Fasting days on kefir and apples. Options for fasting days on kefir and apples. How does unloading work on kefir and apples?

So, I continue to lead my line about losing weight. Girls who are constantly on diets know very well that in order to “move” weight, sometimes you need to fasting day

At one time I went on many diets. So far I have only been able to list some of them on iRecommend. In some review, I already wrote that I am now trying out the “passive press” technique, but so far this idea is only at the implementation stage - I am writing about past experience.

So, fasting days for weight loss There are different ones, usually these are monodays. The best fasting days:

    kefir day;

    apple day;

    day on the water;

    curd day;

    day on milkweed.

1. A day on kefir .

Became my favorite fasting day on kefir (second place - apple day, more on that below) . ­ The essence is simplest, all day you need to drink only kefir and plain water . A day is not from 00.00 to 00.00, but from the awakening of one day to the awakening of another day.

There is nothing heavy, kefir satisfies the feeling of hunger. But not It is recommended to arrange 2 fasting days in a row . And it doesn’t matter what exactly you decide to sit on: apples or kefir.

At one time, I could arrange a “day of hunger” once every two weeks, the further I went, the less frequent the fasting days. Reviews have always inspired me, the result of fasting days can reach weight loss up to three (!!!) kilograms . However, I have never managed to lose more than 1.5 kg. Or rather, The maximum weight I lost on the fasting day was 1300g . And it was precisely kefir day. ­

There is no need to fast if you are on a diet. Fasting days will only harm the body; you risk ruining your metabolism (believe me!).

    have a fasting day no more than once a week;

    change the unloading product (this week kefir, next week apples);

    do not limit yourself in quantity or volume (it’s stupid to stretch out 1 liter of kefir for the whole day, I could drink 2 liters, in total they don’t have that many kcal);

    no need to triple the unloading marathon (a week fasting days= killed metabolism, immediately after returning to normal nutrition you will gain all the lost kg + a couple of new ones on top);

    choose the unloading product that suits you best (for example, I can’t have a fasting day on the water, my stomach cramps, and I also can’t eat cottage cheese all day - it’s too dry);


    manna with kefir;

    kefir dough;

    kefir pies;

    Yes, in general, all derivatives from kefir are NOT allowed! Only kefir itself! Without a single processing!

    Other products, except kefir.

2. apple day

By the way, did you know that October 21st is Apple Day! The problem is that I also found out about this only in December. Although this makes me neither warm nor cold.

The point is that for me, apple day is a fasting day on apples . Because with the help of monodays I used to maintain my figure (yes, now I overate and look at my previous photos with envy).


    to maintain figure (if you are in common days eat normally);

    to lose extra pounds (if you arrange fasting during a diet due to stagnant weight, although I do not recommend fasting on a diet, you remember, right?).

    spend fasting days more often than once a week;

    starve yourself on a fasting day (not 3 apples a day, but 1.5-2 kg, they are not high in calories at all);

    create an entire diet based on apples;

    use apple day as the only possible fasting day (alternate, today an apple, next week kefir, etc.).

    to maintain shape;

    to cleanse the body of toxins.

I was able to lose a maximum of 1.1 kg on apples. I chose granny apples (green).

If you do unloading wisely, you can maintain your figure without compromising your health.

I have already written about the following diets:

By periodically arranging a fasting day on kefir and apples, you can give your body a rest and improve its functioning. digestive system who “gets tired” from digesting excessively high-calorie foods, and also lose a little weight. It’s not for nothing that fasting days have received excellent reviews: they allow you, without torturing yourself for long periods of time, to make your body lighter and healthier.

Benefits of basic products

Reviews from women losing weight put the fasting day on apples and kefir in the first place. This is due to the following beneficial properties of these products:

  • have a low cost and are available all year round;
  • conveniently consumed without any processing;
  • Almost everyone likes it;
  • give satiety for 1.5–2 hours;
  • contain a minimum of calories;
  • rich big amount vitamins, macro- and microelements;
  • fit perfectly together.

Rules for successful weight loss

Unloading the body on apples and kefir will give maximum results if you adhere to the following recommendations:

  • You should buy 1 percent kefir, apples - sweet and sour varieties (preferably green);
  • daily volume of fermented milk drink - up to 2 liters, apples - up to 2 kg;

  • in case of mild diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you can stick to the diet, but apples should be eaten baked, sprinkled with cinnamon if desired;
  • You can’t sweeten kefir (if necessary, you can eat 2 teaspoons of honey during the day);
  • It is important to drink a lot: up to 2 liters of purified water;
  • need to be reduced physical activity, however, walk on fresh air should definitely.

