Will round glasses suit me? Which women's glasses are suitable for a round face: good options. Horn-rimmed

Stylish Sunglasses They can make any of your looks irresistible, fashionable and even add some mystery. Sunglasses have always been and will be the number one accessory that is popular among both women and men.

Without exaggeration, we can say that sunglasses have become " must have"to create a fashionable look. Even a boring look can be effectively transformed by complementing it with just the right beautiful sunglasses for 2019-2020.

Forms sunglasses 2019-2020 will delight fashionistas with the variety of models presented, among which you can easily find the best sunglasses in any style.

In addition to being a fashionable and beautiful accessory, sunglasses are indispensable for protecting your eyes from harmful effects. sun rays. This aspect is even more important and significant than the trendiness of sunglasses and fashion trends.

When choosing sunglasses, you need to take into account both your individual clothing style, face shape, and the quality of the sunglasses themselves.

Fashionable sunglasses, correctly and succinctly chosen, will become indispensable for you, adding sophistication and variety to your appearance.

Fashionable sunglasses 2019-2020 are relevant not only for summer, but also all year round You can wear beautiful sunglasses for girls and women as a fashion accessory.

For summer period You can choose fashionable women's sunglasses with unusual bright frames and lenses; for colder periods, sunglasses that are discreet and calm in style are suitable.

We have created an original selection that presents beautiful and stylish shapes of sunglasses, fashion trends and tendencies, as well as the most fashionable sunglasses 2019-2020, photos of which can be viewed in our review.

Fashionable sunglasses 2019-2020: aviators

Popular and always in trend, aviator sunglasses are well known to us, which have been relevant and in demand among many girls for many years.

Aviators or droplets, as they are also called, have won the hearts of fashionistas and have not given up their position for several years now.

Every year, aviator sunglasses change a little and have their own characteristics. Classic aviators are available in models with brown or black lenses in a metal frame.

For variety, you can also choose aviators with bright colored lenses, which look playful and stylish in a casual summer look.

Fashionable Women's Sunglasses: Cat Eye

Beautiful sunglasses 2019-2020 cat eyeperfect option to create a stylish and at the same time attractive look. Fashionable cat eye sunglasses are feminine and elegant, look impressive in combination with beautiful dresses and business suits.

The most fashionable sunglasses of 2019-2020: oversized

The trend for 2019-2020 is fashionable oversized sunglasses. These forms of sunglasses are presented in discreet frames that are almost invisible, large glasses and unusual solutions of shapes and colors.

Fashionable sunglasses for 2019-2020 will complement your eyewear collection, bringing bold and unusual fashion notes to your style. The most fashionable sunglasses are characterized by rough and thick frames that attract attention.

Shapes of oversized sunglasses presented different options– oval, rectangular, square. The main trend of sunglasses 2019-2020 is huge size frames

Fashionable round sunglasses

The most fashionable sunglasses of 2019-2020 are undoubtedly glasses with round frames. Designers offer round sunglasses in metallic and discreet frames, or, on the contrary, in thick frames.

Popular round sunglasses available in clear lenses, classic brown and black lenses, and striking mirrored lenses.

Round sunglasses are very unusual and may not suit everyone. Therefore, choose fashionable sunglasses that are perfect for you in terms of shape and style.

Fashionable sunglasses for women 2019-2020, trends

In the 2019-2020 fashion season, sunglasses with mirrored lenses are popular, which attracts Special attention and looks impressive. These fashionable glasses are most often presented in laconic metal frames.

For a cute, subtle look, you can choose sunglasses with frames with a pattern, such as floral print, horn frames or marble frames, which are very popular this season.

A stylish option for a true lady is sunglasses with a color gradient (ombre). This type of sunglasses will add mystery and some zest to your look, as well as lightness and attractiveness.

An unusual summer option is fashionable sunglasses 2019-2020 with colored lenses, for example, glasses with red lenses that are popular this season. Don't be afraid to experiment and choose the most unusual and daring shapes of sunglasses this fashion season.

The most fashionable sunglasses of 2019-2020: photos, trends, fashionable forms of sunglasses

In our selection you can find the most beautiful and fashionable sunglasses, unusual and original shapes of sunglasses, photos of which are presented below...

