How to choose sunglasses. How to choose sunglasses based on your face shape and color type

An article about how not to get confused when choosing the right glasses from the sun and following the advice, purchase quality glasses.

Glasses are not only a must-have accessory, but also an excellent means of preventing wrinkles around the eyes, as well as powerful vision protection from harmful ultraviolet rays. Correctly chosen glasses will highlight not only your facial features, but can also add mystery to your image. It’s not for nothing that they are constantly used by show business stars and other famous personalities.

How to choose women's sunglasses?

  • Doctors have long postulated that protecting your eyes from the sun is much more important than protecting your skin. That is why, when choosing sunglasses, you need to study the quality of the optics, the material from which the glasses are made, the availability of certificates and, of course, the country of origin.
  • Plastic glasses are not bad. Most manufacturers today make sunglasses from very high-quality, impact-resistant plastic, which is not inferior in quality to glass. At the same time, it is not always possible to apply additional filters from UVA and UVB rays to the glass, and glass itself has the ability to block only part of the sunlight.
  • Before buying glasses, always ask the seller for a passport for the glasses. It will contain all the information about the manufacturer, which ultraviolet waves they are able to filter. High-quality glasses must be certified to block waves of at least 400 nm.

Shapes of sunglasses: photo

how to choose Sunglasses?

how to choose sunglasses?

how to choose sunglasses?

how to choose sunglasses?

how to choose sunglasses?

how to choose sunglasses?

how to choose sunglasses?

how to choose sunglasses?

how to choose sunglasses?

Sunglasses - 5 levels of protection against sun: tips for choosing

how to choose sunglasses?

Sunglasses are divided into five categories of protection:

  • Zero protection (the number is “0”) - these are glasses with a light translucent coating for cloudy weather, which transmit 80 - 100% of light.
  • Protection level “1” - requires glasses for partly cloudy weather, and are suitable for early spring, when there is not much sun yet.
  • Protection level “2” - glasses with a medium degree of filter spraying, which are suitable for sun protection in the middle zone, but not in the south.
  • Protection level "3" - glasses, one of the most common and are in demand and almost universal in all latitudes with predominant sunny weather.
  • Protection level “4” - these glasses have polarized lenses and they transmit only 8 - 10% of light. They are recommended for use high in the mountains or at sea to neutralize bright light and glare.
  • To make sure your glasses are right for you, go outside. If you continue to squint in the sun, then this light protection is not enough for you.

IMPORTANT: The color of the glass does not determine protection from UV rays. If the glasses are of high quality, then even with group zero they will filter up to 70% of the light.

How to choose the right one Sunglasses?

how to choose the right sunglasses?
  • When buying sunglasses, always pay attention to the fact that this is not only an element of your image, but also an important accessory for protecting your eyes. Therefore, of course, you should always buy glasses specialized stores. After all, by saving and buying a cheap product for the sake of beauty or a copy of a brand, you risk the health of the retina.
  • If the lens is not properly coated, the pupil will dilate and all the light through the glasses will directly penetrate the retina.
    Our eyes, according to researchers, are most comfortable in glasses with lenses of brown and gray-green shades.
  • You should avoid bright palettes in lenses, because ophthalmologists claim that they have a harmful effect on vision.
  • If you have the opportunity and big glasses suit you, then it is better to give preference to just such models. It is glasses with large lenses and a wide base that will more reliably hide your eyes from the penetration of side rays of light.

Sunglasses with diopters: how to choose?

how to choose sunglasses with prescriptions?

Thanks to new innovations, people with poor vision can now purchase sunglasses along with diopters, which is very convenient. In a room where there is little bright sun, they change the color of the lenses and become transparent, helping to work productively with documents and the computer. And in the sun they darken, showing protection from all types of harmful rays. Such glasses can be purchased at any optical store, after first measuring your level of vision.

IMPORTANT: Many users of such glasses complain of discomfort at first. This is normal - your vision gradually gets used to such color differences in the lenses and subsequently you will feel comfortable.

How to choose the shape of sunglasses?

how to choose a form sunglasses?

The fashion for the shape of glasses changes from year to year, but your style and the glasses that will fit it perfectly will remain unchanged.

  • There are large-sized mask glasses that look very creative, and are mainly produced with thick frames.
  • Drop glasses with mirrored lenses are also a trend this season and continue to attract originality.
  • Classically shaped Ray Ban glasses continue to conquer the market precisely because they look great on almost any face and have a large number of colors and frame options.
  • Round glasses in the style of John Lennon will also find their owners among extraordinary young people and those who like to stand out from the crowd.

How to choose women's sunglasses according to your face shape?

how to choose sunglasses?

You should also choose glasses according to the shape of your face:

  • For those with a narrow face, oval or rounded models are more suitable.
  • For those with a round face, it is better to opt for glasses with a square or rectangular shape.
  • For people with an oval face shape, glasses of almost any shape are suitable. You can especially pay attention to the shape of the “cat eye” glasses. For the second season now, she has been pleasing her owners, making their look original and unforgettable.
  • The well-known aviator glasses are very popular, but unfortunately they are not suitable for everyone. They look very stylish on a triangular-shaped face, emphasizing the sophistication of their owner.

