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Having heard the names of elves (we are talking about the names of peoples, and not directly elven names), we already imagine not the classic characters of myths and legends, but the heroes of the fictional world of Middle-earth created by the talented writer John Tolkien. However, are elves the author’s fantasy or are there prerequisites that they exist?

In the article:

Types of elves and their description in folklore

In German-Scandinavian mythology, the origin of elves is closely intertwined with the history of the universe itself. There are two most common names that are used in relation to elves, these are Alvas and D(c)wers.

Nature Guardian Alva

The first are spirits of nature, they are very beautiful, kind and help people. It is believed that the word "alva" subsequently transformed into "elves".

Miniatures live underground and are very good blacksmiths. They are afraid of light (like trolls). If sunlight hits the miniature, it will turn into stone. It was believed that the doors are dark entities that do not like mortals and do harm to them in every possible way.

In English folklore, unlike the Scandinavian, there is no division of elves into dark and light. The British called these creatures “fairies”. These are not good, but not evil characters who have their own character, have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The main vice of English characters is a passion for theft. They especially loved to steal peas and barrels of wine. Quite often, such entities stole small children who were not yet baptized, and instead of babies in the cradle, they put their own freaks.

In Ireland elves were divided into two categories. Some were humanoid, while others were small with wings.

In Danish folklore the elves were forest spirits, the men looked very much like old men in large headdresses, and the ladies were young and beautiful, but they had tails. There are very few legends about such magical entities in Swedish folklore. However, in ancient legends there are references to forest people. People believed that forest elves lived in large trees.

In the distant time of paganism in the territory Sweden there were many so-called elven altars on which sacrifices were made. Tusser is the name of magical creatures from Norwegian folklore. This name hides elves, gnomes, trolls, etc. It was believed that such creatures lived like mortals, built buildings, and practiced farming and farming.

Santa's Helpers Parade

In modern culture an elf is a funny creature who most often helps Santa Claus. Similar magical creatures are present in the literary works of writers from different countries: William Shakespeare, Goethe, Kipling, Tolkien.

Elves - myth or reality?

Are there any magical creatures or are we the only masters of this planet? There are quite a few tales and legends that mention elves. In different countries of the world there are tales about small people who were found by local residents.

For example, the Cherokee Indians have tales about a small people. Local legend says that they were short people, very kind and possessed of supernatural abilities.

In 1932, a tiny mummy was found in the San Pedro Mountains. It was a man whose height did not exceed 30 centimeters. Archaeologists from the American Museum of Natural History and Anthropology at Harvard University, after a study, assured that the found mummy was indeed a man who died at the age of 65.

Mummy of the San Pedro Mountains

The surprising thing is that as soon as one of the owners of the find died, the mummy itself mysteriously disappeared. Local residents say that similar mummies have been here more than once before. However, there is no evidence of this.

An unusual discovery was made in 1837. In Coshocton, Ohio, a cemetery was accidentally discovered where creatures resembling humans were buried. What was surprising was that their bodies did not exceed 50-100 centimeters. However, there is an opinion that these are not elves, but simply the burial of pygmies.

An amazing situation occurred in 1996 in Iceland. One construction company tried to level Kopavogur Hill. The residents were extremely against this, since, according to legend, elves lived in this hill. The funny thing is that the company failed to complete what it started. All because the equipment suddenly stopped working in this place.

Another story happened in the National Mangrove Forest Reserve. This story was told by Stephen Wagner, who has been studying supernatural phenomena for a long time. He told the story of one man who was walking through the reserve and at the moment when he came to a small clearing, he saw about 30 small people who sat on the rocks and calmly talked to each other. The frightened traveler hurried to return to his car, and when he came back, the little people were no longer there.

Wagner also described another case. It all happened in 2003 in Greenburgh. The woman who told the story left only her initials - K. T. The lady, as usual, was walking in the forest in the evening when she saw that everything around her was starting to blink a little. Turning around, the lady saw a little man watching her from behind a tree. An eyewitness insists that he looked exactly as he is described in the legends. Frightened, the woman screamed, and the magical creature instantly disappeared.

Elf school in Reykjavik: Icelandic Hogwarts with trolls and fairies

An amazing “school of elves” is located in the capital of Iceland. Its director is Magnus Skarphedinsson, who for 30 years has been in regular contact with people who claim to have actually encountered magical spirits. The director described an incident that happened to Elli Erlingsdottir.

The woman claims that her scissors were missing, but a couple of days later they appeared in the room again. The lady is sure that these are all the tricks of magical creatures, and in order to prove that she was right, she even invited a special person who is able to talk with elves. Since then, before making any important decision, a woman always asks her magical assistants for advice.

A real "little people"

Howard Lenhof, a scientist from the University of California, has suggested that in fact the myths about elves have a real basis and describe real people.

Williams syndrome, also known as “elf face,” is a genetic disorder.

Today these are patients with Williams syndrome. This is a genetic disorder that can occur if 20 specific genes on chromosome 7 are lost. This syndrome first became known in 1961.

The main difference between people with this syndrome is their short stature, constant childish facial expression, pronounced lips, nose, eyes, and problems with the cardiovascular system. In their behavior, they resemble what was described in stories about elves.

They are very gentle, caring, sensitive, spontaneous and open, like children. Such people are often good musicians, storytellers, and have a really high and beautiful voice.


AVALLONE - harbor and city of the Eldar on Tol Eressea.

AVARI is the name given to the elves who refused to join the campaign west of Kuivianen.

AVATAR - a desert region on the shores of Aman, south of the Gulf of Eldamar, between the Pelors and the Sea; there Melkor met Ungoliant.

AGARVAEN - "Bloodstained", the nickname Turin gave himself when he came to Nargothrond.

AGLON is a pass between Dorthonion and the mountains west of Himring.

ADANEDEL - "Elf-Man", the name given to Turin by the inhabitants of Nargothrond.

ADANS - “Second”, the name of people in the Twilight Speech; in Beleriand this was the name given to the people from the Three Houses of Elven Friends.

ADUNAHOR - "Lord of the West", a name adopted by the 19th king of Numenor - contrary to tradition - in Adunaic (Númenorean dialect).

ADRANT is the sixth, southernmost tributary of Gelion in Ossiriand.

AZAGHAL - king of the dwarves Belegost; in Nirnaeth, Arnoediad wounded Glaurung and was himself killed by him.


AINULINDALE - “Song of the Ainurs”, the name of the story about the creation of the World, presumably composed by Rumil of Tirion.

The Ainur were the first beings created by Ilúvatar before Ea was created.

AKALLABETH - “Fallen Earth”, the name of Numenor after its death, as well as the name of the story about the death of Numenor.

ALDARON - "Lord of the Forests", one of the names of the Valar Oromë in the Quenya language.

ALDUDENIE - “Lament for the Two Trees”, composed by the Vanyar Elemmire.

ALCARINCQUE - “Brilliant”, the name of the star.

ALCARONDAS - the ship of Ar-Pharazon, on which he sailed to Aman, to war with the Valar.

ALMAREN - the first dwelling of the Valar in Arda, before the attack of Morgoth - an island in a giant lake in the middle of Middle-earth.

AMAN - Blessed Land, lands in the West, beyond the Great Sea, where the Valar lived after leaving Almaren.

AMANDIL - last ruler of Andunie in Numenor, descendant of Elros and father of Elendil; sailed away in search of Valinor and did not return.

AMANIARS - elves of Aman.

AMARIE is an elven maiden from the Vanyar tribe, the beloved of Finrod Felagund, who remained in Valinor.

AMLAH - son of Imlach, son of Marach, leader of the dissatisfied in Estolad; later served Maedhros.

AMP AS AND AMROD - twins, younger sons of Feanor; both died in an attack on the subjects of Eärendil at the mouth of Sirion.

ANADUNE - “Western Land”, the name of Numenor in Adunic.

ANAR is the Quenya name for the Sun.

ANARION - the youngest son of Elendil, who escaped with his father and brother after the death of Numenor and, together with Isildur, founded the kingdom of Gondor in Middle-earth; owned Minas Anor; died during the siege of Barad-dur.

ANARRIMA - “Solar Network”, the name of the constellation.

ANAH is a gorge between Crissaegrim and the western slopes of Ered-Gorgoroth.

ANGAINOR - a chain made by Aule, with which Morgoth was twice bound.

ANGBAND is a large fortress-dungeon of Morgoth in the north-west of Middle-earth. Destroyed by the Valar army in the Great Battle.

ANGLAHEL - a sword forged from heavenly iron by Eol; was given by him to Thingol, who gave it to Beleg; then it went to Turin; reforged, was named Gurtang.

ANGRENOST - "Iron Fortress", a Numenorean fortress in the valley of Nan-Curunir at the eastern end of the Misty Mountains. It was given into the possession of Kuruniru. Also called Isengard.

ANGRIM - father of Gorlim the Wretched.

ANGRIST - “Cutting Iron”, a dagger made by Telhar of Nogrod; Beren took it from Curufin and used it to carve the Silmaril from Morgoth's crown.

ANGROD - third son of Finarfin; see AEGNOR.

ANGUIREL - Aeolus's sword, made of the same metal as Anglachel.

ANGHABAR is a mine in the Rim Mountains, not far from Gondolin.

ANDOR - “Granted Land”; see NUMENOR.

ANDRAM - a threshold stretching from Nargothrond to East Beleriand.

ANDROTH - caves in the mountains of Mithrim, where Tuor was raised by the Twilight Elves.

ANDUIN - The Great River east of the Misty Ridge, beginning in the north and flowing into the Bay of Belfalas.

ANDUNIE - a city and harbor on the western coast of Numenor; its rulers were the ancestors of Elendil.

ANKALAGON - the greatest of the winged dragons of Morgoth; killed by Eärendil.

ANNAEL - Twilight Elf from Mithrim, adoptive father of Tuor.

ANNATAR - "The Giver", the name that Sauron gave himself in the Second Age, appearing in wondrous guise among the Elves.

ANNON-IN-GELID - "Gate of the Noldor", the entrance to a cave through which a river flowed under the western mountains of Dor Lomin; the cave led to Kirit-Ninniach.

ANNUMINAS - "Tower of the West", the ancient capital of the kings of Arnor near Lake Nenuial.

ANOR is the Sindarin name for the Sun.

ANFAUGLIR - nickname of the wolf Carcharoth.

ANFAUGLIT - or DOR-NU-FAUGLIT, the name of the valley of Ard-Galen after its devastation by Morgoth in the Battle of Sudden Flame.

APANONAR - “After-Born”, an elven name for people.

AR-GIMILSOR - 22nd King of Numenor, pursuer of the Faithful.


AR-SAKALTOR - father of Ar-Gimilzor.

AR-PHARAZON - Golden-faced, last, 24th king of Numenor; Quenya name Tar-Kalion. He captured Sauron and was inclined to evil by him. Declared war on the Valar.


ARAGORN - 39th direct descendant of Isildur, king of the reunited kingdom of Arnor and Gondor after the War of the Ring, husband of Arwen, daughter of Elrond. He was also called the heir of Isildur.

ARADAN is the Sindarin name of Malach, son of Marach.

ARAMAN - desert lands on the coast of Aman, between the Pelors and the Sea, stretching north to Helcarax.

ARANWE - an elf from Gondolin, father of Voronwe.

ARANEL - nickname of Dior, heir of Thingol.

ARANRUTH - "The Wrath of the King", the sword of Thingol. Survived after the death of Doriath and belonged to the kings of Numenor.

ARATAN is the second son of Isildur, who died with him in the Gladden Depression.

ARATARS - “Highest”, the name of the eight highest Valars.

ARATHORN - Aragorn's father.

ARVERNIEN - the coast north of the mouth of Sirion.

ARGONATE - "Gate of Kings", huge stone statues of Isildur and Anarion, standing on the banks of the Anduin, on the northern border of Gondor.

ARD-GALEN - A large grassy plain north of Dorthonion.

ARDA is the name of Earth, the Kingdom of Manwe.

AREDEHL - nicknamed Ar-Feiniel, sister of Turgon of Gondolin; in Nan Elmoth she fell into the power of Eol and bore him a son, Maeglin.

ARIEN - Maya, chosen by the Valar to lead the solar boat.


ARMENELOS - city of the kings of Numenor.

ARNOR - "Land of the King", the northern kingdom of the Númenóreans in Middle-earth, founded by Elendil after his rescue.

AROS is a river that ran around Doriath from the south.

AROSSIAH - a ford on Aros, not far from the north-eastern border of Doriath.

ARTAD is one of Barahir's twelve companions in Dorthonion.


ASKAR - the northernmost tributary of Gelion in Ossiriand; later called Rathloriel.

ASTALDO - "Valiant", nickname of the Valar Tulkas.

ATALANTE - translation into Quenya of the word AKALLABET

ATANATARI - “Fathers of Men.”

ATANI - “Second”, the name of the people in the Quenya language.

AULE - Val Ar of the Aratars, blacksmith and artisan, husband of Yavanna, creator of the gnomes.

AEGLOS, AIGLOS - spear of Gil-Gelad.

AEGNOR - the fourth son of Finarfin, together with his brother Angrod, owned the northern slopes of Dorthonion. Both are killed at Dagor Bragollach.

AELIN–HIAL - Half-light Waters, a lake at the confluence of Aros and Sirion.

AERANDIR is one of the three satellites of Eärendil.

AERIN - a relative of Hurin who lived in Dor-Lomin; was forcibly married by the traitor Brodda; Morwen helped.