One of the most fashionable and invariably stylish types of glasses is rightfully considered the so-called “tishades”. These are round glasses that gained immense popularity in the 20s of the last century, during the time of the cult group The Beatles. Today, they again challenge ultra-fashionable modern products, having every chance of becoming a kind of “style icon” in the field of this type of accessories. One of distinctive features tishaids lies in the huge variety of their model range. To date, tens of thousands of models have been produced, made of different materials with completely different designs. In most cases, this type of glasses is characterized by a characteristic minimalism in the implementation of design solutions, or quite catchy and aggressive appearance. Thick frames, a variety of decorative elements paired with different colors lenses are a kind of “calling card” of this type of accessory. Fortunately for many fashionistas, the range of this type of glasses is so diverse that every modern fashionista can easily find glasses that fully meet all her requirements and desires. There are even handmade round wooden glasses! Despite the enormous number of models of these products, they are not suitable for everyone. Obviously, this frame is quite extraordinary and this is both its minus and plus. In this article we will talk about how to choose the right round glasses and who they suit best.

How to choose round glasses?

There is no doubt that glasses of this type have been and remain an invariably unique and extraordinary accessory compared to other products. It is precisely because of the combination of these qualities that this type of frame always attracts maximum attention to its owners. However, this type of glasses is best suited for oval or square faces. The format of the product allows you to balance the proportions of the face and thereby correct some of its shortcomings. To be fair, it should be noted that tishades are quite capricious and are completely unsuitable for people with a round face. IN in this case there is no question of any fashionable and stylish accessory for your image; the most you can count on is a comical look and similarity to the on-screen cat Basilio.

But still - who suits round glasses?

This type of frame is best suited for those with square or oval faces. Also, quiet shades will look great on girls with a fairly long nose and a slightly pointed nose. bottom faces. Thanks to the shape of this accessory, you can easily hide a powerful lower jaw and generally balance the proportions of your face. Regardless of the model or brand of certain glasses, eyeglasses are always a catchy, noticeable and extravagant detail of the image, invariably fashionable and stylish accessory, the choice of which should be approached quite carefully. When choosing glasses of this shape, be wise and trust your feelings. After putting them on, carefully examine yourself from all sides; if you have the slightest doubt, you should refrain from purchasing. The feeling of excitement and joy will pass, and you will realize that you did not buy what you wanted.

The trendy “cat’s eye” doesn’t suit everyone, and round quiet shades even more so. We tell you how to avoid getting into trouble and choose the frames of sunglasses or corrective glasses that are ideal for your face type.

There are seven types of face shapes. We explain how they differ from each other, and what “framework” suits them best. Just approach this issue responsibly (and closely to the mirror) and forever forget about the problem of choosing the perfect frame. Our recommendations are suitable for both sunglasses and corrective glasses.

Round face

Jackie Chan

Jacqueline Kennedy

This type of face is distinguished broad forehead, a “non-protruding” chin and plump cheeks. The length and width of the oval are proportional, as if the circle was drawn using a compass. Usually, owners of this type of face dream of reducing their roundness a little and adding more geometry to their face. Glasses without curved elements will help you achieve an “angular” effect: rectangular frames or the legendary wayfarers will do. At the same time, it is important that the glasses are not square - they should be much narrower in width than in length (otherwise you will achieve the same effect as if you were wearing round Lenons - you will emphasize your cheeks and chin even more). Oversized glasses are also not exactly your option: they will cover most of your face and create an incorrect geometry.

Suitable: rectangular and trapezoidal, cat's eye, aviators, wayfarers.

Unsuitable: round and oversized frames.

Square face

Johnny Depp

Olivia Wilde

Those with angular facial features need to pay attention to models that will visually soften sharp cheekbones, a strongly prominent jawline and a wide forehead. These options include round and oval frames, as well as “cat’s eyes” - they will visually round out the lines. In this case, oversized models are also shown. Feel free to choose the most unusual of them, like a pentagon or with applications that go beyond the outline of the frame ─ all the geometry will only work to your advantage.

Suitable:"cat's eye", round, oval.

Unsuitable: square and rectangular.

Oval face

Justin Timberlake

Princess Diana

You are very lucky: this type is distinguished by balanced shapes and proportions ─ a not very wide forehead, a high noble line of cheekbones, a narrow chin and, thanks to all of the above, an open look. Almost any shape option will suit such a face, but when choosing, you will need to pay attention to the width of the frame: it must fit like a glove, otherwise the glasses will constantly fall off. Round glasses will add femininity and softness, angular options will add brutality and toughness. In any case, everyone will be complementary to an oval face. The only note: glasses that are too massive “for half the face” can kill all the charm ─ be careful with them.

