Is a deferment from the army given when entering graduate school? Does a master's degree give a deferment from the army?

If you are studying at a university in a higher education program or are completing such studies, you probably have a question - do I now have a deferment from the army? In this article we will try to answer this question. We will analyze the three most popular groups of people:

  • Those who have completed a bachelor's degree and are entering a master's degree;
  • Future graduate students;
  • Doctors entering residency.

I would like to consider in advance all issues related to distance learning.

Extramural study in any form does not give the right to a deferment.

Also, for all three groups, the issue of being on academic leave will be considered.

For future masters

If you are applying for a master's degree, then you may encounter two situations, depending on where you studied previously:

1) If you went to university for any specialty under the bachelor's program, then you received a deferment. Once you complete your studies, your right to deferment disappears.

But if you enroll in a master's program, then the right to deferment is renewed. This happens because undergraduate studies do not constitute completed higher education. Therefore, a master's degree gives you a deferment from the army.

Since the graduation of bachelors takes place in June, you may be drafted into the army before July 15 (the end date of the spring conscription campaign). To avoid this, you need to prepare in advance and find reasons for yourself either for a deferment due to health reasons, or for exemption from conscription. This can be done So:

  • Get examined at the clinic;
  • Compare your diagnoses with the Schedule of Diseases and determine the category of fitness for military service;

If you are fit, then you need to wait for the decision on your draft and appeal it in court - in this case, you will not be able to be drafted until the court's decision. And since it will most likely be after the end of the conscription campaign, you will definitely not be taken;

2) You have decided to go to a master's program, having completed your studies in specialty programs. Since a deferment from the army is given for receiving only ONE higher education, you are subject to conscription, since the specialty is a completed higher education. In this case, only graduate school gives you a deferment from the army.

If you are taking a leave of absence, then total time studies should not increase by more than 1 year. More details about all of the above:

For those who want to become a graduate student

If you are going to go to graduate school (even if it is paid) and study according to the relevant educational standards at any university, then you are entitled to a deferment from the army for a period of 3 years. But every young person who wants to undergo educational training in this format should know a few important details:

  • The university where you are going to complete your postgraduate education program must have special accreditation that allows you to conduct training in the postgraduate specialty - this is important. According to the law, if you study at a university without this accreditation, nothing prevents the military registration and enlistment office from calling you up for military service;
  • If within 3 years you successfully pass 3 candidate's theses, pass the pre-defense at the department and are allowed to defend your dissertation, then you will be given an additional deferment from the army for 1 year to defend your dissertation and receive documents for a candidate of sciences;
  • After successfully completing graduate school and receiving the title of Candidate of Sciences, you will receive a military ID and will be exempt from conscription;
  • If you are going on academic leave, then the deadline educational programs should not increase by more than 1 year.

The most difficult thing when applying to graduate school is not to get caught in the spring recruitment events. Since they end on July 15th and you graduate on last days June, that is, a short period of time during which you can be called to the draft board and try to be drafted. To avoid this, you need to find out in advance whether you have grounds for a health deferment or exemption from conscription.

If you fail to find such grounds, then in this case you should wait for the decision of the draft commission to appeal it in court. Then you will not be able to be drafted until July 15 (the consideration of the case in court suspends draft activities), and in the fall you will already be studying. More details about everything said:

For those who want to become a resident

If you are a medical student and want to study in residency, then you are entitled to a deferment from the army for the entire duration of your studies. In 2013, a problem arose - deferments were canceled for those entering internship. This event forced many medical students to go into residency. It happened because internships lost their status as institutions of postgraduate education.

However, in May 2016, this status was returned again. Therefore, if you have a question about where to go, know that you can absolutely calmly apply for both residency and internship. You also need to know that if you take an academic leave, the total duration of your studies can only increase by 1 year and no more.

