Astrological forecast for September Pisces

Most of the month you will be focused on relationships with business partners or loved ones. And it’s not surprising - a lot can depend on the environment, not only in business, but also in love.

Work, career. Pisces September 2017

The first ten days of September is a good time to normalize relationships with colleagues or subordinates. With the proper patience, you can easily overcome communication difficulties and be able to achieve understanding with those who will certainly be useful to you in the future. This period is also good for resolving personal financial issues. The second and third ten days of September are a period of numerous meetings that can go unevenly. You will find that some people support you and others don't. In one case we will talk about different views on the development of the case, and in the other – about its division. And towards the end of September, serious disagreements of a financial nature will begin. At the same time, not everyone is hostile; there are also those who can and want to help you. In one case we are talking about old friends, in the other – about certain official structures that unexpectedly took your side. Stars who have legal problems are advised to enlist the support of specialists; Most likely, we are talking about final battles, after which a review of decisions is hardly possible.

Money. Pisces September 2017

The first and second ten days of the month are quite good times financially. Money will arrive regularly, and its quantity will increase slightly. At the end of September, you will have to pay off a large sum, and in one case this is due to difficult relationships with one of the business partners, and in the other – due to family disagreements.

Love, family. Pisces September 2017

September is a stormy and controversial month in everything related to romantic and family relationships. A passionate romance can go from one extreme to another in the blink of an eye. Quarrels alternate with reconciliations, then you decide to break up, then again in each other's arms... All this is wonderful, but the stars strongly advise not to get carried away with this game - towards the end of the month the situation will become more complicated, and then every word spoken inappropriately can negatively affect the future of your relationship . Unfriendly and divorcing couples may have heated discussions about unresolved financial issues. Loving spouses solve complex everyday issues and can completely renovate their home.

Health. Pisces September 2017

In September, your health is not stable, and this may be especially noticeable towards the end of the month. During this period, even the young and healthy may not feel particularly vigorous, but the elderly and weakened should prevent old chronic diseases and take care of themselves in every possible way.

September 2017 will be one of the most successful months in the life of people born under the zodiac sign of Pisces. Everything conceived and planned will gradually come true, in other words, the month will be successful and fruitful, but at the same time calm and harmonious. The balance between work and family will return to normal, which will benefit all participants in the process; you will have no choice but to live and enjoy every moment of life. You will be pleased with every completed task, every solved issue, every minute spent doing your favorite activity. You will get the impression that even general cleaning and washing mountains of dishes will be a pleasure. You will finally begin to appreciate what you currently own, and the higher the value, the faster it multiplies. As soon as you feel peace and happiness within yourself, everything around you will immediately begin to transform. You will smell fragrant throughout the first month of autumn, charging everyone who has the honor of being nearby with positive energy.

Pisces in the first ten days of September 2017 will become the embodiment of success and happiness. Don't be surprised if suddenly someone comes up to you and asks what your secret is. Everyone around you appreciates and respects you. Therefore, be more merciful and, if possible, help the people around you. Some with advice, some with business, and some just listen. Goodness decorates a person. You don't have to go out of your way to get what you want. Everything is easy and simple, and all because you were able to change your attitude towards what is happening and stopped complicating your life. It will seem to you that you are in a fairy tale, that all this cannot be real, and as soon as the clock strikes twelve everything will evaporate and fall into place: the carriage will turn into a pumpkin, the horses into rats, and the princess into Cinderella. When this sensation arises, ask someone to pinch you so that you can be convinced that what is happening is realistic. The stars advise, in gratitude to Fortune, to do good around you - move your grandmother across the road, treat a homeless person to a hot dinner, shelter an abandoned kitten, or take your old toys that are gathering dust in the attic or pantry to an orphanage. Remember that nothing lasts forever and neither does your white streak. But in order to prolong it, thank Fate for such a generous fabulous gift. Not everyone is as lucky as you.