Who suits square women's sunglasses?

how to choose sunglasses?

IMPORTANT: square glasses contraindicated owners of a square face shape, due to the fact that they emphasize the angularity of the shape.

how to choose sunglasses?
  • Square glasses with contrasting colors - plain lenses and bright frames - will suit younger girls. And more mature ladies will suit calmer shades with translucent glasses.

Women's sunglasses for oval faces: how to choose?

how to choose sunglasses for an oval face?

The oval face shape is the standard among models, and glasses of almost any shape are suitable for it. Therefore, the main task remains to maintain the harmony of facial proportions.

Tip: It is very successful when the width of the frame itself coincides with the widest part of the cheekbones, and the top line runs exactly along the line of the eyebrows.

If you have very delicate and soft facial features, then smoothly shaped frames in the shape of a butterfly, cat eye or teardrop glasses will suit you. If you have sharp facial features, then glasses with strict classical shapes will suit you better.

Women's sunglasses to a narrow face: how to choose?

How to choose sunglasses for a narrow face?
  • For those with a narrow face, you need to carefully select the shape of glasses that can visually give your face more volume.
  • Most suitable for them are rectangular models with massive arms and expressive lenses.
  • Also, butterfly-shaped frames with slightly raised outer edges will give your face more expressiveness and volume. You should avoid square-shaped glasses, which will simply make your already angular chin heavier.

Women's sunglasses on the face: photo

how to choose sunglasses? How to buy inexpensive sunglasses on Aliexpress?

how to choose sunglasses?

You can inexpensively buy analogues of branded sunglasses on the Ali Express website by following this link: buy sunglasses on Aliexpress.

how to choose sunglasses?

Every girl dreams of looking stylish and harmonious. It is the right glasses that can help with this:

First, determine the shape of your face and choose glasses based on this. By following the tips above, you can highlight the strengths of your facial features and hide your flaws.

Always buy glasses with the right protection to suit your needs. This way you can protect your retina from the sun's harmful rays.

Video: How to choose sunglasses?

Sunglasses are not only fashion accessory, but also an excellent eye protection product. Today it is difficult to imagine a person who would walk in the summer without glasses. Modern manufacturing companies supply store shelves with various accessories for every taste and budget. You can find colored or tinted lenses enclosed in a plastic or iron frame. When choosing sunglasses, you need to pay attention to important aspects.

Why are sunglasses needed?

The main task of the accessory is to minimize the harmful effects ultraviolet rays on the eyes and the skin around them. However, it is important to remember that not every sunglasses can perform this function.

Fashion trends leave their mark on society. People choose sunglasses without paying attention to their quality. Indeed, in such a matter, the main thing, in the opinion of many, is beauty and compatibility with clothing.

But in fact, you need to choose glasses that are not only beautiful, but also of high quality. Lenses should protect the cornea from ultraviolet radiation and protect the delicate skin around them.

Otherwise, you run the risk of cataracts or eye degeneration. Such consequences will be extremely sad. The sun is especially harmful to older people, drivers and those who work a lot at the computer.

What can the sun do to your eyes?

Experts in the field of ophthalmology advise to be more careful about the accessories that are used to protect the eyes. Ultraviolet rays damage not only vision, but also the general health of a person. After just 2-3 hours of walking without glasses, colossal discomfort begins, which manifests itself in severe eye pain.

More sad consequences are manifested in the following:

  • loss of vision (partial);
  • getting a burn to the eye cornea;
  • the onset of cataract development.

However, it should be understood that direct ultraviolet radiation does not always lead to severe dysfunction. Sometimes after long stay in the sun without glasses, pain appears, tearing, decreased quality of vision, etc. This is the beginning of something bigger, you need to consult a doctor or immediately buy sunglasses.

Skiers, snowboarders, polar explorers or drivers often face the problem of blinding blindness. This is a burn of the eye cornea that occurs due to the reflective surface. For example, snow or water.

There is a single rule: the higher the sun's activity, the more aggressive the effect of ultraviolet rays. If you add to this reflective factors in the form of blinding snow or water, you expose your eyes to danger 3 times or more.

Types of sun lenses

Many people mistakenly rely on the frame when choosing glasses, but in the case of eye protection, such a decision is reckless. To prevent the sun from affecting the retina and cornea, it is necessary to select high-quality lenses. Dark glass does not always indicate protection from ultraviolet radiation; some coatings simply do not cope with their task.

It should be remembered that low-quality lenses (fake) will lead to even greater harm. Under the influence of the sun, the pupil becomes narrow, and in such glasses it absorbs the entire solar wave, as if remaining in the shadow.

Today there are several main types of lenses - glass, plastic, made of polycarbonate. Each material is endowed with its own positive and negative qualities.