In contact with

There is an army deferment for entering a master's program. However, there are some specific features. Firstly, you can get such a deferment if you identify your desire in advance and go through everything necessary procedures in an educational institution. Secondly, if you enroll in a master's program after receiving a bachelor's degree, then you have the right to a deferment. If you decide to enroll in a master's degree after graduating from an educational institution as a specialist, the right to a deferment is lost. Is it possible to get a deferment when entering a master's program?
  • Having entered higher education educational institution a person gains the opportunity to defer from the army. Accordingly, for four years you cannot be drafted, otherwise it will be direct violation law. Every year you will need to submit a package of documents to the military registration and enlistment office to confirm your status and indicate that you have not been expelled and are continuing your studies. If you do not submit these documents, you will end up receiving a summons and will face numerous difficulties in completing the documents;
  • If you decide to enroll in a master's program after receiving a bachelor's degree, you need to visit the military registration and enlistment office in advance and find out how to properly formalize this desire in order to receive a deferment. Among other things, you will need to undergo the necessary certification in advance in order to provide all the necessary documents to the military registration and enlistment office;
  • If you received a deferment of five years due to the fact that you are graduating from a higher educational institution as a specialist, then after receiving of this education, in accordance with the changes that have been made to the legislation, you lose the right to a deferment upon admission to the master's program. In fact, you cannot enroll in a master's program because you will be drafted into the army anyway.
  • Deferment and master's degree So, you graduate from a higher educational institution and receive the status of bachelor. IN in this case, you need to indicate in advance your desire to enroll in a master's program. You need to select a specific educational institution and go through all the necessary administrative procedures, as well as provide all necessary documents. After which, you must notify the military registration and enlistment office employees that you are going to get a master's degree, and receive a list of documents that you will need to provide in order to receive a deferment from the army.

    If you graduated from a higher educational institution with specialist status, then the master's program will not give you a deferment. Therefore, you need to look for other ways that could help you get the desired delay. One way out is to have a child, although for many young people, such a decision does not even justify the desire to avoid the army. It should also be said that legislation on the issue of deferment changes extremely often and needs to be monitored, because literally last year, admission to a master’s program, in any case, made it possible to take advantage of the opportunity to defer.

    However, if you go to serve in the army, then the doors of many good companies will open up to you. For example, there, the reputable security company "Bars" hires only people who have served in the military, who are physically strong and proficient in fighting techniques and skills. hand-to-hand combat. Therefore, the services of this division are very popular.

    Deferment from the army due to the birth of a child is possible, but not as a rule. The regulatory laws of our country provide for a deferment family circumstances. Let's explore...

    Where to continue studying after school – main question every student. Especially young guys ask this question, since it is important for them not only to receive a good quality education, but also the opportunity to study continuously, without worrying about being drafted into the army. Many educational organizations have a special right to issue certificates to students. These certificates exempt them from conscription.

    Thus, a conscript can calmly study at a university for 5-6 years and calmly, systematically gain knowledge in his chosen field without the constant fear that his studies may be interrupted due to receiving a summons. Deferments from conscription into the army are prescribed in the Law Russian Federation"ABOUT military duty And military service" In accordance with this law, a young person has the right to continue his studies in one of the following educational institutions:

    • secondary educational institutions;
    • colleges and technical schools that train specialists in certain areas;
    • educational institutions providing higher education programs.

    Let's take a closer look at the last type of educational institution.

    Criteria that provide an opportunity for students to relieve themselves of the need to serve in the army

    Students can receive a certificate that exempts them from service if:

    • the institution providing higher education programs is licensed;
    • quality of products sold government programs corresponds state standards education;
    • the delay is used for the first time;
    • the young man is a full-time student.

    If a student is enrolled in a group for correspondence department, he is drafted into the army, like all other young men. In addition, a student cannot receive a deferment certificate if he is taking evening classes.

    Any student has the right to request copies of documents on licensing and state accreditation from the dean of the educational institute. When enrolling an applicant for full-time study, he should register and register with the military registration desk, which is available in many educational organizations. The following documents are listed, the submission of which allows the student to receive a deferment certificate:

    • passport;
    • military ID;
    • registration certificate.

    The received certificate is evidence that the student actually receives knowledge in the chosen field as a full-time student at this university. The help contains the following information:

    • order of enrollment, the number of this document and the date that indicates enrollment;
    • approximate date of completion of training in this educational institution and obtaining a diploma;
    • also, at the time of requesting the certificate, it indicates the current year and course of study. With this certificate, the student must appear at the military registration and enlistment office and undergo a medical examination.

