against the Muz-TV channel for copyright infringement, prohibiting the broadcast of the program “Visiting Masyanya” without the permission of the author. The management of Muz-TV intends to challenge this decision, and explains the cessation of production of new episodes of the program by the fact that “Masyan’s character is not interesting and promising for the channel,” writes today’s Kommersant. Mr. Kuvaev could not clarify when exactly the TV channel was obliged to take the program off the air, citing the fact that he would receive a court decision only in ten days. At the moment, only reruns of the best episodes are being broadcast, since the court decision has not yet entered into force.

If you are thinking about a new apartment, but you cannot afford such a purchase yet, perhaps a mortgage loan will help you, Vedomosti advises. True, banks issue such loans only to those who have fairly high incomes (about $1 thousand per family member) and can make an initial contribution. Mortgage loans, that is, loans secured by the purchased housing, are today issued by more than a hundred Russian banks, including large ones: Sberbank, Vneshtorgbank, Bank of Moscow, Raiffeisenbank, MDM Bank and others. This service is especially relevant for those who are forced to rent housing. After all, you have to pay about the same amount per month for a mortgage loan as for renting an apartment. For example, the monthly payment on a ten-year loan for a two-room apartment in the south of Moscow with an area of ​​about 45 square meters. m is approximately $560, and renting the same apartment now costs approximately $600 per month. But it’s much more pleasant to pay for your own apartment.

Meanwhile, choosing a bank is a big problem, the solution of which must be approached with all responsibility, Novye Izvestia picks up the topic of mortgages and loans in general. The publication's correspondents advise what to prefer: a high degree of reliability or high interest on deposits? Wide range of services or efficiency of employees? Availability of ATMs or ease of obtaining a loan? After all, every schoolchild knows that universal banks do not exist either in Russia or abroad. Practice shows that if someone offers the highest interest rate on deposits, then you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to pay high interest rates on loans from the same bank, and you can get overwhelmed in search of its ATMs. Nevertheless, there are credit institutions that traditionally occupy first places in official banking ratings. At the same time, there are banks that can boast of popular recognition, which, by the way, does not always coincide with the official one.

For those who already have an apartment, the Gazeta newspaper offers to buy a bicycle. There are models on the market for leisurely walks, for aggressive off-road driving and for performing the most intricate stunts. The cost ranges from $100 to $8 thousand, depending on the type of bicycle and the class of equipment installed on it. Consultants advise that before going to a sports store, first of all decide which style of riding is most preferable. Having chosen a style and decided on a model, you should definitely pay attention to the frame, which today is made of steel, aluminum and titanium alloys, and carbon fiber. There are frames made of magnesium and beryllium alloys. Well, decide on the class of attachments installed on the bicycle: suspensions, speed switches and brakes.

It seemed that Andrei Malakhov, who would soon turn 40, would never get married. Suddenly, in September 2009, he appeared at the wedding of Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko hand in hand with 30-year-old Natalya ShKULEVA, the daughter of his boss-publisher. Less than a month later, the couple set a wedding date. True, it took place a year later than planned. In the meantime, Andrei is getting used to the role of a married man, we decided to remind readers about the heroines and heroes of his Don Juan list.

In just five years, MALAKHOV turned from a charming simpleton into a brooding macho

Tanya Moskalenko

Andrei spent his childhood and youth in the northern city of Apatity. At school he fell in love with classmate Tanya Moskalenko. Andryusha long sought the favor of the little beauty, but one day he struck her down on the spot. Instead of writing an essay on the topic “How I spent my summer,” the future TV presenter came to the board and in a tiny voice began to sing Alla Pugacheva’s hit “Summer, ah, summer!” The teacher gave him an A for resourcefulness. Moskalenko studied music, so she also appreciated Malakhov’s feat and began to allow him to carry her briefcase. But in the eighth grade, their paths diverged - Tanya’s parents took her to Murmansk, where she entered a music school, and later married a local singer.

Swedish Lisa

After school, Malakhov went to conquer Moscow and entered the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. In his senior year, he fell in love with the Swedish opera singer Lisa. They say it was she who made Andrei a man. Soon the couple began to live in a civil marriage, which lasted almost seven years. The guy was not embarrassed that the foreigner was 13 years older than him. Lisa constantly insisted that they should move to Stockholm.

Lisa dreamed of building a family nest with Andryusha in Stockholm

They say that working in dirty and bustling Moscow is unbearable for her. But Malakhov dreamed of making a career in his native country. After receiving his diploma, he got a job on TV. The salary of a young specialist at the “first button” grew by leaps and bounds. But my personal life fell apart. In the end, the Swede broke off relations with Malakhov and left for her homeland. And after a while the news came that she committed suicide by jumping out of the window. Andrei took the loss seriously, threw himself into work and for a long time could not find his soul mate.

