Family horoscope for Cancer for October. Horoscope for October for a woman of the Cancer sign

Communication with representatives of the opposite sex in October will be quite successful for Cancers. The exact love horoscope for Cancers for October 2019 will tell you whether it will be the occasion for long-awaited and fateful events.

Love horoscope for Cancers for October 2019

The second autumn month brings free Cancers continued obvious success with the opposite sex. Lightness of character, gentleness and good mood will help many of them start or continue new relationships in October. Many Cancers this month may decide that the development of events can be accelerated, but the stars do not advise doing this. It is better to enjoy the candy-bouquet period and the process of getting to know your interlocutor better without haste. To those lonely Cancers who, by virtue of various reasons Have not yet started searching for your soulmate, the love horoscope for October advises you not to waste time, so as not to miss the opportunity to find your personal happiness.

The family life of most Cancers in mid-autumn will be quite joyful and harmonious. Relations with chosen ones and other household members during this period of time will be full of sincere interest and love on the part of Cancers. In October, the feelings that have captured them will require manifestation in the form of actions, so representatives of this zodiac sign may want to take a vacation for a few days and devote it to communicating with their family and loved ones. In some couples, Cancer partners can use this mood of the other half for their own purposes, which can lead to unpleasant consequences. Therefore, it is important for people belonging to this sign to keep a level head and not allow anyone to put pressure on them.

Love horoscope for Cancer woman for October 2019

Romance and ease of communication will help single Cancer girls very easily surround themselves with fans in mid-autumn. October 2019 is favorable for representatives of this constellation in terms of dating and building close relationships with the stronger sex. To succeed in creating a couple, Cancer girls will need to imagine exactly what a family should be like in the future, so as not to subsequently find themselves in imposed conditions. The astrological forecast for October advises Cancer girls to at least sometimes take off their rose-colored glasses and look at their candidates for marriage with a look free from feelings.

Love and care for your spouse will be evident in all the actions of the majority of married Cancer women in October. At this time, they may be ready to give up many things that are important to them in order to please their loved one. The consequences of this for women born under the constellation Cancer can later be quite unpleasant discoveries about their spouse. After all, few people would deny themselves the opportunity to use such a situation to their advantage. In order not to be disappointed in their other half, many Cancer women need to restrain their feelings a little in October.

Love horoscope for a Cancer man for October 2019

The search for your ideal among free Cancers in October can quite quickly turn into communication rich in pleasant emotions. During this period, men belonging to this zodiac sign should pay attention not only to new acquaintances. Single representatives of the constellation Cancer have a chance in October to meet a girl with whom they have previously had warm feelings. The opportunity to remember first love can make some Cancer men want to revive the past.

Mid-autumn for Cancer men in a stable relationship or marriage can open up new dimensions of feelings between spouses. The romantic mood of the representatives of this zodiac sign in October cannot be spoiled by any minor incidents. Love horoscope for October 2019, advises Cancers to find the opportunity and time to arrange an evening full of tenderness for their chosen one. Invite her to a restaurant, a movie, or a walk together along the autumn streets to remind her of other pleasant moments in life.

Love horoscope for Cancers for other months of 2019

For the zodiac sign Cancer, the brightest representative of the water trine, October 2016 can be a fairly successful time, however, in order to achieve your goals, you will have to take into account many nuances. First of all, we should not forget about the position of Saturn, which is traditionally responsible for the “expulsion” of Cancer, and this month will also be strengthened many times due to its planetary position. And although in reality the Lord of the Rivers of Time will be the only celestial object that at this stage will become your direct antagonist, its influence should not be underestimated. Most likely, throughout the month they will try to drag you into some kind of “dirty game”, which will resemble a certain, quite bright, but by no means positive moment from the past. Fortunately, the Moon, the ruling planet of your sign, will not leave you, so, figuratively speaking, you will have something to rely on. Mars, responsible for the “fall” of Cancer, and Jupiter, its exaltant, will not be as strong as we would like, but their tandem will gain considerable power over your destiny, which is a very positive point. In general we're talking about about the productive time stage; Now, in order to achieve what you want, it is enough to maintain composure and increased level attentiveness.