Glass lenses

Not many people know that even completely transparent (not tinted) lenses protect against harmful influence ultraviolet rays. If you like this option, you don't have to buy glasses with black or dark brown lenses. The main thing is that they are slightly darkened.

Glass lenses may become too fragile under mechanical stress. But, nevertheless, they resist scratches better than plastic ones. You should not buy glass glasses for playing volleyball or football on the beach, or for those who drive a car.

Plastic lenses
Lenses of this type, unlike glass ones, do not crumble into small particles upon impact. In most cases, a long crack remains in the plastic, which then leads to the lens splitting in two. But the fragments will not get into your eyes.

The material has the ability to transmit ultraviolet rays. Therefore, you should not count on 100% protection for your eyes and the skin in their area. In addition, at temperatures above the prescribed norm, glasses may lose their shape. Plastic lenses are stored in a case.

Polycarbonate lenses
For those who don't know, polycarbonate is an impact-resistant material that is also endowed with the properties of protecting the cornea from direct ultraviolet rays. The lenses are made of polycarbonate with a thickness of 1-2 mm, thanks to which the glasses can withstand tests even with a pistol shot (small caliber).

Also, numerous studies have proven that polycarbonate does not break even when hit by a hammer. We can conclude that sunglasses with such lenses will be the most durable. They do not scratch or crack, but you will have to pay a decent amount for the accessory.

Most often, polycarbonate-based lenses are produced by famous Italian brands. They not only do not transmit ultraviolet radiation, but also have the ability to eliminate glare (snow, wet asphalt, etc.). These lenses are ideal for drivers, skiers and those who spend a lot of time near the water.

Light transmission of lenses
Accessories sold in specialized optical stores have a passport. There should also be a sticker on the glasses that indicates the degree of light transmission of the lenses.

If you notice a “0” mark on the accessory, this indicates complete light transmission and no retinal protection.

When the number “1” is on the lenses, the accessory will protect your eyes by 40-65%, no more.

With a value equal to “2” up to retina about 35-20% of ultraviolet rays will reach. These glasses are good for use in the city.

Models with an indicator of “3” are ideal for carrying out any work on the street. Also this option Should be chosen by people who spend a lot of time at sea or are going on vacation.

When marked at “4”, about 5-8% of the light reaches the retina. The accessories are suitable for skiers and those who travel a lot in hot countries with the sun constantly at its peak.

If you don't notice any markings on your sunglasses, prepare for zero effectiveness. Such accessories will not protect the retina, so you should wear them no longer than two hours.

Color sun lenses and the degree of their darkening affects the perception and well-being of the eyes. Conventionally, these characteristics are divided into 2 subspecies; let’s consider them in order.

Lenses of green, gray, and brown shades are pleasant to wear; the eyes do not get tired in them as much as when wearing other types of glasses.

Orange, red, pink, yellow not advisable to wear. During use, such accessories distort visual perception, affect the psyche, contribute to eye fatigue.

A mirror coating would be an ideal option, but if worn incorrectly, such glasses will quickly scratch and interfere with “viewing”. The accessory should be kept in its case at all times.

Lens coating

There are polarized and photochromic coatings on sunglasses lenses. Spraying plays a role, so let's look into the subtleties of choice.

Polarized lenses
Polarized coating has the best protective characteristics of all available types of lenses. Positive feature It is believed that glasses of this kind protect the eyes equally well, even if there is a sharp change in sun exposure.

For example, while driving a car it suddenly began to rain. The asphalt will begin to glare, glasses will prevent the impact on the eyes, reflecting bright flashes. The same goes for relaxing on water or snow.

Glasses with polarized lenses should be preferred by car drivers. This accessory will prevent glare from the wet road and the impact of oncoming headlights.

Before purchasing, make sure that the lenses are of sufficient quality. Ask the seller for a passport, which will outline all necessary information. It is important to look for the label “polarized lenses” or “ anti-reflective coating».

To be sure of the quality, put on your glasses and pick them up mobile phone. Set the brightness on your smartphone to maximum and rotate the gadget at a certain angle. If the lenses begin to visually darken, this indicates eye protection. You can take this option.

Photochromic coating
In addition to blocking light, sunglasses with photochromic coating also block some UV rays. An accessory with polarized lenses cannot boast of this quality.

This option is suitable for categories of people who are afraid of light or feel discomfort from bright illuminations. To create a photochromic coating, specialists resort to the use of special sputtering materials. They have no effect in sultry heat, but are great for wearing in medium to low temperatures.

Accessories of this kind are not suitable for wearing on the beach. But they will be effective for drivers who spend a lot of time driving at night. Due to its good light reflection, photochromic coating is ideal for skiers when the reflection of snow greatly affects the retina.

