Horoscope for Leo men for September. Love horoscope for September for the sign Leo

  • Favorable days for Leo: September 6, 8, 10, 14, 25, 31.
  • Difficult days: September 5, 12, 19.

Horoscope for September Leo woman


From September 1 to 10. The period is too intense for matters of the heart; there may be troubles. Therefore, now it is better to take a break, focusing on developing your own talents. From September 5 to 9, you should not neglect your personal safety or take risks - due to the influence of Neptune, there will be no one to insure you. You may encounter misinformation and bureaucratic obstacles. Take advantage of your ability to easily adapt and adapt to circumstances. From September 8, Mars will increase your energy and desire to prove yourself.

From September 11 to 20. You will be successful in exploring new, unexplored areas of life. The Sun's sextile to Mars will fill you with inspiration and creative ideas. This will expand your opportunities. Success in the love sphere will also increase significantly. It is worth taking advantage of this moment: organize romantic events with your loved one more often, be among people more. You should not make dates for the period from September 18 to 20.

From September 21 to September 30. Mercury's trine to Pluto promotes remarkable luck and success in self-realization. There may be good proposals for long-distance travel, education, or creative collaboration with foreigners. You will also understand each other better with your spouse. Listen to your intuition. For an unforgettable date, it is better to choose September 24th.

Family horoscope

Home improvement will enter an active phase: buying things for the home, repairs, moving, if planned. There will be means, free hands and a way to find a common language for this. However, from September 7 to 11, you should avoid being too demanding of your family, so as not to provoke conflicts and general tension. Your beloved will hear and understand you best in mid-September. He remains passionate about work concerns, which are largely harmonized. It is important for children to receive recognition and confirmation of their importance. Help them find something they can do successfully and get the praise they deserve and incentive to improve.

Health horoscope

A rather favorable period for well-being. From September 9, you will feel full of vitality. Emotional breakdowns can provoke psychosomatic concerns from August 15 to September 20. Therefore, it is important to relax more in nature and engage in water treatments. In the first half of September, a physical release of accumulated negativity is necessary; homeopathic and folk remedies are also effective.

Horoscope of work and money

Financial intuition will increase significantly, and personal efforts and energetic actions will allow your ideas to materialize. It will be easier to take care of more earnings at the peak of your work efficiency in the period from September 7 to 16. At the end of September, you should not take out loans.

Horoscope for September 2016 for Leo men

Love. He is more romantic than ever, capable of feats and the presentation of expensive gifts to his lady love. His feelings will be expressed not in words, but in actions. Still, in the first half of September, you should not encourage him to take up economic and family issues if he does not start talking about them himself.

Tone.Darling will be cheerful and active. If close people provide Leo with moral support in moments of sadness, then thanks to his powerful energy he will overcome all ailments. It is important for him not to sit still, but to move more.

Finance. In business, it is better not to start new projects, but to continue existing ones. In September, you should be very careful when handling other people's money or dubious financial contracts. Additional sources of income are expected in the first half of September. Creativity can also be a profitable investment.

Job. Your Leo will intuitively be able to correctly assess his strengths and make a professional choice. His ability to work and efficiency will increase significantly. In September, even the bosses will notice this. Now it is worth giving preference to practical benefits.

Friends.In September, like-minded people will be able to help him in business matters. You should not trust new acquaintances during this period. From mid-September, the right people may appear in his life. September 30-31 is suitable for spending time with friends.

Leisure. A good way to relax would be a weekend trip with a tent to the river with loved ones. The opportunity to prove oneself as a good owner and breadwinner in natural conditions will be more valuable to him than foreign hotels.

Leos will be able to achieve success in September 2016 if their actions coincide with their promises. If you have important presentations ahead, it is better to take care of yourself by rehearsing everything you need to say to people in front of the mirror. A discrepancy between appearance and words can lead to failure of even the most successful operation. Now it is important to completely immerse yourself in work and take any assignment responsibly. The love life of early autumn promises to be stormy, but do not forget that hasty conclusions can bring disappointment. This month should be dedicated to your loved one and your loved ones. September promises to be quite successful in all aspects, if you don’t give up and pay attention to the little things.