BALAN - the name of the Old Fan before he went into Finrod's service.

BALAR is a large bay in the south of Beleriand into which Sirion flowed, as well as the island where Cirdan and Gil-galad lived after the Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

BALROGS - demons of fire who served Morgoth; they are VALARAUKARS.

BAR-EN-DANVED - “Dwelling-Redemption”, this is what Mim called his dwelling on Emon-Rud, giving it to Turin.

BARAGUND - father of Morwen, Hurin's wife; nephew of Barahir and one of his companions in Dorthonion.

BARAD-DUR - "Black Tower", Sauron's castle in Mordor.

BARAD-NIMRAS - "White Tower", built by Fnnrod on the cape west of Eglarest.

BARAD EITEL - Noldor fortress at Eitel Sirion.

RAM is the eldest son of Beor the Old.

BARAKHIR - father of Beren; saved Finrod at Dagor Bragollach and received the ring from him; killed at Dorthonion. His ring became a relic of the house of IsilDUR.

BAUGLIR - "Strangler", nickname of Morgoth.

BELEG - a skilled archer and commander of the border guards of Doriath, nicknamed Cutalion; Turin's friend and comrade-in-arms was killed by him in an accident.

BELEGAER - "Great Sea" in the west between Middle-earth and Aman. It was also called the Sea, the Western Sea.

BELEGOST - Veligrad, one of the two dwarven cities in the Blue Mountains, also known as Gabilgathol.

BELEGUND - father of Rian, wife of Huor, nephew of Barahir and one of his companions in Dorthonion.

BELERIAND - at first this was the name of the lands near the mouth of Sirion, facing the island of Balar; later this name spread to the entire ancient northwestern coast of Middle-earth south of the Gulf of Drengist, all the interior lands south of Hithlum and east to the Blue Mountains. Sirion divided Beleriand into Western and Eastern.

BOROMIR - great-grandson of Beor the Old, grandfather of Barahir, Beren's father; first ruler of Ladros.

BORON - father of BOROMIR.

BORTHAND - son of Bor.

BRANDIR - nicknamed the Lame, ruled the Haleth tribe after the death of his father Handir; loved Nienor; killed by Turin.

BREGOLAS - father of Baragund and Belegund; killed at Dagor Bragollach.

BREGOR - father of Barahir and Bregolas.

BRETIL - a forest between the rivers Teiglia and Sirion, where the Haladins lived.

BRILTOR - the fourth tributary of Gelion in Ossiriand.

BRITIACH - a ford across Sirion north of the forest of Brethil.

BRITOMBAR is the northern harbor of Falas.

BRITON - a river that flowed into the Sea at Britombar.

BRODDA - a traitor killed in Hithlum by Turin.


VAIRE - Vala, wife of Namo Mandos.

VALAKIRKA - “Sickle of the Valars”, the name of the constellation of seven bright stars (Ursa Major).

VALANDIL is the youngest son of Isildur and the third king of Arnor.

VALAROM - horn of the Valar Orome.

VALAR - Ainurs who came to Ea; The Existing World, at the beginning of time the rulers and guardians of Arda.

VALIMAR, VALMAR - city of the Valar in Valinor.

VALINOR - the land of the Valar in Aman beyond the Pelor mountains.

VANA - Ever-youth, vala, sister of Yavanna and wife of Orome.

VANIAR - the first squad of elves on the way from Kuivienen; she was led by Ingve.

VARDA is the first among the Val, the wife of Manwe, the Creator of the Stars.

BACA is what the Noldor called the Sun.



GREAT GREENWOOD - A huge forest east of the Misty Mountains, later called Mirkwood.

CROWN OF SUMMER - the holiday of the summer solstice.


VILVARIN - "Butterfly", the name of the constellation, probably Cassiopeia.

VILLYA - one of the Three Rings of the Elves, the Ring of Air, the Blue Ring (with sapphire); kept by Gil-galad, then by Elrond.

VINGILOT - "Foam Flower", the name of Eärendil's ship.

VINIAMAR - Turgon's dwelling in Nevrast.





VORONVE - elf from Gondolin, sailor. He was the only one who managed to survive. All the other sailors - and Turgon sent seven ships to the West - died.

ENEMY - this is what Morgoth and then Sauron were called.

THE GATE OF SUMMER is a holiday in Gondolin, on the eve of which the city was attacked by Morgoth.




SECOND - the name of the people.



HARBORS - 1. Britombar and Eglarest. 2. Harbors at the mouth of Sirion.

GALADRIEL - daughter of Finarfin and sister of Fnnrod; was among the main Noldor rebels; became the wife of Celeborn of Doriath and ruled Lothlorien with him; kept Nenya - the Ring of Water.

GALATILION - The White Tree of Tyrion, a likeness of Telperion, created by Yavanna for the Vanyar and Noldor.

GALDOR - nicknamed the Tall, son of Hador Lorindol, after him ruled Dor-Lomin; father of Hurin and Huor; killed at Eitel Sirion.

GALVORN - “black shine”, a metal created by Eol.

GWAIT-I-MIRDAIN is the name of the brotherhood of stone makers of Eregion, led by Celebrimbor.

GWINDOR - elf from Nargothrond, brother of Gelmir; was a slave in Angband, but escaped and helped Beleg find Turin; brought Turin to Nargothrond; killed in the Battle of Tumkhalad.

GIL-GELAD was the name by which Ereinion, son of Fingon, was known. After Turgon's death, he became the last High King of the Noldor in Middle-earth; at the beginning of the Second Age he settled in Lindon; Together with Elendil, he led the Last Alliance and died in the battle with Sauron.

GILDOR is one of Barahir's twelve companions.

GILTONIEL - “Firemaker of the Stars”, one of the elves’ addresses to Varda.

GIMILKHAD - the youngest son of Ar-Gimilzor, father of Ar-Pharazon.

GIYGLIT - a river in Western Beleriand that flowed into Narog above Nargothrond.

GLINGAL - a likeness of Laurelin, created by Turgon in Gondolin.

GLIRHUIN - singer from Brethil.

GLOREDEL - daughter of Hador Lorindol, sister of Galdor; wife of Haldir of Brethil.

GLORFINDEL - "Golden-Haired", an elf from Gondolin who died in single combat with a Balrog while fleeing the city.

Dwarf Road - the road that led to Beleriand from the cities of Nogrod and Belegost and crossed Gelion at the Sarn-Athrad ford.

Dwarves - a tribe, according to legend, created by Aule, miners and ore explorers, skilled stone cutters, jewelers and blacksmiths. They were few in number and multiplied slowly; they said that when they die they turn into stone. Hot-tempered, greedy, stubborn, but they always fought with the Enemy. In the Pre-Primary Age, in addition to the main dwarven kingdom of Khazad-Dum, there were also cities in Ered-Lindon - Nogrod and Belegost; later the dwarves settled near Erebor and the Iron Ridges.


Dwarf Caves - see NOGROD.

THE YEAR OF MOURNING AND TEARS - the year of the battle of Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

GOLODRIM - Sindarin name for the Noldor.

GOL-ESTEL - "Star of Hope", the Sindarin name for the star of Eärendil, who carries the Silmaril on his ship Vingilot.

GONDOLIN is the hidden city of King Turgon in the Rim Mountains.

GONDOR is a southern Numenorean kingdom in Middle-earth, founded by Isildur and Anarion.

GONNHIRRIMS - "Lords of Stone", the Sindarin name for the Dwarves.

GORGOROTH is a plateau in Mordor, between the Mountains of Darkness and the Izgar Mountains.

GORLIM THE UNFATED - one of the twelve companions of Barahir; Bewitched by the ghost of his wife Eilinel, he revealed the location of Barahir to Sauron.


GORTOL - nickname of Turin when he was one of the Two Chiefs in Dor-Cuartol.





GOTMOG - leader of the Balrogs, military leader of Angband, killer of Feanor, Fingon, Ecthelion.

GROND - Morgoth's hammer, with which he fought Fingolfin; also called the Hammer of the Underworld.

GUILIN - an elf from Nargothrond, father of Gelmir and Gwindor.

GUNDOR - the youngest son of Hador Lorindol, who died with him at Eithel Sirion.

GURTANG - "Mortal Iron", the name of the sword Anglachel after it was reforged in Nargothrond.

GELION - the great river of East Beleriand, beginning at Himring and Mount Rerir; fed by the rivers of Ossiriand, it flowed into the Sea.

GELMIR - 1. Elf from Nargothrond, brother of Gwindor; taken prisoner at Dagor Bragollach, was martyred before Eithel Sirion at the beginning of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad. 2. An elf from the subjects of Angrod, who came with Arminas to Nargothrond to warn Orodreth.

GANDALF is the name of MITHRANDIR in the language of the North.

DAGNIR is one of Barahir's twelve companions in Dorthonion.

DAGNIR GLAURUNG - "Curse of Glaurung", inscription on the tomb of Turin.

DAGOR AGLAREB - the third of the great battles in the wars of Beleriand, with which the Siege of Angband began; means "Glorious Battle".

DAGOR BRAGOLLACH - "The Battle of Sudden Flame", the fourth great battle in the wars of Beleriand.

DAGORLAD - "Battlefield", a battlefield north of Mordor where Sauron fought the troops of the Last Alliance at the end of the Second Age.

DAGOR-NUIN-GILIAT - "Battle-under-the-Stars", the second great battle in the wars of Beleriand, which took place in Mithrim, after the landing of Feanor, even before the appearance of the Moon.

DAIRUIN is one of Barahir's twelve companions in Dorthonion.

ILUVATAR'S GIFT TO PEOPLE is death, departure from the Circle of the World.

DARIM - king of the dwarves Khazad-Dum.

DAERON THE SONG SINGER - singer and chief sage of King Thingol, creator of the Kirt runes; was in love with Lúthien and betrayed her twice.


TWO TREES - White and Gold, created by Yavanna and illuminated Valinor; destroyed by Morgoth and Ungoliant.

TWO TRIBES - elves and people.

DELDUVAT - “Shadow of horror and darkness”, one of the later names of Dorthonion.

DENETHOR - son of Lenwe; the leader of the Nandors who led them to Beleriand; fell on Emon-Erebus in the first battle of Beleriand.


DIMBAR - land between the rivers Sirion and Mindeb.

DIMROST - "Rainy Staircase", a waterfall on Celebros, in the forest of Brethil. Later it was called Nen-Girit.

DIOR - nicknamed Aranel and Eluhil, son of Beren and Luthien, father of Elwing, mother of Elrond and Elros; after the death of Thingol he ruled Doriath; killed in Menegroth by the sons of Feanor.


DOL-GULDUR - the fortress of the Sorcerer (Sauron) in southern Mirkwood in the Third Age.

DOLMED is a high mountain in Ered Luin, not far from the dwarven cities of Nogrod and Belegost.

DOR-DAEDELOS - the region in the north, which was owned by Morgoth.

DOR-DINEN is a desert region between the upper reaches of Esgalduin and Aros.


DOR-QUARTHOL - “Land of the Bow and the Helm,” the land defended by Beleg and Turin from their home on Emon Rudh.

DOR-LOMIN - a region in the south of Hithlum, which belonged to Fingon and was given by him to the possession of the House of Hador; there dwelt Hurin and Morwen.

DOR-NU-FAUGLIT is the second name for Anfauglite.

DOR-FIRN-I-GUINAR - "Land of the Living Dead", the name of the place in Ossiriand where Beren and Lúthien lived after their return.

DORIAT - "The Fenced Land", the kingdom of Thingol and Melian in the forests of Neldoreth and Region, fenced in by the Veil of Melian.

DORLAS - Haladin from Brethil; with Turin and Gunthor he went to battle with Glaurung, but became cowardly; killed by Brandir the Lame.

DORTHONION is a wooded plateau on the northern border of Beleriand.

DRAGON HELMET OF DOR-LOMIN - ancestral shrine of the House of Hador, the helmet worn by Turin; also called the Helm of Hador.

DRAGONS are reptiles, fire-breathing creatures, most likely bred by Morgoth; Glaurung was considered their forefather, and Ancalagon was the first winged dragon. They were extremely greedy and possessed a hypnotic gift.

DRAUGLUIN - a giant werewolf killed by Juan on Tol-in-Gaurhot; in his guise Beren made his way to Angband.

FRIENDS OF THE ELVES - people from the Three Houses - Beor, Haleth and Hador, that is, the Adans; The Faithful were also called in Númenor.

DRENGIST - a long and narrow bay that jutted into Ered Lomin; western border of Hithlum.

DUILWEN - the fifth tributary of Gelion in Ossiriand.


IRON CROWN - Morgoth's crown into which the Silmarils were inserted.


WESTERN LORDS - one of the names of the Valar.

THE ENCHANTED ISLANDS are islands created by the Valar in the Great Sea, east of Tol Eressëa during the Hiding of Valinor.




IANT IAUR - Bridge over Esgalduin on the northern border of Doriath.

IBUN is one of the sons of Mim the Dwarf.

IVRIN is a lake and waterfall at the foot of Ered Wethrin, where the Narog River began.

IDRIL - nicknamed Celebrindal or Silverleg, daughter of Turgon and Elenwe; wife of Tuor and mother of Eärendil; together with Tuor sailed to the West.

OUTGATES - the nickname of the Noldor who went to Middle-earth.

