How to relieve swelling of the legs after childbirth? How to get rid of postpartum leg swelling 6 weeks after childbirth left foot swells

When a woman's limbs swell in the second half of pregnancy, this is due to the accumulation of excess fluid in the body. This happens to many expectant mothers. But if the legs swell after childbirth, when the weight goes away, then this leads new mothers to bewilderment. Why is this happening? What to do in such cases?

About the causes of swelling of the legs after childbirth

While waiting for the baby, the hormonal background of the expectant mother changes. This leads to fluid retention in the body. At the same time, the volume of circulating blood, which is required by both the mother and the growing fetus, increases. If everything is in order with the woman’s health, then after the birth of the child, the swelling gradually disappears. For some women, this process occurs slowly.

As for the appearance of edema after childbirth, there are the following explanations:

  1. Disrupted daily routine and unhealthy diet. Caring for a baby requires considerable physical strength, regardless of the time of day. This causes swelling of the limbs.
  2. Excess salty and fried foods in the diet. If a woman does not breastfeed her child, then she can make up for what she limited herself to during pregnancy. And salty foods always retain fluid in the body.
  3. Phlebeurysm. A predisposing factor in the development of the disease is poor circulation in the extremities. Weak venous valves cause rapid progression of varicose veins in the postpartum period.
  4. Impaired kidney function. If this organ did not cope well with the load during pregnancy, then even after birth it continues to slowly remove fluid. And when there was also a history of pyelonephritis, then most likely there is a relapse of the chronic form of the disease.
  5. Heart diseases. Increased load on the main organ of the circulatory system leads to slower blood flow in the lower extremities and their swelling.

What to do with postpartum swelling of the legs?

If the problem is caused by natural changes in the body, then it will go away within a month, only it needs help to return to normal. And for this it is recommended to perform simple physical exercises for the legs. This is rotating the feet, rising on tiptoes, squeezing the toes. In the evening, you can perform a light massage on your legs, thighs and feet to improve blood circulation in them. The procedure disperses accumulated fluid in the subcutaneous tissue. Normalizing your daily routine, rest, and eliminating spicy and salty foods will also help your body get into shape. If, despite these measures, a woman’s swelling does not go away within 3-4 weeks after childbirth, then there is a serious reason for this. Only a comprehensive examination of the body will help establish it and identify a disease, the symptom of which is swelling. It is recommended to undergo an examination by a phlebologist. The result of duplex angioscanning of the veins will show the condition of the woman’s vessels. If venous thrombosis is not detected, then local therapy is recommended to the woman until completion of breastfeeding. The condition of the veins will be improved by ointments Lyoton, Troxevasin, Heparin. The drugs increase blood circulation and help get rid of swelling more quickly. To alleviate the condition of the legs, wearing compression garments is recommended.

When the cause of swelling of the lower extremities is kidney problems, treatment by an experienced nephrologist is recommended. It is highly undesirable to self-prescribe diuretic herbs while breastfeeding.

About the prevention of postpartum edema

Every woman can take care of the health of her feet even before giving birth. Thus, wearing a prenatal bandage protects against stretch marks and reduces stress on the limbs, easing the pressure of the uterus on the perineal veins, preventing the development of varicose veins.

Compression knitwear keeps the blood vessels in the legs healthy, preventing them from stretching and swelling during pregnancy and after childbirth.

High heels are a taboo when carrying a baby, as well as after childbirth. It is advisable to wear shoes with comfortable wedges or heels no higher than three centimeters.

In the second half of pregnancy, a good preventative measure is a contrast shower, which simultaneously relieves fatigue and reduces swelling of the lower extremities. A well-designed diet, limiting drinking in the evening, adequate rest, limiting physical activity are simple recommendations that help prevent the problem.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Why do my legs swell after childbirth?

Edema appears for a variety of reasons, including: protein deficiency, varicose veins, as well as diseases of the kidneys, heart and thyroid gland.

For pregnant women, edema is to some extent the norm, since hormonal background predisposes to this phenomenon. However, the load on the veins of the legs also occurs due to additional weight in the later stages.

If a woman’s blood vessels are healthy, then after childbirth the swelling of the legs should go away. But there are cases when they not only do not disappear, but also become larger. This can be explained by poor functioning of the valves of the internal and external veins of the lower extremities.

