Calculation of a personal ovulation calendar. How to calculate the day of ovulation yourself


Ovulation is the process of maturation and release of an egg into the uterine cavity. It is this period of the menstrual cycle that is most favorable for pregnancy, therefore at the family planning stage it is very important to take into account exactly when ovulation occurred. With a regular menstrual cycle, there are no problems with determining such a period. However, in the case when we're talking about about an irregular cycle, determine favorable period It can be more difficult, but there are several ways to do it. How to calculate ovulation with an irregular cycle, and how accurate are certain methods?

Ovulation calculation

Ovulation in an irregular cycle is quite difficult to determine; a number of methods are used for this purpose: laboratory methods. It is also important to rely on accompanying symptoms.

It is important to remember that it is not regular cycle often a sign of pathology of one type or another - hormonal disorder, inflammatory process etc. Moreover, with some types of such disorders, it is undesirable to become pregnant, as this can negatively affect the mother’s health.

Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor if you have irregular periods than to plan a pregnancy in this condition.

Calendar method

With a regular menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs strictly in the middle of it. Usually, depending on the length of the cycle, this occurs between 12 and 16 days. Ovulation lasts only one day, although, theoretically, high probability pregnancy lasts more than a day due to the long survival of both sperm and eggs. Thus, with a regular cycle lasting 28 days, it is clear that ovulation will occur on days 14-15 and these same days will be the most favorable for conception.

The peculiarity of an irregular cycle is that it is very difficult to correctly count the day. Maturation also occurs in the middle of the cycle, but since the woman does not know the expected duration of the cycle, she cannot determine its middle. If the cycle is 24 days, then ovulation will be on day 11-12, and if it is 30 days, then on day 15-16, etc. Therefore, in this case, you have to use other determination methods.

Diagnosis of luteinizing hormone in urine

Luteinizing hormone is a specific compound, a significant concentration of which appears in the urine on the eve of ovulation. After its completion, the concentration of the hormone also gradually decreases. It is needed in the body in order to stimulate the actual release of eggs from the follicles, as well as to create a favorable hormonal background for fertilization and conception. Its concentration is determined by urine.

You can find out its content both in the laboratory and at home, using a special ovulation test. The principle of operation of such a test and the rules for conducting the study are described below.

Cervical mucus method

Cervical mucus is a special secretion that is secreted by the cervical glands located in the cervix. It is from this that they are formed vaginal discharge. These secretions perform quite a lot of functions in reproductive system, because their character, color, texture and abundance change throughout the menstrual cycle. Thanks to them, more or less favorable conditions for conception, etc. For example, dense thick discharge prevent conception at the first stage of the cycle, when the endometrium has not yet fully recovered after menstruation.

The mucus changes on the eve of egg maturation and ovulation can be determined with greater or less accuracy. The mucus becomes transparent and viscous, similar to egg white, feels like wet. This is necessary in order to simplify pregnancy at the ovulation stage. Due to the fact that it is quite viscous, it makes it easier for sperm to penetrate the female reproductive cell.

Discharge of this nature appears approximately a day before the start of ovulation, and stops along with it or a day after it, that is, they last for 2-3 days in total. And exactly this stage is the most favorable for trying to get pregnant. By the way, based on the timing of the onset of ovulation, this method can also be used to predict the start time of the next period.

The method is not very informative and reliable. Largely because such secretions are sometimes a symptom of a hormonal disorder, inflammation, infection, etc.

BT method

How to calculate ovulation with an irregular cycle differently? This can also be done by creating a schedule. basal temperature(BT). Basal temperature is a thermal indicator of the human body in a state of absolute rest. For example, after eating, taking a shower, psycho-emotional stress, physical activity body temperature is no longer true, its indicator is slightly too high. Therefore, basal temperature measurement is carried out strictly in the morning, without getting out of bed, without eating and lying without a blanket.

It must be measured rectally or orally, since such methods give the most accurate result. Both mercury and electronic thermometers can be used.

How can you “catch” ovulation using a thermal indicator? The fact is that BT increases slightly as eggs mature. If on average during the menstrual cycle its indicator is in the range of 36.2-36.7, then during the period of ovulation it rises to 36.9-37.1. Then the temperature gradually decreases again to normal levels.

The method is uninformative and inconvenient. Since the temperature during ovulation for different women is different, the ripening process can be accidentally skipped. For example, on the 12th day of the cycle, a woman records her temperature as 36.9 and thinks that maturation has not yet begun and she needs to wait longer. high temperature. But the next day the indicator may already begin to decline. This means that you specific woman in a particular cycle, ovulation was accompanied by a temperature of 36.9, but due to the wide possible range of ovulation temperatures, an error occurred.