In the second ten days of September 2017, Pisces at work will become a kind of talisman for their colleagues and employers. It is for this simple reason that you will have to take an active part in solving business issues during business negotiations and meetings with potential investors. Due to your reliability, it will not be difficult for you to fulfill this or that request. Just don't agree to everything. You simply may not be enough for everyone. Save your energy for more important things. And, in the end, you can realize your organizational talent and do everything together, as a team, and not sit until midnight, alone completing some project. The fact that you inspire confidence and win others over will help you in your career growth. Most likely, many Pisces will want to change their job profile in mid-September and will begin looking for vacancies in a completely opposite field of activity. Although, many will not dare to take such a serious step, for fear of becoming a traitor (by the way, completely in vain), but most of you will agree to the offer of additional income. And he will do the right thing. Life is too short to sit in one place, constantly watching the same faces. Every person needs variety, freedom and the prospect of personal growth. This is what makes a person a full member of society. Therefore, do not hold back your desire to diversify your life by changing your type of activity. You are doing everything right.

In the third decade of September 2017, under the influence of aspects of Venus, Pisces will feel a surge of tenderness and warm feelings towards themselves from their life partner. And this is not surprising. After all, you are the very embodiment of peace, love and devotion. You, like a ray of light, illuminate the path for your chosen one, supporting him in difficult times, warming his soul with your own warmth and surrendering to him completely, both soul and body. Isn't this wonderful? Just remember that everything should be in moderation. Give yourself, but don't lose your dignity. First of all, you are a person, an individual. Be yourself, do not dissolve in your loved one, no matter how much you love him, in order to maintain his interest in himself. In the final period of September, Pisces will understand that the secret of happiness is hidden within themselves, in the most secret corners of the inner world. And, thanks to this discovery, they will be able to find it and become truly happy people.

As the horoscope for September 2017 predicts, Pisces can confidently move forward in the development of their ideas and plans. The month will be a successful and fruitful period, and everything will proceed quite calmly, without hassle. You manage to maintain a balance between work and family. You enjoy what you love and get pleasure from everything. Once you feel happiness and peace in your soul, you will immediately notice how the world around you is changing.

While radiating kindness and positivity, do not forget to help others. By doing good to people, you will thank the Universe for good luck.

In September, processes related to doing business and training are intensified. A lot of attention will have to be devoted to interaction with partners. Some Pisces will need the help of lawyers.


The Pisces horoscope for September 2017 warns representatives of the sign about possible ailments. In the best case, you will feel some fatigue and weakness by the end of the month, in the worst case, old chronic diseases will worsen.

Particular attention should be paid to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Avoid consuming processed foods, animal products, fatty foods and unhealthy foods. Seasonal vegetables and fruits, cereals will be much healthier.

Avoid hypothermia and colds at the end of the month. Strengthen your immune system and give up bad habits.


As the horoscope for Pisces promises, business connections will develop well in September, which will give you the opportunity to open up new prospects. Treat the matter scrupulously and carefully.

The first half of September is suitable for establishing relationships with colleagues and resolving financial issues. In the second half of the month, Pisces will have numerous meetings. There may be some hitches in the negotiations. At the same time, there are people who want to help you.

Pisces who are faced with legal problems should seek help from specialists.

Don't waste your energy on gossip and arguments with colleagues. Better concentrate completely on your work.


The horoscope for Pisces for September 2017 foretells a rather successful time financially for representatives of the sign. In the first and second decades of the month, your income will increase.

At the end of September, large expenses are expected, related, on the one hand, to work issues, and on the other, to family matters.


As the love horoscope for September 2017 predicts, Pisces will live a rather stormy month. There will be a whole range of feelings in a relationship - flashes of passion, surges of tenderness, unbridled jealousy, and quarrels. Try to control your emotions and maintain common sense.

Children will require a lot of attention. They now need your help; perhaps it is not easy for them to adapt to their new place of study. Give them confidence in your love and support.

Fate will give free Pisces a chance to meet a loved one. This is most likely to happen in a work environment. A new relationship will bring bright, passionate moments, which will later develop into calmer ones.