Marina Kuzmina

In the mid-2000s, the popular TV presenter began going out with businesswoman Marina Kuzmina. They met at a sports club party. The chosen one again turned out to be much older. Envious people spread rumors that an eligible groom was having a contractual affair with the owner of a mine in South Africa.

The TV presenter did crazy somersaults with Marina KUZMINA

The conversations intensified when it became known that Kuzmina had added Malakhov the missing amount to buy an apartment. But the showman said that he borrowed money, and having repaid it, he soon broke up with Marina.

“She couldn’t buy me,” Malakhov later summarized.

In total, their relationship lasted about two years.

Elena Korikova

When gossip columns began to write about Andrei’s affair with the star of “Poor Nastya” Korikova, not everyone believed in its authenticity - Malakhov courted her in a painfully graphic manner.

Elena KORIKOVA - the pearl of the journalist's collection

Consider, for example, his ostentatious steps when he presented the actress with a gorgeous ring and began to spread rumors that he would propose to Elena from the stage at the TEFI ceremony. As one would expect, no proposal followed, and the couple announced that they had separated.

Margarita Buryak

Korikova was replaced by another mature companion - Margarita Buryak. At first, there were rumors around the party that Andrei was taking this lady to nightclubs for the sake of her 16-year-old daughter, whom he was allegedly going to marry. But Express Gazeta journalists found out that this is not so.

Margarita BURYAK...

Our correspondent even met Malakhov and Buryak in the presenter’s homeland in Apatity, where they spent the New Year holidays together. But, alas, this relationship was short-lived. Soon Buryak returned to her millionaire husband Dmitry, who made his fortune in the trade of nutritional supplements.

...the showman even took him home to Apatity, where he celebrated the New Year as a family

Anna Sedokova

In the spring of 2009, Malakhov and Anna Sedokova suddenly became the most popular celebrity couple. Together they participated in television projects, hosted programs and even shot a video clip.

What Andrei liked most about Anya SEDOKOVA was her curvaceous figure and lovely curls

At the celebration of his birthday, Andryusha publicly promised to walk Anya down the aisle and even set a wedding date - 09.09.09. But instead of a celebration in September 2009, Malakhov introduced a new friend to the party - Natasha Shkuleva.

Natalya Shkuleva

The TV star’s love for Natasha did not awaken immediately. Shkuleva and Malakhov looked at each other for a long time, called each other, went to restaurants. Soon, friendly relations reached a new level. Malakhov’s friends assured: What Andrei likes about Natasha is that she is a non-secular person, does not like parties, is beautiful, modest, from a good family, and although she is not a star, her income is no less than his own. More than once the TV presenter said that what surprises him about his beloved is her insight.

The enviable bride Natalya SHKULEVA became the wife of an eligible bachelor

For example, when she first saw the duet from Azerbaijan who participated in Eurovision, she immediately said:
- They will win! Such crazy energy and talent!
The other day news came from France, where the wedding of Malakhov and Shkuleva took place in Versailles, which, according to rumors, cost half a million euros. One bride's dress cost 50 thousand.


There have long been rumors that Malakhov is also partial to the male sex. For example, according to the website life-star.ru, Andrei was once caught in the gay club “Three Monkeys”, accompanied by a tanned, brutal handsome man, whom the hero of the blue screen held by the hand.

Andrei Malakhov

And the website “Slukhi.ru” once posted information that supposedly the Odessa singer Maxiwave was a dear friend of the TV presenter. In an interview with Express Gazeta, the TV star explained how he felt about hints about his “blueness”:
- At first I was upset out of habit: what if my parents read it. And then he spat: do I have to prove the opposite with terrible force? My older comrades reassured me: “On the contrary, you should be pleased that both women and men like you: this is precisely real success!” So I try to take this hype calmly.

The star still has something to discuss with fashion designer Elena YARMAK


Close relationships at different times were attributed to Malakhov with:
  • fur queen Elena Yarmak;
  • sister of oil oligarch Alla Ruga;
  • TV presenter and socialite Ksenia Sobchak;
  • a relative of the owner of the Bosco di Cileggi trademark, Anna Moiseeva;
  • fashion designer and press secretary of State Duma deputy Emma Salimova;
  • designer Anna Burmistrova;
  • wife of a British embassy employee Svetlana Samoryaninova;
  • American fashion designer Calvin Klein;
  • Odessa singer Maxim Viktorovich Maxiwave;
  • General Director of the boutique agency "R.S.V.P" Bettina von Schlippe.