There is also such a complex condition as deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities, which consists of clogging a vessel with a blood clot and disrupting the outflow of blood. The susceptibility of pregnant and postpartum women to this disease is explained by blood stagnation and hypercoagulation (blood thickening) as a result of the body’s preparation for the upcoming loss of blood during childbirth. But not only these two factors are needed for the development of thrombosis. Damage to the inner wall of the vessel is necessary, where the blood clot is actually attached. This can be triggered during pregnancy by a cold, vaginal examination, or an autoimmune disorder. The risk of developing thrombosis during childbirth increases many times over, especially in the case of a cesarean section.

Treatment of edema after childbirth

Home remedies for swollen feet

Physiological swelling of the legs after childbirth should go away on its own within a few days; it does not require treatment.

You can help yourself by doing the following exercises to improve blood circulation:

  • Walk on your toes for 2-3 minutes.
  • Alternately spreading and squeezing your toes.
  • Lifting small objects (pencil, ball) from the floor with bare feet.
  • Rotational movements of the feet in different directions (inward and outward).
  • Stand on your toes for a few seconds, then jump (5-10 times) on your tiptoes.
  • Sharp flexion and extension of toes.

Home remedies for swelling include:

  • Sea salt baths and contrast baths.
  • Foot massage (can be done with ice cubes). It is enough to do it yourself.
  • Diuretic mixtures made from horsetail, knotweed and birch buds also help relieve swelling.
  • The amount of fluid consumed in the evening should be reduced.
  • You need to sleep with your limbs slightly elevated, for example, placing a cushion under your feet.

Drug treatment

One should be wary of swelling of the legs that does not go away for a long time after childbirth, which is accompanied by pain and heaviness in the legs. Also dangerous is asymmetrical swelling (of one leg) with symptoms of swelling, burning and redness.

It is not recommended to take any medications on your own; they can have a negative effect on the body of a nursing mother and enter the baby’s blood with her milk.

In turn, the phlebologist may prescribe a duplex angioscanning of the veins (superficial and deep) of the lower extremities to determine the condition of the vessels. This procedure is necessary for women with swelling after childbirth, especially those who are predisposed to this phenomenon.

A vein examination after childbirth should be carried out if there are the following additional factors:

  • Parents suffer from varicose veins.
  • A woman over 35 years of age.
  • and the use of hormonal drugs.
  • Excess weight.
  • The presence of symptoms such as heaviness in the legs, cramps in the calf muscles.

Drug treatment will depend on the cause of the swelling. Usually, ointments based on heparin, rutin (Essaven, Lyoton) or products based on herbal components are prescribed to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and eliminate microthrombi.

Prevention of leg swelling after childbirth

You can prevent the development of swelling if you follow some recommendations during pregnancy:

  • Sleeping with your feet elevated
  • Give your feet a rest and massage them
  • Reduce salt and fluid intake in the evening
  • Wear special elastic underwear and compression tights.

Remember that the main thing when swelling occurs during the postpartum period is to consult a doctor in time. Health to you, dear mothers!

Victoria Koreshkova for the site

Edema and swelling after childbirth occur due to chronic diseases or due to poor lifestyle choices. Even during pregnancy, a woman should give up alcohol, smoking and fatty foods, and walk more outside.

Edema after childbirth occurs in every eighth woman. There is swelling of the face and limbs, which goes away within a few months. Most often, young mothers complain of stagnation of fluid between the legs, namely vaginal swelling. If this problem does not go away or causes great discomfort, you should consult your doctor.

Why does postpartum edema occur?

During pregnancy and after childbirth, the female body accumulates a lot of fluid. This is due to the restructuring of all vital systems and changes in hormonal levels. Swelling after childbirth can occur due to many reasons.

The main factors that provoke stagnation of fluid in tissues:

Phlebeurysm. With increased load and poor circulation of the pelvic organs, varicose veins worsen during pregnancy. In addition to swelling, there are networks of blood vessels on the thighs and calves.

Diseases of the genitourinary system. Urolithiasis or cystitis provoke urination problems and make it difficult to naturally remove water from the body.

Cardiovascular diseases. When the heart muscle functions abnormally, swelling of the legs is often observed.