ILLUIN is one of the Lamps of the Valar created by Aule. Stood in the northern part of Middle-earth, was destroyed by Morgoth. In its place the Helkar Sea formed.

ILUVATAR - Father of Everything, creator of Ea - the Existing World; aka Eru - the One.

ILMARIN - the halls of Manwe and Varda on Taniquetil.

ILMARE - Maya, close to Varda.

Ilmen is the area of ​​the sky in which the stars are located.

IMLADRIS - Rivendel, Elrond's domain in the valley in the Misty Mountains.

IMLAH - father of Amlah.

INGVE - leader of the Vaniars; in Aman lived on Taniquetil and was considered the High King of all elves.

INDIS - an elf from the Vanyar, a relative of Ingwe and the second wife of Finwe, mother of Fingolfin and Finarfin.

INZILADUN - the eldest son of Ar-Gimilzor and Inzilbet, later took the name Tar-Palantir.

INZILBET - wife of Ar-Gimilzor, from the family of rulers of Andunie.

RISE BOTTOM - or Loeg-Ningloron, huge thickets of reeds and irises on the shore and in the coastal waters of Anduin, where Isildur was killed and the One Ring was lost.

IRMO - Valar, one of Feanturi, also called Lorien - after its habitat.

ITIL is the Quenya name for the Moon.

ISILDUR - eldest son of Elendil; together with his father and brother Anarion, he escaped after the death of Numenor and founded the Numenorean kingdoms in Middle-earth; owned Minas Ithil; tore off the One Ring. the hands of Sauron; killed by orcs in Gladden Basin.

ISTARI - magicians, Maiar, sent to the Third Age from Aman to confront Sauron.

ITIL is the Sindarin name for the Moon.

YAVANNA - Vala of the Aratars; wife Aule; was also called Kementari and patronized everything that lives and grows.


KABED-EN-ARAS - a place on the steep bank of Teiglin, where Turin killed Glaurung and from where Nienor rushed; after her death it was named Kabed Naeramart - "Leap of Terrible Fate".

KAZAD is the self-name of the gnomes.

KALAKVENDI - Elves of Light, High Elves who lived in Aman.

KALAKIRIA - a gorge in the Pelorakh mountains, where there was a green hill of Tuna.

CALENARDON was the name of Rohan when it was still a province of Gondor.


KAMLOST - “Empty Hand”, nickname of Beren.

KARAGDUR - a ledge on the northern slope of Emon-Gwareth, from where Eol was thrown.

KARANTIR - the fourth son of Feanor, nicknamed the Gloomy; the most severe and angry of the brothers; ruled in Thargelion; died during the attack on Doriath.

CARDOLAN is a region in the south of Eriador, part of the kingdom of Arnor.

CARNIL - "Red Star", the name of a star.

CARCHAROT - aka ANFAUGLIR, the giant wolf of Angband; bit off Beren's hand that held the Silmaril; killed by Juan in Doriath.

Quendi - “Speakers”, the self-name of all elven tribes.

Quenta Silmarillion - "The History of the Silmarils."

Quenya - the ancient dialect of the elves, which developed in Valinor; The Noldor brought it to Middle-earth, but it was not used in everyday life, becoming the language of science, art and magic.

CELEBORN - "Silver Tree". 1. The name of the tree on Tol-Eressea, the offspring of Galathilion. 2. Elf from Doriath, kinsman of Thingol and husband of Galadriel.

CELEBRANT - Silver, a river that flowed from the Mirror Lake, flowed through Lorien and flowed into Anduin.

CELEBRIMBOR - son of Curufin, who remained in Nargothrond after the expulsion of his father; in the Second Age - the most skillful of the stone makers of Eregion, the creator of the Three Rings of the Elves; killed by Sauron.


KELEBROS - a river in the forest of Brethil, flowing into Teiglin at the Crossroads.

KELEGORM - the third son of Feanor, nicknamed the Handsome; before Dagor, Bragollach, together with his brother Curufin, ruled Himlad; then they lived in Nargothrond; Lúthien was held captive. The owner of Juan. Killed by Dior in Menegroth.

KELON - a river flowing south from Himring Hill, a tributary of the Aros.

KELVAR is an Elvish word for animals, that is, "moving living things."

KEMENTARI - "Earth Queen", title of Yavanna.

KIRDAN - elf from Teleri, lord of Falas; after the destruction of the Havens, he fled with Gil-Galad to the island of Balar; in the Second and Third Ages he owned the Silver Harbor; he gave the Narya ring to Mithrandir.

CIRION - the third son of Isildur, who died with him in the Gladden Depression.

KIRITH-NINNIACH - the gorge through which Tuor came to the Western Sea; see ANNON-IN-GELID.

KIRITH-TORONAT is a pass in the mountains north of Gondolin where Glorfindel fought the Balrog.

KIRT - runes created by Daeron of Doriath; Daeron Runes were also called.

RINGS OF POWER - magic rings forged by the elves of Eregion at the instigation of Sauron, as well as the One Ring forged by him himself.


KOROLLAIRE - "Green Hill" in Valinor, on which grew the Two Trees; was also called Ezellohar.


CHRISSAEGRIM - the mountains south of Gondolin, where Thorondor, the Lord of the Eagles, nested.

KUIVIENEN - a lake in the northeast of Middle-earth, where the elves woke up and where Orome found them; translated means “Waters of Awakening.”

KULURIEN - “Red-golden” is one of the names of Laurelin.

KURUNIR - aka Saruman the White, head of the Istari and the Council of the Wise; tried to take possession of the One Ring; fell under the rule of Sauron and died ingloriously.

CURUFIN - fifth son of Feanor, nicknamed the Artificer, father of Celebrimbor; his story - see KELEGORM.

KURUFINVE - “Sharp Mind”, see FEANOR.

KUTALION - “Mighty Bow”, see BELEG.

KHAZAD-DUM - a huge foothill kingdom of the gnomes of Darin's tribe in the Misty Mountains; the elves called him Hadhodrond.

KHIM - son of Mim the Dwarf, killed by one of Turin's men.

LADROS - lands in the northeast of Dorthonion, granted by the Noldor kings to the people of the House of Beor.

LAIKVENDI - "Green Elves", the name of the Nandor of Ossiriand.

LALAYTH - the nickname of the daughter of Hurin, who died in childhood.

LAMMOT - the region north of the Gulf of Drengist, where Morgoth fought Ungoliant.

LANTIR-LAMAT - a waterfall at which Dior had his home in Ossiriand.

LAURELIN - "Goldstar", Golden Tree of Valinor; also called Malinalda, Culurien.

LAER KU BELEG - the name of the song composed by Turin at Eithel Ivrin in memory of Beleg Cutalion.

SWAN HARBOR - Alqualonde.

LEGOLIN is the third of the tributaries of Gelion in Ossiriand.


LEMBAS is the Sindarin name for the road bread of the elves.

LENVE - leader of the elves from the Teleri detachment who refused to cross the Misty Mountains; Denethor's father.

FOREST SAVAGE - this is how Turin called himself when meeting the people of Brethil.

FOREST ELVES - apparently descended from the Nandor, who lived in the upper reaches of the Anduin; inhabited the Great Green Forest.

LINAEVEN - “Bird Lake” in Nevrast.

LYNDON - the name of Ossiriand in the Pre-Primary Epoch; later this was the name given to all the lands west of the Blue Mountains that still remained above water.

LINDORIE - mother of Inzilbet.


LOMION - “Son of Twilight”; see MAEGLIN.

LORGAN - leader of the dark-skinned people, who captured Hithlum after Nirneth Arnoediad; he had Tuor as his slave.

LORELLIN - a lake in Lorien (1), where the Vala Este rests during the day.

LORIEN - 1. The name of the gardens and dwelling of the Valar Irmo, who was sometimes called the same. 2. The region between Celebrant and Anduin, ruled by Galadriel and Celeborn.

LORINDOL - “Goldenhair”; see KHADOR.

LOSGAR is a place at the mouth of the Drengist Bay where, after the landing, ships were burned by order of Feanor.

LOTLANN is a large desert plain north of the Reach of Maedhros.


LUINIL - "Blue Star", the name of the star.

LAMBAR is the name of the star.

LUTIEN TINUVIEL - “Flower Maiden”, “Nightingale”; the daughter of King Thingol and Maia Melian, who helped Beren obtain the Silmaril; brought Beren back from the dead and, becoming his wife, chose the fate of mortals.

LEITHIAN - “Liberation from Shackles”; title of the ballad of Beren and Lúthien.

PEOPLE - Children of Ilúvatar, Adans, etc. etc., the creatures of Eru, awakened in Hildorien, in the far east of Middle-earth, at the first rising of the Sun. According to Iluvatar, they are mortal, that is, they are not reborn in this Circle of the World. Closest to the elves were the Three Houses of the Adani, who divided the Lot of the Noldor.

THE KING'S MEN are Numenoreans, hostile to the Eldar and the Faithful.


MAGLOR - second son of Feanor, singer; owned the land called Maglor's Gate; at the end of the Pre-Primary Age, together with Maedhros, he stole the Silmarils, took one of them and threw it into the Sea.

MAGLOR'S GATE - the edge between the northern branches of Gelion, where there were no hills to protect against attacks from the North.

MAGOR is the son of Malach Aradan, who led the people of the Marach tribe to the foothills of Ered Wethrin.

MAYAR – Ainur, a step below the Valar.

MALACH is the son of Marach, nicknamed by the elves Aradan, the King.

MALDUIN is a tributary of the Teiglin.

MALINALDA - “Golden Tree”, see LAURELIN.

SMALL GELION - one of the two rivers that formed Gelion; originated on Himring Hill.

MANVE - the head of the Valar, also called Sulimo, the Elder, the Ruler of Arda.

MANDOS - the habitat in Aman of the Valar Namo, who was usually called that

MAPAH - the leader of the third tribe of people who came to Beleriand; ancestor of Hador Lorindol.

MARDIL - nicknamed the Faithful, the first Prince-Steward of Gondor.

MAR-NU-FALMAR - "Land-under-the-Waves", the name of Númenor after it sank.

MAHAL - that's what the dwarves called Aule.

MAHANAXAR - The Ring of Fate at the gates of Valmar, in which were the thrones of the Valar and where they gathered for council.

MAKHTAN is a skilled Noldor blacksmith, the father of Nerdanel, Feanor's wife.

MAEGLIN - son of Eol and Aredhel, born in Nan Elmoth; his mother called him Lomion; Gondolin betrayed Morgoth and was killed by Tuor.

MAEDROS - the eldest son of Feanor, called the High; Fingon saved him at Thangorodrim; owned Himring Hill and the lands around; created the Union of Maedhros, which came to an end in Nirnaeth Arnoediad; at the end of the Pre-Primary Age, he took one of the Silmarils with him and died with him.

MISTY MOUNTAINS - a mountain range that ran from north to south through Middle-earth.

MELIAN - Maya, who left Valinor for Middle-earth; wife of Thingol and mother of Lúthien; created the enchanted Veil of Melian around Doriath.

MElkor - the rebellious Valar, by origin the most powerful of them, the progenitor of evil; later called Morgoth Bauglir, the Black Lord, the Enemy.

MENEGROT - the hidden halls of Thingol and Melian near the river Esgalduin in Doriath; translated means "Thousand Caves".

MERET ADERTHAD - Reunion Festival hosted by Fingolfin at Lake Ivrin.

MIM is a dwarf in whose home on Emon Rud Turin lived with his gang; betrayed Turin to the Orcs; slain by Hurin in Nargothrond.

MINAS ANOR - Fortress of the Rising Sun, the city of Anarion at the foot of Mount Mindolluin.

MINAS-ITIL - Fortress of the Rising Moon, the city of Isildur on the slope of Ephel-Duat.

MINAS MORGUL - Fortress of Evil Spells, called Minas Ithil after it was captured by the Nazgul.

MINAS-TIRITH - Fortress-Guardian. 1. A fortress built by Finrod on the island of Tol Sirion. 2. The name of Minas-Anor after the capture of Minas-Ithil by the Enemy.

MINDEB is a tributary of the Sirion between Dimbar and the forest of Neldoreth.

MINDOLLUIN is the mountain at the foot of which Minas Anor was built.

MINDON ELDALIEV - tower of Ingwe in Tirion; was also called simply Mindon.

MIRIL - 1. First wife of Finwe, mother of Feanor; died after the birth of her son. Her nickname was Serinde. 2. The daughter of Tar-Palantir, whom Ar-Pharazôn forcibly took as his wife. She bore the name Ar-Zimrafel or Tar-Miriel.

MITLOND - harbors of the elves on the shores of the Blue Bay; were called Silver Harbors or simply Harbors.

MITHRANDIR - “Silver Wanderer”, one of the Istari (magicians); was the Guardian of the Red Ring. The Northmen called him Gandalf, and his name in Valinor was Olórin.

MITHRIM - a large lake in the east of Hithlum, as well as the lands around the lake and the mountains that separated Mithrim from Dor-Lomin in the west.

MORWEN - daughter of Baragund, wife of Hurin and mother of Turin and Nienor; was called Eledwen and the Lady of Dor-Lomina.

MORGOT - "Black Enemy", the name given to Melkor by Feanor after the theft of the Silmarils.

MORDOR - Black Land, Sauron's domain east of the Ephel-Duat.

MORIKVENDI - “Elves of Darkness”, see DARK ELVES.

MORIA - “Black Abyss”, see KHAZAD-DUM.

MORMEGIL - "Black Sword", the name given to Turin in Nargothrond.