Choosing sunglasses for driving

  1. In most cases, drivers choose glasses for themselves based on comfort and the correct shape of the frame. Such people do not follow fashion. The accessory must completely protect the eyes from harmful ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Drivers need to select correct color lenses The glasses should have a green, brown or grayish tint. Lenses of these colors are great for driving and do not create artificial glare from the road. In this case, it is much more comfortable to control the situation.
  3. When choosing glasses, an anti-reflective coating must be applied to the lenses. This addition is present on all high-quality and expensive accessories. The most suitable option would be an accessory with polarized lenses.
  4. Glasses of this quality improve visibility by filtering out excess light. The only disadvantage of such models is that they are not available with diopters. The use of such glasses is acceptable with temporary wearing of lenses to improve vision.

Choosing sunglasses for children

  1. If you decide to purchase high-quality sunglasses for your child, in this case you should not save. Consider models marked “Polarized.” Glasses with special lenses prevent bright glare and refract the reflection of rays from bright surfaces.
  2. An accessory with polarized lenses blocks almost 100% of reflected rays. Regular glasses with dark lenses only slightly refract glare and sunlight. As for the material, it is better to choose an accessory made of polycarbonate plastic.
  3. Such glasses do not distort the image and color, they are difficult to break and scratch. For a child, such indicators are important. In case of an unforeseen situation, the baby will not be injured by a shrapnel.

Round face

  1. If you have a round face, it is recommended to choose glasses with wide frames. In this case, the shape of the accessory should resemble a cat’s eye or a drop.
  2. You should not choose glasses with a strict round shape. You can also consider an attribute with rectangular or square lenses. Keep in mind that these glasses are only suitable for thin necks.

Square shaped face

  1. Owners of this type of face are recommended to consider an attribute with thin frames and oval-shaped lenses. Keep in mind that when choosing glasses, they should not be wider than your head.
  2. If you accidentally purchased glasses that are wider than your face, your face will appear much bulkier. Also, do not consider too miniature models.

Triangular shaped face

  1. This type of face is quite rare. In this case, it is necessary to visually correct the appearance heads. Accessory correct form will reduce the size of the eyes, forehead and hide a small chin.
  2. It is recommended to consider models with round lenses, but the attribute should not be too large. In this case, glasses with additional stickers and decorations will not spoil the appearance at all. Consider classic style glasses.

Face oval shape

  1. If you have an oval face type, you are very lucky. In this case, there will be no problems with the selection of points. Consider the attributes of absolutely any style. If your budget allows, you can change the attribute every season.
  2. The only problem oval face All that is considered is that visually you need to increase the width of your head. It is not recommended to consider glasses with invisible or narrow frames. Give preference to extravagant models.
  1. It is recommended to select an accessory with a plastic frame. If you often visit the beach, metal material is completely contraindicated in this case. This frame reflects the rays better, thereby exposing the face to pigmentation and burns.
  2. If you are choosing glasses not for driving, give preference to mirrored lenses. The latter, in turn, better reflect ultraviolet rays. When vacationing at a resort with the scorching sun, you need to wear glasses that will cover most of your face.
  3. You should not wear an accessory with blue or pink lenses on sunny days. They transmit ultraviolet radiation well and do not protect the eyes at all. This attribute is best worn on cloudy or cloudy days.

If you want to purchase really high-quality glasses that will meet all the requirements, you should purchase the attribute in professional stores. An ordinary accessory with dark lenses does not at all guarantee protection from harmful radiation. On good glasses there must be a protective film. Choose the option marked “High UV-protection”.

Video: how to choose sunglasses

Hello everyone, AB is in touch! The sun is already striding across the planet with all its might, and even summer has come to Siberia. Therefore, today we will talk about his main accessory, namely, we will find out how to choose sunglasses. After reading, you will learn everything about what proper eye protection should be, what you need to pay attention to when choosing eyepieces, and much more useful and interesting things.

So, sit down comfortably, let's start doing fraud :).

Sunglasses: everything you need and don't need to know

This is our second post from the summer series, in the first we made chocolates out of ourselves, i.e. found out, now we decided to consider what is taking off in 2 times in summer sales are sunglasses. And we will start, as usual, from afar.

I won’t tell you for the whole of Odessa, but in Siberia we understand that the beach season has begun precisely by points - spontaneous markets are popping up on almost every corner. How does the average Russian buy eyepieces for the summer? What does he prioritize? Of course, the main factor for men is reliability and a classic, strict appearance. Young ladies love everything bright and elegant, so they look for unusual and eye-catching models of glasses. However, both of them have one thing in common - the price factor, it should be low. Ideally - before 500 rubles To be honest, your humble servant, at one time, also adhered to similar criteria: cheap and cheerful. And I remember how over the summer I flew away various reasons(then the bow broke, or the glass cracked, then I put it in my back pocket and sat on them :)) more than one pair of these same glasses.

Personally, I am sure that many of you, when purchasing, never thought about protecting your eyes from the sun and did not know that there could be some subtleties. As they say, I grabbed the g... for three rubles and am happy as an elephant :). However time is running, everything changes. And such an accessory as sunglasses is fraught with many nuances. Which ones? This is what we are about to learn further in the text.

All further narration on the topic of how to choose sunglasses will be divided into subchapters.

What should glasses protect against?