The first ten days of September 2016 with Jupiter in the zodiac constellation Virgo promises Leo an intense work environment. You need to quickly get involved in the process and forget about indulgences. In the professional sphere, the beginning of September will be quite difficult, so some previously set goals will have to be abandoned. The load will be heavy, but Leos react quite quickly to changes in the situation, and if you trust your intuition, then there is nothing to worry about. All troubles for representatives of your zodiac sign will occur due to the inability to control themselves. Perhaps the conflict will arise due to a dispute with colleagues or against the background of eternal misunderstanding with one of the employees. This period of the month may promise a climb up the career ladder or business expansion. The implementation of complex projects is also quite possible.

In the second ten days of September 2016, with the opposition of Jupiter in Leo to Saturn in Scorpio, representatives of the Zodiac sign Leo will expect many new acquaintances. The love sphere will interest Leos more than usual, they will begin to react to circumstances with half a hint, it is especially worth paying attention to the 14th and 18th of the month - perhaps on these days Leos will meet interesting people. Speed ​​in dating can lead to hasty conclusions and wrong decisions, so sometimes you need to use your brain. Lonely Leos will not be able to start an affair, because all candidates for their heart will already be rejected. But in the love life of friends they will be heavily involved, both as advisers and as a vest, in which they will definitely come to cry. Family Leos will devote a lot of time to relatives - they should not be forgotten, even if too many responsibilities have fallen on their shoulders.

In the third ten days of September 2016, Neptune will patronize Leo. The health of representatives of your zodiac sign may be at risk - you should especially pay attention to the eyes. If symptoms of any disease appear, it is better to immediately contact a specialist rather than wait for an ambulance to be called. It is important to monitor your blood pressure - it may drop or, conversely, become too high. The active life of this month can tire Leo, so you need to leave some time for yourself. It wouldn't hurt to go to a bathhouse or spa. In the final period of September, it’s time to engage in self-improvement, both morally and physically.

The energies of the planets influencing Leo in September 2016 can significantly help him decide on his occupation, as well as the level of well-being that he wants to have in the near future.

General horoscope for September 2016 Leo

The horoscope for September 2016 pays special attention to the fact that on September 1 there will be an eclipse, the emphasis of this time will be material security and finances. Leo, for example, may have a new approach to his money on this day. In addition, in September 2016, Leo may have new ways to make quick money.

It is also likely that he will meet new influential people who can help him achieve significant financial success or offer him a new job this month. Such events are most likely to occur on September 1st or 2nd.

Due to the impact of the Black Moon on September 6, representatives of the Leo sign may have some worries about their own home. So, the Black Moon will be active on September 15, 16, and also on September 24. These days, Leo can discuss deep-rooted issues with his partner.

On top of everything else, Leo may have empty worries because of his fears, and at this time old problems may also come to mind or questions regarding outstanding debts may arise.

Due to such confusion in business, Leo in September 2016 may not always make adequate decisions. Fortunately, most of them will turn out to be more far-fetched and by the end of the month Leo will be able to solve them safely.

After September 24, a new interesting person may appear in the life of Leo, who can have a powerful impact on the worldview of the representative of the sign.

Career and money horoscope for September 2016 Leo

The September 2016 horoscope for Leo predicts a successful time for a career. So, for example, on September 5, Leo can find completely new ways to earn money, and on September 7, receive an offer for a new promising job with a high salary.

Already on September 11, Leo can have a serious conversation, the main topics of which may be: the level of pay, their own health, ways to maintain immunity, the ability to take sick leave and vacation.

In addition, in September 2016, Leo may have a new idea for running a joint business. So for those representatives of the Leo sign who already have a share in the general business, there will be a discussion of development, an increase in the company's turnover, and for those Leos who do not yet have a partner, the time will come to find one.