    After this, the commission responsible for conscripting citizens for military service makes a decision on whether to enlist him in the army or not. It should be remembered that it is the military registration and enlistment office that gives a deferment from the army, and not the educational center. Even if a student is studying at a higher educational institution where there is a military department, this does not affect the situation in any way, and military training at a university does not make it possible to bypass the military registration and enlistment office. If the student has a deferment certificate issued educational organization, only then can he not be drafted into the army.

    How to obtain a certificate of deferment for studies in a master's program

    After a student has completed a three- or four-year study in the chosen direction and specialty, he receives a bachelor's degree. After this, he has the right to decide to continue his studies and obtain a higher degree - a master's degree. In order for the training to take place without interruptions, he can again submit the documents, the list of which was indicated above, to the military registration office. Only this time, the original bachelor’s diploma is added to the above documents, indicating receipt of a specialist degree. Here you should also take into account some features:

  • The master's program and its quality of teaching must comply with state standards.
  • The student must begin the master's degree program in the year of completion of the bachelor's degree program.
  • The age factor is taken into account, which indicates completion of school before adulthood. If he was a school graduate when he came of age, the deferment is not granted.
  • There is an opinion that a deferment from the army when entering a master's program can only be obtained at the university where the student completed the bachelor's program. However, it is not. A deferment can be obtained at any other university while studying for a master's degree if the above conditions are met.

    As can be seen from the information provided, getting a deferment is not so difficult. The main thing is to choose a university that provides such an opportunity.

    The benefits provided by law for higher education determine the regulations and mechanisms for interaction between conscripts. Persons moving to the next level immediately upon completion of the previous one can use the academic right to transfer their term of service. According to current standards, transfer of service time is possible for full-time students; for part-time students, the benefit is not relevant. It is important to understand that studying at the master's level provides benefits if the university has proper state accreditation.

    Deferment from the army upon admission after a bachelor's degree

    The benefit is relevant for persons 18-27 years old, this period represents conscription age. It is established by law that citizens who transferred to a new level of education in the same year without a time period between stages can apply for a transfer of service. An important addition: the benefit is broadcast once; if it was used previously, it loses its relevance in the master’s program.

    After graduating from a specialty, will there be a deferment in the master's program?

    The presence of a specialist’s document indicates the implementation of academic law. Its implementation is valid for the agreed period of study, therefore, persons who have completed a specialty and entered a master's program in a related or other specialty lose the right to defer conscription. You should understand: this opportunity is provided once during your entire study period, and you will not be able to use it again. Within the framework of the law, a specialty is considered as a complete higher education, and admission to the next level is like receiving a second higher education, to which this benefit does not apply.

    Choose a training program

    Does receiving a deferment depend on the graduation date and admission?

    Many students ask a similar question when planning their lives and futures. professional activity. The regulatory act dated March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ spells out in detail this moment. Deferment from the army is implemented for individuals who have not previously used it, and for the next level in the year of completion of the previous one. If there is a temporary gap between stages of study, the student loses his academic right and cannot exercise it again.

    Does the form of study in a master's program affect the receipt of a deferment?

    The benefit implies a full-time education format. Other forms, including remote ones, do not have this privilege and cannot serve as a valid reason for rescheduling military service. Important condition deferments: the master's degree specialty of the selected university must have state accreditation.

    When is it worth taking care of a deferment in advance?

    Persons who are to emergency service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, you should carefully study current legislature. Important feature the benefit is a one-time provision, regardless of implementation. By receiving an education and not completing their studies, citizens lose their academic rights upon reinstatement at the university and subsequent admission to higher institutions.

    Is there a delay in restoration?

    Expulsion of a listener from the stream and the presence of a corresponding order automatically neutralizes the benefit. After reinstatement, the student loses the opportunity to delay military service. Regardless of the reasons for leaving (academic debt, personal desire), the student will need to contact the appropriate structures with a package of documents. The situation with academic leave is different, here the order is not signed, which means higher education is not interrupted, and the student does not lose benefits.

    About which important nuances worth remembering?

    In order to implement academic law, the university where training takes place must be public or private, but fully accredited; this point is clearly stated in the law. A similar requirement is put forward for the specialty that is to be mastered. Its state accreditation is an important component for the lawful implementation of the benefit.