The eyes are the only internal tissues of the human body directly exposed to sunlight, and knowing how to protect them all year round, important for maintaining good vision throughout life.

All natural light that reaches us from the sun consists of:

  • visible spectrum;
  • invisible spectrum - ultraviolet and infrared rays.

The main reason for wearing SZ glasses is to reduce the intensity sunlight and the convenience of being in bright conditions (for example, on the beach, near the water). Bright light blinds a person’s eyes, causes short-term irritation to the retina and, in long term, can cause serious harm to the eyes in terms of vision impairment or the appearance of pathologies. Part blue light contributes to risk age-related degeneration yellow spot ( AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in the Western world.

SZ glasses, in addition to protection from visible light, provide protection from invisible light rays. If it's warm infrared radiation a person can feel it on himself and hide from it, then we do not see or feel UV rays so clearly. There are three types of UV rays in the spectrum:

  • UVA is known as the "aging ray" and can lead to conditions such as cataracts;
  • UVB can cause painful burns to the cornea;
  • UVC is completely blocked by the ozone layer.

The first two types in percentage terms 95 And 5% reach the surface of the Earth and have a direct effect on human eyes. Main function quality glasses - protection from potential threat, UV rays.


Cheap market or “transitional” glasses models, for the most part, practically do not protect the eyes from the invisible spectrum; they only reduce the intensity of sunlight.

Why use SZ glasses? What damage do they protect against?

The main sun problems caused by prolonged exposure to the sun are:

  • Photokeratitis or ultraviolet keratitis is a painful temporary condition caused by intense exposure to ultraviolet light. It is often called snow blindness because it can occur when the eye is exposed to intense glare from ultraviolet rays reflected from snow and ice;
  • Solar retinopathy is damage to the retina at the back of our eyes as a result of overexposure to ultraviolet radiation. It causes temporary blindness or blurred vision;
  • high energy solar radiation, HEV (also called "blue light") may increase your long-term risk of macular degeneration. People with low level Blood levels of vitamin C and other antioxidants are particularly at risk for retinal damage from HEV radiation.

Constant exposure to UV radiation can cause serious damage to our eyes over time.

Different glasses have to varying degrees protection, filtering rays dangerous to the eyes. To assess the protection levels of sunglasses, a special E-SPF rating system has been developed. E-SPF certified lenses provide the best protection from UV radiation.

The mechanism of eye protection, or how do glasses protect from the sun?

SZ lenses are made of glass, plastic or polycarbonate with a special UV-absorbing coating. Good couple blocks more points 99% UV radiation. Mirror coatings help avoid squinting by absorbing or reflecting intense light in the visible spectrum.

High-end sunglasses also include a polarizing film to combat glare from reflective horizontal surfaces such as water, sand and snow. Light waves vibrate just like sound waves. These vibrations have a pool of horizontal and vertical components, but when the light waves hit a uniform horizontal surface, they are reflected with strong horizontal polarization. The glare we get is a “stuck” of light waves vibrating in the same plane. Sunglasses equipped with a polarizing film eliminate this type of glare, allowing only vertically polarized light to pass through.

IN general view Glasses protect your eyes from the sun in the following ways.

UV damage is cumulative, meaning it is never too early or too late to protect your eyes from the sun. The most important thing is to choose sunglasses that provide high (Ideally 100% ) UVA and UVB protection.

Now let's find out...

What factors increase the effect of the sun on the eyes?

These include:

  • geographical position. UV levels are higher in tropical areas near the Earth's equator. The further you are from the equator, the lower the risks to your eyes;
  • height above sea level. UV levels are higher at higher altitudes;
  • time of day. UV and HEV levels are greater when the sun is high in the sky, usually between 11 before 16 hours;
  • space. UV and HEV levels are greater in wide open spaces, especially in the presence of highly reflective surfaces such as snow (radiation doubles) and sand;
  • medications. Some medications, such as tetracycline, sulfa drugs, birth control pills, diuretics, and tranquilizers, may make your body more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation.

Let's look at the next point...

How to choose sunglasses? Technical side of the issue

No. 1. Raw materials

Sunglasses consist of a pair of light filters and a frame to hold them in place. The vast majority of lenses are made of painted plastic such as polycarbonate. However, glass is still used for high-quality brands. The highest quality lenses are optically accurate and do not distort shapes and lines. These lenses, like camera lenses, are made of ground and polished optical glass. The borosilicate glass used in these lenses is scratch and impact resistant.

Soluble organic dyes and metal oxide pigments are added to lens materials to absorb or reflect light of specific frequencies. Supplements should also block at least some of the blue light, which is the lower frequency portion of ultraviolet rays. Various chemical coatings that are added to the objective/lens can improve viewing by reducing reflection or shielding polarized light.

Sunglass frames are made of metal or plastic. Metal frames, especially expensive ones, are often made from mixtures of nickel and other metals such as silver. These frames have precision engineered features such as molded and rolled nose pads, durable hinges with self-locking screws, and flexible temples.