Leo in September 2016 may be very surprised when he realizes that his loved one could and wanted to become his companion for a long time. The most important conversations on the topic of joint business are best held on September 8 - when Leo and his partner have a clear vision of how they want their business to be.

The brightest day in September 2016 for Leo may be September 26th. Perhaps on this day Leo will decide to have an interesting time with his family, do something unusual, or take a short trip out of town.

The horoscope for September 2016 for Leo draws special attention of representatives of the sign to the retrograde movement of the planet Mercury in the period from September 1 to September 22. Thus, the energy of the planet can influence in such a way that it will result in confusion with financial documentation or confuse Leo’s train of thought in implementing his business plan.

In order to avoid the negative impact of Mercury retrograde, Leo needs to not make any serious decisions at this time, not make major acquisitions, and also not give in to panic. As soon as the retrograde ends, all Leo's financial affairs will continue safely.

Favorable days for career and financial affairs in September 2016 for Leo: September 5, 7, 26.

Love horoscope for September 2016 Leo

In September 2016, Leo will have to make a lot of agreements related to financial issues with his partner. Thanks to warm and sincere communication, Leo on September 1, 8, 15, 17, 26, as well as September 28 will be able to see a clear financial picture in his family, and will also hear the truthful opinion of his partner about his level of earnings.

The horoscope for September 2016 for Leo pays special attention to the new moon, which will take place on September 1 - this very day can give rise to the correct balance of power and distribution of financial resources. But the days of September 17 and 18 may bring Leo in September 2016 minor conflicts with his partner due to different opinions with him related to large purchases and other family expenses.

Because of this, Leo's partner can be very nervous and behave quite aggressively. Despite this, Leo will soon be able to come to an agreement with his partner so that both will be satisfied with the result.

In September 2016, Leo's relationships with his children and close relatives may be difficult; conflicts are most likely in the period from September 12 to 14.

Favorable days for love relationships in September 2016 for Leo: September 1, 8, 15, 17, 26, 28.

Health horoscope for September 2016 Leo

Due to problems at work and in personal relationships, Leo in September 2016 may worry a lot and often be in a state of stress. The horoscope for September 2016 for Leo recommends that representatives of the sign devote as much time as possible to their health and relaxation, especially on the days of September 12, 16 and 18.

Warm September 2019 prepares for Leo people the opportunity to experience new feelings and emotions. How will they affect the romantic impulses of representatives of this zodiac sign? An accurate love horoscope for September will help Leos choose the right path to achieve their personal goals and find happiness.

Love horoscope for Leo for September 2019

Almost all representatives of the constellation Leo are distinguished by their special influence on the opposite sex. It is absolutely not difficult for Leos who are confident in their abilities to gain the attention of people of interest at any time. Single people born under this zodiac sign can only be prevented from using their own magnetism in the first month of autumn only by doubts about their attractiveness. The love horoscope for September 2019 recommends that lonely Leos not invent unnecessary worries in their personal lives, but calmly accept signs of attention from people they like.

In September, most family Leos expect a fairly calm period full of pleasant emotions. Relationships with your chosen ones at the beginning of autumn will be harmonious and full of tenderness. Some Leos, who are prone to self-digging, may themselves complicate their lives this month due to self-doubt. Their spouses will not ignore this behavior. In September, the stars advise Leos not to hide their need for attention and support, but to convey it to their other halves. In this case, manifestations of weakness will not alienate your loved one, but will help the spouses improve mutual understanding.

Love horoscope for Leo women for September 2019

Dating and flirting with young people awaits many Leo girls in September. Success among the stronger sex can cause confusion and embarrassment for some girls. An accurate love horoscope for September 2019 warns single Leo girls that with their indecisiveness they reduce the chances of developing relationships with the opposite sex. Such behavior may be perceived by them as a lack of interest in further communication. In the first weeks of autumn, Leo girls who want to find their mate need to cast aside all doubts and respond with pleasure to the advances of men of interest.