Pisces Man

As the horoscope for September 2017 recommends, Pisces - a man should rely more on himself and listen to others less. Communicate more with positive people, recharging yourself with positive energy. Find a place in your schedule for moderate physical activity, walk outdoors more often and enjoy life.

Conflicts and mutual nit-picking are possible in relationships. Do not arrange unnecessary squabbles, but rather listen to your heart.

The month is favorable for career development. Don’t ignore your job responsibilities and don’t miss opportunities to earn extra money, this way you will strengthen your financial position.

Pisces Woman

As the horoscope for September 2017 advises, a Pisces woman should stop worrying about past problems. You can no longer change the past, let go and move on. If you want to achieve success, don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Don't doubt your abilities. Be careful when signing contracts.

In September, Pisces women will experience mood swings and fatigue. Rest more often, walk and do what you love.

In a relationship, you need to move from discussing problems to solving them. Take the initiative and add variety to your personal life. Free Pisces may have an office romance.

  • Favorable days for Pisces in September 2017: September 5, 9, 12, 24, 25, 30.
  • Difficult days for Pisces in September 2017: September 2, 18, 22.

Horoscope for September 2017 Pisces woman

Love horoscope

September 1 - September 10. Your loved one will tune in to communicate with you around the clock. But all this will not be as pleasant and romantic as it might seem. His persistence, desire to get involved in all areas of your life and discuss all this with others will not add points to him in your eyes.

September 11 - September 20. This decade can bring disappointment in yourself. It will suddenly seem to you that other women are much more lucky in love matters. And that only you are missing out on worthy men and spending time with those you can barely stand. But don't be discouraged. This period will soon end and everything will get better for you.

September 21 - September 30. There is a high probability of an office romance. These unplanned relationships can undermine your reputation, since, most likely, all your colleagues and superiors will find out about your adventures. If you don't want to become a local attraction, you'll have to make an effort and break off this romance.

Romantic date. You better take the initiative yourself, since your partner is unlikely to be able to come up with something suitable. A good option for a date would be to socialize in a work-related place. If you are planning a corporate event, use it as a starting point to implement your plans. The pretext for the meeting could be some common cause.

Family horoscope

You will become an excellent family lightning rod, extinguish all problems, sometimes causing fire on yourself. In this way, you can achieve serious success - especially when it comes to improving relationships between family members. But by the end of the period, you will feel that your relatives’ irritation is directed against you. You will be accused of smoothing over problems instead of solving them.

The secret of happiness. Wisdom and the ability to listen to others will be very useful to you this fall. Act more decisively, but remember: having taken a step, you should not retreat, even if you are criticized for it.

Holiday horoscope

If someone invites you on a joint trip, you will certainly agree. After all, this implies that all organizational issues will be taken care of by the inviting party. The very thought of having to do something will be unbearable to you.

Place of power. Beautiful metro stations, elegant shopping centers. The main condition is that there should be a lot of cheerful and happy people there. You will also enjoy going to the movies and theaters - it will be important to you that people are united by something positive.

Horoscope of work and money

You will spend most of the period hesitating and doubting. The situation will also be complicated by the fact that serious passions will be in full swing in your work environment - quarrels, showdowns. By mid-September the situation may finally reach a dead end.

Purchase of the month. Purchases for the home and family are welcome. Listen to your heart, turn off the rational. Even if your purchase seems useless to someone, it will clearly please you and your loved ones. And after some time, the critics themselves will admire your candelabra or floor lamp.

Horoscope health

In general, your health will be at its best. Jupiter will make you very weather-sensitive, dependent on changes in weather, mood, and critical days. But all this will be very easy to deal with. Your discomfort will quickly go away under the influence of well-proven remedies.

Horoscope for September 2017 for Pisces men

Love. Your loved one can behave like a classic representative of the Pisces sign - obey you in everything, have no opinion, be soft, secretive, sweet. Much in his behavior will irritate you. But you fell in love with just such a man, which means you don’t need a brutal lout who will command you. Remember that your chosen one has a subtle soul and a tender heart.