No. 2. Lenses

Depending on the lens material, there are main types:

  • glass;
  • plastic. Lenses made of plastic polymer CR-39, have low cost and good optical qualities;
  • polycarbonate. Have built-in UV filters that help prevent eye problems: macular degeneration (macula cleft) and cataracts (clouding of the eye lens);
  • polarized. Light actually consists of two waves, one traveling horizontally and the other traveling vertically. When light bounces off a flat surface such as snow, a road, or a shiny metal object, the horizontal component is perceived as a glare. Polarized lenses are made using a special optical filter that absorbs the horizontal component of light and transmits only the vertical component. The result is that bright reflected light is removed, eye strain is reduced, and the image is more contoured and clear. However, polarized lenses do not block UV radiation, so they require additional coatings or dyes to provide full eye protection;
  • photochromatic (contains silver salts similar to those used in photographic film). These lenses darken when outdoors and become light indoors. Thus, the lenses change color in response to UV radiation. However, the lens' color range is not wide enough to be effective against most light frequencies;
  • mirror (lens coating type). Hides a person's eyes from prying eyes.

Pick up required lenses The following reminder will help you.


Most people mistakenly believe that dark lenses(black glasses) protect your eyes better. This is wrong. In fact, some clear lenses can provide complete UV protection, but those that have a tint cut out some of the light in the visible part of the spectrum. Different shades offer different benefits: for example, amber provides clarity/sharpness, while greens reduce glare and increase contrast. If you are going to spend time near the water, on the beach or on the ski slopes, then choose glasses with polarized lenses.

No. 3. Frames

Eyeglass frames are mainly made from the following materials:

  • plastic. Very cost effective and creative, extremely lightweight option for glasses;
  • nylon. It is the main material in the manufacture of sports glasses. This frame is resistant to aggressive environments (heat/cold) and has moderate rigidity and at the same time flexibility;
  • metal (Monel in particular). It is the most widely used material in the manufacture of eyeglass frames. Its advantages are high malleability and corrosion resistance. Titanium and beryllium are also popular eyeglass frame options.

SZ glasses are not as simple as it seems at first glance. It is a complex of the following different elements.

Actually, we’ve sorted out the theory, now let’s get down to it...

How to choose sunglasses? The practical side of the issue

Everything we talked about above is very informative, but this information does not answer the question of how to choose sunglasses. But this is why we have gathered here today, right? Well, if that’s the case, then now we’ll find out and start with...

No. 0. Glasses manufacturers: brands/trade brands

First of all, we need to decide on the brand and country of production of the glasses. Today, the world leader in the production of frames/glasses is Italy. The top five also includes Japan, Germany, France, and China.

On this moment The SZ glasses market is represented by seven largest manufacturers:

  • kenmark;
  • luxottica;
  • marcolin;
  • modo;
  • safio.

Each manufacturer owns different brands of glasses, in particular, the division by brand is as follows.

Of these brands, the average Russian who does not follow fashion is probably only familiar with the following: Ray-Ban and Polaroid. Basically, we are more familiar with “no name” glasses, bought on sale from the Chinese at the market or in a subway passage.


The most important thing in glasses is the brand. Therefore, if you decide to buy high-quality ones, then it is best to do this in optical stores and ask for documents proving that the store is official representative on the territory of the Russian Federation.

No. 1. Face type

Once you have decided on a brand (and we realized that cheap and impersonal glasses do not provide any protection from ultraviolet radiation due to the simplicity of their design and the materials used), you need to go to the mirror and decide on the type of pack you have :). In other words, there are very clear instructions on which glasses will suit you best, and it depends on face shapes.

Total is usually allocated 4 main face shapes:

  • circle. Characteristics: full cheeks, rounded chin, equal length and width;
  • square. Characteristics: defined cheekbones/notched jawlines, angular facial features, broad forehead;
  • oval (oval). Characteristics: balanced features, high cheekbones, chin narrower than forehead;
  • heart. Characteristics: wide forehead, sharp/narrow chin, high cheekbones.

In the picture-facial version, what was said for women and men looks like this.

No. 2. Lens type

Lenses are the most technically important and expensive component of glasses, which are selected based on your needs. (for what/what purposes are they needed) and opportunities (willingness to pay the Nth amount). Thus, the main tasks when choosing are the desired type and color of lenses, a high degree of protection from UV rays (clickable).

No. 3. All together to the heap

By summarizing all the information in the note, you can create a universal reminder called “How to choose sunglasses,” and it will look like this.

Divorce and maiden name

What person, especially a Russian, doesn’t like freebies? In the age of the Internet, there are a lot of freebies that have proliferated (and are multiplying). It's about about one-page sites that offer branded products, in our case glasses, at bargain prices. No, they don’t waste money and send the ordered goods, but their quality leaves much to be desired. Those. yes, you will save: instead 3000 you will pay rubles for glasses 1500 rubles and you will also receive a gift, but in this case, be prepared to put up with various obvious and hidden defects that will certainly manifest themselves as soon as you begin to actively use the purchased product.