Diseases of the endocrine system. With diabetes mellitus, swelling of the extremities is observed, especially pregnancy provokes the pathology.

Accumulation of sodium salts during gestation.

Drinking plenty of fluids in early pregnancy and after childbirth.

Eating large amounts of fried, fatty, salty foods.

Swelling is caused not only by chronic diseases, but also by a sedentary lifestyle or heavy load on the legs. Also, this pathology is a consequence of cesarean section. To eliminate swelling, the woman wears elastic bandages or special compression stockings.

How to relieve swelling after childbirth

If the cause of fluid stagnation is not chronic diseases, you can eliminate the discomfort at home. Swelling after childbirth will go away after adjusting your usual lifestyle.

  1. Remove fatty, fried and salty foods from your diet.
  2. Drink no more than two liters of water and tea per day to reduce the load on your kidneys.
  3. You can't drink coffee or alcohol.
  4. Sleep with your legs elevated.
  5. Drink chamomile and mint tea.
  6. Wear compression garments.
  7. Make herbal baths using diuretic herbs.
  8. Massage problem areas.
  9. Take diuretics, but only after consulting your doctor.

If after following the rules for a week, swelling increases or does not go away, consult a doctor. After examining and examining the patient, effective treatment is prescribed. The main thing is not to ignore this symptom.

Drug treatment

Drug treatment of edema should only take place under the supervision of a doctor, especially if the woman is breastfeeding. Many medications can interfere with milk flow or harm the baby.

Treatment of pathology depends on the cause of its occurrence:

Diuretics. Prescribed to remove excess fluid naturally. Drugs that can be used during breastfeeding: “Canephron”, “Fitolysin”, “Urolesan”.

Antibiotics. These drugs are rarely used and are indicated for vaginal swelling. This pathology can be caused by an infection introduced during delivery.

Vitamin complexes. The body of a young mother is under a lot of stress, so vitamin deficiency may develop. Vitamins are prescribed to prevent many diseases.

With the help of drug therapy, you can not only relieve swelling, but also eliminate the cause of the pathology. Problems with the genitourinary system or blood vessels are solved within a month of effective treatment. If the swelling occurs due to an advanced stage of varicose veins, you will have to undergo a treatment course of more than 6 months.

Diet correction

Often after childbirth, swelling occurs due to an abundance of too salty and unhealthy foods. In this case, a small adjustment of the diet will help the woman. You can return to your normal diet gradually after the swelling is completely eliminated.

The following should be excluded from the menu of a young mother:

  • salt;
  • coffee and strong tea;
  • smoked meats;
  • pickles;
  • chips, salty crackers;
  • fried foods;
  • sausages, fatty meats and fish;
  • nuts and dried fruits in large quantities.

Also, to combat swelling, it is recommended to completely eliminate alcoholic and carbonated drinks. If a woman is breastfeeding, she must adhere to proper nutrition in any case. Therefore, the listed restrictions should not cause difficulties.


Postpartum edema can occur due to a sedentary lifestyle or constant sitting and standing. Therefore, physical therapy is considered an effective method in combating the problem. It is recommended to spend 15 minutes daily on morning exercises.

If a woman is often in a sitting position, she should take a five-minute break every hour. During rest, it is recommended to rotate your foot clockwise and back, perform squats and walk on your heels.

To avoid problems with veins after childbirth, start doing daily therapeutic exercises during pregnancy. Among the exercises, the most useful are “bicycle”, “scissors” and “birch tree”. Also, any elements with raising and holding the legs will help restore blood circulation and improve the functioning of the pelvic organs.

Traditional methods

To get rid of swelling of the arms and legs during breastfeeding, doctors may recommend traditional medicine. Medicinal herbs with diuretic and sedative properties will help eliminate many postpartum problems.

For swelling, drink the following:

  • diuretic herbal tea (chamomile, mint, juniper);
  • Birch juice;
  • linden tea;
  • Melissa;
  • citrus zest added to tea or infused with vodka;
  • horse chestnut tincture;
  • decoction of nettle and sage.

It will be useful to use the listed plants not only internally, but also to add decoctions to foot baths. This procedure should be carried out before bedtime, adding sea salt to the water. Afterwards, rub your feet with moisturizer and massage problem areas.