Suitable: cat eye, round, square, aviators and wayfarers.

Unsuitable: oversized frames are too large.

Heart shaped face

Brad Pitt

Rachel Harris

The main features of such a face are a wide, prominent forehead, high cheekbones and a sharp chin. Your task is to balance out the slight disproportion by making the “bottom” of the face heavier and removing accents from the “top”. The most perfect shape glasses for such a face - aviators (thin metal frames and lens angles directed away from the face will look extremely advantageous). Wayfarers are also suitable, which will similarly emphasize angularity, but at the same time slightly soften and balance the shape of the face (try it if you are in love with your cheekbones).

Suitable: round and oval glasses, cat eyes, aviators and wayfarers.

Unsuitable: square and rectangular.

Triangular face

Ryan Reynolds

Lady Gaga

This face shape (also called pear-shaped) is characterized by a sharp, prominent jawline and a slightly widened forehead. In general, she is very attractive, it’s just that few people know how to love, appreciate and highlight her. The main rule when choosing glasses for triangular face– give preference to models with a lighter “bottom”, that is, those that will be more “active” on top (this can apply to both shape and color accents or patterns). Glasses with upturned corners, like a cat eye, are definitely suitable. Try experimenting with oversized models, but only round shapes ─ too geometric and with sharp corners will make you look old.

Suitable:"cat's eye", aviators, oversized.

Unsuitable: square.

Oblong face

Katy Perry

The oblong shape differs from the oval shape by being more elongated vertically. Such faces are shown all “horizontal” models ─ those that focus on the width of the face, and not on its length (for example, the same tishades). The glasses will look interesting unusual shapes: traditionally they shorten their faces, but in this case, on the contrary, it will be beneficial. You can try glasses shaped like hearts or flowers, which are beloved by music festival fans. But if you dare to bet on something even more original, it’s an honor and honor.

Suitable:"cat's eye", round.

Unsuitable: narrow and rectangular.

Diamond face

Domenico Dolce

Cate Blanchett

This face shape is often compared to a diamond. What distinguishes it is that it is the most wide part located along the cheekbones, the forehead is quite massive, and the chin is sharp and narrow. In this case, the main task with the help of glasses is to achieve proportionality between the bottom and top of the face. Choose glasses that soften your cheekbones and add weight to your lower face, such as aviators or wayfarers. Oversized glasses will also be appropriate if you choose them wisely: such models should protrude no more than a couple of centimeters beyond the oval line, and be more elongated in shape than round.

Suitable: aviators, wayfarers, oversized.

Unsuitable: round.

Photo: Getty Images, press service archives

They are called "grandmother's glasses", "bicycles" and "glasses for the blind". Round, with a thin simple frame, as laconic as possible - quieteye glasses. This accessory appears on fashion registries from time to time, but after a while it quietly disappears, only to be reborn a few years later. Perhaps this is due to the fact that quiet shade glasses do not suit everyone; they require careful adherence to style and the selection of additional items that are close in meaning.

Tisheids: design, features and purpose

Tisheyda glasses have a perfectly round lens, encased in a wire frame. Today, more modern, attractive and comfortable materials are used for its manufacture. The peak of popularity of these stylish glasses dates back to the 20th century and hippie times. It was for “flower children” that they became a calling card. Nowadays they wear them on the beach, themed parties, other events. Tisheids are distinguished by minimalism in design and severity of form.

They are considered the oldest form of glasses. They consist of lenses, frames, bridges and arms and appeared not as sun protection, but as corrective ones. They were worn in most cases by representatives of mental professions. That is why many people associate them with “nerds” and teachers. Nowadays, tea-shade glasses appear in fashion shows, TV shows and Everyday life. This is no longer the same classic in a wire frame, but a more modified version.

The color of the lenses mainly depends on the model, that is, its purpose and style.. They are:

  • Black - do not distort natural colors, are neutral, protect from bright light.
  • Green - used for ophthalmic purposes to treat glaucoma.
  • Brown - enhance contrast, but preserve colors.
  • Pink and purple - used for beauty.
  • Darkened - suitable for working at a computer to increase contrast.
  • Polarized - covered with a film to reduce glare and protect from the sun.
  • Transparent - protect from wind and dust; if you use special lenses, they serve for vision correction.
  • Mirror - reflect the sun's rays.
  • Colored (yellow, red, blue) - slightly distort colors, but do not interfere in everyday life and when driving a car.