If you still decide to use this method, then it is easier to calculate ovulation with an irregular cycle using a basal temperature chart. This is the graph horizontal axis which plots the days, and vertically – temperatures in increments of 0.1 degrees. This will allow you to more accurately predict ovulation.


You can find out with almost absolute probability when ovulation occurs by using the method ultrasound diagnostics(ultrasound). During this procedure, a specialist examines the patient's ovaries to determine whether the follicles are mature. If they are ripe, then they form sex cell, which will be released soon fallopian tube, and then into the lumen of the uterus for fertilization. During ultrasound examination you can find out exactly what stage of maturation the ovarian follicles are at, and therefore calculate the most suitable day for trying to get pregnant.

This method has almost absolute accuracy and information content. But there are also exceptions. In some patients, the follicles mature, but do not rupture and the germ cell does not come out of them. In this case, ovulation does not actually occur. This feature of the cycle cannot be predicted by ultrasound.

Ovulation tests for irregular cycles

An ovulation test for irregular cycles can also help to fairly reliably find out the most suitable stage of the cycle for pregnancy. These tests look similar to pregnancy tests and have a similar principle of operation. In fact, the only difference from the test for the presence of conception is the presence of which hormone the test strip reacts to. For tests for the presence of conception, this is hCG, which is released during conception; for tests for maturation of the germ cell, it is luteinizing hormone, which concentrates in the body as ovulation approaches. The material being tested is most often urine; in more expensive systems, saliva.

  1. Use only fresh urine;
  2. Do not urinate for at least 2 hours before the test;
  3. Do not test the first time you urinate in the morning;
  4. Do not drink too much liquid the day before, as this reduces the level of the hormone in the urine.

It is recommended to carry out the study on day 11 monthly cycle, that is, on the 11th day from the first day of the previous menstruation. Another way is to subtract 14 days from the minimum cycle for the last five months. That is, when the cycle was 22 days, then the test must be carried out on day 8 (22-14 = 8).

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Created for online calculation ovulation date, favorable and safe days to conceive a child.

Ovulation is the release of a mature egg from the ovary abdominal cavity. During the period of ovulation, the probability of becoming pregnant is maximum. In addition, the days before and after ovulation are also considered favorable for conception, because sperm live for several days and the probability of fertilization is quite high.

Please note that the data obtained is calculated approximately based on average statistical data. But each person is unique, so deviations from the average are always possible. If you have regular cycle(with a constant duration), then the calculated data can be trusted. At irregular cycle online calculator You cannot use it during ovulation. In this case, use other methods to calculate ovulation (ultrasound, changes in basal temperature, ovulation tests).

To increase your chances of getting pregnant, regular sex (every 2-4 days) throughout your cycle is recommended. Sperm are capable of fertilization within several days (up to 7) after sexual intercourse. Therefore, whenever ovulation occurs, they will be in place and ready to meet the egg. According to statistics, more than 90% of couples who have regular sex life are able to conceive a child within two years.

Calculate ovulation yourself

  • measuring basal temperature and keeping a chart;
  • by church slime;
  • using an ovulation test;
  • calendar method.

The calendar method is not complicated, but does not provide a 100% guarantee. As you know, ovulation occurs 14-16 days before the start of the next menstruation, i.e. If you have an “ideal” 28th cycle, then ovulation will occur approximately between 12 and 16 days, and usually on the 14th day.

Menstrual cycle may be irregular for a variety of reasons. One of the difficulties of an irregular cycle is calculating the period of ovulation. This is especially important if you are planning to conceive a child. The period of ovulation is the most optimal time for fertilization of an egg by a sperm. Ovulation lasts relatively short - only 12-14 hours. Therefore, it is very important to know exactly when it will occur. Keep in mind that an irregular menstrual cycle may be a symptom of some diseases and other problems that must be eliminated before conception. For example, it could be an ovarian cyst, diabetes V initial stage or dysfunction thyroid gland. Therefore, before becoming pregnant, be sure to consult a doctor.


Monitor your body's condition

    Measure your body temperature. Basal body temperature will help you understand when ovulation will occur. So take your body temperature every morning for several months to track when you ovulate. .

    Watch your vaginal discharge. The stage of the menstrual cycle can be determined by the discharge from the vaginal mucosa. Hormonal fluctuations cause changes in the consistency and color of mucus. .