If you have severe varicose veins, you should not prescribe baths and massages without consulting a doctor. Since the impact on vascular nodes can lead to deterioration of the condition of the legs.

Some herbs can cause individual intolerance, so actively using traditional methods is not recommended. Consult your doctor, and then monitor your health. If you experience rashes or problems with stool, it is recommended to stop using medicinal decoctions and tinctures.

When will the swelling go away?

After childbirth, the female body requires time to adjust. Normalization of the condition occurs within two months. If a woman does not breastfeed, a longer recovery process is possible.

Swelling that occurs after childbirth should not frighten a young mother. They go away within a couple of months. If the woman is healthy and the delivery went without complications, swollen legs and arms will quickly return to normal. In the presence of chronic diseases, the condition of the limbs and face depends on timely and effective treatment.

If swelling occurs due to varicose veins, the woman will have to undergo long-term treatment. In this case, the swelling will subside after eliminating the main symptoms of varicose veins: dilated veins in the form of spider veins and nodes.

After childbirth, swelling of the entire body, and especially the legs and arms, is often observed. A woman should not worry, as this condition should go away in a few weeks. If swelling causes discomfort or takes a long time to resolve, you should consult a doctor.

Most women suffer from edema during pregnancy. It happens that swelling after childbirth remains and causes some inconvenience for the woman and worries about her health.

What is swelling? What is the nature of edema? How to avoid swelling and how to deal with it if swelling appears? Let's try to figure it out.
Edema is a direct reaction of human tissues and organs to excess fluid in the body. It is easy to detect swelling by pressing the soft tissues of the skin with your finger: if a depression remains at the point of pressure for some time, which soon disappears, we can talk about swelling. During pregnancy, swelling is, in principle, normal and not dangerous. However, swelling may be accompanied by increased blood pressure or severe pain. In this case, the doctor will prescribe appropriate medications and procedures to eliminate the manifestations of swelling and treat the disease that caused them. If fluid retention in the body of a pregnant woman can be called natural, then the same phenomenon in the postpartum period should cause concern.

Most often, swelling after childbirth is observed in the lower extremities, but the hands and face can also swell, and bags appear under the eyes. In some cases, even swelling of the entire body is observed. If this phenomenon does not go away in the first days after childbirth, then the woman needs to consult a specialist.

The main prerequisites for the occurrence of edema after childbirth may be:

  • Kidney diseases.
    If the expectant mother was diagnosed with kidney disease or other organs of the urinary system before pregnancy, then swelling after childbirth is almost inevitable. Perhaps the kidneys need time to readjust as usual, because they experienced double the load while carrying the baby. Only a doctor, after conducting research, will make a conclusion about the need for medical treatment in such cases. Pregnant women with kidney dysfunction are under special control; they require monitoring in the postpartum period.

  • Dietary errors.
    Despite the fact that nutritionists recommend drinking as much fluid as possible to keep the body in good order, this advice may, to put it mildly, not be useful for a young mother. If the body is susceptible to edema, you should limit fluid intake, and also avoid eating salty, pickled, smoked foods, so as not to provoke severe thirst.

  • Activity.
    A young mother has enough troubles, and she is forced to spend all the time on her feet. The appearance of edema is simply inevitable if you do not give your legs rest. You should try to find a minute during the day to lie down, raising your legs above body level.

  • Vascular diseases.
    Varicose veins – varicose veins – are a common cause of edema. This disease can be hidden, so if edema appears, a consultation with a phlebologist is necessary to identify or exclude it.
Methods of treating and getting rid of edema should be determined by a doctor who first identifies the cause of the swelling. Taking diuretics and teas on your own is absolutely unacceptable, especially for a nursing mother. Your doctor will order appropriate tests and explain to you what factors may affect your condition. Breastfeeding mothers can only take certain medications that are indicated only for them to avoid negative consequences on the baby's health.

If no serious pathologies are identified, you will be given simple recommendations: rest more, change body position more often. Regular implementation of even such simple tips can get rid of swelling in the shortest possible time.
Adjust your lifestyle. Remember that with the birth of a child, you are responsible for him, and therefore your health and general well-being are a necessity for both.
Among the general recommendations for eliminating edema is to lie down to rest every two hours, while your legs should be elevated.