Unloading options

Nutritionists offer 2 options for a fasting day on apples and kefir. You can choose the menu to your taste, since both the first and second methods give the same results.

1st option

  • breakfast: 250 ml kefir;
  • lunch (after 4 hours): 250 ml kefir plus 2 apples;
  • afternoon snack (after 3 hours): an apple cut into pieces, poured with 200 ml of kefir plus a baked apple;
  • dinner (after 4 hours): 250 ml kefir, apple;
  • late dinner: 250 ml kefir.

Before each meal (25 minutes) you should drink 200 ml of water. You can also use herbal infusions.

2nd option

  • During the day you need to eat apples as soon as you feel hungry;
  • per day you should gradually drink 2 liters of kefir;
  • every hour you need to drink ¾ glass of water or unsweetened rosehip decoction;
  • The last meal and liquid should be 2 hours before bedtime.

This option for a fasting day is suitable for those who do not want or do not have the opportunity to weigh each portion and eat according to time.

It is important to remember that any diet, even a one-day diet, has contraindications. You should not limit yourself in nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as during severe chronic diseases. To dispel your doubts about possible contraindications, you need to visit a specialist. You should not abuse such unloading. To lose significant weight, you need to choose (together with your doctor) a longer diet, and also adjust your own daily routine.

A fasting day is an opportunity to quickly get your figure in order before some important event or improve your digestion after holiday excesses. Well, by regularly practicing such unloading, you can achieve long-term and global results, especially if you include them in your individual program weight loss, which involves sports exercises and a healthy diet.

If you want effectively spend a fasting day, kefir and apples will help you with this..

Why kefir and apples?

Each of these products has a mass beneficial properties. Kefir activates metabolism, promoting the removal of toxins and waste, improves the condition of the skin and nails, enriches the body with vitamins and enzymes, and normalizes intestinal flora. Apples supply us folic acid, valuable minerals, pectin.

So these products work well together, not only helping to get rid of extra pounds, but also improving well-being, strengthening the immune system and giving a surge of vigor and strength.

Kefir and apples - how to use

Average daily norm the products you consume – 1.5 liters of kefir and 1.5 kg of apples. Kefir needs to be light - no more than 1.5% fat content. Green apples are preferred.

First option such a fasting day involves the use of these products in small portions at intervals of 2-3 hours. Apples can be eaten raw or baked in the oven.

Adding cinnamon to them won’t hurt – this seasoning goes well with apples and has the ability to suppress appetite.

According to second scenario, you can use an apple-kefir cocktail by chopping an apple and mixing with kefir. Nothing else can be added to the cocktail.

Another option provides the following menu:

Breakfast: 1 apple, grated and seasoned with a spoon of honey + 1 glass of kefir

Second breakfast: a glass of kefir

Lunch: 2 fresh apples

Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir

Dinner: 2 apples baked with honey

At night: another glass of kefir

Remember: important stage Any fasting day, regardless of its menu, is to drink enough liquid. The minimum water requirement is 1.5 liters. This means non-carbonated drinking water, green or Herb tea sugarless.

You cannot drink coffee, soda, juices, or compote on fasting days (unless this is directly provided in the fasting menu).

Certainly, perfect time for such fasting days it is late summer and autumn - it is during this period that apples contain the most vitamins and nutrients.

Fasting days according to these scenarios can be carried out once every 7-10 days, not more often.

It is important to exit the fasting day correctly. After its completion, the diet should be enriched with protein light food. Seafood, boiled dietary meat or fish, and eggs are recommended.

Main– don’t rush straight into high-calorie foods, otherwise all your efforts will be nullified overnight.

Beauty requires permanent job above oneself, a correctly set goal helps to achieve good results. Girls are increasingly thinking about how to be slim and have a beautiful, toned body. Many people decide to go on long-term diets, but they often break down and cannot finish what they started. logical conclusion. There is a great way out - fasting days, which are enough to practice once every 7-10 days.

The main advantage of a fasting day is its short duration and invaluable benefits for the body. Unloading will help you get perfect figure and maintain the resulting effect for a long time.

There are many ways to unload the body. - refers to the most popular ways to rid the body of excess.