    Monitor the condition of the cervix. The cervix is ​​a small space between the uterus and the vagina. Throughout the menstrual cycle, the position and condition of the cervix changes, allowing you to understand when ovulation will occur.

    • Feel your cervix with your finger every day and remember the approximate location and internal relief to track changes.
    • During the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the cervix will be low. When the body begins to prepare for ovulation, the cervix softens, opens slightly and begins to contract to open the passage to the egg.
    • Place one or two fingers into the vagina a few centimeters, you will soon hit the cervix. You will feel the tip of your finger touching a small hole.
    • If you don't know how to feel the cervix,...
  1. Check your hormone levels using a special test. An ovulation test measures luteinizing hormone (LH) levels. Right before ovulation, levels of this hormone rise. .

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    We increase the likelihood of getting pregnant

    If you and your loved one decide to have a child, but you do not have regular sexual relations, an ovulation and conception calendar will help you.

    This is such a convenient thing that will show on what day the probability of starting a pregnancy is higher. But before we use it, let's figure out what it is and how it works.

    The calculator performs simple calculations for the next few months, showing you when the next ovulation will occur, unless unforeseen events, illnesses or any deviations occur.

    This information is necessary for every woman hoping for imminent pregnancy. And the calculator can provide it. Receiving the beginning and length of the menstrual cycle instead of input data, he describes the entire period step by step.

    What is ovulation?

    First, we need to understand what ovulation is and how it affects pregnancy.

    Ovulation is a special day in the menstrual cycle when there is a high probability that conception will be successful. How does a child appear? The egg needs to be fertilized.

    About a week after the end of menstruation, a new egg has already matured in the woman’s body, ready to become a baby. If you fertilize it on time, you will get a fruit. If you do not fertilize, in another week and a half a new period will begin.

    But that special period, lasting no more than two days, shows when the uterus is ready to accept the embryo and the egg is ready to be fertilized. Unfortunately, the lifespan of an egg is short - from 12 to 36 hours.

    Therefore, it is very important to know exactly when ovulation occurs so as not to miss the right time.

    For men, such a calendar is not needed - sperm live long and are constantly renewed. So your partner is ready to conceive a child any day if he wants it.

    How to calculate the moment?

    You don't have to do the calculations yourself. For this, there are many online programs that allow you to quickly and free calculate your ovulation date.

    This calculator will save you time and easily tell you when to make your sex life more active to start pregnancy. You will receive a convenient calendar on which everything will be marked simply and clearly.

    To calculate the date of ovulation, you need to know only two things: the days the last one began and the days before. last menstrual period. If you have an irregular cycle, it is better to take more dates. Look at the period between them and get the cycle length.

    If the numbers are different for different months, then we take the latter. These calculation conditions are easy to remember: rare woman doesn't remember when her period started.

    When you enter the day of your last menstruation and the length of your cycle into the online calculator, the program will be able to calculate your entire period. The probable day of your next period will be marked in red.

    Light green – the middle of the luteal phase. This is the time when the egg appears and develops. These days are the average probability of starting a pregnancy.

    Green color indicates the day of ovulation, the highest probability of conceiving a baby. But this does not mean that the calculator is 100% correct and you need to try hard only at this time.

    Sometimes the egg is ready and alive a little earlier or a little later. Therefore, the approximate time is the day marked in green, plus or minus another day.

    Such online calendar allows you to know the most important ones several months in advance lucky days. You can print it out and put it in your desk so you can refer to the dates. In addition, the calendar will remind you of your upcoming period.

    Other signs of ovulation

    The middle of the cycle is far from the only landmark of a good time for pregnancy. The days when the egg is most ready for fertilization will be slightly different from the rest.

    For example, estrogens affect a woman’s body even during the development of the egg, even before it is fertilized, before pregnancy begins. And these changes can be tracked:

    • Appear a little viscous discharge from the genitals. This does not last long, a couple of days at most.
    • On the day of ovulation, a woman's temperature drops slightly. It may not be very noticeable, but if you measure it every day, small deviations will help calculate the time of ovulation.
    • Lightweight It's a dull pain, as if you slightly pulled your abdominal muscles. It does not always appear, but is often a consequence of ongoing ovulation.
    • Increased sexual excitability.

    The online calculator will provide you with a calendar that allows you to narrow down the period of greatest activity.

    But it has other uses too. Such a calendar may not be the most accurate, but it is still a method of contraception.

    But remember: there is always the possibility of error, for example with an irregular cycle. The calendar cannot be considered an ideal remedy for pregnancy.