Typically, such stores are promoted through paid advertising in VK public pages or search engines, have one page, a promotion timer and offer a gift as a bonus.

Of course, in the sense that savings can amount to up to 2-3- x multiple size, and you transfer funds only upon the arrival of the goods at the post office, the temptation is great, but always remember that free cheese only comes in a mousetrap.

Well, everything has been reported, now you know what you should pay attention to when choosing high-quality sunglasses and I’m sure you will have these for many years to come.


Sunglasses, especially young ladies, are usually bought based on the unusualness of the model, i.e. how impressive she will look in them. From today’s article on how to choose sunglasses, we realized that the “fit” factor is far from the most important, but the determining factor is reliable protection from ultraviolet radiation, which cheap glasses simply cannot provide. So remember Golden Rule– glasses should protect from the sun, and they may be unusual, but you should only look for them in specialized optical stores, and not on the streets.

That's all for us, successful purchases and healthy tanning!

PS: what glasses do you have? where did you buy it?

PPS: did the project help? Then leave a link to it in your social network status - plus 100 points towards karma guaranteed :)

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

How to choose glasses according to the face shape of a man or a woman correctly? Each of us has unique characteristics. Choosing stylish sunglasses can sometimes be difficult. And the shape of your face plays a significant role in this.

General principles

Small, large, round or square sunglasses – the range is huge. Choosing the right accessory is not easy. However, if you choose the shape of glasses according to your face type, you will never go wrong.

Sunglasses for a long time They served as simple eye protection, but today they are a full-fledged fashion accessory.

You can choose sunglasses based on your face shape based on several rules. Whether your face is oval, round or triangular, there are several principles that apply to every situation:

  • the upper frame of the glasses should cover the eyebrows, but should not be significantly higher than their line;
  • the lower part should reach the cheekbones;
  • glasses should not be much wider than your face;
  • the shape of the frame bridge should match the shape of your nose;
  • If you have long eyelashes, make sure they don't push against your glasses lenses, this can be quite annoying.

Before you go to the store, you must decide what kind of face you have. This will make it easier for you to choose the right sunglasses.


How to choose glasses for girls with a round face shape? The length and width of such a face are approximately equal. Such beauties have a small rounded and smooth selection.

To the owners round face Medium glasses are ideal as they visually lengthen the face. These glasses will give your features some sharpness.

✅The following options may suit you:

  • cat's eye or cat-eye;
  • butterflies;
  • aviators;
  • wayfarers;
  • square or pointed glasses;
  • models with a narrow bridge of the nose;
  • It is best to choose dark-colored frames;
  • The width of the frame should be greater than the height.

With a more pronounced top flange, your face will look a little narrower.

❌Worth avoiding round shape lenses in the frame. Because this shape will only emphasize the roundness of the face and visually make it flatter. And also glasses with narrow frames, sharp angles and colored lenses.


How to choose glasses for a square face shape? Girls who have a square face shape have sharp features, slightly heavy jaws, wide forehead and square chin.

  • classic oval frames;
  • The width of the frame should be equal to the width of the face;
  • It’s worth taking a closer look at the colored frames;
  • teardrop frames;
  • frameless models;
  • quite large and large models;
  • delicate shapes with rounded lines that will help smooth out the sharpness of features;
  • various non-standard asymmetrical frames to distract from sharp face shapes and visually soften them.

❌ You need to avoid rectangular glasses with sharp corners. And other models that are too small and miniature.


How to choose the right sunglasses for your face shape? The heart-shaped face is sometimes also called an inverted triangle. Distinctive features- This is a wide forehead, from which the face gradually narrows to a distinct, sharp chin.

✅In this case, you need to balance top part faces. It is recommended to pay attention to the following models:

  • oval and round frames without bright decorations;
  • frameless models;
  • low-set temples;
  • cat-eye with light glass;
  • aviator glasses;
  • large and extravagant models with an elongated cat-eye shape;
  • frames with a regular top rim and a more distinct bottom frame;
  • wide frames with a “low” fit;
  • light and translucent options.

❌And, on the contrary, beware of glasses that are heavy and big glasses in a narrow frame. This can highlight the wide top of your face. And also models that cover eyebrows.

Oval face

How to choose glasses for an oval face shape? An oval face is considered the most perfect face shape. It is a little long and not wide. The width of the forehead is usually larger than the jaw itself.

✅Almost any shape of glasses is suitable for an oval face, but the following options will look best:

  • The width of the frame should be equal to the width of the face or wider;
  • smooth rectangular, oval and round frames;
  • butterflies;
  • aviators;
  • any cat frames.

❌However, do not overdo it with extravagance and carefully choose the frame that will be best for your face. Be careful with your color choice. You should not choose too massive accessories with too narrow or wide frames.


How to choose glasses for a rectangle face shape? In this type, the length of the face is slightly greater than the width. Typically the cheekbones, forehead and jaw are the same width. Girls with this shape should visually expand their face with glasses.

✅The following models will look best:

  • large and massive;
  • clear glasses with thin frames to match your skin tone;
  • aviators with large frames;
  • models with round frames.