Tone. Your example will energize your partner. He doesn’t have much of his own vitality now, so he needs inspiration from the outside. Jogging in the morning, fitness, roller skating, visiting fashion stores, dieting - if you involve him in your activities, he will be happy to do everything with you.

Finance. All his earned money will be at your disposal. True, it cannot be said that he will have more of them. Most likely, he will earn money as usual, he will just want to pamper you with beautiful gifts.

Hobbies. Your loved one is a man of art. Therefore, his hobbies this month may be related to music, cinema, theater. He will be very happy if you at least pretend that you are interested. And if you buy tickets to the concert yourself, he will be in seventh heaven.

Horoscope for September 2017 Pisces child

0-6 years. The Pisces kid will be passionate about communicating with his peers. You will be surprised at how susceptible he is to other people's influence at such a young age. You should ensure that your child does not give in to bad examples, which, as we know, can be contagious.

7-12 years old. Little Pisces will be very popular among their peers. Your child’s social circle may expand significantly during this period; everyone will need him. It’s just important to teach him to firmly say “no” if he is unable to do what is asked of him.

13-17 years old. A Pisces teenager may fall under the strong influence of some informal leader who shows him flattering attention. Help your child correctly evaluate this personality - it will be very difficult for your child to look at things soberly in such a situation.

Read the horoscope for September 2017 for other zodiac signs:

The horoscope for September 2017 foreshadows for Pisces a period of mild melancholy, which at the first opportunity will hasten to develop into a form of severe depression. Simply put, dear Pisces, at the beginning of this autumn you risk once again becoming a victim of the notorious blues, to which you are more susceptible than other representatives of the zodiac circle. Hence the advice - so that life continues to give you only positive things, try to get rid of despondency as soon as possible. In the fight against autumn blues, all methods are good. If, to get rid of melancholy, you need to start a new novel, change jobs, or make a series of equally major life changes - so be it, feel free to act!

If you objectively evaluate the personal life of Pisces in September 2017, it will become clear that representatives of this sign simply will not have any special reasons for concern. Everything that you start worrying and worrying about will become your personal initiative (or more precisely, an insignificant trifle to which you will give large-scale forms). So, if you are a family man, as soon as you notice how your partner kindly communicates with someone special, you will draw in your imagination vivid pictures of his frequent infidelities, and then begin to eat yourself with unreasonable jealousy. Lonely Pisces in September 2017 risk becoming completely bored without having a loved one nearby. Moreover, in the absence of a permanent partner, you will only blame yourself (or more precisely, your external imperfection). While you are cultivating numerous inferiority complexes in your soul, of course, we are not talking about the birth of a new love attachment. Perhaps a person will appear on your way whose life credo sounds like “extend a hand to the weak.”

Pisces' career and finances will not undergo significant changes in September. To be more precise, you simply will not have objective prerequisites for changes in your professional destiny. However, we cannot exclude the possibility that, in an attempt to get rid of the autumn blues, you suddenly decide to dramatically change your professional role and try yourself in a fundamentally different occupation. The most important thing is that this bold experiment promises to go perfectly! As soon as you find that very thing that will cause ardent delight in your soul, your life will change for the better (you will get rid of all emotional problems and understand that fulfilling your official duty can be a great pleasure). Pisces, busy working for themselves, will refuse to change anything, but will seriously think about expanding the profile of their enterprise. Perhaps it is in September that you will master a new technological process or begin producing some innovative products. One way or another, the experiment you have planned will bring a positive outcome (of course, if you do not deviate from the intended path as soon as you encounter the first difficulties).

The only major problem for Pisces in terms of health will be their unstable emotional state, balancing on the brink of depression. It is clear that you can only get rid of these problems by surrounding yourself with fresh impressions. In addition, the blues will go away if you communicate with children or representatives of the animal world as often as possible.