The work direction in October 2016 in relation to the Cancer sign will be quite calm and stable. However, as already mentioned, they will try to “drag” you into something very vile and dishonest, more than once or twice. If you succumb to persuasion and follow promises of inevitable wealth, then the end of the month may lead you to the exact opposite result. That is, at the end of October there will come a very peculiar moment, a kind of summing up, and if it turns out that you have sacrificed your principles, especially if this happened for the sake of “profit”, you can’t count on even a minimal profit, including in the long term , until the end of the year. On the other hand, Cancer seems to be a fairly “nimble” sign, capable of getting out of any situation, but now the influence of celestial objects will be weakened. This suggests that you have a real opportunity to catch both birds with one stone, but to do this you will have to try hard. At the same time, it is logical to answer a simple question: is the game worth the candle? If yes, then do what you think is necessary. If not, listen to the advice of the stars, they are certainly not interested in your bankruptcy.

In the sensory-emotional direction, Cancer will feel calm in October 2016, but some concern that will appear in the first ten days of the month will last until the end of the current stage, because it will have a real reason. In fact, now someone from your immediate circle will seriously envy you, or they will have other reasons to hate you fiercely. Do not try with all your might to figure out your opponent, who has been invisible for the time being, he will definitely give himself away. If you rush to conclusions, you may find yourself in an unforeseen situation, from which, of course, there will be a way out, but you are unlikely to accept it. Single Cancers will feel a little easier, because they won’t have to make allowances for the opinion of their “other half.” On the other hand, if you are a bright, eccentric character, a real “reveler,” then you will have much more ill-wishers. So be careful and a little more attentive than usual. The current stage does not foretell significant problems, and yet it is worth taking care, because you need to live not only for the present, but also for the future, and this is not always so simple.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for October 2016 for the zodiac sign Cancer, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such astrological forecast is of a general nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign. More accurate horoscope you can find out by drawing up one of your personal horoscopes, which you can get by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Cancer sign: Personal horoscopes for the Cancer sign:

In October, Cancers may suddenly discover that the habitual schemes they have been using, polished over the years, suddenly stop working. However, maybe they will still work, you just want something new. Horoscope for October 2016 Cancer warns that many representatives of this sign may now abandon their previous habits and customs. The thing is that the moment has come when you have simply outgrown your previous level and are ready to meet a new turn. And you may not even know which one, just as soon as it appears on your path, you will certainly use it.

Horoscope of love and marriage for October 2016 for Cancer

In October, your love will be marked by solitude. Horoscope for October 2016 Cancer says that now you will have every opportunity for this. Perhaps you will finally be able to rent or buy a separate home and your parents will now remain in another apartment. Or maybe those who poisoned your life will move somewhere annoying neighbors. Either way you will now fully enjoy life together, and no one will bother you.

Single Cancers may begin a passionate romance right now. Until you are ready to expose your relationship to people, maybe just until you are completely sure of your feelings. But be that as it may, you will receive unconditional pleasure from this relationship. The most important thing is to remember to lock the door. Otherwise, you risk that someone may violate your privacy.

Family Cancers in October 2016 will show possessive instincts. You will be jealous of your half, as they say, for every pillar. Or maybe you will be offended that your partner prefers the company of his friends to your company.

Horoscope of profession and finance for Cancer for October 2016

Everything will work out favorably in your professional field. Horoscope for October 2016 Cancer says that representatives of this sign will succeed in literally everything. They will earn good money and have real chances to advance their careers.

And it doesn’t matter at all how exactly everything worked out for you before. You may receive a completely unexpected offer that will allow you to climb several steps up the career ladder or significantly expand your sphere of influence. And it’s unlikely that anyone will be able to stop you; even if someone makes such an attempt, you will do something completely unpredictable, which will greatly surprise those around you.

However, October will not be completely problem-free. Your management will keep a close eye on you if you are engaged in own business, then you will simply be tormented by inspections by regulatory authorities. But there is nothing to worry about and everything will end quite well.

If your customers insist on one order solution, and you absolutely know that this is wrong, then continue to insist on your option and be sure to try to dissuade them. After a while they will thank you themselves.

Health horoscope for the sign Cancer for October 2016

In the area of ​​your health, you can now achieve special success with the help of unconventional methods treatment. So if you are used to practicing them, then continue to do it and with each session you will feel better and better. However, there may also be a certain disadvantage in such changes, since you simply will not be ready for them.

Favorable dates for October 2016: 3, 5, 10, 12, 18, 25, 30.

Unfavorable dates in October 2016: 4, 9, 17, 23, 26, 29.

Cancers will feel confident in love and relationships. The stars promise you pleasant events, because Venus, the planet of love and harmony, is located in your house of love until October 18, 2016. Her influence will create a unique love atmosphere full of charm.

October 2016 can be a time of pleasure, a holiday for soul and body. Venus in Cancer's house of love will arouse a desire for adventure and attract good luck in love. This month has prepared a unique chance to radically change the personal life of those Cancers who are not completely satisfied with their current situation. If you are looking for your soulmate, you can expect significant success. Single representatives of your sign have a good chance of romantic encounters.