❌ It is advisable to refuse glasses with small and narrow frames. And also from too bright and colored accessories.

Now you know how to choose glasses according to your face shape correctly. Let ours simple tips will help you find perfect couple for yourself, which will protect you from the sun and perfectly frame your face.

Thanks for your time

Initially, you need to decide what type of face you have, and then go shopping in search of the perfect sunglasses! The selection of your wardrobe will also be important - after all, the neckline of a blouse, for example, can elongate a round face or shorten a long one, so here you also need to carefully select blouses or fashionable dresses.

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A girl with small facial features simply needs to choose glasses that are not large in size.
For those with full lips, large frames are perfect.
If you have straight bangs, your ideal is a frame with raised corners.
A thin frame will decorate a graceful face, while a large frame will make it even more massive.
If the lady large nose— there is simply a need for a frame with a low bridge.
If you want to preserve your individuality, choose glasses no higher than the eyebrow line, as a last resort (which is also a good option) - at the level of the eyebrows.

Sunglasses and face shapes

Stylists tell us that there are only a few of the most striking face shapes, the rest are derivatives of them.

The most beneficial form, as determined by stylists, is Oval face, almost any frame goes with it. Signs: soft outline, slightly longer than wide, slightly prominent cheekbones, looks like an inverted egg. If you have this shape, you are very lucky! Feel free to go to the store and choose only according to your soul, your style and clothing preferences. But, advice: it is better to avoid maximalism; too small products, as well as very large ones, can upset the proportions.

This is Liv Tyler's face type, and Charlize Theron has the same beautiful oval.
Suitable for an oval face: multifaceted lens, round glasses along the width of the face, small accents.

A round face is clearly understandable - with a round chin, smooth contours and no straight lines at all. It needs to be brought as close as possible to the desired oval; to do this, choose frames that lengthen the face. Rectangular shapes are perfect, showing sharp corners as much as possible. Dark frames are good, visually lengthening the face, and narrow rather than wide frames are shown. Frames with raised edges, butterfly glasses, and products with delicate thin arms are perfect. Cameron Diaz and the wonderful charmer Emmy Stone have a round face.
For a round face, glasses are suitable: high-rise, across the width of the face, with a square lens, contrasting frames.

Triangle - owners of this type have a powerful chin, a narrow forehead, they are shown a model that accentuates the upper part of the face. Aviators, half frames are their option.
For a triangle-shaped face, glasses are suitable: aviators, with low temples, with an accent at the bottom, with a round lens.

Square face - no smooth lines, cheekbones the same width as the forehead, wide chin, hairline at the same level. Glasses frames are designed to soften the contour of the face and give it a feminine softness. Therefore, round, oval, and definitely somewhat large ones are perfect. Drop-shaped ones will also be good, glasses without frames are perfect.
Celebrities who have this type of face include Angelina Jolie and Sandra Bullock.
A square face looks best with glasses: aviators, small frames, with round lenses.

Rectangle - similar to a square face shape, longer than wide, has clear boundaries. The frames shown here are large, slightly rounded; aviators would be good. Small glasses are not recommended.
The following glasses are suitable for rectangular face shapes: with a medium rise, with a massive frame, with a large lens, with a colored frame.

The elongated or pear-shaped shape is characterized by an elongated length, a rounded chin, a high forehead and a certain angularity of the lines. The goal is to visually shorten the face and give it softness. Wide large frames are shown here, square glasses will be good, oval and rectangular glasses are also shown, bright frames will be good. You should avoid glasses without frames, small and narrow.
For a long face (pear-shaped), the following sunglasses are suitable: low-rise, wide-top, large lens, bright frame.

Ideally fitted glasses will not fall off and put pressure behind your ears. If you are in doubt about your choice, leave the glasses you like on your face for 6-10 minutes. You will feel how they fit and whether they will be comfortable to wear.

If you want to choose quality glasses, go to a company store. Branded glasses must be accompanied by a certificate indicating the degree of protection from UV rays, accompanied by a case and a special cleaning cloth.
Polycarbonate lenses provide better protection from rays A and B than glass lenses.
Lenses that are too dark do not necessarily provide better protection from intense sun rays. If they are simply colored, but do not have protective properties, as in cheap copies, the influence of the sun can be even more negative than without glasses at all.
Remember, a cap or headband with a visor is half the success in protecting your eyes.
You should also wear glasses in winter, because they protect your eyes and prevent wrinkles.

By the way, for winter it is better to choose glasses with polarized lenses; in the dark at night, photochromic lenses are better.

Sunglasses are an important thing; they are not only a fashion accessory, they are primarily designed to protect your eyes, but if not chosen correctly, they can harm your eyesight. When choosing glasses, be sure to pay attention so that you can see clearly in them and (necessarily!) feel comfortable, otherwise you will soon begin to feel dizzy and discomfort, and you won’t understand what it’s connected with.

Now you know exactly how to choose glasses, and you can safely go shopping.