If we talk about the material from which lenses for eyeglasses are made, it can be plastic or glass. Glass ones have higher transparency, but are much heavier and break easily. Plastic (acrylic, polyurethane) is more susceptible to scratches. Polycarbonate glasses are considered the best because they are lightweight, have good transparency and high level ultraviolet reflections. Frames for teeshades come in plastic, metal and nylon.

Women wear teeshades if their geometric contour suits their face shape. For men, tie-shade glasses have a deeper meaning. With the help of this accessory, men emphasize their belonging to the subculture. In general, glasses are for the eyes as clothes are for the body. They are also designed to protect against influence external factors the surrounding world, and as decoration. There is also a more exotic alternative to teeshades. The pince-nez glasses have the same shape and look truly vintage. This accessory from the era of Anton Chekhov is worn very rarely and carefully. Pince-nez look too theatrical, unlike tishades, and therefore are not so popular.

Who suits round glasses?

Any glasses are selected taking into account the shape of a person’s face. They suit some people, but look ridiculous on others. They should not look like a foreign object and distract attention. When choosing, everything matters: oval of the face, shape of the eyes, arch and placement of the eyebrows, shape of the nose.

Round glasses look funny on a round face. But for a long face with sharp nose and elongated facial features - this is an ideal option. They are also suitable for those with an oval face. Tishades look good on girls with long hair and bob haircuts. On men with beards, stubble and mustaches they look like a glove. A square face in quiet shades becomes a little softer. Those who a long nose, massive chin or lower jaw , tishades help balance the face and are an excellent method for visually correcting its features.

It is worth considering the size of the face itself and looking for golden mean. If on large face the thin small frame will show off, it will seem even wider, and the glasses themselves will look ridiculous on such a face.

Small people should not wear this form of glasses, as they will resemble comic characters or look childishly funny. And tishades suit tall and long-legged beauties just right.

What to wear with quiet shades

Glasses, like any other accessory, are matched to clothing, but not vice versa. One accessory can look beautiful or ridiculous on the same person. It all depends on the chosen style and the combination of its individual elements. Tishaida is enough rare form points. They go out of fashion from time to time and come back again thanks to celebrities. They are considered an elite subject and a significant part of the cultural history of mankind. Therefore, it is worth following the examples of cult personalities of cinema and music, so as not to go wrong.

There is a certain style system. To decide what is best to wear tee-shades with, it is easier to find out what is best not to wear them with. They are not appropriate in sporty, romantic, seductive and elegant styles. Very rarely do they find a place in the classics. But in creative and dramatic images they are an ideal complement.

It is important to combine non-standard colors and prints and fabric textures with them. If the clothing does not particularly stand out with these indicators, a non-standard cut would be an alternative. The main thing is to combine the top and bottom correctly. If the blouse or jacket is of a creative color, then the trousers or skirt are chosen in calmer tones. And, conversely, it is better to wear a discreet sweater or jacket with a bright bottom.

Dramatic style It assumes mainly an organic alliance of red and black colors and leather details. And quiet shades are a great addition to the image. In our culture, there are some stereotypes regarding fans of round glasses. These are certainly either very smart and well-read people, or they are creative people - poets, artists, actors. In such images, tishades harmonize well with the traditional accessories inherent to this caste of people - scarves, berets, umbrellas in the form of a cane. This use of additional attributes makes a person stand out from the crowd and speaks volumes about his non-standard profession and way of thinking.

To create an image of an intellectual, quiet shades should be worn with formal clothes and classic accessories. For followers of the hippie or rock star style, they are generally irreplaceable in combination with ripped jeans, outfits with ethnic motifs, wide shirts, baubles, combat boots, thick sweaters and wicker hats. Guys with an athletic build and those involved in professions where physical strength is important can wear round glasses as part of a military style. Glamorous and creative people wear them with bright blazers, original shoes, cufflinks and ties.

It is very difficult to completely conform to any style. Therefore, sometimes it is enough to use only some accessories or clothing details that will resonate with the tishaids and complement them. Tie a silk scarf around your neck under your shirt, put a small scarf in your cardigan pocket and this will be a worthy support for your creative glasses.