THE WISE - the magicians and greatest Eldar of Middle-earth; see WHITE COUNCIL.

MENEL - the highest sky, the region of the stars.

MENELMAKAR - Heavenly Sword-bearer, constellation Orion.

MENELDIL - son of Anarion, king of Gondor.

MENELTARMA - "Heavenly Camp", a mountain in the middle of Numenor; at its top was a shrine to Eru.


NAMO - Valar, one of the Aratars, usually called Mandos, ruler of the Chambers of the Dead.

NAN-DUNGORTEB - the valley between Ered-Gorgoroth and the Veil of Melian.

NAN-TATREN - Land of the Willows, the valley at the confluence of the Narog and Sirion.

NAN-ELMOTH - forest east of Kelon, where Elwe met Melian; later Aeolus lived there.

NANDOR - elves who remained with Lenwe in the upper Anduin; Denethor brought some of them to Ossiriand.

NARGOTROND - an underground stronghold near the river Narog, created by Finrod and destroyed by Glaurung, as well as Finrod's possessions east and north of Narog.

NARN AND HIN HURIN - The Tale of the Children of Hurin, attributed to the poet Dyrhavel, a man who lived in the Sirion Havens during the time of Earendil and died when attacked by the sons of Feanor.

NAROG - the largest river of Western Beleriand, flowed from under Ered Wethrin at Ivrin and flowed into Sirion at Nan Tathren.

NARSIL - sword of Elendil, forged by Telhar of Nogrod; broke when Elendil died, and the fragments were stored in Imladris; was reforged for Aragorn and named Andril.

NARSILION is the name of a song about the Moon and the Sun.

NARYA is one of the Three Rings of the Elves. Ring of Fire, or Red Ring; Cirdan kept it, and then gave it to Mithrandir.

NAUGLAMIR - Necklace of the Dwarves, made for Finrod; Hurin brought it from Nargothrond to Thingol; A Silmaril was inserted into it.

NAUGHRIM is the Sindarian name for the Dwarves.

NAHAR - horse of the Valar Oromë.

NERDANEL - nicknamed the Wise, daughter of Makhtan the blacksmith and wife of Feanor.

NIVRIM - part of Doriath on the western coast of Sirion.

NIMBRETHIL - birch forests in Arvernien, in the south of Beleriand.

NIMLOT - 1. The White Tree of Numenor, the fruit of which was stolen by Isildur and grew into the White Tree of Minas-Ithil; burned at the behest of Sauron. 2. Elf from Doriath, wife of Dior and mother of Elured, Elurina and Elwing; died during the attack of the sons of Feanor on Doriath.

NYMPHELOS is a large pearl that Thingol gave to the king of Belegost.

NINIEL - "Tear Maiden", the name that Turin gave to his sister Nienor.

NINKVELOTE - "White Flower", one of the names of Telperion.

NIRNAET ARNOEDIAD - "Countless Tears", the name given to the Fifth Battle of the Wars of Beleriand.

NIFREDIL - a white flower that bloomed in Doriath when Lúthien was born; these flowers also grew on Kerin-Amros in Lórien.

NIENNA - Vala, who was one of the Aratars; mistress of sorrow and lamentation, sister of Mandos and Lorien.

NIENOR NINIEL - daughter of Hurin and Morwen, sister of Turin; Bewitched by Glaurung, she became the wife of Turin in Brethil; rushed to Teiglin.

NOGROD is one of two dwarven cities in the Blue Mountains; the dwarves called him Tumunzahar.

NOLDOLANTE - "The Fall of the Noldor", a lament composed by Maglor.

Noldor - the Wise Elves, the second detachment of the Eldar, who came out from Kuivianen under the leadership of Finwe.

NOM, NOMIN - “Wise”, “Wise”; the names that the people of Bëor gave to Finrod and his people.

NOEGIT NIBIN - dwarfs, a tribe related to the gnomes, who lived in the caves of Narog before the arrival of the Noldor.

NULUKKIZDIN - Dwarven name for Nargothrond.

NUMENOR - Western Land; an island created by the Valars for the Adans after the end of the Pre-Primary Age; also called Anadune, Andor, Elenna, Starry Land.

NUMENOREANS - inhabitants of Numenor, who were also called the Dúnedains - “people of the West”.

NURTALE VALINOREVA - “The Hiding of Valinor”, ​​which occurred after the departure of the Noldor, when the Valar closed the way to the West for the rebels.

NEURAST - the region west of Dor-lómin, where Turgon lived before he went to Gondolin.

NEITHAN - "Unjustly Wrong", the name Turin gave himself among the outcasts.

NELDORET - a large beech forest, northern part of Doriath.

NEN-GIRIT - “Shuddering Water”, see DIM-GROWTH.

NENAR is the name of the star.

NENNING - a river in Western Beleriand that flowed into the Sea at Eglarest.

NENUIAL ​​- "The Lake of Twilight" in Eriador, from which flowed the river Baranduin and near which Annuminas was built.

NENYA is one of the Three Rings of the Eldar, the White Ring with adamant, the Ring of Water, guarded by Galadriel.

NESSA - Vala, sister of Orome and wife of Tulkas.



OYOLOSSE - "Eternally Snowy", as the Eldar usually called Taniquetil.

OYOMURE is a foggy land near Helkaraxe.




OLVAR is an Elvish word for plants.

OLVE - together with his brother Elwe, he led a detachment of Teleri to the West; Lord of Alqualonde, father of Earwen, wife of Finarfin.

ORCS - creations of Morgoth, supposedly twisted and perverted by the Avari; ugly, evil, enemies of beauty and order, carrion eaters and cannibals.

MANWE EAGLES - giant eagles that nested in Crissaegrim; carried out the orders of Manwe.

ORMAL - Lamp of the Valar, which stood in the south of Middle-earth.

ORODRETH - the second son of Finarfin, held the fortress of Minas Tirith on Tol Sirion; after the death of Finrod he was king of Nargothrond; Father Finduilas; died in the Battle of Tumkhalad.

ORODRUIN - Fire Mountain in Mordor, where Sauron forged the One Ring; was also called Emon-Amarth - Mount Doom.

OROCARNI - mountains in the east of Middle-earth.

OROME - Valar of the Aratars, hunter; led the elves from Kuivienen; Vana's husband.

OROMET - a mountain near the harbor of Andunie in the west of Numenor, on which the tower of Tar-Minastir was built.

ORTHANK - Numenorean tower in the Ring of Isengard.

ORFALK-EKKOR - a cleft in the Circular Mountains that led to the Gon of the valleys.

OSGILIAT - "Star Citadel", the main city of ancient Gondor, located on both banks of the Anduin.

OSSE - Maiar, vassal of Ulmo, lord of the seas; Teleri's friend.

OSSIRIAND - The Land of the Seven Rivers, where Gelion and its six tributaries flowed; the Green Elves lived there.

OST-IN-EDHIL is an elven city in Eregion.

THE EXCLUDED is the nickname of the House of Feanor.


OKHTAR - Isildur's squire who brought the fragments of Elendil's sword to Imladris.

PALANTIRS - “Seers from Afar”, seven All-Seeing Stones, which were brought from Numenor by Elendil and his sons; were made in Aman by Feanor.


PELARGIR - Numenorean harbor and city in the Anduin delta; later belonged to Gondor.

PELORS - they are also the Aman Mountains, the Security Mountains; erected by the Valar after the destruction of their home on Almaren; stretched from north to south along the eastern coast of Aman.


THE CROSSBOW OF TEIGLIN - in the southwestern part of the forest of Brethil, where the old road that ran south from the Pass of Sirion crossed Teiglin.

PERIANS - Halflings.





THE LAST ALLIANCE - an alliance concluded at the end of the Second Age between Elendil and Gil-galad against Sauron.


RING GHOSTS - they are also Nazguls, Ulairs; slaves of the Nine Rings and servants of Sauron.

PROPHECY OF THE NORTH - The Lot of the Noldor, pronounced by Mandos on the shores of Araman.

STRAIGHT PATH - a path over the Sea leading to the True West, which the elves could use after the death of Numenor.

RAGNOR is one of Barahir's twelve companions in Dorthonion.

RADAGAST - one of the Istari (magicians).

RADRUIN is one of Barahir's twelve companions in Dorthonion.

THE SEPARATING SEAS - the seas between Aman and Middle-earth.

RAMDAL - eastern end of Andram.

RANA - "The Wanderer", the Noldor name for the Moon.

RATLORIEL - the new name of Askar after the treasures of Doriath were drowned in it.


RAUROS is a large waterfall on the Anduin River.

MASSACRE - murder of the Teleri by the Noldor in Alqualonde.

RIAN - daughter of Belegund, wife of Huor and mother of Tuor; after the death of Huor, she died of grief near Hod-en-Ndengin.

RIVIL - a stream that ran down from Dorthonion in the north and flowed into Sirion in the Marshes of Sereh..

RINGVIL - a stream that flowed into Narog at Nargothrond.

RINGIL - "Ice Star", sword of Fingolfin.

ROANDIANS - inhabitants of Rohan, a vassal of Gondor.

RHOVANION - Wilderness, a desert region east of the Misty Mountains.


ROMENA - a harbor on the eastern coast of Numenor.

ROTINZIL - the name of Vingilot in Adunaic.

ROCHALLOR - Fingolfin's horse.

ROHAN - “Land of Horses”; a new name for the great grassy plain of Calenardon after it was given over to the Rhoandians.

RUDAUR - a region in the north-west of Eriador.

RUMIL - Noldor sage from Tirion, inventor of the first runes.

REGION - A dense forest covering the southern part of Doriath.

RERIR - a mountain north of Lake Helevorn, where the larger of the two branches of Gelion began.

SALMAR - Maiar who came to Arda from Ulmo, creator of Ulumuri.

SARN-ATRAD - Rocky Ford, where the Dwarf Road crossed Gelion.

SARUMAN - that's what the northerners called Kurunir.

SAURON - aka Gorthaur; Maiar Aule, later Morgoth's most powerful servant, became the Black Lord after his fall; forged the One Ring and disappeared when it was destroyed.

SAEROS - Nandor, one of Thingol's advisors; insulted Turin in Menegroth and died, pursued by him.

THE SEVEN FOREFathers of the Dwarfs - the seven dwarves first created by Aule.



SEREGON - “blood of stone”, a plant with dark red flowers that grew on Emon Rud.

SEREKH - swamps in the north of the Gorge of Sirion, where the River Rivil, flowing from Dorthonion, flowed into Sirion.

SERINDE - “Embroiderer”; see MIRIEL (1).


SILMARIEN - daughter of Tar-Elendil, fourth king of Numenor; mother of the first ruler of Andunie.

SILMARIL - three diamonds created by Feanor and filled with the light of the Two Trees; were kidnapped by Morgoth. The entire history of the Pre-Initial Epoch is connected with them.


SINDARIN is a dialect of Beleriand, descended from the elven proto-language, but very different from Quenya.

SINDAR - Twilight Elves; Teleri who lived in Beleriand (except for the Green Elves).



BLUE BAY - a bay in the west of Eriador; in the place where the Blue River flowed into the bay, Mithlond was built.

BLUE RIVER - a river in Eriador that flowed into the Blue Gulf.

SIRION is a huge river that flowed from north to south and separated Western and Eastern Beleriand.

DARK FACES - people from the East, appeared in Beleriand after Dagor Bragollach and fought on both sides in Nirnaeth Arnoediad.


SORONUME is the name of the constellation.

ALLIANCE OF MAEDHROS - an alliance created by Maedhros to fight Morgoth and disintegrated under Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

MIDDLE-EARTH - lands east of the Great Sea; also called the Abandoned Lands, the Outer Lands, the Great Lands, Endor, Ennor.




DRY RIVER - a river that once flowed under the District Mountains from a lake on the site of which the Tumladen Valley arose.

SONS OF FÉANOR - Maedhros, Maglor, Celegorm, Caranthir, Curufin, Amrod, Amras.

SECRET FLAME - The Essence of the Life of the World, kept by Ilúvatar.

TALAT-DIRNEN - The Guarded Plain in the north of Nargothrond.

TALAT-RUNEN is the former name of Thargelion.


TALOS - the second of the tributaries of Gelion in Ossiriand.

TANGORODRIM - a mountain range erected by Morgoth before Angband; collapsed in the Great Battle at the end of the Pre-Prior Era.

TANIKVETIL - the highest mountain of the Pelors and all of Arda; at its top is Ilmarin; other names are Oyolosse, Emon Wilos.

TAR-ANKALIMON - the fourteenth king of Numenor, under whom the Numenoreans were divided into two warring parties.

TAR-ATANAMIR - the thirteenth king of Numenor, to whom the envoys of the Valar came.


TAR-KIRIATAN - nicknamed Shipwright, twelfth king of Numenor.

TAR-MINASTIR - the eleventh king of Numenor, who helped Gil-Galad in the fight against Sauron.



TAR-PALANTIR - the twenty-third king of Numenor, who renounced the deeds of his predecessors; father Miriel (2); see INSILADUN.

TAR-ELENDIL - fourth king of Numenor, father of the Silmariens.

TARAS - a mountain at the tip of Nevrast; at its foot was Vinyamar, the former dwelling of Turgon.

TARGELION - “The land beyond Gelion,” between Mount Rerir and the Askar River, where Caranthir lived; was also called Dor-Karanthir - “Land of Karanthir”.