    Many believe that conception relative to ovulation greatly influences the sex of the child. If the child was conceived before ovulation, most likely it will be a girl, and if after, it will most likely be a boy. Believe it or not - it's up to you. However, knowing your cycle will help you a lot.

    In almost everyone's life married couple The moment of planning a child comes. A woman is preparing for pregnancy, planning the timing of conceiving a child, and... Some people succeed the first time, others - after 3-4 months or later. The most best time for conceiving a child, this is the period of ovulation, which occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, and the time of its occurrence can be calculated. When the cycle is regular, calculating the day of ovulation is quite simple - it occurs 12-15 days before next cycle. But what if the cycle is not regular, for example, one lasts 35 days, the second - 28, and the third - 31? How is ovulation calculated in an irregular cycle and what methods give the maximum exact result- about this in our article today.

    Causes of irregular periods

    A woman’s body is a rather fragile thing, and fluctuations in the menstrual cycle can be influenced by many factors.


    The most common cause of cycle disruption in most cases is stress. Problems at work, at home, constant lack of sleep, and even severe overwork in long period- and now the body is under stress, and the cycle fails.


    Infectious and non-communicable diseases internal organs, both in the sexual sphere and in others, can also cause an irregular cycle. Therefore, it is very important to do before planning a pregnancy full examination body - it can reveal hidden diseases, and perhaps normalize the cycle.

    Sudden weight fluctuations

    Too much sharp fluctuations weight leads to restructuring of the body, and reproductive system also does not stand aside. Therefore, if a woman plans to lose weight, she should remember that this may affect the menstrual cycle.

    Hormonal disbalance

    The causes of hormonal imbalance can be both the above reasons and diseases of the thyroid gland. In case of hormonal imbalance, it is not recommended to plan pregnancy yet hormonal background won't go back to normal.

    Methods for determining ovulation during an irregular cycle

    There are several methods by which you can determine when ovulation begins. With an irregular cycle, it is somewhat more difficult to determine, but nevertheless possible. For a more accurate determination, it is better to use several methods at once.

    Calendar method

    The most popular and accessible, but not the most accurate in the case of irregular cycle method. The menstrual cycle consists of two periods: before ovulation, when the egg matures, and after ovulation, when the body prepares for a new cycle, since fertilization has not occurred. If the cycle is irregular, then data for the last six months is needed for calculation. You need to subtract 14 units from the longest and shortest cycles. Between these days you can expect ovulation. It should be noted that in in this case the difference between the longest and shortest cycle should be no more than a week.

    Laboratory blood test method

    This method involves taking a test to determine the level of progesterone in the blood. With this method, blood is donated several times per cycle. Progesterone gradually increases and remains high until the next cycle.

    Determination of ovulation: using test strips

    Ovulation test

    This method is similar to the method of determining pregnancy using test strips, only the test strips in this case will be for ovulation. They respond to luteinizing hormone, which begins to be produced two days before ovulation and allows the mature egg to be released. As is the case with hCG, which is produced by the body during pregnancy, if a woman has diseases in which this hormone increases, then this method won't work.

    Basal temperature tracking.

    Not very comfortable, but relatively exact way determine the time of ovulation - tracking basal body temperature. A day before ovulation occurs, body temperature will drop, and after 6-12 hours it will rise by about half a degree. This method has only one, but very significant drawback - you need to measure body temperature every day for at least three to four cycles at the same time of day under the same conditions - preferably in the morning, without getting out of bed.

    Ultrasound of the ovary

    This method belongs to the category of “visual”. In the first half of the cycle, the follicle in the ovary grows, and when it reaches about 2 centimeters, it breaks through and the egg begins to descend through the tube into the uterus. On the day of ovulation, you can usually see a small gap in the ovarian capsule. This method is the most accessible and accurate. Ultrasound also evaluates the growth of the endometrium - it is its quantity and presence that determines the possibility of egg attachment.

    Determination of ovulation : using ultrasound

    Visual signs of ovulation

    In addition to the above methods, we can note the peculiarities of the body’s behavior during the period of ovulation. Firstly, vaginal discharge during this period they change their characteristics. The mucus becomes more slippery and viscous, and its quantity increases. Secondly, pain may appear on the part of one of the ovaries (alternating ovaries every month is completely unnecessary; it is impossible to predict in which of them the egg will actually mature), and the chest may also hurt. Thirdly, some women experience a slight decrease in the overall tone of the body before ovulation. During and after it, on the contrary, as a rule, there is a general uplift, energy, etc. And fourthly, others individual characteristics which any woman can observe in herself, because no one knows herself better than ourselves.