Physical exercises at this time are simple but effective:

  • Lying on your back, raising and lowering your legs at an angle to your body;
  • Rolling from heel to toe;
  • Circular movements in the ankles in different directions;
  • Brief walking on toes.
While you are sitting, you need to monitor your posture, do not cross your legs, squeezing the blood vessels on your legs. Sleeping on your left side allows for better blood flow. Standing in one place, roll from heel to toe.
Foot massage and relaxing baths relieve tired legs and help fight swelling. Baths can be used with sea salt, decoctions of chamomile or other medicinal plants. After the procedure, rub your feet with a hard towel and apply nourishing cream.

Eating viburnum, grapes, lemon, and sea buckthorn will help thin the blood and relieve swelling. Take each new product with caution, in small portions, to avoid allergic manifestations of your own body and the child’s body.

Text: Irina Sergeeva

When the expectant mother is in an interesting position, swelling of the legs is quite understandable - quite often this is due to the completely natural accumulation of excess fluid in the expectant mother’s body, which is necessary for the normal development of the fetus. It is for this reason that minor swelling of the legs is normal during late pregnancy. But why do your legs swell after childbirth? And what should you do about it?

Why do my legs swell after childbirth?

Most often, the legs swell after childbirth for the same reason as during pregnancy, it’s just that their cause was then incorrectly determined. Alas, most likely, this was not a slight swelling natural in this position, but the initial stage of varicose veins. After all, pregnancy is one of the reasons why varicose veins occur. It's all about the enlargement of the uterus, which begins to compress large venous trunks in the pelvic area, mechanically preventing the outflow of blood from the lower extremities. In addition, it is necessary to nourish two organisms; the volume of circulating blood increases by 30%, which also puts additional stress on our veins.

Swelling of the legs with varicose veins develops quite slowly. For this reason, patients complaining of other symptoms of varicose veins come to phlebologists (doctors who deal with this problem). Unfortunately, we do not pay enough attention to leg swelling, or even think that it is some other disease. At the initial stage of the disease, swelling is not very noticeable. Swelling of the legs is especially noticeable in the late afternoon, since the longer we are in an upright position, the greater the flow of blood into the leg veins. After sleep, swelling decreases (or disappears completely) and may appear again in the evening.

Of course, everything can be much more prosaic, and the legs swell after childbirth due to poor nutrition, but in any case it is worth visiting a doctor and not letting things take their course.

What to do if your legs are swollen after childbirth

As mentioned above, the first thing you need to do is visit a doctor to determine the exact cause of the swelling. In parallel with this, it is worth taking note of a few tips.

It is necessary to give your legs a rest as often as possible. From time to time you should lie down, and so that your legs are on a hill; it is also important to perform special simple exercises: circular movements of the feet, raising on the toes, toe-toe rolls. When sleeping, try to lie on your left side to improve blood flow. Do not cross your legs when sitting or stand for long periods of time. If you have to stand for a long time, periodically rise on your toes.

Don't forget about diet. To thin the blood, you can include some foods in your diet - viburnum, sea buckthorn, cranberries, lemon, grapefruit, tomatoes and grapes. Any food should be consumed in moderation and preferably after consulting a doctor, because during pregnancy a woman may experience an allergic reaction to the most common foods. Blood thickening can also be caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals, such as lecithin, vitamin C, zinc, and selenium. Excessive consumption of fatty, smoked, spicy, and canned foods has a detrimental effect on the blood condition.

Do not overuse coffee, tea, cocoa (often causes allergies), and carbonated water. You can drink herbal teas, cranberry juice, grape juice, but water should be the basis for quenching your thirst.

A foot massage will help alleviate the condition, as well as a decoction of dried apricots: pour boiling water over the dried apricots and leave overnight, and in the morning drink this compote 30-40 minutes before meals.

Foot baths help a lot. For example, a bath to relieve fatigue: 100 grams of juniper berries per liter of water; 100 grams of sea salt per liter of water; 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry mustard per liter of water; two teaspoons of baking soda per liter of water. Contrast baths are also effective: you need to keep your feet in hot water, periodically immersing them in very cold water for a short time. If desired, you can also add herbal decoctions or sea salt to such baths.