It is very important not to overdo it with accessories so as not to look like a Christmas tree. For men - no more than two, for women a little more, but in moderation. It is also worth considering where the person is going to appear in his wonderful image. After all, one of the most important factors for choosing clothes and accessories is their appropriateness.

The history of fashion for tea-shades

It is known that such glasses were worn by Gandhi, Osip Brik and Panikovsky in the past, but then there was no talk of any fashion. The most famous fan of round glasses was the great Beatle, John Lennon, who is considered the founder of the fashion for them. Modern stars of domestic show business and Hollywood also do not refuse this accessory. Grigory Leps never goes on stage without them. Doctor Bykov from the TV series “Interns,” also known as actor Ivan Okhlobystin, has long made this model part of his everyday look. His collection includes glasses with multi-colored lenses and frames.

Many movie characters, who were remembered and loved by millions, wore tishades. For example, Jean Reno in the film “Leon the Killer”, Bruce Willis in “Hudson Hawk”. “Grandma’s glasses” are also popular among younger generation. Especially after the appearance of Harry Potter, who today is considered the most famous bespectacled fictional character in the world.

Today glasses are no longer simple medical necessity, which improves vision and protects the eyes from the sun. This accessory has become a fashion trend. A variety of frames can complement almost any style, giving it zest and individuality.

Round sunglasses The Row x Linda Farrow 2014

Round glasses: back to basics

Glasses round shape with tinted glass in a minimalist style are the very first invention to protect from the sun's rays and hide the eyes from others. These are exactly the ones that were found in the tomb of Tutankhamun and during excavations Ancient China. The lenses of the former were made of thin cuts of emerald, the latter - of quartz.

The first peak in popularity of round-framed glasses occurred in the 20s and 30s of the 20th century. Then they were actively promoted by many celebrities. Their goal was not so much to protect themselves from the sun, but to hide their eyes, which were very red from the lighting.

After some time, the glory of this accessory faded. Round glasses came back into fashion only with the hippie era and the legendary group The Beatles. Its participant and creator John Lennon never parted with an unusual and cute accessory.

It was John Lennon's fans who spread the fashion for round-framed glasses. However, this model was also preferred then and today by other celebrities, for example, Ozzy Osbourne and Elton John

Who suits round glasses?

Glasses a la John Lennon: features and style

Today, round glasses are experiencing another revival. People call them “bicycles”, “blind people” or “grandmother’s bicycles”. However, this model has its own name - quietshades.

Classic quiet shades are extremely laconic. They consist of perfectly round lenses, identical thin frames and temples. In modern interpretations of tishades, the frame may either be absent altogether, or very thick, decorated with various details.

Round glasses lenses come in a variety of shades. Everyone has their own purpose. For example, the best option to protect vision from rays, they are black, mirrored or equipped with a special polarized film. Green lenses are used in the treatment of glaucoma; slightly darkened lenses can increase contrast.

These glasses are still considered a sign of hippies. This is exactly how men who prefer a round-shaped accessory are associated. A slightly different attitude towards women and girls. The fair half of humanity puts on quiet clothes (classic or modern) only if they suit the appearance and the chosen style direction.

How to choose round glasses and who they suit?

Round-framed glasses attract a lot of attention from others. The accessory looks stylish, impressive and unusual, and will highlight you favorably in the crowd. That is why, when making a choice in favor of quiet shades, you need to be sure that they are in full compliance with your data.

An accessory such as glasses must be chosen based on your face shape and overall appearance. When trying on quiet shades, pay attention to how they look on you. Round glasses should not give your appearance a ridiculous, stupid look, distract attention or look foreign object. At the same time, your feelings are also important: suitable glasses you will be comfortable, they do not cause irritation or a desire to quickly get rid of the accessory.

These rules are relevant not only for quiet shades, but also for glasses of other shapes. When choosing a round frame, prepare for... increased attention from others. Round glasses rarely leave anyone indifferent

Tishaids are ideal for elongated and oval shapes faces. Glasses with round frame able to visually correct elongated features or a slightly pointed/long nose. The accessory also looks good on a square face: the features become softer and somewhat neater. Stylists also recommend tishades for massive lower parts and large chins.

Pay special attention to the “correct” frame. For example, on a large face, small classic quiet shades will look funny. In this situation, it is better to prefer round glasses with a massive frame.