The advantage of the method is that it uses an inexpensive food product available to everyone, which has many beneficial properties.

Cleansing the body is convenient and easy anywhere, since you don’t need to prepare anything special. Buckwheat, fruits, vegetables, cottage cheese, oatmeal - all this goes well with kefir, as a result you can lose weight and have fun.

Kefir fasting day, how to make it more varied?

Eating only kefir all day is difficult and does not bring any pleasure, so you can supplement your diet with other products. For example, a kefir-apple fasting day is milder and allows the consumption of kefir and sweet or sweet and sour apples. Preferably, this type of unloading is carried out in the fall, when the stock useful substances apples have the maximum and they are available to everyone.

Power scheme:

  • Morning - a cocktail of a glass of kefir and one apple;
  • Second breakfast - apples;
  • Lunch - apple kefir cocktail and apples;
  • Afternoon snack - apples + a glass of cocktail or kefir;
  • Dinner - apples;
  • Before bed - a glass of cocktail or kefir.

Throughout the day you need to drink at least a liter of kefir, eat a kilogram of apples and drink as much water as you want. When you feel hungry, you can eat apples.

Fasting day on kefir, which will saturate you with useful substances

An interesting option would be buckwheat and kefir. The benefits of such a fasting day are enormous. This cereal contains many useful substances and vitamins that affect the functioning of the body's systems. Alimentary fiber, which buckwheat contains, improve digestion and restore normal work intestines.

Carrying out such a day requires preliminary preparation. In the evening you need to take 250 g of buckwheat, add 2 cups of boiling water to it, close the lid and wrap it in several towels. In the morning, the buckwheat will be ready, but you should absolutely not add salt or spices. The resulting porridge should be divided into 4-5 servings and eaten throughout the day, washed down with low-fat kefir. It is recommended to drink 1 liter of water per day or herbal infusions to remove accumulated toxins.

Who is a kefir fasting day useful and contraindicated for?

This fermented milk drink cleanses biliary tract, liver, intestines. People who suffer from hypertension and atherosclerosis can use this method. As a result, the complexion improves, lightness and vigor appear, and extra pounds disappear.

A certain group of people may also be harmed by such unloading. During menstruation, you should not practice this method, since the body is already weakened. During active growth Teenagers are not recommended to use this method. It should not be used by those who are intolerant to dairy products or have increased acidity stomach, illness gastrointestinal tract, as well as pregnant girls and nursing mothers.

Fasting day on kefir. Basic mistakes

Often, for the purpose of losing weight, girls choose very fatty kefir with a maximum shelf life. When combining with other products, the total calorie content of all components that will be taken throughout the day is not taken into account. Ladies forget to give up sugar and salt on a kefir fasting day, and also drink little water. Kefir fasting day has its own characteristics. Following simple rules for just one day a week will help you achieve your desired shape. The benefits of fasting days are somewhat higher than long-term mono-diets, which do not bring long-term results. In addition, fasting days can be spent only on kefir or combined with other dietary products.

It happens that you urgently need to pay for a short time two or three kilograms - the reasons may be different: an urgent trip, eliminating the consequences of a celebration, or simply an important event. Many resort to fasting - but this is the most dangerous way losing weight. Not only is this a severe stress for the body, but also the weight lost in this way will certainly return, taking with it an “appendage.”

Fasting days

The best option for such cases would be fasting days. In a day, without feeling particularly hungry and without harming the body, you can lose 1.5-3 kg.

Today the most popular products for unloading are: kefir, cottage cheese, buckwheat, fresh vegetables and fruits. Thanks to the large amount of vitamins and nutrients they contain, hunger is not felt so acutely. In addition, such food does not stimulate appetite, and this is what allows you to reduce the amount of food you eat and its calorie content.


Fasting days on apples are especially easy to endure. This fruit is the undisputed leader in popularity throughout the world among many different fruits. And for good reason, they are not only healthy, but also very tasty. Few fruits can boast of such high content microelements and vitamins in a balanced combination, so necessary for the human body.

Anyone who has been on a diet at least once knows that it is worth replacing at least one meal with an apple - the point is to combat overweight it will go much faster. A glass of kefir has the same effect. These products saturate the body, while they are tasty and healthy. Therefore, you can spend a fasting day on kefir and apples, and not on fruit alone.