Perhaps someone from your environment will envy you. Don't try to use all your strength to figure out who your invisible opponent is - he or she will give himself away.

Fiery Mars remains in the house of your Cancer partner throughout the month, making you more passionate, maybe even somewhat aggressive in love affairs. You know what you want and are ready to act without delay, to conquer the subject of your interest. It is important not to overdo it here, because courage and determination does not mean rudeness. Get your way with charm, be seductive. In existing ones, a struggle for power is possible, but the battles will be short-term and will end in gusts of hot passion.

IN last decade months when Venus moves to the work house of Cancer, personal life will flow more calmly. During this period, you and your loved one will be attracted to material issues, you will spend a lot of time practical aspects relationships.

Cancer career and finance horoscope for October 2016

October 2016 portends a stable time, successful for professional development. Overall, this is a productive stage of life, you will have enough energy and opportunities to achieve the desired results.

The first half of the month promises to be a successful period for representatives creative professions and teachers. Exhibitions, presentations, advertising campaigns, and public relations events will be successfully held.

On October 18, the benefic planet Venus moves into the Cancer house of work, there are good chances to advance in your career without much effort on your part. The stars will tell you how to get to the right place in right time to take advantage of favorable circumstances. Interaction with your superiors and those higher in status than you will go smoothly. It is possible that an influential friend will appear who will help you advance your career. There is a chance that you will get a promotion at your current job, or you will be offered a completely new job.

Financially, the period promises a lot. Money can come out of nowhere when you don't even expect it. At the same time, unplanned expenses are possible. Be careful with your money because there is a tendency to spend more than usual. You should avoid impulse purchases and make rash financial decisions. If you succumb to persuasion and follow promises of incredible riches, the end of the month may lead you to the opposite result.


You're in great physical shape, So serious problems health problems are not expected. Since October 18, 2016, Venus has been located in your health sector, which indicates that you need to pay more attention to your health. Coming favorable time to contact medical specialists, the beginning of a course of treatment, travel for the purposes of treatment and recovery. A good period for carrying out procedures related to beauty and appearance care.

Listen to your intuition and act boldly. The stars are on your side!

For Cancers, a sad time will come in October 2016 - they will be depressed over seemingly trivial matters. Memories of past love and the summer that ended so soon will come flooding back. Representatives of your zodiac sign will try to withdraw into themselves, isolating themselves from everything that happens around them. Only a new love interest can be brought to light, which you still shouldn’t completely trust. Family Cancers expect a lot of new things in life. It is possible that this month representatives of your zodiac sign will be able to significantly increase their capital, and money will flow like a river with virtually no persistent efforts made by Cancer. To increase wealth, you must not forget about generosity - counting every penny can only cause disdain from others and envy.

The first ten days of October 2016 with Mercury in Libra will reward Cancer with generous profits. You don't have to do this overtime work or bend over backwards to please your boss - the Universe is ready to pay for your previous hard work. This will not necessarily be a salary increase - there is a possibility of winning the lottery or simply finding a wallet with gold. From the profit received, you should donate a little to charity, put the rest of the money in the bank or buy a car, real estate, or invest money in a business. Leaving money lying dead weight under the pillow is not best idea. You also need to pay attention to your daily expenses - they should not exceed your income.

The second ten days of October 2016 will pass under the auspices of Venus, which has moved into the constellation Sagittarius. The horoscope for October 2016 advises single Cancers to avoid new acquaintances or at least not to get involved with new people Serious relationships. The ideal first love will constantly pop up in your memory, which will make other people seem unworthy and boring. U family Cancers idyll and a lot are expected pleasant surprises. If a family has been expecting a child for a long time, the dream can become a reality. You need to pay as much attention to your soulmate as possible, because she is so dependent on you spiritually. It’s better to push everyday little things into the background - admiration for your loved one will revive the feeling of falling in love and lift your spirits.

The third ten days of October 2016 will pass under the auspices of Neptune in Pisces, which will be in an uncomfortable aspect with Venus. If Cancers have chronic diseases, they can make themselves felt. There is a risk of falling asleep serious illness right up to calling an ambulance and getting into hospital treatment. To somehow protect yourself from this, you should start taking vitamins and undergo a hardening course. It is better to limit communication as much as possible with friends and acquaintances with a runny nose. It’s good to take up your favorite hobby and forget about amorous affairs for this period - dangerous intimate relationships can bring with them unpleasant consequences, which will take a long time to get rid of.