Relationships with a spouse in the first month of autumn for Leo women may be characterized by an increased need for their recognition. Many women born under the sign of Leo are afraid of showing themselves weak and dependent on circumstances. In September, manifestations of gentleness of character will not make representatives of this zodiac sign vulnerable. On the contrary, they will help Lionesses and their significant other to feel each other better and strengthen their connection.

Love horoscope for Leo men for September 2019

The happiness of single Leo men in September will largely depend on their ability to relate to themselves and others more easily. Although all representatives of this zodiac sign very often try to live up to their ideas of how a real man should behave, in the first weeks of autumn, deviating from the intended framework will help Leo men and the girls they choose to better understand each other. Sincerity, together with a healthy ability for self-irony, will contribute to the development of budding relationships in September.

The married life of most married Leos at the beginning of autumn will be quite full of pleasant emotions. Their feelings for their chosen one in September will be much more tender than usual, which will affect not only communication between spouses, but also the rest of the household. In the families of many Leos during the current period of time, goodwill will reign. Leos themselves will maintain a favorable environment in September 2019 under the roof of their home, because the mood of all household members will depend on their behavior.

Love horoscope for Leo for other months of 2019


Leo's desire to reach the top can only be envied. His ambition knows no bounds. Having received what they want, this Fire sign calms down for a while and takes the gifts for granted. Leos are arrogant, but react painfully to any criticism. These are materialists who value only real things and strive for them with all their hearts. If you are not a successful or accomplished person in life, then you are unlikely to be able to become a Leo's love partner. The love horoscope for September Leo will help you find out what to expect for this Fire zodiac sign.


Who is a Leo woman? In her opinion, she is a real jewel that can be admired every day. Judging by the horoscope, male attention is extremely important to her and she is ready to look for confirmation of this every day.

The main character traits of a Leo woman:

  • self-centeredness;
  • love of freedom;
  • amorousness;
  • good nature.

Many women envy her. Such a person can attract the gaze of any man. In the company of a lioness, male representatives feel like real machos if they feel approval from her.

According to the horoscope, a lady tends to choose “inappropriate” partners, and she literally “exhausts” the one she is really interested in with her inflated demands. A man should consider a love tandem with her very carefully. If a woman of the fire element understands that she is not satisfied with a man in some way, she will put on a mask of contempt and it will be useless to return the love relationship.

The horoscope has determined the most suitable candidates for September: Sagittarius, Libra or Aries. There is an absolute lack of mutual understanding with Cancer.

At the beginning of September, life for the Leo woman will not be rich in sentiment. The look will become more practical than romantic. Interests will be focused on money and real estate. Partnership relations will also develop in a favorable way, as the horoscope says.

In the second ten days of September, Mars will enter the sign of Leo, the woman’s feelings and passions will revive and flare up with bright power. The horoscope noted that lonely lionesses are most likely to start a new love affair. However, even the non-free representatives of the sign are expected to experience some revival in the love sphere. Either this will be a new hobby, or the legal husband will show himself in a completely new light.


If you are lucky enough to become the lover of a Leo man, rejoice. This fiery representative is ready to throw the whole world at your feet. However, make no mistake, he will demand the same from you.

A lonely man is a very easy prey for women. A woman will only direct her love arsenal of her charms at him - and he will be at her feet.

As the horoscope says, during the courtship period these men do not skimp on expensive gifts and restaurants for their beloved and are ready to fulfill her every whim. At the same time, marriage to such a man is not a guarantee that he will be with you forever. If his partner does not live up to his hopes (and they are great), he retreats in disappointment.

Leo is an owner and in response to his advances, a woman must belong entirely to him. Not only with the body, but also with the thoughts. The horoscope advises adopting the following: if you want to connect your life with this fiery representative, act only through affection and tenderness. Let this man lead, and you will be surprised how wonderful life together with a Leo can be.

In September, the horoscope advises paying attention to your surroundings. Due to their nature, Leos are careless in their actions and words. They usually have many friends, but not all are sincere. Take a closer look at some of the personalities!