If you eat these two foods throughout the day, the result will already be noticeable the next morning. A kilogram of apples contains only about 600 kcal, and the availability of this fruit is obvious, unlike exotic fruits.

Fasting days on apples are a great way to lose two or three extra pounds and improve the health of the body. After all, these fruits are a complete source of:

  • B vitamins.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin RR.
  • Folic acid.
  • Potassium.
  • Gland.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Iodine (in fruit seeds).
  • Beta-carotene (in red and yellow varieties).

But that's not all. Apples are a storehouse of antioxidants; they fight factors such as bad influence environment and aging of the body. No wonder these fruits are called “rejuvenating”.

And the fiber contained in apples stimulates intestinal function and fights problems such as dysbiosis and constipation. Research confirms that pectin, which is found in apples, is simply huge quantities, helps improve skin condition, lower cholesterol, remove toxins and speed up metabolism.

Myths and truth about this method

Like any other methods of combating excess weight, fasting days on apples are surrounded by all sorts of myths and legends. Let's look at the most popular ones.

First myth

Anyone can resort to this method of unloading. This is not entirely true, despite the fact that apples have no contraindications. People suffering from diseases of the stomach, intestines and other gastrointestinal disorders should not eat this fruit. large quantities. If you're concerned about any of the above, opt for sugar-free baked apples. You can add cottage cheese and a pinch of cinnamon to the dish, it is also allowed a small amount of honey

Also, fasting days on apples are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. This is due to the fact that this fruit does not contain enough protein for the development and growth of the child. If you still need to lose weight, you can resort to a method such as a fasting day on cottage cheese and apples. In this case, a kilogram of apples should be supplemented with half a kilo of cottage cheese (4% fat), the meal should be divided into 5 parts.

Second myth

In one day you can lose more than 3 kg using this method. In fact, this is possible if the initial weight is more than 100 kg. Usually a fasting day on apples, the results are less impressive - 1.5-2 kg. A bonus to such a plumb line is a decline in the tummy and a decrease in swelling.

The third myth

The kilograms lost on apple days will never come back. But here everything will depend only on you. If the next day after unloading you attack everything harmful products: fatty, floury, sweet - then the effect of the past day will soon disappear. But a moderate diet and exercise will not let your results go to waste.

As you can see, not everything is as easy and simple as it might seem. Still it's not complete diet, but just a fasting day on apples. How much you can lose in a day or two, how to maintain the gained weight after, depends on you, your initial weight and desire to maintain the result.


There are some simple rules for unloading apple days, if followed, you will achieve the desired result, without suffering from hunger cramps in the stomach.

  • What varieties of apples are preferable? It all depends on the sugar content of the fruit. After all, it happens that caloric content different varieties differs almost twice. For example, 100 grams of the sweet “Golden Delicious” contains about 80 kcal, but the sour variety of “grenny” fruit contains only 40 kcal. Of course more loss You will gain weight when consuming the second variety, but if you eat the first variety throughout the day, you will feel more energetic and full.
  • How many fruits can you eat in a day? One and a half kilograms is enough for a fasting day - that's about 10-11 fruits. You can divide them in two ways: into five meals or one piece of fruit every couple of hours. Don't forget to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid on a fasting day. Eat apples slowly, chewing each piece thoroughly. Thus, the body will be deceived long reception food, and the feeling of hunger will not return to him again soon.
  • How often can you have fasting days? Apple days cannot be considered full-fledged days balanced diet, regardless of the fact that these fruits are rich in vitamins and fiber. Still, they lack a component so necessary for the body as protein. That is why you should not abuse fruit fasting; one day a week is enough to keep yourself in good shape. On other days, you need to monitor your diet: eat enough protein foods, do not overindulge. fast carbohydrates, that is, flour and sweet products.
  • Is it possible to supplement such days with any products? Although many supporters of mono-diets do not recommend diluting fasting days with anything else, doctors are still inclined to believe that fruit fasting days should be supplemented with products such as cottage cheese with a low fat content, classic yogurt and a small piece of boiled chicken breast. Advice not to drink water on such days is extremely harmful. Natural loss of moisture must be replenished - this is very important, otherwise the damage caused to health will exceed all the benefits of a fasting day on apples.
  • What else do you need to know? The most best period Apple days are considered to be July-October. It is at this time that these fruits contain maximum amount nutrients and vitamins. In spring, you should not expect the same effect as in summer and autumn.