TARN-AELUIL - a lake in Dorthonion, where Barahir and his companions died.

TAUR-IM-DUINAT - “Forest-between-Rivers”, the name of the wild region south of Andram, between Sirion and Gelion.

TAUR-NU-FUIN - the later name of Dortonion.

TAURON - "Lord of the Woods", the name of Orome among the Sindar.

TAUR-EN-FAROTH - wooded highlands on the western bank of the Narog River above Nargothrond; also called Greater Pharos.

TEIGLIN - a tributary of the Sirion, which began in Ered Wethrin and flowed in the south of the forest of Brethil.

TELEMNAR - twenty-sixth king of Gondor.

TELPERION - White Tree, eldest of the Two Trees of Valinor; also called Silpion, Ninquelote.

TELUMENDYL is the name of the constellation.

TELHAR is the most famous blacksmith of Nogrod, the creator of Angrist and Narsil.

DARK ELVES - Morikwendi; in Aman, this was the name given to all the elves who did not cross the Great Sea. At the time of the exile of the Noldor, this was the name given to all other elves except the Noldor and Sindar (mixing the Morikwendi and the Avari).


SHADOW is an allegorical name for the Black Power.

TILION - Maiar, ruler of the Moon.

THINGOL (SINGOLLO) - the name by which Elwe, Olwe's brother, was (known in Beleriand; means "Silver Cloak". Together with Melian, he ruled in Doriath and was the lord of all the Sindar of Beleriand. Father of Lúthien. By chance, the Curse of the Noldor fell on him , and he was killed by the Dwarves because of the Silmaril.

TINTALLE - “Firemaker of the Stars”, the name of Varda.


TYRION is a city of elves on the hill of Tuna in Aman.

TOL-GALEN - Green Island in the middle of the Adurant River, where Beren and Lúthien lived after returning from the dead.


TOL-MORWEN - an island in the sea after the flooding of Beleriand, on which stood the gravestone of Turin, Nienor and Morwen.

TOL-SIRION - an island in the middle of the river in the Pass of Sirion, on which Finrod built Minas Tirith; was captured by Sauron and named Tol-in-Gaurhot - the Isle of the Wolves.

TOL-ERESSEA - The Lonely Island, where Ulmo transported the Vanir and Noldor, and later the Teleri, across the ocean and which remained in the Gulf of Eldamar. The Teleri lived there until they moved to Alqualonde; after the end of the Pre-Prior Era, many Noldor and Sindar lived there.

THORONDOR - lord of the Eagles who nested in Crissaegrim.

THRANDUIL - Sindar, king of the Wood Elves of the northern Green Forest.

TULKAS - Valar, the last to come to Arda; was also called Astaldo - the Valiant.

TUMLADEN - a hidden valley in the Rim Mountains, in the middle of which stood the city of Gondolin.


TUMKHALAD - a valley in the region between the decks of Ginglit and Narog, where the army of Nargothrond was defeated.

TUNA - a green hill in Kalakiria where Tyrion stood.

TUOR - son of Huor and Rian; adopted by the elves of Mithrim; brought Ulmo's message to Gondolin; husband of Idril and father of Eärendil; escaped after the death of Gondolin; On the ship Earram sailed to the West.

TURAMBAR - "Lord of Fate", a name adopted by Turin in Brethil.

TURGON - nicknamed the Wise; second son of Fingolfin; lived in Nevrast, then built Gondolin; died along with the city; Father Idril.

TURIN - son of Hurin Talion and Morwen Eledwen; was a valiant warrior, but the curse of Morgoth hung over him. He killed Glaurung.

TOUR OF HARETH - Hod-en-Arwen.

TURINGVETHIL - messenger of Sauron in the guise of a giant bat; in her guise Lúthien made her way to Doriath.


TELERI - the third and largest of the elf forces that went west; leaders - Elwe and Olwe; The Teleri, who did not leave Middle-earth, were divided into the Sindar and Nandor.

WINEN - Maya, mistress of the Seas, wife of Osse.


ULDOR - nicknamed the Damned, son of Ulfang the Black, killed by Maglor in Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

ULUMURI - huge singing shell horns made for Ulmo by Maiar Salmar.

ULFANG THE BLACK - leader of the Dark Faces, who served Caranthir with his three sons and betrayed him to Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

ULFAST - son of Ulfang the Black, killed by the sons of Bor in Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

ULVART - son of Ulfang the Black, killed by the sons of Bor in Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

ULMO - Valar from the Aratars, was called the Lord of the Waters and the Sea King.

UMANIARS are elves who have not been to Aman.

UMBAR is a large natural harbor and fortress of the Númenóreans south of the Bay of Belfalas.

UNGOLIANTA - giant spider; together with Morgoth she killed the Two Trees.

URTEL is one of Barahir's twelve companions in Dorthonion.

UTUMNO - the first great stronghold of Melkor in the north of Middle-earth, destroyed by the Valar.

FAELIVRIN - “Sunny Glare on the Waters of Hebrew”; see FINDUILAS.

FEANOR - eldest son of Finwe, only son of Miriel (1), half-brother of Fingolfin and Finarfin. His former name was Curufinwe; "Fëanor" means "Fiery Spirit". Mastermind of the Noldor rebellion; creator of the Silmarils and Feanor Runes; died in Mithrim at Dagor-nuin-Giliath.

FEANTURI - “Lords of the Spirit”, the Valars of Namo and Irmo.

FELAGUND - Nickname of Finrod.

FINARFIN - youngest son of Finwe and Indis; remained in Aman after the Exodus of the Noldor and ruled over those who remained in Tirion. He and his descendants had golden hair.

FINVE - leader of the Noldor on a campaign west of Cuivienen, king of the Noldor in Aman; father of Feanor, Fingolfin and Finarfin, killed by Morgoth in Formenos.

FINGOLFIN - the eldest son of Finwe and Indis, high king of the Noldor in Beleriand, lived in Hithlum. Killed by Morgoth in single combat.

FINGON - eldest son of Fingolfin, nicknamed the Valiant; saved Maedhros in Thangorodrim; after the death of his father he was High King of the Noldor; killed by Gothmog in Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

FINDUILAS - daughter of Orodreth, whom Gwindor loved and named Faelivrin; loved Turin; was killed by orcs at Teiglin's Crossroads.

FINROD - the eldest son of Finarfin, nicknamed Faithful and Friend of People; founder and king of Nargothrond, accompanied Beren and died defending him in the dungeon of Tol-in-Gaurhot.

FIRIMARS - Mortals, that’s what the elves called people.

FORMENOS - the fortress of Feanor and his sons in the north of Valinor, built after the expulsion of Feanor from Tuna.

FORNOST is a Numenorean city in the Northern Highlands of Eriador.

FRODO - halfling, Keeper of the One Ring.

FUINUR was a renegade Numenorean who rose to prominence among the Haradrim at the end of the Second Age.

KHADOR - surnamed Lorindol, lord of Dor-Lomin and vassal of Fingolfin, father of Galdor; died at Eitel Sirion.


HALADINS - the second tribe of people who came to Beleriand; later called the Haleth tribe; lived in the forest of Brethil.

HALET - called the Lady Haleth, she led the Haladins from Thargelion to the lands west of Sirion.

KHALDAD - leader of the Haladins, commanded them in the battle with the orcs in Thargelion and died; Father Haleth.

HALDAN - son of Haldar, leader of the Haladins after the death of Haleth.

HALDAR - son of Haldad and brother of Haleth; died along with his father.

HALDIR - son of Halmir of Brethil, husband of Gloredhel; killed in Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

HALMIR - leader of the Haladins, son of Haldane; together with Beleg, he defeated the orcs who penetrated through the gorge of Sirion after Dagor Bragollach.

HANDIR - son of Haldir and Gloredhel, father of Brandir the Lame; leader of the Haladin after Haldir's death; died in Brethil, in a battle with orcs.

HARADRIM - inhabitants of Harad, lands south of Mordor.

HARETH - daughter of Halmir of Brethil, wife of Galdor and mother of Hurin and Huor.

KHATALDIR YOUNG - one of the twelve companions of Barahir.

HATOL - father of Hador Lorindol.

HOD-EN-ARWEN - “Tomb of the Lady”, burial mound of Haleth in the forest of Brethil.

HOD-EN-NDENGIN - “Mound of the Dead” in the Anfauglith desert, composed of the bodies of people and elves who died in Nirnaeth Arnoediad. Also called Hod-en-Nirnaeth.

HOD-EN-ELLET - the mound in which Finduilas was buried near the Crossroads of Teiglin.

HELEVORN - "Black Glass", a lake in the north of Thargelion, near Mount Rerir, where Caranthir lived.

HELKAR - an inland sea in the northeast of Middle-earth, on the site of which stood the pillar of the Lamp of Illuin; Lake Kuivienen was considered a bay of this sea.

HELKARAXE - the strait between Araman and Middle-earth, also called the Rising Ice and the Jaws of Ice.

HALLOWEEN - star Sirius.

HIARMENTIR is the highest mountain in the south of Valinor.

HILDORIEN is a land in the east of Middle-earth where the first people awakened.

HILDOR - Lastlings, the elven name for people.

KHIMLAD - the region south of Aglon, where Celegorm and Curufin lived.

HIMRING - a huge hill to the west of the Maglor Gate, where Maedhros had his stronghold.

HIRILORN - a huge beech tree in Doriath where Lúthien was imprisoned.


HITHLUM - a region bordered on the south and east by Ered-Wethrin, and on the west by Ered-Lomin; The Quenya name is Hisilome.

HITAEGLIR - Misty Ridge.



THE KEEPED EDGE is the name of Valinor.

JUAN - a huge wolfhound dog from Valinor, whom Orome gave to Celegorm; friend and helper of Beren and Lúthien; died in a battle with Carcharoth.

HUNTHOR - Haladin from Brethil, who accompanied Turin to the battle with Glaurung; was killed by a falling stone.

HURIN TALION - son of Galdor of Dor-Lomin, husband of Morwen and father of Turin and Nienor; was with Huor in Gondolin; in Nirnaeth Arnoediad was captured by Morgoth; was released; brought the Nauglamir to Thingol.

HERUMOR - a Númenórean traitor who rose to prominence among the Haradrim at the end of the Second Age.


BLACK YEARS - the years of Sauron's rule in the Second Age, which the elves called the Days of Flight.

THE BLACK LORD was the name given to Morgoth and later Sauron.


HALLS OF WAITING - Halls of Mandos, where the dead await their fate.

EA - Existing World; the word of Ilúvatar, with which the existence of the world began.

EARWEN - daughter of Olwe, lord of Alqualonde, wife of Finarfin, mother of Finrod, Orodreth, Angrod, Aegnor and Galadriel.

EARENDIL - nicknamed Half-Elf, Blessed, Clear, Sailor; son of Tuor and Idril; escaped after the death of Gondolin; became the husband of Elwing and lived near the mouth of Sirion; with her he sailed to Aman and asked for the help of the Valar against Morgoth; ascended to heaven along with the ship Vingilot and the Silmaril.

EARENDUR - 1. Lord of Anduiie in Númenor. 2. Tenth King of Arnor.

EARNIL - Thirty-second King of Gondor.

EARNUR - son of Earnil, the last king of Gondor, with whom the line of Anarion was cut short.

EARRAME - “Wing of the Sea”, the name of Tuor’s ship.

EGLADOR is the former name of Doriath.

EGLAREST is the southern harbor of Falas on the coast of Beleriand.

EGLAT - Forgotten People; This is how the Teleri called themselves, remaining in Beleriand to find Elwe Thingol.

EDRAHIL - leader of the elves of Nargothrond, who followed Finrod and Beren and died in the dungeons of Tol-in-Gaurhot.


EILINEL - wife of Gorlim the Wretched.

EITEL-IVRIN - the source of the Narog River at Ered-Wethrin.

EITEL-SIRION - the source of Sirion on the eastern slopes of Ered-Wethrin, where there was a fortress of Fingolfin and Fingon.

EKKAYA - The Outer Sea surrounding Arda; also - Outer Ocean, Circumferential Sea.

EKTHELION - Lord of the Springs, a warrior from Gondolin who, during the fall of the city, killed Gothmog and fell himself.

ELEDWEN - “Elven Radiance”; see MORWEN.

ELEMMIRE - 1. The name of the star. 2. Vanyar, creator of Aldudenie.

ELENWE - wife of Turgon, who died while crossing the Helcaraxe.

ELENDIL - nicknamed the Tall; the son of Amandil, the last ruler of Andunie, a descendant of Earendil and Elwing, with his sons Isildur and Anarion, fled after the death of Numenor and founded kingdoms in Middle-earth; He died along with Gil-galad in the battle with Sauron.

ELENDILI - Faithful; the name given to the Numenoreans who remained loyal to the Eldar and Valar.

ELENDUR - the eldest son of Isildur, who died in the Gladden Depression.

ELANDE - the same as ELDAMAR.


ELENTARI - “Queen of the Stars”, one of the names of Varda.

ELERRINA - “Crowned with Stars”, one of the names of Taniquetil.

ELOSTIRION - the highest of the towers of Emin Beraid, in which the palantir was kept.

ELROND HALF-ELF - son of Earendil and Elwing, who at the end of the Pre-Primary Age chose the fate of the Firstborn and remained in Middle-earth until the end of the Third Age; lord of Imladris and Guardian of Vilya, the Ring of Air, which he received from Gil-galad; father of Arwen, Elladan and Elrohir.