From mid-September, Mars begins to influence the sign. This means that romance and pleasure will prevail in life. Leos will pursue what makes them happy. Leo puts his love horoscope in this regard under a lucky star.

A positive connection between Jupiter and Uranus at the end of September can present an unexpected surprise that will sincerely please the representative of the sign. The risk on this day will be completely justified.

At the end of September, the business side of life will also pick up. Sign contracts, make deals and make important decisions. And further. Don’t forget to consult with a trusted person, then the result will be simply brilliant!


As predicted by the horoscope, Leo's love life comes to life. Venus will begin to influence your personal life from September 8th. The stars advise filling the month with walks and pleasant events. The horoscope for 2017 promises the appearance of memorable dates in September. During this period, a woman of the fire zodiac is specifically looking for a lover. Your old friend may become such a person in September. And this is an ideal option for you, you don’t need to waste time making new acquaintances, it’s better to postpone everything to October.

Try to plan your expenses in advance. At the end of September, it will be easy for you to get confused in finances. For a good holiday now you will have to pay in October.

According to your horoscope at work, it may turn out that you will miss your salary. If you don’t correct the situation now, then your legs will simply hang over you. The great royal dream will have to be forgotten for a while. The Sun and Mercury in the sign of Virgo will allow you to use your skills more efficiently. By setting a goal for yourself in September, you can change your financial situation in the coming year. The possibilities will be different.

Love horoscope for September Leo advises organizing a weekend at the end of the month. Leo is a traveler by nature, seeking discoveries; it will be better if you spend your holiday outside the city. Take your friends and family with you. If a man offers such a vacation to a woman of this zodiac, then it will be a direct hit on her desires. Don't miss the chance to win the most difficult heart!


Leos will accept a challenge as an attack on their priorities. There will be plenty of envious people in September, as the horoscope predicts. Men feel progress at work. The reward for effort will begin to be felt at the beginning of the month. Advancing your professional skills will improve your financial situation. According to the horoscope, it will be easy to get rid of things that do not fit into life.

At the end of September, Jupiter travels through your sign, increasing ambitions and aspirations. Such influence will help women achieve their goals. This will lead to unhealthy competition. The love partner you choose may have other women besides you. The horoscope for 2018 states that if you figure everything out and don’t break off relationships that are dear to you, then you can find out that your loved one has not cheated on you at all. It is worth checking close friends for strong friendships.

Fire Predators work hard towards their personal goals, both at work and at home. Your constant immersion in any business can become a problem. Close people are waiting for attention. Don't forget to make time in September for those you live for.

“Lions, as true defenders of their family, are sensitive to the people around them. Modern trends plunge the sign into routine work, from which it is difficult to get out. Having grabbed the intended target with their claws, their sense of the rest of the world disappears. This doesn't mean they forgot about you. It’s better to call, write a letter first with a reminder of yourself, and your “protector” will immediately be there.”


An accurate horoscope for September foretells your embodiment of charm and popularity. Venus will surround you with love for a whole month. It will be difficult for other signs to resist your charms. Aries wants to travel with you, Libra will try to tie you to you with wisdom, and Gemini wants serious love experiences. Use your gift wisely, don’t rush at everyone at once. The horoscope warns that you can easily lose control over the situation from an excess of feelings in the last days of September.

Distribute the costs yourself. This will allow you to save a lot this month. According to the horoscope, work for which men are promised a high income will turn out to be routine and will not bring profit. The horoscope for 2019 foretells that the mistakes of youth will remind men of their disorganization in any matters. Improving your skills now will be a great way to ensure success in the future.

Monitor your health more closely in September. The common cold can be fatal. According to the horoscope, it is not recommended to go on sick leave. Leos may miss the chance to become a loved one.

The opportunity to start a family for single representatives of the zodiac in September is barely visible. There is no need to give up; there is an option to choose a suitable candidate based on your date of birth. Reducing the risk of unnecessary love affairs according to such a horoscope is obvious. Couples created according to the principle of zodiac compatibility live happily.