ELROS - son of Eärendil and Elwing, who chose human destiny; the first king of Numenor under the name Tar-Miniatur.

ELU is a Sindarin variant of the name Elwe.

ELURED AND ELURIN - sons of Dior, who perished during the fall of Doriath.

ELUHIL - “Heir of Elu”; see DIOR.

ELBERTH - "Star Queen", the name of Varda in Sindarin.

ELVE - brother of Olwe, one of the leaders of the campaign to the West; Melian, enchanted, remained in Beleriand and was known under the name of Thingol;

ELVING - daughter of Dior, who escaped from Doriath with the Silmaril; Eärendil's wife, sailed with him to the West; mother of Elrond and Elros.

ELDALIE - the same as ELDARS.

ELDAMAR - a region in Aman where the elves lived, a bay of the same name.

ELDARI - according to legend, the name that Oromë gave to all the elves, but usually meant only the elves of the three tribes (Noldor, Vanyar, Teleri) who set out on a campaign from Cuivienen, regardless of whether they came to Aman or not. The Elves of Aman were also called the Tar-Eldar - High Elves, and the Elves of Light - Kalakvendi. The name meant "Star People".

ELVES - Firstborn, Elder Children of Eru, the first to come into the world. Elves were believed to be immortal; they lived long and were forever young, and when they died, they did not leave the Circle of the World, but were reborn.

EMELDIR - wife of Barahir, nicknamed Courageous Heart; after the Dagor, Bragollach brought the children and women of the House of Beor out of Dorthonion.

EMIN-BERAID - Tower Hills in the west of Eriador.

EMON-AMARTH - "Mount Doom", the name given to Orodruin after Sauron's return from Númenor.

EMON-GWARETH - a hill in the middle of the Tumladen valley on which Gondolnn was built.

EMON-OBEL - a hill in the middle of the forest of Brethil, where Ephel-Brandir was built.

EMON-RUD - a lonely mountain in the lands south of Brethil; there lived the dwarf Mim and Turin's gang hid.

EMON-SUL - “Mountain of the Winds” in the kingdom of Arnor (in “The Lord of the Rings” - Zavert).

EMON-UILOS is the name of Oyolosseo in Sindarin.

EMON-EREB - a mountain between Ramdal and the River Gelion in East Beleriand.

EMON-ETHYR - a hill raised by Felagund to the east of the gates of Nargothrond.

ENGVARS - Weak, that’s what the elves called people.


EOL - nicknamed Dark Elf, a skilled blacksmith who lived in Nan Elmoth; took Aredhel, Turgon's sister, as his wife; was friends with the gnomes; forged the swords Anguirel and Anglachel; Maeglin's father; executed in Gondolin.

EONVE - one of the most powerful Maiars, the messenger of Manwe; at the end of the Pre-Primary Age he led the army of the Valar against Morgoth.

EREGION - Hollin, a Noldor hold at the western foot of the Misty Mountains, where the Three Rings were forged in the Second Age.

ERED VETRIN - The Shadow Ridge, bordering Dor-nu-Fauglith from the west and dividing Hithlum and Western Beleriand.

ERED-GORGOROT - Mountains of Terror north of Nan-Dungortheb.

ERED-LINDON - “Mountains of the Singing Land”, the second name of Ered-Luin.

ERED-LOMIN - The Loud Mountains that fenced Hithlum from the west.

ERED-LUIN - The Blue Mountains, after the death of Beleriand, became the northwestern coastal mountain range of Middle-earth.

ERED-ENGRIN - The Iron Mountains are far to the north, where Morgoth's domain was.

EREINION - "Descendant of Kings", former name of Gil-galad.

ERELLONT - one of the three sailors, companions of Earendil.

ERECH is a mountain in the west of Gondor where the Stone of Isildur stood.

ERIADOR - lands between the Misty and Blue Mountains, where the kingdom of Arnor was.

ERU - The One, Ilúvatar.

ERCHAMION - “One-armed”; see BEREN.

ESGALDUIN - a river in Doriath that separated the forests of Neldoreth and Region; flowed into Sirion.

ESTE - Vala, wife of Irmo Lorien.

ESTOLAD - a region south of Nan Elmoth, where the people of the tribes of Beor and Marach lived after they came to Beleriand.

EPHEL-BRANDIR - human settlements in Brethil, on Emon-Obel.

EPHEL-DU AT - Mountains of Darkness, ridge between Gondor and Mordor.

ECCORIAT - The encircling Mountains around the valley in which Gondolin lay.

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In everyday life, we are unlikely to meet a woman with an elven name. But gaming nicknames are very popular on the Internet. They can be found on ICQ, social networks, and computer games. Fans of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien often use elven names for this, because they have their own secret meaning, as well as an unusually pleasant sound.

Elves - often found only in fantasy movies

Exciting fantasy world

English folklore is filled with such fairy-tale characters as gnomes, trolls, and elves. But the veil of mystery about their lives was lifted by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien in his fantasy epic The Lord of the Rings. For ordinary readers, he fully revealed the secrets of the elven race, which, in his opinion, had inhabited the earth since ancient times. The writer invented the language of the elves and gave them beautiful names. Each of them has its own mysterious meaning. Fans of the writer’s work take most of the female elf names from the pages of the work. Following the rules of the language of this fabulous race, a generator has been compiled to create new elf names.

Features and secret meaning of female elf names

In the elven world, as conceived by J. R. R. Tolkien, everything is harmonious, amazingly beautiful, and most importantly - very realistic. Fantastic images of heroes attract with beauty, pride, dignity, secret knowledge that is incomprehensible to humans.

In folklore stories, people often fall in love with beautiful elves. Their names sound just as beautiful and have their own secret meaning. The Elvish language, invented by Tolkien, is represented by several dialects, such as Black, Quenya, Sindarin, Common Eldar and many others. The author is not only a generator of ideas for storylines. This is his idea - to name his heroes, making up names from different parts of Elvish words.

Most female names end in -el or -e. The order of composition is as follows: a noun or adjective is taken as a basis, a suffix and an ending are added to it. For example:

  • Mirime - “Free”, derived from the Elvish word Mirim, to which the ending -e is added
  • Ankalim - “Brightest”, derived from the word Ankalim with the ending -e
  • Irime – “Beautiful”, from the word Irim with the ending -e

In the language of this fairy-tale people, the ending –iel means “daughter”, so in the epic work there are many elves whose names are, for example:

Anariel - daughter of the sun

Amaniel - daughter of Haman

Lairiel - daughter of summer

Eariel - daughter of the sea

There are also names that are formed by combining two nouns without a suffix or ending, for example:

Idril – “Sparkling shine”, from the words Eid and Ril

Arvel – “Noble Maiden”, from the words Ar and Vel

Nimlot – “White flower, from the words Nim and Lot

All of them are interesting for their uniqueness. It is not customary to give them twice. Therefore, in Tolkien’s work it is impossible to find heroes who have the same name.

Features of the names of light and dark elves

Names for Tolkien's heroes are not just marks of distinction among their fellows. The elves choose them themselves, and only after reaching the age of one hundred years. They contain the deepest meaning.

For light elves, this is a combination of words that can reflect the divine principle, the power of ancestors or contemporary heroes. At the moment of assigning an adult name, no one mentions the child’s name.

For dark elves, Drow, they consist of their first and last names. In this case, the surname is affiliation with the House. The prefixes of their names are divided into female and male. A suffix is ​​added to the prefix. The surname is formed in the same way.

Many of us lack the knowledge of the fairy-tale language of the elves or simply the imagination to come up with a nickname for communicating on the Internet. Therefore, you can use a special program - a generator.

How to work with a generator

On the Internet you can find a generator for creating new female names for light elves of the Forgotten Realms, as well as a generator for dark elves, Drow.

Any generator provides a list like this:

  • Name prefixes and their meanings
  • Name suffixes and their meanings
  • Surname prefixes and their meanings
  • Surname suffixes and their meanings.

In their language, the surname implies the name of the House.

Next to prefixes and suffixes, different variations of them can be suggested in brackets, so there is room for choice. In some cases, masculine and feminine suffixes are presented. In the list they are separated by a slash (m/f). Suffixes that do not have such a division are suitable for both women and men.

If the generator produces a dissonant option that seems complete nonsense, you can try to come up with a different nickname.

Popular elven heroines

Amarine - an elf who united with her lover only after death

Anaire is the heroine of the epic, who, despite her love for her husband and children, could not go into exile with them

Aredhel was a fair-skinned beauty who loved to emphasize her dignity with light-colored clothes.

Arwen – translated as “Noble Maiden”, in Tolkien’s work she is the king’s wife

Galadriel - co-ruler of Lothlorien

Idril is an elf with blond hair, the meaning of the name is “sparkling splendor”

Iminie is one of those who awakened first

Celebrian - translated as “silver queen”

Lúthien Tinúviel is an elven woman who fell in love with a mortal man.

Everyone can become a generator of new Elven names themselves. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account their meanings, because they somehow influence fate, even in virtual life. Many believe that the meaning of Nick, which has magical properties, can protect its owner even in real life. Therefore, teenagers often use it when communicating with each other. The powers of the elves are unlikely to be transferred to them. But masculinity, a willingness to sacrifice one’s interests and an interest in learning arise in almost all Tolkien fans.

Suffixes and endings

(1) -ae (-nae) : whispering, whispering
(2) -ael: great
(3) -aer / -aera: singer, song, sound, singing
(4) -aias/-aia: husband/wife
(5) -ah / -aha: wand, wand
(6) -aith / -aira: house
(7) -al / -ala (-la; -lae; -llae): harmony
(8) -ali: shadow
(9) -am / -ama: strider, tramp, tramp, wandering
(10) -an / -ana (-a; -ani; -uanna) : create, creator, creator
(11) -ar/-ara (-ra): male/female
(12) -ari (-ri) : spring
(13) -aro (-ro) : summer
(14) -as (-ash; -sah): bow
(15) -ath: by, of, with (I think it’s clear)
(16) -avel: sword
(17) -brar (-abrar; -ibrar) : craft, artisan
(18) -dar (-adar; -odar) : peace
(19) -deth (-eath; -eth) : eternal
(20) -dre: charm, enchanting
(21) -drim (-drimme; -udrim) : flight, flying
(22) -dul: lawn, clearing
(23) -ean: riding, rider
(24) -el (ele/-ela): hawk
(25) -emar: honor
(26) -en: autumn
(27) -er (-erl; -ern) : winter
(28) -ess (-esti) : Elvish
(29) -evar: flute
(30) -fel (-afel; -efel) : lake
(31) -hal (-ahal; -ihal): pale, weak
(32) -har (-ihar; -uhar) : wisdom, wise
(33) -hel (-ahel; -ihel) : sadness, tears, sad
(34) -ian / ianna (-ia; -ii; -ion): lord / lady
(35) -iat: fire
(36) -ik: strength, power, strong, powerful
(37) -il (-iel; -ila; -lie): gift, giving
(38) -im: debt
(39) -in (-inar; -ine) : relatives, brother/sister
(40) -ir (-ira; -ire) : twilight
(41) -is (-iss; -ist) : scroll
(42) -ith (-lath; -lith; -lyth): child, young
(43) -kash (-ashk; -okash) : fate
(44) -ki: emptiness
(45) -lan / -lanna (-lean; -olan / -ola) : son / daughter
(46) -lam (-ilam; -ulam) : fair, just, beautiful
(47) -lar (-lirr) : radiance, shining
(48) -las: wild
(49) -lian / -lia: master, lady
(50) -lis (-elis; -lys): breeze
(51) -lon (-ellon): leader, ruler
(52) -lyn (-llinn; -lihn) : bolt, beam
(53) -mah / -ma (-mahs) : magician
(54) -mil (-imil; -umil): obligation, promise, promiser
(55) -mus: ally, companion
(56) -nal (-inal; -onal) : distance, distant, distant
(57) -nes: heart
(58) -nin (-nine; -nyn) : rite, ritual
(59) -nis (-anis) : dawn
(60) -on/onna: keep, keeper
(61) -or (oro): flower
(62) -oth (-othi) : gate
(63) -que: lost, forgotten
(64) -quis: limb, part of something, branch
(65) -rah(-rae; -raee) : beast
(66) -rad(-rahd) : leaf
(67) -rail/-ria (-aral; -ral; -ryl): hunting, hunter
(68) -ran (-re; -reen) : imprisonment, shackles, shackles
(69) -reth (-rath) : secret
(70) -ro (-ri; -ron): path, journey, going, wanderer
(71) -ruil (-aruil; -eruil) : noble
(72) -sal (-isal; -sali) : honey, honey, sweet, tender
(73) -san: drink, drink, wine
(74) -sar (-asar; -isar) : task, search, seeker
(75) -sel (-asel; -isel): mountain
(76) -sha (-she; -shor): ocean
(77) -spar: fist
(78) -tae (-itae) : beloved, love
(79) -tas (-itas): wall, guardianship, fence
(80) -ten (-iten) : spinner; spinner
(81) -thal/-tha (-ethal/-etha): treatment, treat, healer
(82) -thar (-ethar; -ithar): friend
(83) -ther (-ather; -thir): armor, protection, patronage
(84) -thi (-ethil; -thil) : wing, winged
(85) -thus / -thas (-aethus / -aethas) : harp, harpist
(86) -ti (-eti;-til) : eye, gaze
(87) -tril/-tria (-atri; -atril/-atria): dance, dancer
(88) -ual (-lua) : holy
(89) -uath (-luth; -uth) : spear
(90) -us /-ua: relative, related
(91) -van /-vanna: thicket, forest
(92) -var / -vara (-avar / -avara) : father / mother
(93) -vain (-avain) : spirit
(94) -via (-avia) : luck, lucky
(95) -vin (-avin) : storm
(96) -wyn: music, musician
(97) -ya: helmet
(98) -yr / -yn: messenger
(99) -yth: people, person
(100) -zair / -zara (-azair / -ezara) : lightning

Adanedel is an Elf-man, a nickname given to Turin in Nargothrond.
Adunahor is one of the kings of Numeron from the time of darkness.
Agarwaen, son of Umarth, was a name taken by Turin in Nargothrond.
Amandil is the lord of Acuidie in Numeron, the father of Elendil, a friend of the Elves during the darkening of Numeron.
Amariye is the beloved of Finrod-Felagund from the Vanyar clan in Aman.
Amlah is one of the grandsons of Marach, the son of Imlach.
Amras is one of the sons of Feanor, twin of Amrod.
Amrod is one of the sons of Feanor, twin of Amras.
Anarion - son of Elendil, leader of the remnant of the faithful from Numeron, founder of Gondor.
Angrim - Gorlim's father, is no longer known.
Angrod is the son of Finarfin.
Annael is a woman from the tribe of Green Elves who raised Tuor.
Annúminas is the chief city of Arnor, the kingdom of Elendil.
Apanovar - Afterborn, one of the names of people given by the elves.
Ar-Pharazôn is the twenty-fourth king of Numeron, son of Gamalchid.
Ar-Gamilzor is the twenty-second king of Numeron.
Ar-Sikaltor is the twenty-first king of Numeron.
Ar-Zimrofel - daughter of Tar-Palantir, wife of Ar-Pharazon.
Aradan is the name of Malach in the language of the elves.
Aragorn is the son of Arathorn, the 39th direct descendant of Isildur.
Aratan is one of the sons of Isildur.
Arathorn is the 38th direct descendant of Isildur.
Aredhel Ar-Feiniel - daughter of Fingolfin, White Lady of the Noldor.
Arien is a Maiar girl who controls the movement of the Sun.
Arminas is one of the two elves who came to Norgothrond with a warning to Ulmo.
Artal is one of Barahir's nine servants.
Aegnor is the son of Finarfin.
Aerin is a relative of Turin, whom Brodda took as his wife.
Balan is the son of Beor.
Balandila is the youngest son of Isildur.
Baragund is the son of Bregolas.
Barahir is the son of Bregor.
Baranduin is a river in Eriador.
Bauglir is one of Morgoth's names.
Belagund is the son of Bregolas.
Beren is the son of Barahir.
Darin is one of the Seven Dwarf Fathers, ruler of Khazad-dum.
Daeron - an elf minstrel, the main keeper of knowledge in Doriath, invented the runes.
Deyruin is one of Barahir's nine servants.
Denethor is an elf from the clan of Nandor, son of Lenwe.
Dior Aranel or Dior Elukhil - Heir of Thingol, son of Beren and Luthien.
Feanor is the son of Finwe, king of the Noldor, the most powerful of the elves of the Noldor, the creator of the Silmarils.
Feanturi - lords of spirits, brothers Mandos and Lorien (Namo and Irmo).
Felagund - Caves Carver, name of Finrod.
Finarfin is one of the three sons of Finwe, lord of the Noldor.
Fingolfin is one of the three sons of Finwe, lord of the Noldor.
Fingon is the son of Fingolfin.
Finrod is the son of Finarfin.
Finwe is the lord of the Noldor who led his people to Valinor.
Funduilos is the daughter of King Orodreth, lord of Norgothrond.
Galadriel is the daughter of Finarfin.
Galdor is the son of Hador.
Galmir is the son of Guilin.
Gamalchid is the son of Ar-Gamilzor.
Gildor is one of Barahir's nine servants.
Gloredhel is the daughter of Hador the Golden-headed.
Gorlim the Unfortunate is one of Barahir's nine servants who betrayed Barahir's hiding place.
Gorthaur is the name of Sauron in the language of Sindar.
Gundor is the son of Hador.
Gwindor is the son of Guilin.
Gandalf, Olorin, Mithrandir - the wisest of the Maiar, one of the Istari.
Khador Lorindol is the son of Hathol.
Haleth is the daughter of Haldad.
Haldad is the leader of Haladin.
Haldane is the son of Haldar.
Haldar is the son of Haldad.
Haldir is the son of Halmir.
Halmir is the leader of Haladin after Haldad, Haleth, Haldane.
Handir is the youngest son of Haldir, the leader of Haladin.
Hareth is the daughter of Halmir.
Hataldir is one of Barahir's nine servants.
Khatol is the son of Magor.
Khim is the son of Mim.
Hungor is a relative of Brandir.
Huor is the son of Galdor.
Hurin Talion is the son of Galdor.
Ibun is the son of Mim.
Idril Celebrindal (Silverfoot) - daughter of Turgon.
Imlakha is the father of Amlakha, and is no longer known.
Indis the Beautiful is the second wife of Finwe, from the Vanyar clan.
Yngve - High King of the Elves, Chief of the Vanyar
Ineilbeth is the daughter of Lindorie.r Irmo is the real name of Lorien.
Isildur is the son of Elendil.
Caranthir the Dark - one of the sons of Feanor.
Celeberi is an offshoot of Galathilion on Tol Eress.
Celeborn is Thingol's kinsman and Galadriel's lover.
Celebrimbor - son of Curufin, leader of the elves of Eregion.
Kirion is one of the sons of Isildur.
Colegorm the Fair is one of the sons of Feanor.
Comments - Queen of the Earth, Yavanna's name in the Eldar language.
Komlost - Empty-Handed, the name that Beren took for himself after returning from Angband.
Curufin the Craftsman is one of the sons of Feanor.
Curufinwe is the name given by his father to Fëanor.
Luthien is the daughter of Turin and Melian.
Lalaith - Laughing, daughter of Hurin and Morwen.
Leithian is the name of Luthien in the language of the Noldor.
Lembas is the travel bread of the elves.
Lenwe, an elf from Olwe's detachment, went south and took many of Olwe's detachment with him. Chieftain of Nandor.
Lindorie is Erendur's sister.
Lomion - Child of Twilight, Maeglin's name given to him by his mother.
Lorgan, one of the leaders of the Eastern-speaking people, held Tuor captive for three years.
Lorien (Irmo) is one of the eight powerful Valar, commanding dreams and visions.
Maglor the Great Singer is one of the sons of Feanor.
Magor is the son of Malach Aradan.
Mahtan is the most famous blacksmith among the Noldor, a student of Aule.
Malach Aradan is the son of Marach.
Malinalda is one of the names of Laurelin.
Mandos (Namo) - one of the eight powerful Valar, ruler of the houses of the dead, legislator of the Valar. Mandos is also the name of the place where Namo lives.
Manwe Sulimo is the most powerful and holy Valar, the High King of Arda, who commands the winds and birds.
Marach is the leader of the largest tribe of people who came to Beleriand.
Mardil the Faithful - Warlord of Ernul, the last King of Gondor from the House of Isildur.
Maedhros the Tall is one of the sons of Feanor.
Maeglin is the son of Eol and Aredhel.
Melendil is the son of Anarion.
Melian - Mailar, who served Van and Este in Middle-earth before leaving. Queen of Doriath.
Melkor - initially the most powerful of the Ainur, brother of Manwe according to Ilúvatar's plan, took the path of evil and along this path lost his power.
Miriel Serinde - Finwe's first wife, Feanor's mother.
Miriel is the daughter of Tar-Palantir.
Mormegil is one of the names of Turin.
Morwen Elodwen - daughter of Baragund, wife of Hurin.
Namo is the real name of Mandos.
Nathan - the Offended, a name taken by Turin after leaving Doriath.
Nerdanel - daughter of Mahtan, wife of Feanor.
Nessa - Valier, wife of Tulkas, patroness of deer.
Nienna is Feanturi's sister, Valier, who mourns every wound inflicted on Arda by Melkor.
Nienor - Sadness, daughter of Hurin and Morwen.
Niniel is the Weeping Maiden, the name given by Turin to Nienor.
Oyolosse - Always snow-white, one of the names of Taniquetil.
Olwe is the brother of Elwe, chieftain of the Teleri in Valinor.
Orodreth is the son of Finarfin.
Orome is one of the eight powerful Valar, patron of animals, Lord of the forests.
Osse - Mailar, vassal of Ulmo, commands the seas washing the shores of Middle-earth.
Yavanna - the giver of fruits, Valier, the wife of Aule, patronizes everything that grows from the Earth.
Radagast is one of the Istari, a friend of all animals and birds.
Radruin is one of Barahir's nine servants.
Ragnor is one of Barahir's nine servants.
Rana - Wayward, the name of the Moon in the language of the Noldor.
Rian is the daughter of Belagund, wife of Huor.
Rumil is an elf from Tirion who first invented writing.
Sauron (Gorthaur the Cruel) - was originally among the Maiar Aule, the most powerful of Morgoth's servants.
Saeros - an elf from the Nandor clan, lived in Doriath, had a quarrel with Turin and died.
Sirdan - elf, shipmaster, leader of Philatrim, elves of Falas.
Tar-Apkalimon is the fourteenth king of Numeron.
Tar-Atanamir is the thirteenth king of Numeron.
Tar-Hirnatan the Shipbuilder is the twelfth king of Numeron.
Tar-Minastir is the eleventh king of Numeron.
Tar-Palantir is the twenty-third king of Numenor, son of Ar-Gamilzor.
Tauron - Lord of the Forests, the name of Orome in the language of Sindar.
Telemnal is the twenty-third King of Gondor from the line of Isildur.
Tilion is a Maiar, a hunter from the Orome squad who controls the movement of the Moon.
Thingol - King of Doriath, see also Elwe and Eru Thingol.
Tintalle - Igniteer, one of the names of Varda.
Tinúviel - Daughter of Twilight, the name given by Beren Lúthien.
Tirion is a city of the elves in Valinor, on top of Tuna.
Thorondor is the king of the eagles of Manwë, the mightiest of all birds.
Thranduil is the king of the elves who lived in Black Forest.
Tulkas is one of the eight mighty Valar, the strongest and greatest in deeds of valor.
Tuor is the son of Huor.
Tur Hareth - The Tomb of the Lady, or Haud-en-Arwenin in the language of Sindar, the tomb of Haleth.
Turambar - Master of Fate, a name taken by Turin in Brethil.
Turgon is the son of Fingolfin, lord of Gondolin.
Turin Glaurung's Doom is the son of Hurin and Morwen.
Uflang the Black is one of the leaders of the Dark People.
Uinen - Lady of the Seas, Mayar, wife of Osse, patronizes all life in the seas.
Uldor the accursed is the son of Uflang.
Ulfast is the son of Uflang.
Ulmo is one of the eight powerful Valar, lord of all the waters of Arda.
Urtel is one of Barahir's nine servants.
Vaire - Valier, weaver, wife of Namo.
Valandil is one of the kings of Arnor, heir to Isildur.
Vana - Forever Young, Valier, wife of Orome, younger sister of Yavanna.
Vanyar - Beautiful Elves, one of the three families of Elves who came to Valinor in the days of the Trees.
Varda - Star Lady, Valier, wife of Manwe, mistress of the stars.
Voronwe is a seafaring elf from Gondolin, messenger of Turgon.
Edrahil is an elf from Norgothrond.
Edurad is the son of Dior and Nimloth.
Eilinel - Gorlim's wife
Ecthelion - Turgon's military commander who killed Gothmog.
Elendil is the son of Amandil.
Elendur is one of the sons of Isildur.
Elentari - Queen of the Stars, the name of Varda in the language of the elves.
Elenwe is the wife of Turgon.
Ellerina - Crowned with Stars, one of the names of Taniquetil.
Elurad is the son of Dior and Nimloth.
Elurin is the son of Dior and Nimloth.
Eldamar - Home of the Elves, a bay on the western coast of Aman.
Elfing is the daughter of Dior and Nimloth.
Elrond, the son of Erendil and Elwing, chose the fate of Eldar.
Elros Tar-Maniature, the son of Erendil and Elwing, chose the fate of Edain.
Elwe Singello - leader of the Teleri, remained in Beleriand, aka Eru Thingol; Singello - Gray Robe, king of the Twilight Elves.
Elwing the Fair is the daughter of Dior and Nimloth.
Emeldir is Beren's mother.
Engvar - Disease-prone, one of the names given to humans by the elves.
Eol - an elf from Nan Elmoth, belonged to the clan of Thingol.
Eonwe - chief among the Maiar, servant of Varda and Yavanna,
standard bearer and messenger of Manwe.
Erendil the Magnificent is the son of Tuor and Idril.
Erendur is the seventh king of Arnor, following Valendil.
Ernil is the second to last king of Gondor.
Ernur - son of Ernil, the last king of Gondor from the house of Isildur, died in a duel with Sauron.
Eru Thingol - King of the Gray Mantle, see Thingol.
Erwen is the daughter of Olwe, wife of Finarfin.
Este the Merciful - Valier, wife of Irmo, who delivers
wounds and fatigue.

Originally born in water, to live in the depths of the world's oceans, elves changed greatly under the influence of their new habitat. By the will of their god Haurwatat, they emerged from the waters to subjugate the land. During their development, they changed greatly from their original form thanks to the help of Amerat and the Sidhe. The ancestors of modern elves still live in the depths of the sea and are known as newts or ocean elves. Modern land elves have several varieties, but let's leave the details for now, focusing on the common features that unite the entire elven race.


The bodily shell of elves superficially resembles a human one, but this is only an external resemblance. Elves have a more flexible bone structure, which is characteristic of human children. Thanks to this bone structure, elves are less prone to bone injuries and fractures, which makes their bodies flexible and flexible. The main negative effect of this skeletal structure is the inability to carry critical loads. This doesn't make them weaker or less resilient, it's just that their bodies are incapable of the "miracles" of lifting and holding heavy objects.

The next features of elves are their breathing and metabolism. In one breath, they can renew up to 80% of the oxygen in their lungs; the reserves of one breath last for up to ten minutes. Unlike humans, elves control their hearts and can increase or decrease its rhythm at will. In a calm state, the rhythm of the elven heart is 100 beats per minute. When your heart rate decreases, oxygen consumption drops and metabolism slows down. Accordingly, as your heart rate increases, your metabolism and oxygen consumption increase. If metabolism decreases to 0, the elf does not die, but falls into a coma. If external conditions are favorable (cold climate, safe place), he can remain in this state indefinitely. Thanks to this apparatus, elves are well adapted to cold climates and are immune to colds. It is worth noting that elves have a well-developed heart; in the absence of physical damage, they never suffer from cardiovascular diseases until old age.

Elves are the first creatures to gain what is called cold or "lunar" vision, which allows them to see in the light of the moon and stars as well as other races see in the light of the sun. Elves' daytime vision is much less developed and is similar to the night vision of other races. You can read more about these features of light perception in the corresponding article.

Like most other creatures, elves need sleep. Thanks to their control over their metabolism, elves can regulate the duration of their sleep. Most elves slow their heart rate to 10 beats, which allows the body to rest faster and improve the quality of sleep. An outside observer may decide that the elf is dead, since in this state he practically does not breathe. It is very difficult to wake up from such a dream; the awakened elf will be lethargic and inactive until he restores his heart rate. If necessary, elves are capable of normal or light sleep, during which more time is required for the body to recover. It is worth remembering that when your metabolism slows down, recovery from wounds and illnesses slows down, so slowing down your metabolism is not recommended for the sick and injured. Elven longevity is the result of a harmonious combination of a developed body restoration system and high vitality.

In the course of their life, elves consume a lot of liquid and little fiber. Compared to a human, an elf needs half as much protein and carbohydrate food, but the need for fluid increases proportionally (see elf metabolism). Elves do not digest solid food well; it can take several days to digest and cause indigestion. The best food is considered to be: porridges, soups, stews, soft fruits and vegetables, mushrooms, blood, wine, milk, etc. Meat is better digested when cooked or raw; fried meat is contraindicated.

As for the system of reproduction and maturation, it is close to human. All elven nations interbreed easily and can produce viable, non-sterile offspring. The child receives the main characteristics of the mother, the influence of the father is less significant and is expressed in appearance, and not in physiology. The gestation period for elves depends on nationality and ranges from 10 to 26 months; repeated births are possible after complete recovery of the body, which takes about ten times longer than bearing a child. In most cases, one child is born; twins are very rare, but they also happen. A newborn elf differs little from a human child; the periods of body growth, puberty, social adaptation and aging depend on the specific nation. Unlike humans, elves only begin to experience the negative effects of aging in their old age. Aging is expressed in heart defects and weakening of vitality. During this period of life, elves are prone to deep melancholy and almost completely cease physical activity. Death itself occurs from cardiac arrest. During the next slowdown in heart rate, the elf falls asleep and never wakes up.


All land elves come from the northern part of Amroth. Despite the fact that in the process of their settlement they acquired their own national characteristics in appearance, the Amrot type is fundamental. The height of elves ranges from 1.7 to 2.2 meters, with women (on average) being half a head shorter than men. Elves are not characterized by an obese physique, since their food needs are quite modest for their size and there is no need for large fat reserves. Due to their skeletal structure, even the strongest elves have less broad shoulders than people of similar height and strength, and they tend to have a wiry and lean build. Elves are known for their slender and well-proportioned bodies; women have relatively small breasts, as their newborns develop more slowly and have less demanding nutrition than human children. The structure of the skull differs little from the human one, the main difference being the narrower bones of the jaw and cheekbones, the external auditory canal is wider and continues up the temporal bone. As for the face itself, due to the small amount of subcutaneous fat, its features appear sharp and sharp; some consider elves to be “bony.” Elves have an original ear structure; their length extends beyond the temporal bone and reaches the crown bone, tapering to a pointed leaf-shaped shape. From the point of view of sound perception, due to the large number of receptors and nerve endings, this structure of the ears is more perfect than human ones. The typical elven eye color is blue, less commonly turquoise. Initially, elves had no hair at all, having perfectly smooth skin. The hair on the head appeared after the intervention of Amerat and the Sidhe, as a by-product of their “transformation” into land creatures. Typical hair colors were: shades of chestnut, black and shades of red. Old elves have white, gray and other light shades.

Elven physiological type


water, life, earth, metal, air, fire

Basic characteristics

  • Agility +2 - elemental
  • Intelligence +1
  • Health -1


  • feature (moon vision)
  • advantage (elven metabolism)

History of the Elves



The most numerous nation of elves, living on the vast coastal territories of Amroth and the surrounding islands. The largest diasporas live in Alveron, Lirkon and Kunbarad. The Amroths also form the majority of the population of the independent principalities in southeastern Annan. In the lands of men, the Amroth live primarily in Astaldor, Ivelia and Ta-Kemta. The Amroths are known for their idealism and unyielding attitude to life, which they adhere to no matter what.


Amroths add the name of their house to their personal names: Nargos Oris, Dolin Klaaran, etc.

Male names

Aridir, Ariliz, Kaldir, Ether, Angot, Kargos, Iver, Toron, Tilver, Nargos, Dregot, Feradir, Largos, Corron, Daeron, Calver, Galleon, Berenir, Kurundir.

Female names

Ailil, Aliat, Luile, Faile, Kayline, Shaliat, Gaille, Moirae, Nairae, Amarae.

Great houses

Amroth-Daerin, Oris, Amrin, Arak, Laile.

Small houses

Near ("The Diamond Song"), Eileen ("Brothers in Arms"), Klaaran ("The Royal Rose"), Dolian ("Masters of the Hunt"), Myvelyn ("The Emerald Blades of the Lord"), Raerrik ("Heirs of the Mighty Unicorn") , Zathaar ("Friends of the King"), Eldun ("Children of the Oak Grove"), Tilian ("Masters of Ancient Magic"), Korlien ("Legendary Masters").


  • Dexterity +2 (racial)
  • Health -1 (racial)
  • Intelligence +1 (racial)
  • Communication +1 (national)

Racial characteristics

  • feature (moon vision)
  • advantage (elven metabolism)

National characteristics

  • flaw (Amroth idealism)
  • optional gift (sense of water)

Player Bonus

1, -3 for each stage above 3rd


The first Aldar were the elves, who decided to get rid of the dependence of all elves on large sources of water and chose the patronage of Amerat along with Khairvatat. They began to revere Amerat, even above their father Haurwatat, and received a special blessing from her, granting them good health, longevity and fertility. Abandoning the civilization of the elven port cities, they replaced it with the simple pleasures that nature provides. Later, the ranks of the Aldar began to be replenished by elves, tired of endless civil and world wars. They hid in the forests, forming small communities leading an isolated lifestyle. Many young Aldars, burdened by the slowness and regularity of their existence, leave to serve the elven rulers, but usually return to their native settlements if they survive to adulthood. The Aldar have permanent and mobile settlements in the forested areas of Amroth and Lirkon. They can also be found serving in the security forces of most surface elven states, but most Amroth are not at home on the surface.


Aldar names consist of a personal name, a suffix, and a clan name. Hunters and warriors add the suffix "Thor" to their name, and Druids add "Mara". Suffixes are written with a hyphen after the name. Clan leaders also add the suffix “El” to their name: Ruun-Tor Telugalad, Tel-Mara Kanfin, Galad-El-Tor Eriit.

Male names

Arlen, Ruun, Tel, Calvin, Elvin, Dolin, Rumis, Firman, Firsan, Edwin, Kel, Kuun, Galad, Enlad, Ruarin, Irhel.

Female names

Eileen, Mylin, Nimrin, Daylin, Tia, Elvy, Tyra, Airi, Laylin, Luala, Sufel, Ria, Myra, Azari, Eivin.


Niblak: Telugalad ("Children of the Tree"), Kan-Fiin ("Fire Hawks"), Kamai ("Dragon Slayers"), Khaf ("Free Folk"), Tratar ("Keepers of the Trees"), Fir-Raal ("Nightcrawlers") hunters"), Eryit ("Furious Boars"), Fir-Aera ("Singers of the Night"), Saan ("Forest Creators"). Amroth: Loral ("The Sleepers"), Siin-Amerat ("Children of Amerat")


  • Strength +1 (national)
  • Dexterity +2 (racial)
  • Charisma -1 (national)
  • Empathy +2 (national)

Racial characteristics

  • feature (moon vision)
  • flaw Homebody ["wild" forests and groves]

National characteristics

  • flaw (poor)

Player Bonus

2, -3 for each stage above 3rd


Alveran Ambassador

The Alvers are a nation formed as a result of the mixing of the indigenous Amrothian population of the island of Alveron with refugees from the repressions of Lot (the old Amrothian aristocracy from the Sidhe and their descendants). As a result of this mixing, today, in almost every alver the blood of one of the seven original sidhe flows. Their permanent monarch, Alver, did a lot for the development of his country, turning it into the pearl of elven civilization. Some of his reforms became revolutionary and made it possible to make a qualitative leap in the development of science, culture and magic. Thanks to his efforts, the Alvers are the most educated and culturally developed nation in all of Space. The Alvers are reluctant to leave Alveron; mostly invited experts and those disliked by Alver live outside it.


Alvers use the typical elf combination of a personal name and the name of their house.

Male names

Elassar, Halrond, Rilnar, Landil, Elihaar

Female names


Great houses


  • Dexterity +2 (racial)
  • Intelligence +2 (racial and national)
  • Charisma +1 (national)

Racial characteristics

  • feature (moon vision)
  • advantage (elven metabolism)

National characteristics

  • advantage (educated)
  • flaw (xenophobia)
  • optional gift (sense of water)

Player Bonus

0, -3 for each stage above 3rd


Prince of Aran

Initially convicts, the Arans underwent an amazing metamorphosis in the process of their formation as a nation. For centuries, the Arans have waged a merciless war with dragons, trying to expand their habitat. Due to constant epidemics caused by the biological weapons of green dragons, the Arans were subjected to a kind of natural selection, which ensured the survival of the elves with the most durable immunity. The constant fight against epidemics forced the Arans to develop medicine to such a level that it works miracles comparable to magic.


Arans use the typical elven combination of a personal name and their house name.

Male names

Nifelfin, Valandil, Finalfin, Halmaras, Terias, Cremius, Tadan, Moldil, Amladan, Tordret, Torfin, Mordreth

Female names
Great houses


  • Dexterity +2 (racial)
  • Health +1 (racial and national)
  • Intelligence +1 (racial)
  • Will +1 (national)
  • Communication skills -1 (national)

Racial characteristics

  • feature (moon vision)
  • advantage (elven metabolism)

National characteristics

  • advantage (immunity)
  • advantage (vaccination)
  • optional benefit or boon (soul stealer)
  • optional gift (sense of water) (house Morion only)
  • optional flaw (soul hunger) only for Arans or their half-breeds with soul power 2 or higher

Player Bonus

1, -3 for each stage above 3rd



Underdark elves who live in the southwest of the Underdark in tunnels created by the goddess Xylrae. The Xyltars are famous for their cunning: their entire culture is built on intrigue elevated to the level of an art. Like the Arans, the Xiltar have achieved much in the field of alchemy, but they are primarily interested in poisons and drugs, which are among their main exports.

The Xiltars do not have a single ruler, but there is a so-called. Rating of Houses. Only the xyltars themselves can figure out what status a particular aristocratic House currently has. The apparent chaos of Xyltar society is a delicate interweaving of treaties, alliances, traditions, intrigues and betrayals. Power is shared between the great and small Houses, as well as the temples of Xylrae and her children. Trading houses, mercenary houses, schools of magicians and warriors have some influence.

Xyltar society is dominated by matriarchal morals, with the more favored priestesses and matriarchs of Xylrae ruling the aristocratic Houses of the Elves. Despite the dominant role of women, male xyltars, contrary to rumors, are not second-class creatures and traditionally occupy positions in “state” organizations: the House of Shadows (the head of intelligence is considered to be the High Priest of Gelas), the Magic Academy (the head is appointed by the High Priestess of Xylrae) . A characteristic feature of all xyltars is a tendency to intrigue, often turning into outright treachery.


Xyltar use the typical elven combination of a personal name and their house name.

Male names

Shireylin, Baylin, Sargonar, Dragar, Vaetar, Cratil, Zherigar

Female names

Ashlyn, Litiri, Maz"lia, Ionia, Maelia, Maera, Rillae, Xia

Noble houses


  • Dexterity +2
  • Intelligence +1
  • Will +1
  • Communication +1

Racial characteristics

  • feature (moon vision)
  • advantage (